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The People’s Revolution & Triccy 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 A heart felt poem, delivered by the founder of The People's Revolution, Triccy. Brisbane, Australia World Wide Rally For Freedom
The Poem (I Believe)
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 Hey all, Many that attended the I BELIEVE rally on November 19, have messaged and asked for the Poem I read out on the day, to be uploaded. So, with some fancy captioning put together by the awesome TPR Videographers, here it is. Hope you enjoy and can take something from it. See you all soon. ✌️💚TT
1 140
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Throwback to 2022 Triccy feeding it to the weak sell out establishments, who enabled apartheid in Australia, instead of standing strong for the People. The People's Revolution Brisbane, Australia World Wide Rally For Freedom
September '22 rally outside the Port Office Hotel in Brisbane city.
Triccy stops the march to deliver a message to the patrons and publican of the Port Office Hotel. A timely reminder that we all need to stand together in the face of unethical restrictions, mandates and coercive control.
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 The power house warrior woman, founder of The Australian Vaccination Network, Meryl Dorey, laying the facts down hard. The People's Revolution Brisbane, Australia World Wide Rally For Freedom May 20, 2023
The hidden connections behind The Voice and COVID lockdowns
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Triccy, founder of The People's Revolution, giving a break down of recent events. The People's Revolution Brisbane, Australia World Wide Rally For Freedom May 20, 2023 Vote NO to The Voice referendum.
TPR's fourth year, and what we've achieved lately
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 Jason Miles, giving solid advice as usual, at The People's Revolution rally in Brisbane, May 20, 2023. World Wide Rally For Freedom Brisbane, Australia
TPR Speeches May 2023 - Jason Miles
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 An original tribal woman of the land, Kaiyu Moura (Bayles), daughter of late indigenous activist Tiga Bayles, explains why our first referendum in over two decades, is a trojan horse. How do you feel about the Australian government spending 100s of millions of tax payer dollars pushing one side of the referendum? Corruption at it's finest. Vote NO to The Voice.
TPR Speeches May 2023 Kaiyu Moura v2
3 207
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 The MSM offering a surprisingly neutral perspective of our rally on May 20, 2023. Apart from "dozens", they seemed to have held back on their usual derogatory remarks. The People's Revolution Brisbane, Australia
When "dozens" look like many hundreds
Channel Nine's coverage of the TPR rally on Saturday 20th of May 2023.
We held a sacred smoke ceremony for our fallen TPR Guardian, at the rally on May 20, 2023. R.I.P Lyle Rodgers. The People's Revolution Brisbane, Australia
Remembering Lyle our fallen Guardian
1 117
1 002
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 Dan Andrews has a small....(fill in the gap) Through shear incompetence, corruption and stupidity, the Dan Andrews government has added more than $30 billion dollars of debt to the state of Victoria. Their solution? To increase tax for a decade, of course! This means that the tax payers hard earned cash, will be taken from their pockets and given back to the government, to pay for the unnecessary lockdowns, aggressive VicPol patrols to stop people from leaving their homes and damage to the economy. Put this man and his henchmen in prison where they belong. Sack Dan Andrews!
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
1 708
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Our second guest speaker is checking in, Mr Jason Miles. An example of a man, who you instantly know is in the fight for all the right reasons. Jason has TPR's and my support in his endeavours and he'll be joining us in Brisbane, come May 20. Share it around guys, see you all there. ✌️💚TT
1 886
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 Welcome our next guest speaker, warrior woman, Meryl Dorey. Fighting the battle of vaccine awareness in this country for almost three decades, Meryl is a powerhouse when it comes to knowledge of the jibby jabs and a formidable opponent, to any so called DR trying to push poison onto the population. Meryl, we'll see you on Saturday in Brisbane, for a special event. Everyone please arrive no later than 12.45, so the ceremony for our fallen Guardian, can take place at 1pm. See you there! ✌️💚TT
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
1 758
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Flyer available on website for printing
1 572
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 Share! Introducing our first guest speaker: Current Member of Parliament, representing our Northern counterparts, our Brothers and Sisters from the Mackay/Mirani region, Mr Steve Andrews. I've been speaking frequently with Steve over the last couple of years and I believe this man is here to truly represent the People, unfortunately a very rare trait to be found in our politicians, he is on our side. A man of South Sea Islander descent, he has some strong words to share with the crowd, come May 20 in Brisbane. Let 'em have it Steve. We'll see you all in a couple of weekends. ✌️💚TT
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
2 616
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 Hey all, We need some boots on the ground to help get 20,000 flyers in mailboxes. This will do two things: 1). Help raise awareness around the deceitful upcoming referendum named The Voice, which is aimed at opening a door way to complete foreign control of the country; And 2). Help increase attendance at the rally, by drawing in People we wouldn't normally see attend due to "anti vax" propaganda. Please join one of the following messenger chats and we'll organise someone in there to be a coordinator and pickup point for the rest of the area. Then you can determine which streets you'll hit, so you're not dropping in the same mailboxes. There's also A5s to be stuck up on notice boards etc. TPR GC Flyers - TPR South Flyers - TPR West Flyers - TPR East Flyers - TPR North Flyers - TPR SC Flyers -
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
1 202
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 World Wide Rally For Freedom May 20 See you there!
4 615
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Another win for Operation Fairy Floss
3 012
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Contrary to what many may believe, the referendum scheduled for later this year, is NOT what they are selling it to us as. It is a trojan horse named The Voice, which will actually force the originals to cede their sovereignty and open the doorway, for a true and full scale corporate takeover of this country, by foreign powers. Black or White, this referendum is a threat to us all. Every single tribal elder I have spoken to, is strongly AGAINST The Voice and will be voting no. TPR is working closely with many of the indigenous on education campaigns, to help explain to the public what The Voice, is really about. Sorry Labor government, your attempt to sell out ALL People of this land, is going to be hammered into the ground hard. You may as well save tax payers money and cancel the referendum now. This is The PEOPLE'S Revolution and We the People, are too strong to be beaten. See you all on May 20 for the World Wide Rally in Brisbane. ✌️💚TT
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
4 423
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 TPR's Operation Fairy Floss has started with a victory in NSW, where the event at Nambucca Heads Youth Centre by the hijacked LGBTPQXXX movement, aimed at influencing young children, has been cancelled due to the massive amount of People calling in and sending emails, to voice their disapproval and concern. Boom. People Power. We achieved this within a very short amount of time. Well done. What do we advocate for? The fair and equal treatment of all humans, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation etc. We encourage all children to be taught to treat all humans with respect, equality and fairness, regardless of their appearance, how they sound or what they wear. What is the objective of Operation Fairy Floss? To put a stop on all events being run by the hijacked LGBTPQXXX movement, aimed at influencing the minds of young children. We are the People, We are the Power! Now keep pushing People, stay engaged and stay active. Stay tuned for the next move of Operation Fairy Floss. ✌️💚TT
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
3 055
Operation Fairy Floss "JUICY sex ed for 12 years olds, which you won't hear in school!" - event on tomorrow, Monday 17th April at 10.30am, at Nambucca Youthie. Stop the constant sexual propaganda from the hijacked LGBTPQXXX movement, on the minds of our children as young as 12 months old. We don't care if your gay, trans, pans, or a cross dressing unicorn, stop telling us about it and leave the minds of our young to grow as normal children do. Drag time story hour for 1-12 year olds, has to stop. Drag queens and transgender pole dancing in front of children, has to stop. The use of public spaces, kindergartens, schools, council and government owned facilities (therefore owned and funded by the People), has to stop. The use of tax payer money for these events, has to stop. CALL IT IN 0447 841 935 Remain calm and respectful, but assertively put your point across. This rubbish stops now.
Ko'proq ko'rsatish ...
2 016
No true spiritual Man would get the jab or promote it. FRAUD. WE are our only hope. Stick together People. WE ARE ONE.
2 094
✌🏿🦁✌🏻 Incoming
3 177
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Assange. A true Australian hero.
3 312
✌🏻🦁✌🏿 Fake TPR account has been created by some morons. Do not accept their messages. Please block and report the account. We'll work out what we can do on our end. Thanks guys, Triccy and Team TPR
3 537
Oxirgi yangilanish: 11.07.23
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