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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    🇺🇸🇵🇸🇬🇧 Begins Construction of Pier, , American Troops to Live on RFA Cardigan Bay:
    U.S. Begins Construction of Gaza Pier, Troops to Live on RFA Cardigan Bay | Atlas News
    7 179
    2024 Global Terrorism Index Released:
    2024 Global Terrorism Index Released | Atlas News
    6 977
    🇺🇸👨‍✈️🤖 Human pilot and fighter jet go head-to-head in world first trial combat – The AI-powered fighter jet relied on algorithms that analyzed historical combat situations: "The U.S. military confirmed on Friday (April 19th) that the world’s first known combat between a human pilot and a fighter jet controlled entirely by AI was carried out in the U.S. Two F-16 fighter jets reportedly engaged in a dogfight over Edwards Air Force Base in California and got as close as 600 meters to each other. One of the high-speed fighter jets was manned by a human, while the other was a modified F-16 to be completely controlled by AI, named the X-62A. DARPA, which carried out the test, said pilots were on board the AI-powered fighter jet in case of an emergency but did not need to touch the controls anytime during the fight. In 2020, the US military said that AI agents had defeated human pilots in five separate simulations, but this was the first time the technology had been used in the real world." –Verdict
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    DARPA ACE & USAF X-62A achieve world first for AI in aerospace
    DARPA’s Air Combat Evolution (ACE) program has achieved the first-ever in-air tests of AI algorithms autonomously flying a fighter jet against a human-piloted fighter jet in within-visual-range combat scenarios (sometimes referred to as “dogfighting”). In this video, team members discuss what makes the ACE program unlike other aerospace autonomy projects and how it represents a transformational moment in aerospace history, establishing a foundation for ethical, trusted, human-machine teaming for complex military and civilian applications. In flight, the ACE AI algorithms controlled a specially modified F-16 test aircraft known as the X-62A, or VISTA (Variable In-flight Simulator Test Aircraft), at the Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base, California, where all demonstrations of autonomous combat maneuvers took place in 2023 and are continuing in 2024.
    10 155
    🇷🇺 🇺🇦 – "Russia's advance along the rail line has entered Ocheretyne. With Semenivka also contested and Pervomais’ke captured, Ukraine's two-month-held fallback line is compromised. Expect a gradual withdrawal to defences behind the Vovcha River and its reservoirs." Via @war.mapper
    11 534
    🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ground Forces Advance to Ocheretyne, Oblast, Signaling Front-Wide Collapses:
    Russian Ground Forces Advance to Ocheretyne, Donetsk Oblast, Signaling Front-Wide Collapses | Atlas News
    12 093
    🇨🇳 Strategic Support Force Abolished with Establishment of Information Support Force:
    7 785
    🇬🇷🇹🇷 Rifts in - Rapprochement?
    Rifts in Greek-Turkish Rapprochement? Part I | Atlas News
    7 641
    🇮🇶🇸🇾 Rollup: Coalition Counter-ISIS Operations in and so far in 2024
    Rollup: Coalition Counter-ISIS Operations in Iraq and Syria so far in 2024 | Atlas News
    8 112
    🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇷🇺 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 🇨🇳 U.S House Approves $95 Billion Aid Package: "The package consists of four bills that were voted on separately and will be combined into one before being sent to the Senate. The first three bills include $60.8 billion to help Ukraine in its war with Russia; $26.4 billion to support Israel, which is fighting Hamas and Iran; and $8.1 billion to counter China in the Indo-Pacific. Humanitarian aid for Gaza and Palestinians, which Democrats said was necessary for their support, is also included. The fourth bill would allow the sale of frozen assets of Russian oligarchs to help fund future aid to Ukraine, potentially force the sale of TikTok and authorize stricter sanctions on Russia, China and Iran. The House approved the fourth bill Saturday in a 360 to 58 vote.The House voted overwhelmingly to approve the aid bill for allies in the Indo-Pacific in a 385 to 34 vote, with one member voting present, along with the aid for Israel, with a 366 to 58 vote. More contentious was the vote on Ukraine aid, which came after months of infighting among House Republicans. But, lawmakers voted 311 to 112 with one member voting present to approve the aid despite the steep pushback from some House Republicans."–CBS
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    11 232
    🇮🇶 🇮🇷 🇮🇱 Footage showing secondary munition detonations during last night’s suspected missile strikes against the Popular Mobilization Forces’ (PMF) Kalsu military base in Babil, , which killed at least one fighter and wounded several others. The PMF is an umbrella organization of militia forces that are recognized as a part of the Iraqi military, however, many of these militias are aligned to and have taken part in attacks against forces in the region and itself through drone attacks. Israeli forces are suspected of carrying out the strike as the formally denied any involvement. Via
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    12 090
    🇳🇪 🇺🇸 U.S. to Withdraw 1,000 Troops from : The informed the Western African nation of Niger that it would begin to withdraw up to 1,000 military personnel in the next couple of months. Largely, this comes as a result of the anti-U.S. sentiment both within the Niger military junta and after protests from citizens against the military presence of American forces. The $100 million U.S. Air Base 201 in Agadez was primarily used to target and reconnaissance extremist militants of , and Al- forces of the Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen () that have plagued and destabilized the Sahel region. The U.S. says it is exploring other locations in West Africa to station drones following the plans to leave. Mali, Burkina Faso, and now Niger have all had subsequent military coup d'états followed by the withdrawal of Western military forces stationed in the countries. All three have then also pivoted towards receiving military aid and support from Russia, with Moscow confirming that military trainers, air defense systems, and other equipment were sent to Niger earlier this month. Via the
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    8 614
    🇹🇩 🇺🇸 Military Orders Troops Off of Key Air Force Base:
    Chadian Military Orders U.S. Troops Off of Key Air Force Base | Atlas News
    9 484
    🇸🇩 Several Hundred Killed by Cholera, Dengue Fever, in :
    Several Hundred Killed by Cholera, Dengue Fever, in Sudan | Atlas News
    9 456
    The manifesto released by the man who set himself on fire outside the Trump trial was seemingly organized weeks ago, with these photos being posted on his Instagram on March 20th: The full document:
    8 193
    The self-immolating man in New York is allegedly Max Azzarello, a self described "investigative researcher" who seemingly released a manifesto with his act, dropping a pamphlet containing it along with a QR code to a substack of the text under the pseudonym "M. Crosby": "“My name is Max Azzarello, and I am an investigative researcher who has set himself on fire outside of the Trump trial in Manhattan,” the nearly 2,700-word posting begins. Azzarello, 37, of St. Augustine, arrived in New York from Florida last week, and his family had been unaware he had traveled out of state, police said. Moments before he doused himself in gasoline and set himself ablaze, Azzarello tossed the stack of pamphlets into the air. His LinkedIn profile picture features a picture with Bill Clinton, whom he sued last year in a conspiracy theory-tinged case with more than 100 other individuals which was later thrown out. A 2017 blog post by the nonprofit Strong Towns, which has since been taken offline, features Max Azzarello and announces him as their new growth manager. In his blurb, Azzarello alludes to his “childhood town” as a “charming, friendly, eclectic community in Long Island, New York.” The civic engagement-focused organization says Azzarello’s “passions” include “chess, creative writing, and Medieval Scandinavian poetry.”"– NY Post
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    8 050
    🇺🇸 An unidentified male has set himself on fire outside of former President Trump’s ongoing criminal trial at the New York State Supreme Court in City, . Several people were protesting in a nearby park with media crews present when this act of self-immolation occurred. Police and emergency services are responding. Via


    6 689
    I will never DM you or ask you for help/money/click on weird links through private messages. Do not respond or interact with scam accounts and imposters.
    7 928
    🇺🇸 An unidentified male has set himself on fire outside of former President Trump’s ongoing criminal trial at the New York State Supreme Court in City, . Several people were protesting in a nearby park with media crews present when this act of self-immolation occurred. Police and emergency services are responding. Via


    Sporadic and weekly Russian missile attacks have targeted Ukrainian infrastructure, military installions, and civilian structures/residences since September 2022. Ukraine reported that since the beginning of the war to December 2023, Russia had launched over 7,400 missiles and 3,000 Shahed drones alone at Ukrainian territory. During today's Russian missile attack in Dnipropetrovsk region, reportedly, 2 people were killed, 15 were injured after a five-story building, and two infrastructure locations were struck. On April 17th, at least 18 people were killed and more than 60 wounded in Chernihiv city center when Russian missiles struck, destroying a hotel and damaging adjacent residential buildings, a hospital, and a school. Since the beginning of the war, over 10,000-16,000 Ukrainian civilians have been killed as a result of Russia's invasion, with an additional 20,000 injured. The U.N. HRMM had verified at least 604 civilians killed or injured in Ukraine in March, a 20% increase from February. Previously, in December, there was a 26% increase in civilian casualties. At least 57 children were killed or injured in March as the result of Russian attacks, double from February. "The March increase in civilian casualties was mainly due to attacks by the Russian armed forces using missiles and loitering munitions across Ukraine and increased aerial bombardments near the frontline," the Rights Office said.
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    A Russian Tu-22 bomber has crashed in reportedly the region of – Ukrainian channels report the supersonic bomber went down after launching a Kh-22 missile attack on , . If taken down as a result of damage from Ukrainian forces, it would make the Tu-22 the first shot down bomber of its type during the war. One bomber had previously been destroyed during an August 2023 drone strike on the Soltsy-2 airbase in the Novogrod region.


    9 513
    It's unclear the extent of the strikes or potential impacts. Iranian defense officials have said the sounds of explosions were a result of the activation of air defense system interceptions.
    8 630
    NOTAM over Iran, via Osinttechnical.
    9 689
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
    Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio