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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
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    $10.3 Million Settlement Reached in First COVID Vaccine Mandate Class Action Suit Involving Healthcare Workers
    Chicago’s NorthShore University HealthSystem today agreed to a $10.3 million settlement in the nation’s first classwide lawsuit for healthcare workers over a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.
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    friends. There is a constant canceling out of your voice happening. A canceling out of your ability. A canceling out of your own smarts. A canceling out of YOU. And I want to say this right now is all of this: You have a brain. You were not meant to stay silent and not think for yourself. Why else would you have been given a brain that has insane potential for critical thinking and coming up with creative solutions and conclusions to your own problems? The world wants you to believe that you are not qualified to talk about things without a degree, especially when it comes to health. There are doctors that do not know the things you know from experience, from your own research, from not being put on a fast track to one version of thinking. Experts do NOT know everything. What exactly is an expert? According to Merriam Webster an expert is, “one with the special skill or knowledge representing mastery of a particular subject.” Mastery of a subject? I see nothing about having to have a piece of paper to present. In our day and age, we can become a master of ANYTHING with the use of the internet. It doesn’t mean you should trust Google either, but education is at our fingertips 24/7. We do not need to have a degree to simply be an advocate for our own health or our own family’s health. We are not studying to reattach an arm or do an emergency bypass surgery. We are simply studying the best options for our own health. You are not crazy. You know how people discredit you and announce to the world that you are not qualified to say anything about your own health? They make you look crazy. Science can be wrong and is wrong many times. Experts can be wrong. Science is wrong ALL THE TIME in the last 2 years 😂. It is a constant changing and evolving subject. Do not be afraid to question it. You are ultimately the one in charge. You get to be the one who says, “yes” or “no”. You get to be the one to decide what you allow or not allow. You ARE IT. It begins with you and it ends with you when it comes to your health. Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise.
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    Oh these messages just make it all worth it!!!


    REIMAGINE AUTISM What it looks like: Take everything you know about autism and hold it in your hands 👉🏼Is it all true? 👉🏼How did you learn it? 👉🏼Who taught you what you know? 👉🏼Were they biased in any way? 👉🏼Do they personally know you? 👉🏼Do they LOVE you or your child? Most of us get our info from doctors - the pediatrician, our GP, etc. 👉🏼But how much do THEY really know? 👉🏼From whom are THEY learning and getting information? 👉🏼Are THOSE sources biased in any way? 👉🏼Do those sources personally know your doctor and his/her community of patients? Our medical professionals = Ill-informed about the causes of autism Ill-informed about the treatments Not holistically trained Highly influenced by Pharma Impersonal process! YOUR CHILD IS NOT A STATISTIC. Your child is a one-of-a-kind miracle. Your child’s body was designed TO DO AMAZING THINGS. YOUR CHILD’S UNIQUE CHEMISTRY AND HISTORY deserves a customized approach to healing. What doctors won’t tell you is that if you’re faced with a diagnosis of autism, you have a choice. OPTION 1 - pitch your tent in the camp of acceptance. This camp will be happy to have you, because misery LOVES company. You’ll find huge groups of these parents ready to assign you a permanent residence. OPTION 2 - pack up your emotional baggage, your fears, your hopes, your dreams for your child, and REIMAGINE autism. It is not all that meets the eye. It is not what we are being told it is. GET ON the path to healing and join our powerful community. We believe in natural medicine, uncovering truth, and empowering families. We believe that healing is possible, that autism isn’t a life-sentence, and that the symptoms can be reversed. I’ve watched it happen in the life of my own son, and I’ve watched it happen in the lives of many others. Have you begun to REIMAGINE autism? Are you ready to join our caravan? Check out the two most important places to begin: My book Autism Reimagined The Warrior Center membership space
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    So noone wants to join the US Army this year? Can't imagine why not! Meanwhile, how many troops did they kick to the curb for refusing the Experimental Covid-19 BioWeapon?
    Citing recruiting woes, Army will shed up to 28,000 troops in next year
    The service has been struggling with recruiting in 2022.
    You can also listen here Stitcher: Podcast: Soundcloud:
    Freedom Cast - Conversations With Dr. Charlie Fagenholz: Vaccines And Chronic Childhood Illness Part 1 on Stitcher
    In this episode join Jodie Meschuk and Dr. Charlie Fagenholz as they bring her book "Autism Reimagined" to light and discuss topics ranging from vaccines and why parents need to consider what is being injected into their children, the epidemic of chronic illness, the root causes and ways to take control of your families health and step outside the system. You will want to share this episode and we ask that you do and help break the censorship. You can connect with Jodie at the links below and Dr. Charlie at To join the FREE uncensored Warrior Center app and the Warrior Center for a FULL vaccine crash course head to Let's Stay Connected! Email: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Telegram: Find my podcast, must have's, and more here:…
    A super special new freedom cast dropped today! Go check it out in the freedom cast course
    Labels perpetuate the problems we have with division. They don’t create unity. They don’t bring us together. They don’t solve issues, they cause them. The more we label ourselves to set ourselves apart, the more we begin to believe in the lies that certain labels are the problem and other labels are the victims. OR that some labels are superior and others inferior. Let’s be honest: Would we have issues with men competing in women’s sports if we didn’t allow and support labeling? If we didn’t indulge labels at the fear of being cancelled, we’d actually be supporting a lot more unity with healthy distinction and not division. Labels don’t elevate our societal success; they just create societal status that will fail.
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    I will not agree with many people because so many people stand on the world’s shaky foundation. It’s not that I’m against the people. I’m against the worldly twisted culture that rejects facts and chooses emotion.
    Being unoffendable doesn’t mean we do not have feelings. It means we’ve learned how to control our emotions instead of allowing our emotions to control us. Listen…it’s EASY to let our emotions rule over us. That’s the lazy way of living, where we have no control and we just allow our offenses to dictate how we feel all of the time—which means we are at the mercy of others. And not just others, but the feelings of others. The last few years of divisiveness has proven that we act more out of feelings than fact, that we choose to hate more than give grace, and that we blame everyone else for every problem instead of ourselves. When you choose to be offended by everything you essentially give away your own self-control. Anger is a great example of this. Part of becoming unoffendable is choosing to stop being angry all the time. I’m not telling you to suppress your anger, but to DEAL with your anger by not allowing yourself to become emotionally charged by the anger of others. When you don’t deal with your anger, you react from it. You match anger for anger. When we allow anger to grow—it usually doesn’t bring about anything positive, instead it usually creates more opportunity for hate to multiply. From taking away opportunity for grace and clarity. Here's the reality—I’m not perfect. You are not perfect. None of us are perfect. So, why do we EXPECT everyone else to act perfectly? Why do we expect grace from others without giving it to others? Why do we believe our anger will make a positive difference? There may be some kind of delusional belief out there that harnessing anger will change the world, but the truth is only love will do that. It’s just too radical for most to commit to.
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    We all knew this already 😅 don’t ever vaccinate
    Deleted for telling the truth. 🤡 show indeed. What is even “sadder” is they people truly believe these are safe, and I am referring to ALL vaccines as well and the assault on babies and children with over 86 vaccines before age 5.
    SADS don’t vaccinate.
    Univ. of Oregon star was found dead in a park Wednesday, an apparent victim of falling and hitting his head. -
    Oregon Tight End Spencer Webb, 22, Dies from Fall
    Univ. of Oregon football star Spencer Webb was found unresponsive in a park Wednesday, an apparent victim of falling and hitting his head.
    They yelled, “follow the science.” So I did and discovered there are only 2 genders and only women can get pregnant. They no longer like the science.
    People are sometimes given that pivotal moment where they can clearly see the time before that event and the time after. For us this was before my baby was inj@red at the hands of the s@stem and after that horrific day where I sat in an office, him screaming and me with tears streaming down my cheeks - paralyzed. Everything in my being was telling me it wasn’t right, but what did I know? I had always just trusted the way our s@stem was made to operate…in everything. Afterall, I wasn’t an “expert”. I was just a mom. I was new. I didn’t need to know everything because everyone else knew it all for me. I just had to work hard to make sure he was put into the best s@stems—the best d@ctors, the best schools, the best activities. All the things we are told make up the “American dream.” Until my idea of that dream was wrecked when my child stopped calling me mama. When I saw him disappear. When I saw him struggle. I saw his light dim. And when I questioned this s@stem I had so fully trusted to take the best care of my family, I was shamed for it. I was belittled. I was obviously very wrong in their eyes even though my own eyes had seen the damage. Our before and after could have been tragic. I believe the s@stem actually wants it to be. A before picture of health and then an after picture of hurt, of continued issues we’d have to deal with forever that included relying on more s@stems, of accepting that this was just normal, and we were unfortunately one of the many who will never be healthy and whole. But I refused to believe it. I fought it. I believe in healing. I believe in hope. I believe in there always being more to the story than what you are given to read. Here we are today. Our before was a picture of a family living the very common way, charted out by the very s@stem that works so hard to convince you they care. Ignorant and blissful, until our eyes were opened. Our after is a family living outside the box, no checkboxes required. Open, hopeful, and intentional because we now see all the possibilities and not just the ones we were offered. There is always more. We just have to be willing to get uncomfortable in order to discover it.
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    People are sometimes given that pivotal moment where they can clearly see the time before that event and the time after. For us this was before my baby was inj@red at the hands of the s@stem and after that horrific day where I sat in an office, him screaming and me with tears streaming down my cheeks - paralyzed. Everything in my being was telling me it wasn’t right, but what did I know? I had always just trusted the way our s@stem was made to operate…in everything. Afterall, I wasn’t an “expert”. I was just a mom. I was new. I didn’t need to know everything because everyone else knew it all for me. I just had to work hard to make sure he was put into the best s@stems—the best d@ctors, the best schools, the best activities. All the things we are told make up the “American dream.” Until my idea of that dream was wrecked when my child stopped calling me mama. When I saw him disappear. When I saw him struggle. I saw his light dim. And when I questioned this s@stem I had so fully trusted to take the best care of my family, I was shamed for it. I was belittled. I was obviously very wrong in their eyes even though my own eyes had seen the damage. Our before and after could have been tragic. I believe the s@stem actually wants it to be. A before picture of health and then an after picture of hurt, of continued issues we’d have to deal with forever that included relying on more s@stems, of accepting that this was just normal, and we were unfortunately one of the many who will never be healthy and whole. But I refused to believe it. I fought it. I believe in healing. I believe in hope. I believe in there always being more to the story than what you are given to read. Here we are today. Our before was a picture of a family living the very common way, charted out by the very s@stem that works so hard to convince you they care. Ignorant and blissful, until our eyes were opened. Our after is a family living outside the box, no checkboxes required. Open, hopeful, and intentional because we now see all the possibilities and not just the ones we were offered. There is always more. We just have to be willing to get uncomfortable in order to discover it.
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    Extraordinary exchange between Sen. Josh Hawley and UC Berkeley Law Professor Khiara Bridges at a Senate Judiciary Hearing today. Hawley: Why are you using the term "person with a capacity for pregnancy" instead of "woman?" Bridges: "Your line of questioning is transphobic and opens trans people to violence." Hawley: "You're saying I'm opening up people to violence by saying women can have pregnancies?" _________________ Follow my channel:


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    At the end of the day: What do you believe in? Are you asking the questions? Are you doing the research? Are you digging through the information and sorting it out for yourself? OR are you letting someone else do it for you? No one is infallible, including Christians. Just because something gets wrapped up in a “Jesus bow” doesn’t mean that it is true, that it’s the end all be all, that it’s the right thing for you. Even those who have gained your trust in one way, can deceive in another. Disinformation runs rampant when emotional turmoil overtakes logical reasoning. Light exposes darkness but is your light unfiltered? Or is the light you are using to expose darkness filtered through someone else’s perspective? We must step back and look at the big picture with a clear lens and clear heart. If we allow emotions to overtake us, we’ll never be able to decipher what is true. Helping people doesn’t mean calling out others and defining someone you don’t agree with negatively for everyone else to hate. Helping people means calling up others to empower them and encourage them to grow in how they are called to. I believe we have the power to build up good things if we allow ourselves to step back and figure out what is best for us without the echoes of negativity and passive aggressive opinions flooding our ears. We are free to choose our path, but it’s a two-way street. What is best for someone, may not be the best for someone else. What someone believes in, may not be what you believe in. That’s freedom. We can’t have ours without allowing others theirs. And this I truly believe: We are all better together than continually picking apart people to find issues so we can tear one another to pieces.
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    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
    Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio