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Editor-in-Chief of  @Vigilant_News . Writer, citizen journalist & video clipper with 12 years of healthcare experience. vigilantnews.com 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Vaccine Disaster: Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots The truth is becoming undeniable. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Vaccine Disaster: Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots
The truth is becoming undeniable.
Alexis Lorenze is incredible 🔥 She says as soon as she starts getting “a little bit of strength back,” she's going to join forces with the vaccine-injured community to take down the criminal medical system. “This is not something I'm just gonna sit here and a few months go by and act like everything is back to normal. This is gonna be something I fight for my whole life. As soon as I'm able to stand again. I can't even stand for more than a minute without my whole body convulsing, so as soon as I get a little bit of strength back, at least, even if I got to wheel myself in a wheelchair around forever, I'm fighting. And I will join whoever else I need to, to get these things in order because this is absolutely terrifying.” “People of my generation have a harder time being spoken to and being convinced that these things can go wrong because the media is very heavily influencing how people my age think. And unfortunately, it had to be me. But if it's gonna be me that has to speak up and get people my age to understand, I will fight, and I'm never, ever, ever gonna back down.” Support Alexis here: Follow 🦊
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6 435
Attorney Drops Bomb: NYPD Had Diddy’s Photo Hung in Police Station Not only were the police on Diddy's side but “They were actually doing his dirty work,” Robert K. Erlanger revealed. Jesse Watters pointed out that “there's something special” about that because he knows “a lot of people with money and influence. They don't have their pictures hanging up in NYPD precincts.” Now Diddy is on suicide watch while awaiting trial. JESSE WATTERS: “You think this guy's going to sing? You think he's suicidal?” ROBERT K. ERLANGER: “I don't know. I mean, if you look at the kind of lifestyle he had, and all of a sudden he's looking at prison for the rest of his life. Who knows?” More Stories on @Vigilant_News: Something Stinks About Trump’s Would-Be Assassin, and Jesse Watters Can Smell It FDA Issues Bone-Chilling Monkeypox Vaccine Warning Follow 🦊
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10 155
HUGE: The mainstream media is now covering Alexis Lorenze's horrific vaccine injury. Fox News 11 Los Angeles calls what Alexis suffered an “extreme adverse reaction.” “Alexis says she ultimately agreed to the hospital's requirement of receiving three vaccines: meningitis, pneumonia and tetanus. Within 10 minutes, she had an extreme adverse reaction.” Nurse Angela, who has honorably stayed at Alexis's bedside, reports, “She lost vision in both eyes. She started bleeding out of her nose, she started vomiting, and then these purple patches under her skin started appearing at the top of her head, and then just started spreading. And it's now covering pretty much all of her body.” Fox News 11 tried contacting UCI Medical Center for comment, but “despite repeated calls and e-mails, UCI Media Relations has not responded.” Thankfully, “Alexis is slowly getting better. She has regained vision in both eyes ... It could take several weeks before she is well enough to be released.” Read More: Follow 🦊
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36 338
1 174
FDA Issues Bone-Chilling Monkeypox Vaccine Warning The next monkeypox vaccine could kill you, whether you take it or not. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
FDA Issues Bone-Chilling Monkeypox Vaccine Warning
The next monkeypox vaccine could kill you, whether you take it or not.
12 927
Vaccine Disaster: Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots The truth is becoming undeniable. A freedom of information request has revealed that over 14,000 people have applied for compensation through the UK's vaccine injury scheme. The claims are so widespread that “staff processing these claims had to be increased from four to 80 people last year because they were coming in so quickly.” 5 and a half thousand claims have been rejected because they were not “disabled enough,” and more than 700 people have been waiting over a year for a decision. But the devastating effects of the shots don't end there. Bev Turner reports, “By June 2021, there were already 300,000 registered adverse reactions to the UK's own yellow card reporting system. 300,000 adverse reactions. And it had always been known for decades that the yellow card reporting system is so little known about, and so poorly administered, that it only registers between one to 10% of all injuries. So that 300,000 could have been just 1% of actual adverse events.” Full Video: Related Stories: Unexploded Bomb: Where the COVID-19 Vaccine Deaths Are Really Hiding The Most Vaxxed Country on Earth Now Faces a Population Crisis Follow 🦊
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16 525
Kamala Harris Admits on Live TV That She Owns a Gun and Would Shoot Intruders, Then Regrets Saying It “If somebody breaks in my house, they’re getting shot,” said Kamala, much to Oprah’s surprise. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Kamala Harris Admits on Live TV That She Owns a Gun and Would Shoot Intruders, Then Regrets Saying It
“If somebody breaks in my house, they’re getting shot,
13 374
Kentucky Judge Shot and Killed in His Chambers by County Sheriff People are losing their minds. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Kentucky Judge Shot and Killed in His Chambers by County Sheriff
People are losing their minds.
13 828
There’s something strange about the 20 Trump supporters who mysteriously fell ill with blurred vision and burning eyes following last Thursday’s rally in Tucson, Arizona, and Americans are starting to take notice. Journalist Christy Kelly noted that several individuals required emergency medical attention for their symptoms. “Many supporters seated behind Trump onstage went to the ER after the rally with ‘blurred vision’ and ‘burning’ to the eyes. I spoke to several who still have not fully recovered,” Kelly wrote on X. Among those affected were members of the “Latinos for Trump” group, including Pastor Eli Moreno and his wife, Francesca. Another rally attendee, Planned Parenthood whistleblower Mayra Rodriguez, described experiencing chemical burn-like symptoms after the event. “When I got to the hospital, they told me I had a chemical burn,” Rodriguez said. “Days later, I’m still dealing with blurry vision and sensitivity to light.” “The emergency room staff, from the triage nurse to the PA, asked, ‘Are you sure you didn’t get sprayed with something?’ Your symptoms look like you got sprayed with something?’” Rodriguez recalled. Why were those seated behind Trump impacted while others appeared unaffected? Something doesn’t add up here, and it's beginning to look very suspicious. Watch the video for the full report. - - - - - - If you owe back taxes, the IRS is cracking down, sending “pay up” letters by the millions. Don’t face them alone. Tax Network USA has helped clients save over $1 billion in back taxes and can help you secure the best deal possible. Visit https://TNUSA.com/VNN to get started. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
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14 133
Nicole Shanahan Raises Serious Questions About Why This Happened to Her Daughter You’re not allowed to talk about this. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Nicole Shanahan Raises Serious Questions About Why This Happened to Her Daughter
You're not allowed to talk about this.
14 428
Something Stinks About Trump’s Would-Be Assassin, and Jesse Watters Can Smell It The deeper you dive into Ryan Routh’s past, the more suspicious it gets. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Something Stinks About Trump’s Would-Be Assassin, and Jesse Watters Can Smell It
The deeper you dive into Ryan Routh’s past, the more suspicious it gets.
17 278
Shocking U.S. Map Shows Potential Areas of Migrant 'Great Job Replacement' "In the battleground states that will decide this November's election, about 72% of migrants in 2023 went to..." Blue-collar workers have been sold out by their own government. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Shocking U.S. Map Shows Potential Areas of Migrant ‘Great Job Replacement’
Blue-collar workers have been sold out by their own government.
17 467
You can’t talk about this on YouTube, Facebook, or liberal communities. Nicole Shanahan reveals that she “gave birth to a healthy baby girl” but everything changed after “a shot at seven months old.” “She was a different kid.” Andrew Wakefield was canceled 25 years ago for pointing out that “the MMR causes gut inflammation in certain children, which leads to symptoms like autism.” Autism rates in kids are 1 in 36 nationally, compared to 1 in 1500 in the not-so-distant past. In California, it's even worse: Autism rates are 1 in 22. Whatever causing this, the problem is only getting worse. Why are we not allowed to talk about this? Full Video: Related Stories on @Vigilant_News: RFK Jr. on the Real Reason Pediatricians Won’t Accept Your Unvaccinated Kids This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data Follow 🦊
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26 201
Nicole Shanahan: “[Republicans] don't spend any of that money taking out third-party candidates. Democrats do.” She says the amount “the amount of money” Democrats spend on “undermining the things that make democracy democracy” is “staggering,” and they do it in ways that she “could have never imagined.” Holden Culotta writes: First. the DNC changed dozens of internal party rules to rig their primary so RFK couldn’t challenge Biden. Then, they sued him across the country trying to kick him off the ballot as an Independent and costing him $10 million. All along the way, the corporate media censored and slandered him. For 15 months, he was denied Secret Service. The Democrat party sued Kennedy to be OFF the ballot before suing him to be ON the ballot in battleground states. Whatever trick they can play, the Democratic Party goes for it. It is the antithesis of democracy. Full Video: More Stories on @Vigilant_News: The Babylon Bee Just Gave the Perfect Response to Gavin Newsom’s Ban on AI Parody Videos Wall Street Journal Reporter Makes Bone-Chilling Discovery in Springfield, Ohio Follow 🦊
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17 424
The Babylon Bee Just Gave the Perfect Response to Gavin Newsom’s Ban on AI Parody Videos It’s funny because it’s true! 🤣 Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
The Babylon Bee Just Gave the Perfect Response to Gavin Newsom’s Ban on AI Parody Videos
The Babylon Bee has obtained an exclusive, official, 100% real Gavin Newsom election ad.
15 821
CAUGHT: Ex-NYC COVID Czar Admits to Hosting Secret, Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Lockdown He also boasted about forcing people to get the experimental COVID shots. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
CAUGHT: Ex-NYC COVID Czar Admits to Hosting Secret, Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Lockdown
“I actually was the one who convinced the Mayor [De Blasio] to make it [Covid Vaccine] a mandate.
16 048
Bad News for Monkeypox Vaccine Recipients | Beyond the Headlines Another “conspiracy theory” becomes reality. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Bad News for Monkeypox Vaccine Recipients
16 370
Shocking New Details Emerge Surrounding the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt The whole situation just got even more suspicious. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Shocking New Details Emerge Surrounding the 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt
The whole situation just got even more suspicious.
16 806
20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump at Rally in Arizona Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’ The cause remains unknown, and an active investigation is underway. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
20 Supporters Seated Behind Trump at Rally in Arizona Rushed to ER with ‘Blurred Vision’ and ‘Eye Burns’
The cause remains unknown, and an active investigation is underway.
17 767
BREAKING: Whistleblowers tell Senator Josh Hawley that “it’s not even clear Secret Service swept the perimeter before Trump took to the course.” That’s a massive and inexcusable failure. But that’s just the beginning of the problems that unfolded. Whistleblowers also revealed that agents were not stationed in known vulnerable spots along the course, which is standard protocol. These vulnerabilities had been secured many times in the past, making the absence of agents highly suspicious. Whistleblowers described this oversight as “strange” and “out of protocol.” That explains why Routh was allowed to hide in a bush for 12 hours, and Trump would be likely dead if it weren’t for the one hero agent who noticed Routh’s rifle sticking out from the bush. This is a failure on a massive scale, and the American people deserve answers. More Stories on @Vigilant_News: ABC’s Rigged Debate Story Takes a Surprising Turn Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life Follow 🦊
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18 480
ABC’s Rigged Debate Story Takes a Surprising Turn | Beyond the Headlines The whole situation just got even more interesting. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
ABC’s Rigged Debate Story Takes a Surprising Turn
The whole situation just got even more interesting.
16 266
Another “conspiracy theory” becomes a reality as the monkeypox vaccines approved by the FDA come with some serious side effects. Heart damage is a big issue again, and it could be even worse than the COVID shots. Studies reveal that for every 175 people vaccinated for monkeypox, one person is expected to develop myopericarditis, a life-threatening inflammation of the heart or the surrounding tissue. “If the 262 million adults in the U.S. received this vaccine, an estimated 1,493,000 would contract the serious adverse reaction of myopericarditis,” Karl Jablonowski, Ph.D. stated. Dr. Meryl Nass, an expert in biological warfare, added, “Myopericarditis is a life-threatening condition. It lowers your life expectancy… The fact that the FDA and CDC are acknowledging it means NO ONE should get the vaccine.” - - - - - - If you owe back taxes, the IRS is cracking down, sending “pay up” letters by the millions. Don’t face them alone. Tax Network USA has helped clients save over $1 billion in back taxes and can help you secure the best deal possible. Visit https://TNUSA.com/VNN to get started. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
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16 636
First, a whistleblower revealed that the Kamala Harris campaign COLLUDED with ABC News to RIG the debate to her advantage. Now, ABC News is facing the heat, with a potential congressional investigation looming after the fallout from last week's debate. It all started when a 10-year ABC veteran came forward, claiming that Kamala Harris received intel on the debate questions AHEAD OF TIME. The whistleblower wrote, "The Harris campaign was furnished with 'sample questions that, while not the exact questions, covered similar topics that would appear during the debate.'" The whistleblower further revealed that "It was agreed that Donald Trump would be subjected to fact-checking during the debate, while Kamala Harris would not face comparable scrutiny." They added that this was well known within the company and was a condition negotiated with the Harris campaign, whereas the Trump campaign was not privy to such negotiations. Rep. Dan Meuser (R-Pa.) slammed ABC, saying, "We’re going to bring ABC in and have them answer some serious questions. This is a direct assault on fair elections and free speech." Meuser added, “We don’t need a hearing to know what we saw, but we’re going to expose just how deep this manipulation goes.” Meanwhile, ABC News is scrambling to deny the accusations, issuing a generic statement: "ABC News followed the debate rules that both campaigns agreed on, which clearly state: No topics or questions will be shared in advance with campaigns or candidates." But critics, including Megyn Kelly, have called this response “a non-denial denial,” raising more questions than answers. Since the fiasco, ratings for ABC moderator David Muir's show have tanked by a staggering 20%. Even ABC's viewers know a rigged debate when they see one, turning once-loyal viewers away from the outlet. - - - - - - It’s not a question of if something is going to happen but when. My Patriot Supply has your back, offering emergency food kits that can last up to 25 years. Whether you need emergency food & power, clean water, or more, stock up on all your needs here. PrepareWithVNN.com Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
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15 608
Kamala Harris has people wondering if she's drunk after completely falling apart during a recent Q&A. Footage shows Harris slurring her words and delivering a bizarre rant, where she rambled on about elementary school photo day. "It was school photo day. Do you remember what that’s like? Going to school on picture day? Who are dressed up in their best? Got all ready and knew what they were going to wear the night before? And had to be evacuated! Children!" she exclaimed, leaving many in the audience confused. This unusual performance has sparked rumors about Harris's sobriety, especially after the Trump campaign posted on X last month, “A lot of rumors out there about Kamala having a serious drinking problem…apparently coming into focus as campaign heats up. ⏳Stay Tuned…” This train-wreck Kamala Harris video is hard to watch. If you can make it all the way through, I commend you. - - - - - - Americans are rushing to gold for a reason. With everything going on in the world, a safe haven is needed to protect life savings. Don't be caught in the financial chaos leading up to the election. Go to VNNgold.com now and protect your savings with precious metals. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
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15 435
Something stinks about the first Trump assassination attempt, and Joe Rogan and Matt Walsh can smell it. “The whole thing is nuts!” • The shooter's apartment was found professionally cleaned, with no silverware. • A phone connected to the shooter was tracked moving between the FBI office and the shooter's location multiple times. • Crooks came to the event with a rangefinder and nobody seemed to care. “You have two reasons for a rangefinder: you're trying to shoot something. Or you're using it for golf. If you're not playing golf, then you're trying to shoot something,” said. • The shooter’s body was quickly cremated. • No toxicology examination was released, leaving questions about possible drugs in the shooter's system. “So this guy, somehow or another, figures out how to get on the roof, take these shots. And then they k*ll him. Now, if he shot and hit Trump. If Trump didn't turn his head at that pivotal moment where they talk about it and it's a headshot, Trump is dead, the world's in chaos,” Rogan remarked. Full Episode: More Stories on @Vigilant_News: Wall Street Journal Reporter Makes Bone-Chilling Discovery in Springfield, Ohio Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life Follow 🦊
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17 156
Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life Alexis was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for you to share her story. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life
Alexis was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for you to share her story.
15 735
Wall Street Journal Reporter Makes Bone-Chilling Discovery in Springfield, Ohio Holy sh*t! 🤯 Get ready to have your mind blown. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Wall Street Journal Reporter Makes Bone-Chilling Discovery in Springfield, Ohio
Holy sh*t! Get ready to have your mind blown.
16 238
Woman Suffers HORRIFIC Injuries After Receiving Meningitis, Pneumonia & Tetanus Vaccines AT THE SAME TIME! The hospital refused to treat her unless she received all three vaccines at once. Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Woman Suffers HORRIFIC Injuries After Receiving Meningitis, Pneumonia & Tetanus Vaccines AT THE SAME TIME!
The hospital refused to treat her unless she received all three vaccines at once.
16 710
Is She Drunk? Kamala Harris Heavily Slurs in Bizarre 5-Minute Rant During Interview What a mess! Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
Is She Drunk? Kamala Harris Heavily Slurs in Bizarre 5-Minute Rant During Interview
What a mess!
17 898
What We’re Learning About Diddy Could ‘Bring the Whole Music Industry Down’ “You can’t get away with 15 years of freak-offs without a little help.” Follow 📱 X | Rumble | IG | YT More Stories: 🌐 VigilantNews.com
What We’re Learning About Diddy Could ‘Bring the Whole Music Industry Down’
“You can't get away with 15 years of freak-offs without a little help.”
18 357
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
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