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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    I pledged to fear death no longer for I've lived long enough ever since I've known her. ~Unconventional~
    4 910
    I'm in love with a guy who brings me peace, and makes me feel home. When i look into his eyes I find myself lost in its warmth. He touched my soul long before I knew what his hands felt like, Coz he is the only one Who matters in this lifetime. -Smruti
    1 877
    Have you ever felt like you are an uninvited guest in your own house or with your own friends? Have you ever felt yourself not welcome somewhere? Sometimes people are doing their best to ignore you. I thought I was just seeking attention, but it wasn't. I don't know why, but everything seems strange. I just want to disappear from all of these things, even from this world. It doesn't feel like home except for the warm hug. ✍✍ Yemariyam
    1 834
    Post 23 03 -02-2023
    I'm the DarKness : The one you are petrified of, The one you never want to look for, The one that 'they' warned you about, The one with all it's mania! The one, that might make all of you blind The one that can never light up your heart The one that had been your shrine; you denied. The murk I am with, it's madness The one you might look for, To make the magic work To set truce to your wars To comfort all of your chaos To betake all of your dark And if you stay for a while You might feel your light, A murk, beyond the bright I'm the darkness to your moon I'm life of your stars I'm breath of your existential angst! I'm beyond lights, But ; Black hole : maybe turn out to be my premise. Hasrat 💌
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    3 019
    2 716
    🥰🥰🥰HeBir🥰🥰🥰 You can't run away from your fate. I don't believe in predestination God give us a choice and free will but some things are to be done and some peoples are meant to be loved no matter what you choose no matter what you do every step you take will lead you to those things and peoples. I have never imagined myself here, but I am here. When my dad named me after you, he hadn't thought I would fall in love with you. He doesn't even know you, but he gave me the same name as you. No one can imagine our fate it's beyond explanation beyond words. I don't know how and when I start loving you. I will continue as I don't have another option. You're my destiny, my sunshine in the darkest season. Even if loving you make me wrong and get one chance to correct myself, I am deadly sure that every path I take will lead me to you. I don't know if forever exists or not, but I am sure if tomorrow comes, I will love you more than today. ✍✍ Yemariyam
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    3 153
    I have seen this end Before it even started Oh i knew it then When you started the chat Which laid my heart face down flat Oh that day when you first gave me butterflies When you took the request for a favor To a moment i would like to savor forever Tho i knew it then I knelt down and prayed For you to be different! For you to be the one who stays And brighten up my days.
    4 766
    Long Days, Short Life. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm imprisoned. Shackled and tied, To the habits I once pursued, The days I once conquered. My freedom, yet, confined, Spreads through my words. Thrives in my utterance. For the days are too long, To be held in bounds, But, life is too short, To forfeit the limit.
    5 479
    Dear future boo, be ready to accept all the broken pieces of my heart that my ex lend you. Get prepared to repair it with all sweet love that you got, it ain't big of a deal cuz I'm z one that tells you what to do. So to start with I need you to be respectful and caring, I want you to understand me cuz love is all about understanding and putting your desires after your loved ones you really need to understand me and respect my decision to get along with me I actually think that's not only my wish most of z girls want someone who is around to understand them. Fyi it means you must accept when I say I don't want to sleep with you today , you should be able to accept when I want listening music on my own cuz I really need time with myself also you should deal with, me chilling with my girls outside and z other thing is you should give me your attention when I really need it badly, you should make me not to regret being with you which means you should make me believe in you. But above all I really really need you to love me more than you got and these is all you need to do to win my heart you know I already missed you! be safe wherever you are. Salome ✍
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    5 134
    A soul so lost in sadness, A heart that's broken, shattered glass. A mind that's filled with emptiness, A life that's lost its purpose and grace. No love to hold, no light to guide, No one to talk, no one to confide. A lonely road that I must face, With thoughts of hate and self-disgrace. I hate the way I feel inside, The pain and hurt I cannot hide. The emptiness that never goes away, The fear that I will never love again someday. I try to fill the void with noise, But nothing seems to cure the joyless voids. I wish I could just make it go, This sadness that I just can't seem to outgrow. But still I hold on to the hope, That someday I will find a way to cope. To heal my heart, to find my way, And love again, come what may. Until then, I'll keep searching, For a way to find the love I'm yearning. And though I hate the way I feel, I know that one day, I will heal.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    5 073
    I have laid down the pen, I gave it all I had. Spilled the ink down the drain, Trying to make it stop. And whispered, quietly, All I had bottled up. It listened, patiently, Until its tube filled up. "Heavy," you put between, Your delicate fingers. "It's pretty. I'll keep it," With twinkling eyes.      Then watched, as it moved left, Your name it scribbled out. Over, over again, Until nothing was left. With a smile, you look up, "But why doesn't it work?"  
    4 088
    It wasn’t a coincidence, it was intentional. But it’s like it was meant to be. You caught me drowning in the middle of my own tragedy. It wasn’t a coincidence and It wasn’t intentional, But I strongly guess It’s meant to be. You’re unconsciously helping fight the monsters that are trying to swallow me. I never thought You’d be this close to me, But then You started to put some walls down, to open to me a window to get to see what’s hidden inside. to give me the chance to see that you too, have tragedies and It was you who was opening up but It was me who was letting you in. It’s only when you opened your door to me that I realized you’ve already taken a room in the little house of my heart. I’ve always been a person to know either black or white, but then you came and introduced me to GREY. You’re Grey. You’re the smile on a face with wet eyes. You’re the little ray of sunlight in a locked prison cell. You might think I’m being poetic or just squeezing metaphors to fill those spaces, but really, You’re the grey between all those white and black faces. You’re the rare grey and that’s quite colorful to me. @phi
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 809
    Ever felt sorry for yourself, even pity. I wonder sometimes why I feel this way . I hate the way I look ,I wish I could do something about it but a part of me refuses to change . My emotions crumbled together . An emotional freak they'd say yet they don't know the struggles I go through. I feel broken,empty, pathetic, anxious all at the same time. I don't like interactions they say but they forget the words they said behind me when I opened up to them. I'd rather fight my demons alone than to rely on hope that never existed. I wish it wasn't this way. I would never wish for anyone to be this way. Like an unfinished puzzle my life flashes by. Days, weeks, months, years yet I'm still stuck in the same old place. I'm I not good enough, is happiness far from my reach. How I would love to dance in the pretty skies with a smile on my face. Everytime I try to do something for myself I'd forget it the next day. Like a dream , like I never made that decision. Will I always be doomed to this place forever. The fact that I'm getting used to be alone scares me, that smiling won't be a part of me anymore. The days I wished to find peace lingers not in my mind anymore. I'm just a broken glass. Tonia
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    3 736
    Silence had become more quiet, long enough until it made me anxious easing up those demons was never a convenient task yet I still struggle on every breath. I endeavored it without certainty of things becoming better; my pain would conquer my body these black eyes would be tired of the tears and my own mind would kill the rainbow inside. My only friend was only the black of the night and a knife on my right there was no word of bright It's only desperation insight. The feeling of exasperate was haunting me it burned everything good inside and turned into a doom of torture. My mind twirled and black I was running out of breath; they did it, they made me die. —meisa deaz
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 206
    Empty heart full of remorse One look in my eyes and I'd be mistaken for a ghost Darkness stretching out its arms waiting to hold me in his embrace I felt a pang in my heart and realisation dawned on me In my thoughts I wondered if it will always be this way I'm not fit enough to call this leaving Yet sometimes I wish they could feel the pain and the hell I've been through maybe then they wouldn't call me a freak no more. Being alone was all I ever know
    3 587
    You know what 'Love' is
    Love is my mother's, "Endet nesh" It's the way her words healed the parts and pieces I didn't know were in need of recovery. Love is Her smile. Her angelic voice of guidance. Her tender arms of comfort. Her supersized heart of love. I am her only daughter. A recipient of her sweetest love, wisest words and most infectious laughter. I am full of her love. Incessant love. The love that allows me to love. To recognize it when I see it. And to honor it however it finds me. I like it here.
    Love is the genius Adam Reta. And what he did with words. And what his writings did and continue to do in and through us. Love is reading sentences that rearrange you, give you pause and demand you slow down and take the story in, fully.  Love is your fabrics and textures woven into the center of a story no matter how messy and unworthy you may feel. 
    Love is candles, the smell of coffee, quanta firfir and a quiet and blissfully 'Qidame' afternoon in Addis.
    Love is the way I can get on the phone with my bestfriend and before one full breath is taken we are completely undone by fits of laughter. About everything and nothing at all. That's love.
    I met you when I needed someone who listen. when I couldn't articulate to others in my world what was happening within me. I didn't really know what depression looked liked or how it sort of slowly reconfigures and dims everything you are. You climbed inside with grace and understanding. Put fire to my candle and sat with me in the middle of my own wilderness. Gave me the words I was struggling to form and simply loved me right where I was. Thank you for teaching me the enduring strength of love and how it persists. Thank you for teaching and ultimately reminding me how love can save you. Love is the way me and my name seem to come more alive inside your mouth.
    Love is friends laughing and the way funny moves through them. Witnessing the depths and multitudes they possess at such a young age. That's them. The purest form. Love is family gathering, drinking, laughing, arguing and telling old stories.
    Love is old books, old people, history, humor, and all the old old things.
    Love is all of this and so, so much more.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 057
    Livin' in this world were things are frickin' twisted is kinda like absurd for peoples including the oldest me . Well I don't know how I get here, I can't tell how it happened the only thing I know is that I'm here after all those years and I can say I have seen a lot of shit's happening. I have seen people's changing including those who are around I even noticed my self changing, I'm not who I used to be any more that dark unbloomed flower has turned into a beautiful shiny flower, I'm starting to live the unlived life of mine by changing those numb days into a stunning meaningful days. You know I used to be someone who loves being alone, I enjoy my own company more than spending time with others but don't get me wrong it isn't related with social anxiety or depression like some people say it's just some people's are rude they show you things that you don't need to know. But now I guess I have come over that shit and began to be curious about new things and besides nobody is perfect neither am I. Any ways at this time the only thing I want is to live a happy and joyful life it ain't sayin' it always has laughter or stuff like that but I really want to ride this life boat with hope cuz the destination has its own ups and downs but trust me it's worthy. Salome ✍
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 052
    Behind the shadows is where I live Beyond those scary deep old trees Growling and howling is all I hear Not a soul alive or dead dare come near I warn you dear child stay far away For you cannot handle our faith and our way We feed on your sins your tiny mistakes The crimes you commit under moonlight rays Midnight always comes we all transform Sharpen our canines to feed on your soul I warn you twice keep your soul clean Don’t fall for fake lies dirty false greed Careful not to slip focus on your deed For we don’t warn thrice, we attack and feed
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 157
    @writerswrldbot I wrote this. I am open to feedback. 😊❤️🙏
    The pain and joy of being human
    Life can be ugly and beautiful all at the same time. Hope and pain, loss and joy: they all make up the human experience called life.
    4 202
    Maybe I'm stubborn, for choosing the path they warn me not to wander. Maybe I'm foolish, for not choosing to defeat my demons. Or maybe I'm just choosing the savoury kiss of my bloody devil over the bitter loathing of myself. Maybe I'm choosing the warmth of the ashes instead of the freezing gaze of death. Maybe… maybe they should just leave me be. ©
    6 150
    [1/13, 02:35] .: The new breeze of winds passes by but this time the eggs fall from the nest. The mother bird can only hear the mourning of her unborn wings. It was raining cats and dog today. There was blood all over the main gate. Maybe due to the strong winds and the rain which carried it all here. Not far from the trails of blood, there was a body lying. His head was shattered seems like he jumped from the top. Even tho his face was covered with blood still the look on his face was not sad or disappointing but it was a joy of satisfaction. Seems like he was never been this happy before and with a blood marker written on his chest "I'm not weak just tired", today was a perfect day for luring. [1/13, 02:35] .: A couple near Safalya park (it is a park near Allen in Kota) under the umbrella but quite the opposite, nobody was there maybe they were scared of the ghost. The only one present near the body was the guard who was doing his duty and a lot of children who works as rag pickers nearby. They were the only ones who tried to take him to the nearby hospital. The so-called students were just having a glimpse of the scene from their respective hostel balconies. There were a lot of talks going on. Someone said, "why he has died here there are a lot of places". Someone said, " I'm scared of ghosts". A rich girl said, "Ewww his blood stinks". The only people who were silent or mourning the death of the unknown were the rag pickers and the sky. The strong wind passes by again and posters fall off the walls. Seems like the glue can't keep it anymore after the poster was stuck to this wall some 2 years ago. The wind carries away the poster from his room to the limits of the sky. The poster says "AIR 1 2023".
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    5 382
    I can't seem to stop writing about you... Today, my title is 'After You' After you, I cried a lot. After you, I held back tears. After you, I started spacing out a lot. After you, every stain of memory kept taking me back. After you, every road made me wann regret my decision. After you, I stopped trying to find the one and decided to settle for the seconds or just stay with myself. After you, my smile started fading. After you, I fabricated a new smile, the one you can't look and say it's fake. After you, I kept remembering the days of you and me to get me through the days of just me. After you, I believed that what they say about being stuck in the past ain't no joke. After you, I tried to find something to hold on to today. After you, I failed to find that something, though I'm still trying. After you, I learnt how to live with my scattered self, hoping someday I'll heal. After you, I learnt how to just live by myself and give others as little place as I can in my life. After you, I started getting comfortable with goodbye. After you, I started giving a smaller price for hi. After you, I became a road for people instead of a destination. After you, I placed my home, my destination in our memories, others, just a road for me too as I'm for them. After you, I stopped trying to live and decided to just survive. Ruth.
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    4 430
    Needed, I no longer feel that. Loved, on that my ship has sailed. Happy, depression took care of that. Excited, I don't even know what that means. All I am is subjective to what living is. All I want is to live again.
    6 886
    Dear heart, I whisper these words to you When no one listens or cares about them too I whisper them to you... So u can stay warm Stay safe from the harm I whisper them in a lullaby So you can take them One at a time before you die I know they might be hard to listen .. But these are the bitter pills To prevent all that kills These are the word learnt from your past Yeah, you know the lessons you learnt at last? I'm gonna whisper them to you One at a time "People come and go, they will hurt you, but remember who always stays through it all.... Through your down fall It's me! and don't betray me! Or make me suffer!" Betty
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    6 289
    Why am i invisible for you? I heard that you jate dresses, I gave away all my dresses for my sister and start wearing jeans only. You told me square shirts looks good on me amd I bought all the square shirts hanging on the shop now I don't even know how many square shirts I have. After you tell me you have a dream to watch a football match with your girlfriend friend, I was there in all matches wearing your favourite club's t-shirt like you do but you can't see me. I don't know why but you were searching another girl. Today a lot of things has been changed. I look like your imagination girl. I also forget how i used to be before I meat you. This me is a character that is made by your script and characters can't be real girlfriends they only can be crush. I will remain invisible and you will continue your searching. Maybe one day i might be your crush but never your girlfriend. It hurts a lot💔💔😢😢 ✍✍ Yemariyam
    Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
    5 942
    The hardest thing is that not talking to someone with whom you used to talk everyday... (⁠ ⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⁠⌢⁠⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀⁠)
    5 170
    'zanibim mırın heye taliye disa eze jite hezbikim Even if I knew death was at the end, I would still love you.
    5 006
    Achievements through difficulties sure make you feel content, sure they make you happy. But that doesn't mean you always have to go through difficulties so that you're entitled to feel happy. It's a basic need, hence it's a basic right.
    10 769
    With what might I be punished for letting you love me? For God knows it to be my greatest sin. ~Unconventional~
    9 548
    Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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