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Schools of thought. Camps. Parties. Anyone can adopt a school of thought and defend it and promote it and believe it. This is a basic human ability. In terms of human health this is plain and clear for all to see. Few are able to jump ship and learn from other teachers. Fewer still are able to retain the gemstones of their previous camps while integrating new lessons. At some point most will just get tired and cave in to social pressure and just want to settle down with a group. Most will want to turn off their brains and coast. -MK
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2 226
As long as I have been alive, whenever someone in my family gets sick, I get sick. It’s like clock work. Recently, both my kids got sick and I did not get sick. Blew my mind. The trend I’m on right now is clearly doing something. -MK
2 646
Just a quick update on my current health journey. Upon completing NHK pro, it was my desire to become like a child again and learn from scratch. I felt intuitively guided to check out Ray Peat after a friend mentioned it. Ht Zayn🤝 So I’ve been learning and trying out some of the protocols. Gotta say that I really like the approach. I like that he is counter to all that is popular in the natural health trends right now. As you may recall, this is how I continue to learn and grow and adopt new approaches to health. Bushido man adopts all styles and makes them his own. Will give a comprehensive analysis at some point soon. What I’m noticing most of all is an absolute abundance of energy and vitality and a lack of pain, soreness, food sensitivity, etc. -MK
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2 670
Remember Rudy my fancy goldfish? After another course of albendazole, he just passed a 14 inch worm. He’s just 3 inches long. This is his 10th deworming. I upped the dose substantially on this round. My guppies are passing 3 inch worms. The takeaway here is that deworming needs to be long term and regular. The bigger doses are much more effective.
2 831
Please help out NHK!! Please read and sign this notice to be sent to Supreme Court and congress. One signature represents 10-20,000 people. 👇🏻 The People have assembled and taken proper time to study and have come to the realization that the constitutions are trusts and that the government is at all times, in a legal way, amenable to the People Much love my crazy natural healer friends!!
Notice and Demand for Clarity in Regards to People's Remedies
Please click the link to complete this form.
3 645
Bees found the best water. Charcoal filtered.


5 652


4 914


4 552
4 305
Here’s a story I just posted from my personal TG account. Just playing around with different features of TG
Story of M K
4 023
Can any telegram premium members boost our NHK channel here? I need 102 boosts and then I can post stories here
Natural Health Knowledge
Boost this channel to help it unlock additional features.
3 833
Any suggestions?
3 946
The bird got strong enough and we let him go. He sat in my hand for a minute looking around. Then he took off and flew away. We said some prayers and blessings for him before he left. This is all we can do for one another. -MK
3 879


3 891
Doing well today. Strong. Hungry. Eating banana and water like a champ.


3 841
He takes me to a corner of my office piled up with stuff. Like an open closet. He says the bird is in there. So I move the first stool out of the way and there’s the bird. Everyone was happy. The bird got food and water. We put a top on his nesting bucket. So I asked my son how he found the answer. He tells me that he asked the question and worked with the palo santo smoke. He opened up his brain. Then a video showed hem exactly where to look and that he would find the bird. Everyone was very happy and I made sure to really let my son know how proud we are and how he’s the hero to tonite. It really lit up his imagination and he was telling me about all the things he will do in the future. We all have access to our intuitive mind. It is so much more vast and wise than our conscious mind. Tonite, God chose to speak through my son and show us all a small miracle. -MK -MK
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3 919
My daughter says this young bird from our cat yesterday. My wife and her have been feeding it and caring for it today. It was in a large bucket. Well, we came home after a little while and the bird was gone. Couldn’t find it anywhere. Took apart the house looking for it. I knew that if we didn’t find it tonite, it would probably die. So I told my kids to tsp in and call God up. Ask for help. So my daughter tried. Sat in meditation. Asked, but didn’t get anything. She was upset. I burned some palo santo and walked around the house. I asked and asked. Didn’t get anything. My son asked for the palo santo. Said he needed to sit in the office and meditate. A few minutes later he gets super excited and runs out telling me he knows where the bird is.
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4 063
I just ate congealed chicken blood cubes in my soup and it was delicious. Avoided these for 15 years. Similar to mozzarella in taste and texture. Super clean taste. -MK
3 727
Hi everyone I recently gave birth , it was very quick and the baby came Into the world within 10 minutes of me arriving at the hospital! Due to the quick delivery I now have a pelvic floor prolapse which I'm very upset about and concerned it may not go back again. There are many exercises online but all experts say different things ... does anyone have any idea on what exercises and how many per day and what I should or shouldn't be doing? I'm also experiencing a lot of tummy pain to the left and pain doing a number 2 . I'm only 33 so I'm really concerned. I have no idea on the wait for physio . I have been during daily tasks been contracting my pelvic floor when I can and relaxing it while waiting to hear from the physio but I'm not sure this will be enough? Thankyou x
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3 955


3 942
Follow up thoughts. My wife hates flies. Hates them. I used to think it was peculiar. She would ask me to kill any flies in our house. I’m a bit of a clean freak. I cannot stand fly swatters. I don’t want fly guts on my stuff. So I developed a boxing, slapping technique. No mess. Fun challenge. Fake with the left, when the fly tries to evade, hit ‘‘em with the right. Wash hands. There is an electric pang of fear that I sometimes feel when going after them. I don’t believe all flies are demonic hosts. But some are. Flies are symbolic. They rub their hands together. The eat poop. They spread disease. They can make you sick. All in all very unpleasant creatures.
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4 086
I swear my stairs on pretty clean. But this spot where it landed we have hair and a lot of dust. I saw the body moving. Looked closer and maggots are pouring out of the corpse. This is a physical view into black magic. This is what it looks like. Hair, diet, dust, filth, worms and flies. Maybe it’s all just coincidence? Cannot say for sure. But I cleaned my steps and sanitized the area. Thought it was an interesting little happening especially after posting on this subject. When I do post on this topic here, some dark force always gets agitated and weird stuff happens. -MK
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3 581


3 291
You literally cannot make up this next part. So just now I was thinking about the fly and last nights small battle. I wondered where the body landed. My gaze fixed directly on it. It had landed about halfway down the stairs. I went to look at it. Check it out.
3 282
I immediately got those chills and all my hair stood on end. I felt fear. I looked around for this fly. It was on the top of our doorframe. It was trying to get into our bedroom. I pointed at it and cast out all demons from my house. I tried to hit it and missed. I flew off. Then it came back full speed and hit my son right in the forehead. He was going to freak out so I calmed him down and laughed and made a game of it. Secretly I was actually terrified inside. I scanned and there it was again on our door frame. I grabbed a flat piece of wood and smacked it. Direct hit. It went sailing off down I’m the stairs into the darkness. That was that. We went in and said prayers and went to sleep. It gets weirder.
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3 279
I had an interesting experience after posting on this subject. It happened last night. We’ve talked before about parasites being an antennae for demonic intelligence. Have you ever thought that there was a little more to flies? Last night I was upstairs in my bedroom. My wife and son came in the room. My son was crying. He was very upset. I calmed him down and got him to tell me what’s wrong. He said there was a huge fly on the altar table outside of our door. He said the fly was as big as me. I immediately knew which fly he was talking about because I had smacked it earlier for bothering me. He was super upset. So I asked him if he wanted to go and hit this fly with me. He got excited and so we went out the door to hunt this fly. That’s when things got weird.
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3 377
Veronica (@celestialbe1ng) on X
A carrot salad (shaved lengthwise, with coco oil and vinegar) a day will improve your life in more ways than one. It is germicidal and anti-microbial, will sweep out endotoxins, detox PUFAs, bind to and remove bile and estrogen, lower cortisol by preventing reabsorption of…
Broaden your thinking when it comes to spirits, ghosts, attachments, taking on energy, etc. Everything is contagious. There are things you don’t know. Religious folks are just as vulnerable as anyone. While it’s true that having a good base of ethical values and emotional integrity is a good defense, having a religious label as this or that does absolutely nothing to block out negative energies. Pasteur Greg Locke casts out demons from Christian’s all the time. He has cast out demons from other Christian preachers. Life isn’t a storybook. It’s not black and white. It’s complex! And there’s no reason to be afraid of this stuff, yet most people are. Christian’s thinking that they are immune to this stuff but everyone else can be affected is a coping mechanism based off of fear and judgement. Our struggles and hardships and emotional paint don’t just stop once we die. So it’s important to fix things before we die so we are free to move on. -MK
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3 573
Addendum- So I’m hanging out today and everyone seems okay except my wife’s sister. She seems very angry and sad. She doesn’t have the spiritual cleaning practices in order. She can see it. She knows it. But her volatile mood and undisciplined demeanor create a safe haven for unclean spirits. This is a long term trend I’ve noticed with her. After the trips and parties and social interactions, she lets this stuff linger for days. It’s caused alot of problems in her life. Don’t get me wrong. She’s and awesome person. Good soul. But she lets the energy stick on her and let’s it act out it’s negative patterns through her. I saw her face when she was washing some dishes and thought nobody could see her and it was an extremely sad and heartbroken expression. That’s the spirit that she carries today. You can see them in peoples involuntary facial expressions. -MK
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3 812
Poltergeist thread 🧵
Natural Health Knowledge
Encountered a poltergeist situation yesterday. Anyone want to hear about it?
3 706
The unclean and unsaved are everywhere. Some are living in a mortal body. Many are without a body. There are signs to look for in people who have a spirit possession or an overlay happening. Most important thing to do is have self reflection capabilities and try your best to maintain excellence in your heart. Prayers and commands are very powerful when you’ve been saved and are operating clean. Sometimes when I’m walking in public and I see the unclean everywhere I get repulsed. I feel nauseated seeing children with huge bumps on their forehead. I see the dark eyes and the greed and sin emanating out of their parents eyes. My challenge is to remain calm and unbiased. Many years ago, after being stolen from, lied to and manipulated by “friends”, I asked God for the ability to see through peoples facade and read their soul. To be able to really know people. I didn’t expect the gift of spiritual sight to be like this. It’s literally seeing demons everywhere. On people, in people, possessing people. And it’s not cut and dry cartoon simple. It’s complex. I understand that God is giving them all a chance to fix things. So we walk among the unclean and try not to get hurt by them.
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3 756
So we check out. I’m a little concerned at what we just took on. In my experience, I can say the prayers and ask God for help, but I usually have to process the lifted energy. And usually if it’s really heavy, it’ll be riding along for the day until I can sleep. So I’m a bit concerned. But trying to stay positive. It’s not long before my wife is acting weird. And it’s not long before my temper is being tested. Anger surging. I’m projecting. I’m impatient. But I keep reminding myself what’s going on and just to hang on. So we go to the art supply store, get some food, and go to the fish store. My wife is acting out of character and so I tummy to remind her. But she’s impatient and doesn’t want to hear that. That night I felt ignored snd angry. But I knew why so I didn’t really care too much. Mostly I just felt tired. Long story short, it was a mild load to carry and I woke up fresh as a daisy and feeling great. My impressions today are that it was just another day of service and another refinement of my self control and self observation. *note- these things happen to people all the time. Without the proper prayers, intentions and cleansing protocols in place, these spiritual attachments can take root and create alternate personalities, fractures, sickness, possession, depression, suicide, loss of control, accidents, etc. These things can think your life and being ignorant of them is a big cause of massive human suffering. Stay clean! -MK
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3 279
Immediate relief that my 5 year old didn’t do something. I watch as they all walk to the back of the store and the attendant picks up that framed print of the dark angel off the ground. Apparently it had fallen down and that was the crash. She hangs it back up and everything proceeds. She’s ringing us up and then not one minute later another huge crash. It’s the same picture. Now everyone looks a little concerned. The store attendant smiles and goes back and picks up the picture again. She inspects it and lays it down on the table and she calls the owner. I talk to my wife and tell her that I considered buying that one, but it was a bit dark for our house. She had seen it and had the same thought. So I go back to the print and look at it. I inspect the wire. I look at the hook on the wall. There is absolutely no way this could fall. I was a finish carpenter for a long time. I’ve hung up very expensive art for clients. I’m looking at it and all the hair on my body stands up. That’s when I realize that it’s a spirit and it’s making contact. Now we are in my arena. So I quickly align myself and sense an anger. I sense someone calling out for help and they think we have the means. They see us as having money snd being able to free them. So I’m sitting there looking at the picture. Hair still raised. A few impressions and I agree to help. Again I call on the holy spirit. This time to fill up this space and break binds and lift up. I ask for protection and ask God to help this soul and fix this situation. So I casually walk back to my wife and tell her that there’s no way that picture could fall and I tell her what I think. She reveals that her sister saw a man with a blue shirt in that corner twice before the incident. All the hair on my body stands up again.
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3 243
I always begin any car trip with prayers. Yesterday was no different. Perhaps a little stronger than normal as I noticed some tension in the conversations. There were 6 of us in the car. I invoke the Holy trinity. I call out to God, Christ and the Holy Spirit. I ask for divine protection on the road for me and my family. I fill the whole car with the Holy Spirit. I ask to be cleansed and for everyone in car to be cleansed. I also ask for protection from all negative energies and attachments for the day. We went into the city yesterday to pick up a few things. Some benches, art supplies, Koi fish and pastries. That was our list. So we were at the furniture shop. It’s an artist owned shop with really nice woodwork. The have nice framed prints hanging in the wall for sale. A lot of beautiful things. So we are picking out some things and I pick out two of the framed prints. I notice one of them is cool but seems a bit dark. It’s a picture of an angel but it’s a dark angel. Anyways that was my thought. Cool but too dark. We buy some benches a table and the attendant is tallying up everything. I’m waiting in the front of the store and hear a huge crash. It scared me and my first thought is oh no, my kids knocked something down. I look inside and everyone is frozen. My kids, wife, her sister nephew and even the shop attendant are all looking to the back of the store.
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3 619


3 793
Encountered a poltergeist situation yesterday. Anyone want to hear about it?
3 904
JUST IN: Telegram founder Pavel Durov sat down with Tucker for his first on-camera interview since 2016. In this clip, Durov talks about the pressure tactics the US government has used against him, including sending FBI agents to his home. Watch the full interview at .


After all of those fake Tucker scam channels, he’s finally launching his real official one ☝️
4 033
📺 As a leader of a politically neutral platform, it is my responsibility to speak to journalists representing different political views. In February, I did a 3-hour interview with a journalist of liberal views. On the same day, I spoke to Tucker Carlson, who is famously conservative. This way I can remain fair to all audiences and tell the story of Telegram to everyone. The interview with Tucker is coming out very soon. It will be in video format, which is quite rare for me — so be sure to check it out. I heard that Tucker is also launching an so let’s stay tuned for an announcement there 📣
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Tucker Carlson Network
The only channel on Telegram officially run by Tucker Carlson's team at TCN.
3 362
👆Must watch interview from the creator and owner of Telegram
3 652
🐥🐥 The full version of my interview with Tucker is out 🎙
Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California
Subscribe to our new Telegram channel: https://t.me/TuckerCarlsonNetwork The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users around the world. Its founder Pavel Durov sat down with us at his offices in Dubai for a rare interview. Watch more here: https://bit.ly/3RCq6cc Subscribe to the new Tucker Carlson Network channel for more exclusive content: https://www.youtube.com/@TCNetwork/featured?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Tucker on X: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson Text “TUCKER” to 44055 for exclusive updates. #TuckerCarlson #Telegram #PavelDurov #censorship #freespeech #FBI #CIA #news #politics #NSA #ElonMusk #JanuarySix #California
3 460
🐥🐥 The full version of my interview with Tucker is out 🎙
Telegram Creator on Elon Musk, Resisting FBI Attacks, and Getting Mugged in California
Subscribe to our new Telegram channel: https://t.me/TuckerCarlsonNetwork The social media app Telegram has over 900 million users around the world. Its founder Pavel Durov sat down with us at his offices in Dubai for a rare interview. Watch more here: https://bit.ly/3RCq6cc Subscribe to the new Tucker Carlson Network channel for more exclusive content: https://www.youtube.com/@TCNetwork/featured?sub_confirmation=1 Follow Tucker on X: https://x.com/TuckerCarlson Text “TUCKER” to 44055 for exclusive updates. #TuckerCarlson #Telegram #PavelDurov #censorship #freespeech #FBI #CIA #news #politics #NSA #ElonMusk #JanuarySix #California
Before deworming vs after deworming
10 592
What is your favorite colon cleanse? Hoping to clear out rope ‘worms’.
4 134


11 737
I gave my goldfish albendazole. Want to see what happened?
4 191
5 294
Vegetable oils do this to people. I’m getting more and more convinced that this is the primary factor in the obesity problem.
4 306
Trying my hand at the intersection of health, politics and awakening as a foot soldier in the meme wars
MK (@MkCurator) on X
This is just the tip of the berg
4 057
Ray Peat Quotes (@RayPeatQuotes) on X
On Progest-E for women: "Using it cyclically is the important thing so that your liver doesn't get in the habit of excreting it too fast. So you have to lay off for one or two weeks every month and stay on cycle with it. I've mentioned before that I met a gynecologist who was…
4 151
MK (@MkCurator) on X
Average American mindset is that of a pet rat trained to do a few tricks. They expect treats and rewards on the dot like clockwork. That is the matrix mindset that has people stuck. That’s the reason people will go along with genocidal norms.
4 392
Analysis paralysis is no place to live. Do something!
4 147
Why is PH important?
4 249
Do you know what PH stands for?
4 305
Night time lineup 2-3 hrs befor bed 2 multivitamins 4 Irish Sea moss 2 b-complex 1 fish oil 4 digestive enzymes I swallow them all at once like a pelican. Right before bed- 2 high dose melatonin -MK
4 923
Where should one start if they’re new to cleanses? Parasites, colon, heavy metals, Candida, liver…? I intend to do them all. I’ve had bad under eye circles and fatigue since puberty. A few Andreas Moritz’s flushes gave me more energy but did nothing for my black under eye circles. Thanks in advance! So glad to have found this community of like minded people. 🎉
4 580
If you have any diseases, most likely your ph is off. Acidity is a real problem. Baking soda fixes this. -MK
4 462
Morning lineup. Baking soda and water Methylene blue Bike and weights Honey from the bottle 100 Push-ups
4 291
Baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) is a miracle substance. It has many uses. As you can see in the above post it can help remove synthestic components out of the body. It makes the perfect deodorant for under the arms. I was blown away by how good it works. Better than anything else I’ve used by far! It is a literal cancer cure. It makes a great detox bath. It can help to heal skin conditions. If you deconstruct it, you can see that it’s a salt with high alkalinity and similar properties as charcoal. So it’s an absorber and a ph booster. The psy-op is having everyone believe that this substance is a mundane additive for baking cakes. -MK
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4 664
If you are new, I’m going to need you to read the whole archive here. You’ve missed a lot!
4 440
Neti pot shenanigans! Last night I was exhausted not paying attention to my measuring spoon and made a neti pot solution with 2 tablespoon of sea salt and 1 tablespoon of baking soda........holy 🔥🔥🔥🔥 I was suddenly a cartoon character! It felt like I had fire coming out of my nostril.......but I purged the most gruesome stuff. No joke though in a few minutes I could not believe how good my head, ears, sinus felt!!!! I even sound clearer. I will say that I have been doing neti pot on the daily nothing comes close to this feeling. It stung but worth it!!!!
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4 598
Let me blow your mind a little bit. Remember when I told you how important the Neti pot is? If you missed that thread then hit the pinned messages. Well some people did begin using it and washing out large intact biofilms and morgellons fibers.
4 256
4 411
Morning routine- Shitposting on X Laundry 2 dropperfuls methylene blue in a glass of orange juice. Going to get ready for Songkran water festival. It starts today. Basically all of Thailand turns into a big water fight. It’s a free for all. If you see someone you can dump a bucket of water on them. Waterguns, buckets, ice water. People stand outside their house and pummel cars with buckets of water. Others drive around with people in the back of the trucks all locked and loaded. We will be driving sound with huge trash cans full of ice water in the back of the truck with my kids and nephew. Put your cell phone in a baggie and let’s go! -MK
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4 289
MK (@MkCurator) on X
You are overthinking it bro. And overspending. All you need are the simple things. And sometimes to do nothing. Like don’t get 3 death jabs? If anyone sees this and wants to learn the real way to detox and heal, pop on over to my TG channel.
4 102
MK (@MkCurator) on X
This is what happens when you have tons of money and brains, but you forget about GOD. This guy(if you can even call him that) is destroying himself. It’s obvious to everyone but him. His transition into a cyborg lesbian is 69% complete.
First order of business should be to protect your offspring. No excuses. No mercy. No limits.
4 840
Much like most Christian’s do a terrible job of spreading the gospel, most new agers do a terrible job of conveying universal truths. But people like to tribe up and create a divide. It’s innate to our species. That is fine, but there is a real enemy that lurks in the shadows while you all ague semantics. Blood drinking, baby raping, murderous devils in cheap skin suits. And they are running things. They have money and power. They are United and have their gaze set on total world domination and the complete subjection of the human species. So this begs the question. What will you do? -MK
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4 696
The artificial political divide that we have been duped into is just another example of divide and conquer. Opting out won’t work because all the other idiots will still play along. So what’s the answer? Become a warrior. Adopt one wing and purify it. Destroy the other wing through savage cultural warfare. So politics has become a culture war. Pro tip- it’s not the person that you need to conquer. It’s the ideology. This is done through free discourse. Debate. Memes. Comedy. Love. Prayers. It’s alot safer than civil war and alot more fun. Just remember that we aren’t trashing and canceling the individuals on the left. We are purifying them and saving them. Much like casting out demons so the person can be saved. And casting out demons is probably the most accurate understanding of what’s at the heart of the culture war. We are warriors so you might as well play along. It’s what we are meant to do. -MK
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3 994
Cultures are like little bubbles. Humans are warrior primates. We are tribal. But, we are changing to become more God like or Christ like if you like. This creates a lot of friction. Different cultures have different things to offer. If you haven’t travelled or become friends with other people from other lands, you cannot see your culture accurately. This we all have blind spots and fear present. Humans need love, care, community, nutrition, clean water, housing and many other things. When these things are lacking, we tend to revert back to warlike apes. The world governments and vampire carnival pedophiles have pit the different tribes of men against one another for ages. This creates hell on earth. This is all changing and we all have a big part to play in it. To be a kind person with love is great! Just don’t forget to have a good defense because there’s alot of people that aren’t at that level yet. Wise up and learn to read people.
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3 727
Celestial download yesterday. Oftentimes in families you see the daughter take after the father strongly and the son take after mommy. I realized that this is energetics at work. Through polarity and magnetics, the father/daughter bond is super strong and natural. This magnetic attraction will create a likeness in the offspring. On the contrary, the father/son bond needs active attention and maintenance. This is important to create well rounded offspring. This is also the importance of intact families with both parents active in parenting. Otherwise you end up with lopsided and imbalanced offspring. -MK
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3 739
Thanks y’all. Appreciate it. The way I see it, X(old twitter) is like the front lines. This here is home base. If you want to disturb the normies and torment the libs together, you know where to find me.
4 286
Morning routine- Bike ride, gardening, push-ups and weights. Large coffee with sweetened condensed milk. Going to post some thoughts maybe. Too much insight and not enough time to share -MK
4 180
The best ways to decalcify the pineal gland ?
4 649
One of my old classic memes
4 916
Baking soda and water for breakfast. Weights, push-ups, bike. 162 mg aspirin and coconut water. 2 hr massage. That’s my 7-11 am today. Just rained so the air is cool and crisp. Life is good. God is great.
4 889
A lot of you know Dear Danny. He’s been a real strong voice for the Great Awakening. He’s launching something truly amazing. Check it out!


5 263
A lot of you know Dear Danny. He’s been a real strong voice for the Great Awakening. He’s launching an incredible new product. Check it out!
Dear Danny...
Breakfast. Do you know what these are?
5 319
4G MSM and fresh squeezed OJ for breakfast
5 631
I’m at 986 followers on X. Plz help get me to 1000.
MK (@MkCurator) on X
Big news. You can cure your own aids. A lot of you dumb-asses have aids now thanks to your Pfizer jabs!! *also J&J and the other ones too
5 408
Channel purpose- Please define for newbies⬇️⬇️⬇️
5 243
5 106
Hoping this eclipse can help out with inflation
4 957
4 778
Real massage is the 5th element of healing. Nothing compares to it! Most Americans and westerners have no idea what real massage is. They make it all weird. It’s super expensive in America and everyone is walking on eggshells. There’s a whole creepy element that gets built up. Want to change your life? Go stay in Thailand for a month and get a 2 hour massage every day. Walk around and find the best places by trial and error. Eat fruit and street food. Avoid the alcohol and that whole scene. Drink coconuts and explore the land of smiles. If the west is falling, why not take a little break from all that and heal the body, mind and soul? -MK
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5 297
Here’s what I did this morning- Push-ups, curls, air-squats. Bike ride through the countryside. Drank fresh squeezed OJ with B-complex, MSM, 162 mg aspirin, Round 2 weights and calisthenics. This is all within my first 90 minutes of rising. Feeling alive and energized. -MK
5 063
Main objective in life- Let the soul shine THROUGH the body. All points of resistance will inhibit this process. All bottlenecks in health will throttle this process. Think autism, addiction, possession, chronic infection, etc. -MK
5 112
If anybody can help me with advice, I’d be so VERY grateful. Someone I know has just been diagnosed with kidney cancer. Is there anybody who could give me a protocol to try and beat it? 🙏
4 986
I haven't seen anyone discuss this but I could use some answers. I am 80 yo. Live with my son . My older sister lives with us also she is 84. She has dementia and getting worse. She still does things for herself. Feeds and dresses herself. But hef memory is almost gone. She probably rremembers for about 2 minutes. Should I sit her down and discuss it with her or just deal with it. She wouldn't remember a discussion any way. What To do
4 888
What it feels like posting in here


If you want to learn about human health and life in general, I recommend raising fish. You can unravel the secrets of the universe by caring for and observing your aquatic friends. -MK
Now, Deliverance is very real and it’s very needed. So many people walk around unclean and completely covered in demonic filth. This is a subject I’ve been very interested in since my spiritual awakening more than 20 years ago. It’s something I think about every day. It’s a subject I learn something new about on a daily basis. In my estimation, this is the most potent grounds for real healing. Most of my conversations with God center around this theme. This is something that I dove into very deeply in the NHK pro group. I had a very interesting experience today and I am contemplating sharing it here. -MK
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4 793
Vance 🌞⚡️ (@VanceE) on X
Vance here with the Methylene Blue and Red Light benefits. Getting the hang of this video stuff.
4 223
It’s a steep learning curve to understand natural health. It takes work and dedication. I sometimes forget that people just don’t understand this stuff. It’s easy for me. It’s second nature. That’s why I try to break it down and make it simple for people to understand. Now I’m about to go through a few different topics. I want to first highlight someone I follow on X. Vance is a great follow if you want to learn all about methylene blue. He has an online store where he sells it and a few other items. Highly recommend checking him out.
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4 138
A lot of great tips and advice in the above thread. I will add a little bit of insight here. First off. Arthritis is a blanket diagnosis. It’s useless. What we really need to look at are a few key things. -inflammation -chronic infection -misalignment of the joints -tightness of the facia In a larger sense, we need to understand that everything is linked. So we always need to address the following. -gut health -elimination or lack thereof -hydration or dehydration -parasites -nutrient deficiencies -chronic stress -lame diet -poor posture and lack of movement -emotional wounds -spiritual cleanliness As you can see, it’s much easier to just say it’s arthritis and prescribe a pill. -MK
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4 351
Hi All! A friend in Carlsbad, NM has arthritis in her neck and back which causes her tremendous pain. The doctor doesn't recommend surgery, which she was really hoping would relieve the issue. What can she start with that will break down the arthritic condition and bring relief? I told her to stop eating potatoes, which is basically the only vegetable she eats. She's definitely not a salad, veggie person. And I reminded her that it's an inflammation and gut issue. I believe she's in her early 60's. Pain management too. She's free of all prescription meds and has a clean slate to work with. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!
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4 709


5 580
Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio