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Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
2 439
Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
2 298
Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
1 987
Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
3 934
Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
3 629
Namoota hedduu barabaada Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
3 604
Teklehaimanot General Hospital
3 604
Dire Dawa University
4 921
Namoota hedduu barabaada Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
5 405
Namoota hedduu barabaada Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
5 405
5 404
Beeksisa Kanneen Addunyaa Diijitaalawaa keessatti of jijjiiruu barbaadan hundaaf
5 706
Beeksisa dilbata Reporter irratti Fulbaana 12/2017 bahe guutummaa isa daqiiqaa mursaa boodaa nan maxxansaa hordofa hiriyoota keessan afferraa waliif godha Odeeffennoo beeksisa wayitawaa guyyaa guyyan bahu argachuuf
5 406
🎴Meklit Microfinance Institution SC🎴 ▪️Job position - Senior Accountant ▪️Education: Level IV/Diploma, BA Degree, Or Above In Accounting, Management, or Economics ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 27/24
7 807
▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴Duoley Food PLC🎴 ▪️Job Position - Internship Opportunity ▪️Education: Any field of study, but Marketing, Communications, Media Studies, or related fields are a plus. ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 25 /24
8 107
🎴Rammis Bank SC🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Chief Information System Officer ▪️Job Position 2 - Chief Corporate Services ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 Deadline: October 01/24
8 407
'Filannoorratti yoon injifatame deebi’e hin dorgomu'- Tiraamp Pirezedantiin Ameerikaa Doonald Tiraamp filannoo Pirezedantummaa Ameerikaa Sadaasa dhuftuurratti yoo injifataman bara 2028 deebi’anii akka hin dorgomne himan. Via BBC
8 573
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴PPM PLC🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Driver ▪️Job Position 2 - Marketing ▪️Job Position 3 - Office Admin ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: October 07/24
10 414
ASTU Warreen Yuuniversiitii Saayinsii fii Teknooloojii Adaamaa tti Barnoota Sagantaa Eebbaa Bodaan(MSc,PhD) barachuuf qormaata NGAT fuudhanii Dabartan qofti karaa irratti galmaa'uu dandeessu jedhu. Galmeen hanga 17/1/2017 tti qofa ==
10 669
🎴Lucy Insurance SC🎴 ▪️Job position 1- Office Administrator I/Secretary ▪️Job position 2- Human Resource Officer I ▪️Job position 3- Branch Manager I ▪️Job position 4- DCEO Resources Management ▪️Job position 5- Assistant Branch Manager ▪️Job position 6- DCEO Operations ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: October 02/24
11 683
Sirna Cufiinsa Kaarnivaala Goobee fi Shinooyyee magaalaa Finfinneetti gaggeeffamaa jiru suuraan - BKO
12 758
12 453
Gadhiifameera 🙏 Ilaallachuu dandeessu✓ Ministry of Education === Warreen kanaan dura Barnoota Sagantaa Eebba Boodaa(Post Graduate) Bara 2017 barachuuf Qormaata Seensa (NGAT) Gaafa 30/12/2016-1/13/2016 qoramtan Marti bu'aan Qormaata gadhiifamee waan jiruuf Linkii kana👇👇 fayyadamuun "User name" keessan galchuun ilaallachuu dandeessu. ለ2017 ዓ.ም NGAT አመልካቾች በሙሉ:- የብሔራዊ ድህረ ምረቃ ፕሮግራም መግቢያ ፈተና(NGAT) ውጤታችሁን በዚህ ሊንክ username በማስገባት መመልከት የምትችሉ መሆኑን እናሳውቃለን:: የወራቤ ዩኒቨርሲቲ ድህረ-ምረቃ ዳይሬክቶሬት ዕውቀት ለልህቀት! ===
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14 111
▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴Goh Betoch Bank SC🎴 ▪️Job Position - Graduate Trainee ▪️Education:BA Degree in Management or Economics or Accounting and Finance or Marketing or Banking and Finance or Business Administration & any business-related field of study ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 28/24
13 218
Addis International Bank S.C. (AdIB)
14 101
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴Agile Edge Consulting Group🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Secretary ▪️Job Position 2 - Marketing Officer ▪️Job Position 3 - Computer Science Specialist ▪️Job Position 4 - Digital Marketing Specialist ▪️Job Position 5 - Social Media Manger ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 28/24
14 078
▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴MCM General Hospital🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Laboratory Technologist Education: BSc Degree in Laboratory Technology ▪️Job Position 2 - Doctor Of Medicine (GP) Education: Doctor of Medicine from MMC 2024 Graduates ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 27/24
13 414
▪️🚩Required No: 50🎴African Union🎴 ▪️Job Position - Internship Program ▪️Education: Actively enrolled in at least the final year of a Bachelor’s degree program OR Must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree or an advanced/ post graduate (Masters) qualification in a related academic field; ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 30/24
13 048
Most people feel best about their work the week before their vacation, but it’s not because of the vacation itself. What do you do the last week before you leave on a big trip? You clean up, close up, clarify, and renegotiate all your agreements with yourself and others. I just suggest that you do this weekly instead of yearly.” -- David Allen-- From the book Getting Things Done
12 868
Mul'ataaf malee mul'achuuf hin hojjatin Mul'anni kee bakka ati gahuu barbaaddu sitti mul'isa. Namni mul'ata qabu mul'ata isaa galmaan gahuuf jiraata. Namni mul'ata isaa galmaan gahuuf hojjatu galma ni ga'a. Namni mul'achuuf hojjatu galmi isaa mul'achuuf males mul'ata waan hin taanef galma gahu hin qabu. Namni mul'ata qabuu fi mul'ataaf hojjatu akka Ifaa bara baraan hin dhaamnetti mul'anni isaa ol baasee isa mul'isa. Namni mul'achuuf hojjatu immoo yeroo ta'eef akka Ifaa billic jedhee takka ifee deebi'ee dhaamuu mul'atee bada. Yoomiyyuu yoo ta'e mul'achuuf osoo hin taane, mul'ata kee galmaan gahuuf hojjadhu. Uffata feete uffadhu, konkolaataa feete qabadhu, barbaaddu xiyyaara feete qabaadhu, qabeenyi kee ittiin mul'achuuf osoo hin taane mul'ata kee galmaan ga'uuf hojjadhu. Waan mul'ata ittiin galmaan geessu malee waan ittiin mul"attu barbaadutti yeroo kee hin gubin. Addunyaa kan jijjiiran namoota mul'achuuf dhama'an osoo hin taane, namoota mul'ata galmaan ga'uuf dhama'aniidha. Cr Firaol Ahmed
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13 450
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴Agile Edge Consulting Group🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Secretary ▪️Job Position 2 - Marketing Officer ▪️Job Position 3 - Computer Science Specialist ▪️Job Position 4 - Digital Marketing Specialist ▪️Job Position 5 - Social Media Manger ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 28/24
13 683
▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴MCM General Hospital🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Laboratory Technologist Education: BSc Degree in Laboratory Technology ▪️Job Position 2 - Doctor Of Medicine (GP) Education: Doctor of Medicine from MMC 2024 Graduates ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 27/24
13 738
▪️🚩Required No: 50🎴African Union🎴 ▪️Job Position - Internship Program ▪️Education: Actively enrolled in at least the final year of a Bachelor’s degree program OR Must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree or an advanced/ post graduate (Masters) qualification in a related academic field; ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 30/24
16 390
▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴Goh Betoch Bank SC🎴 ▪️Job Position - Graduate Trainee ▪️Education:BA Degree in Management or Economics or Accounting and Finance or Marketing or Banking and Finance or Business Administration & any business-related field of study ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 28/24
16 488
🎴Tokyo Institute of Technology MEXT Scholarship🎴 ▪️University: Tokyo Institute of Technology ▪️Degree level: Masters, PhD ▪️Scholarship coverage: Fully Funded ▪️Eligible nationality: International ▪️Award country: Japan ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: 24 November 2024
17 488
17 427
Debre Birhan University Required:50+ Experience:0 year and above ✔️ Assistant Lecturer ✔️ Lecturer ✔️ Assistant Professor ✔️ Professor ✔️ Technical Assistance Registration place:Debre Birhan University hr office no:24 or . Deadline :27/1/2017
17 713
ሰመራ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሁለተኛ ዓመትና ከዚያ በላይ የዲግሪ ፕሮግራም የኤክስቴንሽን ተማሪዎች የ2017 ዓ.ም የአንደኛ ሴሚስተር ምዝገባ ከመስከረም 22 እስከ 24/2017 ዓ.ም ይከናወናል። በቅጣት ምዝገባ ከመስከረም 27/2017 ዓ.ም እስከ ጥቅምት 1/2017 ዓ.ም ይከናወናል ተብሏል። Via Samara University
19 224
🎴Google Free Digital Marketing Course🎴 ▪️Opportunity Type: Online Courses ▪️Modules: 26 ▪️Hours: 40 ▪️Level: Beginner ▪️Cost: Free ▪️Country: Online ▪️Financial coverage: Fully Funded ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: Open Now
21 302
Beeksisa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Finfinnee
20 577
Qubee Tech and Crypto 💎 💎 Odeeffannoo ramaddii kutaa 12ffaa fi reemeediyaalii 💎 Hojiiwwan Online kan Website 💎 Airdrop Telegram sirrii kan kaffalaa jiran fi kan fuulduratti kaffalan 💎 Crypto gurguruu fi bituu 💎 Appilikeeshinoota garaa garaa barbaachisoo ta'an bilisaan 💎 Odeeffannoowwan Teeknooloojii 💎 Carraawwan hojii Baankii fi k.k.f akkaataa karaa online ittiin galmaa'an tutorial fi k.k f hunda irraa argattu link kana tuquun join taasifadhaa!
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20 961
Qubee Tech and Crypto 💎 💎 Akkataa qormaata kutaa 12ffaa ittiin ilaalan 💎 Hojiiwwan Online kan Website 💎 Airdrop Telegram sirrii kan kaffalaa jiran fi kan fuulduratti kaffalan 💎 Crypto gurguruu fi bituu 💎 Appilikeeshinoota garaa garaa barbaachisoo ta'an 💎 Odeeffannoowwan Teeknooloojii 💎 Carraawwan hojii Baankii fi k.k.f akkaataa karaa online ittiin galmaa'an tutorial fi k.k f hunda irraa argattu link kana tuquun join taasifadhaa! .
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20 035
🎴WebSprix IT Solutions PLC🎴 ▪️Job position 1-Network Field Technician ▪️Job position 2- Facility Manager ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: October 21/24
20 818
🎴Addis International Bank SC🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 -  IT Risk & Compliance Officer ▪️Job Position 2 - Senior Planning & Research Officer ▪️Job Position 3 - Senior Employee Performance Management Officer ▪️Job Position 4 - Senior Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Officer ▪️Job Position 5 - Senior IT Risk and Compliance Officer ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 27/24
21 810
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴SAMANU🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Graduate Trainee ▪️Education:Must hold a Bachelor's Degree in Business, Management, Finance, Marketing, or related fields. ▪️Job Position 2 - Organizational Methods Officer - Readvertised ▪️Education:Bachelor's Degree in organizational development, human resources, business administration, engineering, or a related field ▪️Job Position 3 - Export Assistant & Documentation Officer - Readvertised ▪️Education:BA in Management, Economics, Business Administration, BIS, ICT and related fields ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 27/24
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21 804
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴SAMANU🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Graduate Trainee ▪️Education:Must hold a Bachelor's Degree in Business, Management, Finance, Marketing, or related fields. ▪️Job Position 2 - Organizational Methods Officer - Readvertised ▪️Education:Bachelor's Degree in organizational development, human resources, business administration, engineering, or a related field ▪️Job Position 3 - Export Assistant & Documentation Officer - Readvertised ▪️Education:BA in Management, Economics, Business Administration, BIS, ICT and related fields ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 27/24
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21 286
#AksumUniversity ባሳለፍነውሳለፍነው ሳምንት መደበኛ ነባር ተማሪዎቹን የተቀበለው አክሱም ዩኒቨርሲቲ፣ በርካታ ተማሪዎች በተጠቀሱት ቀናት በአካል ያልተመዘገቡ ተጨማሪ የምዝገባ ጊዜ ሰጥቷል። በዚህም በቅጣት ምዝገባ መስከረም 13/2017 ዓ.ም የሚከናወን መሆኑን ገልጿል። በ2016 ዓ.ም በአክሱም ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሪሚድያል ትምህርታችሁን ስትከታተሉ ቆይታችሁ ወደ ዩኒቨርሲቲ መግቢያ ውጤት ያመጣችሁ ተማሪዎች፣ በ2017 ዓ.ም አዲስ ከሚመደቡ ተማሪዎች ጋር ጥሪ እንደሚደረግ ተገልጿል። @tikvahuniversity
21 784
Yuunivarsitii Haramaayaa
23 416
Beeksisa ariifachiisaa📢 Barsiisotni calallii darbitan guyyaan gabaasa itti gootan hanga boruutti (13/01/2017) qofa.
23 398
Bu'aa Qormaataa Biiroo Abbaa Alangaa Waliigalaa Oromiyaa Ogummaa Abukaatummaa
23 540
#MattuUniversity መቱ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የነባር መደበኛ ተማሪዎች ምዝገባ መስከረም 20 እና 21/2017 ዓ.ም እንደሚከናወን አሳውቋል። በመሆኑም በተጠቀሱት ቀናት በተቋሙ ሬጅስትራር ጽ/ቤት በአካል በመገኘት ሪፖርት አድርጉ ተብሏል። ትምህርት መስከረም 22/2017 ዓ.ም ይጀምራል። አዲስ ገቢ የድኅረ ምረቃ ተማሪዎች ምዝገባ የ NGAT ውጤት ከተገለፀ በኋላ ይከናወናል። በ2016 ዓ.ም የሪሚዲያል ትምህርታችሁን ተከታትላችሁ የዩኒቨርሲቲ መግቢያ ውጤት ያመጣቹ ተማሪዎች፣ በ2017 ዓ.ም አዲስ ከሚመደቡ ተማሪዎች ጋር ጥሪ እንደሚደረግላችሁ ዩኒቨርሲቲው ገልጿል። @tikvahuniversity
26 359
#Omishaa fi keessan beeksifadhaa! . Namonni beeksisa daldalaa, biizinaasii, omishaa fi tajaajila fkk fakkaata beeksifachuu barabaadan keessan na dubbisaa. irratti Galatoomaa/ThankYou Sanyii Guddataa
25 812
▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴Afro-European Engineers🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - Junior IT Specialist ▪️Job Position 2 - Junior Structural Engineer ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: October 21/24
25 070
🎴Mastercard Foundation Scholarship🎴 ▪️Institute:  University of the Cambridge ▪️Scholarship coverage:  Fully Funded ▪️Eligible nationality:  Primarily for young African students ▪️Award country:  South Africa ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: The deadline for submitting applications for funding is the 5th of December 2024 for courses with a 5th of December deadline and 5th of January 2025 for courses with a 5th of January deadline.
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26 274
Guca Galmee Leenjii Tooftaa Gurgurtaa(Afaan Oromoon)-Free Bilisa Argatte Jechuun Gatii hin Qabu Jechuu Miti! Leenjii Gabaaba Mata Duree TOOFTAA GURGURTAA jedhu Faana Milkaa'inaan namoota ogummaa Gurgurtaa barbaadaniif kan qophaa'eedha. Leenjiin kun bifa lamaan kan kennamuudha: Tokkoffaa: Qaaman argamuun shaakala garee taasisuu fi Gurgurtaa kallatti raawwachu Lammaffa:Karaa Online kan laatamau ta'a. Kanaaf, namoonni fedhii qabdan galmaa'a. Marsaa Kanatti Nama 15 Qofa Keessummeessina.                 
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27 176
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴Jimma University (JU)🎴 ▪️1 - Economics ▪️2 - Chemistry ▪️3 - Mathematics ▪️4 - Physics ▪️5 - History ▪️6 - Management ▪️7 - Accounting and Finance ▪️8 - Computer Science ▪️9 - Agribusiness and Value Chain Management ▪️10 - Horticulture ▪️11 - Plant Pathology (MSc) ▪️12 - Animal Production ▪️13 - Soil Lab Technician ▪️14 - Senior Technical Assistance (Horticulture) ▪️15 - Veterinary Pharmacology & Toxicology ▪️16 - Laboratory Senior Technical Assistant ▪️17 - Plant Pathology ▪️18 - Rural Development ▪️19 - Natural Resource Management/Watershed Management ▪️20 - Animal Nutrition ▪️21 - Lecturer/Assistant Professor (Agricultural & Value Chain Management) ▪️22 - Lecturer/Assistant Professor ▪️23 - Horticulture/Fruit or Vegetable or Flower (Floriculture) Production ▪️24 - Animal Genetics and Breeding ▪️25 - Lab Technician (Physicochemical Analysis Laboratory Technical Assistant) ▪️26 - Natural Resource Management ▪️27 - Food Science and Postharvest Technology ▪️28 - Horticulture/Fruit or Vegetable or Flower (Floriculture) Production ▪️29 - Parasitology ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 25/24
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25 892
Shaggar Shaggar🙏 Waliif Qoodaa🙏🙏💟💟 Waajjira Fayyaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Shaggar Baayyina:92 Barbaada Muuxannoo:0 year Hojiirra kan jiruuf hin eeyyamamu. Ogummaa:BSc HO, Nurse, Midwifery, Pharmacy, Laboratory,EMT, Health Informatics Barbaada. Bakki Hojii: Buufataalee Fayyaa Magaalaa Shaggar Galmeen:13-27/1/2017 tti Bakki Galmee: Waajjira Fayyaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Shaggar,Kutaa Qabeenya Namaatti Qaamaan argamuun Galmaa'uu dandeessu. Ulaagaa kan guuttan dorgomaa Qulqullinaan ilaaluuf
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25 205
Shaggar Shaggar🙏 Waliif Qoodaa🙏🙏💟💟 Waajjira Fayyaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Shaggar Baayyina:92 Barbaada Muuxannoo:0 year Hojiirra kan jiruuf hin eeyyamamu. Ogummaa:BSc HO, Nurse, Midwifery, Pharmacy, Laboratory,EMT, Health Informatics Barbaada. Bakki Hojii: Buufataalee Fayyaa Magaalaa Shaggar Galmeen:13-27/1/2017 tti Bakki Galmee: Waajjira Fayyaa Bulchiinsa Magaalaa Shaggar,Kutaa Qabeenya Namaatti Qaamaan argamuun Galmaa'uu dandeessu.
▪️NGO Jobs🎴Mercy Corps🎴 ▪️Job Position - Finance Director ▪️Education: BA/S or equivalent in accounting or finance is required. An advanced degree is preferred. ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 30/24
26 187
25 701
#Yuunivarsiitii Injibaraa Yuunivarsiitiin Enjbaraa barattoota digrii jalqabaa haaraa fi kan jiran akka argatan waamicha dhiyeessaa jira. Haala kanaan barattoonni waggaa 4ffaa Onkololeessa 29 fi 30/2017 Yuunivarsiitii ni seenu. Waggaa 3ffaa, waggaa 2ffaa, waggaa 1ffaa barattoota ammaa akkasumas bara 2017 Ministeera Barnootaatiin
25 407
Jijjiirraa Barsiisota Magaalaa Shaggar Bara 2017
23 930
Bakka Hin bulle hin galgaleeffatiin! Lafa sin madalle, jireenya sin madalle, ilaalchaf karaa sin madalle keessa hin galgaleeffatiin. Bu'aan bakka hin bulle galgaleeffachuu bineensoota halkan yaa'aniin weeraramuu fida! Bu'aan jireenya hin barbanne keessa jiraachuu; hiyyummaa, rakkoo, abdi kutannaaf gadda jireenya keessa jooruu dhala.! Har'aan jijjirama utuu jettu, qoosaan ati jireenya Kee irratti Taphattu, gola abdi Kee tarsaasa; kanaaf har'uma jijjirama haqaa jijjiramuuf dammaqi! Ilaa kunoo; Aduun har'a baate kunoo amma lixxeetti ; humna ittiin ganama har'aa kana as deebiftus hin qabdu; keessatti gaarii hojjattuus ykn badaa kun dhimma Aduu miti! Aduun kaayyoo uummamteef seeraaf haala ajaa'iba ta'een bahachaa jirti; si'aatii 12 guutuu siif iftee, akka keessatti iftee mul'attuuf siif baateetti, ati keessatti dukkanooftus, micciramtuus, jijjiramtuus dhimma ishee miti! Kufaatii keefis itti gaafatamummaa hin qabdu! Keessatti jiruu jiru jiruu urgaa'u uumtee hojjachuun dalagaa keeti! Dalagaan Aduu siif ifudha! Kanaaf jireenya jiraachuuf jiraadhu! "Namoonni hunduu ni du'u, namoonni jiraatanii darban garuu muraasa" jedhe hayyuun tokko! Har'a nuuf darba jennee utuu mul'ata nu hin ilaallanne keessa qaariinuu, barri nuuf dabarsuu dhiisee nuun darbu danda'a. Kanaaf har'a jireenya Madda gammachuu keenya hin taane keessa galgaleeffachuu dhiisnee, jireenya gammachuuf fedha keenya dhugaan kuullame jiraachuuf haa qabsoofnu! Utuu mul'ata keef hin jiraatiin aduun jireenyaa sirraa hin lixiin! Jabaadhu tattafadhu! Si caala kan jireenya keef fiigu hin jiru! Jireenya sin madalle keessa rafuu dhiisi! Michuu jireenya gaarii ta'i! Jireenya si gammachiisu irrayyuu taree gammachuu namoota biroof sababa ta'u jiraachuuf dhama'i! Hin dhibaa'iin! Boriin jijjirama jettee har'a hin taa'iin; keessatti jijjiramuuf guyyaa har'aa caalaa kan sitti siqu hin jiru waan ta'eef! Eeyyee jireenya sin madalleef, si hin ilaallanne keessa hin galgaleeffatiin! Via Saamu'eel
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24 554
21 709
#AASTU በአዳማ ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ እና በአዲስ አበባ ሳይንስና ቴክኖሎጂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ በቅድመ ምረቃ ፕሮግራም ለመማር በዩኒቨርሲቲዎቹ የተዘጋጀውን የመግቢያ ፈተና ለመውሰድ የተመዘገባችሁ ተማሪዎች ፈተናው መስከረም 14/2017 ዓ.ም እንደሚሰጥ ተገልጿል። ፈተናው ማክሰኞ መስከረም 14/2017 ዓ.ም በሁለት ክፍለ ጊዜ ማለትም ጠዋት ከ 2፡30-5፡30 እና ከሰዓት ከ7፡30 -10፡30 ይሰጣል። ከካልኩሌተር እና ለማሰቢያ ከሚሆን ወረቀት ውጭ ማንኛውንም ዓይነት ሞባይል ስልክ ወይም ስማርት ፎን ይዞ ወደ መፈተኛ ማዕከላት አይቻልም ተብሏል። via tikvahu
22 145
#AdigratUniversity ዓዲግራት ዩኒቨርስቲ የቅድመ ምረቃ እና የድኅረ ምረቃ ነባር መደበኛ ተማሪዎች የመግቢያ ቀናት መስከረም 25 እና 26/2017 ዓ.ም መሆኑን አሳውቋል። በ2016 ዓ.ም በዓዲግራት ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሪሚዲያል ትምህርታችሁን ተከታትላችሁ የዩኒቨርሲቲ መግቢያ ውጤት ያመጣቹ ተማሪዎች፣ በ2017 ዓ.ም አዲስ ከሚመደቡ ተማሪዎች ጋር ጥሪ እንደሚደረግላችሁ ተገልጿል። @tikvahuniversity
22 722
"itti fayyadama yeroo" 🧭 Barsiisaa fi Barreessaa Eebbisaa Baayisaa


23 884
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴Dambi Dollo University🎴 ▪️1 - Forestry ▪️2 - Agricultural Economics ▪️3 - Agribusiness and Value Chain Management ▪️4 - Horticulture ▪️5 - Special Needs and Inclusive Education ▪️6 - Medical Laboratory Science ▪️7 - Dentistry ▪️8 - Midwifery ▪️9 - Pharmacy ▪️10 - Geology ▪️11 - Physics ▪️12 - Joumalism and Communication ▪️13 - Civics and Ethical Studies ▪️14 - Visual Art ▪️15 - Software Engineering ▪️16 - Tourism and Hotel Management ▪️17 - Marketing Management ▪️18 - Veterinary Medicine ▪️19 - Mathematics ▪️20 - Agriculture ▪️21 - Economics ▪️22 - Information Technology ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: October 07/24
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24 961
▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴ModernTech Technologies PLC🎴 ▪️Job Position - Sales Representative ▪️Education:Degree in any field of study. ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 25/24
24 164
▪️For Fresh & Exp🎴Kegna Beverages SC🎴 ▪️Job Position 1 - GIS Analyst – Route Design ▪️Education: Bachelor’s degree in Geography, Information Technology, Transportation Engineering, or related field. ▪️Job Position 2 - Route To Market Deployment Specialist 4X ▪️Education: BA in Economics, Business Administration, Marketing Management, Business Management, or related fields ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 Deadline: Different ▪️For Fresh Graduates🎴Kegna Beverages S.C🎴 ▪️Job Position - Sales Representatives ▪️Education:BSC in Marketing    Management/Sales Management or related fields of study ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 23/24
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25 583
🎴Tamra for Social Development Organization (TSD)🎴 ▪️Job position 1- Finance Officer ▪️Job position 2- IT support Officer ▪️Job position 3- Finance Officer ▪️Job position 4- Grant and Compliance Officer ▪️Find More Details here           💧💧💧💧💧 ▪️Deadline: September 28/24
24 943
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio