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🚨The world is on the edge. Stock markets are volatile, the FED is printing billions of dollars in fiat currency—devaluing the very money sitting in your savings account. Every dollar you save could be worth less tomorrow than it is today. Plus we’re facing the real threat of war with global superpowers like Russia and China. What do you think happens to the dollar when war breaks out? When instability shakes the markets to their core? Do you think your savings will survive? Or will your hard-earned money be worth pennies compared to today? The stock market can be a rollercoaster, so if you're depending on the market or even the dollar to protect your future, you may be gambling with your financial security. But there is a way to take control. Protect your savings and your future. Gold and silver have stood the test of time through war, inflation, and economic collapse. Gold and silver hold value, no matter what happens to the dollar. No matter what happens in the world. It’s time to act NOW. Make the choice to secure your savings today. Visit and discover how you can protect your financial future before it’s too late. The time to act is now. Don’t let your future slip away.
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Update on Alexis: She is still in extreme pain and wondering how this ever happened to her. How could they force her to take 3 vaccines when she was already struggling with low immunity? Is there a purpose? Her father says there is a bigger purpose than the moment and that Lexi’s story will reach the world and be better for it all. Lexi, we love you and continue to lift you up to our Heavenly Father in prayer. We pray for comfort, healing, wholeness and peace for you and for your family. Friends, if you would like to leave a comment of comfort and encouragement, please do so. Lexi and her family will read your words. If you want to learn more about Alexis and her story, click and read: Alexis has a long road to recovery and healing in front of her, but we will be here with her, every step of the way. God is able!
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🚨BREAKING: Alexis Lorenze is fighting for her life in a California Hospital after they forced her to take 3 vaccines to receive a much needed medical treatment! ⏰ Time is ticking ... we've got to get this right now and save Alexis' life! We need you to pray, to give, and to join our X Space RIGHT NOW! Link to Join is Below. Read Full Story HERE: Join our X Space: Please pray for Alexis! Read and Share our TTAC Substack about her story. And share this post and help us to bring awareness to her story.
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2 568
EMERGENCY - SHARE THIS NOW! LLEXXIII went to the hospital for help and they refused to treat her unless she submitted to their mandatory vaccines - they required her to get 3 shots - [one had 3 doses which totals 5 VACCINE DOSES] SO they forced her to take the vaccines before helping her health issue for which she came to them for help. Llexxii had never been vaccinated since she was a baby and as you can clearly see she had a very bad adverse reaction and she may not make it through this. This forced poison may kill her so we MUST ACT FAST to SAVE HER LIFE! CURRENTLY she is filming herself and posting her cry for help out on her Instagram stories - letting us know that she called the police for help, but they told her she was not suppose to call them for help - but then sent a bunch of police officers that work with the hospital showed up and told her that they couldn’t do anything to help her. LLEXXII IS BEGGING FOR OUR HELP: “They are trying to kill me. One of the doctors said to me “science is a medicine” and I said, ‘Sir, what you are saying, I am a science experiment to you?’ … They admitted I am a science experiment to them and they don’t care about my life.” Someone PLEASE HELP THIS GIRL before she dies from these shots and a lack of treatment to detoxify this poison. We have the world’s TOP expert healers in the wings waiting to help her but we have to get her out of that hospital. PLEASE SHARE THIS VIDEO! And go FOLLOW her IG and please share our post here and on Instagram. Please help this story go viral to save her life!! Dear Father in heaven, spare this beautiful young girl’s life. Help her! You are our Great Physician. Heal her, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
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4 858
This is one of the most precious stories I have ever seen in my life. (Crying 🥹🥹)


5 893
If Kamala Harris wins the White House… your financial freedom could be in her crosshairs. Back in 2020, Kamala pushed for increased funding to the U.S. Digital Service—the very team that laid the groundwork for the Digital Dollar. Now, some experts believe Kamala could go all in on the Digital Dollar, stripping away your control over your own money and handing it to the government. Sound like freedom to you? We didn’t think so. Government tyranny like this has real consequences for your financial freedom. If you have $50,000 or more saved for retirement… you could be in the danger zone. Don’t let her—or anyone—steal your financial independence. Protect yourself before it’s too late. Go to and secure your future today. Because your freedom is worth protecting.
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5 131
"Screw you, Taylor Swift," Megyn Kelly goes off on Taylor Swift's recent endorsement of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. People need to wake up, stand up, and protect our children from the predators and high paid celebrity influences who are toxic poison and will funnel your little girls and boys straight to hell for fame and wealth. I say with Megyn Kelly, "SCREW YOU Taylor Swift!" "For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?" (Mark 8:36)


6 425
Kamala’s Web of Lies: Debunking Debate Deception Let's be honest! This wasn’t a debate; it was a shameless PR stunt to prop up Kamala. Now, let’s dive in & FactCheck some of her most egregious lies from the debate—and see how she got away with them. Read and Share this post and TTAC Substack FILLED with video evidence that Kamala lied, and lied, and lied some more: Also, share your thoughts on what you thought of the "debate" in the comments! We want to hear from you!
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4 807
BUSTED! SHE'S WEARING EARPHONE EARRINGS NOVA H1 Audio Earrings - the first and only wireless earphones embedded in a pair of pearl earrings on a gold- or silver-plated clip. LOOK AT HER EARRINGS! Busted!
6 819
"This is a crooked presidency and they are selling our country down the tubes." ~DJT
5 391
"We've created 800K new manufacturing jobs" This is a proven lie. But lying liars lie.
4 746
She's a gun grabber tying to say she never said she was going to grab guns. LIAR.
4 265
He's not disparaging the American people - he's fighting for them. STOP LYING!
4 270
Someone gave her the questions in advance and she has been practicing these prewritten answers for at least days now.
4 212
"Quiet Please" LOL
4 500
She's got her Obama vibe on now. This one must be coming from him-she's channeling
4 753
"In Springfield they are eating the dogs, the cats, the pets. This is what is happening in our country and it's a shame. The reason they like me is they want to bring our country back. MAGA. If she becomes President we will become Venezuela on steroids." ~ DJT
4 891
Is she really saying that DJT got in her way of closing the boarder? Ummm ...
4 020
"Her boss, if you can call him a boss. He spends all his time at the beach." DJT 😂
4 253
Her tactic: DON'T ANSWER. PIVOT. 🙄
4 291
Her plan is 4 sentences, "Run Spot, Run!" 😂
4 213
Kamala opens up with lies. Are you surprised? We're not.
4 040
James Earl Jones Dead at 93. Voice of Darth Vader King Coming to America Field of Dreams Star Mufasa in Lion King Narrator of the KJV Bible It was magic. You will be missed.
4 520
Did you know: Chemotherapy is so toxic that manufacturers have to wear hazmat suits to handle it safely. Yet, this chemical nightmare is injected into vulnerable cancer patients! Dr. Buttar compares chemo to napalm, obliterating everything in its path—healthy cells included. The result? Devastating collateral damage to the body, all in the name of treatment. Who is watching 'A Global Quest' right now? If you are, let us know your fav part in the comments. For those who would like to own the entire series, we have marked it down by 72% until Sunday night! You can get your copy HERE:
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16 997
🌟TONIGHT: Episode 9 of ‘A Global Quest’ is more than just the final episode—it’s the grand finale, and it’s going to tug at your heartstrings like nothing else. Titled “Cancer Conquerors & Their Powerful Stories of Victory,” this episode will take you on an emotional rollercoaster. You’ll find yourself smiling through tears as you witness the sheer strength and resilience of these incredible individuals. Seriously, you might want to keep a box of tissues close by. Just sayin’. 😊 In this deeply moving episode, we’ll introduce you to some of the most inspiring cancer conquerors we’ve ever met—people who stared death in the face and came out victorious. You’ll hear their heart-wrenching and triumphant stories of survival, each one a testament to the human spirit’s indomitable will to fight and overcome. ✅Meet the warriors: Brave souls who refused to let a cancer diagnosis define their destiny. ✅ Hear their stories: Tales of unimaginable courage and resilience that will stay with you long after the episode ends. ✅ Discover their secrets: Learn exactly how they beat the odds, the protocols they followed, and the alternative paths they chose. ✅ Lessons learned: What they would do differently if they had to face this battle again, offering wisdom that could change lives. You’re about to meet some of the most extraordinary people we’ve ever had the honor of knowing and interviewing. Their stories will inspire you, uplift you, and remind you that even in the darkest of times, hope and courage can light the way. Don’t miss this powerful and unforgettable conclusion to ‘A Global Quest.’
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5 351
❤️Goodnight friends. Sending you all love.


4 416
TONIGHT: Episode 8 of ‘A Global Quest’


4 536
TONIGHT: Episode 8 of ‘A Global Quest’

8_ Episode 8 AGQ Teaser.mp4

TONIGHT: Episode 8 of ‘A Global Quest’ “Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy” This episode is nothing short of groundbreaking! Get ready for an episode that’s not just informative but seriously fun to watch. Here’s a taste of what’s in store: ✅Curative Cannabis: Discover how medical marijuana—aka “Heavenly Hemp”—is crushing cancer and preventing it from taking root. ✅A London miracle: Travel with the TTAC team to meet a man given a “terminal” diagnosis who beat the odds with hemp oil—only to be targeted by the Medical Mafia for it! ✅The truth about tumors: Why they’re like your body’s “check engine light” and how surgery is about as useful as smashing that light with a hammer and hoping your car will magically fix itself. ✅Epigenetics in action: Uncover how certain herbs and foods can flip your body’s “cancer switches” to off and turn on the “healthy switches.” ✅Dr. Burzynski’s brain cancer breakthrough: Visit his Houston clinic and learn about his proven “antineoplaston” treatment—and the tragic reason why it’s been kept from children by the FDA, costing lives. ✅Micronutrient magic: Meet two doctors in Heerlen, Netherlands, who have successfully treated over 10,000 cancer patients in Europe with their unique micronutrient therapy. ✅Gerson Therapy uncovered: Join the TTAC team in Rosarito, Mexico, to explore Gerson Therapy and how Big Pharma has worked overtime to suppress this life-saving treatment. And that’s just scratching the surface... Episode 8 is packed with powerful, eye-opening revelations you won’t want to miss! Thanks for your support and enjoy watching (and SHARING) Episode 8 TONIGHT at 9pm ET. We love you! Ty and Charlene  ​❤️​🤍💙
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TONIGHT: Episode 8 of ‘A Global Quest’ “Cannabis, Nature's Epigenetic Switches, Peptides & Healing with Micronutrient Therapy” This episode is nothing short of groundbreaking! Get ready for an episode that’s not just informative but seriously fun to watch. Here’s a taste of what’s in store: ✅Curative Cannabis: Discover how medical marijuana—aka “Heavenly Hemp”—is crushing cancer and preventing it from taking root. ✅A London miracle: Travel with the TTAC team to meet a man given a “terminal” diagnosis who beat the odds with hemp oil—only to be targeted by the Medical Mafia for it! ✅The truth about tumors: Why they’re like your body’s “check engine light” and how surgery is about as useful as smashing that light with a hammer and hoping your car will magically fix itself. ✅Epigenetics in action: Uncover how certain herbs and foods can flip your body’s “cancer switches” to off and turn on the “healthy switches.” ✅Dr. Burzynski’s brain cancer breakthrough: Visit his Houston clinic and learn about his proven “antineoplaston” treatment—and the tragic reason why it’s been kept from children by the FDA, costing lives. ✅Micronutrient magic: Meet two doctors in Heerlen, Netherlands, who have successfully treated over 10,000 cancer patients in Europe with their unique micronutrient therapy. ✅Gerson Therapy uncovered: Join the TTAC team in Rosarito, Mexico, to explore Gerson Therapy and how Big Pharma has worked overtime to suppress this life-saving treatment. And that’s just scratching the surface... Episode 8 is packed with powerful, eye-opening revelations you won’t want to miss! Thanks for your support and enjoy watching (and SHARING) Episode 8 TONIGHT at 9pm ET. We love you! Ty and Charlene  ​❤️​🤍💙
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Make sure to watch and {SHARE} Episode 8 of “A Global Quest” airing tonight at 9PM ET!!


3 961
⭐️TONIGHT: Episode 7 of ‘A Global Quest’ This episode is an absolute game-changer! Get ready to have your mind blown as we explore a natural, non-toxic treatment in Europe that’s selectively lethal to cancer cells. But that’s just the start... ✅Water secrets: A Russian scientist from the Chernobyl research team reveals the best water types that protect against radiation damage. ✅Electricity vs. Cancer: Discover the power of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy) and why it’s light-years ahead of the “Big 3” cancer treatments. ✅Magnifying blood 65,000 times: Learn how a groundbreaking French doctor is reversing cancer using a custom-built microscope and a suppressed natural protocol. ✅Royal Society of Medicine: Meet a member who beat pancreatic cancer and find out why they tried to silence her success. ✅Sunlight & Superfoods: See how natural sunlight, chlorella, and wheatgrass are powerful weapons against cancer. ✅Dynamic duo: Discover a protocol that pairs two everyday foods into a cancer-fighting powerhouse reversing cancer worldwide. ✅Hyperbaric oxygen chambers: Explore why this cutting-edge California treatment is under attack by the Cancer Industry. ✅Earth’s magnetic field: Uncover how it’s crucial for your overall health and well-being. ✅Music as medicine: Find out how tunes can heal and stress can kill. This episode will light you up like never before! Don’t miss it! 😊 Reserve Your Free Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here: ⭐️ Join the MISSION and support the cause by choosing to own the entire series now at 72% off and an additional set FREE to share with someone you love by clicking this link to purchase: Thanks for your support and enjoy watching (and SHARING) Episode 5 TONIGHT at 9pm ET. We love you! Ty and Charlene ❤🤍💙 Follow | | | |
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4 540
☄️ Episode 6 of ‘A Global Quest’ is a must-see! Have you ever heard of the psychological bombshell a cancer diagnosis can drop on your brain? It’s called “Nocebo”—think of it as “placebo’s evil twin.” This nasty little effect can mess with your mind and sabotage your healing, even when the treatment itself is completely fake. Don’t let it take control. But that’s just one piece of what we’re uncovering in this episode: ✅Detox done right: Learn the exact sequence to properly cleanse your body and set the stage for healing. ✅Inside a Cancer Clinic in Cologne, Germany: Discover cutting-edge therapies, including Dendritic Cell Vaccines, that are turning “terminal” cases into success stories. ✅Meet two women who beat the odds and are thriving today thanks to these “healthy vaccines.” ✅Natural kidney stone remedies: Find out how they can help prevent kidney cancer and more. ✅Dr. Nalini Chilkov’s secret weapon: A “hidden” chemical that detoxifies your body and helps ward off hormone-driven cancers. ✅Medicinal mushrooms: These fungi can boost your body’s natural killer cells by up to 400%—and they fight cancer too. ✅Bras and breast cancer: Discover the shocking truth about how bras can increase cancer risk by blocking your lymphatic system, and what you can do about it. ✅4 powerhouse compounds: Found in your grocery store, these boost your antioxidant levels and supercharge your immune system to fend off cancer. ✅Nature’s medicine: How herbs, foods, and supplements can make chemo and radiation less toxic and more effective. This episode is packed with life-saving insights you won’t find anywhere else—don’t miss it! 💫Reserve Your Free Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here: ⭐️ Join the MISSION and support the cause by choosing to own the entire series now at 72% off and an additional set FREE to share with someone you love by clicking this link to purchase: Thanks for your support and enjoy watching (and SHARING) Episode 5 TONIGHT at 9pm ET. We love you! Ty and Charlene ❤🤍💙 Follow | | | |
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6_ Episode 6 AGQ Teaser.mp4

4 438
Watch this heartwarming testimonial video where the "Truth About Cancer" team meets Daniel Wise, a homeless veteran battling stage 4 lung cancer on the streets of Atlanta. Feeling betrayed by the government, Daniel's life takes a hopeful turn when the TTAC team connects with him, offering a powerful gift—a bottle of frankincense oil. Witness this incredible moment of compassion and resilience that will inspire you. You can sign up to watch the entire series of TTAC’s “A Global Quest” HERE: Have a great day friends! And as always remember that cancer is NOT a death Central w! As long as there’s breath, there’s hope! Watch and SHARE “A Global Quest” ❤️🤍💙
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4 465
❤️ Episode 5 of ‘A Global Quest’ is a must-see, titled “Cancer Causing Blindspots, Toxic Vaccines, Homeopathy & The Power of Emotions.” Ever wonder if your emotions could be the key to healing cancer? If you've ever felt trapped in depression, unworthy, unloved, or stuck in a loop of worry and negative thoughts, this episode is your wake-up call. We’ll introduce you to a program that breaks through those emotional roadblocks and digs deep to uncover the root cause. Get ready for your “AHA moment.” But that’s just the beginning—here’s what else we’ve packed into Episode 5: ✅A top biological dentist reveals how a toxic mouth can fuel cancer. ✅Toxic metals in our water: Find out why they’re causing cancer and why “the powers that be” refuse to remove them. ✅The spine-cancer connection: Discover why a healthy, aligned spine is crucial and how chiropractors are being targeted for telling the truth. ✅The power of homeopathy: Proven remedies for multiple types of cancer that Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about. ✅One man’s journey: How he healed “terminal” kidney cancer by making one crucial change… and how you can make that exact change! ✅Vaccines and cancer: The chilling link between certain vaccines and NHL cancer (hint: think Simian Virus 40, monkeys, and polio vaccines). ✅Vaccine ingredients: Discover how they might be causing brain damage in unsuspecting recipients. ✅Homeopathy in action: Meet a young woman in London who beat “terminal” brain cancer 19 years ago and is thriving today. ✅Toxic emotions: How fear, anger, and hatred could be at the root of cancer—and what you can do to heal them. And that’s just scratching the surface... Don’t miss out—this episode could change everything you thought you knew about cancer and healing. Join the MISSION and support the cause by choosing to own the entire series now at 72% off and an additional set FREE to share with someone you love by clicking this link to purchase: Thanks for your support and enjoy watching (and SHARING) Episode 5 TONIGHT at 9pm ET. We love you! Ty and Charlene ❤️🤍💙
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5_ Episode 5 AGQ Teaser.mp4

4 901
Censorship Hypocrisy: Jailing a Free Speech Champion While Condoning Big Tech's Collusion Pavel Durov, the enigmatic CEO of Telegram, once a symbol of defiance against Russian authoritarianism, is now rotting in a French jail. His crime? Refusing to allow the government to censor you. Read & Share the Full TTAC Substack HERE:
4 189
💙 It's already time for Episode 4 of ‘A Global Quest’ and this episode is a game-changer. “Excitotoxins that Fuel Cancer, Nature's Pharmacy, and Healing Cancer with Sound & Light.” We’re taking you inside a groundbreaking cancer clinic in Mexico to uncover an “unconventional” treatment that’s delivering jaw-dropping results—and you’ll meet the survivors who are living proof. Here’s a sneak peek at the eye-opening revelations waiting for you… ✅The food industry’s dirty secret: How they’re pushing us to consume “dead” food and why it’s making us sick. ✅An Indian doctor’s wisdom: The sugars that cancer patients can safely eat and the ones that are pure poison. ✅Grow your own superfoods: Learn how to easily cultivate nutrient-dense food for just pennies a day. ✅Two deadly excitotoxins: These sneaky chemicals are causing cancer right under our noses. ✅The cancer industrial complex: A multi-trillion-dollar scam designed to keep you sick without ever curing you. ✅Tour a doctor’s private garden: See how “nature’s pharmacy” holds the key to healing. ✅Medicinal mushrooms vs. chemo: Discover the fungi that outperform chemo and why Big Pharma is desperate to keep this under wraps (spoiler: it’s all about the money). ✅Vine-ripened vs. picked green: Why the fruits and veggies that ripen naturally pack a powerful punch against cancer, while those picked green fall flat. Just wait ‘til you get to the part about using sound and light waves -- we guarantee you’ve never seen anything like THIS before! And so much more... Don’t miss this episode—it’s packed with the truth they don’t want you to know. Reserve Your Free Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here: Please join the MISSION and help us eradicate cancer by helping to educate people by sharing this series with your loved ones. Only in heaven will you ever know the impact sharing had on lives which were saved while here in this life. We love you guys! Ty and Charlene and the TTAC Team ❤🤍💙 Follow | | | |
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4_ Episode 4 AGQ Teaser.mp4

4 386
TONIGHT IS Episode 3 of ‘A Global Quest’ ARE YOU READY? “Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMOs, Juicing, & Eating the Rainbow,” We’re are going to be diving deep into the science they DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW—the real, life-changing effects of juicing that most people are clueless about. This episode is packed with revelations that will blow your mind. Here’s a taste of what’s inside… ✅Meet 3 ‘terminal’ patients who are alive and kicking today thanks to a therapy Big Pharma would rather you never hear about. ✅Cancer stem cells: Why killing them is the key to stopping cancer in its tracks. ✅Anti-cancer Virus: Selectively kills cancer cells while leaving normal cells alone. ✅The mystery root that’s a “magic bullet” for wiping out cancer—why hasn’t your doctor told you about this? ✅The truth about GMOs: What these toxins are doing to your body and why it’s time to wake up. ✅Glyphosate’s dirty secret: The backroom deals that got this cancer-causing poison approved, even though the WHO sounded the alarm. ✅Juicing power: How eating the rainbow can supercharge your health and why you need to start now. ✅Liver cancer remedy that mysteriously vanished from the Merck Manual in 1970—guess who buried it? ✅The sinister plot: Big Pharma and governments teaming up to limit your access to nutritional supplements—this one’s chilling. ✅The ancient Indian remedy that gave Ty’s grandmother an extra decade of life—and why they tried to suppress it. ✅And that’s just the beginning... Don’t miss this episode—what you learn here could save your life. Reserve Your FREE Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here: Please join the MISSION and help us eradicate cancer by helping to educate people by sharing this series with your loved ones. Only in heaven will you ever know the impact sharing had on lives which were saved while here in this life. We love you guys! Ty and Charlene and the TTAC Team ❤️🤍💙
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3_ Episode 3 AGQ Teaser.mp4

4 985
This is one of the worst stories we have ever covered of Medical Kidnapping in our entire life. How anyone could participate in this crime and assault of children is beyond my understanding. In this gut-wrenching testimonial, Jay Mathews, a licensed pharmacist, shares the tragic story of his daughter, Selena. Diagnosed with cancer in her shoulder and arm, Jay and his wife knew chemo was a barbaric option with a grim prognosis—amputation was almost certain. They sought a natural clinic, but the medical mafia had other plans, threatening to kidnap Selena if they didn’t consent to chemo. Despite Jay’s pleas and clear evidence that chemo would lead to amputation, the corrupt judge sided with the "expert" oncologist. The state of Illinois took custody, forced the toxic treatment, and ultimately, this beautiful 8-year-old girl lost her arm. This is beyond criminal! Reserve Your Free Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here: With Love, Charlene and Ty ❤🤍💙 Follow | | | |
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5 147
We have so many amazing testimonies like this one from people who stepped outside of the "Standard of Care" medicine for cancer and found a better way. This is what our films have helped countless people do. Rather than dying young, they heal and live a long, happy life! In this incredible testimonial, David Olson shares his miraculous journey from a grim cancer diagnosis to a life of joy and health. After being misdiagnosed multiple times by the Mayo Clinic, David finally discovered he had Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma that had spread to his esophagus, liver, kidneys, lymph nodes, stomach, and bones. The doctors gave him just 3 days to 3 months to live. But instead of accepting a death sentence, David sought treatment at the Biomedical Center in Tijuana, Mexico. Against all odds, they saved his life! Reserve Your Free Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here: And remember, as always, Cancer is NOT a death sentence. Watch "A Global Quest" and learn what you can do to optimize your health and live a long, happy life, too!
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4 820
Hey Guys! Tonight we are aring Episode 2 of ‘A Global Quest’ which is a must-watch for every person on earth. Titled “Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils,” this episode pulls back the curtain on the lies you’ve been told. Here’s what you’ll uncover… ✅The real deal on how cancer spreads—prepare to be shocked. ✅Breast cancer diagnostics: Which ones actually work, and how mammograms could be doing more harm than good. ✅The overdiagnosis epidemic: Why false positives are scaring women into unnecessary treatments. ✅Hormones and cancer: Big Pharma’s dirty little secret they hope you never figure out. ✅Essential oils that prevent and heal cancer—and why doctors who use them are under attack. ✅Natural remedy from Australia that reversed 70,000 skin cancers … and got the doctor thrown in jail! ✅Erin Elizabeth spills the truth about Breast Cancer Awareness Month and “Think Pink”—how a multinational giant hijacked the idea from a sweet old lady. ✅Mammograms vs. Thermograms: Why the Medical Industry is obsessed with pushing mammograms, despite the fact that thermograms are safer and better. ✅Dr. Veronique’s “7 Essentials”: Your guide to preventing and treating breast cancer—why isn’t everyone talking about this? ✅And so much more... Don’t let Big Pharma keep you in the dark—watch this episode and arm yourself with the truth. Reserve Your Free Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here:
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2_ Episode 2 AGQ Teaser.mp4

4 729
Man I just got done watching Episode 1 of The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. That was just EPIC. God is with us. He allowed us to lose our family members, feel immense pain and loss, research, find the life-saving truth, so that we could bring it to you. This was why we were created - for you. To bring this to you. We love you. Truly. With all our hearts. I hope you are watching. And I hope you are sharing. Goodnight friends. ❤️🤍💙
4 713
I mean, it's true! Zuckerberg just "apologized" for censoring us. Yet on Meta they have named us (Disinformation Dozen) saying we were not guilty as "they" claimed but at the same time they claimed they would censor us for the government. It's still up!! LOOK: This is why you sharing our film helps reach people who have been blocked from seeing our life-saving content is SO IMPORTANT! So do your part in this war for information, truth, freedom, and life and share our trailer and registration page so we can get our docu-series out to more people to save more lives. Here's the link where you can register to watch FREE: Love you guys! Charlene and Ty and Team TTAC
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5 534
I mean, it's true! Zuckerberg just "apologized" for censoring us. Yet on Meta they have named us (Disinformation Dozen) saying we were not guilty as "they" claimed but at the same time they claimed they would censor us for the governement. It's still up!! LOOK:
🌎 GUYS! We are airing our GROUNDBREAKING docu-series "The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest" TONIGHT! ARE YOU READY? This series was the beginning of the GIANT Health Freedom Movement you see online today. This was the groundbreaking BLOCKBUSTER that reached MILLIONS of people around the world with the TRUTH about the Medical Mafia, giving real life-saving solutions that have been hidden for over 100 years by the medical cabal. This short video gives you a peek into Episode 1 which airs LIVE to the world at 9pm ET TONIGHT! You NEED to WATCH and SHARE this with everyone you know. Your life or the life of someone you love may depend on the information in this episode and series. Reserve Your FREE Seat to watch The Truth About Cancer’s “A Global Quest” here: We LOVE YOU GUYS and are SUPER excited to be able to share this with you FREE. ❤️🤍💙
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1_ Episode 1 AGQ Teaser.mp4

5 418
Okay guys, I went live on Onstagram yesterday and didn’t want you to miss the updates so here it is: 1. It's our 10 Year TTAC Anniversary! 🎉 So We are airing "A Global Quest" FREE Aug 28-Sept 5 Go to to sign up to watch for FREE Now! 2. I get into what the RFK Jr endorsement and alliance with Trump means for America! MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN! 🇺🇸 If you are on Instagram, you can watch, comment, "like" and "share" at this link: We love you guys!! ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸 Follow | | | |
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4 815
You probably don’t know about a “loophole” in the IRS System that can help protect your retirement from what could be devastating policies forced on us by Kamala if she “wins” It will teach you how you can keep what’s yours! Don’t hold your breath and hope for the best, visit before it’s too late! Follow | | | |


4 677
You probably don’t know about a “loophole” in the IRS System that can help protect your retirement from what could be devastating policies forced on us by Kamala if she “wins” It will teach you how you can keep what’s yours! Don’t hold your breath and hope for the best, visit before it’s too late!


All the nobility and honor was given to RFK Jr by God and the only thing left was the dark spirit of Cain for his jealous sister, Kerry Kennedy who had this to say about Bobby: “I am disgusted by my brother’s obscene embrace of Donald Trump. And I completely disavow and dissociate myself from Robert Kennedy Jr. and his flagrant efforts to desecrate and set fire to my father's memory.” Follow | | | |


5 456
True story.onayouthial-text', 'telegram', 'text-url-btn')" aria-label="link to url">


5 119
🚨BREAKING: Rumble Founder & CEO, Chris Pavlovski, narrowly escaped Europe's censorship dragnet and is safely home. France nabbed Telegram's Founder, Pavel Durov as reported above, out of a French Airport and is currently behind bars. Next, they are coming for Rumble. After that they'll come for X / Elon Musk, too. THEY ARE LOSING and DESPERATE! They are hungry for power. But POWER is not theirs, it's yours. Let's be clear: POWER belongs to you and to me. And we can do one of 2 things with our power: 1. Keep it. 2. Give it to them. KEEP YOUR POWER and SAY NO TO TYRANNY! This is why they are working so hard to censor the FREEDOM platforms - so people don't wake up and keep giving their God given power over to this Global Cartel. I have been saying this from the beginning of the Pandemic which is why we are on the "Disinformation Dozen" list. PLEASE SHARE OUR CHANNELS! ALL OF THEM! Follow us. And share our work with everyone you know before it's too late. We love you guys!! We're in this together. Keep praying. God can do anything! ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸 Follow | | | |
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6 316
Following the January 6 events, Telegram founder Pavel Durov received demands from Democrats for user data related to the incident. They warned that failure to comply would be deemed a violation of the U.S. Constitution. Republicans later sent him another letter, warning that if Telegram complied with the Democrats' request for user data, it would be in violation of the U.S. Constitution. Now, a key ally of the Biden administration and a staunch supporter of NATO has thrown him behind bars for “pedo criminal offenses,” a charge of which they themselves are guilty. Follow | | | |
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5 189
For all those who regularly come here to tell us no one is saving us, or informing us that God is the only one who can save us (as if anyone on this channel doesn't already know this) .... God uses men and women to do his work. Examples: 1. Noah 2. Abraham and Sarah 3. Isaac and Rebecca 4. Jacob 5. Joseph 6. Moses, Joshua, Rahab, Caleb 7. Job 8. Queen Esther 9. Hannah 10. Samuel 11. King David 12. Jonah 13. Elija 14. Elisha 15. Jeremiah 16. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John 17. Mary (Mother of Jesus) 18. Mary Magdalene ( 19. Apostle Paul (Chief of sinners) 20. Ty and Charlene (this is crazy that God uses us - we are nothing!) 21. You? Point is, God uses us to do His work. So stop telling us that men and women aren't saviors. We've read our Bible. There is only One Mediator between God and man and that is the Man: Christ Jesus. While there is only One Savior: Jesus Christ, He chooses to use us - nobodies - to do His work. "The prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (James 5:16) "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14) So stop complaining, start praying, and follow God. Maybe he'll save our country through you! Good night friends.
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5 207
Telegram founder Pavel Durov recently revealed to Tucker Carlson that the FBI approached a Telegram engineer, attempting to secretly hire him to install a backdoor that would allow U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on users. The FBI also hired agents to infiltrate 'anti-vaxx' Telegram groups, with FBI contractors creating multiple fake online identities to join chatrooms run by groups opposing vaccine mandates.


5 750
🚨 The Founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, Has Been Arrested at a French Airport
4 967
🚨 The Founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, Has Been Arrested at a French Airport 🚨VIDEO: Telegram founder Pavel Durov recently revealed to Tucker Carlson that the FBI approached a Telegram engineer, attempting to secretly hire him to install a backdoor that would allow U.S. intelligence agencies to spy on users. The FBI also hired agents to infiltrate 'anti-vaxx' Telegram groups, with FBI contractors creating multiple fake online identities to join chatrooms run by groups opposing vaccine mandates.
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1 448
🇺🇸 America, the beautiful. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸
4 749
While Robert F. Kennedy, Jr sacrifices So much to MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN and SAVE THE CHILDREN, he has to suffer through family members who lack discretion and honor, who publicly disparage and belittle the great work he does. While we, too, have been on the receiving end on such vile attacks, both publicly and in "private" gossip circles, we can't even imagine what it would be the perpetrator of these types of attacks. Kerry Kennedy is desperately jealous, extremely petulant and embarrassingly childish. We stand with Bobby Kennedy and are proud to call him our friend. We will be and are his family. We all love him dearly. Please pray for Bobby as he continues to push through his family's ignorance and depravity toward the prize. Pray for God's power and might to enable RFK Jr to rise above their petty attacks and childish jealousy and do the work God is calling him to do. May God turn what they mean for evil into good beyond our imagination that would lead to saving countless lives and restoring health and goodness back to America and to our children. This Dream Team Alliance: Trump - Kennedy - is FINALLY coming together. This is an unbeatable ticket, with God's blessing and help. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr WE LOVE YOU!! ♥️🤍💙🇺🇸
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5 028
Guys, are you watching the rally in AZ right now? If not, tune in because you aren't going to miss what's coming. MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN! 🇺🇸
4 771
That was literally the BEST speech I have ever heard, the best of Bobby's entire life. His heart was (AND IS) in this to save the children, save America, and MAKE AMERICA HEALTHY AGAIN! He believes that with Donald J Trump they WILL Make America Healthy Again. We stand with these 2 great men. God Bless Robert F. Kennedy, Jr and Donald J. Trump and MAKE AMERICA FREE & HEALTHY Once Again! ♥️🤍💙🇺🇸
4 335
RFK JR is speaking LIVE NOW:
4 162
My prediction: Mark my words - Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy WILL come together and they WILL help to SAVE AMERICA! 🇺🇸


4 314
It is official! RFK Jr endorses Donald Trump for President!
4 220
So tonight she has the Barack voice thing goin' on. Y'all hear that swang? 😉
4 366
Okay guys. Give me one word.
4 366
Remember that time when Michigan's Governor Whitmer called to 86 —> 45 ? These people are sick.
4 374
🇺🇸 Charlene and Dan Ball of OAN Network break down the possibility of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr joining the Trump ticket for president. What do you think? Something's happening and here's the inside scoop.


4 178
Do as I say, not as I do.
4 496
4 160
👋Hello out there! Are you watching? Retweet: Follow | | | |
4 493
So this just happened at the DNC.
4 353
"Kamala Harris, President of Joy" ~ Bill Clinton Ummmm ... what is "President of Joy" Can someone help me with that one? UPDATE: This image was generated on X by Grok to illustrate the absurdity of the title Bill Clinton gave to Kamala during his speech: "President of Joy" What does that even mean? LOL Follow | | | |
4 445
⚠️Day 3 and the Trump Derangement Syndrom continues as the DNC.
4 444
🔥 A Trump-Kennedy Alliance: the Key to Defeating Kamala and Saving America 🇺🇸 The stakes have never been higher. Trump must seize this opportunity to unite with Kennedy, proving his commitment to protecting our nation from a looming disaster. As the 2024 presidential race intensifies, the chilling prospect of Kamala Harris seizing the presidency is becoming alarmingly real. This isn't just another election—it's a turning point for the future of our nation. Can a Trump and Kennedy alliance save America? 🙏🏻❤️🤍💙🇺🇸 Read & SHARE Full Story HERE:
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5 043
RFK’s VP Nicole Shanahan says they are debating whether to stay in the race or drop out and join forces with Trump: “There’s two options that we're looking at and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we draw more votes from Trump. Or we walk away right now and join forces with with Donald Trump and explain to our base why we're making this decision.”


4 914
Never have more lies been told in such a short span of time than tonight at the DNC.
4 698
Of course the ghouls want to restore Roe V Wade. They love killing babies.
4 709
For those who could not stomach the lies of the DNC crooks and thieves, I got a sound bite so you can see deranged Biden scream in deranged anger and hate. I can’t believe what I am witnessing right now. Who’s watching right now?


4 829
Is this guy actually speaking against the KKK when he calls Black people by the N word and other very horrible racist insults? Does anyone out there believe this liar? OMGoodness. Wow.
4 417
So Ashley (who Biden molested in the shower) just spoke for women's "Reproductive Rights" i.e. Killing Babies, and then kissed Pedo Joe as she introduced him on the DNC stage. How much are they paying this poor girl to say her molester is a good man?
4 243
🤔 Real question: Is this AI or did Big Mke eat their chef?
4 640
There are more protesters outside the DNC than inside attending the DNC. We are witnessing the end of the Democratic Radicals. Bye! 👋
4 235
And now please give us one word to describe Killary. Oops I mean Hillary Clinton. I’ll beginning: LIAR.
4 317
What one word would best describe Kamala Harris?
4 439
He’s not wrong. 😂


5 032
He’s not wrong. 😂


😂The struggle is real. You feel me? Follow | | | |


5 294
🤔Am I the only one, or is it you, too?


5 785
Biden Admin is adding $1 TRILLION every 100 days. Experts are now predicting an economic depression worse than the Great Depression of 1929. With financial instability looming, are you ready? Have you invested in something that will safeguard your wealth? To protect your assets, click the link to get more information on how you can protect your wealth as a shelter during the looming economic collapse.


5 531
True story.
5 497
Guys, this is no joke! Get prepared for the worst and pray for the best. Praying for God to send a Great Awakening so that many people would turn back to God, repent and cry out to God, that He would hear us from heaven and heal our land and protect us from people like Kamala that would utterly destroy our nation. She is not the enemy - she is only a pawn being used by our enemy, the devil. Prepare and pray. God is able! And only God can. We love you guys! Goodnight. 🙏💖💕
6 015
Kamala Harris is going to propose PRICE CONTROLS on food. Welcome to Venezuela. Food scarcity will immediately follow. And then, RATIONING by government edict. The rationing, of course, will need to be enforced at gunpoint, so prepare for armed government soldiers at grocery stores if Kamala Harris becomes president. This is not a drill.
5 279
⚠️BREAKING: WHO Just Declared Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak - Calling for a Coordinated International Response which he says is Essential to Stop this Outbreak & Save Lives. Pandemic 2.0 - Who's buying it this time around? The moment I heard about their first Pandemic, I did not believe a word they said. Did you? This time around, stand in your power and say "No." with us! They only have the power we give to them. If we all say no and stand united together in love and freedom, their plan will shrivel and die. Let's Gooo!! Share on Instagram: Share on X: Follow | | | |
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8 820
The amazingly talented baton twirler is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger! And he’s packing his glock as he twirls! This has got to be the best thing I have watched in a while! We love you Mike! 😎💥💅🤍🕊️


6 947
The amazingly talented baton twirler is Mike Adams, the Health Ranger! And he’s packing his glock as he twirls! This has got to be the best thing I have watched in a while! We love you Mike! 😎💥💅🤍🕊️


FIVE simple things Trump could announce that would appeal to the CENTER and even many LEFTISTS (and that Kamala couldn’t copy): 1) End all personal income taxes forever. Let American workers keep what they earn. This would be the most pro-worker reform in history and would largely end the tyranny of the IRS. 2) LEGALIZE all forms of natural medicine, nutritional cures, alternative medicine and preventative medicine. National health care costs would plummet (and Big Pharma would lose trillions of dollars, which is a good thing). End the FDA’s regulatory assault on nutritional supplements that help prevent disease. 3) LEGALIZE gold, silver and Bitcoin as “legal tender” across the country to unleash America’s economic abundance and let people have self-custody of what they’ve earned. 4) De-list cannabis from federal Schedule One status so that CBD supplements and personal care products could be legally sold and possessed across the country, and so that small businesses that sell CBD products could easily work with banks like any other business. 5) Announce a plan to close down U.S. military bases and pull troops out of the Middle East and numerous countries around the world. End America’s illegal occupation of foreign nations, and halt America’s continued sending of weapons to Israel, pushing Israel to negotiate peace terms with its neighbors.
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5 865
⚠️The writing is on the wall. The stock market crash is coming. Are you paying attention? There are simple steps you can take to protect your wealth right now! Learn how by going to: Follow | | | |


6 514
What in the Demon Possession is this?


6 329
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio