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لغة وموقع القناة

audience statistics 💥گرامر اسان انگلیسی💥

گرامر انگلیسی بصورت کاربردی و قابل فهم لینک دسترسی به اول کانال  https://t.me/easy_englishgrammar/1389  مدیر کانال 👇👇  @Ali_Bahador_S   @S_ali_Bahador  
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جنس المشتركين

تعرف على عدد كل من المُشتركين الذّكور والإناث على القناة.

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نمو القناة
رسم توضيحيجدول

جار تحميل البيانات

فترة تواجد المستخدم على القناة

اعرف كم من الوقت قضى المُشتركون على القناة.
حتى أسبوع?%المؤقتات القديمة?%حتى شهر?%
الزيادة في المُشتركين
رسم توضيحيجدول

جار تحميل البيانات

Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
🆔 🅾 How to use "(Be) due (to)"


1 607
🅾 DUE TO (For Expectation) 🅾 بعضی مواقع due to به معنی "انتظار میرود" که معمولا بعد از فعل to be می اید
1 579
🆔 🅾 DUE TO (For a Reason)
1 320
🆔 🅾 Because of & Due to


1 419
🆔 🅾 کلمه since به معنای "چون، از آنجائیکه" است
1 301
🆔 🅾 and for purpose


1 122
🅾 in order to 🅾 so as to infinitive 🅾 to + infinitive 🅾 for + ing
🅾 Five alternatives to 🅾 پنج کلمه جایگزین
🆔 🅾 vs
🆔 🅾 , &


🆔 🅾 کلماتی که معادل " " هستند. 🅾 🅾 1. because of به‌دلیل، بخاطر 🔵 The train arrived late because of the snowstorm. 🔵 قطار به‌دلیل توفان دیر رسید. 🔴 Many shops are doing badly because of the economic situation. 🅾 2. owing to به‌دلیل، بخاطر 🔵 The game was cancelled owing to torrential rain. 🔵 به‌دلیل باران سیل‌آسا، بازی لغو شد. 🔴 Owing to his illness, he could not continue with his studies. 🅾 3. on account of به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد) 🔵 She was told to wear flat shoes, on account of her back problem. 🔵 بخاطر مشکل کمرش، به او گفته شد که کفش صاف بپوشد. 🔴 The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain. 🆔 🅾 4. in view of به خاطر 🔵 In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him. 🔵 بخاطر رفتارش، باشگاه تصمیم گرفت او را تعلیق کند. 🔴 In view of rising labor costs, many companies have turned to automation. 🅾 5. as a consequence of به‌دلیل، بخاطر (معمولاً بار معنایی منفی دارد) 🔵 Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical. 🔵 حیوانات به‌دلیل تماس با این ماده‌ی شیمیایی کشته شدند. 🅾 6. by virtue of به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت) 🔵 She succeeded by virtue of her tenacity rather than her talent. 🔵 او به‌لطف پشتکارش، نه استعدادش، موفق شد. 🔴 Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food, by virtue of their clearness, toughness, and low cost. 🅾 7. thanks to به‌لطف (معمولاً به‌دلیل چیزی مثبت) 🔵 Thanks to a good teacher, John passed the examination. 💥نکته 💥 از thanks to برای طعنه زدن هم می‌توان استفاده کرد: 🔴 Everybody knows about it now, "thanks" to you. 🔴 به‌ لطف تو همه از موضوع خبردار شدن! 🅾 8. as a result of به‌دلیل ، درنتیجه‌ی 🔵 Profits have declined as a result of the recent drop in sales. 🔵 به‌دلیل کاهش اخیر در فروش، سود کاهش یافته است. 🔴 As a result of the accident, he was out of work for three months. 🅾 9. in (the) light of به دلیل 🔵 In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings. 🔵 به‌ دلیل رویدادهای اخیر، از مشتریانمان می‌خواهیم از وسایل شخصیشان مراقبت ویژه کنند. 🔴 In light of this new evidence, we are reopening the investigation. 🅾 10. by reason of به دلیل 🔵 He was disqualified by reason of his age. 🔵 او به‌دلیل سنش فاقد صلاحیت شد. 🔴 He was found not guilty by reason of insanity. 🅾11. due to به خاطر 🔵 A lot of her unhappiness is due to boredom. 🔵 بخش بزرگی از ناراختی او به‌دلیل خستگی است. 🔴 Due to wet leaves on the line, this train will arrive an hour late. 🅾 12. out of از روی، بخاطر 🔵 He started reading the book out of curiosity. 🔵 او از روی کنجکاوی شروع به خواندن کتاب کرد. 🔴 She asked the question out of politeness.
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💥گرامر اسان انگلیسی💥
گرامر انگلیسی بصورت کاربردی و قابل فهم لینک دسترسی به اول کانال https://t.me/easy_englishgrammar/1389 مدیر کانال 👇👇 @Ali_Bahador_S @S_ali_Bahador
🆔 🅾 به خاطر
🆔 🅾 بیان علت و معلول در انگلیسی 🅾 🅾 Expressing Cause and Effect in English 🅾 🛑➡️ Because, since, due to, as, thanks to, therefore, so ⬅️🛑 🆔 🔴 I help you because I like you. 🔴 چون دوستت دارم به تو کمک میکنم 🔵 I study hard because I want to pass the exam. 🔵 من سخت مطالعه میکنم چون میخواهم امتحان رو پاس شوم 🆔 🔴 We have to go home since we have no idea where to go next. 🔴 از آنجا که ایده ی دیگری برای رفتن به جایی نداریم باید به خانه برویم 🔵 You need to hurry up since it’s very late now. 🔵 چون خیلی دیر است باید عجله کنی 🆔 🔴 I can’t go out as it’s raining. 🔴 چون دارد باران میبارد، نمیتوانم بروم بیرون 🔵 I can’t run fast as I’m too fat. 🔵 چون خیلی چاقم نمیتوانم سریع بدوم 🆔 🔴 I love you, so I will do everything to make you happy. 🔴 دوستت دارم، پس هر کاری خواهم کرد که تو را خوشحال کنم 🔵 I didn’t eat anything, so I’m very hungry now. 🔵 چیزی نخوردم، بنابر این الان خیلی گرسنه ام 🆔 🔴 We had to cancel the picnic because of bad weather. 🔴 به خاطر هوای نامناسب باید پیک نیک را کنسل می‌کردیم 🔵 I did it because of you. 🔵 من به خاطر تو آن کار را کردم 🆔 🔴 The flight was canceled due to the storm. 🔴 به خاطر توفان پرواز کنسل شد 🔵 I came home late due to the traffic jam. 🔵 به خاطر ترافیک زیاد دیر به خانه آمدم 🆔 🔴 He didn’t work hard. As a result, he was fired. 🔴 او خوب کار نکرده بود، در نتیجه اخراج شد 🔵 I was busy this evening. Therefore, I couldn’t come to your party. 🔵 امروز عصر سرم شلوغ بود، بنابراین نتوانستم به میهمانی تو بیایم 🔴 Thanks to his hard work, he got a raise. 🔴 به لطف تلاشهایش، ترفیع گرفت
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💥گرامر اسان انگلیسی💥
گرامر انگلیسی بصورت کاربردی و قابل فهم لینک دسترسی به اول کانال https://t.me/easy_englishgrammar/1389 مدیر کانال 👇👇 @Ali_Bahador_S @S_ali_Bahador
1 095
🆔 🅾 کلمات زیر به معنی " ، برای اینکه" هستند 🅾 🅾1. because 🔵 He did not come to school, because he was ill چون‌ بيمار بود به‌ مدرسه‌ نيامد. 🔴 Just because I don't complain, people think I'm satisfied. 🅾 2. since 🔵 We decided to go to the beach since it was a nice day. تصمیم گرفتیم به ساحل برویم چون روز زیبایی بود. 🔴 Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee. 🅾 3. for 🔵 We listened eagerly, for he brought news of our families. مشتاقانه گوش دادیم، زیرا او از خانواده‌هایمان خبر آورده بود. 🅾 4. as 🔵 We asked Philip to come with us, as he knew the road. از فیلیپ خواهش کردیم با ما بیاید، چون با مسیر آشنا بود. 🔴 As our room was upstairs, we didn't hear him. چون اتاق ما طبقه‌ی بالا بود، صدای او را نشنیدیم. 🅾 5. in that 🔵 This research is important in that it confirms the link between aggression and alcohol. این تحقیق مهم است، چون ارتباط بین پرخاشگری و الکل را تأیید می‌کند. 🅾 6. inasmuch as چون، زیرا 🔵 She remained silent, inasmuch as her heart was heavy. او ساکت ماند، چون قلبش گرفت. 🔴 Inasmuch as you are their commanding officer, you are responsible for everything
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💥گرامر اسان انگلیسی💥
گرامر انگلیسی بصورت کاربردی و قابل فهم لینک دسترسی به اول کانال https://t.me/easy_englishgrammar/1389 مدیر کانال 👇👇 @Ali_Bahador_S @S_ali_Bahador
🆔 🅾 بیان علت در انگلیسی ⬇️⬇️⬇️


1 105
🅾 & 🅾 …… …… 🔴 عبارت در زبان انگلیسی گفتاری کمتر از عبارت کاربرد دارد اما هر دو این عبارات تا حدودی رسمی اند و اغلب در آگهی های اداری یا بیانیه های عمومی به کار می روند: 🅾 All flights into London Heathrow have been delayed due to / owing to thick fog. 🅾 همه ی پروازها به مقصد فرودگاه هیتروی لندن به علت مه شدید به تأخیر افتاده اند. …… …… 🛑 در زبان انگلیسی گفتاری به جای دو عبارت بالا معمولاً از عبارت استفاده می شود: 🅾 All flights have been delayed because of fog. 🅾 همه ی پرواز ها به علت مه عقب افتاده اند. …… …… 🛑 عبارت معادلِ "به لطفِ" بوده و به خصوص برای توضیح دلیل یا چگونگی وقوع پیش آمدهای خوب در زبان انگلیسی به کار می رود: 🅾 Thanks to the public’s generosity, we’ve been able to build two new schools in the area. 🅾 به لطف گشاده دستی مردم ، توانسته ایم دو مدرسه ی جدید در این منطقه احداث کنیم. …… …… 📣 نکته📣 🛑 عبارت را نمی توان بلافاصله پس از فعل به کاربرد ؛ اما پس از افعال دیگر میتوان . بعضی معتقدند که عبارت را فقط باید بعد از فعل به کار برد. اما بسیار از مردم آن را با افعال دیگر نیز به کار می برند : 🅾 The accident was largely due to human error. 🅾 علت آن تصادف عمدتاً خطای انسانی بود. 🅾 Prices have risen due to an increase in demand. 🅾 به علت افزایش تقاضا ، قیمت ها بالا رفته اند. 👈 🌹🌹 لینک دعوت 🌹🌹 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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💥گرامر اسان انگلیسی💥
گرامر انگلیسی بصورت کاربردی و قابل فهم لینک دسترسی به اول کانال https://t.me/easy_englishgrammar/1389 مدیر کانال 👇👇 @Ali_Bahador_S @S_ali_Bahador
🆔 🅾 work as, work for, work in, work on


1 685
🅾 افسانه های صوتی و تصویری Fairy Tales 💥 فارسی 💥⏬ 🆔 💥انگلیسی 💥⏬ 🆔 💥 فرانسوی 💥 🆔
1 992
⁉️ Would you mind if I … the children to the park. 🔘 taking 🔘 take 🔘 took 🔘 have taken ⁉️ Would you mind ......... the window? It's getting cold in here! 🔘 closing 🔘 to close 🔘 closed 🔘 close
2 198
🆔 🅾 جواب درست گزینه اول است. 🅾 بعد از would like (به معنی مایل بودن، خواستن)، (مفعول) + مصدر با میاید. 🔵 She would like to write some letters.
2 233
🆔 🅾 بعد از Would You Mind به معنی"اشکال نداره؟" فعل بصورت دار می اید

049- Everyday Grammar Would You Mind.mp4

🅾 🔵 Would you mind…?


1 877
🆔 🅾 بعد از Would You Mind به معنی"اشکال نداره؟" فعل بصورت دار می اید 🅾 بعد از would you like (به معنی مایلی؟ ، می خوای؟ )، فعل به صورت مصدر با میاید. 🔵 She would like to write some letters.
1 920
🆔 🅾 ? 🅾 ؟


1 829
🆔 🅾 in spite of, despite, although 📗💥In spite of 💥 "despite"  and "although# are all used to show a contrast but there are differences in the structures used with them. 📕💥In spite of / despite 💥 🅾 After "in spite of"  and "despite"  we use a noun or a pronoun. 🔵🎈We enjoyed our camping holiday in spite of the rain. 🔵🎈Despite the pain in his leg, he completed the marathon. 🔵🎈Despite having all the necessary qualifications, they didn’t offer me the job. 🔵🎈Despite of the bad weather, there was a large crowd at the match. 📒💥Although💥 🅾 After "although"  we use a subject and a verb. 🔵🎈We enjoyed our camping holiday although it rained every day. 🔵🎈Although he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam. 🔵🎈The holiday was great although the hotel wasn’t very nice. 🅾🎈We can use "in spite of"  and "despite"  with a subject and a verb if we include the expression ‘the fact that’. 🔵🎈In spite of the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam. 🔵🎈Despite the fact that he worked very hard, he didn’t manage to pass the exam. 📘💥Even though💥 🅾🎈Even though is a slightly stronger form of although. 🔵🎈We decided to buy the house even though we didn’t really have enough money. 🔵🎈You keep making that stupid noise even though I’ve asked you to stop three times. 🅾🎈Like "although" , "even though"  is followed by a subject and a verb. 🆔
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2 714
🆔 🅾 Although, even though vs despite, in spite of 🔵 Although and even though have a similar meaning to despite and in spite of.  🔴 We use all of these words to say that a thing is surprising, unusual or unexpected in relation to another thing. 🔵 While the meaning of these words is similar, there is a difference in how we use them. 🛑 Although and even though are conjunctions. They have the same meaning. Even though is a little stronger than although. 🔵 ⇨We use these structures: 🛑▷although + a clause 🛑▷even though + a clause 🔴 👉 Despite and in spite of are prepositions, and have the same meaning.  🔵⇨They are used with these structures: 🛑▷despite + noun 🛑▷despite + verb + -ing 🛑▷in spite of + a noun 🛑▷in spite of + verb + -ing 🔵📚The examples below show us that although / even though and despite / in spite of are similar in meaning, but are used differently. 🛑 👉 although, even though (+ clause) 🛑▷despite, in spite of (+ verb + -ing), (+ a noun) 🛑 Even though / although he's a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat. 🔵 Despite / in spite of being a millionaire, he lives in a very small flat. ⭕ He lives in a very small flat even though / although he's a millionaire. 🔵 He lives in a very small flat despite / in spite of being a millionaire. 🅾✳️ Although / even though he's much older than the others, he won the race. 🅾✳️ Despite / in spite of being much older than the others, he won the race. 🔵🌀He won the race although / even though he's much older than the others. 🔵🌀He won the race despite / in spite of being much older than the others. 🛑💥Even though / although it rained a lot, I enjoyed the holiday. 🛑💥Despite / in spite of the rain, I enjoyed the holiday. 🔵⚡️Even though / although they have a lot of money, they're still not happy. 🔴⚡️Despite / in spite of their money, they're still not happy. 🆔
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2 185
🆔 🅾 Although and even though
3 029


2 520
🆔 🅾 چند سوال چهار جوابی 🅾 ⁉️ I have always posted my letters first class ... it costs more. 🔘 although 🔘 because 🔘 since 🔘 while ⁉️ I didn’t get the job, ....… I had all the necessary qualification. 🔘 however 🔘 although 🔘 therefore 🔘 because ⁉️ I have saved my money ........ to go to Ramsar. 🔘 although 🔘 in order 🔘 in spite of 🔘 so that ⁉️ Jack wasn't tired. ......., He took a nap. 🔘 Otherwise 🔘 Hence 🔘 Nevertheless 🔘 Although ⁉️ I didn't expect to fail the driving test .......... I had not prepared myself for it. 🔘 whereas 🔘 since 🔘 although 🔘 until ⁉️We will go on a trip ......... we are ready or not. 🔘 unless 🔘 whether 🔘 becasue 🔘 although ⁉️ I didn't pass the test, .......... I had studied a lot. 🔘 as 🔘 whether 🔘 because 🔘 although ⁉️ It looked dark and heavy ........... it was going to rain. 🔘 although 🔘 unless 🔘 as if 🔘 whereas ⁉️ ........... riding a bicycle is good leg exercise, it does not use up a lot of calories. 🔘 As 🔘 Although 🔘 Because 🔘 So that ⁉️ I didn't get the job, ............ I had all the necessary qualifications. 🔘 however 🔘 although 🔘 therefore 🔘 because ⁉️ Conifers are important to man ........... they supply much of his lumber and most of the wood pulp for paper. 🔘 whereas 🔘 although 🔘 whenever 🔘 because 🆔 💥 جواب در پست های بعد
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2 229
🎥 BBC English in a Minute | Even though vs Even if 👉 Hi, I’m Phil from BBC Learning English. Today, I’m going to tell you the difference between ‘even though’ and ‘even if’. Now, we use them both for emphasis but they don’t mean the same. We use ‘even though’ to introduce something that’s true, but might be a little bit unexpected. It’s a bit like ‘despite’. Even though I hate driving, I’m still going to Scotland by car. Even though I hate tennis, I’m still going to watch the final. We use ‘even if’ to introduce something hypothetical, so it might not be real. Even if it’s sunny when we’re in Scotland, I’m not going swimming. Even if you paid me, I wouldn’t watch that film. So, ‘even though’ is for things that are true but unexpected, and ‘even if’ is for things that are hypothetical, so they might not be real. Even though they look the same, they are different – even if you didn’t notice at first! 🔎 | 2.5 MB 🔄
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1 544
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