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The official Telegram channel of Praying Medic.  https://prayingmedic.com/  
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Going live with Mary Grace.
MARY GRACE: Conspiracy of Truth Episode 19 Save America Edition w Praying Medic
Mary Grace and Praying Medic will be discussing latest developments in Trump's campaign, including but not limited to last week's SECOND assassination attempt at his golf course in Palm Beach. As our
3 348
DAVE & ALL of Y’ALL❣️ NO MORE CICADAS! I AM FREE❣️ Unaware of tinnitus all day today. I have had intermittent silence since listening to Dave’s video many times a couple of years ago. But never for more than an hour or two…which I was thrilled about. Last night I did the emotional healing around the incident when the heavy wood cabinet fell & crashed onto my head. Afterward I re-listened to tinnitus video with no immediate change in symptoms. Today was a busy day with lots of distractions so it was this evening when I sat down to relax that I realized that it’s gone! Usually the evening & bed time is when the noise is loudest, often making falling asleep a challenge. Thanks everyone so much for your prayers & advice about adding emotional healing to the video. Dave, you truly are a blessing. I pray for you & Denise every night.
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
7 031
I will be live with Mary Grace Saturday at Noon Eastern.
8 963
Email Testimony Hi Dave, Just wanted to share a testimony. Two days ago, a friend of mine who works as a carer told me about a negative experience she has a couple of weeks back. So she woke up in the morning and found her client dead facing the floor, and when she turned the body around and saw the face, she had a panic shock, and she froze for some seconds. She said since that event she has been feeling afraid whenever she is alone, especially at night, and she keeps having flashes of it all. So I told her we needed to pray immediately about this before an evil spirt takes this further. Last night I called her up, then I prayed first and asked God for His presence that delivers and sets free, and I asked her to sit still and think about the experience and tell me what she felt, she said she was afraid again, and she was feeling guilty of it even though she wasn't. Then I told her to repeat the prayers after me "Lord Jesus, I open my soul to you, and I ask you to take away this negative emotion of fear and guilt, heal my soul of the wounds, and make my soul whole again". After she said all that with me, I asked her to breathe out, exhale through her mouth as well. Then I asked her to think about the experience again, and she began to laugh and shout over the phone. She was set free instantly. She expressed how she thought I was going to lead her through a series of praying and spiritual cleansing. Furthermore, she still could not believe how easy it was to be free from that… Praise God.!! Really appreciate you for your support. I'm still watching the videos and I will keep sharing the testimonies as I go. Regards A.J
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
11 586
Email Testimony From: Pam Hi PM, About couple weeks ago I had sent you an urgent prayer request for my sister who was diagnosed with dengue fever. She was in a critical condition as her platelets were down to 8000 /uL (normal range is between 140,000-400,000 per uL). She was admitted to the ICU. She was in the ICU overnight and got a couple transfusions which brought her platelet level up to 22,000 and then slowly to 40,000. Usually, the hospital would keep her admitted and under observation until the platelet count crossed at least a 100,000u/L. But the whole city where she lives had come down with dengue and all the hospitals were overwhelmed. So they discharged her at 40,000 u/L to make room for other critically ill patients. She was not in a good way and had weakness, dizziness, blurry vision and a whole host of symptoms. She could not eat or hold anything down. They told her to be very careful and to not even brush her teeth so that she would not accidentally bleed to death. They told her it would take couple weeks at least for her to recover . In the meantime I requested you to pray for her miraculous healing (sometime in the afternoon our time which would have been nightfall in India). I determined in my heart that as soon as you came in agreement with me for her healing it is done and I prophesied to her that her platelet levels would be completely normal within 48 hours. You responded back saying you were praying for her. The next morning (India time) a nurse came home to get a blood sample to test for platelets. Later that afternoon she got the results - platelets were at 148,000 u/L literally overnight - now just how AWESOME is our Abba Father!! That was a certified STUNNING miracle... and she acknowledges it (she is not a believer but I have been ministering to her). And that's not all, she was back to normal within 3-4 days and actually traveled to a different city last week to take care of business. I just want to testify to the faithfulness of our Lord! Hallelujah!
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12 019
June 17, 2024
19 547
Email Testimony Thanks Dave! I have just been told that Mauro, for whom you prayed is better!! :)! God bless you and Denise Laura
14 188
Supernatural Saturday - September 14, 2024

Supernatural Saturday September 14 2024-720.m4v

18 670
The Supernatural Saturday Livestream begins at 1 pm eastern. Join by clicking the link at the top of the channel.
Praying Medic
The official Telegram channel of Praying Medic. https://prayingmedic.com/
18 917
Supernatural Saturday returns tomorrow at 1 pm Eastern. (It will be question and answer)
18 302
Email Testimony From: Linda I contacted you last fall to pray for my 21 year old son... who was depressed/anxious and had devolved into a cocaine problem to try and cope while away at college. I am happy to report he is drug free and even off of the prescription anti-depressants they put him on for 3 months while he did intense therapy. He is happier than I've seen him in quite some time and just started back to school (here instead of away) and says the cravings have completely gone away and said his brain is "working again"! Praise the lord. Thank you SOOOO much for all that you do.
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
19 332
Email Testimony Dear PM, I'm writing to share wonderful news! Rod is improving! Since you prayed for him, he went from planning his funeral to talking about joining a gym for regular exercise! All in one morning lol! He's frail yet for such a large man, but remarkably improving! GOD is so GOOD! Regarding Darryl, I felt an immediate weight, a dark oppression lift away the day you prayed for him, and left with a light feeling of faith and hopefulness! Just this week he was offered a position close to home as a GM over something he is passionate about, and allows him flexibility to spend time with and support his family! Additionally, my daughter (his wife) was offered a nearby position as well, a raise of $6,000 per year! no more commuting! I cannot thank you enough for your prayers! Each of them were feeling defeated, depressed and lacking confidence. The LORD turned each of them, an immediate about face, utter relief and joy in accepting change for the best! Thank you YESHUA, what an amazingly wonderful GOD you are!!! All PRAISE and GLORY in your name! I continue to keep you and Denise in prayer, blessings and prosperity to you both! I found your GIVESENDGO page, an important reminder to share in our blessings! Thank you again! Maralee
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
22 511
So happy for you! I suffered for years with ulcerative colitis and was eventually diagnosed with crones. I lost 70 pounds, getting down to 95 pounds. At a friend’s suggestion, I went to a functional medicine doctor who uses applied kinesiology. He immediately diagnosed me with parasites. Long story short, with oral treatments and lots of prayer, I was healed and have not had a single symptom or flare up since 2008. God is good! I wonder sometimes if others actually have parasites and are not diagnosed correctly. Might be something to look into. Blessings!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
22 291
Email Testimony Hi Dave, I received your email saying you were praying for me and I have to praise Jesus as I have improved significantly! I've had Chron's disease and fibromyalgia for over 30 years with a recent flare that was unbearable for the last 3 months. I've worked through emotional healing with your book and videos but within a few days of your email, I have improved by at least 75%. I've lost over 20 pounds in the last few months because I couldn't eat and the pain was out of control. I'm happy to report I've been able to eat over the last few days and actually have an appetite. I know your prayers and the power of our Lord will get me back to 100%. Bless you and Denise for your teaching, I've grown so much closer to Jesus as a result. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! In Christ's love, Marcy
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
21 008
Very cool.
Gross but kind of cool testimony. My oldest has been sick for about 5-6 days. Fever, stomach upset, tired. I prayed over her when she first got sick and I continued to pray over the course of days. One thing I prayed was to command parasites to die. I was getting discouraged because she wasn’t getting better. Whatever this is, it just lingers and she feels rotten. She’s actually been getting sick off and on the last few months. Which makes my mom senses perk up that something is not right. Tonight I’m pretty sure that there were some parasites eliminated from her body! 😳 I heard Papa say, “You commanded them to die, didn’t you? They died the moment you commanded them to. It takes time to get them worked out of her system.” Oh me of little faith! Just because she didn’t get better instantly, I assumed that my prayers were hitting the ceiling. I apologized. 😁 God is good!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
21 488
Email Testimony Hi Dave, I was using a serum to help my eyelashes grow. It wasn't working at all for a very long time. I listened to the women's health issue prayers and boom, they started to noticeably grow. So, thank you! Thank you and God Bless! Joanne
Female Health Problems Healing Prayer
In this video, I pray for the healing of a variety of female health problems. My ministry website: https://prayingmedic.org/
20 605
Praying Medic & Desert Flashpoint Discuss The Creative Process


18 744
Email Testimony From: Amanda Just want to give you feedback about my daughter Ami. She was delivered three weeks ago. I can not stop looking at her. She is free from suicide, selfharm, and depression that nearly destroyed her for the past 7 years. She is reading and studying her bible with a big smile. She has peace in her heart for the first time! She is a new person. Born again. Thank you for praying for her!! God is so good! God bless you.
20 619
Email Testimony Praying Medic, My husband is not a believer. He’s also asleep. These last 4 years have been so hard. Our sound bar for our TV died. We spend a few days trying to fix it. We were at it again this morning. I finally asked for tech angels to help and restore it. And I commanded in the name, power and authority of Jesus to work. A few minutes later my husband tried it again and it worked! All praise and glory to GOD. I’m praying that this is another seed that will open his eyes to our GOD! This is thanks in part to your teaching. Thank you so much for what and Denise do and following GOD’S will. Bless you both and much love. Erica
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
19 607
Prophetic Thread If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
14 258
Email Testimony From: Natalie and Kazuko Praying Medic, I am in Japan with Kazuko and there was a typhoon that was supposed to rip through Okayama, Japan. Last night (August 30th), was supposed to be the worst part of it. It was being said that it was going to be as devastating as the one in 2018. However, a few days before it began, Kazuko and I went out on her front porch and commanded it to not reach Okayama, in the Name of Jesus! As it was progressing towards us, God began to work. At most, we were given wind and rain, but nothing dangerous or serious! I took pictures of the radar over Japan all the way through the typhoon. It was amazing, and quite funny, to see God working on our behalf! The typhoon MUST listen to us, it is our birthright as the children of God. On the radar, there was a big circle around our area where the heavy storms, high winds and rain couldn’t hit. God was protecting Okayama just as we asked Him to. The circle never disappeared throughout the entire typhoon! And now, the morning after, it is sunny skies! Thank you Father God! P.S. I have pictures for proof!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
19 699
Email Testimony Hi Dave, I wanted to let you know that by Sunday evening the knee pain had gone. (Still having issues with the cardiologist.) I was amazed that I had been living with knee pain for a couple of years and God healed it. I have signed up for your and look forward to learning more about the gifts God has given to us through the spiritual world. Thank you very much for your prayers. Heart tests wont be finished until the end of September. I will let you know how it is going then. May God bless you and Denise always. Helen
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
Divine Healing Class Registration - Praying Medic
18 294
Email Testimony From Cindy Hi Dave, The praise report is that I had you pray for my back right upper tooth that due to a crown had a space between that tooth and the tooth next to it. Food got caught in it and would touch a nerve that affected the whole upper side of my teeth. I had great pain until I could get the food out. There was like a ledge that would cause food to get trapped. I have my whole gone to the dentist and enjoy teeth cleanings. My dentist said the only way to fix it was to put in a new crown which he didn’t want to do unless absolutely necessary. I asked you to pray and since then no pain. Even if food got caught it didn’t hurt and I can easily floss. About a week later it tried to act up but I told pain and inflammation to go and that’s been it for about a month. Yeah 🥳 Thank you Jesus!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
19 622
Email Testimony Dear Praying Medic, Good day. I write to thank God Almighty for granting my children and I divine faour at our Visa interview. I submitted a prayer request to you a few days ago requesting for prayers for God's divine faour at the Embassy for Visas for my children and I. I am grateful that God has granted us the Visas yesterday Monday, August 26, 2024. All glory and praises to God Almighty now and forever more , Amen God bless your lovely family and Ministry in Jesus Christ Name, Amen Regards
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
19 696
Email Testimony Hi PM, Last Saturday, I asked you to pray for the strife with my sister that I haven’t been able to get free of….yet. You said you’d pray for me. Last Sunday during church, Holy Spirit gave me a memory of when my sister and I were young. It humbled me and I wept, confessed my participation in sin and asked for forgiveness and to be unhooked from this in Jesus Name! A humility came towards my sister that’s never happened before. I saw her as a 12 year old trying to survive. The strife inside of me has subsided and I have a new view of her with more compassion. I’m asking Holy Spirit to keep pulling back the layers of hurt from my sister on my soul. Could you please pray with me? I want inner freedom and acceptance of my sister as she is. Warmly, J
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
20 174
Prophetic Thread If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
21 506
I will be live with Mary Grace at 1 pm Eastern
MARY GRACE: Conspiracy of Truth Ep 18 ~ FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT Edition wPraying Medic
Mary Grace and Praying Medic will be discussing latest developments in national and world events, including of course the 2024 election and the looming threat of WW3. This is a live, unscripted show a
25 105
This video explains the process I use for healing.
Everything You Wanted to Know about Healing and Miracles
A discussion about releasing power and exercising authority for healing and creative miracles.
23 559
Email Testimony Hi Dave, My dog had been vomiting frequently over a period of days and I was concerned about her and what may be causing her discomfort. I did some online research and slowly introduced a bland diet after she fasted. Nothing seemed to work and I started to get worried. Using power and authority to heal has really interested me over the last couple of years. I’ve done a lot of learning about it and practiced a little, but hadn’t commanded healing for anything so worrisome. Something inside me said, “Pray for her” so I thought I would give it a shot. I told my dog to lay down and I rubbed my hands from her head to her feet as I prayed. I followed your instructions and commanded healing for the multiple things I read online that could cause of the issue. I am happy to report that my dog has had absolutely no issues since that day. She’s back to her normal self, eating and drinking, and playing endlessly with her tennis ball. God is amazing! I have more confidence now and know that I have more work to do. Thank you so much for sharing what you have learned so that the rest of us can also enjoy the gifts God has given us. God Bless, Angie
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
20 707
Email Testimony From Haili 😮 My husband just got a call and immediate offer letter to work overtime at a place he worked at long ago!!!!! We both watched your video separately. The call came right after he did. You have a real gift from God. Thank you
20 926
Video from Ramzey's Testimony ⬆️


22 945
Email Testimony From: Ramzey Hi Dave, Cool story I wanted to share with you. On 8/5 there was a tornado heading in our direction. The sirens were going off and our phones were are telling us to get cover immediately. I was rushing to get my chickens put away, and to secure the house. When I was ready to go into the basement, I remembered what you had said about commanding the weather during monsoon season. So I followed your lead. I asked the Lord to protect us and prayed for his presence. Then I let that Tornado have it! I told the storm that it was not welcome here. I said "We will take the rain but damaging winds is not allowed." I said some pretty mean things to the storm after that. Anything I could think of basically. I felt a comforting feeling like "Okay it will be done." The sirens continued to go off and my radar app froze up and it still looked like the storm was coming so I continued to pray. The rain fell and the wind remained gentle and there was no turbulent wind. Check out the video I attached of how the storm acted the minute it approached my town. (Video in post below ⬇️ ) I later heard there was a large tornado sighted right before it approached us. I just want to thank you Dave for all of your teachings over the years. You have really helped me expand my faith. Thank you from the bottom of my heart🙏🏻
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
21 418
Email Testimony From: Lisa Dear Dave, thank you for your prayers for my mom. I had just lost my dad, and my mom had stage 4 breast cancer. You prayed for my mom, and at her checkup they couldn’t find the cancer. She just had another scan at checkup and continued to show no cancer! God is so good!
20 331
Email Testimony From Karen Hi, I just want to give my testimony after you prayed for healing over a large ovarian cyst that was causing bladder issues that started a couple of weeks ago. The day after you prayed for me, my bladder issues improved tremendously and have continued to improve. My CA125 test for cancer marker came back at a 5, well within the normal range. I was scheduled for surgery to remove the cyst this past Friday, but I didn’t feel right in my spirit about moving forward with it. I’m going to take some alternative measures at the direction of my homeopath and do an ultrasound again after a couple of months. I am believing for complete healing. So grateful for your intercession. All glory be to God 🙌
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
21 872
Thanks for your prayers for mum for the nasal gastric tube. The poorly resourced hospital allocated a nurse to sit with her all night so she couldn’t remove the tube. Praise God she looks so much better today and could feel the arm on her “stroke side” for the first time in 10days. She’s so sweet and at 88 years old still credits God for all the good things. Bless you all and know your prayers are heard and matter 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻
22 168
Email Testimony Thank you so much for your prayers! You previously prayed for my husband who is recovering from a TBI from a car accident. He previously had a torn ACL repair which was giving him much pain. The knee X-Ray revealed that the knee joint was bone-on-bone and basically no ACL at this point. Since you prayed, his knee pain has been almost non-existent and he has been able to continue his PT and build strength! Thank you for your prayers, and thank you Jesus!! Teri
23 282
Email Testimony I want to share the testimony. Thanks to your prayer and many others. Back at 12 weeks, my baby was at risk of pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, and miscarriage. But my baby’s condition improved at each subsequent check ups and now at 22/23 weeks she is almost normal! I’m still believing and praying for complete health and smooth delivery but I want to share this good news sooner than later. Thank you for all you do! Christina
29 303
Hello Dave, Denise, and all praying, faithfull trusting in the Lord, and loving people on this blessed chat. Thank you all so much for your prayers! My mom Janet is being released right now from the hospital! The heart doc was throwing around the idea to put in a pacemaker. The oncologist said the heart needs to be functioning properly before they can do chemo or radiation on the pancreas. Funny thing is she took all her MRI results, barium swallow results and had gone to a naturopath on Tuesday. 3 1/2 hours later, the naturopath said these tests show you dont have any cancer anywhere in your body. But you do have a spot on your pancreas. Liver, spleen, kidneys all organs look really good. The spot was called a calcium spot by her first ER doc about a month ago. ( first visit due to pressure under her ribs.) She started taking supermushrooms I sent her, at the same time putting in prayer requests here and listening everyday to Dave's nervous System mostly, plus other prayer videos I sent. Amazing grace! They have decided to release her saying no pacemaker was needed. She just got home and called now. My younger sister Aretta will stay with her tonight because Mom is having anxiety about being alone. Please pray for her anxiety to go! She is 89 yo. Blessing, joy and victory from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ from whom all blessings flow! Love, joy and peace to all here! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Dave and Denise, and thank you to all prayer warriors! Amen, Amen, and Amen!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
27 649
Hello Dave and Denise! First I want to say thank for your obedience and loyalty to God! Your books regarding power and authority are such a blessing! I would like to share a testimony from a few hours ago. While I searched in our basement for shipping tape, I immediately felt pain and cramping in my right hand. I knew I was being attacked. I said “by the power of the Holy Spirit, I command the pain in my right hand and fingers to leave” and after stating the third time and ending “in the name of Jesus” it left. I proceeded to walk upstairs through the house to our laundry room and the butcher block counter where I started to wrap a bridal shower gift I had put inside a heavy duty box. To illuminate the room, I had turned on both light switches (one for the main light on the ceiling above and one for 6 under-the-cabinet mounted lights). I began the fun task using my scissors, shipping tape, tissue and wrapping paper. Then the lights under the cabinets turned off leaving it rather dark where I was working. I repeated the steps Dave taught on authority, and the lights came back on immediately! Then a few minutes later, they went off again. I said “oh no you don’t” and then I retrieved my phone and played Dave’s prayer for emotional healing deliverance and physical healing. I listened to it while bubble wrapping and then realized the lights were on without noticing the exact moment. They stayed on until I completed the job. God is Awesome! I’m so grateful Dave and Denise have shared their ministry! We are living in incredible times! Sending love to all! Julie
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
27 011
There will be no Supernatural Saturday this month. The next livestream will be September 14th.
22 555
This channel will be on a coffee break until further notice. ☕️
37 399
Email Testimony Dear Dave, I’ve been meaning to write to you for a while. I had you pray for my wife on more than one occasion. If you recall, she had a very advanced and aggressive lung disease called hypersensitivity pneumonitis (from allergy to a pet bird we once had). She had a double lung transplant on June 4th and is now doing so much better. Before the surgery she couldn’t walk or stand for more than a few seconds. Now she is mobile again, even exercising and getting back to her old self. I was hoping for the divine healing type of miracle, but I got the medical miracle instead. The call for the transplant came a week after our daughter’s wedding, and we couldn’t help but see that Father’s hand was in that. She made it to the wedding in a wheelchair and it was a beautiful day for the family. A week later she got the call and got new lungs. She has grown spiritually through the struggle that she had. All in all, everything worked out well, and I thank you for your prayers that brought about a good outcome. We can’t always get God to move in the way in which we choose, but praise God, He moves! If you’d be so kind, please join me in praying that her recovery continues to go well and there isn’t significant rejection. God bless you and your ministry. In Jesus, Brian
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
33 294
Email Testimony From: Stephanie Hi Dave, I wanted to thank you for all the resources that you have put out there, it’s certainly been helpful. I own all your books except the Q books. I used some of these learnings especially taking authority with my 7 year old who was extremely scared of dogs even cute puppies since she was very little I taught her this simple prayer ‘Fear of dogs go away in Jesus name’, we prayed over few nights and left it as that. Then not long after that we visited a friend who has a dog, I almost didn’t want to go because of the dog but to my surprise my daughter started playing with the dog. Not long after that we visited my sister in law who also has 2 dogs and again my daughter started patting and playing with the dog. My sister in law noticed her change in behavior right away as they normally have to put the dogs away when we visit. I told her that we prayed and took authority over the fear, it was a great testimony. I also shared it with people at church, a lady then told she tried it with her daughter who was scared of sleeping in the dark by just taking authority and saying ‘fear of dark go away in Jesus name.’ She said the same thing just after few nights of praying this her daughter can now sleep with the light of as she is no longer scared of the dark! It’s so good. 😊
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
25 668
Snail Mail Testimony Dear Dave, You prayed for me about a month ago. The next morning the swelling was gone from my left leg and knee & several other things began to improve. God bless you in all you do. Sincerely, Judy
22 936
Email Testimony From Jay Thank you Praying Medic for praying for our grandson. He is feeling better and breathing easier. Thank you so much for your prayers!!! Thank you & your wife for all your prayers, advice, books and teaching. We pray for you too!! Blessings
24 975
Pray for the safety of the attendees at the Trump rally today. Specifically, pray against the plans of a potential shooter who intends to harm bystanders.
26 254
Email Testimony Dear Dave, Oh my, we are just praising our great God for Baby Aurora's complete healing. Carley Babineaux had baby Aurora 5 weeks early on 6/24/24. Since Aurora had this special fetal surgery to correct her spinal cord, the doctor said babies usually are born early, so the parents were prepared for this. I asked you to pray for Baby Aurora twice, the 1st time was on April 23 when she had fetal surgery. We all prayed for her to be completely healed by the blood of Jesus, that her spinal cord was strong and made whole. You prayed for this child and her mother, Carley Babineaux. Then when she was born you prayed for her again!!! I believed in miracles and knew she would be completely healed from her head to her toes!🙏🙏🙏 Baby Aurora stayed in the NICU at UT SOUTHWESTERN in Dallas, TX for 29 days. This Monday, 7/22/24 she had an MRI of her brain and ventricles, all is perfectly normal. Her back where the incision was from the fetal surgery has healed completely too!! Praise Jesus, Baby Aurora was released from the NICU and was able to go home this Tuesday, 7/23/24. She is perfectly fine, she is our miracle baby and we love her so much. My first grandchild. 💖💖💖💖 I wanted to say thank you Dave for all your prayers, they are powerful. 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏 God Bless and I love to listen to your healing prayers as well! 🥰 Tammy Babineaux
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
25 487
Email Testimony Hi Praying Medic! God is performing miracles. Thank you for your prayers! You have prayed for my husband every 3 months for the past year. And every three months the doctors are shocked that his diagnosed inoperable brain tumor is shrinking! They continue to see more tumor death and less inflammation! They said that they have only seen this once or twice before. Thank you for being a wonderful part of our Prayer Warrior team and thank you for helping so many people! You are a wonderful child of God!! Please continue to pray for Dominick’s continued recovery and healthy tissue restoration, and for him to completely and safely wean off the seizure medication. God bless you! Your sister in Christ, Christine
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
22 229
Email Testimony Dear Praying Medic. Thank you for praying with me!!! Our prayers have been answered and my son started work on 1st July 2024. About 8 weeks ago we were on our way to buy groceries when he saw a man who had worked with him at the company he was fired from, walking on the side of the road. He called out to this man, stopped the car and they chatted for a while, then exchanged numbers. About mid June, this guy phoned my son and offered him employment as a workshop supervisor at a business which installs security cameras and repairs computers. He went for the interview, met the owner of the company, and was offered employment. I also read some amazing testimonies about people who spoke to and declared repairs of machines and vehicles on your telegram channel. Well, I spoke to my son's vehicle and it rode normally after splattering, smoke bellowing from of the exhaust. Then at the end of last week, his vehicle had no power while going up an incline. I asked the Lord for wisdom seeing as he has to move my mom and I at the end of July and we cannot risk a less than acceptable vehicle to haul a packed trailer. He was given the number of a reputable mechanic and I asked the Lord to not allow the repairs to be more than we could afford. Well, the vehicle was repaired for much less than what we had available in cash, and the mechanic assured him that the vehicle is good to go. What an exciting time we live in. Thank you once again, and be extremely blessed. Cornelia
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22 509
Email Testimony Dave, Thank you for your prayers! I believe we received a miracle. My husband’s tests came back negative….NO cancer, NO lymphoma. Thank you God! God bless you and your family, Jean
22 173
Daniel Bobinski and I discuss the future of America in light of the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Is Chaos Coming to America? Daniel Bobinski & Dave Hayes discuss current events.
In this July, 2024 interview, Dave Hayes (Praying Medic) and Daniel Bobinski discuss a lot current events, including: • What is Dave Hayes’ take on the attempted assassination of Donald Trump? • What
31 149
Email Testimony Hi Praying Medic, Thank you for praying for my daughter. Today, she said her left ear feels fully unmuted and has stayed that way all day! She is excited to hear fully after a year or so of muted left ear. Thank you again for praying for us! We can't thank you enough!! God bless you and Denise. Thanks, Krishna
23 080
Email Testimony From: Kim Thank you greatly for your prayers. A few months ago I ask for prayers regarding my grandson, Liam, who had a baseball injury to his knee. God is absolutely amazing. He only had to have PT. Also my daughter who had come back to God is growing stronger daily with her relationship with our Lord and Savior. May God Bless you tremendously for your faithfulness to Him.
21 422
The Paris Olympics will be a target-rich environment for terrorists. Pray that any terror plots will be exposed and foiled.
23 906
Email Testimony Dear Dave, Thank you for praying on my behalf and the many others you assist as well. Here is my praise report and I give thanks to you for your part! Two months ago I injured my back severely and I can now report that I’m fully recovered! Nothing could ever convince me that my healing could be from anything other than God’s will, mercy and grace! This literally brings tears to my eyes. Thank you again, so very much. And, thanks for your continued teachings and serving God’s people unconditionally! Kathy
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
24 801
Email Testimony Good Evening Praying Medic- A couple of weeks ago I had emailed you to pray for my mom who was going into heart failure. At the same time I started praying and listening to your healing prayer for the heart. With in the week her physician said she is out of heart failure and has since been released from the hospital!! Praise the Lord! Thank you for all that you do! Stephanie
23 411
Email Testimony Dear Dave, I wrote to you in late April this year asking for prayers for my son to help him find employment. He was having difficulty finding a job after graduating in May if 2023. In that year, he barely got any interviews. But after your prayers he started getting all kinds of interviews. It was pretty amazing to watch. And now this past week a company that he applied to a year ago for a technician job called him for an interview. Then they hired him for an engineering position. This job is the perfect fit for him too! I want to thank you so much because I know that your prayers made this possible. Bless you! God is good all the time! Thank you 🙏 😊 Virginia
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23 895
Email Testimony Dave, I have read many of your books and watched several of your videos. I’m trying to learn to use the power and authority God has given me. My friend contacted me yesterday and said she was at the ER waiting to get in. She was having a gallbladder attack. I prayed. She waited 6 hours and left unseen. She said if it gets really bad she will call 911 to hopefully get faster service. I prayed. This morning I reached out and her husband answered back. She was getting an ultrasound. I prayed again…. This time I commanded the spirits of pain and infirmity to leave. I told the liver to function normally the gallbladder to function normally. The liver and gallbladder to be clean. The blood vessels to be open and the circulation to be normal. A couple hours later she tells me her CT scan and ultrasound were clear. The doctor was completely surprised! My friend said “I feel like God healed me, I have no other explanation.” All praises to God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Not only did they heal my friend they are building my confidence. Thank you for your service to the gospel and teaching us. Blessings to you and your dear wife. Debbie
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21 974
Email Testimony Hello Praying Medic I want to thank you for your ministry and your telegram channel full of encouraging miracles. Yesterday morning, I was doing some housework and suddenly saw arcs of jagged black and white in my vision. It would not stop even if closed my eyes and laid down. My husband was heading out with our son, so I asked my 13 yr old daughter who was home, to pray for me. Soon my vision deteriorated and I had golf ball size blind spots in my vision. I couldn't focus my vision on anything. The streaks continued and I felt heavy weird tingling and lightning type sensations in my brain. I prayed and my daughter prayed in the way you have shown us. Took us two hours but I felt fully better with no impediment in my vision. I drove her to their music lesson after lunch. At the lesson, the streak restarted but on the right side this time. I messaged my husband to pray. By the end of the lesson, I felt 100% and my vision was back to being normal, and continued to stay well rest of day yesterday and this morning. I feel that this was a serious attack of the enemy especially as we are about to close on our first home on Monday. We prayed against stroke, seizures, brain bleeds, irregular blood pressure (which I have no history of every having!) and other brain related issues. Yesterday evening and all night, I was well and my vision and brain feel completely normal. My faith was bolstered and I am so thankful for the endless mercies of God. Thank you again for your ministry and sharing how to pray and reaffirming our faith with the countless positive experiences on your channel. God bless you and Denise. Thanks, Krishna
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22 491
Going live at 1 pm Eastern with Mary Grace
MARY GRACE: Conspiracy of Truth Episode 17 ~ Q+ Edition with Praying Medic
Mary Grace and Praying Medic will be discussing latest developments in Trump's campaign, including but not limited to last week's assassination attempt at his rally in Butler, PA. As our nation goes t
20 856
Email Testimony Dave I discovered during one night when i woke up and was just letting my eyes travel around the room that I could see the room but that my eyes were closed. I could see my room through my eyelids. And yes i was awake. This past week while in the shower ( I have been experiencing balance issues.) I realized that when i shut my eyes i could again see through my eyelids and i was able to maintain my equilibrium to find soap, rinse out shampoo etc. Only God and God alone could have done that and all the Glory goes to Him. He knows what we need and meets those needs in unusual fascinating ways. I have tried but it doesn't just happen at will. (At least not yet) We have the ability to see into the darkness both Spiritually and naturally. The Lord is opening Eyes, restoring sight to the blind, opening our eyes to our blind spots. All He is asking is that we look. He is just so much fun to hang out with. Irene
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21 411
I will be live with Mary Grace at 1 pm Eastern on Rumble, Facebook and X.
19 146
A support group for Prophetic Feelers has been created.
21 192
In this interview with Elijah Force, I explain the mechanics of releasing power for miracles and exercising authority for healing.  
Join Julie Smith and Dave Hayes on July 17 at 9am PT / 12pm ET for an in-depth exploration of our God-given Power and Authority. Learn to walk in authority to cast out demons, heal the sick, command s
29 735
Email Testimony Dave, Thank you for praying for my son. His anxiety is about 99% gone. At times, when it tries to come back, he commands it to leave in Jesus’ name & it does. He’s back to getting on with his life. Thank you so much! May God bless you & Denise! PJ
20 989
Email Testimony Thank you for praying for me about the tinnitus I have. It was much better after you prayed. God Bless You! Chaplain Gordon Rourk
22 562
Email Testimony Hi Praying Medic, I emailed you I think in March 2024. My sister had a routine surgery that went wrong. We rushed her to the hospital. She spent a month in hospital, 2 weeks in rehab. Acute kidney failure, etc. With your prayers and many others, she made a FULL RECOVERY. BLESS YOU, your wife and your ministry. Miracles do happen. Susan
23 830
Email Testimony From: Peggy Update: I am feeling so much better. I wasn’t able to eat this morning, but the pain has subsided and bleeding stopped. Thank you so much. I praise God for His special healing. Blessings to you! Thank you Thank you, that means a lot.
24 262
Email Testimony Dear Dave, Deep gratitude for praying over the raging fire in my community today. I’ve faced several devastating fires while living in these mountains in the past 34 yrs., and have yet to see any that were this fast-moving in such dry, super-heated, windy conditions become resolved as quickly as this one. In less than 24 hours, mandatory evacuees were repopulating their homes, road closures were re-opened, and no new hot spots have occurred within the last several hours. I’m stunned. The mop-up operations will go on for a while, of course, but the consuming threat of this fire has now ceased. God answered our prayers in a mighty way, and then some. I sincerely thank you, Dave, for honoring my prayer request and petitioning our Heavenly Father on my behalf. My heart is full. Love, Ellie
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26 281
Prophecy about Trump being shot in the ear, from March 14, 2024

trump assasination prophecy.mp4

31 584
Email Testimony Hello Dave, A quick update. You had prayed for both my son and I to find jobs after I had lost my business. I wanted to tell you that we are both working now and able to catch up on our bills and in keeping a roof over our heads. I wanted to thank God as well as you for helping us through this rough patch. All Glory To God. Thank you, Dave. Bo
26 792
Please keep president Trump and his staff in prayer.
23 155
I'm listening to the Trump rally in Pennsylvania and I hear gunfire.
22 516
Supernatural Saturday - July 13, 2024

Supernatural Saturday July 13, 2024 360.m4v

24 684
PRAISE REPORT: Just got out of the holistic doctor visit today. Been going to her now for 3 years. I had so many issues. Let's see, I had tinnitus, thyriod antibodies, congested liver, gallbladder issues, sticky blood, high blood sugar, but low A1C's, lyme bacteria and all the co infections that went with it ( 37 different bacterial strains to be exact) , ear infections, 2 gangrene dental infections and I lost both teeth, decaying bone in my jaw and facial area, mold toxicity BAD, yeast overgrowth, high ferratin levels, high toxic heavy metals, ankylosing spondylitis, poor mitochondria health, congested lymph, deteriorating eye health, infections in the small and large intestines. The list goes on and on. Since April 2024, I went thru a deliverance session, gutted the home for mold and did a remediation, took holistic lyme medicines and did the theon fulvic humic acid, AE17 and BSO and today I was told today MY CELLS ARE COMPLETELY HEALTHY. THERE'S ZERO LYME BACTERIA NOW. Liver is functioning. I'm digesting and absorbing nutrition. All the mold is GONE from my body. This is significantly different report then it was 3 months ago at my last visit. I've been sick for over 3 YEARS. Been seeking help since last summer. JESUS CHRIST HEALED ME. DELIVERED ME. And I can't stop telling the world of my miracle because I thought I was dying😭
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22 958
Join us for Supernatural Saturday live in the main channel at 1 pm Eastern.
21 152
Email Testimony From: Greg Thank you Dave for your prayers ...I have noticed an improvement in my back issues (sciatica due to lesion in spinal canal). God Bless!
21 433
Email Testimony Dear Praying Medic, It's about time I sent in my testimony. On July 23, 2021, we had a house fire. Our cat was so traumatized she refused to come back into the house. Sometime in April 2022, I contacted you and asked you to pray for Katz-A-Blanca. You emailed me back, and 2 days later, she came right in the house! Thank you for your kindness and prayers. Susan
20 945
Email Testimony I have a praise report: I've asked you to pray for me the last year and a half for stroke symptoms to be gone, for TMJ to be gone, for sick sinus and a-fib to be gone, and blood pressure to be normal. I've recovered from all stroke symptoms (fortunately it was mild). My TMJ has finally healed. Some of it was sinus related. I am not sure about a-fib or sick sinus...I do know I barely pace with the pace maker. But I feel like the Lord will fully heal me. One step at a time....sometimes what we need is time and patience and the Lord has taught me a lot about both and I am grateful for that. Beauty is a breakthrough is near... Thank you for your prayers and your gifting you share with us all. Please continue to pray for my total healing. Yesterday and today was the first time in several years I have felt completely normal. PTL👏👏🙏🙏 Mary
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20 526
Email Testimony Dear Dave, Our son, who was 50 years old in 2020, announced that he was trans. This was a complete shock for us. He also has bipolar and is an alcoholic, twice divorced, father of two. My husband and I were shocked to the bone, because this is something we would never have dreamed. There’s not one feminine thing about Jim. He was living with us at the time, after a divorce, during the lockdown of covid, looking for a job, and not finding one. He had had a 6-figure income job in Switzerland for 15 years, traveled all over the world teaching some procedure he devised for the insurance company he worked for. Then laid off for alcohol, divorced from atheist French second wife….he was a mess. I cannot describe the pain we went through in the next 7 months, until he moved out of state to live in a trailer on a friend’s property. He’s a musician, so was playing in bands and recording these in his home studio. I was unable to even hear his voice on the phone. Our other son was so appalled by this, that the relationship (which had always been good) was completely broken. I hid from friends. Some found out, but several we only told in the last few months. My husband had to deal with him in business matters, but I never talked to him. The pain, anguish over this is indescribable. God spoke to me soon after this happened and said, like a ticker-tape in my head, “I am with you.” I’ve held on to this ever since. However, I knew that satan had gotten ahold of him. In Switzerland he and his first wife walked away from their Christian faith, so satan moved in. I’ve known about spiritual warfare my whole Christian life. I started rebuking the devil, praying as you teach, and with assurance that God would heal him of bipolar illness, alcoholism, and “perversity”. For the past 2 years I’ve experienced night “visitations” from shadowy, gauzy beings that wake me up just as I’m falling asleep. I scream at them to get out of here, in the name of Jesus, and they disappear immediately. I know that satan is trying to intimidate me to stop praying for my son by rebuking him and his demons. My Scripture has been 2 Timothy 2:20-26, that God would bring Jim to his senses, and he would escape the snare of the devil, and God would make him a vessel for His use (paraphrased). In early March I asked for prayer in the PM chat and had several very encouraging and powerful comments made to me by the chat folks. On March 27 of this year Jim called us and told us the “gender dysphoria” is gone, and told me he is a Christian. Since then I’ve talked to him several times, and this is real. I didn’t know if this would happen in my lifetime, and we are both overjoyed beyond description. He and his brother have reconciled. Jim has wasted about 15 years being agnostic (or whatever he was), and he’s paying the price of God’s discipline. He’s not back in church or reading his Bible that I know of, but he’s a man again. He said he feels so masculine, he’s going to grow sideburns! (Thank God he never did the hormone/surgery thing.) He is practically penniless, but is at least working in his music field, where he should have been all along. I’m so very grateful to you for your teaching, and also for all the encouraging remarks the people on the chat make – not just to me, but to others. I read the comments nearly every day and pray for all who are putting up prayer needs. Thank you more than I can express! Blessings to you and Denise, Susan
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19 492
Email Testimony From: Vicky 2 nights ago when I went to bed, suddenly a sharp pain struck my right shoulder and neck. After 3-4 hours of being in much pain, about midnight I decided to get up and move around. I was "thinking" in my head, now what did Praying Medic teach us? - exercise authority and release power. The minute I "thought" release power, the pain instantly was gone. It was a miracle!! and I didn't even have to speak it out loud. Thank you for your teaching and Praise to the Lord! BTW - on January 26 you prayed for my knees. They are now 99.9% healed!!
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17 046
Email Testimony Dear Dave, I want to share some praises! Friday 5/10, I prayed for 2 women in our infant room—Ruth & Nicolette! Ruth was wearing a wrist bandage & Nicolette had lower back & stomach pain! On Monday 5/13, Ruth’s bandage was gone & Nicolette hasn’t stopped smiling! She said I don’t know what kind of God you have—I’m a little freaked out, but happy to be out of pain! Ruth said everyone in the infant room is feeling great! It’s a challenging, small room with a 1/4 teacher to infant ratio! May 15, 2024 I was at the playground with my Pre-K kids, when I young woman approached me and asked if she could call her Mom. I dialed up the number & handed her my phone. As I listened I could tell she was upset as she had promised to call her Mom earlier & needed her Mom to pick her up. She was trying to give directions via me & was getting frustrated--She said her feet hurt & it was hard to walk, so she handed the phone back & I gave her Mom directions. She was so grateful for my help & kept thanking me. I asked about her feet & could we pray for her. I asked if I could put my hand on her shoulder—she agreed & thanked me for asking! I felt God’s power & love as I prayed. When I finished praying she initiated a hug! Now I may never see her again to know what God did, but I know this was the Jesus encounter I had been asking for--A first time praying for a stranger! Thank you, Dave! Your prayer videos have given me the tools on how to pray! Donna
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18 933
Prophetic Thread If you have a word for someone leave it here. If you're looking for a word, here's where to find it.
17 766
Email Testimony Dear Dave, Thank you so very much for your prayers! It is with great delight and praises to our Lord Jesus I share that Shirley received a report saying no cancer was found from her June 11th CT scan!! She has follow ups with Oncology and Gastro appts Monday (She has a colostomy bag and hernia from recent surgery). This report is absolutely remarkable!! She was told her specific DNA genetically was thought to respond more poorly to chemo. Thank you Abba and thank you Dave for praying!!! We continue to pray for complete healing and restoration!! Many thanks and God bless!! Monica
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19 949
Email Testimony Dear Dave, This email is to provide you with an update about my sister-in-law. It's been 2 months since you prayed for her. I am very happy to report that she has improved significantly. I had a video call with her a few days ago, and she is really recovering. Compared to before, when she barely had the energy to sit or talk and could hardly move her neck and left arm due to the pain, she can now walk for 1.5-2 hours without feeling tired. She can move her neck and left arm freely now, although her left hand still feels numb. But I know that God has healed her and she is recovering! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! Thank you so much for your faithful service! God bless you! All the best! Ellen
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19 824
Email Testimony From: Suzanne Hallelujah, thank you Jesus! PM!! You've been praying for my sister all this while since she was diagnosed with aggressive renal cell cancer last September. (You can see this in the thread below.) She had a huge tumor on her kidney that they had to remove last Nov and take the entire kidney to get all of the tumor. Another scan was done in Jan that showed it had now metastasized in her lungs. We were devastated but we've been praying and standing in faith and you have been praying along with us for her healing. They put her on infusion treatments and wanted to do another scan at the end of May. We just got those results today that said: "No evidence of metastatic disease; previous nodules in lungs are no longer visualized!" PRAISE GOD! We are beyond ecstatic! Just wow, God is so amazing! Living with this over the last several months has been very tough, but we always stood firm in our faith that this was man's diagnosis and not God's! Thank you so much for your ministry. Thank you so much for your teachings and thank you so much for your healing prayers. God bless you and Denise! Sincerely, -Your sister in Christ!!
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19 969
Email Testimony Hi Dave I just wanted to thank you for your prayers. My partner is in a much better place. It was almost like as soon as you messaged you were praying for us he seemed so much better and had got progressively better each day. I hadn’t even told him I’d messaged you ❤️ Thank you so much 🙏
18 233
Nervous System Healing Prayer
20 354
Been listening to the Nervous System prayer before bed. I don't have anything *too* bad I just enjoy that one. I've been having dreams where I don't have my glasses on and my vision is almost perfect. First few dreams were fuzzy and now it's like I want to go to sleep again to keep healing the eyes. I have them off right now and I can pretty much make out the clock across the room. Best natural vision in years. Thanks! This is awesome. God is good.
18 344
Email Testimony From: Jan My husband is a retired pastor & we are now attending a church outside our own church association that doesn’t believe in healing (even though our church assoc does). I had been diagnosed with glaucoma so I asked the women’s Bible study to pray for me. I happen to stumble upon your podcast and you were praying for a retinal detachment so I applied everything you prayed for to my glaucoma. The eye Dr. said, I don’t have glaucoma. He wouldn’t admit he made a mistake. Lol. The healing was a testimony to a church that doesn’t embrace healing. God IS working. PTL
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18 954
Email Testimony From: Kaye Testimony: The appliances etc in my home are 20 years old … over the past several months, the furnace, refrigerator & microwave have all started making malfunctioning noises … I laid hands & declared life, functioning like new … and they are operating now as declared! YEA Abba God! Again thank you for all you do in obedience to our Adonai!
18 878
TESTIMONY Hi Dave I was experiencing palpitations earlier this evening for around half an hour. I listened to your Supernatural Saturday video - Healing and Miracles for Beginners once through and still had them so I decided to listen again but fast forwarded to the heart bit. My heart was racing and thumping but.... As soon as you said 'I command the heart to be healed' THEY STOPPED!!! Glory to God and thank you Dave. God bless. Sarah 🙏💖
19 398
Email Testimony Hi Dave, Several weeks ago I asked you to pray for my son Jordan Smith. Lots of trauma from witnessing the death of his best friend as a teenager. He went from being a popular, fun, straight A student to bitter, resentful, angry, rejected, addicted etc. His dad rejected him after his friend’s accident and my son’s negative response. This happened when he was 16. He’s now 36 married with 2 kids. So many terrible things have happened to him since that accident. He attended church as a child and received Jesus as a young adult. The day after you prayed for him his dad took him and helped him pick out a car. He and his wife got new jobs. He was always talking negative now he seems more positive. He lives a couple of hours away but I’ve seen him a few times. He wants to get in shape. My older son and Jordan have been estranged for most of their lives but they have been talking a lot lately. My oldest son has been delivered from alcoholism and he’s helping his brother with his drinking problem. My son has had some deliverance in his early 20’s and went to Bethel healing rooms but the healing didn’t last. He seems so much better and it seems to be lasting. It’s like a curse was broke off of his relationships. Praising Jesus and thanking you for praying! Also you prayed for my eye sight. Dry eyes, light sensitivity and a cataracts even with glasses I was having trouble seeing especially reading. I didn’t notice anything at first but then I told you about some spiritual abuses. I can read just fine now with my glasses and much better even without them. I’ve had some breakthrough and some revelation about my situation. Territorial spirits and the Lord gave me a strategy for this. Thanking Jesus and thanking you so much for praying! Blessings, Cindy
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18 314
Dream: I watched one person after another make a serious miscalculation about the future because of their blind hatred of Trump.
17 938
Email Testimony From: Terry Our granddaughter was getting married on May 2024 in Lake Wales Fl, a large wedding & black tie/floor length evening gown event held outside at 4pm. I live in Fl & know the temp could be hot. I started praying & decreeing cool refreshing breezes for the wedding at least 6 mo before the event daily {and other things}. The day of the wedding, the forecast was 85-90 & felt it. I live an hour away. As I checked the forecast I decreed it null & void. It remained hot & we made our way to the venue with one of our daughter's & her husband {in air}. When we got there & got out of the car. It was hot & as we walked to the venue, the wind started to blow & the temp dropped significantly. {at least 10-15 degrees} It was "delicious" I might add. One of our granddaughters who was a bridesmaid came up to me and said " it has been so hot here & we were outside & had to come in to cool off & the minute you showed up, it changed & we had cool refreshing breezes". It stayed that way for the rest of the day & into the night. PTL!!! God is faithful. NOTE: Don't give up no matter what things look like & no matter how long it takes. Don't wait until the last minute to start praying either if you can help it. Thank you & God bless you & Denise.
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
19 145
Email Testimony Good morning, Dave! Just a long overdue follow-up on my friend April. She has no cancer and nearby lymph nodes were all clear! Her doctors were perplexed. When she first approached me for prayer, she was crying and scared. We commanded fear to leave and for faith to replace it. We read scripture on God’s healing and belief. We stood together in faith that cancer would not be in her body. Through this experience, He taught me that belief is key to everything. He wants us to believe Him. Thank you for praying for her alongside us. Right after her experience, April and I had an opportunity to pray for someone else using what we learned. My sister in law revealed to me that she had been having extremely heavy vaginal bleeding outside of her normal cycle. This occurred for months to the point that she was dangerously anemic and required iron infusions. Due to past trauma, she had not gone to a gynecologist, so this issue had gone unaddressed. When she finally went to see a gynecologist, she was told that she had a very large uterine mass seen on ultrasound. All signs pointed to cancer and they scheduled a biopsy. Due to some other health issues, they ultimately decided to perform a procedure to remove the mass rather than have her go through a biopsy and a second procedure to remove the mass. April and I prayed and stood in belief that there would be no cancer. We commanded doubt away every time it tormented us. And sure enough, there was no mass found when they performed the procedure! My sister in law’s bleeding stopped and she is healed! They did find a few small polyps and sent samples for pathology review. Two days prior to receiving the path results, God woke me with the words “all clear” and I saw a mental image of those words on a paper (like a pathology report). And again, the results came back negative. God is so good. Thank you for praying for my friend April. As you can see, when one person is healed, it creates a ripple effect for others and extends God’s reach to even more people. Thank you and God bless! Lady H Warrior Telegram
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18 837
Email Testimony From: Jennifer Dave, I had a shoulder injury from overuse. I was reading the healing book, and the further I got into the book, the sharper the pain became. I had to stop reading the book before I got to the last chapter. I was listening to you speak about healing and emotional healing while in my car a few days later, and I just thought, I don't need emotional healing. I've let all that go years ago. Not so. Sitting in line at the What A Burger I asked Holy Spirit to bring anything to my memory that needed healing. He brought up about 8 different people and situations. I released it and asked Jesus to heal the wound in my soul. My shoulder was healed in the drive through and I was able to finish reading the book. Also, Just now, June 11, I'm listening to your June 8 broadcast. You prayed for a lady with a cloudy left eye. I have had this for a couple of years and my eye doctor just says it's something to do with my contacts. I stopped what I was doing and lifted my hands toward the tv. My cloudy eye was just healed instantly. Thanks so much! Jennifer
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19 298
Email Testimony Just a quick update. Roarke is doing so much better. Got a job, is not depressed and is participating in life again. The change has been gradual but an amazing transformation. God is great! Thank you so much for the continued prayers and the work that you do. I have purchased some of your books and am enjoying them immensely.
19 424
The Flyover Conservatives podcast had me on to discuss how to avoid World War 3.
27 332
Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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