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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    HK Government Proposes to Allow Overturning Not-Guilty Verdicts in National Security Cases The Department of Justice has proposed amending the Criminal Procedure Ordinance, allowing for appeals through the "case stated" procedure in cases under the heard in the High Court without a jury. Even if three designated judges acquit the defendant, the Department of Justice can appeal to overturn the verdict of acquittal or to remand the case for a retrial. Secretary for Justice Paul Lam spoke to the Legislative Council regarding the amendment, stating that "the injustice caused by acquitting the guilty is no less than convicting the innocent." He also mentioned that if a defendant in an NSL case receives an "erroneous verdict of acquittal," it could lead to extremely serious consequences. Currently, in cases with a jury trial in the High Court, if the jury reaches a verdict of acquittal, the Department of Justice can only seek clarification on points of law without intervening to overturn the verdict. However, in cases heard in the District Court and Magistrates' Courts, the Department of Justice can present a "case stated" appeal and have the opportunity to overturn an acquittal. Lam described the current situation as "abnormal", particularly in cases involving the NSL. He claimed that the government has a responsibility to address the issues encountered in the local legal system while assisting in the "perfecting" of the NSL's implementation. Source: In-Media HK
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    HK Government Proposes to Allow Overturning Not-Guilty Verdicts in National Security Cases Source: In-Media HK Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    Is there any student union still existing in Hong Kong?
    1 775
    No wonder why there is rumour about emigration from HK circulating around, 370000 fewer tax returns filed this year.
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    Uganda suspended a "Belt and Road" essential constructions reported that has suspended an essential construction under China's Belt-and-Road initiatives, spoken by a Uganda official. Uganda originally planned to build a railway to with China Harbour Enginering Company () in 2015. The project is expected to cost USD$2.2 million. Unlike other narrow track railway in Africa,  this railway project complies to the international construction standard. However, Uganda didn't receive any fund from China under the Belt and Road policy. Uganda was forced to stopped the plan with CHEC and is considering to continue the project with Yapi Merkezi, a Turkish company. Source: Common
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    Pro-democeacy Hongkonger urge Oscars to rescind Donnie Yen's invitation In an interview aimed to promote his new movie, pro-China actor Donnie Yen Ji-dan, spoke about the 2019 anti-extradition bill protests in Hong Kong. He claimed that it was not a protest but a riot, saying "It wasn't a protest, OK, it was a riot". Meanwhile, he criticized Western media for only painting a negative view of China. In response to Yen's claim, activist Tony Chung, launched a petition on a US platform urging the Oscars to rescind their invitation to Yen, as a presenter at the awards ceremony. Chung reasoned that "actor Donnie Yen supports the suppression of human rights". Chung was charged with rioting during the ELAB protests but later acquitted. He has since moved to reside in Taiwan. During an interview with British magazine GQ Hype, Donnie Yen shared his perspective on the 2019 Hong Kong anti-extradition bill protests. Yen claimed that based on his personal experience, the protests were more of a riot than a peaceful demonstration. He further stated that he visited many countries and none of that could match China's stride in modernization. However,  western media has only focused on the negative aspects about China. "BBC, CNN, they never report on these. They never report the real side." Source: ReNews,
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    Pro-democeacy Hongkonger urge Oscars to rescind Donnie Yen's invitation Source: ReNews, Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    China uses deepfake technology to fake news reports According to AFP, US-based social media research firm Graphika released a new report, claiming that China is using Deepfake technology to create fake new anchors in order to spread deceptive political content. The report analysed a video by the fictitious media outlet “Wolf News”, featuring two news anchors, a man and a woman. However, while the anchors initially looked natural, their hairlines remained stiff and their robotic voices often did not sync with their facial movements. The subtitles contained many errors as well. Source: Channel
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    1 691
    UK-Based HongKonger's Groups Criticised pro-Beijing Organisations Cleansing the National Security Law with Human-sea Tactics The 73rd Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Conference will be held within 2 weeks. UK-based HongKongers organisations found that many pro-Beijing organisations submit reports to this conference, strongly promoting the National Security Law (). They intended to rationalise the fact of Beijing’s corrosion to the rights in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Scots, a UK-based HongKongers’ organisation, indicated that Beijing utilised Human-sea tactic after being criticised in the United Nations Commission on Human Rights last year to promote the suppression of Hong Kong people in the United Nations. As the submitted content from various groups of people is similar, it is suspected to interfere with the trial of Hong Kong Human Rights in the United Nations, demonstrating “head count takes over the truth with limited evidence”. Source: The Chaser News
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    國際人權戰|建制社團人海戰術聯國會議洗白港區國安法 在英港人團體轟塗脂抺粉兼詞窮理屈 | 追新聞 The Chaser on Patreon
    Official Post from 追新聞 The Chaser
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    UK-Based HongKonger's Groups Criticised pro-Beijing Organisations Cleansing the National Security Law with Human-sea Tactics Source: The Chaser News Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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    Politics Comic Writer Justin Wong Reveals the Main Reason of Emigration Former Assistant Lecturer at the Academy of Visual Arts at the Hong Kong Baptist University (), as well as a politic comic writer, Justin Wong Chiu Tat, was namely criticised by the Hong Kong Police that his comic on in Sep 2021 defamed Junior Police Call. He then apologised for the comic and moved to the UK in the end of that year. He revealed in interview that his critical point to emigrate was regarding one of his research projects on the protests’ posters, happening after the comic incident. At the time, the seniors in the institution proactively reported it to the National Security Officers, possibly due to the slogans “Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Times” is shown on the poster. However, HKBU denied reporting him to the officers and stated that they have been protecting the , providing a suitable environment for their students and staff for research, education and learning. They added, the institution should be responsible to ensure on-campus events are complying to the law. With regards to this incident, HKBU mentioned, “the institution did not submit the case to the authority to follow-up. Source: Renew
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    7,345 Likes, 50 Comments - reNews (@renews_hk) on Instagram: "更新:浸大回覆否認指控 時任浸大視覺藝術院助理教授、政治漫畫家黃照達,前年九月在《明報》刊登政治漫畫,被警察點名批評中傷少年警訊,他後來就漫畫致歉,年底離開香港移居英國;他接受學者沈旭暉訪問時披露,漫畫風波後,他其中一份學術研究是關於抗爭運動文宣,當中可能有關於「光時」等圖像,浸會大學高層主動向國安警舉報,成為他離開香港的導火線。 但浸會大學回覆查詢時否認報警,指一直維護學術自由,致力為教職員及學生提供合適環境研究、教學及學習 ,校方亦有責任確保校內一切活動合法,就報道中提及的事件,「校方並未向警方報案或交由有關當局處理。」 黃照達在訪問中指,自 47 人案後有離開香港的念頭,他自己畫政治漫畫亦是有風險的工作,少年警訊漫畫風波是轉捩點,令他認真覺得要考慮離開香港,而真正驅使他行動的是校方報警,「覺得即刻要走」。 他形容校方的做法「匪夷所思」,「吓,邊有可能呀,如果係咁其實所有學者,所有學術研究都無可能做得到」,他相信自己不是唯一一個有類似遭遇的學者,當時因為壓力未有公開事件,隔了一段時間認為始終要讓香港人知道事實,「原來紅線係意想不到。」 黃照達又指,自己本來一直想留在香港,「覺得有個責任」,但自己多年來的創作都是和社會議題有關,若留在香港「唔畫政治漫畫得唔得呢,都幾辛苦,幾做唔到自己」,最終被迫離港。 圖片來源:沈旭暉堅離地球片段截圖
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    Politics Comic Writer Justin Wong Reveals the Main Reason of Emigration Source: Renew Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    6 people were arrested due to organising and producing seditious publications The police force raided a temporary market at , at 6pm on , with a court warrant. The whole process took 2 hours, arresting 3 men and 3 women, a total of 6 people who are aged between 18 and 62. They are suspected to have the intention to produce seditious publications. The police also raided related organisational stores and the residences of the arrested, collecting 43 pieces of suspicious publications and other items. The police force-emptied the stores, filling a white truck with 18 boxes of wooden chairs, hats, stamps, t-shirts and other products. Source: 寄寓記語Facebook Page
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    【Inside the Red Brick Wall】10 Defendants from the Round up at Yau Ma Tai convicted in Riot, Sentenced 50 - 52 Months in Prison In November 2019, numerous citizens went to rescue the protesters from PolyU campus. 213 people were arrested at Yau Ma Tei, accused of rioting. 10 defendants, including independant singer Chong Zing, were convicted in Riot after trial. They went on the intercession and sentencing on the 7th Jan. Judge Lam Wai Kuen Joseph considered 4 years and 9 months as the starting point of sentencing. Considering that they had no Criminal record, saved trial duration and their age at the scene, their imprisonment period was reduced to 50-52 months. Source: Inmedia
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    Postal authorities celebrate Lunar New Year with a variety of rabbit-themed stamps, showcasing their culture and aesthetics
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    The rabbit can't wait to hop in for the year. New year, new hope, Happy Lunar New Year!!!
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    UK vows to stand up to "Chinese aggression" and defend Hong Kong's freedoms In a recent PMQ (Prime Minister's Questions) session, British Prime Minister was asked to respond to the case of jailed media tycoon , who is also a British citizen. Speaking in parliament, Sunak insisted on Britain's right to get involved in its former colony. He pointed out that UK has admitted hundreds of thousands of HongKongers fleeing China's crackdown. He said it will remain robust in standing up to "Chinese aggression". Sunak also condemned China's oppression and persecution and criticized China for breaking the Sino-British Joint Declaration. He further stated that he will continue to handle Hong Kong affairs and defend Hong Kong's freedom. Members of the Conservative Party, including former leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith, have met with Jimmy Lai's son Sebastien and called for the UK government to issue a warning to China and consider revoking Hong Kong's special administrative region status if China continues to prosecute citizens. Source: Winandmac;
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    英國首相宣稱會捍衛香港自由  並指他們有權參與前殖民地事務 - winandmac.com 視麥媒體
    英國首相辛偉誠日前出席英國當地國會PMQ接受質詢時,被問到有關英國公民黎智英案件。辛偉誠稱英國仍然有權參與前殖民地事務,並指已接收數十萬的香港人,堅定抵抗中國的打壓與逼害,批評中國破壞當年的中英聯合聲明。他更宣稱,會繼續應對香港事務,捍衛香港自由。 至於保守黨前黨魁Sir Iain Duncan Smith及其他國會議員,於日前曾與黎智英兒子黎崇恩見面。他在國會上也有質問辛偉誠如何處理有關事件,並要求英國向中方立即提出警告,更提倡若中方繼續檢控,會推動取消香港普通法地位。 More
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    UK vows to stand up to "Chinese aggression" and defend Hong Kong's freedoms Source: Winandmac; Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    Hong Kong Exchange to Delist Jailed Jimmy Lai Media Group on 12th January 2023;  share value of over HK$7 Million vanished Next Digital, the media company founded by jailed tycoon Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, will be delisted from the Hong Kong stock exchange on January 12, a year and a half after the closure of its flagship newspaper Apple Daily. On December 23, 2022, the company received a letter from the Hong Kong Stock Exchange notifying that  a review would be carried out to evaluate the company's trading and listing status. The Listing Committee has decided to remove Next Media's listing status citing Listing Rules 6.01A (1) . If Next Media does not appeal this decision, its listing status will be revoked on January 12, 2023. Next Media responded that it has no intention to appeal this decision. Before trading suspension, Next Media had a per-share earnings of HK$0.29, with a market value of HK$765 million. According to data disclosed by the Stock Exchange, Next Media's founder Jimmy Lai holds 71.26% of the company's shares. According to RFI, the delisting means that Jimmy Lai and the small shareholders who hold about 30% of the company's shares will together lose HK$765 million." RFI also reports that according to the Hong Kong Freedom of Speech Annual Report, which was written by anonymous journalists and news scholars and published by the International Journalists' Association, Next Media's rapid downfall is a reflection of a major change in laws affecting media. The report states that the National Security Law has given the Hong Kong government significant power to suppress private property rights, freedom of speech, personal freedom, and the rule of law. The report also mentions that Next Media, which had one of the top readership and over 500,000 paying online subscribers in Hong Kong, is wiped out within half a year of the law's implementation. Source: Channel C Hong Kong,
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    壹傳媒1.12起被聯交所除牌 逾7億港元市值化為烏有 | Channel C
    Hong Kong Exchange to Delist Jailed Jimmy Lai Media Group on 12th January 2023;  share value of over HK$7 Million vanished Source: Channel C Hong Kong, Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    "I'll Always Take Pride in Writing Lyrics for My Beloved City" - Wyman Wong Wins Best Lyricist at Annual Music Awards Veteran lyricist Wyman Wong took home the Best Lyricist prize at Hong Kong's annual Ultimate Song Chart Awards Presentation, hosted by Commerical Radio. Wong, who currently resides overseas, gave his acceptance speech in a pre-recorded video. He recounted his journey to full-time lyricist which began exactly 25 years ago on New Year's Day, 1998, when he left his role at Commercial Radio as a DJ. He thanked a number of people who he had not had a chance to thank onstage, particularly Thomas Chan and Stephen. "It's not that I'm afraid of not getting another award. But if we learned anything at all these last few years, it's that we must remember the important things before we forget them." He said that he had been studying how to perfect a love song these last few years, researching what material he could use, and how many ideas he could pack into one. On the other hand, he missed the days when he wrote simpler love songs, wishing that he could "turn off our phones and chat soul to soul" with his loved one. Looking back, he saw that his last 20 years had only been a preparation; the "truly important mission" in his life had only just begun. "No matter where I'll be, no matter what happens, I'll always take pride in writing lyrics for my beloved city." Now that he is living overseas, Wong said, he might not be able to come out for drinks and chats with just a phone call; "but as long as Cantonese exists, we can always meet again in the universe created by our songs. I'll see you there." Source: In-Media HK
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    "I'll Always Take Pride in Writing Lyrics for My Beloved City" - Wyman Wong Wins Best Lyricist at Annual Music Awards Source: In-Media HK Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    HK Police Forced Restaurant to Stop Business and Take Down "Sensitive" Wishing Notes Hong Kong police had forced a noodle shop to suspend business until it removes customers' wishing notes with "sensitive wordings". The restaurant, Betsutenjin Hakata Ramen in Tsim Sha Tsui, had a wall where customers could write their wishes on stickers resembling prayer plaques at Japanese shrines. Many wishes were related to the 2019 protests, and the pro-democracy shop owner had left them up in the two years since as a record of the times. However, police received a tip from a woman who alleged that the shop was displaying slogans that violate the , Officers arrived and verbally warned the owner, who agreed to remove the offending messages on their own. Police listed the incident under "miscellaneous" and made no arrests, nor sent the National Security Department for follow-up. Restaurant staff told Ming Pao that police had visited during the busy dinner hours, and demanded customers to leave the shop immediately. The staff had since removed over a hundred notes and resumed business the next day. The notes had only been used for decoration, they said, and no new notes had been added since the National Security Law came into effect in 2020. The shop apologized to its customers with a Facebook post for having to take down its wishing wall after persisting for 3 years. The staff had read every single wish left by the customers, the post said; "We will not forget a single word from everyone." From previous photos on the shop's Facebook page, some customers' wishing notes included "disband the police", "China implode", and "6.12" [ed: commemorating the date when protesters stopped the passing of the ELAB bill]. After the police visit, only a few stickers remain that read, "Hong Kong, add oil." Source: Ming Pao Betsutenjin Hakata Ramen Facebook
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    拉麵店指警趕食客 令除舖內涉違國安字眼貼紙 - 20221116 - 要聞
    HK Police Forced Restaurant to Stop Business and Take Down "Sensitive" Wishing Notes Source: Ming Pao Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    Twitter Appears "Rioters Crash into the China's Embassy in Manchester" video; Netizens Condemns editor as "beast" Incidents outside China's Embassy in Manchester continues. When the world sees Chinese personnel pulling the protesters into the Embassy and hitting them, China-style "Wolf Warrior Diplomacy" claimed this as "Rioter crashed into the Chinese Embassy, hitting diplomats" on Twitter. Nevertheless, netizens immediately discovered that the "factual" video, described by the account user, was edited. The video also carelessly trimmed in a clip with Chinese personnel holding offensive weapon. Source: ChannelC
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    Twitter現剪輯片段稱「暴徒沖撞曼城中領館」網民不受落反斥剪片者 「畜牲」 | Channel C
    Twitter Appears "Rioters Crash into the China's Embassy in Manchester" video; Netizens Condemns editor as "beast" Source: ChannelC Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    China is set to open reopen its borders on January 8 after scrapping its draconian zero-COVID strategy as large-scale outbreaks sweep through its population. WHO criticized the nation of 1.4 billion for under-representing the severity of its outbreak, calling China's data "incomplete". Many countries have since imposed restrictions on travellers from China, a response the WHO has called "understandable". The list of countries continues to be growing. source: Al Jazeera Time
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    Italian Health Secretary: China Teaches the World What Not to Do in a Pandemic Italian Health Minister Orazio Schillaci sharply criticised China's anti-pandemic measures in a presentation at the Italian Parliament on Thursday. He said that China has taught a lesson to the world on what not to do when fighting against the virus. He calls on all countries to never use China-style measures to fight a virus. Schillaci also indicates that no new variant was found from the import cases from China as of 30/12. However, Italy has to be aware of the risks posed by China's pandemic, but there is no need to panic. The health minister also commented on the anti-pandemic policy of China, calling it an exercise in self-contradiction. He added that the recent situation in some Chinese mega-cities would be unacceptable in democratic countries. Source: Europe Chinese
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    意大利衛生部長 Orazio Schillaci 【文首截圖中;來自安莎通訊社】週四向國會匯報中國疫情爆發對意大利的風險時,猛烈抨擊中國的防疫手法,表示中國給全世界上了一課,展示出對抗疫症時不要做什麼,呼籲所有國家以後永遠都不要再用中國模式抗疫。
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    Italian Health Secretary: China Teaches the World What Not to Do in a Pandemic Source: Europe Chinese Read more ⬇️⬇️⬇️
    Most Canadians want Ottawa to set up foreign-influence registry A strong majority of Canadians favour a registry of foreign agents, similar to ones in Australia and the United States, to shed light on Canadian citizens paid to influence Canada’s political process on behalf of countries such as China or Russia. A public-opinion survey by Nanos Research found that 88 per cent of Canadians support or somewhat support a foreign-influence registry. Only 7 per cent of those surveyed oppose or somewhat oppose having lawyers, lobbyists and retired politicians register when they take on paid roles for foreign governments and companies linked to these countries. Source: TheGlobeAndMail
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