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What's everyone getting into this weekend?
4 538
People who are better off than they were 4 years ago ... 1) Politicians. 2) illegals. The end.
5 324
6 282
Has @ LindseyGrahamSC broke out another chart yet today explaining how sending all our money to foreign wars is really America-first and how spending our tax dollars in the USA is really America-last?
5 994
I bet colleges will suddenly be able to control their campuses when it’s football season.
6 416
Dumb, dumber, and dumberer.
7 112
You so you know … When you go work yourself to the bone this week … your hard earned tax dollars will be going to Ukraine, illegals room and board, and paying for the college tuition of Hamas lovers who shout “death to America.” And BTW - nothing for you.
7 314
Every week for the past 6 weeks, my metrics show I'm getting around 18,000 new followers a week. But my follower count has only went up a total of a few thousand during this entire 6 week time. No matter how many followers I get during the day, when I wake up in the morning,…
7 384
WAYNE ROOT: This is 100% Obama: Columbia U Anarchy. Jew-Hatred. America-Hatred. The Rigged Communist Show Trial Against Trump. The Intentional Destruction of America. This is Where It All Started- with my College Classmate Obama at Columbia.
WAYNE ROOT: This is 100% Obama: Columbia U Anarchy. Jew-Hatred. America-Hatred. The Rigged Communist Show Trial Against Trump. The Intentional Destruction of America. This is Where It All Started- with my College Classmate Obama at Columbia. | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor
By Wayne Allyn Root This is all Obama.
7 567
If you’re tired of watching the Republican Party cave to Joe Biden, don’t worry, when Trump gets re-elected you’ll get to see the Republican Party fight like hell against a President again.
7 178
When the Left says they want to put an end to misinformation and disinformation ... that really means they want to silence the truth so their lies is all people can hear.
7 386
Love my pet lovers (no politics) subscription page. No trolls and lots of pictures of everyone's pets. It's a great break from the daily political grind. BTW - Monkey says good morning. Hard to believe all 9 puppyturds will be 2-years-old soon. Seems like only yesterday I was…
8 016
Just so you know … @ Columbia is where kids go to get dumber.
8 094
When they said Pecker was called to the witness stand I thought they were talking about Michael Cohen.
8 416
Witch Hunt !!!
9 252
8 934
Chris Wray Confronted on Female J6 Prisoner During Congressional Testimony – So FBI Goes Back and Threatens and Harasses Her Some More – AUDIO via @ gatewaypundit
Chris Wray Confronted on Female J6 Prisoner During Congressional Testimony - So FBI Goes Back and Threatens and Harasses Her Some More - AUDIO | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
On January 6, 2021, Raechel Genco and her husband Ryan Samsel woke up early in the morning and left Pennsylvania to head down to Washington DC.
8 510
The following have praised the Ukraine aid with no money for us: Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, John Bolton, CNN, New York Times, Mike Pence, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, MSNBC, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Johnson, Mitch McConnell. In case you’re wondering if the swamp is real.
8 824
Insurrection 👇
9 451
Just so you know where we’re at … The US Congress just approved $61 billion to protect Ukraine and $0.00 to protect the US border. After the vote, they cheered and waved Ukraine flags and chanted “Ukraine Ukraine.” Gutter trash. Every last one of them.
9 719
The uniparty war pigs care more about Ukraine than the USA.
8 531
😂😂😂 Puppy Wrestlemania II.
8 064
All of these are the exact same.
7 892
Fraud sellout @ SpeakerJohnson did the media circuit yesterday spitting ridiculous lies about why he sold you out. The biggest was "Putin is going to march across Europe if Ukraine doesn't get another 60 billion dollars" What a ridiculous lie. Like we care about this…
8 496
A man just set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan. @TrumpChannel


8 209
We’re going to win.
8 968
The Democrat party is purposely destroying our country from within and the Republican Party, is not only doing nothing to stop them, but they’re actively working hand and hand with the Democrats to help.
9 826
11 646
Wiggles and Monkey love their new funky rug - 😂
10 469
Do you have savings that you can't afford to lose? Thousands of Americans have already taken advantage of this IRS loophole, protecting millions in retirement savings with Gold and Silver. Get this FREE 2024 Kit at to learn how to protect your IRA/401(k) from Bidenomics—100% tax and penalty-free, too.
9 954
This POS Judge should be in prison along with all these activists who are participating in this lawfare
9 680
No matter what your cause, if you block traffic, you just automatically lost the argument.
10 244
Have to rub this in a little to my friend @ julie_kelly2 - 😂
10 164
This thick fog has rolled onto the Catturd Ranch in 5 minutes flat. Only reason I found the dogs is because I followed the barks of them barking at a squirrel up a tree. lol. Can't see ten feet in front of you.
9 682
It’s Masters Sunday! Let’s go!
10 360
11 863
Timeline cleanse … Monkey upside down being so happy ❤️ love my doggies.
10 930
Democrats … “illegals can’t vote in our elections.” Also Democrats … “We will all vote NO on a bill saying illegals can’t vote in our elections.”
10 052
It's Masters weekend ... LET'S GO!
10 462
Just so you know ... No matter what the Congress passes, the FBI is going to spy on you anyway. They're corrupt and rotten to the core and think the law doesn't apply to them.
10 984
Monkey ❤️
10 268
The FBI tells Congress to jump - and they say “How high?”
9 907
Fraud Mike Johnson @ SpeakerJohnson just voted against the FBI needing warrants to spy on you. Fraud Mike Johnson @ SpeakerJohnson just voted against the FBI needing warrants to spy on you. Fraud Mike Johnson @ SpeakerJohnson just voted against the FBI needing warrants to spy on…
10 568
The FBI ... "Trust us, this time we won't abuse FISA!"
9 762
Can you spot Mamma Sweetie at the new Catturd Lake? 😂 Sweetie and Petey are loving this mess.
9 984
Lake Catturd Ranch - (with Petey photobombing) 😂
9 848
Fact ... the corrupt FBI used FISA to try to illegally take down a sitting President. There was only one arrest and he got a slap on the wrist. All the other participants of this treasonous coup have gone unpunished and were given book deals and are panelist on CNN and fake news…
9 213
9 437
The bad storm is finally hitting now. Supposed to last another 8 hours. Ugh.
9 301
FISA is the rotten, corrupt Deep State’s most favorite tool.
10 131
One more time for the people in the back … - the rotten AF corrupt AF FBI and DOJ are using FISA to spy on their political opponents and average citizens, without a warrant, to take down their political opposition. - and of course, the uniparty war pig scumbags are all for…
9 959
Just so you know … It’s been over 12 years since the climate cult said we only had 12 more years to live.
11 258
Countries I care about fixing ... USA. Countries I don't care about fixing ... all the other ones.
9 717
Good morning X.
9 410
Has there ever been a worse actor than @ MarkHamill. When they finally gave him a part in a new Star Wars film, they gave him so few lines, he might as well had been a mute 😂 Imagine being such a horrible actor that they write the entire movie so you’ll have as few lines as…
10 164
Imagine what kind of a selfish, shortsighted lowlife would vote for the destruction of their country, WWIII, an illegal invasion, runaway inflation, out-of-control crime, high gas prices and criminals running wild - just so they can have a trucker pay for their worthless college…
10 978
Again … I love cooking chicken, but sometimes I just can’t face that Salmonella maxi pad at the bottom of a chicken pack. 🤦‍♂️
10 708
A shooting star is 100x cooler than an eclipse. I stand by this forever.
9 815
Name this band.
9 843
It only takes one Commie Leftist President to be installed to destroy an entire country overnight. Some latest examples: USA Canada Brazil.
10 713
A solar eclipse is about as exciting as watching paint dry. If this lame shit gets you excited - you might consider getting a life.
10 594
Anyone else watching golf - the Valero Texas Open? WOW!
10 432
FULL VIDEO: This is worth a watch. Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as 'The Son of Hamas,' drops uncomfortable truths on Western ‘free, free, free Palestine’ activists. He grew up under Hamas and understands who they really are. In a real-life TikTok vs. facts and experience showdown, he humiliates terror supporters, easily exposing their hypocrisy and the Palestinian lie.


9 712
FULL VIDEO: This is worth a watch. Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as 'The Son of Hamas,' drops uncomfortable truths on Western ‘free, free, free Palestine’ activists. He grew up under Hamas and understands who they really are. In a real-life TikTok vs. facts and experience showdown, he humiliates a terror supporters, easily exposing their hypocrisy and the Palestinian lie.


FULL VIDEO: This is worth a watch. Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as 'The Son of Hamas,' drops uncomfortable truths on Western Palestine activists. He grew up under Hamas and understands who they really are. In a real-life TikTok vs. facts and experience showdown, he humiliates a terror supporter, easily exposing her hypocrisy and the Palestinian lie.


10 243
JUST IN: Senator Switches From Democrat to Republican
Nebraska State Senator Switching From Democrat to Republican
‘Being a Christian member of the Roman Catholic Church and pro-life is more important to me than being a registered Democrat.’
9 619
Trump just violated the gag order and dares the corrupt activist hack judge to put him in jail. This is 🔥🔥🔥
11 025
Just so you know … Come hell or high water, the uniparty war pigs are going to give Ukraine another 60 billion soon. They don’t give AF about you or the citizens of this country.
10 707
So this is happening right now - I’m getting community notes on anything that gets a bunch of views. Even if they basically agree with me … this is how the left tries to get that tweet demonetized.
11 133
If you’re in NYC or Washington DC and you’re a Conservative - you’ll be found guilty of any crime they frame you with. Stay TF away from these Democrat communist shitholes.
11 722
Why do pilots think they know everything that's happening in the skies all across the world? That'd be like a boat captain saying they know everything that's going on in the oceans. Just because you've piloted an airplane doesn't mean there isn't shit going on you don't know…
11 896
So, last week, I got out at daylight to walk my dogs around the Catturd ranch (and for those who follow me, you can clearly see this is the Catturd ranch) I was thinking to myself “finally, what a clear blue sky day it’s going to be” (which used to be basically every day and…
12 362
One more time for the low IQ, brainwashed sheep in the back. Trump wins in November or freedom, liberty, and our country is gone.
10 967
Is there anything more overrated than a solar eclipse? 😂
11 349
Ask yourself - in every way, how does the Democrat party’s beliefs differ from a Satanic cult? They don’t - think about it.
12 346
I’m working on music again - stay tuned.
11 833
12 549
You know I love to cook - so I just cooked up a lobster my buddy @ StevieStacks84 sent from his seafood company. He sends me stuff all the time and never asks me anything in return - good dude! 🤤
10 633
Just so you know - Republicans in Congress will cave and fully fund Ukraine soon. I know this because Republicans in Congress cave to Democrats on every issue, every time.
11 283
Trump wins or our country is done.
11 475
Good grief. 13-year-old girl accused of killing mom after her phone was taken away, police say
13-year-old girl accused of killing mom after her phone was taken away, police say
A 13-year-old girl is accused of killing her mother after she took her phone away, according to Pennsylvania authorities.
12 940
Good morning X
7 291
I’m naming tomorrow … We Don’t Give AF About Your Sex Life Just Stop Talking About It Day.
12 618
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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