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auditoriya statistikasi The Way Forward

Charting the path towards health, liberty, and awareness for all of mankind. 
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Kanalga qancha ayol va erkak obuna bo'lganligini bilib olishingiz mumkin.

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Obunachilarning ko'payishi

Ma'lumotlar yuklanmoqda

Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Episode 119: Circadian Biology, Leptin, & Light featuring Sarah Kleiner is now available for viewing/listening on all of our streaming platforms. Sarah is Board Certified in Applied Quantum Biology by the American Naturopathic Medical Board and has over 14 years of experience working one-on-one with clients to optimize their nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset. She’s also a Certified Nutrition Coach with the National Academy of Sports Medicine and has completed coaching certifications with the Quantum Biology Collective. Her mission is to help people integrate circadian rhythm, health, nutrition, and light into their modern lives for optimal well-being at any age or stage of life. Here's some topics we covered in this episode: Sarah’s Health Journey: Sarah opens up about her personal experiences that led her to specialize in circadian biology, quantum biology, and nutrition. Leptin Sensitivity Explained: Learn what leptin sensitivity is, how it affects your body's energy management, and why it's crucial for overall wellness. Key Hormones: Dive into the roles of leptin, cortisol, and melatonin in the body, and how these hormones interact to regulate energy, sleep, and stress. Sun Exposure & Tolerance: Discover the importance of sunlight in circadian biology, how to build up your tolerance to the sun and how being outdoors can impact your health. Understanding Skin Types: Sarah discusses the Fitzpatrick system of skin types and how different skin tones respond to UV exposure. Quantum Biology 101: Learn how electrons work in the body and why quantum biology is a game-changer for understanding health at the cellular level. Nutrition for Hormonal Balance: Sarah highlights the importance of diet, focusing on why eating protein in the morning can help reverse leptin resistance and support optimal health. Visit to stream this episode.
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Sarah Kleiner reel 2v2 (reel & cover).mp4

Oftentimes, self-proclaimed "truthers" do more harm than good. And yes, I absolutely HAVE been guilty of this in the past… There's a delicate balance between raising awareness about harmful narratives, systems, and agendas to help followers dissolve conditioning and empower better choices, and unintentionally perpetuating those narratives through incessant focus, which incites fear and rage among followers, offering up a feeding-frenzy of thought-energy for the harmful narratives, systems and agendas. This realm begins with the mind; everything starts with mind. Those seeking control and domination crave the powerful co-creative capacity of your mind above all. They desire your thought energy fixated on them, their destructive actions, and negative scenarios. Your incessant focus feeds those agendas. Be mindful of the “truthers” you follow and the content you’re consuming. Are you being informed, or is your thought energy being hijacked?
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1 697
There’s a period where you just didn’t know better — you’d fallen for their disempowering and fear-based propaganda, and maybe you were legitimately victimized because of it. You were unwittingly buying into and perpetuating destructive beliefs, narratives, and systems. But once you’re aware of it, the only one preventing you from healing, accessing your own power and authoring your own experience is you. That’s it. No one else. No more blaming the democrats, big pharma, the Jews, your parents, the Jesuits, Mark Zuckerberg, Israel, the government, Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, Klaus Schwab, Anthony Fauci or anyone else. Once you’re aware of their disempowering and fear-based beliefs, narratives, and systems, the onus is on you to take ownership of your own life, connect with God, cultivate the co-creative capacity inside of you, and author your own experience. Or remain stuck. The choice is yours.
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Attention Platinum Members! Our women’s community call is happening TODAY at 8PM ET.
Attention Platinum Members! Just a quick reminder that our Men’s Call - Book Review (Kybalion) is happening tonight at 8pm on Zoom! We can’t wait to see you there.
1 162
Join us tonight at 7PM U.S. Eastern for the YouTube premiere of episode 119: Circadian Biology, Leptin, & Light featuring Sarah Kleiner. In this episode, we sit down with Sarah Kleiner, a Board Certified expert in Applied Quantum Biology and Certified Nutrition Coach, to explore the intricate connections between circadian rhythms, leptin sensitivity, and the role of light in overall health. Sarah shares her personal journey through fertility challenges and how her experiences shaped her unique approach to wellness. Sarah is Board Certified in Applied Quantum Biology by the American Naturopathic Medical Board and has over 14 years of experience working one-on-one with clients to optimize their nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset. She’s also a Certified Nutrition Coach with the National Academy of Sports Medicine and has completed coaching certifications with the Quantum Biology Collective. Her mission is to help people integrate circadian rhythm, health, nutrition, and light into their modern lives for optimal well-being at any age or stage of life. to catch the Youtube premiere.
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1 071

Sarah Kleiner reel 1v2 (reel & cover).mp4

Hi all, it's Dawn. I'm sharing my latest Substack piece to help get people thinking more deeply about the propaganda,
The propaganda continues apace!
I’ve noticed a few articles on the BBC website over the past few days that indicate a growing trend of propaganda.
1 093
No Pandemic
Interview with Michael Allen Bryant
1 403
What are 10 harmonizing belief systems to counteract the 10 harmful beliefs I’ve shared above?
1 321
9 dangerous belief systems permeating society: 1. Scientism: The "Scientific Community" possesses superior knowledge of the natural world, "scientific consensus" should be accepted as gospel that we orient our lives around. 2. The Illusion of Authority: Men and women who call themselves “government” possess inherent authority to issue commands to other men and women, and use force against the non-compliant. 3. The Contagion Myth: Healthy individuals can become ill via exposure to sick people or their bodily fluids. 4. Our Body’s Limitations: Our bodies are flawed and lacking, requiring pharmaceuticals, injections, and surgeries to maintain health. 5. Anthropocentric Superiority: Man-made creations are superior to God's natural creations. Nature is flawed and can be enhanced through human innovation. 6. Earth’s Limitations: The Earth requires human intervention to overcome its supposed shortcomings; interfering with nature has no negative consequences. 7. Use-of-Force Fallacy: One peoples’ liberty is preserved through violence and destruction inflicted upon other peoples. 8. Moral Disconnection: Human beings incur no consequences for their harmful beliefs, words, and actions. 9. Materialism: reality is solely physical, and only experiences through the 5 primary senses are valid.
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2 717
Great read from Jason Christoff
Viruses and Poison - Lies Cause Death - Truth Extends Life
1 400
1 979
Welcoming Zeck baby # 3 March/April 2025 ❤️🤰🏻🐣


2 013
Join us tonight at 7PM U.S. Eastern for the YouTube premiere of episode 118: Autism & Chronic Childhood Illness featuring Jodie Meschuk. In this episode, we sit down with Jodie Meschuk, an author, activist, and autism-turnaround expert, to discuss the complex and often controversial topic of childhood vaccines, autism, and chronic illness. Jodie shares her personal story of her family's experience with vaccine injury and the journey to healing. She offers insights into navigating the emotional and physical challenges parents face when dealing with vaccine injuries, ADHD, autism, and other chronic conditions. Jodie Meschuk is a mother, author, activist, and autism-turnaround expert. After her family faced vaccine injuries and other side effects from the childhood schedule, Jodie took charge of her family's health journey. She now empowers other parents to demand better care, advocate for their children, and choose their own path. Jodie is a Naturopathic practitioner and leads "The Warrior Center," a membership group supporting children, mothers, and families. to catch the Youtube premiere.
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2 561

Jodie-Meschuk Reel 2v2 (reel & cover).mp4

2 074
Here's five fantastic 9/11 Documentaries I recommend anyone interested in the topic, to check out. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
9/11 The New Pearl Harbor -.Massimo Mazzucco 5 hour documentary that answers 9/11 questions
9/11 The New Pearl Harbor -.Massimo Mazzucco 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11 "September 11 - The New Pearl Harbor" is a 5 hour documentary that summarizes 12 years of public debate on 9/11. All the most import…
3 017
Hey y’all, I want to share some important updates and behind-the-scenes context regarding The Way Forward, specifically our membership site, () I apologize in advance for this lengthy message. In early 2022, as director of Health Freedom for Humanity (HFfH), we were developing a membership platform to connect members, state chapters, and like-minded practitioners. This platform included a map enabling members to find other members near them, lots of education on a variety of topics, was to include weekly calls, and more. Unfortunately, as many of you know, we had to shut down HFfH due to circumstances Many team members transitioned to The Way Forward with the same goals in mind. Over the past 2.5 years, we've faced incredible challenges bringing those goals to fruition on () and it has been incredibly frustrating. It initially started when our website received several DDoS attacks upon launch in mid-2022, followed by nearly 18 months of continual website issues on our buddy-boss based membership platform. Some of the examples are the website completely timing out for a good chunk of our members, the website taking nearly 90 seconds to load when navigating the site, several pieces of the site totally failing to function, etc., etc. I (Alec) don’t have the technical knowledge to explain what exactly was occurring, but after two independent analyses of that version of our website, it was recommended that we start from scratch on either a new buddy-boss platform or look into a new system altogether. We decided to go with the latter, using a platform called Voxel. Our new website launch was scheduled for a few weeks ago, behind our newly formed unincorporated private based organization (essentially a more rigorous, protected PMA). Unfortunately, just prior to launch, our web-developer experienced a major health crisis that necessitated he remove himself from the project. One of our members graciously stepped in to help, but further investigation revealed there were actually several remaining issues with the site. I just wanted to share all of this with everyone in full transparency. I am incredibly frustrated, as I’m sure many of you are, too. For 3+ years I’ve had the vision of creating a private-based membership platform that helps like-minded people find each other, find like-minded businesses and practitioners in their area, gathering spots for likeminded people, local farm networks, with loads of education and regular membership events on all things terrain-based and metaphysical health, voluntaryist and common law principles, the nature of reality, panentheist concepts, permaculture and homesteading, hidden history, and more. My hopes are that THE WAY FORWARD grows into a world-wide, interconnected network that eventually purchases land and buildings to host regular events, natural health clinics, permaculture farms, and more… I apologize for the issues and appreciate your patience. I'll continue to keep you updated on our progress. With love, Alec
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Ep 01: What Happened to HFfH? with Dr. Jo Yi
**We are shadowbanned and censored on virtually every platform except our audio podcasts! If you like our episodes, we sincerely appreciate you sharing with you
2 042
Episode 116: Reeducation Camp: Liberty-Centric Education For All featuring Connor Boyack is now available for viewing/listening on all of our streaming platforms. Connor Boyack is a prolific author, speaker, and the founder of the Libertas Institute, a think tank dedicated to advancing liberty through innovative legal reforms. Best known for the Tuttle Twins book series, Connor has sold over five million copies, teaching the values of a free society to children and adults alike. He’s also the executive producer of the Tuttle Twins animated series and a self-made entrepreneur actively working to change hearts, minds, and laws for a freer society. Here's some topics we covered in this episode: Origin of the Tuttle Twins: Connor shares how he came up with the idea for the Tuttle Twins book series, designed to educate children (and parents) about the principles of a free society. The Broken Education System: A deep dive into why the current education system is failing students and how it's moving away from core values and critical thinking. Strategies for Education Reform: Connor discusses various avenues and strategies for reforming education, emphasizing the need for a competition of ideas and fair representation of differing viewpoints. Navigating Political Censorship: Explore the challenges of maintaining balanced perspectives amidst political censorship in education and how to ensure fair discourse. Protecting Core Values: Insights on keeping children safe from content that diverges from core values and the importance of guiding them toward passion-driven education. Instilling Critical Thought: Techniques for parents to prioritize their children’s intellectual freedom and avoid indoctrination, fostering environments where liberty-centric ideas can flourish naturally. Promoting Liberty-Centric Ideas: Connor shares how to encourage children to embrace liberty without being pushy, allowing them to explore and adopt these principles on their own terms. Tuttle Twins Book Series Themes: A look at the topics and themes covered in the Tuttle Twins series, designed to teach children about economics, government, and the importance of personal freedom. to stream this episode.
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1 927

Connor-boyack Reel 2 (reel & cover).mp4

1 750
Hey All, this is Jacob Diaz (UnderCoverVirologist on IG). I released a podcast episode on "Lyme Disease" 2 weeks ago! For anyone interested, we cover basically everything regarding Lyme disease. Diagnosis, Pathology, History, Treatment and wether or not it's actually a valid and specific diagnosis. Enjoy!
1 899
Also, shameless plug, get Mark Gober’s latest book!:
1 676
Interesting anecdote: Currently flying from Frankfurt, Germany to Austin, TX… We flew over Iceland, Greenland (I was awake for this part and watched out my window) and are currently flying over Quebec… Going over Iceland, Greenland, and Quebec is a straight line on a flat earth map from Frankfurt to Austin… On a globe it makes literally zero sense. It is absurdly indirect. Try it for yourself on a globe map.
2 073
Episode 117: The Revolution Disguised As Homesteading featuring Takota Coen premieres tonight on Youtube at 7pm ET. Ever wondered how to turn a traditional farm into a regenerative powerhouse? In this episode, we sit down with Takota Coen, a pioneer in regenerative agriculture and homesteading. Takota shares his journey from a conventional farm structure to a thriving, sustainable ecosystem, offering valuable insights into the homesteading revolution and how it can empower us to become less dependent on failing systems. Takota Coen is a farmer, author, and co-founder of Building Your Homestead. Born and raised on a 250-acre regenerative farm in Alberta, Canada, Takota left his carpentry career in 2012 to fight against the systems that keep people dependent, sick, and constrained. He is dedicated to helping others break free by establishing their own regenerative homesteads and building a parallel economy. to catch the Youtube premiere.
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The Revolution Disguised As Homesteading featuring Takota Coen
Ever wondered how to turn a traditional farm into a regenerative powerhouse? In this episode, we sit down with Takota Coen, a pioneer in regenerative agriculture and homesteading. Takota shares his journey from a conventional farm structure to a thriving, sustainable ecosystem, offering valuable insights into the homesteading revolution and how it can empower us to become less dependent on failing systems. Episode Highlights: Health Benefits of Regenerative Products: Takota discusses the health benefits of regenerative agriculture, highlighting how nutrient-rich soil leads to healthier crops, animals, and ultimately, healthier humans. Profitability in Regenerative Farming: Learn how Takota transformed the financial landscape of his farm, making it more profitable under a regenerative model compared to its previous industrial structure. Converting Farms from Industrial to Regenerative: Takota breaks down the steps and strategies necessary for transitioning a farm from industrial practices to regenerative methods, emphasizing the importance of working with nature rather than against it. Order of Operations in Homesteading: Explore Takota’s step-by-step approach to homesteading, including why the sequence of actions is crucial for a successful transition to a regenerative lifestyle. Importance of Existing Roots: Discover the significance of understanding and preserving the existing natural elements on your land and how they play a critical role in regenerative farming. Finding Community: Takota highlights the importance of finding a communal area or supportive community, emphasizing that homesteading is not just about self-sufficiency but also about building connections and sharing knowledge. Takota is a farmer, author, and co-founder of Building Your Homestead. Born and raised on a 250-acre regenerative farm in Alberta, Canada, Takota left his carpentry career in 2012 to fight against the systems that keep people dependent, sick, and constrained. He is dedicated to helping others break free by establishing their own regenerative homesteads and building a parallel economy. For more on Takota Coen and his work, visit: You can also explore his book, "Building Your Permaculture Property: A 5 Step Process To Design and Develop Land": Connect with Takota Coen: Instagram: YouTube: Podcast: The podcast is sponsored by: NEW BIOLOGY CLINIC: Experience individually tailored terrain-based health services with virtual consults, practitioner livestreams, movement classes, and more. The New Biology Clinic’s motivation is to make you healthy and keep you that way. Visit and enter code TheWayForward for $50 off your activation fee. Members of The Way Forward get the full activation fee waived. Become a member of The Way Forward here: — Visit our online marketplace for discounts on a variety of the best holistic health brands and products: For all of our links, and to watch or listen to The Way Forward on other platforms, visit: Join The Way Forward to connect with like minded men and women near you, businesses near you, and more! The best part? You pay whatever you want!: — *This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without expressed written permission from The Way Forward, LLC. The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure a condition; nor is it to be considered medical or legal advice, opinion or recommendation. This information is presented in the spirit of service for all.* Timestamps: 0:00 - The Revolution Disguised As Homesteading 2:14 - Introduction 3:45 - Growing Up on an Organic Farm 8:21 - Toxicity in "Certified Organic" 10:37 - What He…
2 908

Takota-Coen Reel 1 (reel & cover).mp4

2 567
It was wild with the sonic slider how long the dome would keep the vibration going.


2 013
Hope you’re having a wonderful start to September! We’ve got a fresh lineup of insightful episodes and Platinum community events this month. Join us as we challenge conventional thinking and explore new ideas together! Here’s what’s happening in our membership community this month: 👬 Men’s Community Call ⏰ September 4th at 8 pm Eastern 👉🏻 Join us for a night of open discussion and shared experiences in a supportive environment. - - - - - 📚 Men’s Call, Book Review (Kybalion) ⏰ September 18th at 8 pm Eastern 👉🏻 Dive deep into our next book and engage in insightful discussions with fellow members. - - - - - 👭 Women’s Community Call ⏰ September 19th at 8 pm Eastern 👉🏻 Ladies, join us for an evening of connection, meaningful dialogue, and empowerment. - - - - - 🌱Seeding Abundance Calls ⏰ September 11th at 8 pm Eastern ⏰ September 25th at 8 pm Eastern 👉🏻 Join us for biweekly Zoom gatherings focused on positive, solution-oriented conversations and strategies for cultivating abundance in your life.
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2 152

Conor-boyack Reel 1 (reel & cover).mp4

2 208
Join us tonight at 7PM U.S. Eastern for the YouTube premiere of episode 116: Reeducation Camp: Liberty-Centric Education For All featuring Connor Boyack. What if your child’s education could be centered on liberty and free thought? In this episode, we dive into the world of liberty-centric education with Connor Boyack, the author of the Tuttle Twins book series and founder of the Libertas Institute. Connor is on a mission to reform the education system and empower the next generation with the values of freedom, critical thinking, and individual liberty. Connor Boyack is a prolific author, speaker, and the founder of the Libertas Institute, a think tank dedicated to advancing liberty through innovative legal reforms. Best known for the Tuttle Twins book series, Connor has sold over five million copies, teaching the values of a free society to children and adults alike. He’s also the executive producer of the Tuttle Twins animated series and a self-made entrepreneur actively working to change hearts, minds, and laws for a freer society. to catch the Youtube premiere.
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
Reeducation Camp: Liberty-Centric Education For All featuring Connor Boyack
What if your child’s education could be centered on liberty and free thought? In this episode, we dive into the world of liberty-centric education with Connor Boyack, the author of the Tuttle Twins book series and founder of the Libertas Institute. Connor is on a mission to reform the education system and empower the next generation with the values of freedom, critical thinking, and individual liberty. Episode Highlights: Origin of the Tuttle Twins: Connor shares how he came up with the idea for the Tuttle Twins book series, designed to educate children (and parents) about the principles of a free society. The Broken Education System: A deep dive into why the current education system is failing students and how it's moving away from core values and critical thinking. Strategies for Education Reform: Connor discusses various avenues and strategies for reforming education, emphasizing the need for a competition of ideas and fair representation of differing viewpoints. Navigating Political Censorship: Explore the challenges of maintaining balanced perspectives amidst political censorship in education and how to ensure fair discourse. Protecting Core Values: Insights on keeping children safe from content that diverges from core values and the importance of guiding them toward passion-driven education. Instilling Critical Thought: Techniques for parents to prioritize their children’s intellectual freedom and avoid indoctrination, fostering environments where liberty-centric ideas can flourish naturally. Promoting Liberty-Centric Ideas: Connor shares how to encourage children to embrace liberty without being pushy, allowing them to explore and adopt these principles on their own terms. Tuttle Twins Book Series Themes: A look at the topics and themes covered in the Tuttle Twins series, designed to teach children about economics, government, and the importance of personal freedom. About Connor Boyack: Connor Boyack is a prolific author, speaker, and the founder of the Libertas Institute, a think tank dedicated to advancing liberty through innovative legal reforms. Best known for the Tuttle Twins book series, Connor has sold over five million copies, teaching the values of a free society to children and adults alike. He’s also the executive producer of the Tuttle Twins animated series and a self-made entrepreneur actively working to change hearts, minds, and laws for a freer society. For more on Connor Boyack and his work, visit Libertas Institute: Children’s Entrepreneur Market: Get 40% off Tuttle Twins Books with code TWF: The Way Forward podcast is sponsored by NEW BIOLOGY CLINIC: Experience individually tailored terrain-based health services with virtual consults, practitioner livestreams, movement classes, and more. The New Biology Clinic’s motivation is to make you healthy and keep you that way. Visit and enter code TheWayForward for $50 off your activation fee. Members of The Way Forward get the full activation fee waived. Become a member of The Way Forward here: ————————— Visit our online marketplace for discounts on a variety of the best holistic health brands and products: For all of our links, and to watch or listen to The Way Forward on other platforms, visit: Join The Way Forward to connect with like minded men and women near you, businesses near you, and more! The best part? You pay whatever you want!: Are you a natural health practitioner? Join our private, natural-health practitioner database here: ————————— *This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or in part without expressed written permission from The Way Forward, LLC. The purpose of this presentation is to convey information. It is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure a condition; nor is it to be considered…
2 190
Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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