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Hey-hey, my goodies! I'm Alice, I'm sexologist by education. Stay tuned for new posts about how to get pleasure 🔥 Buy Ads:  @Fuller_b  
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Pure blowjob The sweetest, easiest and most accessible to many men. It's the kind of blowjob that many girls practice, without feeling embarrassed or worrying about it. As it is more familiar and accessible.😁 A pure blowjob is where only the lips and tongue are involved. That's it, nothing else! No hands or toys or anything. Girls treat it loyally, cos as a rule they don't bother too much. Which isn't a bad thing either. I mean, such a blowjob can bring incredible sensations, and you don't have to give it up and put it off. You can give yourself a pure sensation, or you can add something spicy. For example, play with hot and cold. Prepare in advance a cup of hot tea and an ice cube.
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    Vitamins for men Sweet, post is fire. Coz I've written mega useful information. That's all because I often get asked about vitamins for men. To improve erections, sperm and sexual desire.🔥 In general, I am not a doctor to give a specific list, but still I can give you a couple of tips, then it is up to you to decide. Vitamin E. It has a positive effect on hormones, improves sexual function, increases the quality of sperm. It can be found in oils and nuts. Vitamin B9. Enhances sperm quality and sperm motility. Found in spinach, lentils, beans, and raisins. Vitamin C. Increases testosterone, sex drive and sperm. Found in rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, and bell peppers. Zinc. Stimulates testosterone production and improves potency. Found in seafood, liver, mushrooms.
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    Cyber sex A mini kind of sex. The only difference is that the action takes place over the phone and video chat. You know, sweeties, this type of sex is a good alternative to long-distance intimacy. I've been there. 👌🏻 To my clients, for the sake of variety, I recommend cybersex. You don't have to be at a long distance, you can have a good game at work too. I think it's quite a great option. I mean, for example, you're at work and you have an animal urge to have sex. All you have to do is go to a secluded place and call a babe. Where she will slowly expose her body on camera and show how she satisfies herself. Honey, you will experience a truly passionate sensation from such sex. Visual perception gives an insane pleasure and substitutes for simple sex. Be careful! You may lose your mind from overexcitement.🔥
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    Triple sex Today I was dealing with a couple, where everything is great, harmony and passion reigns. There are sexual games, sex toys, experiments. But since the couple has been married for a long time, they both crave a third person for sex. They came to me for advice cuz they're very scared, wild and creepy. But there's a crazy desire that outweighs all their fears. And that's right! After all, if you decide to try triple sex, you have to think it over very carefully. I mean, it can be the best sex of your life, or it can be the worst. Remember, tigers, a couple of things are important to consider: - You need to decide together who will be the third man or woman. - Determine the norm of acceptability in bed. - The third person cannot be an acquaintance, ex or ex. - Discuss the limits of permissibility with the third person right away. - After the meeting, do not stay in touch and better not communicate again. Why so categorical? Well, why have extra trouble? When you can enjoy each other once
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    Sex under the bed Tell me, how many times have you had sex on the bed? Uh, I mean, how many times under the bed? Not once? Oh, come on... You have to try everything in life! Yesterday I was at a birthday party and I recalled a situation that often arises when you and your girlfriend are ready to have sex, but the guests constantly interfere with the privacy... There is a way out, my sexy fighters - it's sex under the bed! A great way to have sex in a noisy place without prying eyes! Only, you'll have to please your beloved on your side. You know... But what difference does it make how, when everything is "on fire" 🔥
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    Signs that your lover is pleased with your dick So, let's find out! Your girlfriend is content with your 🍌 if you score more than 5 yeses: 1️⃣ The girl doesn't go into a stupor the first time she sees your fighting friend 2️⃣Practices blowjobs during foreplay on her own initiative (or at least without blackmail or coercion) 3️⃣She gets a real orgasm during sex with you 4️⃣She likes touching and stroking your cock just for fun 5️⃣The girl easily agrees to a second blow job 6️⃣She says herself that your penis suits her 7️⃣Her friends don't giggle when they see you 8️⃣She doesn't use derogatory comparisons of yours 🍌 9️⃣A girl can in principle have a sexual attraction to men (with someone like you) 🔟You ain't got no complex about your size yourself. Now do the math: how many answers you have with the word "yes"...
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    Loud moans - violent orgasm Boys, don't be silent😉 Stop being shy, it's time to moan and scream with pleasure during sex. It really turns us on! Moans and screams are expressions of pleasure. They stimulate the sexual arousal of two partners. They raise your libido and ours. Yelling in bed has been proven to increase orgasm! Plus, when a girl hears your voice in bed, she knows for sure that you like sex. Nope, I'm not urging you to scream at the top of your voice on purpose right now. Just asking, if you wanna moan with pleasure, don't be shy!
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    Dull Sex The hottest thing in a long relationship! In all my time, I've noticed several signs that ruin sex and bring boredom to the bed. Wondering what those signs are? I know you are, read on: Embarrassment. If you and your tigress can't get naked in front of each other, and you feel constant embarrassment, then no variety and emotion is out of the question. Vigilance. Yeah, being alert is fine, but when you have too much control over your step and are too afraid to say a word, it leads to boredom in sex. Predictability. When a girl knows your every move and knows what sex is going to be like tonight, it doesn't give you a sense of spontaneity and emotion. Refusal to experiment. No matter what I write, sometimes it's very difficult to talk a man into doing something new, but if you face it, without experimentation sooner or later sex will be boring. Ever felt this way in bed with a girl?
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    Verbal Contact Along with the moaning I already mentioned to you, talking to your partner is extremely important, and by no means silent. By guiding your partner, by showing with facial expressions, gestures and words, you are proving to your beloved man that he is doing everything right! The more signals to him, the more you will fuel his desire... That's the ☺️ rule. Don't hesitate to show your emotions and then unforgettable sex is definitely guaranteed!
    Great cunny technique I suggest you try out soon! The Two Tongue Technique The idea is that you need to create the sensation of two tongues. So you activate several points of pleasure, which will make the girl in full ecstasy. Pack an edible lubricant and DESIRE to give the babe an awesome bliss. 🔥 Brief instruction: - Blindfold the babe, for a sharp sensation. - Lubricate her fingers with lube and place them on either side of her labia. - Start caressing the clitoris with your tongue, and at the same time move your hands along the labia. Hard? I think not!
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    Is there an orgasm or not❓ I had a session with a girl the other day, and frankly, it was a very confusing one! For two hours she told me that she did NOT have an orgasm at all. We were going over the relationship, how her and her husband's dialogue was structured, and generally about their sex life and health. It wasn't until two hours later that I realized that she had misinterpreted her problem... She has an orgasm, but only not with her husband, but alone with herself. 👉🏻 And those, are two completely different situations. Cause the work gets built differently. If there is no orgasm just with your husband, then you have to make contact. So I thought of writing to you about this situation. ‼️ Important! The context and the problem itself play an important role in the anamnesis. The main thing is to grasp the essence and deal with it, and build further steps to solve the problem from this. This way you will not only make your life easier, but we will find the right way out faster!
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    Ambience around sex I mean the atmosphere and routines in the bedroom. All couples get used to each other sooner or later, it's normal! But as a rule, because of this, the girls get very vigilant. Even during penetration, they notice everything... The order in the bedroom, the scattered pants, panties and T-shirts. It just pisses them off👿 So they can't focus on the sex, the sensations and the orgasm... And that turns into a problem, let me tell you! That's why I suggest you to notice such things and eliminate them as soon as possible😉 Scheduled sex tonight, great! Before you start, take a few minutes to prepare the atmosphere. Dim the lights, draw the curtains, close the windows, light the candles. After that, have passionate sex!
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    Watch out for alcohol before sex You know that alcohol is good for relaxing and relieving tension. But I still don't recommend drinking a lot of it before a date👆🏻 Not cause I'm such a prude, nope, it's just that alcohol can mess up your night pretty good. There are plenty of studies on how bad alcohol affects your penis. If you overdo it a little bit, it might not harden! And if you do decide to have a drink on a date or before sex, my advice is this: - Always drink in moderation. Two shots of hard liquor or two or three glasses of wine at most. - If you feel too much, drink strong black tea and refuse to have sex until you feel better.
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    She's ashamed of her labia Ah, my lovelies, what a juicy topic we're about to deal with... The other day I worked with a girl who was self-conscious about her labia. Know how it affects her? Pretty, pretty nasty. 👉🏻 She hasn't had a single cunny in the last few years, she doesn't have sex with the lights on, her husband refuses many poses and experiments. It all started a long time ago when her first boyfriend told her that her labia were ugly. The young, shallow jerk (pardon the expression), ruined a girl's entire sex life. I mean, is that normal? I thought, what if your girlfriend has a similar complex? I would never know, but I can give you some mega-cool advice. - Every sex tell your girlfriend what a wonderful pussy she has, what beautiful and juicy lips, a small and neat clitoris ... Little by little you will give her the feeling of comfort and joy in your embrace!
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    Revealing the secret of a rock hard erection What to do? It's simple, my lovers! Take a contrast shower 20 minutes before sex. Only that it should be a real contrast: first ice water, then hot one. A little later your girlfriend (already powerless) will be begging you to stop... Guaranteed 😉 Plus such a contrast shower is good for your immune system. Be healthy, my sexy tigers, surprise your girls with stone erections 🍌 and great immunity!
    Simultaneous orgasm Using a vibrator to stimulate the clitoris is the easiest way to help a girl reach orgasm at the same time as her man. 🔥 For men, an erectile ring can help them stay hard for longer. In addition, it increases the pleasure of intercourse. Abandon your goal, if it prevents you from being "here and now" and enjoy intimacy with your partner. Breathe deeply and relax – maybe you just need to put everything else out of your mind and let yourself be in the moment to achieve an orgasm together. 😏
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    How to get rid of attitudes? Over the years I've worked with numerous attitudes. Like shyness in bed, small penis, and a tangle of problems. Frankly speaking, it's not always easy for me and my clients to get each other and to build our work. These are pretty complicated and confusing cases 🙃 But I give everyone a simple exercise at the beginning to work through the attitudes and eliminate them! 👉🏻 Exercise: - Write out 10 attitudes about sex. - Identify the positive and negative attitudes. - Determine what can be done. That’s the easiest exercise you can perform without a relationship psychologist and then work through it.
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    The "Grave" Technique Sexy, slow and languid technique. It arouses, excites and brings truly magical sensations😉 Characteristic differences: tardiness, caution and complete focus on the senses. Everyone writes and compares the sensations to riding on a swing. When at the moment of approaching orgasm, you slow down, freeze and feel with every cell of your body. As for me, this technique is something intimate and awe-inspiring. When there is visual contact, when you breathe and hear each other's breathing, and get high on the process. Slow, tweaking movements, little stops in spades, visual contact, that's all there is to know. Try it and enjoy it!
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    Statistics don't lie I recently analyzed the statistics on lack of sex in couples for a major publication and was horrified by the numbers! Statistically, 46% of girls don't wanna have sex with their man😱 That's almost half, sweeties! So, I decided to write you a post on the reasons for these rejections. Stress condition. The most popular reason. Lack of orgasm. When a girl doesn’t reach an orgasm in bed, she has no understanding why she needs sex. Insecurity and complexes. If she doesn’t love her body or gets not enough attention. Monotony in bed. Not only guys like novelty, girls also get bored of everything familiar. Resentment against the man. From the most profound to the most banal resentment. All of these reasons can be dealt with and solved!
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    It's not just the guys who get turned on😜 When you don't take off your girl's clothes and fuck her right there. And when you come home after a great night out and everything hints at its great continuation... Just lift up her dress or skirt, slide aside her underwear, put her in a doggy style and give her what she wants. And she does, trust me ;) The crucial point is that the girl should be pretty aroused by this point. So, touch her more often on the street (even in "indecent" places), and include lingering kisses even in the elevator. Then when you get home, she will ALREADY be wet💦
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    Looking for sex with a "call girl" I guess plenty of people wouldn't say no! This kind of sex is always unexpected, sexy, erotic and incredibly hot🔥 The truth is, even being in a relationship, you can afford to make it happen! That's right, my sexy cowboys! It's all in your hands. And perhaps even today you will take it off for one night! All you have to do is bring the role-playing game "Slutty Call Girl and the Client" to life. This is the most perverted and erotic game, not only will give passion, but also novelty, emotion, zest in sex with your beloved!
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    One of my favorite role-playing games🙈 I advise it to anyone and everyone coming to me for a consultation or just wondering how you can diversify sex. It's called the desire sector. Its essence is the following - a girl and a guy should draw a circle on a piece of paper, divided into segments. The number is not crucial, but it is better to have more than 10. And each segment will match some kind of desire - half of them yours, the other half hers. Oh, how much you are gonna learn about each other😈 You choose your wishes one by one - with your eyes closed, you point to a part of the circle. Let's suppose the 69 pose fell out, cunny, ending on your chest, and so on. The game will bring adrenaline into your sex life even at the stage of choosing desires😅 So, go ahead - just be reasonable in your desires;)
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    AlphaGenesis: The first agency exclusively for male talents. We're changing the game, putting you at the forefront. Take our quiz and join the movement. Let's redefine the industry together.
    It's important to the gals So it should be equally valuable to you, bunnies. Know why? Cos it affects sex, of course! Girls need you to look at them in their underwear. Not just looking, but worshipping with a look. You're in the process, she's undressed, standing sexy and hyped up in sexy lingerie, and it's important to stop in the moment here. Look her over from head to toe, eat her up with your eyes, tell her how beautiful she is and how lucky you are to have her. It's not that hard, huh? I mean, the difference in micro-sensations between you and us is completely different. If you can not wait to take off her underwear, the girl at this moment wants to feel like a queen, and enjoy the rapture in her eyes. A few minutes of attention in her favor and hot sex is assured to you! I know it💋
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    Here are two kinds of orgasm Tigers, now here is some helpful and exciting information. Be sure to read it thoroughly😉 I feel like everyone has had moments when you seem to get an orgasm, but you weren't satisfied. Or there was such a pleasure that you didn't even wanna cum. That's because you experienced a different kind of orgasm. We have two kinds of orgasm - psychological and physical. Physiological orgasm is the release of sexual and muscular arousal that builds up in the process. When the genitals get too much blood flowing to them, and we have no more strength to endure. Psychological is the sensation, the sexual pleasure, when you reach a peak, enjoy yourself and there is a sense of satisfaction inside. As a rule, guys are capable of two kinds of pleasure, but with girls it is more complicated. They can only have a psychological orgasm. Which depends on foreplay, emotion, and the quality of arousal. Bear this in mind when you play with your babe💋
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    Open pose What's so good about it? That's right, with everything open. So, the girl's enjoyment is guaranteed😉 One of the open poses is the motorboat. I dunno who called it that, but there are even worse names. And we're talking about cunnilingus here. I know plenty of girls like this pose. It's where the baby's wide open for you. All her holes are available to you. You can lick, you can tongue, you can penetrate with your tongue. In the pussy, in the anal hole, on the clitoris. That's what I advise you to do. Just don't forget the slow start! There's both trust and total surrender to the situation, y'all tigers☝🏻 I also wanna add, to keep her more comfy, have the girl leaning on the edge of the couch or bed. And put a soft pillow under her lower back. Then the process is easier for everyone!
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    What do ladies crave in bed? Last night, instead of going to sleep, I read a study by American scientists! Sure enough, I wrote a post in the morning. Study topic - what do girls want in bed? Read closely, tigers! - Get pleasure. For a man to be more attentive to them in bed, treat them reverently and keep in mind all the girls' preferences and requests. - Show initiative. So that they can control sex too, to start it and end it as they really want. - More variety. Toys, massage, varied atmosphere. - Long foreplay. So they can be excited to the right degree and enjoy sex. - Mutual consent. For all the experiments, the sex itself passed only by consent of the two parties. And not when one wants it badly. Tigers, all points are really helpful!
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    Lesson on how to draw a map of her erogenous zones Today I'm sharing with you one simple but highly effective way to finally learn about your babe's erogenous zones. Ask your beloved to take a blank sheet of paper and draw a picture of a naked girl. Then invite her to color in one color those zones considered to be erogenous on her body. Also, she should remember and choose which ones are the most sensitive to caressing and paint them in the picture with a brighter color 🎨 The drawing is ready! Then discuss together the most desirable way of affecting each of the erogenous zones highlighted in bright color for her🤤 As you can see, such a simple method replaces the very dialogue that you are often afraid to start... Such practice lets you spend pleasant time together and discover new possibilities at the same time as diversify your sex👌
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    You won't have sex without it Well, lots of options around here in general😅 And today I was gonna mention the tactile contact. That moment which brings you closer to each other the most. And how to touch a girl properly so that it doesn't seem too intrusive? I guess the most famous "technique" is to read her hand. Naturally, you have no idea about it, just try to be funny at this moment😅 A more "down-to-earth" option is to praise her manicure. It will be an excuse to take her hand and touch her fingers in a special way😏 Oh, and it's always nice for us when a man pays attention to details. And for your BODIES to touch each other, show her something on your phone - that's an excuse to sit closer to her. Just don't do it too briskly, but as if casually sitting a little closer💦 Well, no one cancelled improvisation. If you grasp the principle of these "accidental" touches, you won't need such preparations any more, go ahead😉
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    Great way to prolong sex I know that lots of people can't have long-lasting sex. There are reasons for that, which we won't dig into today. I'll just tell you a mega useful tip to help prolong sex and enjoy each other's bodies longer😈 Use slow penetration! Don't start with a great pace and speed right away. First, the girl needs time to get used to the size inside, and second, you'll make it worse for yourself. Better start with reciprocating movements, lasting about 3 seconds. Then gradually speed up, and if you feel orgasm approaching, stop inside the girl, take a couple of deep breaths and ... and continue the friction.
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