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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    RFKJR says he would pardon truther tellers such as Julian Assange & investigate the corruption and crimes they exposed. JOIN |
    28 286
    Media Matters hacks released 3 “leaked” Fox footage videos of Tucker Carlson thinking they accomplished something. 😂 😄😂😂😂 This clip only makes me love Tucker even more. 😁🤣😂😂 “Hey Media Matters, go Fu*ck Yourself! Is anyone going to ask how did Media Matters get these Fox clips? I compiled all three clips for you. JOIN |


    22 804
    This is so great… cry’s that children cannot read the disgusting sexual children’s book “Gender Queer” & she gets fact checked on Twitter… “This book contains visual depictions of oral sex, masturbation, and sexual contact with a minor.” They literally support pedophilia out in the open & Elon Musk & Twitter is now displaying it to the world. JOIN |
    27 164
    JUST IN - United States ends travel ban for unvaccinated international travelers as well as vaccine requirements for federal employees and contractors on May 11. May 11 is the same day Title 42 ends…. Coincidence? JOIN |
    15 392
    With all the 9/11 comms lately (Tucker, CIA Involvement), is it a coincidence ABC “mistakenly” aired footage of NYC with the Twin Towers? 123 The footage appeared in the New York Knicks' Game 1 against the Miami Heat. JOIN |
    12 579
    General Wesley Clark "We're going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years." (2007) • Days after 9/11, one of the Generals called him in and said we’ve made the decision to go to war with Iraq. I said why? He said…. I don’t know. He said I guess they don’t know what else to do. • Weeks later, I asked are we still going to war with Iraq? “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out 7 countries in 5 years.” (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran) Wars are manufactured. JOIN |
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    General Wesley Clark "We're going to take-out 7 countries in 5 years."
    Truth Seeker in my Spare Time You Can Follow Me at: Telegram is my home base of Operations TWITTER Truth Social https://truthsoci
    13 744
    Elon Musk 👀 BREAKING: In private sworn testimony, former acting CIA director Mike Morell says that The Biden campaign asked him to organize 50 colleagues to sign a letter in Oct. 2020 falsely claiming that emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop published by The NY Post were Russian disinformation He says “Antony Blinken, now Secretary of State, was the senior campaign official who reached out to him “on or before” Oct. 17, 2020, three days after The Post published an email from the laptop suggesting Hunter had introduced his Ukrainian business partner to his father” Elon Replies What say you ? JOIN |
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    20 002
    🚨 Canada JUST IN: $100 million worth of gold stolen from Canada's largest airport. Who took it? Wrong answers encouraged. JOIN |
    13 961
    What a crummy time for a test… WFLA On Thursday morning, The Florida Division of Emergency Management announced that the alert broadcast to phones statewide was an error. The Emergency Test Alert was originally supposed to just be on TV and not on the phones of sleeping citizens. 🧢 Beckie 🙏 JOIN |
    13 260
    Adam Kizinger & all the Libs are soooo stoked about the Fox settlement with Dominion. Out of all the people I’d like to punch, it’s this turd. 😂 I’ll settle for the boomerang 🪃 How many retards do you know who are celebrating this and rubbing it in your face? JOIN |


    11 733
    Trump Statement “What congressman James comer and Jim Jordan have revealed about the Biden crime family would be Watergate times 10 if this news was revealed 10 years ago. Our fake news media is corrupt at a level never seen before.” In the Q drops, Q references Watergate a number of times. Q specifically references Watergate x 1000. JOIN |
    14 964
    The FDA says “The monovalent Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are no longer authorized for use in the United States.” Asks “Why?” The FDA responded 😂 JOIN |
    12 660
    Hundreds of teens cause fiery chaos in Downtown Chicago this weekend. Police officers couldn’t do a damn thing… This is exactly why businesses don’t go into these hell holes. So sad. 🔗 Article JOIN | @QTHESTORM
    9 976
    Over the past year or so, the EDNY has really been putting in the work to combat CCP espionage, policing, and other criminal activity. For example, From October 20th, 2022 'Six Individuals Charged with Conspiring to Act as Illegal Agents of the People's Republic of China' From October 24, 2022 'Two Chinese Intelligence Officers Charged with Obstruction of Justice in Scheme to Bribe U.S. Government Employee and Steal Documents Related to the Federal Prosecution of a PRC-Based Company' Also from October 24, 2022 'Two Arrested and 13 Charged in Three Separate Cases for Alleged Participation in Malign Schemes in the United States on Behalf of the Government of the People’s Republic of China' And from today 'Two Arrested for Operating Illegal Overseas Police Station of the Chinese Government' '40 Officers of China’s National Police Charged in Transnational Repression Schemes Targeting U.S. Residents' The Fake News Media, particularly on the Right, barely gives mention to this work, but it continues regardless. JOIN |
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    11 426
    🚨 Brunswick Georgia A Pinova Chemical Plant Caught Fire, a Half a Mile Shelter in Place is in Effect The caught fire Saturday (this morning) but crews were able extinguish it. The fire has now reignited. Officials are asking those within a 1/2 mile radius to leave. The plant produces materials such as adhesives, glues, and even food products that are commonly used every day. 🔗 JOIN |
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    15 524
    Tucker Carlson declares the US is at direct war with Russia According to leaked Pentagon documents Elon Musk:The American public certainly needs to understand and our elected representatives must consent to our involvement” JOIN | @QTHESTORM


    10 924
    Context I will be heading downtown to meet with a Racist who leaked that I would be there at 9:30 A.M. The leak makes it much more difficult for the Police and Secret Service to do their job. This civil case is ridiculous, just like all of the other Election Interference cases being brought against me. If I had a fair judge, this case would have never happened. MAGA! JOIN |
    15 012
    Wow! just cracked something YUGE!!!!! ActBlue does not ask for a CVV number when donating. The main purpose of a CVV is fraud prevention. It was formulated so Banks can ask for an easy but authentic set of numbers apart from the Card Number, for authentication. Hackers are able to get Card Numbers of people through nefarious means, but they are not able to get the CVV numbers that are there on cards. So, if ActBlue does not require CVV numbers to donate……. ??????????? 💥 JOIN |
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    12 468
    RFKJR & RFK “…Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin give the public an escape route from the splatter zone when this bubble invariably bursts. So the White House is colluding with the banksters to keep us all trapped in the bubble of profiteering and control…. …We should be wary since CBDCs are the ultimate mechanisms for social surveillance and control….” If you haven’t read do so immediately. This is how the USG (read the globalists) plan on gaining even greater control over society and eliminating our basic rights. JOIN |
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    16 467
    Transgender (make to “female” 19-year-old William Whitworth, laid out extensive plans to plant bombs at and shoot students at Timberview Middle School in Colorado Springs. Deputies found a manifesto that outlined support for political figures and he idolized other mass shooters. One of his targets was reportedly Donald Trump. WE HAVE A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS! JOIN |
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    15 174
    Trump TruthChina is trying to displace the U.S. Dollar as the NUMBER ONE CURRENCY throughout the World. Unthinkable three years ago! If this happens, and under Biden’s leadership it probably will, this would be the biggest defeat for our Country in its history. We will be reduced to SECOND TIER STATUS. AMAZING. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump is either playing the optics, or he truly is worried. Which do you believe it is? :) JOIN | @QTHESTORM
    12 902
    🚨Kentucky Thomas Massie (R) officially Endorses Ron DeSoros. Trump bashes Massie for his Covid spending support, then endorses him for the 2022 midterm, now Massie endorses Desantis. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Keep in mind, Desantis hasn’t even announced he’s running, yet he’s getting endorsements? Kind of swampy to me… I do like Massie for the most part, but maybe Kentucky patriots can speak to this better than I. JOIN |
    11 377
    NEW - Jamie Dimon, billionaire boss of JP Morgan, tells governments to "seize private property" to build wind and solar farms. JOIN |
    Seize property to build wind and solar farms, says JP Morgan chief
    Breaking news from around the world.
    12 002
    House Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., will host Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in Los Angeles on Wednesday, his office announced in a statement. The meeting would be bipartisan and take place at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California The meeting had already triggered last week from China, which vowed "resolute countermeasures" after. 🔗 JOIN |
    12 400
    JUST IN - U.S. citizens residing or traveling in Russia should depart immediately — State Dept JOIN |
    15 867
    If you’re on Twitter drop the video I made right on this turds post. His Post JOIN |
    13 884
    DEVELOPING: The Bushes are running against Trump through "proxy" candidate DeSantis, according to GOP insiders in Texas and Florida. The entire "Bush machine" is behind his campaign, even helping run it JOIN |
    13 916
    Police Release Officer Footage Neutralizing Nashville Shooter Audrey Hale They were quick to release this…. No? JOIN |


    11 922
    A drunken thief tries to steal the St. Michael statue from a church in Monterrey, Mexico, during the act he trips and fell on the angel’s sword, seriously injuring his neck. The statue of St. Michael the Archangel was unharmed. 🔗 JOIN |
    12 988
    US conducts airstrikes in Iraq, Syria after contractor killed, American troops injured in rocket attack Endless lies. Endless wars. …. JOIN | @QTHESTORM


    14 380
    Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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