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لغة وموقع القناة

audience statistics English language learners

زبان انگلیسی را سریع و آسان بیاموزید! اصطلاحات،مکالمه،داستان،نکات گرامی،لغات همراه با فایل های صوتی و کلیپ های آموزشی. T.me/English_lang_learners ارتباط با آدمین جهت تبادل،ترجمه،تدریس در فضای‌مجازی و تبلیغات با قیمت مناسب.  @a_a_m1401  
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
. روزمرگی های یه معلم به زبان انگلیسی 😎 تو فیلم مدل تدریس منو ببین 😊👆🏻 من فاطمه پیرویسی ام🧕 مدرس زبانم با بیست سال سابقه تدریس و برگزاری دوره ✅ من یادت میدم چطوری مثل یه آمریکایی حرف بزنی بزن رو لینک


💢Podcast ⭕️Daily Life _Turn left here 👉 Key Vocabulary 🔶 hurry up: move faster 🔶 make a left: turn left 🔶 step on it: drive a lot faster 🔶 nuts: crazy 🔶 speed up: go faster 🔶 have a fit: get very angry 🔶 cut through: quickly go past or though something that blocks you 🔶 packed: full, having lots of cars 🔶 road rage: be very angry at other drivers while driving 🔶 back street: small street that is away from the main streets 🔶 u-turn: a 180 degree turn in the car 🔶 to back up: to move backwards, the opposite of go forwards 🔶 to pass: to drive past another car on the road to pass a car on the road 🔶 to park: to stop the car and turn off the engine 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀
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Vocabulary Explanation-Daily Life - Turn left here-EnglishPod.mp3

💢Podcast ⭕️ Daily Life - Turn left here! 🔷 Hurry up, get in! 🔶 I’m in , let’s go! 🔷 OK, make a left here...no wait, I meant make a right. Come on speed up! 🔶 Geeze! What’s the rush? 🔷 Don’t worry about it, just drive. Oh, no, the light is about to change... step on it! 🔶 Are you nuts? I’m not going to run a red light! 🔷 Whatever. Just turn right here. The freeway will be packed at this hour.... let’s take a side street. Go on! Get out of our way! Move, move! 🔶 What’s your problem? Geez. Having a fit is not going to help! 🔷 Here, I know a short cut... just go down here and we’ll cut through Ashburn Heights. Let’s go, let’s go! Watch out for that lady! 🔶 I’m going as fast as I can! 🔷 Yes! We made it. 5:58, just before the library closes. 🔶 You’re such a geek. 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀
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Dialogue-Daily Life - Turn left here-EnglishPod.mp3

💢اصطلاحات و عبارات کاربردی همراه با فیلم 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢gaffer 👉Meaning :the manager, the boss ✴️For example :👇👇 🧑‍🦰Eh, Bobby! The gaffer wants to see you. And you'd better watch out coz he don't look too happy, neither! 🧑‍🦳All the Manchester United players said they owed their success to the gaffer and the rest of the coaching staff. ‼️Note : usually used with the definite article "the" 👉Variety :This is typically used in British English but may be used in other varieties of English too.
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💢Comma Splices and How to Fix Them 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢دیدین میگن مثل چی دروغ میگه😐😐 👉Lie through ur teeth 👉Def: to say sth that is completely untrue 📒Sam wasn't a doctor. He had never been to medical school, he just lied through his teeth & we believed him.
💢مکالمات کوتاه 👨‍🦰🧑‍🦰 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀

Easy Conversation- 66. What's So Funny-.mp3

🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢مکالمات کوتاه 👨‍🦰 A: Do you know any good jokes? 🧑‍🦰 B: I can't remember jokes. 👨‍🦰 A: Neither can I. 🧑‍🦰 B: They go in one ear and out the other 👨‍🦰 A: Who makes up all these jokes? 🧑‍🦰B: Who knows? But there must be a hundred new ones every day. 👨‍🦰 A: Yes, just in English alone. 🧑‍🦰 B: I wonder if every language has jokes. 👨‍🦰A: Of course! People everywhere like good jokes. 🧑‍🦰B: What do you think people joke about the most? 👨‍🦰A: I think most jokes are about women. 🧑‍🦰 B: Oh, really? I think most jokes are about men! 👨‍🦰 هیچی جوک خوب بلدی؟ 🧑‍🦰من جوکها یادم نمی مونه 👨‍🦰 منم همینطور. 🧑‍🦰 از یه گوشم میان تو از یه گوشم میرن بیرون 👨‍🦰 کی این همه جوک می سازه؟ 🧑‍🦰 کی می دونه؟ اما هر روز صد تا جوک جدیده. 👨‍🦰 بله تنها توی انگلیسی اینقدره 🧑‍🦰 نمی دونم ایا همه زبانها جوک دارند؟ 👨‍🦰البته که دارند. مردم همه جا جوک خوب دوست دارند 🧑‍🦰 فکر می کنی مردم بیشتر در مورد چی جوک می سازن(می گن)؟ 👨‍🦰 من فکر می کنم بیشتر جوکها در مورد زنها هستن. 🧑‍🦰واقعا؟ من فکر می کنم بیشتر جوکها در مورد مردها هستن
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💢Conversation 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢Second nature 👉 Meaning : A behavior that has been practiced for so long, it seems to have been there always. عادت همیشگی، از روی عادت، عادت قدیمی، خوی ریشه گرفته 🧑‍🦳Wearing a seatbelt is second nature to me. 🧑‍🦳بستن کمربند ایمنی برام یه عادت شده.
💢How Well Do You Know Your Conjunctions? Take This Quiz to Find Out! | Although, Because, But & So 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🛡برترین کانالهای آموزشی vip امشب تقدیم شما عزیزان می‌کنم #پربازدیدترین_کانالها و #پرطرفدارترین_ها رو پست کنم 😍 پس اگر خاص پسند هستید لیست امشب از دست نده 🔥 ❗️کانال #ویژه امشب👇👇 ❎️ آموزش رایگان مکالمه زبان انگلیسی در کمترین زمان https://t.me/inpersonspeaking
🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢Idioms 🔶So long به امید دیدار 🔶You are reason حق با شماست 🔶My pride was wounded به غیرتم بر خورد 🔶He is off the rails توی باغ نیست 🔶God forbid خدا نکنه 🔶Third time is lucky تا سه نشه بازی نشه 🔶 A piece of cake مثل آب خوردن
💢Podcast ⭕️Daily Life _ Small Talk 2 👉Key Vocabulary 🔶 recommend: say something deserves to be chosen 🔶 service: an act of help or assistance 🔶 colleague: the person who works with you together 🔶 barbecue: a framework, as a grill or a spit, or a fireplace for cooking meat or vegetables over an open fire 🔶 introduce: to present (a person) to another so as to make acquainted. 🔶 acquaint: to become more or less familiar, aware of something 🔶 advocate: to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument 🔶 impression: a strong, favourable, or remarkable effect 🔶 picnic: excursion or outing in which the people carry food with them and share a meal in the open air. 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀
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Vocabulary Explanation-The Office - Small Talk 2-EnglishPod.mp3

💢 Podcast ⭕️ The Office - Small Talk 2 🔷James: So Michelle, let me introduce you to Maria. She’s my colleague from Brazil. Maria, this is Michelle. 🔶Maria: Hi Michelle. So what do you do here in Shanghai? I mean, what work do you do? 🔰Michelle: I work in advertising right now. How about you? 🔶Maria: I’m actually in the wine business. 🔰Michelle: That sounds really great. I love wine myself! Is this your first time to Shanghai Maria? 🔷Maria: No actually, I often visit. I usually come to China for business at least once a year. Also, I love the restaurants in Shanghai, so that’s a good reason to come. 🔰Michelle: Me too. Actually, there’s a great Brazilian restaurant I recommend. I mean, the food is delicious but the service isn’t so good. I often like to get together with friends and have a great barbecue there. 🔷James: We should go together some time. 🔰Michelle: Wonderful idea! I’d love that! 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀
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Dialogue-The Office - Small Talk 2-EnglishPod.mp3

💢It's your call 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢Slang of the Day ⭕️footy 👉Meaning: Australian Rules Football, Aussie Rules Football ✴️For example : 👇👇 🔸I grew up in Melbourne in Australia, so when I was kid I was crazy about footy and about my favourite club, St. Kilda. And I still love footy today! 🔸Hey Mark! You wanna go to the footy on Saturday? Collingwood's playing St. Kilda at the M.C.G., so it should be a beauty! ‼️Note: This word can also mean the ball used in Australian Rules Football, as in "Hey Jonesy! Kick us the footy, will ya?" 👉Origin: short for "football", from "Aussie Rules Football" or "Australian Rules Football"
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💢8 Ways to IMPROVE WRITING SKILLS for Students: English Writing Lesson 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢Point ⭕️ میخواین بگین مثلا با فلانی مدارا کن چه جوری بگیم به انگلیسی؟؟؟ ✴️ go easy on someone 👉Def: to treat someone in a gentle way esp when you want to be or should be more severe 📒well, try to go easy on her.she was probably pretty crazed.
💢مکالمات کوتاه 👨‍🦰🧑‍🦰 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀

Easy Conversation- 67. Spanish Spoken Here.mp3

🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢مکالمات کوتاه 🧑A: You're very lucky. 👨‍🦰 B: Why do you say that? 🧑 A: You speak two languages. 👨‍🦰B: Well, my English isn't perfect. 🧑A: No one speaks perfect English. 👨‍🦰B: Maybe I will be the first! 🧑A: I've been thinking about learning Spanish. 👨‍🦰 B: Spanish is easy. I'll be happy to teach you. 🧑A: How long will it take me to learn? 👨‍🦰B: I think it will only take you a year or two 🧑 A: How soon can we begin? 👨‍🦰 B: Ahora! That means right now. 🧑 خیلی خوش شانسی 👨‍🦰چرا اینو می گی؟ 🧑تو دو تا زبان صحبت می کنی. 👨‍🦰 خب، انگلیسیم هنوز کامل(عالی) نیست 🧑 هیچ کس انگلیسی رو عالی حرف نمی زنه 👨‍🦰شاید من اولین نفر باشم 🧑مدتی دارم فکر می کنم اسپانیایی یاد بگیرم 👨‍🦰 اسپانیائی اسونه. خوشحال می شم یادت بدم. 🧑 چه مدت طول می کشه یاد بگیرم 👨‍🦰 فکر می کنم فقط یه سال دو سالی طول می کشه. 🧑چقدر زود میتونیم شروع کنیم 👨‍🦰 اهورا!  معنیش اینه "همین الان"
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💢Vocabulary 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢Vocabulary ⭕️The difference between "Cloth & Clothes" 👈لغت "cloth" اشاره دارد به مواردی مثل پشم و کتان که برای درست کردن لباس، پرده، مبل از اون ها استفاده می شود. دیکشنری آکسفورد معنای این واژه رو اینطوری بیان میکند 👉Definition of cloth in English: noun (plural cloths /klɒθz/ /klɒðz/) Woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or etc. ‼️این لغت همچنین به معنای دستمال رو میزی هم هست. 🧑‍🦰Could you pass me a cloth? I've split some milk on the floor. 🧑‍🦰میشه به من یه دستمال بدی؟ کمی شیر ریختم کف خونه. 👈 لغت "clothes" اشاره به چیزایی داره که ما می پوشیم. مثل شلوار، دامن، پیراهن و ... جمع هست و مفرد ندارد.  شکل مفرد اون میتونه به این شکل باشه."A piece of clothing" ‼️حتی اگرنخواستیم اینو استفاده کنیم می تونیم بگیم."Something to wear" یا به قول خودمون پوشیدنی. به مثال پایین دقت کنید که هم شکل مفرد این کلمه هست و هم شکل جمع. 🧑‍🦳I must buy some new clothes. I don’t have anything to wear. 🧑‍🦳من باید چند تیکه لباس بخرم. هیچی ندارم بپوشم.
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💢100 Common English Questions and Answers | How to Ask and Answer Questions in English 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


‼️شاید باورتون نشه‼️ امشب به درخواست شما عزیزان، لیستی از کانالهای مهم به صورت رایگان در اختیارتون میزارم تا با عضویت در این کانالها معلومات خود را بالا ببرید (فقط و فقط امشب رایگان) 👇👇👇 کانال #ویژه امشب 👇 ㊗️جمله سازی انگلیسی در ۳۰ جلسه㊗️ https://t.me/+PqM-Fr_3fxPIgj_I https://t.me/ucantoo
🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢what a coincidence عجب تصادفی ✴️Example: 👇👇 🔸You chose exactly the same wallpaper as us - what a coincidence! 🔸شما هم دقیقاً همون کاغذ دیواری رو انتخاب کردید که ما کردیم-چه تصادفی! ‌‎‌‌‎‌‎‌‌
💢A Nice Song ⭕️Miss You 🎤 Louis Tomlinson 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀ 💢A Nice Song ⭕️ Miss You 🎤LouisTomlinson Is it my imagination? Is it something that I’m taking? All the smiles that I’m faking “Everything is great Everything is fucking great” Going out every weekend Staring at the stars on the ceiling Hollywood friends, gotta see them Such a good time I believe it this time Tuesday night Glazed over eyes Just one more pint or five Does it even matter anyway? We’re dancing on tables And I’m off my face With all of my people And it couldn’t get better they say We’re singing 'til last call And it’s all out of tune Should be laughing, but there’s something wrong And it hits me when the lights go on Shit, maybe I miss you Just like that and I’m sober I’m asking myself, “Is it over?” Maybe I was lying when I told you “Everything is great Everything is fucking great” And all of these thoughts and the feelings Chase you down if you don’t need them I’ve been checking my phone all evening Such a good time I believe it this time Tuesday night Glazed over eyes Just one more pint or five Does it even matter anyway? We’re dancing on tables And I’m off my face With all of my people And it couldn’t get better they say We’re singing 'til last call And it’s all out of tune Should be laughing, but there’s something wrong And it hits me when the lights go on Shit, maybe I miss you Now I’m asking my friends how to say “I’m sorry” They say “Lad, give it time, there’s no need to worry” And we can’t even be on the phone now And I can’t even be with you alone now Oh, how shit changes We were in love, now we’re strangers When I feel it coming up, I just throw it all away Get another two shots 'cause it doesn’t matter anyway We’re dancing on tables And I’m off my face With all of my people And it couldn’t get better they say We’re singing 'til last call And it’s all out of tune Should be laughing, but there’s something wrong And it hits me when the lights go on We’re dancing on tables And I’m off my face With all of my people And it couldn’t get better they say We’re singing 'til last call And it’s all out of tune Should be laughing, but there’s something wrong And it hits me when the lights go on Shit, maybe I’ll miss you
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💢۶ عبارت کاربردی با فعل " keep " 🧚‍♂🔤🧚‍♀


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