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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    PebbleNews Goals First 30 days: •250 holders •$50,000 BUSD in LP •One $1000 BUSD lottery raise completed •List on CMC, CG •Gain 250 Twitter followers Every month we will set out to accomplish 5 goals that advance and grow the project. Let's build together! PebbleNews
    Founders supply has been shifted to 25% of total supply equalling 25,000 total tokens. Group voted on 24 scheduled releases meaning 1041 tokens per release. The token taxation and revenue will offset any sales that happen from the original founders in the future so that price stability and growth stay green. PebbleNews is committed to growing a product that you can recommend to your family and friends. Our first lotteries will be a weekly lottery for $100x5 The rules: •Every 100 PebbleNews Tokens purchased will be 1 lottery ticket. •Each lottery ticket can be reused for the next draw by simply holding onto your tokens. •Live draw will occur •All funds will be paid out in BNB or BUSD. Thank you for following PebbleNews and stay tuned for our fair launch date!
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    How much will you spend on PebbleNews Token if the goal is 250x?

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    The official team for pebblenews will invest $1000BUSD to get 50,000 tokens of the 1,000,000 supply. Those 50,000 tokens will have a 10% release (5000 coins) from 6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 months Being part of the ten member founder team makes you a decision maker with the project. 3/10 spots filled so far. All funds will go into LP at 5000/500,000 tokens and $2500BuyBack and Buyback/LP for the remaining $2500 Simon is investing $2000 for marketing. Simon is also $1000 buy on launch. Simon also paid out of pocket $15,000 for the news website to be built. •All revenue will go to buyback/LP lock weekly •Launchpad release at 1000 holders •All launchpad revenue buyback/LP lock •All lottery commissions go to buyback/LP lock •All locks are indefinite. At one year, a relock will occur. For more info contact (If our founders don't think you're a good fit, we will reject application)
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    PebbleNews Total Supply: 1,000,000 Launch Price: 0.01c  Tax: 8% on BSC Total LP: $1000 BUSD for 100,000 Tokens (Locked Indefinitely) VC Supply 5% x4 (Locked 1 Year) ($2000 will be added to LP and Locked Indefinitely) $500 buy will match VC 5% and be (Locked 1 Year) Supply in Locked LPs on launch between 300-600,000 Tokens. Overview: is a new platform providing Crypto and World News. The aim of the platform is to charge a $10 fee per article or $100 for a featured article 24/hr- by crypto projects wanting promotion. Each dollar of revenue will result in a buyback of the PEBBLE token and all initial buys will be matched with BUSD on a weekly basis, and added to the LP, with an indefinite lock. The PEBBLE token will also run a regular lottery. Each lottery will be 1000 tickets at $1BUSD per ticket. There will be three winners of $400, $200 and $150. The remaining $250 will result in a 50% buyback of the Pebble Token, and a 50% Liquidity Pool add. These tokens will also be locked indefinitely and labelled. Each lottery will not begin until all 1000 tickets are purchased. Any funds sent beyond the $1000 will allow entry to the lottery, but reduce odds for all users. A randomized LIVESTREAM draw will determine the three winners, and we will lock the LP's LIVE on each stream.  Purpose: is a centre/right News platform being launched with the token. The purpose of our platform is to promote family values, human rights for men, women and children of all backgrounds without discrimination. The aim of our platform is to allow readers the opportunity to submit articles and also read articles that align with their values.  Long term: PebbleNews aims to sell out the Pebble Token and continue to grow by reinvesting revenue. After the token sells entirely (100% Supply circulating) we will release our own Launchpad. The launchpad will require holders to have 5 tokens in staking to participate. The low threshold will allow people of all financial situations to participate equally, producing fair launches selected by the community.  Development Budget: All Development costs, marketing and budgets are pre-paid. All development of the apps and launchpad are prepaid. All tech required has been completed.  Wallet Security: All LP wallets will be stored on a ledger and placed in lockbox. Each time an annual renewal must occur, the wallets will re-lock, and be placed back on ledger for security purposes.  Why should you invest in Pebble? Well, it's purely speculative outside of the reinvested revenue model. When launchpad fees begin, 50% of all launchpad fees will result in a buyback of the token. If there are no tokens available on the market at that moment, we will buy any tokens that enter market, and add those tokens to the LP, and you guessed it, lock those tokens and place them on ledger. If the product has articles being posted, lotteries being completed and launches being made, there is always growth.  Are there restrictions or KYC required?  Ultimately, Pebble doesn't require KYC from any participants. We are not a security company nor are we a government. We have no right to your personal information. We are a vessel for your hobby and enjoyment.  Will we add other products?  We have more than 60 GitHub items that can be implemented free of charge at any time. We also have a full game in development. These are spontaneous announcements that can absolutely grow the product and fast. Our objective is to announce these things when they're close to being released so that we avoid unnecessary hype and grow our product organically. 
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    Simon will release a self funded microcap token building the PebbleNews brand. The microcap token will be 1,000,000 supply 1c per token $1000 LP to start 6% tax Tax dollars will be matched with BUSD and added to LP each week. Each article paid for ($10) will add tokens to the LP with BUSD and maximum lock. Each week will be a $1000 pebble lottery costing $1 per ticket. Lottery will begin when all 1000 tickets are purchased. Pebble will reward $750 of winnings, and $250 will go to LP and locked for each lottery. This microcap token will be cheap, fun and a long term play that could 100,000x over time. It's low risk, and has a proven and established leader that knows how to grow a project. If you're interested, stay tuned!
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    Happy new year to you all
    BC Simon destroys Andrew Tate
    Andrew Tate Interview with JustPearlyThings exposed by BC Simon
    BC Simon exposes Andrew Tate and his contradictions, LIVE Andrew Tate's Interview with JustPearlyThings
    Merry Christmas to the 100 or so people still around. If you don't celebrate Christmas.. Allah Akhbar

    Do you think that FTX reserves will be sold to USD causing the market to double crash?

    Анонімне голосування

    What is worse, eating meat or buying electronics mined from Congolese slaves and claiming to be a vegan, humanitarian and techie.

    Eating MooMoo is worse
    Buying phones and cars mined by Yakabu and his dead friends
    Both equally bad
    Who gives a fook, I love my western lifestyle
    Анонімне голосування

    Do you think Caroline Ellison was good in bed?

    Only with bag on head
    Анонімне голосування

    Did LegioDAO rug pull?

    GotEm $$$
    Анонімне голосування
    Video proof that Paul Leroux is Satoshi Nakamoto
    Paul LeRoux is Satoshi Nakamoto. Check yourself! -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- This Transaction was made by Paul Leroux to Hal Finney on January 12, 2009 #bitcoin -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNATURE----- Version: Bitcoin-qt (1.0) Address: 1Q2TWHE3GMdB6BZKafqwxXtWAWgFt5Jvm3 HM7vpPSUbNsfDHRX6gv8xxWcVNHEc/3pOk0YrVehaGoUdbWizznfzOdELkLd1EjSXsW1oE5vHAkNAPzrAVzhuoI= -----END BITCOIN SIGNATURE-----
    Video proof that Paul Leroux is Satoshi Nakamoto
    Paul LeRoux is Satoshi Nakamoto. Check yourself! -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- This Transaction was made by Paul Leroux to Hal Finney on January 12, 2009 #bitcoin -----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNATURE----- Version: Bitcoin-qt (1.0) Address: 1Q2TWHE3GMdB6BZKafqwxXtWAWgFt5Jvm3 HM7vpPSUbNsfDHRX6gv8xxWcVNHEc/3pOk0YrVehaGoUdbWizznfzOdELkLd1EjSXsW1oE5vHAkNAPzrAVzhuoI= -----END BITCOIN SIGNATURE-----
    Proof that Paul LeRoux is Satoshi Nakamoto! Not clickbait! Share this link!
    PAUL LEROUX has been verified as SATOSHI NAKAMOTO first released here on PEBBLENEWS
    Simon and PK challenge Tawei to a recorded livestream for Tawei to provide concrete evidence of his false allegations about draining liquidity with fake wallets. If Tawei is to refuse this request for a live debate with need for proof, it is clear that Tawei is lying and cannot prove these allegations. These kind of allegations are very serious and carry legal repercussions in the future. They will be retracted or held accountable. Secondly, Tawei will have to explain his scheme and have full logic to support his decision making and spending since GotEm and Legio. Tawei has 48 hours to gather his evidence and attend a livestream at a time most convenient for him. Its time to expose Tawei for his lies. Enough is enough.
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    I'd like to highlight that the Tawei Chang claim that MetaPlay owners had claimed the majority of liquidity has •Zero evidence •Zero logic •Steals money from all entitled to vesting at Tawei's command •Zero Evidence This claim holds no evidence. Blockchain is there, go through all the wallets. There is zero forensic evidence for the claim that PK has forged 1000+ wallets and manually claimed each one, by one, by one, each and every day. •Zero Logic If Tawei's apparent claim that almost all of the wallets except 12 who stake are faked, this would mean that PK and Simon deposited more than $13,000,000 USD into the projects, plus a sixty X rollover. We can assure you that neither PK or Simon has $700,000,000 net worth, nevermind that amount of funding to completely rig metaplay and ecosystem. •Tawei is stealing Those funds are the 1700 users who claimed. They also belong to others who didn't claim. These funds don't belong to Tawei. GotEm team has not •Has not built anything for Legio •Hasnt grown the community (12 stakers in 250+ days) •Has not reinvested the $59,000 budget, but taken salaries at greater than $1000 each per month. What this team has shown is not only a lack of respect for the community they inherited, but also a lack of skillset to build or grow anything. Their desire to shift blame for their complete incompetence is not supported. •What next? If you feel cheated, take the screenshots and the TX's and report Tawei to his local authorities. His behavior is irrational and illogical. There are no grounds for pulling the liquidity and they've openly claimed that you, the owner of shares, are without evidence, a clone wallet of PK. We are deeply sorry for this. We knew Tawei and his brother Thomas were incompetent, as we saw GotEm was essentially a paid vacation for them on the backs of our holders $150,00 and Oxbull tech's $150,000. These two have quietly taken salaries for building and growing absolutely nothing. GotEm as said previously has zero revenue model. Their entire platform was to sell taxes to pay for investigations, instead of charging fees to those seeking investigations. It was the dumbest idea 💡 a child could come up with, nevermind an adult who claims to be a CEO. Legio was a gift with all technology, a paid developer to essentially gift them the entire plug and play system, and they still couldn't deploy that. It's time for people to see that PK and Simon were poor with security but damn good at building projects. They didn't make photo ops with CZ or pretend they were CEO's or Developers, they literally bootstrapped an entire project from absolutely nothing. A continual dump on each vesting was met with innovative, creative and quality planning, resulting in one of the most successful 6 months of any project in crypto currencies. This was done with roughly $140,000, after fees were paid for launching. This was done with hard work, sleepless nights and love for our community. If you think for a single second they were the culprits, as a result of numerous complaints in the community, several investigations were made, resulting in freezing of bank accounts for half a year. Terrorist and money laundering authorities declared an apology and released every Bank Account and wallet, finding that not a single dollar moved by PK or Simon came from a mixer or any illegal or remotely illegal source. They evaluated all whitepapers and spent more than $200,000 on their forensics. These forensics declared PK and Simon innocent of any unethical behavior or wrongdoing. The remaining budget is in PKs hands and will be distributed to holders that claimed. Tawei cannot be trusted coloring in the lines on a coloring page, surely he is not talented enough to build a business.
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    1 452
    Here is ss of latest talks with gotem team, they were trying to get last development payment & had already received $60k in funding which they did not put to use nor provide proof of proper use for these initial funds. - after misinterpreting another conversation with mplay team they then proceeded to drain liquidity and cut ties with mplay team and all lgo holders who were actively claiming their tokens or awaiting vesting to play out In light of this, tawei and his band of thieves will pocket your money for themselves and start a new token with no intentions of including the true holders that the token is meant to pay out. as of now there is no relation between mplay team and gotem/lgo team. the mplay team will use the remaining developmental funds that was withheld from gotem team & will airdrop it to the approximately 2k or so remaining official holders (official updates and figures will be provided as it gets sorted). Thank you
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    @kinx80 & (Tawei Chang) operating out of Taiwan have officially stolen all funds remaining within $LGO They have done this by removing all remaining vested tokens and selling them all at once thus draining the liquidity. Removal of vested tokens: Wallet that received and sold supply: They will claim they are taking liquidity in order to launch new token and reimburse the lgo stakers with new tokens. But they stole the liquidity from the people in vesting not staking. Therefore by not including vested supply and users in their plans, they are simply proving their foul & corrupt motives. They are Scum of the Earth & let it be known that gotem & it’s owners (taweii chang) are solely in this space to steal your money and waste your time & have absolutely 0 skills needed in bringing a web3 based project to life.
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    Binance Transaction Hash (Txhash) Details | BscScan
    Binance (BNB) detailed transaction info for txhash 0x8afb0552114269e5192a5908f8977b266632077b2d3d21c5463441a2a0b05327. The transaction status, block confirmation, gas fee, BNB, and token transfer are shown.
    The Legio team is blowing smoke because PK had refused to distribute the final payment until Tawei and Leagu(whatever his real name is) opted to not renounce their contracts and place taxes in a renounced staking contract. Almost all loose supply is owned by Tawei and his team, including unlocked team wallets. This claim about snapshot being rigged is a complete lie. There is no evidence and legio also performed a snapshot. In fact, their only tech has been given to them free of charge by us, which included a quality backend and more than $200,000 of development. Legio team has taken salary with all payment and not reinvested in the marketing of project. This latest action of rugging the liquidity is disheartening, considering their initial and failed project was to catch people doing exactly what they're doing now. Pulling liquidity without any substantial proof of evidence of their claim is a clear cash grab and dishonest. More than 80% of token holders have not claimed and likely dont know about the migration due to the lack of marketing and awareness for those individuals. Many of the wallets were purchase wallets from exchange hot wallet, meaning exchange likely doesn't even know about the migration wallets either because their bots aren't configured for this. We wouldn't expect leagu to know any better as he's never built or prepared a successful project before. The same goes for Tawei who has done nothing but run project funding into the ground in two projects now. Ask yourself this: How do they take salaries while producing no revenue? How are they taking salaries when they've not built anything independent of what we handed to them? Where did all that marketing and development budget go? Tawei? Thomas? Leagu?
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    Which country will burn more crackers during this diwali 🪔? India🇮🇳 vs Pakistan 🇵🇰 - T20 World Cup - LegioDao pool. Predict which country wins today’s t20 cricket match using $LGO token.
    PebbleNews is open to selling this group for $1400 in BNB. All proceeds will be spent promoting Volodymyr Zelensky's new clothing line, blue shirts.
    A review of oxbull projects in 2022
    The secret love child of CBC and Rebel News
    OxBull is known as one of the top launchpads on Binance Smart Chain. Led by their ethical leader Ushi, OxBull has proven to have consistent, secure and admirable leadership. In this article we will evaluate where their top 10 launches are now.
    Get up-to 1% of equity in Sypto for using Sypto - To know more about this and the conditions, join the TG group where Sypto Team will answer any questions related to their product use, seed round, exchange support and trading strategy. - For members who not looking to invest, but are curious to see their trading services and have questions about past performance and strategies, feel free to the Q&A group for Sypto
    Sypto Seed Round
    Sypto is a portfolio management service for cryptocurrencies, where the portfolio is managed in the users account itself, in a fully automated manner. Seed Round Interest form:
    Останнє оновлення: 11.07.23
    Політика конфіденційності Telemetrio