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The official telegram channel of Health Freedom for Humanity. To uphold humanity’s right of health freedom now and for generations to follow. 
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Correction! I messed up— we will see you Sunday at 11AM CENTRAL TIME!
    2 683
    See you this Sunday on UNITE for Session 2!
    1 465
    Terrain theory says that the things we already know make us sick— malnutrition, poisoning, high nnEMF exposure, etc.— are what’s making us sick. Germ theory— “infections, contagious diseases, and various other conditions result from the action of microorganisms” “Germ theory” isn’t even a proper theory. A scientific theory must adhere to the scientific method. Germ theory does not. A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world and universe that has been repeatedly tested and corroborated in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results. Key point: in accordance with the scientific method. Which primary paper in virology adheres to the scientific method (clearly defined IV, IV shown to actually exist, accounting for confounding variables, proper controls, etc.), validating the hypothesis of pathogenic viruses? Can anyone present ONE primary virology paper that adheres to the scientific method? Just one? Nope. I’ve asked repeatedly, haven’t seen one. People share papers, yes. But when you ask how that paper adheres to the scientific method, they mudsling. So we’ve got that part of the germ theory puzzle out of the way. What about bacteria? Bacteria OBVIOUSLY exists. Scientists have isolated/purified bacteria repeatedly. But have they clearly demonstrated that any type of bacteria is, itself, a causative agent in so-called contagious diseases? So let’s ask— can anyone find me one single primary bacteriology paper that strictly adheres to the scientific method validating the hypothesis that bacteria are disease causing agents? I’m much less familiar with this part of the germ hypothesis (yes, hypothesis, because it doesn’t adhere to the scientific method so it’s still only a hypothesis), admittedly. But every paper I’ve seen wherein purified bacteria (a properly identified IV 😁) is delivered to a healthy host via reasonable, natural means (meaning not injected directly into the stomach or poured into a cracked skull), the host does not express symptoms of disease. So it’s not germ “theory.” Its germ hypothesis.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    2 927
    “To change the dialogue that we are innately already strong, and the goal is how do I not weaken my child's immune system” Dr. Larry Palevsky discussing proper nourishment for children. SAVE THE DATE!!🔥 September 9th Health Freedom for Humanity is inviting you to join an exclusive membership community! Only in this membership will you have access to ALL of HFfH's event content AND.... -Live webinars and Q&A's with Alec Zeck and special guests -Deep discounts on incredible courses from leaders in the health/freedom space -Exclusive discounts on products and services from top companies in holistic/naturopathic health, food and supplements, biohacking, healthy apparel and more -Invaluable Resources and films To stay up to date on all things HFfH, including more info about the membership, please register for our newsletter and make sure to mark our email address as ‘SAFE’ so that it will not go to spam! Sign up here:
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    4 362
    In early 2020, with the arrival of Covid-19, Sam began researching the scientific evidence behind lockdowns, social distancing and PCR tests. After releasing a YouTube video in September 2020, where she stated she would not take a coronavirus vaccine, she was sacked halfway through filming a second series of “The CheckUp”. Subsequently, she lost some of her employment as a medical doctor and has had ongoing legal battles with the New Zealand medical authorities who are attempting to silence her views on Covid-19. Sam is co-author of the #1 best seller in Amazon Microbiology Science: ‘Virus Mania’, which examines how the medical industry continually invents epidemics to make billion-dollar profits at our expense. For more information on Sam, please visit: Health Freedom for Humanity is a non profit organization. Support Health Freedom for Humanity here:
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    4 776
    Episode #84 of the Health Freedom for Humanity podcast is now live! Follow this link to listen or watch: ::This episode is still uploading to Rumble, Bitchute, and our website so please be patient if you’d like to watch this episode and not just listen!! 💚:: In this episode, Alec Zeck sits down with Dr. Sam Bailey to discuss her journey from a career in allopathic medicine to the realization that everything is not as it seems – germ theory to terrain theory, virus isolation, bioresonance, gain of function, lab leaks and a special shout-out to Mr. Schwab! To stay up to date on all things HFfH, including our upcoming membership, please visit:
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    2 141
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    10 794
    LIVE TODAY AT 5 Eastern Time (2 Pacific Time) We’re interviewing Dr. Sam Bailey! We’ll cover: —gain of function and lab leak nonsense —The virus challenge —Mike Yeadon’s change of heart —whatever else y’all ask us in the chat! See you later today!
    2 734
    Sheela Mahdavi is a nutritionist, detoxification specialist, herbalist, and founder of Food Over Drugs, a food education and herbal supplement company. Sheela has held a passion for educating people about the power of food and how to reverse disease ever since she began reversing her own health conditions without the use of medications. After graduating with a B.S. in Nutritional Science, she went on to host educational workshops and seminars around Southern California all while slowly formulating natural alternatives to medications for her friends and family. By 2019, the demand for her formulas caused her company, Food Over Drugs, to officially launch. Today, her formulas have reached over 21 countries around the world. And with nearly half a million followers on TikTok, Sheela continues to educate the world about the power of food and how it can be used to heal the body. For more information on Sheela, please visit:
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    2 591
    Episode #83 of the Health Freedom for Humanity podcast is now live! Follow this link to listen or watch: In this episode, Alec Zeck talks to Sheela Mahdavi about her personal journey from a pre-diabetic diagnosis at a young age to starting down the path of health freedom with natural remedies. If you would like to help support Health Freedom for Humanity, please visit:


    5 158
    Live now with Justin Frandson from EMF ROCKS!
    Justin Frandson EMF ROCKS . Date: 02 Aug 11:00 AM CDT
    1 846
    Live tomorrow on Unite, HF4H’s first official live podcast episode! Watch here:
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    Hey everyone! I realized I made a mistake on the previous flyer— we are live tomorrow at 10AM CDT (11AM EDT). This panel is set to be pretty incredible, so we hope to see you live tomorrow!
    2 252
    Attorney 'Thrilled' After Federal Judge Blocks COVID Vaccine Mandate for Air Force, Air National Guard
    A federal judge in Ohio on Wednesday blocked the military’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate nationwide for Air Force, Space Force and Air National Guard service members who requested religious exemptions.
    2 518
    SOVEREIGNTY SESSIONS Presented by & Health Freedom for Humanity Session 1, live on Sunday at 10AM CDT Derrick Broze from The Conscious Resistance: Jim Gale from Food Forest Abundance: Zach Correa from LemonGRAFT: Watch at this link!:
    2 386
    3 926
    DEBUNKING THE NONSENSE: A presentation by Jacob Diaz, Mike Donio, Dr. Jordan Grant, Mike Stone and Alec Zeck addressing the fallacious reasoning, misinterpretations, and pseudoscience of virology. This field of so-called science is the foundation for which every tyrannical, inhumane measure was justified during the COVID-19 era. The lockdowns, the social distancing, the masking, the experimental vaccines, the mandates, the business closures, the job loss, the severe depression, the economic impact, the censorship, the centralization of power, the increased government control, the segregation, the discrimination, the harmful hospital protocols, the unnecessary death, and every other piece of the official COVID-19 narrative rests on the shoulders of the completely unproven concept of pathogenic disease causing particles that are passed from person-to-person. Additionally, much of the allopathic medical system is based on the pseudoscientific and unproven germ theory of disease, including childhood vaccination programs, which are responsible for tremendous harm across several generations of children. We are of the firm belief that, if we are to get back to the true nature of heath and disease, the germ theory of disease and virology must be dismantled, and the knowledge of its fallacious reasoning, misinterpretations, and pseudoscience must be widespread, especially amongst the health freedom community. We hope that you’ll share this PDF and the corresponding video presentation with as many people as you can. On page 46 is a link to a frequently updated list of resources on this topic for those who wish to go deeper on any specific aspect of this presentation.” Follow this link to download the PDF of this presentation: Follow this link to watch the video presentation:
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    Debunking the Nonsense
    3 304
    Food shortages? Supply chain issues? We don’t need to be afraid! There is a better way. Join us tomorrow to help educate the world on the importance of growing our own food, supporting local farmers, educating on regenerative practices— dismantling the centralized systems through all of it!


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    So much of our energy can be spent in that dynamic. I wonder just how many of us get lost in the hopelessness of that dynamic and miss the real opportunities and calls for deeper healing of ourselves. I know I have fallen for it many times.
    2 628
    Episode #82 of the Health Freedom for Humanity podcast is now live! Follow this link to listen or watch: In this episode, get ready to go on a deep dive with Alec Zeck as he interviews Ian “The Wizard” Mitchell on a fascinating range of topics centered around the idea of quantum biology and human potential – bio-hacking, wavelength modulation, lifespan expansion, and much more. For more information on Ian and details on products discussed in the episode, please visit: If you’ve been educated, informed and enriched by this podcast and would like to help support the fight for health freedom, please visit:
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...


    I am over to moon with all of the support we are having for the initiative! This Friday the 22nd of July, I invite all of you to join us in this Universal action for FOOD SOVEREIGNTY. Food sovereignty is the absolute foundation for freedom. Without access to affordable and locally grown food, our communities and societies will descend into further enslavement. But we can all choose differently! We can choose to boycott multinational supermarkets and buy directly from our local farmers. Or better yet, we can grow our own food! Let's counter the fear of food scarcity and agricultural collapse, and show the world that we have farmers, we have land, we have networks and WE WILL COLLABORATE! Check out the website here: And join the Telegram group . 🥕🌿❤️
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    We are so excited to announce that our friend from The Event and Alfa Vedic, Mike Winner, is once again hosting the annual sovereignty music and arts festival, Music and Sky this Fall in central California. Come join the ever growing family of vibrant magical Souls in an intimate weekend of Wellness, Regenerative Healing & Connection, grounded in the Beauty of Nature under a Cuyama Valley Night Sky. This is an immersive weekend journey of Activating Workshops, Integrated Healing Experiences, Inspiring and informative Speakers, Gourmet Farm to Table Meals, Ice Baths, Yoga, Sound Healing, Art, Performers, and Dancing to Live Music and Djs! The 3 night camping event takes place at California's newest and finest all inclusive off grid premier venue, Cielos, Oct 13th - 16th. This will be a Family Gathering not to be missed! Use the special coupon code, HFFH50 to get $50 off your ticket today!
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    2 222
    1 716
    2022 Global Happiness Summit With some of our Health Freedom for Humanity Sisters ✨💚 From Tuesday, July 12th to Saturday, July 16th, our friends at BriteVibe are bringing together industry leaders and inspirational speakers to empower your personal growth through a powerful, transformative, live 5-day event. A unique collection of authorities and experts who represent a diversity of disciplines and perspectives make up an all-star speaker list, and will cover topics such as:
    Freedom and Total Acceptance
    How to be Happy for No Reason
    Leading with Compassionate Candor
    Joy, Wisdom and Enlightenment
    The Wisdom of the Heart Join us July 12 - 16 for inspiring conversations that will empower you to live your best life. Click here to register for free:
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    1 821
    Finishing up editing a 2 hour video presentation I made with former scientist Mike Donio, Jordan Grant MD, Jacob Diaz, and ’s Mike Stone that covers everything you need to know about the pseudoscience of virology. We will distribute our presentation in a PDF as well.
    1 377
    Episode #81 of the Health Freedom for Humanity Podcast is now live! Follow this link to listen or watch: Alec Zeck talks with Mollie Engelhart about her experience as a restaurateur, growing and operating a successful regenerative farm, the pitfalls of modern convenience and big government, and the importance of getting back to our true roots.   For more information about Mollie, please visit: / If you would like to help support the fight for health freedom, please visit:
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    1 681
    Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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