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لغة وموقع القناة

audience statistics Ingliz tilida so'zlashish

✏ Ingliz rus ozbek tilida kundalik sozlar 🎧 Audio va matnli mavzular 📚 Eng sara kitoblar 😀 IELTS 🎶 Qoshiqlar matni bilan ✔ Abiturent testlar Creator:  @Aloqa_admin1_bot  Admin:  @smart2644  Reklama  @rek_info  
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​➡️ ​​​​126-dars. 💡 Ingliz tilida qisqa javob berish va qisqa tugatish. » Bunday holat ko'proq dialoglarda sodir bo'ladi. Masalan, ikki kishi gaplashib turibdi: I am not tired - Men charchamadim. I am - men esa charchadim. E'tibor bergan bo'lsangiz, ikkinchi odam ega bilan "To be" ishlatdi, xolos. Lekin, bundan uning holati birinchi odamga nisbatan qarama-qarshiligi, ya'ni charchagani tushunildi. I haven't got a car but my sister has - Mening mashinam yo'q, lekin singlimni mashinasi bor. » Gapning ikkinchi qismida mashina so'zi ishlatilmasdan, birinchi qismdagi "haven't" so'ziga qarama-qarshi ma'no beruvchi "has" so'zi qo'yildi. Ya'ni, inkor so'zi bo'lgan "not" olib tashlandi. My brother likes hot weather (Akam issiq ob-havoni yoqtiradi) but I don't (lekin men yoqtirmayman). » "I don't like hot weather" demasdan, qisqa qilib "I don't" deyapdi. Did you and John enjoy the film? - Siz va Jon filmdan bahra oldinglarmi? I did but John didn't - Men bahramand bo'ldim, lekin Jon bahramand bo'lmadi. Have you ever been to Canada - Kanadada biror marta bo'lganmisiz? Yes, I have - Ha, bo'lganman. No, I haven't - Yo'q, bo'lmaganman. My sister can play the piano but I can't - Singlim pionino chalishni biladi, lekin men bilmayman. » E'tibor beramiz, gap qaysi zamon bilan, yoki harakat so'zlaridan oldin keluvchi qaysi so'z bilan boshlansa, qisqa javob yoki qisqa tugatish ham o'sha so'z bilan kelyapdi. Can, will, should, have, must va hokazo. » Hozirgi zamonda bo'lsa do/does, oddiy o'tgan zamonda did ishlatyapmiz. Am/is/are qo'yilgan bo'lsa, qisqartma ham shunga qarab bo'ladi. I'm not intelligent but you are - Men aqlli emasman, lekin siz... (aqllisiz demoqchi). »Am, is, are, have va will so'zlari bilan qisqa javob berayotganimizda "I'm" shaklida qisqartirmasdan, doim "I am" deb yozishimiz kerak. Bu qoida odatda ijobiy javoblar uchundir. Agar "I'm not" deb inkor qiladigan bo'lsak bo'laveradi.
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    2 896
    Hozirgi kunda Amerika logistikasi haqida ko’p eshitgandirsiz. 🌐 Logistika sohasini o’rgatadigan kurslar haqida gapirmasayam bo’ladi. Tekinga topsa bo’ladigan ma’lumotlarni juda ko’pchilik pulini va vaqtini ketkazib sotib olyapti. Kurslar sizga shunchaki internetda bor ma’lumotlarni jamlab dars shaklida taqdim qiladi holos, sizga hech qachon tajriba berolmaydi. Hozirgi kunda logistika sohasi haqida ma’lumotlarni siz kanalida topishingiz mumkin. Bu kanalda Amerika logistikasi haqida hamma ma’lumotlar 100% bepul ulashib boriladi. 🌐
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    3 009
    ParkerShare! Orzular Tugamaydi, Boylik Tugamaydi, Foyda Esa Tugamaydi! Kanal : 👇🏻 Azo Bo'ling!
    1 940
    ☝️INGLIZ TILIDA TALAFFUZNI QANDAY YAXSHILASH MUMKIN?🤔 Talaffuz ingliz tilini o’rganishda eng qiyin jihatlardan biridir. Odatda, odamlar unga e’tibor bermaydilar. Shunga qaramay, mukammal talaffuz sizning biznes kartangizdir, chunki siz aytgan so’zlaringiz tufayli birinchi taassurot paydo bo’ladi. Quyidagi tavsiyalar orqali bugungi kunda ingliz tilida talaffuzni qanday yaxshilash haqida bilib olishingiz mumkin. 1️⃣Boshqalarni tinglang Mahalliy ma’ruzachilarni ko’proq tinglashga harakat qiling, ayniqsa, ular tovushlarni qanday ifodalaydilar. Til saytlarida ingliz tili tashuvchilarini toping va ularga talaffuz bilan bog’liq muammoda yordam berishlarini so’rang. Ko’proq ingliz tilidagi teleseriallarni, YouTube kanallarini tomosha qiling, audiokitoblarni tinglang va chet elliklarning nutqiga taqlid qilishga harakat qiling. 2️⃣O’zingizni tinglang So’zlarni qanday talaffuz qilayotganingizni va intonatsiyani qanday amalga oshirayotganingizga e’tibor bering. Agar qiyinchiliklarga duch kelsangiz, o’z ovozingizni ovoz yozish qurilmasiga yozib, ovozni bir necha marta tinglang. Shunday qilib, siz o’z zaif tomonlaringizni aniqlab, muammoli tovushlar va intonatsiya ustida ishlashingiz mumkin. 3️⃣Ko’zgu oldida mashq qiling Ko’zgu oldida o’zingiz bilan muntazam suhbatlashish qoidasini o’rganing. Og’zaki nutqingizni kuzatib boring – til va lablar artikulyatsiyasi qanday o’zgarmoqda. Siz ommaviy axborot vositalarining nutqi orqali ham o’rganishingiz mumkin, keyin esa o’z nutqingizni OAV nutqiga solishtirgan holda takrorlashingiz va keyin so’zlar artikulyatsiyaga mos keladimi-yo’qligini solishtirishingiz mumkin. Bundan tashqari, ko’zgu oldida ham qo’llanilishi mumkin bo’lgan ko’plab mashqlar mavjud. 4️⃣Ovoz chiqarib o’qing Jurnal va kitoblarni ovoz chiqarib o’qing. Bu kulgili tuyulishi mumkindir, lekin imkon qadar baland ovoz bilan o’qing. Shu usul orqali o’zingizni yaxshiroq eshitasiz va so’zlarni yaxshiroq talaffuz qilasiz. ❗️“Practice makes a man perfect” Talaffuzni muntazam ravishda – do’stlaringiz bilan yoki o’zingiz bilan birga mashq qiling. Faqat boshqalarni tinglash orqali talaffuzni yaxshilashingiz mumkin emas. Ko’proq gapiring va so’zlarning talaffuziga shubha qilsangiz, ularni bir necha marta takrorlang.
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    5 890
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​➡️ ​​​​129-dars. 💡 There is/ There are (inkor shakli) ✅ Anavi yerda "bor" demoqchi bo'lsak birlikda "there is", ko'plikda "there are" ishlatamiz, deb avvalgi darsda aytgan edi. Bugun inkor shaklda ko‘rib chiqamiz. Biz there is/are dan inkor gap yasaganimizda to be fe’li (is/are) dan keyin not yuklamasi qo’yiladi va "u yerda yo’q" deb tarjima qilinadi. Masalan: There is not a pen in my bag. - Mening sumkamda ruchka yo’q. There are not five flowers in the classroom. - Sinfxonada beshta gullar yo’q.  There aren't any books on the table - Stolda birorta kitob yo‘q. There aren't any stadium in the town. - Shaharda birorta stadion yo‘q There are not ten days in a week. - Bir haftada o‘n kun yo‘q. There isn't any tea in the cup. - Piyolada choy yo‘q. ✅ Qisqartmasi: there's = there is there're = there are there isn't = there is not = there's not there aren't = there are not = there're not Mavzuni o‘zlashtiring va rasmdagi mashqlarni bajarib ko‘ring.
    عرض المزيد ...
    Multilevel imtihoniga aprelda yoki mayda topshirmoqchilar bormi? Darajasi C1 bo'lgan Ustoz Tursunovaning Multilevel imtihoni bo'yicha marafoniga qabul boshlandi. Marafonda nimalarni o'rganasiz: -Yuqori ball olish sirlari -Har bir skill bo'yicha practise mashqlar,mock testlar,tushgan savollar va tahlillari - bajarilgan vazifalar tekshiriladi,feedback beriladi -har kuni ingliz tili bilim darajangizni oshiradigan mashqlar,maslahatlar -eng asosiy qoida aktiv bo'lmagan o'quvchilar gruppadan chiqariladi. Marafonimiz kurslarga borayotganlar uchun va anchadan beri shug'ullanmay qo'yganlar yoki self-study qilib yurganlar uchun imtihon oldi konsultatsion qisqa vaqtli kurs bo'ladi,Inshallah 💵 300 000 so'm❌ Birinchi bo'lib yozgan 10 nafar o'quvchiga 80 ming -Eng yuqori ball olgan 5 nafar o'quvchiga marafon puli qaytib beriladi. -Darslar har kuni
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    2 179
    Topic vocabulary        ICE CREAM✅ 🍦1. I can't get enough of it - nimanidur judayam yoqtirmoq/xoxlamoq • I love eating ice cream. Frankly, I can't get enough of it. 🍦2. Because of its taste/ flavour - uni ta'mi/mazasi sababli • Many people like ice cream because of its taste 🍦3. It's an absolute must - Bu mutlaq shart • It's an absolute must on a boiling hot day 🍦4. Caramel and chocolate ice cream • I like caramel and chocolate ice cream most 🍦5.  texture - tarkibi, mazasi • I do like its creamy texture 🍦6. That melts in the mouth - og'izda erib ketadi (judayam mazaligi uchun) • These flavours of ice cream melt in the mouth 🍦7. Feeling down - kayfiyat yo'qligi • Some people like to eat ice cream when they are feeling down
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    5 320
    INGLIZ TILI 0 DAN BEPUL DARSLAR ↗️Do'stlarga ulashing👇
    عرض المزيد ...
    English with Xursanoy
    1-dars Hamma alfabetni bilsa kerak albatta😊 Bilmganlar yodlab oling! @english_with_Xursanoy
    1 697
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​➡️ DARS 💡a lot / much / many Davom etamiz... ✅ Much - ko'p. Sanab bo'lmaydigan (uncountable) narsalarga ishlatiladi. Masalan: much water - ko'p suv. ✅ Many - ko'p. Donalab sanaladigan (countable) so'zlarga ishlatiladi. Har doim ko'plikda keladi. Masalan: many books - ko'pgina kitoblar. ✅Ushbu ikkala so'z savol berilayotgan va inkor gapda ishlatiladi. ✅Aytganimizdek, sanalmaydigan narsalarga - much, sanaladigan narsalarga - many ishlatiladi: Do you drink much coffee? - Siz kofeni ko'p ichasizmi? He has not got many friends - Uning do'stlari ko'p emas. ✅Agar gap savol yoki inkor bo'lmasa, much/many o'rnida "a lot" ishlatsak bo'ladi, odatda shunaqa. Lekin bunda ham much/ many ishlatilsa bo'laveradi. ✅"A lot" ikkalasini o'rnida ham ishlatilaveradi, faqat savol yoki inkor bo'lmasligi kerak. ✅"A lot" so'zidan keyin ot so'z turkumi kelsa "of" qo'shiladi: He ate a lot of food - U ko'p ovqat yedi. ✅Agar undan so'ng ot kelmasa "of" ham qo'yilmaydi: He ate a lot - U ko'p yedi. ✅Ba'zan "much" so'zi "often" (tez-tez) ma'nosida ham keladi: Do you watch TV much? - Siz tez-tez televizor ko'rib turasizmi? ✅Qisqa javob berish mumkin.  Agar javob inkor bo'lsa, "much" ishlatamiz: No, not much - Yo'q, ko'p emas. ✅Javob ijobiy bo'lsa, "a lot" qo'yamiz: Yes, a lot - Ha, ko'p.
    عرض المزيد ...
    5 509
    👍Koreyada Ta'lim olishni istayzimi? Sizga bunda BWAY kompaniyasi yordam beradi. 📌 18 aprel kuni Koreyaning nufuzli KANGWON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY vakili professor LEE MIN HEE ofisimizga tashrif buyuradilar. TIL KURSI, BAKALAVR, MAGISTR va PhD ga topshirish istagidagilar bo'lsa, yuzma yuz intervyuga tashrif buyurishingiz mumkin. ❗️Talablar: English track: IELTS 5.5 va undan yuqori. Korean track: TOPIK 3 va undan yuqori. 📈Suhbatdan o'tib 30%dan 100% gacha grantlarni qo'lga kirtishingiz mumkin. 🟢 Suhbatga kirish mutlaqo bepul. Shuningdek  Koreyadagi boshqa Universitetlar TIL KURSI, BAKALAVR, MAGISTR va PhD yo'nalishlariga ham qabullar ochilganini ma'lum qilamiz va viza olishgacha bo'lgan barcha jarayonlarda yordam beramiz. ✔️Firma to'lovi viza chiqganidan so'ng to'lanadi. Murojaat uchun:                               ☎️998950550408 ☎️998950550407 📱 | 📱
    عرض المزيد ...
    2 406
    🆎 Bugun kecha kanalga qo'yilgan til (so'zlashish ) mavzusini davom ettiramiz. 🇬🇧 Excuse me, What did you say?🤔 🇺🇿 Kechirasiz nima dedingiz? 🤔 🇷🇺 Извините, что вы сказали? 🤔 🇬🇧 I don't understand you 🤷‍♀ 🇺🇿 Men sizni tushunmayapman🤷‍♀ 🇷🇺 Я вас не понимаю. 🤷‍♀ 🇬🇧 How do you say that in English? 🙃 🇺🇿 Buni engilizcha qanday aytsa bo'ladi?🙃 🇷🇺 Как это сказать по -английски?🙃 🇬🇧 What does this word mean?🤔 🇺🇿 Bu so'z nimani bildiradi? 🤔 🇷🇺 Что означает это слово? 🤔 🇬🇧 I see, thank you. 😃 🇺🇿 Tushunarli raxmat. 😄 🇷🇺 Ясно. Понимаю. Спасибо. 🇬🇧 Letter 🇬🇧 Write 🇺🇿 Xarf 🇺🇿 Yozmoq 🇷🇺 Буква. 🇷🇺 Писать 🇬🇧 Speak. 🇬🇧 Quickly 🇺🇿 Gapirmoq. 🇺🇿 Tez 🇷🇺 Говорит 🇷🇺 быстро 🇬🇧 Understand. 🇺🇿 Tushunmoq. 🇷🇺 Понимат. Berilayotgan so'zlarni doimo yodab boring! !,🤡 👆👆👆 Do’stlaringizni taklif qiling.
    عرض المزيد ...
    6 966
    📌 SAY THIS TO THE IELTS EXAMINER ✅ This book could come handy for those who are struggling with preparing for IELTS/CEFR speaking exam. It could teach you a lot of good ideas, very common vocabulary and linking words.

    Say this to the IELTS examiner.pdf

    5 855
    ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⭐️BARCHA IZLAGAN SERIAL⭐️   🌙 🌙🌙
    5 194
    #vocabulary #useful #synonyms #speaking Other ways to say, " Could you repeat, please?" ✅ "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you please repeat?" ✅ "Sorry, could you say that again?" ✅ "I didn't quite hear what you said. Could you repeat, please?" ✅ "Pardon me, could you please repeat what you just said?" ✅ "I'm sorry, I missed what you said. Could you repeat it, please?" ✅ "Could you kindly say that again?" ✅ "Would you mind repeating that, please?" ✅ "I'm having trouble understanding. Could you repeat what you said?" ✅ "I didn't get that. Can you please repeat?" ✅ "Apologies, could you run that by me one more time?"
    عرض المزيد ...
    7 195
    Hello dear IELTS taker, You are welcome to send your recent IELTS questions via this bot as following order: ​•••┈┈••✾---------✾••┈┈••• Date: 12.04.2024 Test Centre: IDP Venue/City: Namangan Examiner: Tania Candidate : Sarafroza Part 1: - Work or study - Related to my workplace — Galaxy, stars, space, travelling Part 2: Describe a part of your home you like to stay in Part 3: Almost about relaxing - Should children learn relaxing skills like yoga ? - Should companies create relaxing rooms for their staff ? – How society will change with the help of relaxing and so on..
    عرض المزيد ...
    6 469
    English is FUN! 🇬🇧 🇺🇸 In this channel I share useful contents to boost your General English to pass your international and state English exams with flying colors🥰🥰 (IELTS &Mutli level) Daily contents: ✅️reading tests 📖 📕📘 🖊 ✅️ podcasts by native speakers 🎧 ✅️task 1 and task 2 essay samples with vocabulary definitions 📓 📝 ✅️vocabulary quiz tests ✅️ Useful grammar structures for both writing and speaking 📖 📔 ✏️ 📝 ✅️ IELTS and Multi level exam strategies ✅️ Motivational facts 💪 💪 💯 💯 ✅️ Reading useful books which I have read. I have read 100 + English books About myself: 1. Gulimkhan Baltabaeva 2. 31 years old 3. Linguist, IELTS and Multi level instructor . 4. Master's Degree - UzSWLU 2020- 2022. 5. 8 + years teaching experience 6. My students have been achieving B2, C1 levels in Multi level and IELTS exams. 7. My certificates: Aptis 177. (C1) Duolingo 130. (C1) Multi level C1. Writing 66. 1st category English teacher for secondary schools 94 score. 8. I love teaching ♥️ Join to my channel:
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    1 612
    The Article: “Barbie” continues to shatter records nearly a month after the Malibu icon first graced the big screen. The Greta Gerwig comedy has earned $1.18 billion at the worldwide box office and now ranks as the second highest-grossing release in the history of Warner Bros. Internationally, the film earned $45.1 million from 75 markets to bring its foreign gross to a sizzling $657.6 million. Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling star in the movie, which has become the top earning movie from a female filmmaker, passing “Frozen II,” which was co-directed by Jennifer Lee. Elsewhere, “Meg 2: The Trench” earned $43.7 million from 75 overseas territories, taking the sequel’s international total to $202.8 million. Warner Bros. produced the film about a prehistoric shark who meets its match in Jason Statham (when will these primordial creatures learn that you can’t lay a dorsal fin on the Transporter). Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer” continues to impress at the global box office, adding $32 million to its haul to bring its international total to $385 million. The R-rated drama about J. Robert Oppenheimer, one of the driving forces behind the creation of the atomic bomb, has earned an impressive $649 million worldwide. It ranks as the highest-grossing World War II film in history, surpassing “Saving Private Ryan” and Nolan’s earlier look at the conflict, “Dunkirk.” Columbia Pictures’ “Gran Turismo: Based on a True Story” began its international rollout with $10.7 million from 30 major markets. It did particularly well in France, where it earned $2.3 million, followed by the U.K. with $1.3 million, and Australia and Germany with $1 million apiece. The adaptation of the Playstation video game opens in the U.S. on Aug. 25.
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    8 865
    ‘Barbie’ Hits $1.18 Billion at Global Box Office, ‘Oppenheimer’ Nears $650 Million Mark An Article By Brent Lang

    Barbie & Oppenheimer. Global Box Office Records.aac

    7 305

    Destination A1 tarjimalari.pdf

    7 361
    HAYIT BAYRAMIGA yaqinlaringizga nima sovg'a qilishni o'ylayabsizmi unda bu tovarlar siz uchun ☺️Suvenirlar,Soatlar,Sovg'alar,Bijuteriyalar,Aksessuarlar barchasi Collector store kanalida bor 🤩Ha aytganchi bizda barcha tovarlar optom va skidka narxlarda faqat bayramgacha 🎉
    2 704
    9 178
    There is a view that the government should allocate money to research into medicine to ensure public health instead of spending it on environmental protection. While investing in scientific study to improve people’s health is a sensible course of action, it should not come at the expense of funds given to environmental conservation. Advancing medical research is crucial for developing treatments, vaccines, and improving overall health outcomes. This is more relevant than ever as many viruses, microbes, and bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistant, and a multitude of unfamiliar diseases are surfacing. For example, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need for the development of new drugs and vaccines. The pandemic caused global health and economic impacts, emphasizing the importance of having effective global interventions to prevent, treat, and control infectious diseases. Without the government’s support to set up laboratories and experiment with new drugs, it is difficult for scientists to come up with a viable solution to protect public health. In my opinion, however, protecting the environment should be given equal importance. If the government stops dedicating funding to establish and manage protected areas, national parks, and wildlife areas, the current situation, which is already bad, becomes even worse. This is why the government should invest in maintaining ecological integrity, conducting habitat restoration, and preventing illegal activities. Additionally, the government's allocation plays a crucial role in increasing environmental awareness. It can set aside funds for educational programs and public awareness campaigns to promote environmental literacy, sustainable practices, and behavioral changes. All these initiatives require substantial expenses. In conclusion, although I realize the significance of investing in advancing medical research to develop better treatments and vaccines, I doubt neglecting environmental protection is a reasonable action as the environment cannot sustain itself without financial support from the government.
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    12 951
    💡 Endi ingliz tilini o'rganishning eng qulay va samarali usuliga tayyor bo'ling! Sizning rivojlanishingiz bizning muhim maqsadimiz! 📢 Ro'yxatdan o'ting va hayotingizni rivojlantiring! 📞 Murojaat uchun ☎️ 33 963 06 03 📱
    🔥BAND-9.0 ESSAY🔥 Topic: Some people believe that unpaid community services should be a compulsory part of high school programmes(working for a charity, improving the neighborhood, or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?        Many community services rely on people to volunteer their time and effort(background). Some people think that forcing high school students to take part in programmes like this is a good idea(paraphrase). Doing so could have repercussions for all concerned(answer).         Firstly, creating a programme that is compulsory would certainly have an impact on the community and the children involved(topic sentence). Not all teenagers are mature enough for work like this(idea). As a result, if they are expected to help the elderly, work on renovation projects, or teach younger children, the programme may cause more problems than it solves(explanation). The charities would also have extra work in supervising these students(another explanation). In addition, high school students have a great deal of academic pressure, so adding more to their timetable may not be possible, especially for any with high academic ambitions(idea and explanation). Thus, establishing this type of programme might prove difficult(body conclusion).       Nevertheless, there would also be clear benefits(topic sentence). It is easy for teenagers to become focused only on their studies and their personal interests, and many would not normally choose to do this type of work(idea). Thus, if it is made part of the standard curriculum, the students would have the opportunity to try something new(explanation). Furthermore, while it is true that many lack maturity, work of this nature would help them to develop a sense of responsibility, and teach them real-world skills that will be very useful in their future career(idea and explanation). Teaching teenagers to be community-minded should also ensure that older volunteers can eventually work less(idea and explanation). Therefore, even though both groups would need to adapt, everyone taking part is likely to gain from the experience(body conclusion).        In conclusion, I completely agree with this proposal(answer). Although the idea of compulsory community service may initially be difficult to implement, and some may resist the idea, the long-term benefits will surely make up for any short-term problems(conclusion). Word count-312 Band-9.0 Pauline Cullen
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    🔥BAND-9.0 ESSAY🔥 Topic: Some people believe that unpaid community services should be a compulsory part of high school programmes(working for a charity, improving the neighborhood, or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?        Many community services rely on people to volunteer their time and effort(background). Some people think that forcing high school students to take part in programmes like this is a good idea(paraphrase). Doing so could have repercussions for all concerned(answer).         Firstly, creating a programme that is compulsory would certainly have an impact on the community and the children involved(topic sentence). Not all teenagers are mature enough for work like this(idea). As a result, if they are expected to help the elderly, work on renovation projects, or teach younger children, the programme may cause more problems than it solves(explanation). The charities would also have extra work in supervising these students(another explanation). In addition, high school students have a great deal of academic pressure, so adding more to their timetable may not be possible, especially for any with high academic ambitions(idea and explanation). Thus, establishing this type of programme might prove difficult(body conclusion).       Nevertheless, there would also be clear benefits(topic sentence). It is easy for teenagers to become focused only on their studies and their personal interests, and many would not normally choose to do this type of work(idea). Thus, if it is made part of the standard curriculum, the students would have the opportunity to try something new(explanation). Furthermore, while it is true that many lack maturity, work of this nature would help them to develop a sense of responsibility, and teach them real-world skills that will be very useful in their future career(idea and explanation). Teaching teenagers to be community-minded should also ensure that older volunteers can eventually work less(idea and explanation). Therefore, even though both groups would need to adapt, everyone taking part is likely to gain from the experience(body conclusion).        In conclusion, I completely agree with this proposal(answer). Although the idea of compulsory community service may initially be difficult to implement, and some may resist the idea, the long-term benefits will surely make up for any short-term problems(conclusion). Word count-312 Band-9.0 Pauline Cullen
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    Tez bepul darslarga qo'shilib oling 💯
    #vocabulary #idioms #useful #speaking #education ✅ Hit the books: To study intensively or spend time studying diligently for an exam or assignment. 🔥Example: "I have an important test tomorrow, so I need to hit the books tonight." ✅ Learn the ropes: To learn how something is done; to become familiar with new skills or procedures. 🔥Example: "As a new employee, it took me some time to learn the ropes of my job." ✅ Teach someone a lesson: To teach someone through punishment or negative consequences. 🔥Example: "Getting caught cheating on the exam will teach you a lesson about the importance of honesty." ✅ School of hard knocks: A phrase used to describe the difficult experiences or challenges that provide practical education. 🔥Example: "Growing up in a tough neighborhood was my school of hard knocks." ✅ A steep learning curve: Refers to a situation in which there is a significant learning process required to acquire new skills or knowledge. 🔥Example: "The new software program has a steep learning curve, but with practice, you'll get the hang of it." ✅ No pain, no gain: Means that one must endure some difficulties or challenges in order to achieve success or make progress. 🔥Example: "Studying for long hours might be tiring, but no pain, no gain - it will pay off during the exams." ✅ Pass with flying colors: To achieve great success or excel in something (e.g., an exam) without difficulty. 🔥Example: "She studied diligently and passed her final exam with flying colors."
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    Do you have problems with IELTS speaking ⁉️ Then join my channel to participate free live session where I am going to teach you Mastering IELTS speaking✅ Don’t miss the chance ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Today at 9️⃣🔤3️⃣0️⃣ 🔤🔤
    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​➡️ ​​​​127-dars. 💡 There is / There areThere is, there are u yerda bor degan ma’noni bildirib, biror joyda biror nima borligini bildiradi. Masalan:  There is an apple in the fridge.  - Xolodilnikda olma bor.There is/are ni have/has dan farqi, have/has biror shaxsda yoki predmetda biror nima borligini bildirsa, there is/are esa biror yerda biror nima borligini bildiradi. There’s a boat. - U yerda qayiq bor There are three fish. - U yerda uchta baliqlar bor. ✅ Avvalgi mavzularda biz sizga “is” ni birlik “are”ni esa ko’plik uchun ishlatilishini aytib o’tgandik, xuddi shunday ‘there is – birlikdagi otni, there are esa ko’plikdagi otlarni borligini ko’rsatish uchun qo’llaniladi. Masalan: There is a pen on the table. (stol ustida ruchka bor) There are two pens on the the table. (stol ustida ikkita ruchkalar bor) There is a cat. (U yerda bitta mushuk bor) There are two cats. (U yerda ikkita mushuklar bor) There is only one restaurant there. (U yerda faqat bitta restoran bor) There is a stadium in the town. (Shaharda bitta stadion bor) There’re many mistakes in your test. (Testingizda ko‘p xatolar bor) There are seven days in a week. (Bir haftada yetti kun bor)
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    SOʼNGGI QABUL HECH QANDAY IMTIHONLARSIZ VA FIRMA TÒLOVLARSIZ BIZ BILAN TALABA BOʻLING 🎓🎓🎓 🎓 NaN o'quv yili uchun QABUL,PEREVOD va MAGISTRATURA 📌MAGISTRATURA uchun 📚IELTS talab qilinmaydi. 📌 ❗️PEREVOD 2-3-kursdan o‘qishni koʻchirib  (перевод) olishingiz ham mumkin.😀 Ta’lim shakillari: Kunduzgi, Kechki, Sirtqi 🇺🇿Qabul kvotalari chegaralangan tezroq ulgurib qoling‼️‼️‼️ 👇Imtihonsiz talaba bo‘lish imkoniyati.‼️ ✅ Iqtisodiyot. ✅ Turizm ✅ Jismoniy tarbiya ✅ Xorijiy til va adabiyoti ✅ Biologiya ✅ Axborot (IT) ✅ Boshlangʻich ta’lim ✅ Maktabgacha ta’lim ✅ Pedagogika va psixologika ✅ Kompyuter injinering ✅ Ona tili va adabiyoti ✅ Xalqaro munosabatlar ✅ Milliy gʻoya va huquq ta’limi 🗣️ 50 ta kvota mavjud abituriyentlar shoshilamiz Biz bilan aloqaga chiqing va tòliq ma’lumot oling 📲 Ma'lumot uchun: 📞 +998950003999 ✈️Telegram uchun: 📎 @qabul_bolimi1
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