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Fatso ['fætsəʊ] is a fat man or fatty. By and large, that's a nickname for overweight people. You do hear it often from children notorious for their cruelty toward obese peers (and not just peers). Americans even have such a term - "fatism", fat shaming, fat phobia, that is, discrimination against an overweight person. In San Francisco, by way of example, a law was passed long ago that protects the rights of obese people from discrimination on the basis of weight in hiring, renting housing, and choosing medical treatment. Example: - Hey, fatso, get the fuck out of my way!
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Spray and pray [spreɪ ən preɪ] – fall and pray, spray and hope. A shooting tactic popular in PC games and action movies. The idea is that a person points a gun in the direction of the target and squeezes the trigger, completely emptying the magazine of ammunition. The accuracy of such shooting is reduced to a minimum, the range of shots is enormous and it resembles spraying. In this case, the man himself panics and hopes that at least one bullet will hit the target. The term easily carries over to civilian life. When you like all the girls in a row, you hope at least one responds, right? It's the same story with sending out compliments. Example: - Just spray and pray. Maybe someone will like you back.
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Tanorexic — from the words tan and anorexia. That's the name given to people who do not use tanning as a way to relax, but as their main goal in life. It does not matter to them whether to tan in the sun or in a tanning bed. The main thing is the color of the tan, and the richer the tan, the better. That's why you can normally see tanorexic people from afar. They are either bright orange, like an orange, or dark brown, like a grilled chicken. If you meet these fellows in their natural habitat, the beach, you might think they're playing a game of "who'll outlast who" with the sun. But tanorexic people need to be rescued. This kind of love of the sun and tanning is not only similar to a mental illness, but can also lead to skin cancer. So if you have such acquaintances, give them the gift of sunscreen and a trip to a psychiatrist. Example: - She spent the whole day on a beach and still went to a solarium afterward. Typical tanorexic, I'd say.
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FE1 (online-video-cutter.com) (1).mp4

Cheat sheet is a crib sheet, a trusted friend of high school and college students. As it happens, the majority of us can easily memorize the cost of all edible goodies in the canteen, but constantly forget mathematical formulas, spelling rules or dates of history. This is where it comes to the rescue, the old-fashioned spur. And although the Internet abounding ways to create them, we all realize that something else is quite essential. Namely - not to be caught using a "cheat sheet" in front of the teacher. Otherwise, all the effort and sleepless nights for the preparation of spurs in vain. Example: - Don't wet your pants, no teacher will make you pull up your skirt and expose a cheat sheet. That's sheer sexual harassment!
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FE (online-video-cutter.com) (1).mp4

Knackered - drained like a lemon. Language speakers should be happy that besides the common words tired, exhausted, and depleted, English offers the perfect word knackered, absorbing all the explicit and implicit meanings of other words that mean something similar. All people on our planet get tired the same way, no matter where they live and what language they speak, but each of us is well aware how at times we wish to complain to our loved ones, and even to ourselves, about this damn day, which has drunk you to the bottom. Sure, the expression is familial and cannot be used around strangers or in a business or elderly environment, but isn't that the buzz of slang? Example: - Honey, I'm absolutely knackered after working all day, so just shut up and let me play my fucking PlayStation.
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Let Your Nuts Hang! - "be a man, motherfucker!" A street expression popularized by the colorful-toothed lover of underage chicks, the rapper 6ix9ine. As the saying goes, "modesty embellishes, but leaves one hungry." Being hungry is messy and hazardous, thus everyone in our world should learn how to sell themselves. To learn how to promote yourself, you must learn how to draw attention. To convert this interest into shekels, you need an ironclad confidence in yourself, since everyone else, sooner or later, believes in the one who is confident in himself. That's the wisdom our sitter means to convey: never be modest, learn how to push yourself, let everyone see how large your pair hanging between your legs is! Example: - Bro, if you want to hit on her, just do that. Don't be afraid, let your nuts hang!
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It is what it is — when you have to give up and move on. All of us sooner or later are faced with situations that cannot be changed and need to be resolved in the simplest and most direct way possible. In English for such a situation there is an expression "Well, it is what it is". And it can be translated as "well, whatever it is, is exactly what it is". We have to seize the situation and do something about it before it gets any worse. Yet such a message is not always and everywhere applicable, even if it is closer to the meaning. And what a shame that not everything in our lives moves according to plan! Example: - Anyway, it is what it is. Deal with this shit yourself, folks, I'm taking a vacation.
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TERF — [Trans Exclusive Radical Feminist]. If you think you've had enough of feminist news, here's another relevant term. TERF generally refers to those radical feminists who believe that all men are trash, but do not consider transgender people human either. These ladies are still fighting for women's rights, but if a man who became a woman approaches them, he'll fuck off. Probably to the dick he cut off to be a woman. Also, TERF is Joan Rowling's nickname for her statement about trans people on Twitter. Spoiler: the scandal was huge and Rowling was canceled herself. If you aren't aware of it, google it. Example: - What do you mean by "got beat up by a man"? You're a TERF. Like, you don't consider transsexuals as females, do you?
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Babybottling — when haven't had a drink in a while. If you've ever seen a baby drinking through a bottle, you couldn't help but notice how greedily he sips. By clinging his lips to the neck, the baby won't stop swallowing even when there is no more liquid left in the bottle. This habit persists with age, and the baby bottle changes to one of Coke or beer. Growing up is growing up, but the feeling of thirst remains with us until the very end. After all, when the urge to drink takes over, we, as a baby with a bottle, do not settle down until we shovel all of its contents into ourselves at once. So if you hear someone babybottling, you know they've just drained an entire sea of water, cause they're insanely thirsty. Or a sea of beer. Cause they were thirsty. Example: - A hangover is tough: the next day you'll babybottle a whole water can without noticing it.
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Bridezilla is a bride obsessed with her own wedding. And the word "obsessed" in this case is not an exaggeration - in pursuit of a perfect ceremony, she will rape the last nerve cells of the groom, relatives, friends, organizers, in other words, everyone around her. Tailors at the studio where "bridezilla" order a dress are gonna howl at the moon for the hundredth time, re-stitching the hem, and confectioners exhausted a ton of cream and biscuits. Even her close girlfriends suffer: they have to dye their hair, lose weight, wear matching dresses, not to get pregnant, not to get a divorce, and so on. Everything must be perfect, and God forbid someone does not follow the instructions! You can take your white slippers and order a coffin right away, because there's a part from the Godzilla monster in "bridezilla" for a reason... Example: - Roses are red, violets are blue, but a bridezilla will sue if her hydrangeas are of the wrong hue - especially if she is a lawyer.
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Sleepy bear syndrome - a syndrome of the slumbering bear. Would a bear be happy to be woken up in the middle of winter hibernation? Unlikely. It might become a jackknife, wandering through the woods until spring, seeking food, and in the process snacking on the people that awakened it. Imagine the anger and confusion of a feline and transfer it to a human. It is the sleepy bear syndrome that is referred to as the enraged state of a person who has been dragged from the sweet embrace of Morpheus. After all, waking a man is not only bad for him, but also for your health. You can take such a beating you will not be pleased with. Even if people seem perfectly harmless outwardly, and sleeping - and even an angel, do not interfere more. Unless you wanna feel the primal animal rage, sure. Example: - Fuck, don't wake him up unless you are ready to experience the full wrath of his sleepy bear syndrome. He'll just rip you to pieces.
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Tuesday slump is a crisis of Tuesday. Apathy and neurosis rolled into one. That's the name given to the collapse of energy and mood that occurs on the second weekday. It would seem a whole week is ahead of you, but you are already exhausted: your work pisses you off, your colleagues are annoying, you feel like telling your clients to go fuck themselves. Plus, the next weekend is like reaching China by foot. As a result, you sit so gloomy in the office, angrily knocking over the fifth cup of coffee and dreaming of being somewhere in the warmth, near the sea, on a deck chair and with a cocktail. And in reality you have to cope with a bunch of cases at work, report to the bosses and smile in the face of all sorts of assholes. No wonder Tuesday makes you wanna die or kill someone yourself. Just like any other weekday, though. Example: - God damn these sedatives! I've got Tuesday slump, just get off me!
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Prexhausted – preliminary tired, formed by combining the prefix "pre" and the word "exhausted" (terribly tired). The word refers to a state where you are not fucked up yet, but already morally knocked out by the thought of it approaching. Examples of the "prexhausted" use may be the most trivial: just imagine the oppressive atmosphere before an exam, which you are not ready for. And it seems like a week before the exam, you can learn the tickets, ask for help, write spelling, but you are lying with your feet upside down and do not even wanna do anything. Or another situation: someone calls you to the club on the weekend, but you have not yet recovered from the last trip, which ended up at home in the arms of a white friend. You think back to the exciting vomit-tron and the last urge to repeat it fades away. Cause there's no energy. Not even beforehand. Not even to think about it. Example: - I had breakfast, got to work and I'm already prexhausted. Can I get back to my bed by any chance... please?
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Sugarcoat – to sweeten the bitter pill. It is a common manipulation to present this or that situation in a more positive light. Imagine you go to the doctor with pneumonia, and he calls it a mild ailment, as if it were a seasonal cold. Or you return home earlier than normal and your girlfriend bounces on your own best friend, and then they explain the hookup by saying they were "testing the bed for strength." Get the logic? The "sugarcoat" reeks of bullshit so strong that only a naive child would fall for it. Not for nothing does the word literally mean "to cover with icing sugar," and children, as we know, are the main fans of sweets and gladly devour any "candy," even if it has poop instead of toppings. Example: - Mexico is a safe country, are you for real? They just sugarcoat the truth to avoid scaring away tourists.
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Moniker is a sobriquet, name, alias, or even a nickname if you didn't make it up for yourself. Moniker is a middle name given to you by a certain company, telling more about you than any embellished resume or dossier kept by your personal FSB officer. Moniker appears as a response to some peculiarity of yours, whether it's your habit of sucking off the first person you meet (sucker) or your complete lack of sexual experience when it seems that absolutely everyone around you has already gotten laid (bell-boy). Monikers can be hurtful or harmless, here it depends largely on you and your behavior in a society bent on branding you in some way, as you are much easier to identify by the nickname "Johnny the weed pusher" than by a simple name that tells no one anything. Example: - She's had this "opener" moniker since high school. Don't even ask me why.
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Soccer mom is a common image in American movies, the soccer mother or mother hen. Typically she is a blonde between 25-40 years old, and objectively the main purpose of her life is to bring the kids to school, then pick them up, take them to school, bring them home, and then go around in circles again. She blasphemes at the Internet in every way and won't let the kids use it, as it's full of terrorists, drug addicts, and perverts. Normally the hubby is much older, and his wife is something of a trophy, she shades his impending baldness so well. He himself, however, does not spend much time with the children - well, why bother, his wife does everything. Such a nestling calls her children "little angels". And although she behaves like a boss, in fact she normally has no real say in serious matters. Example: - There is a hot soccer mom living next door. I wouldn't mind being her baby for an evening, you know.
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A power couple is a forceful union of two self-sufficient people, a strong and prosperous couple. One can tell right away: both partners are thriving in their professional sphere and social life, somehow managing to devote enough time and attention to each other. Their relationship seems perfect and arouses the envy of the majority. Jealousy and unhealthy rivalry have no place in their couple, they are both attractive and majestic, as if they came off the cover of a glamorous magazine. Some stellar examples of "power couples" include the following: David and Victoria Beckham, Barack and Michelle Obama, Jay Z and Beyoncé, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Even though the latter divorced, many still recall their love story, admire them and consider Brangelina one of Hollywood's brightest couples. Example: - I've always dreamt of creating a power couple. But in fact, I go on dates with different motherfuckers from Tinder every week.
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Shit hits the fan – a situation in which heat’s coming down, or, figuratively speaking, "shit hits the fan”. And although the kill radius here is much smaller than that of an atomic bomb, still hardly anyone wanna get caught in the crossfire. Scandals, fights, arguments – a minimal set of awkward and even dangerous situations, where it is better not to get into, even as a spectator. After all, you know how it frequently happens: if the club is a mess, black eye can put both a bartender and a dancer. So beware of all kinds of inadequates, coz next to them the shit goes absolutely in all directions. Example: - What the fuck? Hitler is forcing his way through the gates riding a T-Rex? Well, it seems shit is about to hit the fan, we'd better get out of here.
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⏺ The channel administration is in touch Catch an insight: Telegram will soon launch the game 2048, where the player receives Bcoin (a crypto that will be stored on your TG account) for connecting tiles. The beta is already running, the developer leaked me a link: Important: the first users will get the most coins. They will receive a bonus of half (!) of what their friends earn. So, I'm leaking the link to you, it will be deleted soon. Share with your friends, play, and hopefully we can make nice profit on it. BTW, you can't play the game without an invitation from a friend. So, here is
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Whiz is an expert, a talent. He is the best at what he does, and his skills are undeniable. If a person has mastered, let's say, programming, he can code even with his left heel, with his eyes closed and while heavily intoxicated. Many people would gladly sell their soul to the devil to be just as virtuoso with computers, musical instruments, casino cards or the G-spot. If you've seen whiz in action, you're in luck: it's unforgettable, magical, as it's not for nothing that whiz sounds like the word "wizard". And never mind that "whiz" in another sense translates as piss, that's another conversation. Example: - Who cares how many rounds they'll have. It's always the same, everything ends up in the first. This guy is a whiz at mixed martial arts.
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Dry hump is a type of sex act with clothes on, literally "dry humping" ("to hump" means fucking someone or rubbing your dick against something). It is probably the first thing teenagers try in an attempt to calm their hormones. Worth noting, in their case it's a great alternative to real sex, as stimulation without penetration is also capable of delivering pleasure without harming virginity. Dry hump is popular among the female sex, coz only they can cum from this ridiculous process, while guys tend to just rub their dick to the blood and that's the end of it. That's a shame, for fuck's sake. That's why mature individuals don't do this shit, and the reason why dry humping itself is for suckers. What can replace a full-fledged coitus? Example: - Honey, when I suggested having sex in a car, I meant regular sex, not dry hump, for God's sake.
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Tipsy [ˈtɪpsɪ] - drunk, groggy, punchy, hung over, intoxicated, tipsy. Not yet drunk, but already frivolous. The word generally refers to the light stage of intoxication from the category of "I start laughing loudly," "I love you all," "it feels so good," and "it seems that my body is getting lighter". You hear the word in almost every straightforward American movie that invariably features dialogue over a glass of mild to medium booze in bars/pubs or at home parties. - After barmen declared the "third shot is on the house" discount, every single person on that party got tipsy.
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Asking for a friend – I ask for a friend (actually, it's for myself, and everyone gets that). Let's say you need to ask something cringe-worthy and out-of-the-box, but spoiling the reputation is not in your plans. Just hide behind the phrase "asking for a friend," letting it be known that you have some phantom friend or female friend out there who is embarrassed to ask such questions herself. Lol, that's how we all fell for it, as if everyone is so dumb and doesn't realize it's all your morbid interest. Some of the questions that are "asked for someone else" might include: "Is sex with a horse actually possible and how to initiate it?", "Does jerking off lead to blindness?", "Will she taste the sperm in her food?", "What to do if she craps in anal sex?", "How to get rid of a hangover fast?" and so on. Example: - Is it possible to cum by sticking your dick into a vacuum cleaner? Asking for a friend.
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Sundowner is an alcoholic beverage drunk at sunset. As a rule, it takes place in a bar or restaurant, where you drink a glass to relax after work, accompanied by pleasant music and languid semi-darkness. Yeah, this is not a family dinner in sweatpants followed by watching TV series and a glass of beer on the side, everything is civilized, respectable and noble. The only thing to do is to keep yourself in check and not to drool so you don't break the general vibe. You always have time to have a beer, but you still need to sit prettily. Example: - Hey bartender, pour me some sundowner. And make it stronger, my nerves are on edge. I might go postal before we know it.
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Wedgie [ˈwedʒi] — naturally punching panties in the ass or forcibly pulling them on for a laugh. Agree, nothing is as infuriating as panties wedged between two buns. Like your asshole is trolling you, chewing on them exactly when people are around and you cannot discreetly correct them. The only thing worse than this feeling is the terrifying act of cruelty when some smart guy runs up behind you and abruptly pulls on the elastic band of your panties. They slam into the crotch and butt with all their might, causing a stabbing pain. I'd like to see the person who made this a popular joke! Episodes like this are ubiquitous on TV. Example: - I'll just honk your nose and pull your underwear over your head. It's wedgie time!
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Instant Karma is momentary fate. The concept of karma lies at the heart of Indian philosophy for a reason. The point is the cause-and-effect relationship between actions and consequences, so appealing to people. The subtlety is that you do bad things now and pay for them in the next life. Yet, there is one exception, which is called "instant karma". That's a rare and indicative situation, when a person has done something wrong and immediately received a reprisal from the Universe. You threw a cigarette butt from a balcony and got flooded by the upstairs neighbor. Hit a dog, you slipped and broke your leg. Cheat on a guy and get dumped by your daddy. Nice and fair, right? Example: - I really want instant karma to get every motherfucker who abuses animals.
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The year 2024 is the year of crypto🚀 Many coins are set to rocket by 20-100x from their current value. This is not an opportunity to be missed! On his channel, shares life hacks for smart investing and selecting the top-tier projects during the bull run🔥🔥Everyone can build significant capital, even if you're a beginner Join my friend's channel to stay on top of the trends and not miss out on profitable projects:
Blue movie is an adult film or a film with heavy erotic content. Such works of cinematic art are not limited to gay content, but why of all the colors to characterize a film with a bold 18+ marking was blue chosen? Probably cuz prostitutes in Scotland once wore blue outfits. Or because strippers' performances in the past were accompanied by blue lighting? Or maybe it's just that the word blue was stupidly unlucky. After all, it came to be associated with fornication and obscenity in the 19th century. As you have realized, many theories, for various tastes and colors, but the researchers haven't reached a consensus so far. Example: - Why do I need a girlfriend? A vr-helmet and a couple of porn sites are enough for me.
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One-time [ˈwʌn-taɪmi] is how Americans call a police patrol as it appears out of nowhere behind your back, actively investigates at an inconvenient time and spoils a major event for you by its actions. And cops are so nicknamed coz it's better to look at them once (one-time), so another time you'll definitely catch their attention. And right away poof: they fly up in a flash, lay everybody on the floor, beat up especially violent ones, drag you and your buddies to the station to clarify the facts, ruin everybody's holiday, and just as abruptly disappear. So be aware: if in the middle of a lamplight party at the club your vibe is ruined by a squad of cops bursting into the room and putting people on their backs, it's the most natural one-time. Fucking buzz killers. Example: - One time! Hide the coke! Don't shove it in your arse, idiot, who will take it out?!
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No diggity – definitely, precisely, one hundred percent. Expresses the highest degree of certainty about something. Was Einstein a genius? Does Kim Kardashian have a huge ass? Did Covid get to everyone? "No diggity" is perfect for answering any of these questions. Though hardly in conversation with your professor at the university. The phrase itself is taken from a rap song of the same name, so the contingent using it is appropriate, yet you can take it to heart, too. Example: - What should we say to a drunkfest in the middle of exams? No diggity, let's roll!
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Idgafwabgtsamikwtfidawtfidd = I don't give a fuck what a bitch got to say about me I know what the fuck I did and what the fuck I didn't do. Do you know that if you read that acronym out loud three times, you can summon Satan? Apparently, that's the abbreviation he came up with. Admittedly, in this case the term "abbreviation" sounds like mockery. Nevertheless, you can come across it on Twitter quite a lot. Pissed off that some scumbag is spreading rumors behind your back? It's high time to launch that torpedo of consonants at her - or rather, at the person who dared to believe the bullshit. Example: - Dude, Idgafwabgtsamikwtfidawtfidd, so leave me alone.
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Just saying - no offense. How many times have you seen comments on social media intended to insult and humiliate? How many of them ended with the phrase "it's just my opinion, nothing personal"? By saying that, people create a safety cushion on which it's easy to rest your fart before it gets kicked in the ass. Pour a bucket of slop on someone's head and then cover up toxicity with an innocent "just saying". The way could claim to be sly, but most people always know when they're being insulted. So even if you sprinkle sugar on shit, you don't have to taste it to know if it's fucking fecal matter in front of you. Example: - I wouldn't have sex with you at all after that flirt as well. I'm just saying, dude.
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Hellmaxxing is an act worthy of Hell. This phrase describes deeds, causing the Devil not only to escort you to the Underworld himself after death, but also to hand you a pitchfork. Such an act cannot be atoned for with prayer, repentance, or money. It is voluntary hiring for work below. Until the end of eternity, the inhabitants of Heaven will shudder at the mention of your name, asking God to keep you from going upstairs. So if you film on TikTok taking ice cream out of the fridge at the store, licking it and putting it back, if you fuck your best friend's girlfriend knowing he loves her, if you knowingly cut off an ambulance on the road knowing you are taking someone's life, then you are a hellmaxer and your place is in Hell. Example: - You took a job in MLM, didn't you? You're hellmaxxing it to the point where you get a special cauldron in hell.
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Walk the talk - when it's time to take responsibility for what you say. So, with this idiom, the speaker makes it clear that it's high time to cover your mouth and back up your words with actions, so as not to be seen as a twat and a cheapskate. Keep in mind, if you try to blend in, you'll immediately get the "all talk and no walk" characteristic in the eyes of your interlocutor. That is, you end up as a braggart, incapable of a tenth of the things you so stubbornly lecture about. Example: - You shot your mouth off, bro. Now it's time to walk that talk
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Conflirtation - formed from the words "conflict" and "flirting." It's flirting in the process of conflict. So many romantic comedies fall for this ploy, where the characters first cocksuck each other and then fall in love eventually. Except that sometimes it can also happen more openly. Like when people realize that they like each other and a verbal altercation helps them to bring the relationship down and not to get burned. Or just so aggressively flirt. In any case, if you choose such a toxic method of flirting, do not take offense to the insults. The only rule in conflirtation is the harsher the better. So if you are regularly called a cocksucker, the girl is just crazy about you. Example: - She's costantly screaming at me for no reason. Is it just me, or is this some unique approach to conflirtation?
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Petextrian is a pedestrian typing while walking, formed from the words "text" and "pedestrian. He does not pay attention to what is taking place around him, as he is staring at the phone screen. The only thing is, who is likely to protect him from treacherous poles, cars, and holes in the asphalt? Yeah, that's right, nobody. If he kicks his ass and breaks his legs, it's his own fault. The main thing is to respond quickly to your mother for feeding the cat, not to obey the safety rules. Come to think of it, in the 21st century natural selection has found new, sophisticated ways to implement it, and "petextrians" risk becoming prime candidates for elimination. Example: - If you continue to be such a petextrian, you'll find yourself under the wheels of someone's car very soon.
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To go screensaver – to get stuck on something, "to become a screensaver". In the modern world, being on screensavers is a common practice. A thousand thoughts swarm in the mind of the average person daily, nine hundred and ninety-nine of which are about survival. No wonder that in such circumstances one can lose touch with reality for a while, thinking about something of his own. The facial expression is corresponding: eyes in a heap, mouth ajar. Like a computer, a person falls into standby mode and concentrates on the innards, leaving a screensaver on his face, which disappears at the first interaction with him. And so, if your colleague is stuck on the ceiling during a call, be sympathetic and poke him lightly under the table. Example: - He went screensaver on her ass so hard that his mouth was drooling
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A zillionaire is a person with untold amounts of money. In other words, he has so much money, it's hard to count. You can build a multistory building and a life-size airplane from their stacks, and also a pool, which is nice to dive into and rake the waves of green bills with hands. To cut a long story short, while some people get rich and become the proud owners of round sums in Swiss banks, others can only watch and lust. And what type are you? Example: - He's such a zillionaire that his money is way easier to count in yachts and private jets than in numbers.
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To spill the tea — to gossip, to tell rumors. The British couldn't even leave their sacred drink alone and gave the word tea another meaning - gossip. So if you happen to be accused of spilt the tea, don't be in a hurry to grab the rag, but rather consider where you said the odd word. And there are times when a friend may ask you, "What's the tea?" And then you're bound to tell about the hot neighbor with a third size, whom you fooled around with last night, or classmate, recently sent to prison. After all, everyone enjoys gossip, let's face it - without it, life would be so drab. Example: - This chap has spilled the tea about my tiny dick throughout the office. Now my colleagues call me "teenie-weenie" behind my back.
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Jailbird - criminal, repeat offender, prisoner, from jail + bird. Do you have a parrot? No matter how many times you let him out to fly, it always comes back to its cage (with or without your help). The word jailbird describes a similar phenomenon in society; it is an individual who is constantly behind bars, and when released, inevitably relapses and is sent back to the bunkhouse. The cycle repeats itself over and over again, the person is literally drawn back to the zone. It is said about the most notorious villains, "Jail missing you and crying," but it is as if the jailbird is crying in jail, he doesn't mind being there again and again, eating free munchies and living "on concepts". Prison romance. Example: - Seems that this jailbird is getting out of prison just to occasionally fuck women instead of fucking his cellmates.
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Pooping is a combination of the words poop and texting. For me, it's not a word, just a real life thing. The century of IT has accelerated the process of messaging so much that now you can't even take a shit without your phone. What if you miss something major? That's why you have to sit down to shit and take your phone with you. And in general, if you put it this way, pooping is a miracle of multitasking. Who would have thought that you could simultaneously drop bombs in the sewer and write girls' messages in the directive? And no one would have any idea under what circumstances the correspondence takes place! The main thing is not to accidentally turn on the camera and not to shit all over yourself. Example: - You better not tell anyone you're pooping with him. Girls don't poop.
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Digital footprint - a digitized print. As footprints in the snow, all your actions over the internet also leave a footprint. Everything that has been posted on the World Wide Web runs the risk of remaining there once and for all, even after deletion. Any comment, like, post and photo can be scanned and saved, and then used to threaten or blackmail. And that's not counting the fact that social networks use our data to optimize advertising. Therefore, courses on investments, earnings on Marketplace or suggestions to make a natal chart in Insta you pop up not by chance. And it's definitely not a sign from above, we answer. Example: - His colleagues have dug up some social digital footprints of him referring to African Americans as "niggers" back in 2010. Looks like someone is about to get canceled.
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Shy bladder is an embarrassing urinary bladder or a fear of urinating in the presence of other people. Many of us have no problem with it: enter a stall, unzip your fly, do your thing, and go on about your business, a process brought to automaticity. Still, there is a category of shy ones for whom taking a piss in a public place is a whole ritual. First, you have to sit down and relax. Secondly, listen and, if there is someone in the next stall, wait for him to take off. When time is of the essence, there are two other options: you can cover your ears and trick your brain, or take a leak when someone flushes, turns on the faucet or hand dryer. If you have a shy bladder, some of these maneuvers are probably familiar to you. To the rest of us, it would seem crazy nonsense, sure, but it works, it's been tested. Example: - I've got a shy bladder, so it takes me forever to pee in crowded public restrooms.
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Water slapper – literally, water spanker. Nope, that's not a moniker at all, but a colloquialism for swimmers. Anyway, it's the real comedy of observation. Professional swimmers are really fucking around with their powerful arms in the water to get to their destination faster than anyone else. Who the fuck are they after that? Water slappers, naturally. Although no complaints to such athletes in the pool - it's their job and money. But those half-assed amateur pool attendees are really annoying. They're the guys who fucking breaststroke next to you while you're chillin', splashing you with their nuclear slaps on the water. They're either pissed off at the water for dicking it up like that, or they're just show-off dumbasses. Either way, if you see a paddler like that in the locker room, slap him back in the fuckin' face. Example: - Have you heard that American water slapper Ryan Murphy claimed our Olympic team were using doping? What a fucker!
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A tall tale/tall story is bullshit, lies, mess, and fairy tales. Some people like to exaggerate, make things up, fantasize, lie, and fill our ears with nonsense. Such people are the ones who should be wary of stories, coz they are so adept at bullshit that begin to believe their own legends. Let's take a few examples from the field of bodybuilding. "Yesterday at the gym I lifted 200kg with one hand", "Nah, I have everything natural, no steroids, all my own, I just eat only protein", "I came to my dream body despite critically low testosterone levels needed for muscle growth", "I did a hundred push-ups a day for a month and my body changed beyond recognition". All of this can be described in one word: B U L L S H I T. Example: - Well, we all know that the US lunar mission and moon landing is a tall story.
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Fling cleaning [flɪŋ kliːnɪŋ] is the swift cleaning of a room due to the fact that you might get something that night. There is, for sure, that special self-confident type who, with the ease and grace of a lazy bum, won't even think of cleaning up all his crap. Coz you won't even pay attention to it as long as he's in the room. Or maybe he just doesn't care what you think of him. We don't know that, but what we do know is that if you like someone, you always want to seem better than you really are. So you have to sweep the dust off the shelves, steal the clothes off the back of the chair and put them in the closet ... Still what if you want to play erotic hide-and-seek, and she climbs into the closet and finds it carefully hidden crap? We hope she reads Dammit English and knows that fling cleaning doesn't involve careful preparation! Example: - He even fling-cleaned his garage in the hope of getting laid tonight.
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Mental virginity — psychic virginity. Defined by angel wings and the halo over his head. Joke. It's more prosaic than that. It's a way of saying you are completely uninformed and lack basic knowledge about sex and reproduction. Forget about the Kama Sutra poses and throat-blowing techniques-it's a mile from China. As a rule, they are not mental virgins for a long time, and even in elementary school children know the difference between male and female genitals and that it was not the stork that brought them to mom and dad. Then the Internet, porn, less often - a conversation with parents about the need to protect themselves. By the time sex education classes are held, children already know what's what. It's just a matter of living with it and not getting knocked up. Example: - It turned out that our new book-keeper hadn't lost her mental virginity, so we had to help her.
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Pet peeve [ˈpet ˈpiv] is a constant reason to fire a fart. The expression encompasses a wide range of things, situations, and people's behavior that make you irritated, angry, and unhappy whenever you encounter them. Some of us are ready to tear the hair on our asses if we have to stand in line for a long time, others can't stand people loudly discussing personal matters over the phone in public places. The list could go on and on, and even give out awards for the most unconventional "pet peeves," whether it be wobbly table legs or chomping cats. And even though other people's "pet peeves" often seem petty, trust me: there will always be those who are genuinely annoyed by this nonsense. Example: - You shouldn't have joked about his mum, that's his pet peeve. He'll just tear you to pieces now.
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Dayger is a day party. Appears at the junction of the words day and rager and sounds as strange as possible, no doubt. There are two forms of dayger. It can be a pretty real party for no particular reason, but with the standard booze, music, and fun company. Or it can be a depressing kind of dayger, where one hangs out alone, drinks, and invariably ends up feeling like a pointless waste of time, loneliness, and sadness on one's day off. At such moments, it is nice to have a loyal companion, ready to come and cheer you up, and maybe get you out of the misery, so that the time does not flow so senselessly. Although there is a question of perception, though, a little reflection never hurt. But dip dare not get carried away! Example: - We're at that age when throwing a dayger is the way to go. Late night parties are no longer an option.
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(to be) Sugar cookie — to experience public humiliation. More specifically, that's the name of a particular way to teach new recruits a lesson in the U.S. Navy Seals if they fail an army uniform check. The soldier is forced to put on a full uniform, run to the ocean and dip in it. And then roll around in the sand until he's covered in it. That's how he turns into a brutal version of a sugar cookie. For the rest of the day, the fighter is forced to train like this, which is quite humiliating and physically demanding, but forces one to draw conclusions. Admiral William McRaven's book gives some great advice: if you want to change the world get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward. Example: - I was a sugar cookie too. I'm sure you'll get over it, bro.
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Smash [smæʃ] — to have sex. The process is the same, while the verbs are a dime a dozen; you just can't get laid, so you have to be sure to specify how it actually happened. Generally used when talking about good and quality sex, whether with a regular partner or with a pretty girl caught in a bar. It is worth noting that guys mostly indulge in this word when they want to emphasize not just a quickie but a really good lay, like the Gray Wolf in the joke "pulled Little Red Riding Hood up to his ear", you know those guys, right? The great question, though, is whether you should trust a guy's smash, but if a girl says that about her beau, then yep, kudos to you, you really were on top of the game! Example: - I invited her over, promised to smash her like a God, but ended up falling asleep in the hallway while taking off my boots. Just same old same old.
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Fanny pelmet is an ultra-short skirt hardly covering the buttocks. Joy to men's eyes, the cause of women's cystitis. It's amazing what range of emotions a narrow piece of fabric wearing by ladies on the hips can evoke. At one time, the miniskirt served as a protest against conservative views, but over time shortened so that it became the attribute of prostitutes, winking at the genitals of passing drivers on the highway. If you're not a supporter of bare ass in public places, "fanny pelmet" is unlikely to ever appear in your closet. Unless it's for a special occasion. Example: - I love fanny pelmets so much that I'm ready to wear them myself.
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Summon the genie [ˈsʌmən ðiː ˈdʒiːni] — to masturbate, literally translating, "to call the genie". So, the Aladdin story is never gonna be the same now, huh? I also wondered why in the remake Genie was black, oh, so much the better for it? The term is universal, no matter how many genders there are, the only condition is that in the process of self-satisfaction you have to actively rub your hand. Whatever lamp you have and what side you rub it on is your own business. The situation was nicely played out on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, when Will Smith was wearing a volumetric magic lamp and its spout went right on his groin. Jokes broke out about how the (lesbian) host hadn't seen a lamp in a long time and it was better not to rub this one on the air. Example: - Summoning the genie is the only thing I can do well with my hands.
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All to pot — to hell with it! British aristocrats coined this phrase centuries ago, but you can still hear it today in a regular conversation between two street hobos. It is used when you wanna briefly describe a situation that has gotten out of hand and is unlikely to return to normal. Recommended for use to emotionally color an expression of maximum despair. Example: - Fishing went all to pot after my uncle had decided to teach me how to swim.


Manwhore [mænhɔː] is a fucker. Oh yeah, finally someone's starting to call things by their proper names. Get it through your head that your new acquaintance is not a deity like Zeus, who condescends to ordinary mortals to show them the way with his guiding rod... Non, ladies, this is an ordinary manwhore of a humanoid species, a gram of pleasure, and then you'll be in the hospital for the rest of your life! Pardon the primitive sex puns, but that's the reality when you get involved with these men. Example: - A nice ass even can help this manwhore escape from the jaws of death.
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Sluttify is to slut up. Yeah, that's not what it sounded like, it's sluttify, not spotify, and we're not gonna talk about the music, but about the unique ability of women to turn even the most modest outfit into an obscene one. You don't have to go far to get an example, just think about Halloween and the insane amount of crazy sexy slutty looks that girls wear. Here you have a tight nurse costume that can drive men to a heart attack, and vampire outfit, complete with sharp fangs and scarlet lipstick, and a nun's dress made of latex with deep cleavage. Even the most creepy goblin look the lady can turn into a sex-shop masterpiece and get away with it. So we don't know about perfume, but slutty demons on Halloween are definitely coming out of the fairer half of humanity. Example: - Her devilish gaze can easily sluttify even a nun's habit.
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For a change - to make a contrast. You may use it in the following cases: a) your boyfriend is sick of taking you to the same places and you long to go some other place; b) your partner prefers a lame standard in bed, and you wanna experiment; c) your current job gives you a fuck and you dare to try new things; d) you're always listening to the same kind of music and it's high time you updated your playlist. Anyway, the alphabet won't be enough to cover all the situations where you can apply for a change, but you've got the gist of it. If you're monstrously conservative and accustomed to doing things only a certain way and none other, you probably have to hear this phrase a lot. Let me be bold: it's not cool to be that way at all. Example: - I did say I wanted to try something new in bed for a change, but I was hoping for a threesome, not feces.
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Grow some balls - build up some nuts. I mean it, they're never superfluous! Having balls equals masculinity, determination, and strength, which are all top-grade human qualities. That's why many girls have balls, while some men don't. "Grow some balls," is a strong recommendation to those labeled as cowards, incapable of making decisions. That's like saying "be a macho man, get it together, sissy!" but in off-key American slang. It's especially hurtful to hear this from a girl, cuz in a man's company it's motivation, yet in a relationship it's like losing a cock. Example: - Run to your mommy and don't come back unless you grow some balls!
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"Swipe to unlock" girl - easy-access girl, slut. The expression is based on a play on the word "swipe" (like swipe in Tinder) and the phrase on the phone screen "swipe to unlock". Such a madam does not play the bashful Virgin Mary, which will have to run for a year before she will let you under her skirt. She immediately takes the bull by the horns and easily agrees to the offer to get laid. Perfect for a one-night stand and an absolute no for a long-term relationship. Unless you're a co-cult, of course. But there's a catch: "swipe to unlock" sluttiness often comes with an unattractive appearance. So if you want a madam with the face and body of a supermodel, sorry, wrong address. Example: - She is a "swipe to unlock" girl. Even such a jolter-head like you can fuck her on a first date.
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Bunny boiler is a vindictive, emotionally unstable woman. Think of all the inadequacies your girlfriend has done and multiply by 10 - that's what a "bunny boiler" is. Breaking up with such a woman can end in a real tragedy with fires, murders and suicides, because such ladies do not change little things. The most inquisitive may have already noticed that the literal meaning of the expression sounds very strange - the rabbit brewer. The fact that the image is taken from the movie "Fatal Attraction", where the heroine cooked alive a furry pet daughter of her lover, after he ran away from her. So fans of girls with a little bit of a quirk be careful. Hide your knives, pots and pets away just in case, please. Example: - My bf's ex set our house on fire last week. What should we do with this bunny boiler?
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Slave driver – a slave minder. A parent, teacher, or boss who stands over their souls with an imaginary whip (sometimes a real one) and makes them work hard. It's not hard to guess where this expression has its roots, and who might be greatly offended if you mention "slave driver" in their presence. Yet to the white boss from the white subordinate will sound quite on topic: they say, look what a despot, going back and forth, shooting his eyes, shoot, so that no one at work on the cat in Insta did not look. Coz of these characters, people run from offices to work at home like crazy. Example: - Our teacher is a real slave driver. He hits us with his pointer as if it was a whip.
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Sex interview – sex audition, Whoa, fantasy mind readers, get your hands off your genitals: this is not an 18+ audition for aspiring actresses. Moreover, each of you have gone through such a sobriety on 2-3 dates, perhaps even on 1, if you and your partner are not particularly patient. Nowadays, not only by the clothes you wear, but also by your skills in bed: logs and fans of hammering nails are sifted out at the initial stage. It's a very practical thing, saving you from disappointment. If you like the sex, we going on; if you don't like it, call the next one. That's the sex interview. Example: - Wtf are you sending me your dick pics? You failed the sex interview, just fuck off.
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1 134
❌ THE MOST PRIVATE GROUP №1 ❌ They are robbing Crypto Exchanges for Millions of dollars! Yesterday profit = 50,000$+ 👉 👉 👉 Go fast! Only the first 1000 subs will be accepted! 👀🚀


❌ THE MOST PRIVATE GROUP №1 ❌ They are robbing Crypto Exchanges for Millions of dollars! Yesterday profit = 50,000$+ 👉 👉 👉 Go fast! Only the first 1000 subs will be accepted! 👀🚀


Do one's nut is a British word meaning to make someone furious. Everyone has at least one thing that makes them more angry than anything else in the world. And if that thing is done, there is no stopping the burning. In such cases, the British use the idiom "to do one's nut”. This is the word they use to say that of all the things in the world that would lead to an ordinary argument, you've decided to do the one thing that would get you fucked up in a state of affect. The word also applies to situations where a person is very nervous. And not just a lot, but to the gnashing of teeth. In short, a state close to the flight of the cuckoo. Appreciate your loved ones and your head. Example: - When she said that even the new iPhone won't make her get laid with him, he did his nut completely.
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Debtpression – debt+depression. Depression related to debt or other financial difficulties. Those who have met their debts know that for the first few months afterwards, you are in a state of complete prostration. The amount of debt seems like a hundred-kilogram stone around your neck, dragging you down no matter how hard you resist. You can't eat, drink, or sleep. Your whole head is filled with the fact that you are a slave to whoever gave you credit, and suicide, which seemed the lot of the weak, no longer seems like a bad way out. Give it up. Don't engage in self-injury. Don't blame yourself. What's done is done; you have to think your way out. Talk to a loan shark about installments. Find a source of income. Cut back on your vacation time and find a part-time job. No matter what anyone says, work heals. Financial depression included. Stay strong and fuck it up. You'll get out of it. Example: - Just two more years of this mortgage debtpression and I'll blow my head off, I swear.
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Badonkadonk is an ass! And not just any ass, but exclusively female and quite voluminous, though despite this, it looks attractive, cause you can only find such a slender girl. Can you imagine? Slender girl with a big ass, which is just trying to smack men, narrow waist, smoothly passing into wide thighs, the male sex like that. Badonkadonk entered the lexicon after it was dubbed by the rappers in 2002. The word finally gained a foothold in American culture when it was used in the television show Crank Yankers. To be sure not to forget such important material, we recommend listening to Trace Adkins' composition "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk" or watching the music video. Example: - Now that's a badonkadonk, my man. Would spank that all day long until it goes red.
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Radio silence is oldy worldy ignoring. Top 1 among the ways to let the man know that you do not care about him deeply. Why figure things out when you can go twenty-four hours without answering the phone and pretend that you are a smart cheese who is always busy doing something? By the way, in the military environment, where the term came from, when they declare "radio silence", no one turns off the equipment, they only tune it to receive signals. So in normal life, you just don't pay attention to a ton of messages and missed calls. Sooner or later even a brainless jerk will realize that you're not interested in continuing to communicate with him, and he will drop out by himself. And there is always a blacklist for especially bad cases. Example: - Just block her, bro. There's no better way to get rid of an annoying girl than good old radio silence.
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Bozo [ˈbəʊzəʊ] is a jerk, the local clown that only the dead don't cringe at. The expression itself came from the image of Bozo the Clown, the man with the red nose and curls that children fear so much. In the movies and books, Bozo tried to make everybody laugh with his silly behavior, his "pull my finger so I shit" pranks, and his stupid laughing about and about. In real life, instead of universal love, Bozo evoked only Spanish shame and the desire to walk on his face with a soldier's boot. But did the clown realize that his behavior infuriated everyone? He didn't. And he kept to do what he did, causing more and more disgust among the people. That's how it's been since: the word bozo is now used to call a person who has become a natural laughingstock in search of approval, without realizing it. Or unwilling to understand. Example: - Darling, you'd better get a job in IT. You're a shitty entertainer, don't be a bozo, please.
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Pipe hitter - the self-sacrificing Rambo who is willing to die for the well-being of others. The term comes from the U.S. Army, used to describe soldiers in the most un-fucking-military units. The guys there are so well-trained and skilled that they can slit the throats of up to a billion enemies with a single shiv. And most importantly, of their own free will! This is also the name of the brave and selfless daredevils, who bravely rush into battle for a good cause. A sort of Danko who is ready to tear his heart out to light the way for others. In general, these people, if they stand up for adequate interests, are really cool. I wish the ungrateful faggots they are working for would appreciate their merits. Example: - He risked his own life, covering us up during the trip. What a goddamn pipe hitter!
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Splooge - to cum. As far as the verb is concerned. It can also be used as a noun, which means - surprise! - sperm. For obvious reasons it is applied to men, but some sources have begun to use it in relation to women as well. In general, if anything, everyone involved was satisfied. Less common than the well-known "cum", probably due to the fact that the emphasis in splooge is not on sexual release, but on its physical manifestations. A little less romantic, a little more practical, so that when all sorts of inspectors go around hotels and examine the sheets under the beams of their flashlights, the spots they find will be proudly referred to as splooge spots. Example: - Give me a week of the no-nut challenge, and you'll have to wash the splooge not only from my bed but also from the rest of my apartment.
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