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Official Telegram of ground breaking Author & Public Speaker, David Icke. For Bookshop & Weekly Videocasts -  http://www.davidicke.com/  
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Now We Are Supposed to Cheer Government Surveillance?
Now We Are Supposed to Cheer Government Surveillance?
They are wearing us down with shocking headlines and opinions. They come daily these days, with increasingly implausible claims that leave your jaw on the floor. The rest of the text is perfunctory. The headline is the takeaway, and the part designed to demoralize, deconstruct, and disorient. A few weeks ago, the New York Times told us that “As It Turns Out, the Deep State Is Pretty Awesome.” [...]
3 222
Vaccines, autism and an epidemic of official lies
Vaccines, autism and an epidemic of official lies
AUTISM rates have escalated from 1 in 10,000 in the 1970s to 1 in 36 today, according to 2024 figures released by the US public health agency Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As you might expect with such a worrying statistic, the CDC acted promptly and decisively: they renamed April’s ‘Autism Awareness Month’ and are now calling it ‘Autism Acceptance Month’. This has rightly [...]
2 543
Video: They Will Control Everything You Do Very Soon. Whitney Webb
Video: They Will Control Everything You Do Very Soon. Whitney Webb
The World Economic Forum’s plan for global carbon surveillance is nearly complete. Journalist Whitney Webb joins us to talk about how this is all tied together with a digital ID, CBDC’s, and removal of personal property. Read More -  Video: They Will Control Everything You Do Very Soon. Whitney Webb https://youtu.be/eUW5kOKHjjs
2 342
Evil Negotiating Tactics
Evil Negotiating Tactics
By James Roguski The negotiations for the “Pandemic Treaty” are on the verge of failing miserably. The bad actors involved are desperate, so they are trying to pull a fast one by using a dark psychology technique. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) that has been negotiating the “Pandemic Treaty” has done an absolutely horrible job at reaching consensus. But maybe it is much more [...]
2 213
The Border Crisis is Being Used to Push Digital ID — Whitney Webb Interview
The Border Crisis is Being Used to Push Digital ID — Whitney Webb Interview
2 517
Petrol Car Sale Restrictions Are “Terrible for the U.K.”, Warns Vauxhall Maker
Petrol Car Sale Restrictions Are “Terrible for the U.K.”, Warns Vauxhall Maker
The Net Zero crackdown on combustion engines could force the maker of Vauxhall to scale back its presence in Britain, its boss has warned. Carlos Tavares, Chief Executive of Stellantis, said that a law to limit petrol car sales was “terrible for the U.K.” and would force manufacturers to sell vehicles at a loss. If Ministers did not make urgent changes to the rules, he suggested Stellantis [...]
2 589
Sadiq Khan’s ‘stealth tax’: Londoners paying ‘mayoral precept’ are hit with a 71 per cent increase since Labour chief became mayor, with city families now paying an average of £471 for the levy
Sadiq Khan’s ‘stealth tax’: Londoners paying ‘mayoral precept’ are hit with a 71 per cent increase since Labour chief became mayor, with city families now paying an average of £471 for the levy
Londoners have been hit with a 71 per cent increase in Sadiq Khan's 'stealth tax' since the Labour chief became mayor. People living in the capital are currently paying £471 towards the Mayoral General Precept, which is an additional charge added to council tax bills to 'support the Mayor's activities', according to The Telegraph. This figure has shot up from an [...]
2 198
Will traffic in Paris be a Chinese headache during the Paris 2024 Olympics? Ask for a QR code (digital ID) in May to register and travel around Paris ‘during the Olympic Games’ in 2024!
Will traffic in Paris be a Chinese headache during the Paris 2024 Olympics? Ask for a QR code (digital ID) in May to register and travel around Paris ‘during the Olympic Games’ in 2024!
You thought you were done with filling out permits and QR codes, like in the days of confinement? No way! On Monday April 8, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin gave an exclusive interview to Le Parisien Parisien. In this interview, the statesman revealed that local residents will have to register on a dedicated platform, if they hope to gain access to certain perimeters of Paris. A sine [...]
2 243
CBDCs: “Financial inclusion” means the inclusion of all transactions not people
CBDCs: “Financial inclusion” means the inclusion of all transactions not people
To try to make central bank digital currencies sound benign, proponents repeatedly use the word “financial inclusion.”  They are trying to convince us that the world needs CBDCs so that those who are “unbanked” can participate in the digital economy without requiring a bank account. This is, of course, absurd, David McGrogan writes.  “People who are financially excluded are in that position [...]
2 318
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift’s “Fortnight”
The Sinister Meaning of Taylor Swift’s “Fortnight”
The least one can say is that Taylor Swift characterized the first half of 2024. And that’s an understatement. In the past months, this already insanely popular singer turned into some kind of untouchable icon as she transcended her status as a celebrity to reach mass media sainthood. Indeed, Taylor simply cannot do any wrong. Even if she’s churning out music that’s arguably mediocre, news [...]
2 474
ITV News presenter Rageh Omaar is ‘receiving medical care’ after becoming ‘unwell’ live on air and worrying viewers when he stumbled with his words and struggled to read bulletins – as programme is pulled from ITV+1
ITV News presenter Rageh Omaar is ‘receiving medical care’ after becoming ‘unwell’ live on air and worrying viewers when he stumbled with his words and struggled to read bulletins – as programme is pulled from ITV+1
An ITV News presenter is 'receiving medical care' after he became 'unwell' while live on air. Rageh Omaar, 56, the ITV News International Affairs Editor was presenting the News at Ten show this evening when he suddenly began stumbling over his words and struggling to read the news bulletins. Although it is still unclear what exactly happened, ITV News have confirmed that [...]
4 207
The Politics of Ritual Abuse – Article by Richard Willett
The Politics of Ritual Abuse – Article by Richard Willett
Whilst conducting some recent research for a forthcoming documentary I am set to present on the ancient origins of Satanic abuse, I came across the McMartin Day Care Case. Whilst the argument continues as too wether these crimes actually happened or not, and all parties were quitted. This case does show how Satanic Ritual Abuse cases can be used and weaponised for political purposes. This [...]
3 226
These are the rules: Freedom of speech, not reach, and don’t lead a flotilla to deliver aid to Gaza. Nelson Mandela grandson’s X account suspended. Who really controls Musk? Three guesses, but you’ll only need one
These are the rules: Freedom of speech, not reach, and don’t lead a flotilla to deliver aid to Gaza. Nelson Mandela grandson’s X account suspended. Who really controls Musk? Three guesses, but you’ll only need one
X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, suspended an account owned by the grandson of former South African President Nelson Mandela on Friday. It is currently unclear why the social media platform, owned by Elon Musk, banned Zwelivelile Mandla Mandela, a member of the National Assembly of South Africa. The company has issued no statement regarding its decision to restrict the South African [...]
3 076
The lady Cathy O’Brien says is an ‘MKUltra’ mind control victim … Britney Spears, 41, stunningly settles legal battle with dad Jamie, 71, leading HER to foot his $2M bills while getting NOTHING
The lady Cathy O’Brien says is an ‘MKUltra’ mind control victim … Britney Spears, 41, stunningly settles legal battle with dad Jamie, 71, leading HER to foot his $2M bills while getting NOTHING
Britney Spears has shockingly settled her years-long legal battle with dad Jamie Spears and will end up footing his over $2million legal bills while getting nothing in the process. The 41-year-old pop star  - who recently showed off her sculpted physique - quietly  resolved her legal battle with her 71-year-old father according to TMZ Friday and the singer is said to be furious over the [...]
2 672
First of all ‘alien’ technology would hardly need your 6,000 (and growing) AI Cloud-creating satellites to ‘manoeuvre around them’; and second, ‘aliens’ are coming and going from another dimension and not other planets, or, at least, not the visible light frequency band of other planets. But you know that, right? So why this nonsense?
Показати повністю ...
First of all ‘alien’ technology would hardly need your 6,000 (and growing) AI Cloud-creating satellites to ‘manoeuvre around them’; and second, ‘aliens’ are coming and going from another dimension and not other planets, or, at least, not the visible light frequency band of other planets. But you know that, right? So why this nonsense?
"I get asked a lot about aliens and I usually say I am one" — Elon Musk pic.twitter.com/2mVHOgYedV — DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) April 27, 2024
2 707
Confirmation of what I have said all along – ‘Covid’ was a hoax and there has never been a ‘Covid’ virus
Confirmation of what I have said all along – ‘Covid’ was a hoax and there has never been a ‘Covid’ virus
If one did exist, and especially if it was a 'bioweapon from the Wuhan lab', why would they have to go to such lengths to scam the 'cases' with a PCR test not testing for the 'virus'; scam the deaths by putting 'Covid' on the death certificates of those who died of any other cause within 28 days of testing positive with a test not testing for the [...]
3 290
Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs
Burkina Faso: UN is tracking and controlling refugees’ cash and relief aid using digital IDs
Millions of people in Burkina Faso have been displaced due to ongoing and escalating violence.  In a move to address the humanitarian crisis, ECOWAS is ramping up efforts to collect data. It’s unclear what data ECOWAS is collecting but what is clear is that the humanitarian crisis has provided an opportunity for the UN to roll out its biometrics and digital ID agenda to refugees and displaced [...]
3 020
The Sinister Web Untangled: CIA & Rockefeller’s Secret Agenda Revealed in the Shocking 2025 Depopulation Report by Deagel
The Sinister Web Untangled: CIA & Rockefeller’s Secret Agenda Revealed in the Shocking 2025 Depopulation Report by Deagel
In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around Deagel.com, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025. We can reveal that recent findings appear to link Deagel directly to significant [...]
2 883
The Green Agenda Will Lead to Civil War
The Green Agenda Will Lead to Civil War
Chris Stark, the outgoing Chief Executive of the U.K. Climate Change Committee (CCC), is demob-happy. In a number of interviews, the highly-paid civil servant has criticised the Prime Minister for seemingly faltering in his commitment to Net Zero. This unguarded criticism is unusual in itself, unwittingly highlighting, rather than seeking to resolve, the increasing tensions between green [...]
2 689
A.V. Dicey Did Not Foresee the Gender Recognition Act
A.V. Dicey Did Not Foresee the Gender Recognition Act
The Gender Recognition Act of 2004 states that, after receiving a certificate of ‘gender recognition’ by the state, [a] person’s gender becomes for all purposes the acquired gender (so that, if the acquired gender is the male gender, the person’s sex becomes that of a man and, if it is the female gender, the person’s sex becomes that of a woman).  Contrast this with one of the most [...]
2 755
500,000 Illegals Caught on Arizona Ranch
500,000 Illegals Caught on Arizona Ranch
Reporters with immigration news outlet Border Hawk recently toured an Arizona ranch where half a million illegal aliens have been apprehended in the past 30 years. John Ladd’s 16,000-acre property on the outskirts of Bisbee, AZ, shares 10 miles of border with Mexico, making it prime territory for illegal entries by smugglers, cartel operatives, and migrants. Every day, Ladd searches his ranch [...]
2 912
The Walk – EP 103 – When does a railway become a canal? – Rowsley to Bakewell, Derbyshire
The Walk – EP 103 – When does a railway become a canal? – Rowsley to Bakewell, Derbyshire
3 405
Russell … why do you need a religion to connect with the Infinite that we all are? Why not just do it without all the middlemen, ritual and belief system baggage?
Russell … why do you need a religion to connect with the Infinite that we all are? Why not just do it without all the middlemen, ritual and belief system baggage?
You don't need any of that to become what you already are, but, like humanity in general, have been manipulated to forget. You are an expression of the Infinite as we all are, but mainstream religion tells you that statement is blasphemy. We can't be an expression of 'God', we have to be subordinate 'little people' who must be 'God-fearing'. Why?  To [...]
3 385
Humza Yousaf’s SNP Coalition with Greens Collapses
Humza Yousaf’s SNP Coalition with Greens Collapses
Humza Yousaf’s coalition with the Scottish Greens has collapsed after he decided to scrap their power-sharing agreement. It came after Green members demanded a vote on the agreement following the Scottish Government scrapping its Net Zero climate change target last week. The Telegraph has more. The First Minister ended the SNP’s coalition deal this morning before Scottish Green members had [...]
3 459
Red Carpet Premiere—No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat the Bugs?
Red Carpet Premiere—No Farmers No Food: Will You Eat the Bugs?
3 394
Cashless Society: WEF Boasts That 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting CBDCs
Cashless Society: WEF Boasts That 98% Of Central Banks Are Adopting CBDCs
By Tyler Durden Whatever happened to the WEF?  One minute they were everywhere in the media and now they have all but disappeared from public discourse.  After the pandemic agenda was defeated and the plan to exploit public fear to create a perpetual medical autocracy was exposed, Klaus Schwab and his merry band of globalists slithered back into the woodwork.  To be sure, we’ll be seeing them [...]
3 383
Classified With Paul Wallis: The Invasion or Revelation of Eden?, Out now on
Classified With Paul Wallis: The Invasion or Revelation of Eden, Out now on Ickonic.com
This week Rich discuss' the 2023 congressional hearing concerning UAP and "Non Human Biologics" with the author of the fantastic "Eden" series Paul Wallis. Rich asks wether this could be part of a narrative to pitch these beings as our ancestor, creators and therefore new controllers? CLASSIFIED: THE DISCLOSURE OR REVELATION OF EDEN? with Paul Wallis of @5thkindTv [...]
3 360
The French State is Now Little More Than a Smuggling Gang
The French State is Now Little More Than a Smuggling Gang
If the events of yesterday show anything it is that France doesn’t want to stop the boats and the French state is now little more than a smuggling gang, says Patrick O’Flynn in the Telegraph. Here’s an excerpt. Amid all the hand-wringing about the latest deaths of migrants in the Channel, you should keep one essential point in mind: France doesn’t want to stop the boats. How, you might ask, [...]
3 564
Latest blood analysis of Pfizer fake vaccinated – the ‘things’ and ‘reptile things’
Latest blood analysis of Pfizer fake vaccinated – the ‘things’ and ‘reptile things’
Self-replicating synthetic 'things', including 'reptile' things, in the blood of a Pfizer fake vaccinated and PCR tested patient. Subtitles by La Quinta Columna. pic.twitter.com/lCgCYTWjhx — David Icke (@davidicke) April 25, 2024
3 449
Pokemon GO blasted for ERASING women
Pokemon GO blasted for ERASING women
3 184
John Campbell catches up … yet AGAIN
John Campbell catches up … yet AGAIN
'Nurse teacher' John Campbell always the last to know - after promoting the 'Covid' hoax and the fake vaccine only to retract he discovers Midazolam mass murder years after some of us broke the story. pic.twitter.com/556vJINQsr — David Icke (@davidicke) April 25, 2024
3 196
This is a really great interview with Jason Christoff on individual and collective mind control on Gareth Icke Tonight Watch the full show at
This is a really great interview with Jason Christoff on individual and collective mind control on Gareth Icke Tonight Watch the full show at Ickonic.com
Problem - Reaction - Solution - Gareth Icke Tonight Speaks To Mind Control Expert @JasonChristoff6 Watch the full show from 7pm at https://t.co/rhA0Zj3QeL pic.twitter.com/7Bx2pdPvUY — Gareth Icke (@garethicke) April 25, 2024
2 961
CGI Virology
CGI Virology
The purpose of this article is to explain in lay language exactly what modern virologists are doing when claiming they have discovered new pathogenic viruses. The methods they now use are part of a rapidly evolving field of scientific research called virus genome sequencing. All living things have a genome, which is an organism’s genetic blueprint. It’s what makes us humans what we are and [...]
3 460
📺📌 "As the world once again teeters on the brink of war, it’s worth remembering that there is no war, if no one agrees to fight." Full show goes live at 7pm on


3 348
Alandra Markman shares about the extreme trauma he experienced from birth onward, about how he escaped the cult and about his years of healing.
Alandra Markman shares about the extreme trauma he experienced from birth onward, about how he escaped the cult and about his years of healing.
4 277
Exactly what they want with their agenda for an unelected technocracy: Poll reveals sharp fall in trust of politicians – with one group losing faith in particular
Exactly what they want with their agenda for an unelected technocracy: Poll reveals sharp fall in trust of politicians – with one group losing faith in particular
The morning after the 2019 general election, Boris Johnson pledged to people in the North East who had voted Conservative for the first time that he and the party would "repay your trust". That year was the Brexit election, and the Conservatives ultimately won because they and Mr Johnson were trusted to "get Brexit done" - Jeremy Corbyn was not. Five years on, exclusive [...]
3 736
How Cognitive Dissidence Gives Religion A Free Pass – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
How Cognitive Dissidence Gives Religion A Free Pass – David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Watch on banned and download here. Going deeper in the rabbit hole than ever before… The Dream on sale now David Icke has become world-famous for his work exposing today’s fast-unfolding global dystopia more than three decades before it became reality. They laughed then. But he didn’t stop there. He went further. Icke knew that the world of the ‘seen’ was only a reflection of something far, [...]
3 834
Going deeper in the rabbit hole than ever before… The Dream on sale now.
Going deeper in the rabbit hole than ever before… The Dream on sale now.
David Icke has become world-famous for his work exposing today’s fast-unfolding global dystopia more than three decades before it became reality. They laughed then. But he didn’t stop there. He went further. Icke knew that the world of the ‘seen’ was only a reflection of something far, far, deeper that ultimately originates with a non-human force in another reality. They laughed then, too, [...]
3 639
WHO expects a 77% increase in cancer cases; the cause is anything but the fake vaccine
WHO expects a 77% increase in cancer cases; the cause is anything but the fake vaccine
The World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer estimates more than 35 million new cancer cases in 2050.  This represents a 77% increase from the estimated 20 million cancer cases that occurred in 2022. WHO blamed the rising cancer rates on an ageing population, along with tobacco, alcohol, obesity and exposure to air pollution.  WHO ignored the emergence of [...]
5 236
Man who set himself on fire outside Trump’s Manhattan hush money trial dies
Man who set himself on fire outside Trump’s Manhattan hush money trial dies
A man who set himself on fire outside the Manhattan court where former President Donald Trump's hush-money trial is being held has died. Maxwell Azzarello, 37, doused himself in a liquid before throwing conspiracy-theory pamphlets into the air. It happened as the jury selection for Mr Trump's trial was completed. He was taken to hospital on Friday in critical condition, where he [...]
3 707
Massive Climbdown From WHO as Latest Draft of IHR Amendments Drops Almost All Offending Aspects
Massive Climbdown From WHO as Latest Draft of IHR Amendments Drops Almost All Offending Aspects
Campaign group UsForThem is reporting that the just-released draft of the International Health Regulations amendments from the WHO Working Group shows a massive climbdown in almost all areas of concern. Here’s the summary (emphasis in original): Massive climb down from the WHO Working Group on almost all substantive concerns that we and others have raised over the past 18 months. The WHO’s [...]
4 973
How the ‘Bioterrorism’ Era Began
How the ‘Bioterrorism’ Era Began
By Dr. Meryl Nass Bill Clinton Begins the Phony Era of Pandemics and Bioterrorism In November 1997 US Secretary of Defense William Cohen held up a 5 lb bag of Domino sugar in front of an army of cameras and told the world that if the bag contained anthrax it could wipe out NYC or Washington, DC. That was not true, but it provided a fitting justification for the start of the DOD’s “biodefense” [...]
3 281
Scientists create programmable artificial cells that mimic living cells
Scientists create programmable artificial cells that mimic living cells
By John Anderer In a milestone that blurs the line between the natural and synthetic worlds, scientists at UNC-Chapel Hill have constructed artificial cells that mimic the behavior of living cells. This groundbreaking achievement, a first in the annals of science, could unlock new frontiers in regenerative medicine, drug delivery, and medical diagnostics. “With this discovery, we can think of [...]
2 968
Divide and Conquer: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News
Divide and Conquer: The Government’s Propaganda of Fear and Fake News
By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead “It is the function of mass agitation to exploit all the grievances, hopes, aspirations, prejudices, fears, and ideals of all the special groups that make up our society, social, religious, economic, racial, political. Stir them up. Set one against the other. Divide and conquer. That’s the way to soften up a democracy.”― J. Edgar Hoover, Masters of [...]
3 806
The Avengers meet the WEF
The Avengers meet the WEF
2 969
Wales to Drop Blanket 20mph Speed Limits
Wales to Drop Blanket 20mph Speed Limits
Wales’s blanket 20mph speed limits will be dropped by September, the nation’s new Labour Transport Secretary has said. The Telegraph has more. Local councils can start raising limits in six months’ time, Ken Skates told the devolved Senedd parliament on Tuesday. “We all agree 20mph works really well where it matters most. Outside schools, hospitals, heavily built-up areas, where children are [...]
3 226
Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could be eroding Earth’s magnetic field and slowly poisoning us all, ex-NASA scientist warns
Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites could be eroding Earth’s magnetic field and slowly poisoning us all, ex-NASA scientist warns
An ex-NASA physicist warns cheap satellite 'megaconstellations' like Elon Musk's Starlink could disrupt Earth's magnetosphere exposing all life to deadly cosmic rays. Dr. Sierra Solter-Hunt's new study draws on new estimates that Musk's SpaceX is burning up over 2,755 lbs (1.3 tons) of wireless internet satellite debris into Earth's atmosphere every hour — [...]
3 841
Tonight on Gareth Icke Tonight…
Tonight on Gareth Icke Tonight…
3 527
Selling Weapons to Murderers in an Upside Down Demonic World
Selling Weapons to Murderers in an Upside Down Demonic World
While the world’s most despotic criminals move freely around in their ivory towers, petty criminals and the righteous are firmly incarcerated behind bars. This is the way ‘the law’ functions in a world where injustice has taken the role of justice.   Deals made between those who occupy the highest seats of power, are increasingly made without any recourse to public interest, democratic [...]
4 091
This guy Dale Vince, a one-man wind turbine, has a prime business stake in the climate change hoax and here repeats the UN spiel as if the Global Cult-created-and-owned United Nations is going to tell you the truth
This guy Dale Vince, a one-man wind turbine, has a prime business stake in the climate change hoax and here repeats the UN spiel as if the Global Cult-created-and-owned United Nations is going to tell you the truth
The UN owns the laughable IPCC that tells you we are all going to die while its Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21 seek to transform human society into a dystopia to save us from what its IPCC pathetically claims against all the real evidence. Ever heard of cloud-seeding, Mr Vince? Cloud what? Come onto Ickonic, Mr Vince, and debate our climate change expert - live if you like. Deal? This clown [...]
4 167
The Political Puppets Of The Global Government – David Icke
The Political Puppets Of The Global Government – David Icke
4 369
Profits of Doom
Profits of Doom
A mainstay of the green lobby in the face of its growing number of critics is that climate sceptics are funded by oil, gas and coal interests. By claiming that commentators such as yours truly are merely the PR front for Big Oil, green campaigners feel that they have excused themselves from the need to make rational arguments. Profit, not reason, they claim, drives scrutiny of the climate [...]
4 213
Taxing what has already been taxed: Bereaved families paid a record £7.5bn inheritance tax last year – here’s how IHT works
Taxing what has already been taxed: Bereaved families paid a record £7.5bn inheritance tax last year – here’s how IHT works
Bereaved families handed a record £7.5billion in inheritance tax to the Treasury last year, new official figures show. That is a jump from £7.1billion in the previous tax year, and notches up the third record annual haul in a row. The property price boom over recent decades combined with frozen thresholds is dragging more families into the inheritance tax net, and the Government is raking in [...]
3 745
What REALLY happens on your ‘death bed’: Hospice nurse lifts the lid on six ‘unimaginable phenomena’ that occur when a person is just days away from dying
What REALLY happens on your ‘death bed’: Hospice nurse lifts the lid on six ‘unimaginable phenomena’ that occur when a person is just days away from dying
A hospice nurse has revealed the six 'unimaginable' things that happen when someone is on their death bed. Julie McFadden, 41, is a registered nurse based in Los Angeles who specializes in hospice care - and has built a social-media following of millions by sharing insights to help destigmatize the process of 'death and dying.' The health expert and author - who previously [...]
3 472
The Walk – EP 102 – The Abandoned Remains On ‘The Granite Way’ – Okehampton to Lydford – Dartmoor National Park
The Walk – EP 102 – The Abandoned Remains On ‘The Granite Way’ – Okehampton to Lydford – Dartmoor National Park
3 169
Iranian authorities are ‘fighting for freedom’. The madness of picking a side when it comes to governments
Iranian authorities are ‘fighting for freedom’. The madness of picking a side when it comes to governments Translated text: ‘From 2022, Iranian women can go to football. But there a man cannot touch a woman who is not from his family. Goalkeeper Hossein Hosseini briefly hugged this girl who jumped the field and has been sanctioned with one game and $4,700.’
Desde 2022, las mujeres iraníes pueden ir al fútbol. Pero allí un hombre no puede tocar a una mujer que no sea de su familia. El portero Hossein Hosseini abrazó brevemente a esta chica que saltó el campo y ha sido sancionado con un partido y 4700$pic.twitter.com/hfPaWMAHqr — Manu Heredia (@ManuHeredia21) April 23, 2024
2 842
The EU – home of democracy
The EU – home of democracy
🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇦🇺 Scandal in the EU Parliament. I requested a short-term change to the agenda to clarify the vaccine deals between the EU Commission and Big Pharma. ⚠️ When I say these 3 words: ➡️ Von der Leyen ➡️ Pfizer ➡️ Corruption 🎤 The President of Parliament immediately cuts… pic.twitter.com/CzGC0XTI0H — Christine Anderson (@AndersonAfDMdEP) April 23, 2024
2 844
9/11 and the Dancing Israelis
9/11 and the Dancing Israelis
On the morning of 911 five Israelis were caught videotaping and DANCING & CELEBRATING when the Twin Towers were attacked killing 2,977 Americans… These Israelis were arrested for 77 days until *ultra-zionist* Michael Chertoff head of Homeland Security released the suspected… pic.twitter.com/ZF6TcaklhV — Pelham (@Resist_05) April 23, 2024
2 942
Another view to challenge this one: The bombs were dropped on Japan to give people an example of what nuclear weapons can do because the Cult script demanded the next stage be the Cold War based on the fear of nuclear annihilation
Another view to challenge this one: The bombs were dropped on Japan to give people an example of what nuclear weapons can do because the Cult script demanded the next stage be the Cold War based on the fear of nuclear annihilation
That fear would have been far less had the consequences been merely theoretical. The bombs dropped on Japan made it real and tangible for people - hence the fear of nuclear attack dominated the Cold War NATO v Warsaw Pact period. I lived through that and I remember the propaganda that was made all the more powerful by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 🇯🇵☢️ Piers Morgan & Matt Walsh Discuss The [...]
2 659
Physician Claims ChatGPT Is Programmed To “Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy”
Physician Claims ChatGPT Is Programmed To “Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy”
Sam Altman claims that ChatGPT is intelligent yet neutral in political persuasion, but that is far from the truth for two reasons: first, it learns from a woke Internet, and second, it is programmed to filter out narratives hostile to global elitists. So, I got a paid subscription to ChatGPT to test this out myself. Patrick Wood: I am worried about the safety of mRNA-based vaccines. Should I [...]
3 112
Cult gofer António Guterres calls for UN to have the power to declare a crisis and dictate the response worldwide
Cult gofer António Guterres calls for UN to have the power to declare a crisis and dictate the response worldwide
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book ‘Deep State’ and the new best-selling book called ‘Indoctrinating Our Children to Death’, says the UN’s quest for total tyrannical control of your life is coming sooner than you could imagine.  Newman explains: “The bigger story here that people are not paying attention to is the UN is coming together in September … and they are [...]
2 786
There’s Nothing “Scientific” About Climate Models
here’s Nothing “Scientific” About Climate Models
On Sunday’s BBC Politics, Luke Johnson asked for evidence that the recent Dubai flooding was due to climate change. Chris Packham glibly responded: “It comes from something called science.” Chris Packham says at the end of this clip that the Daily Sceptic is put together by people with close connections to the oil industry. A flat out lie. None of the editors have any such connections. [...]
2 992
Iran keeper is ‘BANNED and fined £3,800’ after being pushed away for hugging a female fan whose hijab had fallen, because it was ‘unprofessional’ – and broke Islamic laws about contact with opposite sex
Iran keeper is ‘BANNED and fined £3,800’ after being pushed away for hugging a female fan whose hijab had fallen, because it was ‘unprofessional’ – and broke Islamic laws about contact with opposite sex
An Iranian goalkeeper has been handed a fine and one-match suspended after hugging a female fan, who was being chased by security for reportedly not wearing the compulsory hijab. Hossein Hosseini, goalkeeper for Esteghlal - one of the top teams in Iran - has been reprimanded by the Iranian football federation after he embraced a fan who had made her way to the side of the pitch. Hijabs, or [...]
3 421
But you TOLD me to let them in! Israeli military intelligence chief resigns over failure to prevent October 7 attack.
But you TOLD me to let them in! Israeli military intelligence chief resigns over failure to prevent October 7 attack.
The Israeli military said Monday the head of its intelligence corps has resigned over the failures surrounding Hamas’ unprecedented Oct. 7 attack, which broke through Israel’s vaunted defenses. Aharon Haliva, the head of Israel’s military intelligence, becomes the first senior Israeli figure to step down Hamas’ attack, which killed 1,200 people, mostly civilians, with roughly 250 more taken [...]
4 061
The End of Humanity’ – As Planned By The Global Leaders [those that control global ‘leaders’]
The End of Humanity’ – As Planned By The Global Leaders [those that control global ‘leaders’]
4 209
Classic Basil Falter. When you can’t win a debate – stop it. He and his CAA clowns have refused to debate me for the same reason. Talk about a stunt that backfired, Basil. My belly hurts laughing
Classic Basil Falter. When you can’t win a debate – stop it. He and his CAA clowns have refused to debate me for the same reason. Talk about a stunt that backfired, Basil. My belly hurts laughing
  He specifically asked to debate Ben Jamal, and when he couldn't handle it, he told Kay Burley that he didn't want to continue having a conversation with him. Kay reminded him that it was basically his idea to debate him. pic.twitter.com/ACCdibTgW3 — Mukhtar (@I_amMukhtar) April 22, 2024
3 573
Candace Owens converts to Roman Catholicism, as has Eva Vlaardingerbroek and Jordan Peterson’s wife, while Russell Brand does the rosary. WTF is happening to the MAM? They talk about ‘freedom of speech’ and convert to a Church with a long, long, history of mass murder for the crime of having a different opinion. Extraordinary. Something’s going on and it’s not good
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Candace Owens converts to Roman Catholicism, as has Eva Vlaardingerbroek and Jordan Peterson’s wife, while Russell Brand does the rosary. WTF is happening to the MAM? They talk about ‘freedom of speech’ and convert to a Church with a long, long, history of mass murder for the crime of having a different opinion. Extraordinary. Something’s going on and it’s not good
Recently, I made the decision to go home. There is of course so much more that went into this decision and that I plan to share in the future. But for now, praise be to God for His gentle, but relentless guiding of my heart toward Truth. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do… pic.twitter.com/hPe5QiRxe4 — Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) April 22, 2024
3 967
EXCLUSIVE Inside our failing jails: Former prison governor IAN ACHESON reveals a system gripped by violence, rampant drug taking and radicalisation – while woke bosses take the knee rather than tackle the chaos
EXCLUSIVE Inside our failing jails: Former prison governor IAN ACHESON reveals a system gripped by violence, rampant drug taking and radicalisation – while woke bosses take the knee rather than tackle the chaos
Every morning, men and women serving on the front line of His Majesty's Prison and Probation Service pull on a cheap uniform and go to work in what's been called the most hostile work environment in Europe. The endemic violence in our jails means many of them are ending their shifts in hospital rather than home with their families. A month ago, an officer went on duty on B wing in [...]
4 002
Football’s obsession with ‘VAR’ technology mirrors a human obsession with certainty. Coventry City and football were denied a wonderful moment of FA Cup history by this ludicrous pursuit of certainty. Even then uncertainty remains despite an unforgettable result being overturned
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Football’s obsession with ‘VAR’ technology mirrors a human obsession with certainty. Coventry City and football were denied a wonderful moment of FA Cup history by this ludicrous pursuit of certainty. Even then uncertainty remains despite an unforgettable result being overturned
Football is a game played by humans and it should be subject to the decision-making of humans, not AI. Will mistakes be made? Of course. There is no such thing as certainty despite the obsession with it. AI makes mistakes and humans make mistakes interpreting AI. There is no certain certainty, but the game is being ruined as a spectacle by chasing the impossible dream. For the Coventry player [...]
3 797
Get the fossil fuels going – we need some wind power
Get the fossil fuels going – we need some wind power
Reformed ex-climate alarmist, Tom Harris: Wind turbines "require a backup fossil fuel plant that continues burning 90% of the time, making the wind turbine largely unnecessary and, in essence, just for show." "This is a far cry from the environmentally friendly image that is… pic.twitter.com/zglWSkccYN — Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) April 22, 2024
3 376
AT LAST Basil ‘Gideon’ Falter is being brought to public attention along with his man-and-a-dog ‘charity’, the Campaign Against Antisemitism. Basil is a Zionist censor, silencer, and ‘banner’ who has been seeking to have me banned from venues and media going way back
AT LAST Basil ‘Gideon’ Falter is being brought to public attention along with his man-and-a-dog ‘charity’, the Campaign Against Antisemitism. Basil is a Zionist censor, silencer, and ‘banner’ who has been seeking to have me banned from venues and media going way back
Now Basil says he is being restricted by police for being Jewish. How about all those, like myself, who have been restricted in our ability to speak in public because of this man and his mob at the CAA?    It's so good that he has put himself on such public display so others can become aware of his censorship modus operandi of long standing - and those venues who banned me on his say-so [...]
2 856
Ben Shapiro – don’t ask questions about the fake vaccine (He’s ‘alternative’ you see)
Ben Shapiro – don’t ask questions about the fake vaccine (He’s ‘alternative’ you see)
Here is Ben Shapiro shaming commentators for asking questions followed by clips of him trying to scare black people into injecting the vaccine in their veins. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions. pic.twitter.com/lg62FW9Uvz — An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) April 21, 2024
2 699
This has been my point since Musk acquired Twitter. He is taking down content on the basis of the laws of a country passed by assets of global censorship and this Australian ‘eSafety Commissar’ is an example. With laws being passed around the world of a similar nature this will mean he will be taking down content wherever ‘legal’, though immoral, laws are enacted
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This has been my point since Musk acquired Twitter. He is taking down content on the basis of the laws of a country passed by assets of global censorship and this Australian ‘eSafety Commissar’ is an example. With laws being passed around the world of a similar nature this will mean he will be taking down content wherever ‘legal’, though immoral, laws are enacted
This gives Musk a getaway car to censor content while still claiming to be a free speech hero because 'we have no choice'. You NEVER have no choice. He has a choice not to blatantly shadow-ban the 'wrong' people, but he DOES. He had a choice not to appoint a CEO intimately connected to the WEF, but he DID. He had a choice not to take down MORE content demanded by [...]
3 599
Playing God
Playing God
Playing God is a profoundly moving documentary that dives into the heart-wrenching journeys of families who have lost their loved ones to end-of-life drugs. Jacqui Deevoy, co-producer and presenter of the Ickonic film A Good Death?, has teamed up with award-winning directors Naeem and Ash Mahmood and co-producer Phil Graham to create this jaw-dropping exposé on medical democide in the UK over [...]
2 808
Headlights, Heart Attacks and Hogwash
Headlights, Heart Attacks and Hogwash
You can always rely on the ‘Daily Mail’ to spew out the most ludicrous headlines, especially if they help support the latest government fake narrative.
2 922
Parliamentary researcher, 29, is charged with spying for China: GP’s public school boy son is charged alongside man, 32, for offence under Official Secrets Act after probe by counter terror cops
Parliamentary researcher, 29, is charged with spying for China: GP’s public school boy son is charged alongside man, 32, for offence under Official Secrets Act after probe by counter terror cops
One of two men arrested today accused of spying for China is the public school-educated son of a GP who co-founded an influential policy group with security minister Tom Tugendhat. Christopher Cash, 29 - a Tory parliamentary researcher and China specialist - has been charged for an offence under the Official Secrets Act alongside Christopher Berry, 32. Cash, who insists he is 'completely [...]
2 699
Whistleblower quits NSPCC over trans ‘grooming’: Volunteer claims charity has been ‘completely captured’ by Stonewall and pressured schools to ask primary-age pupils their pronouns during assemblies
Whistleblower quits NSPCC over trans ‘grooming’: Volunteer claims charity has been ‘completely captured’ by Stonewall and pressured schools to ask primary-age pupils their pronouns during assemblies
A senior volunteer at the NSPCC has revealed she quit the charity over concerns that it had been 'completely captured' by Stonewall and was now pursuing an aggressive form of trans ideology which included asking primary school pupils their pronouns. The whistleblower, Julia Marshall, told the Telegraph that after 30 years of volunteering with the children's charity she had [...]
2 801
Netanyahu vows to fight any US sanctions imposed on IDF unit accused of human rights violations in the West Bank
Netanyahu vows to fight any US sanctions imposed on IDF unit accused of human rights violations in the West Bank
Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he would fight planned US sanctions on an IDF unit accused of grave human rights violations in the West Bank with 'all [his] strength.' Reports on Saturday claimed that the Biden administration was planning on imposing sanctions on Israel's Netzah Yehuda battalion, which has largely operated in the occupied West Bank and was [...]
2 830
This has been my point since Musk acquired Twitter. He is taking down content on the basis of the laws of a country passed by assets of global censorship and this Australian ‘eSafety Commissar’ is an example. With laws being passed around the world of a similar nature this will mean he will be taking down content wherever ‘legal’, though immoral, laws are enacted
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This has been my point since Musk acquired Twitter. He is taking down content on the basis of the laws of a country passed by assets of global censorship and this Australian ‘eSafety Commissar’ is an example. With laws being passed around the world of a similar nature this will mean he will be taking down content wherever ‘legal’, though immoral, laws are enacted
This gives Musk a getaway car to censor content while still claiming to be a free speech hero because 'we have no choice'. You NEVER have no choice. He has a choice not to blatantly shadow-ban the 'wrong' people, but he DOES. He had a choice not to appoint a CEO intimately connected to the WEF, but he DID. He had a choice not to take down MORE content demanded by [...]
4 332
The Walk – EP 102 – The Abandoned Remains On ‘The Granite Way’ – Okehampton to Lydford – Dartmoor National Park
The Walk – EP 102 – The Abandoned Remains On ‘The Granite Way’ – Okehampton to Lydford – Dartmoor National Park
4 243
One in Four US Adolescents Now Identifies as Non-Heterosexual
One in Four US Adolescents Now Identifies as Non-Heterosexual
  A new comparative analysis of survey results reveals that 1 in 4 US adolescents in grades 9 through 12 self-identify as non-heterosexual. These findings are published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. From 2019 to 2021, the researchers noted a significant decrease in youth who self-identified as heterosexual (84.5% vs. 74.7%). There was an increase in those who self-identified as gay or [...]
4 479
US Could Send More Military Personnel to Kiev – Pentagon
US Could Send More Military Personnel to Kiev – Pentagon
The US is considering sending additional military advisers to its embassy in Kiev, Pentagon spokesperson Major General Pat Ryder told Politico magazine on Saturday. The troops would serve in non-combat roles, primarily supporting logistics, monitoring deliveries of US weapons, which Washington admits it often cannot trace once they arrive in Ukraine, and assisting with their maintenance. The [...]
4 133
Biden To Withdraw Troops From Niger As Region Increasingly Turns To Russia
Biden To Withdraw Troops From Niger As Region Increasingly Turns To Russia
In what is simultaneously a humiliating setback for the Deep State and a welcome victory for noninterventionist American taxpayers, the White House on Friday announced that US military forces will be withdrawn from Niger over the coming months. The move comes after Niger's mid-March declaration that was ending its military cooperation with the United States. Following Niger's [...]
3 562
US Military Pits Man against Machine in World’s First Human vs. AI Dogfight, Refuses To Say Who Won
US Military Pits Man against Machine in World’s First Human vs. AI Dogfight, Refuses To Say Who Won
The US military has confirmed that it staged the world’s first ever human versus AI dogfight in the skies above California. The battle took place over Edwards Air Force base in September of last year, when a piloted F-16 went up against an unmanned X-62A VISTA (Variable In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft), as part of DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program. [...]
3 203
House Passes $95 Billion Foreign War Bills
House Passes $95 Billion Foreign War Bills
By Will Porter US lawmakers passed a raft of legislation containing some $95 billion in military aid for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, also approving a bill that will allow Washington to hand Kiev assets seized from Russia and pave the way for a ban on TikTok. The aid bills passed by a wide margin after separate votes on Saturday afternoon, with the $61 billion Ukraine legislation approved [...]
2 840
Has American Church-Going Been Overestimated?
Has American Church-Going Been Overestimated?
The US is generally thought to be far more religious than Europe – especially Western Europe. Americans are much more likely to be “certain” that God exists, to pray every day, to say religion is “very important” in their lives, and to attend religious services on a regular basis. Here’s a chart made by the sociologist Ryan Burge, which compares weekly religious attendance in US states and [...]
2 758
‘It was like the Stasi has come to my door’: Woke Exeter University bangs on student’s door and threatens him with expulsion after he is overheard saying… ‘veganism is wrong’
‘It was like the Stasi has come to my door’: Woke Exeter University bangs on student’s door and threatens him with expulsion after he is overheard saying… ‘veganism is wrong’
A philosophy student overheard through the wall of his room saying 'veganism is wrong' and 'gender fluidity is stupid' was threatened with expulsion by his university, The Mail on Sunday can reveal. Robert Ivinson said he was disciplined after a student next door in halls of residence at Exeter University heard the comments then complained he had been offensive and [...]
3 037
Depraved jihadi who plotted to kidnap British Muslim soldier and film him being beheaded ‘like a pig’ could be freed within weeks as he prepares for Parole Board hearing
Depraved jihadi who plotted to kidnap British Muslim soldier and film him being beheaded ‘like a pig’ could be freed within weeks as he prepares for Parole Board hearing
A depraved jihadi terrorist who plotted to kidnap a British Muslim soldier and film himself beheading him 'like a pig' could be freed from jail within weeks as he prepares for a Parole Board hearing later this month. Parviz Khan, 53, was handed a life sentence - with a minimum of 14 years - at Leicester Crown Court in February 2008 after his sinister plan was intercepted. The trial [...]
3 359
Humza Yousaf on Brink of Losing Holyrood Majority
Humza Yousaf on Brink of Losing Holyrood Majority
The SNP could lose its working majority if the Scottish Greens, their coalition partners, decide to end their power-sharing deal over an abandoned greenhouse gas target. The Telegraph has more. The Greens are to call an extraordinary general meeting at which party members are expected to vote on whether to continue with the deal, which kept the SNP in power after it failed to win an overall [...]
2 755
“Do you hate Britain, I asked my pupils. Thirty raised their hands”
“Do you hate Britain, I asked my pupils. Thirty raised their hands”
There’s a terrifying piece in today’s Sunday Times by an anonymous teacher, revealing the scale of national self-hatred in schools with large Muslim populations, aided and abetted by hand-wringing woke teachers who never stop apologising for Britain’s sins. Here’s an extract: “The Taliban do let girls go to school,” boasted the teenage boy. “But they stop them when they turn 11, which is very [...]
2 680
It was always coming and you have seen nothing yet … global censorship goes to a new level
It was always coming and you have seen nothing yet … global censorship goes to a new level
3 019
A Coup Without Firing a Shot
A Coup Without Firing a Shot
By Jeffrey A. Tucker The last few years can be tracked at two levels: the physical reality around us and the realm of the intellectual, mental, and psychological. The first level has presented a chaotic narrative of the previously unthinkable. A killer virus that turned out to be what many people said it was in February 2020: a bad flu with a known demographic risk best treated with known [...]
2 949
The Freedom to Hate
The Freedom to Hate
In 2006, at the University of Toronto, my late friend and the brilliant writer and orator Christopher Hitchens gave a speech whose eloquence I could never pretend to emulate, defending the argument that the freedom of speech includes the freedom to hate. At the time, he was castigating the Canadian Government for its legislation regarding hate speech. Alas, once again the Government has [...]
2 870
Calling the BIG picture: As I have been saying and writing for nearly 25 years – Top physicist publishes evidence that we’re living in a computer simulation (But it’s not a ‘computer’ as we know them – see my book The Dream)
Calling the BIG picture: As I have been saying and writing for nearly 25 years – Top physicist publishes evidence that we’re living in a computer simulation (But it’s not a ‘computer’ as we know them – see my book The Dream)
“The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very room." So says Laurence Fishburne’s Morpheus in sci-fi classic ‘The Matrix’ as he offers Keanu Reeves’s Neo the choice to find out just how “deep the rabbit hole goes”. Now, just as Neo discovered that the "life" he'd been living was little more than an algorithmic construct, scientists and philosophers [...]
3 174
Lunatics running the asylum: End times for the UK’s final coal-fired power station
Lunatics running the asylum: End times for the UK’s final coal-fired power station
From the northernmost reaches of the River Soar in Nottinghamshire, the towers of Britain’s last coal-fired power station emerge from the flat countryside like concrete monuments to another time. For more than half a century Ratcliffe-on-Soar has burned millions of tonnes of coal to generate the electricity needed to power the British economy. But one by one Britain’s coal power stations have [...]
2 845
Britain’s next Prime Minister speaks: Blair warns politics risks becoming populated by the ‘weird and wealthy’ as he calls for reset with Europe (he was looking in the mirror at the time)
Britain’s next Prime Minister speaks: Blair warns politics risks becoming populated by the ‘weird and wealthy’ as he calls for reset with Europe (he was looking in the mirror at the time)
Sir Tony Blair has warned politics risks becoming a branch of celebrity populated by the “weird and the wealthy” as he called for a reset of Britain’s relationship with Europe. The former prime minister also suggested record net migration was a sign that the UK is still an attractive place to live and denounced identity politics as a “cul de sac”, in a wide-ranging interview. More than a [...]
2 838
But you wanted Blair to run the ‘Covid’ fake vaccine roll out in the UK, Nigel
But you wanted Blair to run the ‘Covid’ fake vaccine roll out in the UK, Nigel
2 879
They Are Censoring And Silencing Us – David Icke
They Are Censoring And Silencing Us – David Icke
3 626
Top physicist publishes ‘evidence’ that we’re living in a computer simulation
Top physicist publishes ‘evidence’ that we’re living in a computer simulation
“The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now in this very room." So says Laurence Fishburne’s Morpheus in sci-fi classic ‘The Matrix’ as he offers Keanu Reeves’s Neo the choice to find out just how “deep the rabbit hole goes”. Now, just as Neo discovered that the "life" he'd been living was little more than an algorithmic construct, scientists and philosophers [...]
4 049
Are Organized Religion and Government Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Are Organized Religion and Government Two Sides of the Same Coin?
“I’m completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.” ~ George Carlin Oh my, have I gone off the deep end with this article? Discussing both religion and politics at the same time, in the same breath,  and comparing them as equal. According to the hide and not seek [...]
4 817
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio