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TRS host & NJP chairman. This is my only official channel. 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
In reaction to the tranny controversy, Anheuser-Busch has now come out with a Harley Davidson themed budweiser can. Conservatives personalities still aren't happy, saying that this is an obvious marketing ply to hide their woke agenda. The question is, why aren't they happy? Based on their own premises, AB did the right thing here. They made an ad that offended their demographic, so they apologized and did one pandering to the exact demographic that was mad about the tranny. From the perspective of capitalism, which was the basis for the conservative critique, this is the right move and they should now reward the company by flocking to buy the Harley cans. But they're still not happy. Why not?
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1 677
This based tweet comes to you courtesy of the guy that invented the "Dems R Real Racists" trope. His calling card was accusing Dems of being crypto klansmen who were keeping the black man down while hiding behind liberal humanitarianism. We now know he was literally lying the whole time. He always knew the truth about race. He just refused and will continue to refuse, to actually support any policy that reflects the reality he outlines here. If blacks are low IQ, then any policy that blames white people for their failures or tries to create equal outcomes with white people is inherently unjust and unfair, and it is a moral imperative to take the side of white people on a racial level in these kind of disputes. Dinesh will never do that. He only said this now because he was personally annoyed and the GOP needs to actually get people to vote for them in 2024.
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2 641
Incidentally, it was the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999 that first politicized me and made me a lifetime opponent of American foreign policy, and ultimately, as I learned more, of the entire Jewish world order in the West.
2 652
What happened in Kosovo is that the Kosovars tried to stage fake elections in Serbian majority areas, which the Serbs boycotted. Election turnout was literally 3%, but the Kosovars tried to nonetheless install their candidates by force. This lead to protests and riots. What is really interesting, is that it is the first time the Kosovar authorities have instigated a provocation against the ethnic Serb population in Kosovo (which still recognizes Serbia as their sovereign and flies the Serb flag) and instead of enjoying the full backing of the US, they were chastised for causing trouble. This means that ZOG basically has its hands full and can't manage another conflict zone, so their proxies in Kosovo will just have to take an L. From the perspective of Kosovo, they see all the weapons and money going to Ukraine, and they either want in on that action and are therefore causing trouble, or else they see their window of opportunity for exercising full control over the Serbian areas closing and they want to start a crisis now before Russia changes the dynamics for good.
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4 376
World Jewry throwing everything it has at halting Russia in Ukraine are operating on domino theory, and they're right. If Serbia can assert itself and take back land stolen from them by America with Chinese and Russian backing, you could see Bulgaria defecting away from NATO to the Sino-Russian bloc and going into the fake country of FYROM. And so on and so on. Serbs able to wave their dicks back contrasts to Armenia, who turned their back on Russia and Iran to put all of their chips on Kim Kardashian persuading Washington to stop backing Azerbaijan. End result: US backs the Azeris on orders of Israel anyway, while Armenian state must yield to every one of the invader's demands. 🤡
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1 331
Lmao. When you literally run out of excuses for why it's not the Jews.


4 930
Go Woke, Get Robbed: Anti-White Corporations Are Being Decimated By Retail Theft
Following the death of George Floyd, America's major corporations united to provide moral and financial support to Black Lives Matter rioters in the name of racial equity. In June 2020, Target announced $10 million dollars to support various minority racial causes. Walmart earmarked $100 millio
2 380
U.S. government funds anti-White research project headed by Jewish 'Antifa' researcher with ties to riots, doxing
Dayton, Ohio - A damning new report by a conservative watchdog organization has revealed that the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) is funneling thousands of dollars in federal grant money toward anti-White research projects. One recipient is a notorious Jewish professor with ties to "Antifa&qu
3 193
U.S. government funds anti-White research project headed by Jewish 'Antifa' researcher with ties to riots, doxing
Dayton, Ohio - A damning new report by a conservative watchdog organization has revealed that the Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) is funneling thousands of dollars in federal grant money toward anti-White research projects. One recipient is a notorious Jewish professor with ties to "Antifa&qu
By The Numbers Episode One
In this inaugural episode of By the Numbers James and Alex tackle the pervasive myth that the internet is a driving force of social change and revolutionary political activity. Utilizing data and academic works published after the Arab Spring the pair finally put to bed the idea that social media an
4 639
Jews are going after Roger Waters for comparing Ann Frank to Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian journalist murdered by Jews. They are also trying to get him jailed in Germany for wearing a mock SS uniform in a clearly anti-Nazi context, but they're pretending to not understand that. Waters is undoubtedly a leftist. But Jews grow outraged when you draw a general Universalist message from the holocaust myth, rather than a Jewish supremacist message.
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Roger Waters could face legal issues for use of Anne Frank's name - UKLFI
Waters, who is currently under investigation for possible incitement by German police, may also have committed trademark abuse.
4 389
The NJP Weekly Report: 5/25/23 Warren and Alan Balogh review the past week of news and developments from the National Justice Party. After the break, a discussion of the political and moral lessons from the Nazi response to the publication of Erich Maria Remarque’s 1929 novel, “All Quiet On the Western Front.”
The NJP Weekly Report: 5/25/23
Warren and Alan Balogh review the past week of news and developments from the National Justice Party. After the break, a discussion of the political and moral lessons from the Nazi response to the publication of Erich Maria Remarque’s 1929 novel, “All Quiet On the Western Front.” National Justice Pa
1 670
One of these is propaganda, and the other is daily reality. Spot the difference. The propagandists hope people will only see the propaganda version.

reality vs scripted 2.mp4

reality vs scripted.mp4

2 065
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1 749
Clip from "A More Diverse Republican Party" Full Episode now on Odysee:


1 961
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I feel childish even engaging in this, but Cockerill is straight lying here. The debate is scheduled for June 17th. His claims of me dodging are literally just a lie. Cockerill is an effeminate nerd that thinks internet call out shit is impressive and important. It's not. It's juvenile and tiresome. Apparently he is complaining that I have not emailed him in a week. Why should I email him? His emails are pedantic and boring attempts to lure me into irrelevant side arguments or waste my time with trivial nonsense. We scheduled the debate on June 17th. The idea we need to be in constant communication until then is just silly. A grown man is mad I won't pay more attention to him on the internet. Sad.
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I will appear on Politically Provoked with @NotProvoked this Saturday, 7 PM EST, on https://t.co/rXUrikmukM. During my appearance, I'll debunk the #GreatestStoryEverTold "documentary" (pic related) I'll also use the opportunity to call out #MikeEnoch for his debate-dodging.
4 654
The poster boy for the Pennsylvania Innocent Project goes on to commit a drug related murder and confesses that he's killed at least two others as well. Shaun Thomas not only had a conviction overturned, he was given $4 million by the state, which he used to start a new drug dealing business. He then killed someone over a drug debt. Additionally, his get away driver in the killing had also been involved in the innocence project, as her brother had also had a conviction overturned, and she met Thomas through the program. So criminal blacks are getting out out of jail, getting seed money for new criminal enterprises and making connections and forming criminal gangs, all thanks to the PA innocence project. And there won't even be any calls to shut the program down.
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Philly man got $4M after his murder case was overturned. He’s now accused of murder over $1,200.
“He said it was the principle,” Ketra Veasy, accused of being Shaurn Thomas’ getaway driver in the new crime, testified through tears on the witness stand.
4 151
3 313
Gallery of NJP stickers by state.
2 843
STRIKE & MIKE Episode 265 LIVE at 1pm
Strike and Mike talk are live at 1pm.
5 124
International relations and Red Squirrels in Yorkshire PA Yorkshire activists and leadership were joined by a special guest this weekend in the form of an Relations have always been strong between our two groups online but nothing beats being able to look each other in the eye and break bread in person. After leafleting the entire village of Burley-In-Wharfdale, we discussed the shared issues of replacement migration, anti-White crime and a traitorous ruling elite, all while our American friend found out what beer should actually taste like! 😄 We wish him a safe journey back home and hopefully this will be the first of many such meetings. If you'd like to join our group of international renown, that seamlessly blends community and politics,
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2 077
https://twitter.com/AntelopeHill/status/1659945696865157120?s=20 Millennium by Marty Phillips 308 pages, 5.5″x8.5″ — A World Trade Center worker finds himself in a time loop grappling with mortality and fate as he relives the events of September 11th, 2001. The brain-damaged captive of a drug cartel mutely participates in an ancient struggle over life and death when his botched rescue lands him and a handful of military intelligence personnel and assets on a tropical island. A ruralite wrestling with the decline of his childhood town observes an interloper when he finds the abandoned house he is renovating not so vacant as he thought. The son of a wealthy American businessman is dragged from his frivolous life into the heights of corporate power and prestige. How he wields this newfound power rattles the foundations of the family business, and his own life. In Millennium, author Marty Phillips crafts each of these four stories as part of a whole anthological novel, a glimpse into the changing world experienced by the American millennial. Antelope Hill is proud to present this thought-provoking second work of fiction from Phillips. Buy it here:
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We are proud to announce our newest fiction release: Millennium by Marty Phillips, bestselling author of Let Them Look West. Buy it here: https://t.co/OUYkRSISdV -- A World Trade Center worker finds himself in a time loop grappling with mortality and fate as he relives the…
1 465
It's just so perfect, he's been running around for weeks, breaking into white people's homes, stealing people's dogs, asking teenage white girls if they want to die, yet look sideways at a Jewish person - game over
2 616
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2 567
Three renegade FBI agents of unimpeachable character have sacrificed everything to expose the depravity and corruption inside the Bureau and Department of Justice. Their explosive testimony has been largely ignored or underreported. The FBI is primarily political police, with whatever law enforcement role it holds today playing a secondary role. These whistleblowers agree with the NJP's position: the only solution is to abolish the FBI.
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Three Whistleblowers Expose The Depth of Corruption Inside The FBI
On Thursday, three FBI whistleblowers testified before Congress about the runaway corruption they witnessed while working for our nation's domestic intelligence service. These public declarations, made in front of the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Gover
1 697
Pregnant white nurse caught attempting to steal young black man's bicycle in New York! Same kind of millennial journalist writing headlines like that will snark at North Korean media.
2 914
So the blacks in this viral dispute were indeed stealing the "Karens" Citi Bike. If you're white in America, you are ALWAYS in the wrong. And every institution, public or private, will punish you for it. Need radical political solutions.
NYC hospital 'Karen' paid for Citi Bike at center of viral fight with...
The Bellevue Hospital employee — who was branded a "Karen" on social media afterward — rented the bike first, lawyer Justin Marino said in a statement to The Post Wednesday.
2 802
The NJP Weekly Report: 5/18/23
Warren Balogh and Tony Hovater review the past week of news and developments from the National Justice Party. Apologies for occasionally scuffed audio this week, we believe we've localized what the issue was. National Justice Party Telegram: t.me/nationaljusticeparty National Justice Party Supp
2 179
East Palestine residents call for transparency and aid months after derailment... Some residents feel unsafe returning to their homes three months later... “I feel it’s been very inadequate. And I feel like they’re ignoring us,” East Palestine resident Tammy Youschak said while expressing disappointment with Norfolk Southern and the government’s response... Find news like this at the
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2 150
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