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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    #_godspeed Grassley. Dropping some Bombs! Grassley appears to make a mistake and leave 3 spaces between r & o. “r o” doesn’t return any match
but “r “ (with three spaces after) Returns just one drop & “ o" three spaces before o) returns just one single drop. The very same drop no way this is coincidence. Do you believe in coincidences? Keep list updated. Flood unstoppable. 🔞 Make America Great Again...MAGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
    1 430
    #_godspeed We caught them. This is video evidence from Maricopa County’s own livestream they didn’t know we were recording that shows officials breaking into machines after they were tested & sealed. They re-programmed the memory cards right before Election Day causing 60% of polling locations in GOP area to stop working. This is sabotage. 🔞 Make America Great Again...MAGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)

    Sequence 01_1.mp4

    1 270
    #_godspeed President Trump. Congratulations to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his big and well deserved victory in Turkey. I know him well, he is a friend, and have learned firsthand how much he loves his Country and the great people of Turkey, which he has lifted to a new level of prominence and respect! 🔞 Make America Great Again...MAGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
    1 157
    #_godspeed A reminder of The Green Party policies for the unvaccinated. The same party that shut all nuclear plants, want to ban all gas boilers want to impose limits on the amount of meat you can eat. It isn’t green, it’s fascist. 🔞 Make America Great Again...MAGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)


    1 146
    #_godspeed President Trump. The very stupid, China loving “Club for No Growth,” which has been backing Ron De Sanctimonious as his poll numbers have been absolutely CRASHING, has just spent some of the RINO money they have accumulated on an ad campaign hoping to counter the fact that Desanctus, just off the worst Presidential “Launch” in history,  opted three times to cut & destroy Social Security, even lifting the minimum age to 70.   He also voted to cut Medicare & institute a 23% National Sales Tax. Ron is a loser! 🔞 Make America Great Again...MAGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    MR. POOL WITH ANOTHER VIDEO MESSAGE POSTED ON TWITTER We all know by now that Mr. Pool is always delivering secret messages at times when patriots need help making smart decisions. But this time, he was very direct with his message. As you can see in the video, he showed that the CASHOUT phase has started. Do you own any of Trump's products? Make sure you secure the TRB Forms and submit them so you receive the CASHOUT on time. REMEMBER: With 1x TRB Form you can submit up to 7 items of any product for CASHOUT. With 2x TRB Forms up to 14 items, and so on, depending on how many items you own We are at the very top. We are just one step away from our goal! SECRET INTEL: Get at least 200x TRB Forms and receive an extra $2 million added to your CASHOUT Today is the day they are so afraid of. Everything is changing today. You've heard enough. Hurry up before these TRB Forms are out of stock and you have to wait until the SECOND CASH OUT segment. Submit your TRB Forms now👇 https://bit.ly/Cash_Out-Form
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    #_godspeed Elon Interesting connections – “But you what isn’t? WTF is he saying? But you. First indictment unseal will trigger mass pop awakening. First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
    1 756
    #_godspeed Pompeo “Has no place in”. Just 2 duplicate drops each with a perfect 1:39 PM Timestamp. Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. -Colossians 3:5. Your evil has no pleace in this world. Proven shop. The author of the post. The face is never the author. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
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    1 879
    #_godspeed Planned Parenthood. Dr. Suzie Prabhakaran, VP of Medical Affairs Graphically Discusses Planned Parenthood’s late-term dismemberment and Partial-Birth Abortion Protocols in context of Fetal Harvesting 2015. In this instance, CMP investigators posed as buyers from a biotech company to harvest fetal organs and tissues from the 2nd-trimester abortions that were being performed in Florida. DR Suzie Praphakaran, Confirms PPFA Uses Paperwork to fake Compliance with Late-Term Abortion Rules. According to Prabhakaran, Planned Parenthood abortion doctors can certify compliance with the law by using a feticide like digoxin to kill the fetus before the abortion, or they can simply document their intent to do a dismemberment abortion where the fetus is pulled apart with forceps rather than extracted intact. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    #_godspeed The New York Times reported that the potential deal would provide a two-year increase in the debt limit and cap on all non-defense and veteran-related federal spending. Spending on the military and some veteran related care would increase next year while non-defense spending would either fall or stay the same the report said. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)


    📆 NEW TODAY: Another CASHOUT success story just happened in front of our eyes Patriots are already receiving their CASHOUTS on a daily basis, and that's no secret, as you have seen in the last couple of videos. It's time to take destiny into your own hands; the TRB System Forms are the only way to CASHOUT your already registered Trump & TRB products. With the American people in mind, President Trump has secured BILLIONS of DOLLARS for the CASHOUT process. It's time you submit your registered products with the TRB System Forms and receive the promised value out of that money. A simple explanation: If you own 100 Bucks and 200 Checks, that's a total of 300 items, and you will need to get 43 of the TRB System Forms. ✅ NOTE: If you choose the 50x TRB Forms offer and select 10 on the Quantity Option, you will automatically receive $7 million added to your CASHOUT GET YOUR FORMS HERE, FILL THEM OUT, AND MAKE A CASHOUT👇
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    #_godspeed Getting very Overt “t let them” hits just three drops including drop #725. Timestamp 7:25. Ask yourself, who is trying to start a war? Ask yourself, if a missile was launched by rogue actors, what would be the purpose? Ask yourself, what would/should immediately start a war? Ask yourself, would the public understand the following statement. Rogue actors Clowns/US former heads of State initiated a missile launch in order to 'force' the US into a WAR/conflict against X? Be the autists we know you are. Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions. More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    #_godspeed AOC's constituents showed up and laid into her in spicy fashion. They want to know why she has no plan to stop the war in Ukraine and why they are unloading illegal immigrants in their cities by the bus load. There's just something so special about seeing AOC called out. 🔞 Make America Great Again...MAGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)


    #_godspeed Brain Blood Clots Caused by Covid Vaccine-Related Blood Disorders. Here's a study that looked at three fatal cases of Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia that occurred after people received a COVID-19 vaccine. VITT is characterized by unusual blood clotting in the brain or abdominal veins. Researchers found that the clots had a unique structure with a high density of white blood cells, specifically neutrophils, in the core and a low density in the tail. They also found signs of an immune response called neutrophil extracellular trap formation and complement activation, which can lead to blood clotting. They also detected the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within the clots and the adjacent vessel wall. More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Patriot Dad 🍿)
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    🧩THE LAST PIECE OF THE TRB PUZZLE IS HERE! You will finally be able to provide to your loved ones everything you’ve ever dreamed of. You are now finally able to cashout all of your products in a minute. All you need to do is: 1⃣ Visit the website down below 2⃣ Select the quantity of TRB CASHOUT FORMS you need 3⃣ Get your TRB CASHOUT FORM 4⃣ Follow the instructions on the back 5⃣ Cash out your products All we ask from you is to TRUST THE PLAN now more than ever! Everything that you have seen about the TRB Cashout FORM is true! Create your financial stability today by taking your most important financial step - Invest in TRB Cashout FORM. 🛒 🛒
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    #_godspeed The UK gov has backed off the reform of sex education, the decision coincided with the UN guidelines. This is a warning the road to hell is paved in good intentions. There’s no opt out even for 3 year olds. The state owns your children now. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )


    #_godspeed Unvaxed living in revelation 2023. At the time of this documentary 70% of the world has been vaxxinated. Let's take a trip down memory lane and review how the world has handled the Covid 19 PLANdemic/SCAMdemic in relation to those who have opposed the death jab. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )


    #_godspeed Scavino keyboar warriors just 2 duplicate May 27th 3-year deltas. We hold these truths to be self evident that all men & women are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, Women deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    #_godspeed Trump Statement. This Memorial Day Thank Joe Biden for our Horrible Economy. Help is on The Way! I Promise. President Trump slams Biden for out of control inflation, promises to rebuild the greatest economy in history. By Memorial Day 2025, our country will be roaring back. We'll be well on our way to greatness like our country has never seen before! ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )


    🚚FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DIDN'T BELIEVE: HOW NFT GOLDEN CARDS WORK? STEP 1: Scan the QR code and activate your cards STEP 2: Choose 'ATM Cash out' and receive unique PIN code (as shown in the video) STEP 3: Go to the closest ATM and withdraw your money Finally everything that we worked hard for will pay off and your support for Donald Trump will make you rich. 🙏🏻 This is great news for everyone. Trump announced that more than 1,000,000 cards have been sold and at least $10billion have been cashed out by patriot all around the country over the past few days 💞 Do you have the will to make your and your family's life better? President Trump is giving you that opportunity, you just need to grab it. Are you able to do it?🍀 All you need to do it buy at least 25x cards and become part of the future that our PRESIDENT is creating. This is your chance 👇🏻👇🏟👇 https://rebrand.ly/NFT-TRUMP-CARD IMPORTANT: Each card has a monetary value from starting from $30,000 and will skyrocket up to $100,000 very soon.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    #_godspeed House Oversight Chairman James Comer threatened Wednesday to hold FBI Director Christopher Wray in contempt of Congress after May 30 if the agency continues to refuse to comply with a subpoena to turn over an internal document. The FD-1023 document tipped off to House Oversight by a whistleblower allegedly details how Biden took money from a foreign national in exchange for foreign policy decisions while he was vice president, Greene said. If they hand over that form, the proof is there. It will literally show, not only to our country, but the world, that Biden abused his powers as vice president in order to make money to enrich himself to make foreign policy decisions on behalf of the United States of America. You can not do that. That is highly illegal. I think it would lead to impeachment and also destroy his presidential campaign Greene, who is a member of the committee, told the Caller in an interview. More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    #_godspeed No, Military Tribunals clearly aren’t happening. These platforms this day and age when someone doesn’t promote or uplift them they try to tear down others won’t work. They’re doing 3 things. 1. Destroying morale and emotions of innocent and honest Americans seeking truth and facts. 2. Tarnishing their personal and platform reputation and credibility in which you put your faith and trust. 3. Giving publicity to those of us who deliver receipts of facts and truth. Many want a reaction from me with their names from my mouth won’t happen. I don’t need names to expose corruption, receipts with evidence does that and this isn’t about me. This is God’s mission, I’m just answering His calling. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )
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    #_godspeed Rep. Ronny Jackson says somebody else is pulling the strings for Biden. Interesting he mentions that there have been times when it seems like Biden wanted to cooperate, but then the far left in Congress has reeled him in. So who is really pulling the strings? Obama? Soros? ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )


    2 063
    #_godspeed Bud Light is doubling down by funding pride events around the country. Bud Light will be sponsoring the Cincinnati Pride Parade alongside Planned Parenthood and the Cincinnati Children's Hospital which medically transitions minors. Things keep getting worse for the beer giant. Bud Light sales were down 24.6% for the week ending on May 13th when compared to the year prior. Anheuser-Busch just lost their LGBTQ+ rating after missing out on an important “moment” to double down on their support of Dylan Mulvaney. ♊ Nothing can stop what's coming...NCSWC! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    🚚 URGENT PATRIOTIC ALERT 💥 BIDEN and KAMALA’s leaked phone conversation has revealed a sinister plot to undermine the plans of our beloved President Donald Trump. The enemies of our nation are working hard to stop the progress we have made, but we, the patriots, will not let them succeed. We need to act fast, YOU need to ACT FAST, CASH OUT YOUR PRODUCTS TODAY, NOW! If, for example, you have 100x Bucks and 200x Checks, that is a total of 300 items, and you will need at least 42 TRB Forms because, with 1 Form, you can submit up to 7 items of any product. FINAL WAKE UP CALL!!!☀ The TRB FORMS are the one and only way to CASH OUT your products. With them, you will be able to get your well-deserved CASHOUT. 🔎 Use your chance now because Biden can make something that will stop this process, and the TRB FORMS will be gone forever, and your products will become just A PIECE OF PAPER that you will NEVER be able to CASH OUT. GET YOUR TRB FORMS HERE AND SECURE YOUR CASHOUT👇 https://bit.ly/Cash_Out-Form
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    #_godspeed The Texas House just announced that they are going to vote on a resolution to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton tomorrow at 1 pm. This comes less than a week after Paxton called on Speaker Dade Phelan to resign for being drunk on the House floor in between appointing Democrats to committee chairs and blocking border security bills. 🔹 Where We Go One We Go All...WWG1WGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )
    #_godspeed Trump. Ron DeSantis is better than most Democrat governors but very average at best compared to Republican governors. Even Cuomo did better on Covid. Desantis: Would have rather have lived during COVID under Cuomo in New York? Are you glad that we in Florida stood up to people like Dr. Fauci? 🔹 Where We Go One We Go All...WWG1WGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )


    #_godspeed Planned Parenthood (PP). End the Human trafficking of aborted infants. The evil we are up against. Discussing the collection of body parts from Aborted fetuses, How they do it not to ruin the specimen’s, over lunch. (PP) negotiating prices for fetal tissue. We have a fair amount of colleagues who generate a lot of income doing this. I want a Lamborghini. Adjusting medical procedures to preserve body parts for research groups to purchase. It’s all a matter of line items. Federal Judge William Orrick, who had personal ties with (PP) imposed a gag order on the evidence. Then AG Kamala Harris issued a search warrant in CMP founder David Daleidon’s home. David Daleiden and his associates at CMP were hit with a multi-million dollar punishment for exposing Planned Parenthood harvesting operation. January 2018, Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood, steps down. 🔹 Where We Go One We Go All...WWG1WGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )
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    #_godspeed Raheem Kassam on DeSantis 2024. They're wearing the skin suit of MAGA. If you think it started off as a shadow campaign, it's only going towards being a shell campaign. 🔹 Where We Go One We Go All...WWG1WGA! More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )


    Iran exchanged heavy gunfire with the Taliban on the Afghan border, escalating tensions over water rights. The question is. will support the Taliban against and send their Troops to the borders? If not who will support the Taliban against Iran? More: 👇👇👇👇👇 (Freedom fighter 🍿 )


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