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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Instagram sahifamizga obuna bo'lgan har bir kiwiga sovg'amiz bor. Obuna bo'ling va Instagram sahifamizga yozing. Sovg'alar: 100.ming so'm Apple ⌚ watch Simsiz quloqchinlar Follow👆👆
    1 270
    1 285
    🇺🇸 Make a favourable impression on smn 🇺🇿 Biror kishida yaxshi taassurot qoldirmoq The girl who I met yesterday made a favourable impression on me 😉 Kecha tanishgan qizim menda yaxshi taassurot qoldirdi. ✍ Make a sentence in the comment below 👉 N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
    1 839
    🗣️ USEFUL PHRASES 🗣️ 😎Synonyms for "I THINK"As far I am concerned... • From my point of view... • It seems to me that... • In my opinion... • I believe that... 😎Synonyms for "FOR EXAMPLE"As a case in point... • Take for example.... • As an example... • In other words... • Such as... 😎Synonyms for "IN ADDITION"Not only... but also... • On top of that... • What is more... • Moreover... • Besides... 😎Synonyms for "BUT"On the one/other hand... • On the contrary... • Nevertheless.... • Nonetheless... • Meanwhile... • However... 😎Synonyms for "BECAUSE"Because of the fact that... • Owing to the fact that... • Due to the fact that... • The reason is... • Thanks to... • Since... 😎Synonyms for "OF COURSE"Undoubtedly... • Absolutely... • Obviously... • Definitely... • Certainly... • Surely...
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    1 776
    Жойланайотган постларимиз сизларга макулми? Фойдали бу́лайабдими шу йуналишда давом етамизми изохда йозиб колдиринг йоки реаксиа колдиринг 👍/👎 сизлар бн ☎️:@medic_fx @Rustili_10Daqiqada
    Жойланайотган постларимиз сизларга макулми? Фойдали бу́лайабдими шу йуналишда давом етамизми изохда йозиб колдиринг йоки реаксиа колдиринг 👍/👎 сизлар бн ☎️:@medic_fc @Rustili_10Daqiqada
    ✅Bugun, 30-yanvar kuni, O‘zbekiston Respublikasining Birinchi Prezidenti Islom Karimov tavallud topgan sana. Agar Islom Abdug’aniyevich hayot bo’lganida bugun 86 yoshga to’lgan bo’lar edi.


    1 320
    🇺🇸 Chicken-hearted 🇺🇿 Qo'rqoq, quyon yurak ➫ The girlfriend that I have is not a chicken-hearted girl 😅 ➫ Mening sevgilim qo'rqoq(quyon yurak) qiz emas. 💬 Make a sentence in the comment below 👉 N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
    1 286
    🎡 Watch & Learn 😱 The Best Excuse Ever... 👉 N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧


    1 052
    ​​KOMPYUTER VA TELEFON NURIDAN 100% HIMOYALOVCHI ACHKI❗️ ✅ 100% himoya qiladi. ✅ Оrginali. (Soxta, arzonlariga aldanib qolmang.) ✅ Yuqori sifatli plastikdan ishlab chiqarilgan. 2️⃣ kun katta 60% li chegirmali aksiya ketmoqda. Ulgurib qoling!💥 Aksiya Narx: 57ming so‘m✅ 🚚 UZB buylab YETKAZIB BERISH mavjud. To'lovni mahsulotni qabul qilib olganda qilasiz. BUYURTMA BERISH UCHUN PASTAGI KO’K YOZUV USTIGA BOSING:👇 BUYURTMA BERISH👇


    1 216
    Gerbli Loga Gerbli LED LOGO Мошина ишқибозлари учун ажойиб Янги маҳсулотимиз келди. LED LOGO Gerbli маҳсулотимиз қулайликлари ✅Мошина эшикларига ўрнатилади маҳсус сенсор қурилмасига эга ✅Эшикни очганингизда Gerb логоси тасвирини кўрсатиб туради ✅Маҳсулот ҳамма мошинага тушади ✅Бизда ҳозирда Gerb логосини туширадигани келган 💰 Mahsulot narxi: 67000 so'm 👉 👉To'lovni mahsulotni qo'lingizga olganda qilasiz 🚚 O‘zbekiston bo‘ylab yetkazib berish xizmati mavjud 🎁 2 ta mahsulot xarid qilgan mijozga buyurtma mutlaqo tekinga yetqazib beriladi
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    1 172
    ⚡️Band 7+ Vocabulary for IELTS Informal           Formal ❌ Ask for           ✅Request (so'ramoq)  ❌Look into        ✅ Investigate (taftish qilmoq) ❌ Hungry           ✅ Famished (och qolgan) ❌ But                  ✅ However (ammo) ❌ Mad                ✅ Insane (aqldan ozgan) ❌ Let                  ✅ Allow (ruxsat bermoq) ❌ Worse            ✅ Inferior (yomonroq) ❌ Keep              ✅ Preserve (saqlamoq) ❌ Dim                ✅ Indistinct (noaniq) ❌ Death             ✅ Demise (o'lim) ❌ Job                 ✅ Occupation (kasb) ❌ Dad                ✅ Father (ota) 👉 N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    1 171
    🇺🇸 When pigs fly 🇺🇿 Tuyani dumi yerga tekganda ➫ I think, I will meet with my English girlfriend when pigs fly 🤣 ➫ Menimcha, Tuyani dumi yerga tekganda men ingliz sevgilim bilan uchrashaman 💬 Make a sentence in the comment below 👉 N-1 🇺🇿🇬🇧


    1 104
    ♻️ New vocabulary 🔰spices — vegetable substances which are usually dried for use and have distinctive flavours and aromas — ziravorlar 🔰artfully — cleverly, but perhaps in a way that is not completely honest — ayyorona, hiylakorlik bilan 🔰withhold — refuse to give something — biror narsa berishdan voz kechish 🔰valuable — worth a lot of money — qimmatbaho 🔰commerce — the buying and selling of goods — savdo, tijorat 🔰evolution — the gradual development of something — evolyutsiya 🔰notable — important; interesting — muhim 🔰holy — connected with God and religion — diniy, muqaddas 🔰healing power — able to make a sick person healthy again — davolovchi qudrat 🔰filter down — be gradually passed on from person to person (phrase) — avloddan avlodga o’tmoq 🔰in moderated form — less extreme; not as strong as before (phrase) — o’rtacha shaklda 🔰beverages — drinks, e.g. tea, coffee, or wine — ichimliklar 🔰preserve — keep something in good condition for a long time — saqlamoq 🔰mask — cover; prevent something from being noticed — niqoblamoq, himoya qilmoq 🔰partially — not completely; in parts — qisman 🔰spoiled — decayed; no longer good — aynigan 🔰flavour — the taste of something — ta’m, maza 🔰venture — go somewhere, especially somewhere that may be dangerous — jo’nab ketish
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    1 491
    Говорим о характере 🔸decent — приличный 🔹indecent — непорядочный 🔸honest — честный 🔹fair — честный, справедливый 🔸sincere — искренний 🔹dishonest — нечестный 🔸innocent — невиновный 🔹guilty — виновный 🔸criminal — преступный 🔹kind — добрый 🔸hostile — враждебный 🔹gentle — вежливый 🔸polite — вежливый 🔹rude — грубый 🔸generous — щедрый 🔹close-fisted — скупой 🔸talkative — разговорчивый 🔹sociable — общительный 🔸reserved — замкнутый, сдержанный 🔹docile — послушный 🔸disobedient — непослушный 🔹strict — строгий 🔸mild — мягкий 🔹reliable — надежный 🔸changeable — переменный 🔹brave — храбрый 🔸cautious — осторожный 🔹cowardly — трусливый 🔸timid — робкий, застенчивый 🔹reasonable — разумный 🔸prudent — благоразумный 🔹light-minded — легкомысленный
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    2 157
    ✅Ta’limga va dtmga oid xabarlar Yunalishlar va O’tish ballari 
    bu yerda👇
    @yunalishlar_mandatlarbot 👉 👉
    ☑️Are you kidding? - Ты шутишь? - Hazillashyapsanmi ☑️Are you shitting me? - Ты издеваешься? - Mazah qilyapsanmi? ☑️Are you sure? - Ты уверен? - Ishonching komilmi? ☑️Are you positive? - Ты уверен? - Aminmisan? ☑️Believe it or not - Хотите верьте, хотите нет - Hohlasangiz ishoning, hohlasangiz ishonmang ☑️Fancy that! - Представь себе! - Tasavvur qil? ☑️How in the world can you do that? - Как ты это сделаешь, скажи мне? - Menga aytchi, sen buni qanday qilasan? ☑️It's impossible! - Это невозможно! -  Bu bolishi mumkin emas! ☑️It can't be true!  - Это не может быть правдой! - Bu haqiqat bolishi mumkin emas! ☑️I can't believe it! - Не могу поверить! - Ishonish qiyin! ☑️I'm speechless! - У меня слов нет! - Tarifga til ojiz! ☑️I am shocked! - Я  в шоке! - Men hayratdaman! ☑️I am astounded! - Я в шоке! - Men hayratdaman! ☑️I was surprised at her being honest. - Меня удивило то, что она была честной. - Uni halolligi meni hayron qoldirdi ☑️I'm sure he's lying. - Уверен, он врет. - Ishonchi komil, u yolgon gapiryapti ☑️I would never have expected such an answer! - Никогда бы не ожидал такого ответа! - Bunday javobni hech ham kutmagan edim! ☑️I didn't expect Jo to come on time. - Я не ожидал, что он придет вовремя. - Uni vaqtida keladi deb kutmagan edim ☑️I can't imagine you did that. - Не могу представить, что ты это сделал. - Buni sen qilganingni tasavvurham qila olmayapman ☑️I just can't believe we are together again. - Просто не могу поверить, что мы снова вместе. - Yana birga ekanligimizga ishona olmayapman ☑️It was the first time in living memory - Первый раз в жизни - Umrida birinchi bor ☑️My foot! - Вот это да! - Ana holos! ☑️No-one could really believe their eyes - Никто не мог поверить своим глазам - Hech kim oz kozlariga ishona olmas edi ☑️No wonder he failed! - Неудивительно, что он провалился! - Ota olmaganini hayron qoladigan joyi yoq ☑️Really? - Правда? - Rostanmi? ☑️That's a good one! - А это неплохо! - Bu yomon emas! To faint - Падать в обморок - Hushidan ketish ☑️Would you believe it? - Ты в это веришь? - Sen bunga ishonasanmi? ☑️You must be joking! - Ты, наверное, шутишь! - Menimcha sen hazillashyapsan! ☑️You don't say! - И не говори! - Gapirma! ☑️Who could have imagined that? - Кто бы мог подумать? - Kim ham oylabti deysiz?
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    2 435
    🔖 So'zlashuv uchun kerak bo'ladigan eng muhim iboralar 🚩 Phoning - Qo’ng’iroq Qo’ngiroq Hello so’zi bilan boshlanadi, allo emas, odatda can modal fe’lini ko’proq ishlating. 🔻(When you answer) Hello. – Javob berayotganimizda(allo) 🔻(When you give your name) This is …(o’zingizni tanishtirayotganizda) Bu … 🔻I’ll call back later. - keyinroq qo’ng’iroq qilaman 🔻Can I speak to … please? …–  bilan gaplashsam bo’ladimi? 🔻I’d like to speak to … please. – bilan gaplashsam bo’ladimi? 🔻Can I leave a message please? – Xabar qoldirsam bo’ladimi? 🔻Can you say that (Ali) called please? –(Ali) qo’ng’iroq qilganini aytib qo’ying, lltimos 🔻Can you ask him / her to call me back? – Menga qaytib qo’ng’iroq qilishini aytib qo’ying
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    1 870
    Rus tili | PDF/audiobook
    📗Фан ва курс PDF🎧 📙Репетитор аудио PDF🎧 📘Бадий адабиёт таржима PDF🎧 📙A1.A2.B1.B2.C1.C2 PDF🎧 📕Тестлар ва словарлар PDF🎧 📚Богча болалар учун PDF💕 💻 REKLAMA: @ru_uz_kniga @rustili_10daqiqada QIWI:
    ✳️ Predloglar ✳️ ⚠️Yodlab va e'tibor bilan o'rganib oling sababi deyarli har kuni bu so'zlarga duch kelasiz. ✅about -haqida ✅above - tepada ✅across - orqali, ichidan ✅after -keyin ✅against - qarshi ✅among -o’rtasida ✅around - atrofida, taxminan ✅as - o’xshab ✅at - ostida, ichida ✅before - oldin ✅behind - orqada ✅below - pastda ✅beneath - ostida ✅beside - yonma-yon ✅between - o’rtasida ✅beyond - orqasida, narigi tomonida ✅but - lekin ✅by - yonida, -da, -dan tomonidan ✅despite - ga qaramay ✅down - past tomoniga ✅during - davomida, mobaynida ✅except - dan tashqari ✅for - uchun ✅from…- dan ✅in - ichida ✅inside - ichida ✅into - ichiga ✅near - yonida ✅next - yonida, atrofida ✅of…. - ning ✅on - Ustida, ichida ✅opposite - qarama-qarshi ✅out….- dan ✅outside - tashqarida ✅over - tepasida, o’stida ✅per - uchun ✅plus - qo’shuv ✅round - taxminan ✅since…- dan beri ✅than… - dan ko’ra ✅through - orasidan, orqali ✅till - gacha ✅to….- ga ✅toward…- ga ✅under- tagida, pastida ✅unlike…- ga o’xshamasdan ✅until - gacha ✅up…- ga, …da ✅with - bilan ✅with in - ichida ✅without… - siz ✅two words - ikkita so’zlar ✅according to…- ga qaraganda ✅because of - sababida, tufayli ✅close to - yaqinda ✅except for - dan tashqari ✅far from - dan uzoq ✅inside of…. - Ichida ✅instead of…- dan ko’ra ✅near to….- ga yaqin ✅next to… -dan keyin ✅outside of… - dan tashqari ✅prior to….- Gacha ✅three words - uchta so’zlar ✅as far as… - gacha ✅as well as… - ga o’xshab ✅in addition to…- ga qo’shimcha ✅in front of… - qarshisida ✅in spite of…- dan ko’ra ✅on behalf of…- nomidan ✅on top of… - tepasida 🇬🇧Eng sara dars va qo'llanmalar bizning kanalda🔝
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    2 163
    ✳️Yurakdan gapirish uchun iboralar✅ 🔹 I really like - Menga rostdan ham yoqadi. ▪️I really like playing basketball maybe that's way I'm quite tall. ▫️Menga basketbol o'ynash rostan yoqasi balkim bo'yim uzunligi uchundir 🔹 I especially like - Menga ayniqsa (nimadur) yoqadi. ▪️I especially like Creating posts in order to help you 😊 ▫️Menga ayniqsa postlar yaratish yoqadi sizga yordam berish maqsadida 🔹 I love - Men (nimadur bajarishni) sevaman. ▪️Most of people love listening to music in their leisure time 🎧 ▫️Ko'p odamlar ularning bo'sh vaqtida musiqa eshtishni yoqtiradi(sevadi) 🔹 I quite enjoy - Men (nimadurdan) biroz rohatlanaman.(lekin ko'p emas) ▪️We quite enjoyed our day out, in spite of the weather. ▪️Ob-havoga qaramay, dam olish kunimiz juda mamnun bo'ldi. 🔹 I'm a big fan of - Men (nimadur)qilishga ishqibozman. ▪️Nancy is a big fan of Chatting.Whenever you look she's "Typing..." ▫️Nansi chat qilishnj ishqibozi, qachonki qarasang "Typing" qilayotgan bo'ladi 🔹 I find it great to - Men bunday qilishni buyuk( zo'r,yaxshi )deb topaman ▪️I find it great to go for a walk after 5pm with my parents on Sundays ▫️Yakshanba kunlari soat 17.00 dan keyin ota-onam bilan sayr qilishni yaxshi ko'raman 🔹 It leaves me a deep impression - bu menda chuqur taasurot uyğotadi. ▪️Historic places usually leave me a deep impression. ▫️Tarixiy joylar doimmo menda chuqur taasurot uyg'otadi 👉👈
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    1 865
    Доброе утро!!!

    Tom wants to concentrate......... His medical studies

    Anonim ovoz berish
    📝Useful Phrasal Verbs ⚡️Turn on - yoqmoq ⚡️Turn off - o'chirmoq ⚡️Pick up - termoq(yerdan olmoq) ⚡️Put on - kiymoq ⚡️Get in - minmoq ⚡️Get out - tushmoq ⚡️Take out - olmoq ⚡️Grow up - o'smoq ⚡️Go out - chiqmoq ⚡️Come in - kirmoq ⚡️Look for - qidirmoq ⚡️Throw away - tashlamoq
    "To Be" birikmalari 🎗️to be ill — kasal bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be well — sog‘ (yaxshi) bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be hungry — och bo‘lmoq (taomga nisbatan) 🎗️ to be wet through — ho‘l bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be thirsty — chanqamoq 🎗️ to be interested in — qiziqmoq (biror narsaga) 🎗️ to be glad — xursand bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be happy — baxtli bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be married — uylanmoq (turmushga chiqmoq) 🎗️ to be single — yolg‘iz (bo‘ydoq, beva) bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be busy — band bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be free — bo‘sh bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be angry — jahli chiqmoq 🎗️ to be fond of — qiziqmoq, yaxshi ko‘rmoq 🎗️ to be late for — kechikmoq 🎗️ to be in — ichkarida bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be out — tashqarida bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be away — tashqarida (vatanidan)  bo‘lmoq 🎗️ to be sorry — kechirim so‘ramoq 🎗️ to be on duty — navbatchi bo‘lmoq 🔴 ©Karimov Islombek 🔴 🔴 ❌ Kanal linkisiz ko‘chirilmasin 🛑 Biz bilan aslo yutqazmaysiz....... ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
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    Different ways to say *LEAVE ME ALONE* 🐻back off 🐼go away 🐻buzz off 🐼get lost 🐻give me a break 🐼leave me in peace 🐻get away from me 🐼get off my back Boshqa usullarni bilasizmi🤨
    2 978
    ☝️Eng kerakli iboralar yodlang⭐️Rely on - tayanib qolmoq, o'rganib qolmoq ⭐️Introduce to - ga tanishtirmoq ⭐️Approve of - maqullamoq ⭐️Insist on - talab qilmoq ⭐️Introduce to - ga tanishtirmoq ⭐️Glance at - tikilmoq ⭐️Worry about - haqida havotirlanmoq ⭐️Congratulate on - Tabriklamoq ⭐️Displeased with - qoniqmaslik, mamnun bolmaslik, yoqtirmaslik ⭐️Include in - ichiga olmoq, qamrab olmoq ⭐️Comment on - da, haqida fikr bildirmoq ⭐️Disapprove of - maqullamaslik, inkor etmoq ⭐️Advantage of - ijobiy tomon ⭐️In time - o'z vaqtida(belgilanmagan vaqtlar uchun rejalashtirlmagan vaqtlar uchun) ⭐️On time – vaqtida(belgilangan vaqtlar uchun ) ⭐️Wait for – kutmoq ⭐️Take off – yechmoq ⭐️Crowded with - bilan gavjum, to'la
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    New vocabulary ♻️ Break down -  buzulib qolmoq Carry out - (tajriba) o'kazmoq, Come off - muvaffaqiyatli bo'lmoq Come on - rivojlanmoq Come up with - o'ylab topmoq Cut off - ta'minotni uzmoq, to'xtatmoq Find out - ...haqida ma'lumot topmoq Give off - o'zidan issiqlik yoki hid chiqarmoq Narrow down - sonini kamaytirmoq Plug in - vilkani rezidkaga ulamoq Put through - telefon orqali ulamoq Turn into - aylanmoq, o'zgarmoq Turn off - o'chirmoq Work out - yechim topmoq
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    3 799
    Technology and equipment part 1. 1. 🔒 Lock - qulf 2. 🗝 Key - kalit 3. 🔍 Magnifier - lupa 4. ✏️ Pencil - qalam 5. 🖊 Pen - ruchka 6. 📏 Ruler - chizg'ich 7. 🔗 Chain - zanjir 8. 📚 Book - kitob 9. 📓 Notebook - daftar 10. 📰 Newspaper - gazeta 11. 🗂 File - fayl 12. 📁 Folder - papka 13. 🗄 Drawers - tortmalar 14. 📆 Calendar - kalendar 15. 📊 Diagram - diagramma 16. 📄 Advertisement - reklama 17. 📦 Box - quti 18. 📬 Post box- pochta qutisi 19. 📧 E - mail - e-mail 20. 📩 Massage - xabar
    2 950
    📆 Qaysi oyda (Multilevel) imtihon topshirasiz ?
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