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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    part 1: hometown, teachers, ice cream part2: crowded place that you visited Part 3 1.Why do you think people wait in a long queues in nightclubs, restaurants ? 2.Do you think we should sometimes be alone ? 3.Do you think communication gadgets taking over our life ? 4.How often do you go to crowded places ? 5.Do you think only modern technology is responsible for our hectic lifestyle ? 6.Do you think in cities people struggle to find a place to be alone ? 7. Where do you think people at your age like going to ? Sharing is caring❤️ 📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz,  ga jo'nating.
    عرض المزيد ...
    City:Andijan Test center: British council Format:zoom Test date: 28.05.2023 Examiner: Mark Candidate:Ansora Part 1 – study (questions related to my study) – Staying up late –Art Part 2 Describe a part of your home you enjoy relaxing. Part 3:Related to Part 2 and Should Company give a free time for their employees? P/s: About writing: Task 1 bar chart. Task 2: If some people get a chance to choose between life without work in spending most of the time working, then they would choose not to work. Do you agree or disagree? Sharing is caring❤️ 📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz,  ga jo'nating.
    عرض المزيد ...
    City:Andijan Test center: British council Format:zoom Test date: 28.05.2023 Examiner: Mark Part 1 – study (questions related to my university) – Staying up late –Art Part 2 Describe a part of your home you enjoy relaxing. Part 3:Related to Part 2 and Should Company give a free time for their employees? Overall, examiner was very friendly and sometimes he smiled. Sharing is caring❤️ 📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz,  ga jo'nating.
    عرض المزيد ...
    1 180
    Samarkand.27.05.2023 Idp. Task 1. IELTS Bar chart - percentage of people who ate five portions of fruits and vegetables Task 2. When asked to choose between a life without work and working most of the time, people would always choose not to work. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
    1 182
    City: Tashkent Test center: Cambridge international university Format: face to face Test date: 26.05.2023 Examiner: i couldn't remember Part 1 – hometown – free time – days off Part 2 Describe a person who do help another people who live in your city Part 3 Part 3 related to part 2 Overall, examiner was very supportive and smiled. Sharing is caring❤️ 📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz,  ga jo'nating.
    1 245
    City: Tashkent Test Center: IDP Format: Face to face Test Date: 2023.05.26. Candidate : Mirziyoyev Abdulaziz Part 1 : Hometown, Staying up late, Wild Animals Part 2 : Speech u gave Part 3 : Conversation, and other logical questions Sharing is Caring 🤍 Examiner was so outgoing, do not worry about your test guys, be confident in yourself and good luck to all of you  👍🏻🙏🏻))
    1 392
    👨‍🎓candidate: german band: 8.5 Examiner: Adrian With SUBTITLES


    1 555
    City: Tashkent Test center: idp Format: face to face Test date: 26.05.2023 Examiner: Ross Part 1 – study (questions related to my university) – chocolate – outer space Part 2 Describe a recent development in your city (shopping centre, park and etc.) – what is it - when it was built – what was in that place before – how long it took to build it Your opinion and feelings about it Part 3 – what type of public transport is popular in Uzbekistan? - what needs to be improved in public transport? - what are the benefits of public transport to the government? –do people in your country still like to go to a cinema? – what leisure facilities can be used by people of our ages? Overall, examiner was very supportive and smiled. Sharing is caring❤️
    عرض المزيد ...
    5 330
    City: Tashkent Test center: IDP Candidate: Abdulloh Format: Zoom Test date: 26.05.2023 Time: 12:40 Examiner: Women (I didn't catch her name) Part:1 •Study •Hometown •Ambitions/Dreams •Rains Part:2 Piece of clothing Fram app part 3 - related to part 2 (Clothes) and several questions for this topic but they weren't from the app. Sharing is caring❤️
    1 575
    Hello Test centre:British Council Date of test:25.05.23. Examiner: British man. Part 1: Living area, daily routine Part 2: Describe a film/movie that you find disappointing Part 3: Related topic in Part 2( actors salary, succesful story or actor)
    1 500
    If we have 9.2 subscribers today, we will have a one-week speaking course with you😊
    1 662
    Hello Test centre:British Council Date of test:24.05.23. Examiner: Indian woman. Part 1: Library, keys, daily routine, school. Part 2: Describe a daily routine that you enjoy. Part 3: Related topic to part 2
    1 752
    Hello) - Test centre: BC - City: Tashkent - Date of your test: 24.05.2023 - Examiner’s name: I didn't remember but Indian woman Part1: keys Neighbours (like living area) Part2: describe a favourite gift that you received Part3: 2 questions related to part 2 Consumers and social life Examiner doesn't friendly, do didn't smile during the exam ( Sharing is caring ❤️ Thank you☺️
    1 687
    City: Tashkent Test center: IDP Format: Fase to face Test date: 24.05.23 Time: 15:20 Examiner: man Part:1 •Study •music Part:2 Describe a person met at party and enjoyed talking with Fram app part 3 - related to part 2 Sharing is caring❤️
    1 572
    City: Tashkent Test center: IDP Format: Fase to face Test date: 24.05.23 Time: 12:00 Examiner: TIM Part:1 •Teachers •ICE cream Part:2 Describe an Interesting job part 3 - Related to part 2 Sharing is caring 😊
    1 580
    City: Tashkent Test center: IDP Format: Fase to face Test date: 24.05.23 Time: 12:40 Examiner: old man Part:1 •Study •Small businesses •Outer space and stars Part:2 Describe a time when you taught a friend or relative something You should say: •what you taught them to do whom you taught •how you taught them •how you felt about it part 3 - 'Skills'
    1 503
    Hello everyone 👋 Before sending recent IELTS questions to the bot, do not forget about: - Test centre (IDP or BC); - City; - Date of your test; - Examiner’s name (if you remember). Then provide information about ALL PARTS of the test. Thank you☺️
    1 457
    Hello everyone! If you had your speaking exam recently, send questions that you had to
    1 386
    City: Tashkent Test center: idp Format: face to face Test date: 17.05.2023 Part 1 – living area – T-shirt – weekend Part 2 Describe something that you have received and wanted – who gave it to you – what was it – why you wanted it Part 3 – is advertising important – is shopping significant for country's economy – do friends impact to your choice of what to buy
    1 441
    Date: 10.05.2023 Exam center: Edu Action/CIU Novza Branch/IDP Exam type: F2F Examiner: can't catch (it sounds like Irish name, long name) Candidate:No name Part 1:work/study, hometown as usual and about learning Part 2: Adventure you would like to take (from app) Part 3: some questions related to part 2 and adventure books P.S. examiner with copper-top hair and glasses. Even if he didn't smile, he was quite friendly. Asked question with appropriate intonation to make it more understandable for me. Didn't cut my speech. So don't be nervous if examiner won't smile. It doesn't matter. And I wish all of you to get your desired band. Just don't worry about it and try to answer for questions fully. If you are prepared, you've already done all the necessary things, don't forget about it!☝🏻 You can do this! You deserve it♥️ Sharing is caring❤️ 📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz,  ga jo'nating.
    عرض المزيد ...
    1 515
    Test date: 23.05.2023 Ex: Tim (IDP) candidate: Malika Part 1: Living area The weekends Sleeping late Part 2: Describe a gift that you really wanted Part 3: Related to part 2
    1 423
    Test date: 17.05.2023 11:40 Venue: Edu  Action Examiner : old women Candidate : Aziza Part 1 Languages Health sports Part 2 Describe a game u played when u were child Part3 Related to part 2 P.s/Examiner was smiling and supported me when i made mistake. Dont worry about ur exam and dont be nervous. In your exam, u dont even notice what u are sayin'😅
    1 526
    Test center: IDP City: Tashkent, CIU, Novza Date: 22.05.2023 Exam type: Speaking (Zoom) Examiner name: Cavin (American guy) Part 1 Hometown Fixing things Part 2 Describe a game when which you enjoyed to play in childhood Part 3 Related to part 2 (exactly about children and adults types of games ) Sharing is caring❤️
    1 655
    Test center: BC City: Bukhara Date: 19.05.2023 Exam type: Speaking zoom Examiner name: don't remember Part 1 Hometown Ice cream Day off Part 2 Describe a occasion when you got incorrect information Part 3 Related to part 2
    1 591
    Test center: IDP City: Tashkent, CIU, Novza Date: 12.05.2023 Exam type: Speaking (face to face) Examiner name: Indian woman, Zurii Part 1 Work and Study Teachers Part 2 Describe a time when you got incorrect information Part 3 Related to part 2 Sharing is caring❤️ 📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz,  ga jo'nating.
    1 686
    Date: 08.05.2023 Test Centre: EDU ACTION(Novza Venue/City: Tashkent Examiner: Tim Candidate: Dildora Exam type: Speaking Part 1: - Area you live how long have you been living in your area? Why? Do people of all ages live in your area Are people helpful in your area - chocolate questions from the app - jewellery also from the app Part 2 Describe a time when you were late to an important event Part 3: Related to Part 2. some of them were not from the app
    1 592
    Test: 05.05.2023 06.05.2023 British Council Venue: Library "Nodira", N.Nomongoniy Str., 24. Opposite of Museum of History and Culture of Namangan Candidate: F.Islambayeva Examiner: I didn't memorise but Her name is Lusi and she was American Speaking: Part 1 : 1. Hometown 2. Chocolate 3. Library Part 2 : Describe a city would you like visit to only short time Part 3 : 1. Related to part 2 2. Walking 3. Tourism Writing: Task 1 : Line graph and pie chart comparing Task 2 : Some people think that children should start go to school at very early age , but others believe that children should go to school that they are older. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.
    عرض المزيد ...
    1 627
    Test date: 24.04.2023 Face to face Idp exam, samarkand, silk road Examiner: woman Task 1: my area T-shirt Chocolate Task 2: describe your favourite activity, that u did in your free time in your childhood Task 3: related My thoughts: examiner was so friendly and sometimes smiled(deliberately), and really tried to disturb me, especially during task 1, but considering my previous 6.5 exam, that one was better i guess!
    1 645

    Which skill do you want to practise today?

    التصويت المخفي
    1 932
    British Council Tashkent Irrigation University 05.05.2023 Video call Examiner:American women Part 1: - Hometown - Bags Part 2: Describe a piece of clothing to wear enjoy Part 3: - Related to part 2 but not form app and gave many questions 📌IELTS imtihonida sizga tushgan savollarni boshqalar bilan xolis ulashmoqchi bo'lsangiz,  ga jo'nating.
    1 727
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