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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Schoen and O’Brien Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin WATCH:
Schoen and O’Brien Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin
David Schoen and Robert O’Brien join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin tonight, April 28, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
2 169
Will The ICC Unleash A Second European Holocaust? WATCH:
Will The ICC Unleash A Second European Holocaust?
Will the ICC unleash a second European Holocaust? Why won’t Biden speak up?
2 967
Yoo and Murray Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin WATCH:
Yoo and Murray Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin
John Yoo and Douglas Murray join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin tonight, April 27, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
3 273
Former Trump Attorney Rips Judge Merchan WATCH:
Former Trump Attorney Rips Judge Merchan
David Schoen on Life, Liberty and Levin. "This Judge Merchan was handpicked. There wasn't any random selection here."
3 377
Joel Pollak On His Confrontation With Pro Hamas Protestors At UCLA WATCH:
Joel Pollak On His Confrontation With Pro Hamas Protestors At UCLA
Breitbart’s Joel Pollak calls in to discuss his visit to the “Palestine Solidarity Encampment” at UCLA. He was violently assaulted by these Hitler youth right in front of other media.
3 220
Levin: I'm Disgusted By The Whole Damn Thing! WATCH:
Levin: I'm Disgusted By The Whole Damn Thing!
Mark Levin: “I look at this case and I'm so disgusted by the whole damn thing. We had a fraud case that didn't require fraud. Now we have a criminal case that doesn't require crime. The New York bar s
3 220
Trump Cases & Antisemitism in America, Sunday on Life, Liberty & Levin WATCH:
Trump Cases & Antisemitism in America, Sunday on Life, Liberty & Levin
David Schoen and Robert O’Brien join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Sunday, April 28, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
3 090
Levin: This Is About Terrorism On Our College Campuses WATCH:
Levin: This Is About Terrorism On Our College Campuses
Mark Levin: “This isn't about Palestine. This is about terrorism on our college campuses.”
3 038
Levin: The Entire Electoral Process Is Criminalized Where We Don't Know What's Even Legal Anymore WATCH:
Levin: The Entire Electoral Process Is Criminalized Where We Don't Know What's Even Legal Anymore
Mark Levin: “How come all of a sudden… this entire electoral process is criminalized where today we don't know what's even legal anymore?”
3 080
John Yoo: Biden Triggered This Constitutional Crisis WATCH:
John Yoo: Biden Triggered This Constitutional Crisis
John Yoo on Life, Liberty and Levin. “Unfortunately, it’s Joe Biden who has triggered this Constitutional crisis by continuing to press this special counsel investigation.”
3 169
Bidenflation is crushing your RETIREMENT. Protect it now before it’s too late Switch your IRA, 401k, TSP Pension (or even your savings account) to Gold without penalty with Goldco’s exclusive IRS loophole Get Your FREE 2024 Gold & Silver IRA Kit:
3 403
Kash Patel: Biden Is Funding The Enemy! WATCH:
Kash Patel: Biden Is Funding The Enemy!
Mark is joined by Kash Patel to discuss the funding of America and Israel’s enemies by the Biden administration.
3 544
Trump Trial Reaction & Tensions In The Middle East, Saturday on Life, Liberty & Levin WATCH:
Trump Trial Reaction & Tensions In The Middle East, Saturday on Life, Liberty & Levin
John Yoo and Douglas Murray join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Saturday, April 27, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
3 899
MRC’s Brent Bozell Exposes Facebook’s Interference in U.S Elections WATCH:
MRC’s Brent Bozell Exposes Facebook’s Interference in U.S Elections
Mark is joined by MRC founder Brent Bozell to talk about the serial election interference being done by big tech companies like Facebook and Google censoring speech and news.
5 028
Mark Levin: Biden Has Been Awful For America WATCH:
Mark Levin: Biden Has Been Awful For America
Mark Levin: “I'm here to make the case that Joe Biden has been awful for America. Since the day he stepped into the US Senate and sided with the racists and segregationists and opposes integrating our
5 520
Mark Levin Exposes Dark Money Behind Anti-Israel Movement WATCH:
Mark Levin Exposes Dark Money Behind Anti-Israel Movement
Mark Levin :”You want to know who's funding these people? The Democrat Party and the terrorist regimes. What? You have a fusion of Marxists. You have a fusion with Islamists, a complicated matrix and
4 884
The Democrat Party Hates America: Levin WATCH:
The Democrat Party Hates America: Levin
Mark Levin: “I'll tell you what's going on in this country, this, the Democrat Party hates America. Yes, it does. If it loves America, it sure as hell has a funny way of showing it. And now they want
4 149
Trump Attorney Will Scharf: We're Watching A Show Trial WATCH:
Trump Attorney Will Scharf: We're Watching A Show Trial
Will Scharf on Life, Liberty and Levin. “What we're seeing here is a show trial in the truest sense of the word. President Trump did absolutely nothing wrong here.”
3 758
Levin: What Happens When Iran Goes Nuclear? WATCH:
Levin: What Happens When Iran Goes Nuclear?
“Our southern border is wide open by design, by design, and all the hell that comes with it. Our skies are open to nuclear attack by design. The very man who opposed the Strategic Defense Initiative f
4 129
We Need To Return to Peace Through Strength: Richard Goldberg WATCH:
We Need To Return to Peace Through Strength: Richard Goldberg
Richard Goldberg on Life, Liberty and Lecin. “We need to return to a peace through strength mentality. It starts with the economic and political but also extends to our military deterrence as well.”
4 335
Trump Legal Cases A Concerted Effort Not Based In The Rule Of Law, But In Politics: Brett Tolman WATCH:
Trump Legal Cases A Concerted Effort Not Based In The Rule Of Law, But In Politics: Brett Tolman
Brett Tolman: "This is a concerted effort that is not based on the rule of law. It's based in politics and it's using power... to actually target a person that they are more afraid of then we are conc
5 162
Tolman and Goldberg Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin WATCH:
Tolman and Goldberg Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin
Brett Tolman and Rich Goldberg join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin tonight, April 21, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
4 857
Mark Levin Urges Vigilance Against Radical Islamists WATCH:
Mark Levin Urges Vigilance Against Radical Islamists
Amidst what Mark calls the “Second Muslim Crusade,” radical terrorists threaten American values and way of life relentlessly. Mark delves into the motivations behind these extremists, urging Americans
4 891
Sen Cotton: Democrats May Be Using Anti-Israel Protests To Create Diplomatic Daylight WATCH:
Sen Cotton: Democrats May Be Using Anti-Israel Protests To Create Diplomatic Daylight
Sen. Tom Cotton on Life, Liberty and Levin. "But I fear what is really happening here is... That they see the Arab American voters in Michigan. They see the progressives on college campuses protesting
4 879
Cotton and Scharf Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin WATCH:
Cotton and Scharf Tonight on Life, Liberty and Levin
Sen Tom Cotton and Will Scharf join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin tonight, April 20, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
4 746
John Ondrasik: We Are Not OK WATCH:
John Ondrasik: We Are Not OK
Mark is joined by Five for Fighting singer-songwriter John Ondrasik to talk about his experience in Israel for a concert and the evil of Hamas and Iran that surrounds the Israeli citizens while they c
4 881
Kevin Sorbo On China’s Control In The Film Industry WATCH:
Kevin Sorbo On China’s Control In The Film Industry
Mark speaks with actor and producer Kevin Sorbo about his new documentary, Hollywood Takeover: China’s Control in the Film Industry.
4 242
Biden’s Behind All Of It! Sunday on Life, Liberty and Levin WATCH:
Biden’s Behind All Of It! Sunday on Life, Liberty and Levin
Brett Tolman and Rich Goldberg join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Sunday, April 21, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
4 450
Middle East Crisis, Saturday on Life, Liberty and Levin WATCH:
Middle East Crisis, Saturday on Life, Liberty and Levin
Sen Tom Cotton and Will Scharf join Mark Levin on Life, Liberty and Levin Saturday, April 20, at 8pm Eastern on Fox.
4 597
Manchester Airport Incident Ignites More Anti-Semitism WATCH:
Manchester Airport Incident Ignites More Anti-Semitism
Amid the global surge in anti-Semitic incidents, survivors of the Nova music festival faced harassment at Manchester Airport. This alarming trend includes rising anti-Jewish rhetoric and the emergence
4 944
Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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