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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Crooked Hillary Clinton calls Trump DANGEROUS a day after a second assassination attempt against him Former First Lady Hillary Clinton has denounced former President Donald Trump as "dangerous," just a day after a second attempt on the real estate mogul's life. Clinton made this remark during a Sept. 16 appearance on "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC. "I don't understand why it's so difficult to the press to have a consistent narrative about how dangerous Trump is," Clinton told program host Rachel Maddow. She then ordered the media to "stick with" that narrative and stressed that journalist should have "objectivity," according to Modernity News. "The object in this case is Donald Trump, his demagoguery, his danger to our country and the world. You know, they were merciless about what they saw as President Joe Biden's problems in the debate and calling for him to withdraw. I believe Donald Trump has disqualified himself over and over and over again to be a presidential candidate, let alone a president," Clinton continued. "We can't go back and give this very dangerous man another chance to do harm to our country and the world. I'm very hopeful, and even optimistic, that Americans who do not want to see a continuation of this politics of hate and division will reject Trump. I do think more and more Americans are rejecting the kind of chaos that he represents." During the same appearance, Clinton called for Americans to be criminally charged for posting what she called "misinformation" online that is "boosting Trump." She told Maddow: "There needs to be deterrence." The former first lady's remarks on Maddow's program came a day after a second attempt on Trump's life. While the real estate mogul was playing golf at his West Palm Beach course in Florida on Sept. 15, Secret Service agents spotted a man with a firearm hiding in the shrubbery. Agents then fired in the would-be shooter's direction, but he managed to escape. Law enforcement recovered two backpacks, a GoPro and the rifle to be used in the attempted assassination. The would-be assassin was later apprehended and identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58. The former president did not suffer any injuries. Hillary more dangerous than Trump Modernity News wrote: "How rich is that coming from the person whose campaign bankrolled a sleazy fake dossier of lurid allegations against Trump in an attempt to manufacture a fake narrative of Russian collusion?" "Democrats have not backed off the incendiary rhetoric when it comes to Trump. If anything, they've amped it up." One cannot help but contrast Clinton's rhetoric with that of Trump's. Despite her claims that Trump is "dangerous," it appears that the former president is more gracious and espouses a conciliatory agenda. He even claimed that jailing his rival in the 2016 election "would look bad" for the country. "I could have done a big number on Hillary Clinton. She's so lucky I didn't do anything. Hillary is a lucky woman because I had a lot of people pushing me to put her in jail. They wanted to see something," he explained during a Sept. 3 appearance on "The Lex Fridman Podcast." "I didn't want to put her in jail; I thought it looked terrible to take the former president's wife and put her in prison. You know, they say, 'Lock her up, lock her up.' I said, 'We don’t want to put her in jail. We want to bring the country together.' You don’t bring the country together by putting her in jail." Join and share 👉
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Hillary Clinton calls Trump 'dangerous' 24 hours after second assassination attempt
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1 286
​​US Army manipulates COVID-19 PCR testing of troops An Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician (position 68K) stationed at a Public Health Command has come forward to discuss the flaws with the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID19 testing technology and tell the truth about the high false positive rate artificially created by the directives to run the test at such a high number of cycles. This courageous Sergeant has experience throughout the pandemic emergency declaration with testing clinal samples of patients and pooled testing in the public health setting. He discusses how the tests were never meant to diagnose disease. He also talks about the incredibly high false positives that occur when the PCR is run at the high thresholds that the CDC was mandating as lab protocol for the Department of Defense. This is quite alarming given the fact that the entire “pandemic” was justified based upon case rates of COVID19, but these tests were intentionally manipulated to increase the false positive rate, making the number of cases seem far higher than was medically correct. In addition, even the CDC and FDA’s own documentation clearly state that the PCR test cannot actually differentiate between COVID and other bacteria and/or viruses. Dr. Kary B. Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, discussed with emphasis that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with PCR. Dr. Mullis also talked about the limitations of the tests, “PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences,’ i.e., bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome. The problem is the test is known not to work. It’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible, even if you ignore the other issues. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus-like COVID-19 is nonsense.” Dr. Fauci even discusses the tests being useless at the cycle threshold of 35 or more. He also explains that the standard “should be” 35 or fewer cycles. However, we know that there is no standard. We also know that the government was using 35+ cycles routinely. Furthermore, hospitals were receiving monetary incentives based on a person who was found to be “sick/died” with COVID19 after a positive PCR test. Given the fact that there is no standard for cycle threshold, hospitals could use 35+ to have an incredibly high false positive rate. It is critical to understand how significant it is that the PCR has been used incorrectly to create a false narrative causing more fear and more draconian measures to infringe on our freedom. The ENTIRE pandemic was based upon a positive case rate from these PCR tests. The death count was also based on a positive test, and a person who died “with” for “from” COVID19 was buried in the data. According to CDC COVID19 mortality data, only about 4% of the total mortality count died “from” COVID19 as the sole listed mortality cause. The rest (96%) died “with” COVID19 and had at least two or more other comorbidities. It has been widely reported that a person who got hit by a car or another completely unrelated cause of mortality was ignored as the cause of mortality after the individual or lifeless body tested positive for COVID19. It’s also widely reported that hospitals were incentivized for COVID19 deaths and treatments. Our whistleblower, who has tried to do the right thing by warning about these abuses of the PCR test, has been punished with an Article 15 UCMJ Non-Judicial Punishment after he refused to participate in the weaponized testing of the unvaccinated. He attempted to educate his leadership to no avail, and is now facing involuntary termination from military service after 12 years of honorable active duty. Listen to this bombshell Military Report episode as this laboratory whistleblower bravely reveals to the American public what our agencies and DoD leadership have failed to do. Join and share 👉
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1 104
*US Army manipulates COVID-19 PCR testing of troops* An Army Sergeant Laboratory Technician (position 68K) stationed at a Public Health Command has come forward to discuss the flaws with the Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID19 testing technology and tell the truth about the high false positive rate artificially created by the directives to run the test at such a high number of cycles. (Article republished from ) This courageous Sergeant has experience throughout the pandemic emergency declaration with testing clinal samples of patients and pooled testing in the public health setting. He discusses how the tests were never meant to diagnose disease. He also talks about the incredibly high false positives that occur when the PCR is run at the high thresholds that the CDC was mandating as lab protocol for the Department of Defense. This is quite alarming given the fact that the entire “pandemic” was justified based upon case rates of COVID19, but these tests were intentionally manipulated to increase the false positive rate, making the number of cases seem far higher than was medically correct. In addition, even the CDC and FDA’s own documentation clearly state that the PCR test cannot actually differentiate between COVID and other bacteria and/or viruses. Dr. Kary B. Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993, discussed with emphasis that no infection or illness can be accurately diagnosed with PCR. Dr. Mullis also talked about the limitations of the tests, “PCR basically takes a sample of your cells and amplifies any DNA to look for ‘viral sequences,’ i.e., bits of non-human DNA that seem to match parts of a known viral genome. The problem is the test is known not to work. It’s only looking for partial viral sequences, not whole genomes, so identifying a single pathogen is next to impossible, even if you ignore the other issues. The idea these kits can isolate a specific virus-like COVID-19 is nonsense.” Dr. Fauci even discusses the tests being useless at the cycle threshold of 35 or more. He also explains that the standard “should be” 35 or fewer cycles. However, we know that there is no standard. We also know that the government was using 35+ cycles routinely. Furthermore, hospitals were receiving monetary incentives based on a person who was found to be “sick/died” with COVID19 after a positive PCR test. Given the fact that there is no standard for cycle threshold, hospitals could use 35+ to have an incredibly high false positive rate. It is critical to understand how significant it is that the PCR has been used incorrectly to create a false narrative causing more fear and more draconian measures to infringe on our freedom. The ENTIRE pandemic was based upon a positive case rate from these PCR tests. The death count was also based on a positive test, and a person who died “with” for “from” COVID19 was buried in the data. According to CDC COVID19 mortality data, only about 4% of the total mortality count died “from” COVID19 as the sole listed mortality cause. The rest (96%) died “with” COVID19 and had at least two or more other comorbidities. It has been widely reported that a person who got hit by a car or another completely unrelated cause of mortality was ignored as the cause of mortality after the individual or lifeless body tested positive for COVID19. It’s also widely reported that hospitals were incentivized for COVID19 deaths and treatments. Our whistleblower, who has tried to do the right thing by warning about these abuses of the PCR test, has been punished with an Article 15 UCMJ Non-Judicial Punishment after he refused to participate in the weaponized testing of the unvaccinated. He attempted to educate his leadership to no avail, and is now facing involuntary termination from military service after 12 years of honorable active duty. Listen to this bombshell Military Report episode as this laboratory whistleblower bravely reveals to the American public what our agencies and DoD leadership have failed to do.
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Affidavit surfaces claiming to show pro-Kamala bias in ABC News Trump debate Social media users are circulating new evidence suggesting that ABC News engaged in extreme bias with the way it moderated the recent debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Dated Sept. 9, 2024, the day before the debate was aired live, a partially-redacted sworn affidavit from someone in Manhattan who has worked for ABC News for 10 years "in various technical and administrative positions" says "significant transformations" have occurred at the network since 1996 when it was acquired that have changed for the worse the direction of how news gets reported. "These changes suggest a shift from unbiased reporting to a model influenced by external factors," the affidavit states. "For the record, I do not endorse Donald Trump in his capacity as candidate for President of the United States. The intent of this affidavit is to address concerns regarding perceived biases within news reporting within my employer's debate that will be hosted on September 10, 2024." According to the affidavit, the Kamala campaign imposed major restrictions on the way questions were asked. At no point was Kamala allowed to be asked about the health, or lack thereof, of Joe Biden. Moderators were also prohibited from asking Kamala anything about her tenure as attorney general in San Francisco. "No questions concerning her brother-in-law, Tony West, who faces allegations of embezzling billions of dollars in taxpayer funds and who may be involved in her administration if elected," the affidavit further states. Bias against Trump The overall company culture at ABC News is one of "a pronounced bias against Donald Trump," the affidavit continues, noting that employees who express favorable views towards Trump "experience significant concerns about potential retribution." The stated purpose of the affidavit is to set the record straight by documenting these allegations officially while providing "transparency" about how things really are at ABC News. The affidavit concludes with one final admission that its signer possesses recorded evidence of a threat the Kamala campaign made to ABC News if its demands were not met. "Additionally, for further investigation, I have secretly recorded several conversations that will prove that the Harris campaign insisted upon not only the fact checking of Donald Trump, but also insisted on what questions were not to be asked under any circumstances or else the Harris campaign would decline to participate in the debate," it states. "I hope this guy / gal comes forward soon," tweeted "USMC Lady Vet" (@ Arkypatriot) about the affiant. The X account that shared the affidavit also tweeted that his or her attorney called ABC News directly to see what the network has to say about the claims made therein. "The ABC denials that have been put out thus far have not denied giving the Harris campaign 'Sample' questions nor has @ABC denied negotiating assurances with the Harris campaign in regards to the Fact Checking of Donald Trump and the special accommodations on Podium and various other aspects of production that was meant to mislead the viewer," the account wrote. "Furthermore, @ABC has not denied having separate negotiations with the Harris campaign without notifying or including the Trump campaign in those negotiations. And no, My sic attorney has not heard from anyone from the left." The account kind of went off the deep end after that calling people "clearly simpletons" for asking that the full affidavit be released without redactions. Join and share 👉
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Black Insurrectionist--I FOLLOW BACK TRUE PATRIOTS (@DocNetyoutube) on X
Dear Haters, You can suck it.
Trump rules out third debate: Harris only wants a rematch because she knows she lost Former President Donald Trump has ruled out the possibility of having another debate with Vice President Kamala Harris, suggesting that the Democratic nominee is only eager for a rematch because she knows she lost the last presidential debate hosted by ABC News. Harris and the Democratic Party claimed that she won the debate, citing several fraudulent polls showing how so-called voters believe she came off better than Trump on the debate stage on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Despite this, Harris and her team are clamoring for another chance to go head-to-head with Trump. "THERE WILL BE NO THIRD DEBATE!" Trump wrote on his account on Truth Social, citing the fact that he has been in two debates, one with President Joe Biden. "When a prizefighter loses a fight, the first words out of his mouth are, 'I WANT A REMATCH,'" he added in a post on Thursday, Sept. 12. "Polls clearly show that I won the debate against Comrade Kamala Harris, the Democrats' Radical Left candidate on Tuesday night, and she immediately called for a second debate." "She and Crooked Joe have destroyed our country, with millions of criminals and mentally deranged people pouring into the U.S.A., totally unchecked and unvetted, and with inflation bankrupting our middle class," he continued. "Everyone knows this, and all of the other problems caused by Kamala and Joe – It was discussed in great detail during the first debate with Joe, and the second debate with Comrade Harris. She was a no-show at the Fox debate, and refused to do NBC and CBS debates." During an interview on the same day with Telemundo Arizona, Trump further clarified that he believes "pretty much everything was discussed, and you want to get on with your business." "We just don't think it's necessary. We had two," said Trump. "We think we've discussed everything. We don't think they want it either." He added that instead of being concerned about another debate, Harris should "go out and run the country properly instead of worrying." Harris claims she and Trump "owe" voters another debate On the same day, at a rally in North Carolina, Harris claimed that she and Trump "owe" American voters another debate. "Two nights ago, Donald Trump and I had our first debate, and I believe we owe it to the voters to have another debate because this election and what is at stake could not be more important," said Harris. In a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Thursday, 54 percent of registered voters believed that the single debate between Trump and Harris was enough for them to decide who they wanted to vote for, while the remaining 46 percent said they wanted a second debate. A recent focus group hosted by Reuters also showed that undecided voters were leaning toward Trump two-to-one following the debate. A similar survey of undecided voters done by the New York Times produced similar results. Join and share 👉
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'Three against one': Debate moderators had a 'bias' agaisnt Donald Trump
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​​FDA is still using emergency use authorization to release COVID-19 shots without meeting safety standards When the FDA announced that new COVID-19 vaccines addressing more recent variants of the virus were available last month, they left out one very important detail: like their predecessors, they were never officially established as being safe or even effective. How did they get away with it this time around? Much like the first COVID-19 vaccines, they took advantage of the “emergency use authorization” power that enables them to use a lower level of evidence than the traditional threshold for proving effectiveness in FDA product approvals. It essentially means that proving that they “may be effective” is justification enough to flood the market with these untested jabs. Although the reasoning for granting emergency use authorization might have made some sense when we were in the early days of the pandemic, a lot of people are wondering why this authority is still intact four years after the fact. After all, even the CDC and the World Health Organization have conceded that the virus is no longer a public health emergency -- more than a year ago. The latest statistics on the virus from health authorities back up the assertion that the virus is nowhere near the threat it once may have been. At the end of August, just 2.3% of visits to emergency rooms in the U.S. stemmed from COVID-19, while the hospitalization rate is on a downward trend and currently stands at just 0.005%. The death rate, meanwhile, has dropped from the 26,028 weekly deaths recorded at its peak in 2021 to just 663 – and that number refers to deaths “involving” COVID-19 but not necessarily caused by it. In an article published by The Federalist, Kentucky Senator Dr. Rand Paul asked why the FDA is so reluctant to call off the emergency designation. “Until the FDA stops approving new Covid vaccines under the EUA, and analyzes and reports the safety and efficacy of Covid mRNA vaccines based on established standards, there will remain a cloud of uncertainty about taking these medicines,” he wrote. FDA is encouraging all Americans to get the latest shots despite declining hospitalizations and deaths In August, it was announced that Pfizer and Moderna would be shipping millions of doses of the updated vaccines, with Novavax releasing a modified version of its own vaccine shortly thereafter. The CDC wasted no time in recommending the shot for all Americans aged six months or older, despite the numerous health risks being linked to previous iterations of the vaccines. The new fall vaccines target Omicron descendants, a subtype known as KP.2, even though the KP.3.1.1 variant is spreading at the moment, accounting for 37% of cases in mid-August. Pfizer maintains that its data shows the current batch provides better protection against multiple subtypes of the virus – but we should take that with a grain of salt considering how deceptive their data has turned out to be in the past. As part of the vaccine push, it is being noted that the versions released last fall target a different strain that is no longer in circulation. Moreover, uptake was low, with just over 22% of adults and 14% of children rolling up their sleeves last year. By now, many people already enjoy immunity from previous infections, and the virus itself has evolved to become more transmissible but less dangerous. When the latest vaccines were announced, the director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Dr. Peter Marks, claimed in a statement: “These updated vaccines meet the agency’s rigorous, scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality.” Join and share 👉
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Sen. John Kennedy reminds voters that Biden issued nearly 300 executive orders in 2021 TO ERASE AMERICA’S BORDERS Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) has reminded the public about how the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris issued nearly 300 executive orders that have shaped the White House's "mass immigration" and "open borders" policies. On Sept. 9, Kennedy brought up on his official account on X that Biden signed a flurry of executive orders to overturn the immigration and border policies of former President Donald Trump. "Reminder: The Biden-Harris White House wrote nearly 300 executive orders to open our border in just their FIRST YEAR in office," Kennedy wrote. A 2021 report from CBS News noted that, upon being inaugurated, Biden immediately dismantled major parts of the immigration legacy of the Trump administration. That day, Biden signed six immigration-related executive orders, including halting the construction of the border wall with Mexico, pausing most deportations from the interior of the United States for 100 days and rescinding the travel ban that targeted several Muslim-majority and African nations. Biden also announced the suspension of the Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy, which forced non-Mexican asylum-seekers to await U.S. court hearings in Mexico. The president also took steps to protect the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which shields over 640,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children from deportation. The court blocked Trump’s efforts to end DACA, while Biden strengthened the protections for DACA children, the so-called "Dreamers." Other executive actions included revoking a controversial Trump order to exclude undocumented immigrants from the census count and ending the national emergency declaration that allowed Trump to redirect military funds to build the border wall. Biden-Harris administration promotes mass immigration and open borders A January 2022 press release from the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) further proved these claims, when it found out that Biden issued 296 executive orders related to immigration during his first year as president. "Of Biden's 296 immigration actions, 89 have reversed or started to undo Trump policies, making clear the administration is doing more than unraveling his predecessor's policies," the report stated. "The Biden administration’s actions cover a wide range of issues – greatly narrowing the number of unauthorized immigrants vulnerable to arrest, detention and removal; lifting some barriers to U.S. entry and to accessing immigration benefits; and raising the refugee resettlement ceiling to 125,000." MPI also stated that many Trump-era policies remain in place, especially the more technical ones. This could be due to various reasons, such as a lack of prioritization, the difficulty of reversing them, bureaucratic resistance or even support for some of these policies by the Biden administration. Join and share 👉
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‘JIG IS UP’- Senate Democrats vote to count illegals in census
‘JIG IS UP’- Senate Democrats vote to count illegals in censusFollow NewsClips channel at Brighteon.com for more updatesSubscribe to Brighteon newsletter to get the latest news and more featured videos:https://support.brighteon.com/Subscribe.html
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Trump: Obamacare to stay until better alternative is found Former President Donald Trump's campaign has remarked that the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, will remain in place under his term until a better alternative to the scheme is found. Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, claimed in a Sept. 7 post on X: "Trump intends to end the ACA, which would take us back to a time where insurance companies had the power to deny people with preexisting conditions. We are not going back." The Trump campaign shot back, telling the second-highest official in the land: "Kamala, quit lying." It also included a clip of Trump sharing his plans for Obamacare with supporters. "I am going to keep the ACA unless we can do something much better. We'll keep it, but we can do much better. It's too expensive for the people, they can't afford it, it's lousy health care. If we can do something better, we're working on it; we can do something better," the real estate mogul said in the video. "But we will never let anybody touch it unless we have something better. We're going to deliver lower prices, lower drug costs and new options that will dramatically reduce the crushing burden on all American patients." According to LifeSiteNews, Trump's rewritten Republican Party platform – which he cites as his campaign platform on his campaign website – is light on details in most policy areas. But the passage on the subject of healthcare begins by acknowledging that "healthcare and prescription drug costs are out of control." "Republicans will increase transparency, promote choice and competition and expand access to new affordable healthcare and prescription drug options. We will protect Medicare and ensure seniors receive the care they need without being burdened by excessive costs." The pro-life news outlet pointed out that promoting choice as outlined in the GOP platform "is inconsistent with some of Obamacare's core features – an individual mandate to own health insurance and mandates for what health insurance must cover." Trump not a fan of Obamacare LifeSiteNews further highlighted Trump's latest shift from his previous campaigns. The GOP nominee said at a campaign rally last December: "We're going to fight to give much better healthcare than what you have right now. This is a newer subject, but Obamacare is a disaster. And I said … we're going to do something about it." The former president also mentioned how U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) remarked that the ACA "needs to be fixed." "Trump campaigned in 2016 on repealing Obamacare, but despite taking office backed by a GOP Congress, they failed to do so due to a variety of factors," LifeSiteNews continued. "As his presidency went on, Trump used executive actions to mitigate some of Obamacare's most objectionable aspects." During the Sept. 10 debate between Trump and Harris, which ABC News organized, Trump expressed interest in replacing the ACA. However, he admitted that he doesn't currently have an organized plan to accomplish this if the law is indeed repealed. "I have concepts of a plan. I'm not president right now," said Trump. "We are working on things. We're going to do it. We're going to replace it." Join and share 👉
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Trump: Obamacare was 'lousy healthcare'
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​​Whistleblower alleges biased ABC News gave Harris sample campaign questions ahead of the debate Many viewers were understandably concerned about the unfair treatment of former President Donald Trump during last week’s debate, and now former Clinton strategist Mark Penn is calling for an investigation into whether ABC News coordinated with the Harris campaign to stack the odds in her favor based on a tip-off he received from a whistleblower. Penn said he received an affidavit from an ABC whistleblower and he intends to release it soon. He announced: “The affidavit states how the Harris campaign was given sample questions which were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate and separate assurances of fact checking Donald Trump and that she would NOT be fact checked. Accordingly, the affidavit states several other factors that were built into the debate to give Kamala a significant advantage.” It was clear from the beginning that there would be no pretenses of appearing fair and balanced on the part of ABC, with the debate moderators pressing Trump with follow-up questions on numerous occasions while letting it slide when Harris refused to answer questions. The same bias could be seen when it came to fact checking, with Trump being fact-checked repeatedly and Harris not being called out even once for misrepresenting facts. Penn said that he believes a “full internal investigation” is in order and that an outside law firm should be hired to conduct it. In comments to Just The News’s John Solomon, he said: “I think the day after, suspicion here is really quite high, and I think a review of all their internal texts and emails really should be done by an independent party to find out to what extent they were planning on, in effect, you know, fact-checking just one candidate and, in effect, rigging the outcome of this debate. I think the situation demands nothing less than that.” He outlined how much this could impact the election in an interview with Fox News, where he asked what might have happened if the moderators had actually challenged Harris on the many falsehoods she stated during the debate. “If they said, ‘that’s not right what you said there about Charlottesville.' We don’t know how she would have reacted and then Trump wouldn’t have to spend all his time on the defense,” he pointed out. “I think they did a real disservice to the voters of America when they did that and they put in jeopardy the institutions of debate.” ABC News accused of propping up Kamala in debate There are several other circumstances that add to the appearance of favoritism, including the fact that co-moderator Linsey Davis was a member of the same sorority as Harris and the connections between Harris and the co-chairman of ABC News owner Disney, Dana Walden. According to the New York Times, Harris and Walden are neighbors and Walden has made donations to Harris’s political campaigns in the past. Shortly after the debate, Trump told Fox & Friends that Harris seemed “awfully familiar with the questions,” implying that she had been privy to what would be asked despite debate rules prohibiting the sharing of questions and topics in advance with candidates or campaigns. The debate, which attracted 67 million viewers and was the most-watched debate since 2008, was the first between Trump and Harris and likely the last. Although Harris has claimed she is up for a rematch, Trump has declined and believes that Harris’s interest in debating again is a clear sign he dominated their last encounter. Join and share 👉
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POLL: Donald Trump leads Kamala Harris in Michigan after presidential debate An InsiderAdvantage poll has shown that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a narrow lead over Democrat presidential bet Kamala Harris in Michigan following their debate on Sept. 10. The poll, conducted on Sept. 11 to 12 among 800 likely voters, found Trump garnered 49 percent of support compared with Harris who had 48 percent. The poll also found that one percent of the respondents plan to vote for another candidate, while two percent remain undecided. This survey, conducted via cell/text and weighted by age, race, gender and political affiliation, is a continuation of the successful methodology of InsiderAdvantage/Trafalgar Group in August. At the time, Harris led Trump by two points (49 percent to 47 percent). The post-debate results mark a three-point swing in favor of Trump. Moreover, InsiderAdvantage pollster Matt Towery stated that both candidates are virtually tied across all age groups, with Trump holding a slight edge among independent voters, leading by five points in that demographic. The poll also shows Trump receiving around 20 percent of the African American vote, which is an unusual figure compared to historical levels but consistent with trends seen in national surveys. Towery noted that the debate itself appeared to have little impact on the overall race, especially among independent voters in Michigan. "It appears that the debate had little or no impact on the contest, particularly among independent voters, in this particular state," Towery said. The results reflect the intense competition expected to continue in Michigan, a crucial battleground state, as the race progresses toward Election Day. Other polls: Trump leads Harris in key battleground states The same results are evident in other polls conducted in Michigan even before the debate. For instance, in a WDIV/Detroit News survey, conducted from Aug. 26 to Aug. 29 among 600 likely voters, 44.7 percent of likely voters in Michigan currently support Trump compared to the 43.5 percent who support Harris. The data further reveals that voters believe Trump is more capable of handling specific presidential responsibilities compared to Harris, particularly in managing the economy (51.5 percent to 38.9 percent), foreign affairs (48.7 percent to 44.3 percent) and immigration (55.5 percent to 36.6 percent). Conversely, voters see Harris as stronger in areas like strengthening American democracy (47.1 percent to Trump's 42.7 percent), more trustworthy (45.4 percent to 42.2 percent), more honest (45.3 percent to 35.7 percent) and smarter (47.4 percent to 42.8 percent). An AARP poll, conducted from Aug. 7 to Aug. 8 among 600 likely voters, showed Trump garnered 45 percent support compared to Harris who only got 43 percent. The poll carries a margin of error of plus or minus four percent and surveyed a political composition of 33 percent Republicans, 32 percent Democrats and 35 percent independents. Furthermore, a Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted from Aug. 21 to Aug. 28, found that Trump led Harris in seven key battleground states, namely Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Nevada. In these states, the poll showed Trump holding a 45 percent to 43 percent lead over Harris. Join and share 👉
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Kamala Harris has done 'nothing' in the last for years
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1 098
Czech Republic data: Some Moderna COVID-19 vaccine batches are 8x DEADLIER than Pfizer batches A Moderna Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine batch can be eight times deadlier than a Pfizer batch given to the same five-year age group at the same time. Meanwhile, some Pfizer batches were three times more lethal than other batches from the same manufacturer. This was according to a batch analysis of the Czech Republic data comparing one-year post-injection all-cause mortality rates. According to Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation, the one-year mortality rates should be very similar to each other to ensure that the vaccines are safe. But, they are not, he pointed out. And health officials refused to look at the data and never told the public about the quality control problems. Kirsch warned in his Substack article that one batch can't have a three times higher all-cause mortality than the others. "That's insane. Here are two batches given in the same month to the same five-year age range. You can repeat this for other younger five-year age ranges and you get the same factor of three so this is not a fluke," he said. "I'm only writing this article to create a public record that the data shows the COVID-19 injections are a train wreck and you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure that out," Kirsch wrote. "Nobody should be taking these injections." He's just comparing the different batches of Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines. Moderna's vaccines are worse. Malone: Moderna knows mRNA vaccines contain contaminants Moderna has admitted its mRNA vaccine causes cancer after billions of DNA fragments were found in vials of the dangerous injection. The revelation was made after Dr. Robert Malone recently made an appearance at the "Injuries Caused by (COVID-19) Vaccines" hearing led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), where he revealed how Moderna's patent shows that its "COVID-19 vaccine vials contain billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer." Malone spoke about how Moderna acknowledges in its patent that RNA is preferable to DNA in vaccines because of the risks involved. However, the company's mRNA injection is contaminated with DNA fragments. "Moderna has a patent on the use of RNA for vaccines," Malone stated. "And in that, Moderna explicitly acknowledges that RNA is superior to DNA for vaccine purposes because of problems, including the possibility of insertional mutagenesis that could lead to the activation of oncogenes or the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes." The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claimed it is not aware of any concerns. However, Moderna laid out in its patent the same concerns that exist about DNA in insertional mutagenesis and genotoxicity. "So, Moderna knows it – DNA is a contaminant. It is left in because of the way they make it … they use DNA to make RNA, and then they degrade the DNA, and then they have to purify the degraded DNA away from the RNA, and the process they are using is not that good," Malone said. Scientists from the United States and Canada got their hands on unopened vials of Moderna's COVID-19 and sampled them. The documentation suggests that certain DNA sequences present in the vials are normally not allowed in anything that is going into humans, "not the least of which is an antibiotic resistance gene," Malone explained. "They include these sequences from Simian Virus 40 which is exactly the thing that the FDA in their older regulations said must be avoided because it confers even more risk for insertional mutagenesis." It turns out that Pfizer's mRNA injection for COVID-19 contains the same contaminants. Documentation was provided by the company to regulators in the U.S., Europe and Canada. These regulators deleted the little notation about SV40 sequences in an apparent attempt to hide it from the public. Join and share 👉
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Vaccine mRNA Nanostructures drjohncampbell
Vaccine mRNA Nanostructures drjohncampbellDr. John Campbellhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEgjuB-0bw8 mRNA nanostructures
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Trump campaign fact-checks Kamala’s debate claims – here’s what she lied about Immediately following the ABC News debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the Trump campaign released a point-by-point rebuttal of everything they say Kamala lied about while at the podium. After declaring that Trump achieved "an indisputable victory" at the debate "despite a disgraceful three-on-one format," the Trump campaign told supporters that what Kamala did was show Americans "exactly who she is: a Radical Left puppet with no vision, no solutions and no answers for the problems she has unleashed on Americans over the past 3.5 years." Kamala flat-out lied to the public when she claimed that "not one member of the United States military ... is in active duty in a combat zone." Just last week, NPR published a report claiming that "7 U.S. troops hurt in Iraq raid targeting Islamic State group militants that killed 15" – watch the video below: Kamala also falsely claimed that she does not support a government takeover of health care when, in fact, she actually does – WATCH: Mandatory gun confiscation, fracking banned and police defunded – oh my! Concerning natural gas fracking, Kamala was insistent at the debate that she does not support a ban when her past statements and policies suggest he does. The same goes for mandatory gun confiscation, which Kamala also supports: When Trump pointed out that Kamala supports defunding the police, Kamala replied with "that's not true." The problem is that Kamala has repeatedly called for the police to be defunded – she even went so far as to raise money to bail out the George Floyd rioters who tore up America in the 2020 "Summer of Love." Then came the topic of "Project 2025," which Trump says he has never been involved with. Kamala says he is, so there was much bickering about this topic as well. When abortion became the topic of discussion, Kamala falsely claimed that her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, did not legalize abortion on demand until birth in his state. Also known as post-birth abortion, infanticide and murder, on-demand abortion until birth seems to be one of Kamala's core policies. Kamala accused Trump of wanting to sign a national abortion ban which he clarified by basically stating that he does support abortion, just not so close to the time the baby is supposed to be born. Kamala further resurrected the Charlottesville false flag hoax, which fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked. She also failed to explain why she: 1) Let 20 million illegal aliens invade the United States since being installed in 2021 2) Drove up inflation and basically destroyed the economy 3) Supports infanticide and baby murder 4) Supports weak-on-crime policies that have made America more dangerous 5) Supported the Afghanistan troop withdrawal procedure that resulted in 13 dead U.S. service members One thing Kamala did say that was truthful is that her values "have not changed." All one needs to do based on that statement is look back at everything Kamala has done and is still doing to know how she plans to run the country. Join and share 👉
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Alex Pfeiffer (@__Pfeiffer) on X
Kamala just said "there is not one member of the United States military who is in active duty in a combat zone" NPR just a couple weeks ago: "7 U.S. troops hurt in Iraq raid targeting Islamic State group militants that killed 15" https://t.co/2SWB4AaILe
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​​Top 10 reasons Trump should win the election by a landslide Since the communist duo Biden and Harris took over the White House, inflation has spread across the nation like a novel virus invented in China. Gas is about double the cost it was when Trump got his seat stolen. Most groceries cost double or triple what they did four years ago, especially meat and eggs. Electric bills and insurance for health and automobiles is through the roof. Forget about entertainment; that’s for the ultra-rich elitists now. Most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and if any kind of emergency costs pop up, or inflation gets worse, the homelessness and jobless numbers will exponentially increase. How to fix it? Make sure to vote the incumbent communists out of office and keep them from cheating. Working-class Americans got slammed by Bidenomics and need massive improvements to the economy, so their votes should reflect that in November Independent polls show Trump leading the Communist-Dems by 17 points among working-class voters. With the price-control plan Kommie Harris has put forth, that won’t help her gain any votes, in fact, even fake news CNN is criticizing the idea, so Lefties will be inclined to consider a vote for her a wasted vote, at least as far as the economy and inflation are concerned. Some Americans live in metropolitan cities and are somewhat acclimated to crime happening all around them. Take for instance New York City, Seattle, San Fransisco, Detroit and Los Angeles. Walk down these Democrat-run city streets during the day or night and you risk a high chance of getting mugged for your wallet or purse by a drug fiend. Try to defend yourself and you could wind up in the hospital, or dead. However, most people who live in suburbs or rural areas of America are NOT used to being near or victims of this rampant crime. Thanks to the Biden-Harris open borders policy, that’s all changing, and fast. Gangs of thugs from Venezuela, human traffickers, drug dealers, druggies, mentally insane people and outright convicted criminals are wandering the streets and neighborhoods throughout America, and they’re coming from our prisons and prisons around the world. The Democrats rarely ever arrest these people for crimes, and when they do, the Soros-funded hard-Left prosecutors set them free, with no bail and no trial. Top 10 reasons Trump should win the election by a landslide, even with all the machine and ballot cheating the Dems use 1. The economy, including inflation 2. Illegal immigration is out of control 3. Fake news is unraveling due to truths getting exposed: the Hunter Biden laptop, the Russia-Trump collusion hoax, Joe Biden’s dementia, plus of course Kamaflage Kamala’s lies during the debate and her non-answers to all the tough questions 4. More Blacks and Hispanics trust Trump than the Biden/Harris regime 5. The attempted assassination of Trump catapulted his patriotism and charisma 6. The Green New Deal is becoming an obvious failure on many fronts 7. The military and police are sick of endless wars and the defunding of forces (and the DEI and transgender push) 8. Skyrocketing crime rates hitting close to home for so many, or happening to them or their loved ones 9. Many Americans vote for a candidate that is “presidential” and has a policy plan outlined, and hardly a soul sees Kamala that way (that’s why she dropped out of the 2020 race first), who’s plan is to say anything people want to hear, then do the opposite 10. Kamala hasn’t done any of the things over the past four years she claims she’s going to do if elected Join and share 👉
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Singapore launches quarantine and vaccination campaign for monkeypox In response to the global rise in monkeypox cases, Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) announced on Sept. 4 that it will be reintroducing mandatory quarantine and vaccination measures – much like those implemented during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This decision follows the World Health Organization's (WHO) declaration of monkeypox, or mpox, as a public health emergency of international concern in August. The MOH has categorized mpox cases as Clade I and Clade II. Clade I is considered the more serious strain – with a higher potential for severe outcomes, while Clade II generally results in milder symptoms. The MOH has made it mandatory for all health care providers in Singapore to report mpox cases. To manage the outbreak, designated hospitals in Singapore will test suspected Clade I cases using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests. The MOH acknowledged, however, that there are currently no rapid diagnostic tests for mpox that are reliable enough for widespread use. Once a case of Clade I mpox is confirmed, close contacts will be quarantined for 21 days in government-designated facilities. This lengthy quarantine period is reminiscent of Singapore's stringent COVID-19 protocols in 2020 and 2021 that were aimed at curbing the spread of the virus. The ministry emphasized that it is closely monitoring the situation and is prepared to respond swiftly if necessary – working in coordination with international health organizations. Singapore mandating monkeypox vaccinations In addition to quarantine measures, Singapore has authorized the use of the Jynneos vaccine to combat mpox. This vaccine will be administered to two specific groups: healthcare workers who are at the highest risk of exposure and individuals who have been in close contact with confirmed mpox cases. The MOH explained that the Jynneos vaccine is a live attenuated (non-replicating) vaccine. It is recommended that close contacts receive a single dose within 14 days of exposure to reduce the risk of developing the disease. Furthermore, close contacts under quarantine will be offered the vaccine during their isolation period, though details on whether individuals will have the option to refuse the vaccine were not provided. The MOH assured the public that it has an adequate supply of the Jynneos vaccine to meet the current needs of its vaccination strategy. It also pledged to adjust its approach as the situation evolves both locally and globally. As of Aug. 22, Singapore has confirmed 13 cases of mpox in 2024 – all of which were of the less severe Clade II strain. The MOH also confirmed that no cases of the more virulent Clade I strain have been detected in the country so far. However the MOH continues to advise caution and urges travelers to remain vigilant – particularly those returning from regions with high mpox activity. While the threat of mpox, particularly the deadlier Clade 1b strain, remains a global concern, health experts in Singapore have reassured the public that quarantine is unnecessary for returning travelers unless they exhibit symptoms or have been in direct contact with infected individuals. Join and share 👉
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In full: Singapore announces mpox public health measures
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RFK Jr. wins appeals to have his name REMOVED from state ballots in North Carolina Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has won an appeal for the removal of his name from the ballot in North Carolina ahead of the November elections. The environmental lawyer and scion of the Kennedy family requested that his name be struck off from the ballots in North Carolina after suspending his own presidential campaign and endorsing former President Donald Trump. Election officials in the Tar Heel state were ordered by the North Carolina Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision to remove RFK Jr. and his running mate Nicole Shanahan from the ballot. The Sept. 9 ruling prompted the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) to put absentee voting on hold in compliance with the order. Both Kennedy and Shanahan were named as nominees of the We The People party in North Carolina. The state law deadline to begin absentee voting was set last week but with the court decision, revised ballots will be printed and delivered to the 146,603 voters, including more than 12,900 military and overseas voters who have requested an absentee ballot as soon as they are available, which is expected to occur in the next couple weeks. "We will continue to consult with counties and ballot vendors to determine the feasible start date for distributing absentee ballots statewide, mindful of the goal to meet the 45-day federal deadline," said Karen Brinson Bell, NCSBE executive director. "This decision imposes a tremendous hardship on our county boards, at an extremely busy time. But our election officials are professionals, and I have no doubt we will rise to the challenge." Following the Sept. 9 decision, the NCSBE later issued a memo ordering officials not to destroy the current ballots. According to the Pulse, this suggests the board's intent to appeal the court ruling. Wisconsin judge, Michigan Supreme Court reject RFK Jr.'s appeal to be excluded from state ballots While Kennedy secured victories in North Carolina, it wasn't the case in Wisconsin and Michigan. A judge in the Badger State rejected his appeal to be excluded from the ballots, noting that a full court hearing must be held before his name might be removed. Wisconsin law states that "any person who files nomination papers and qualifies to appear on the ballot may not decline nomination." Meanwhile, at the Wolverine State, the Supreme Court also ruled that Kennedy's name would remain on the state's ballot. The court vacated the state Appeals Court ruling, concluding that he did not show "an entitlement to this extraordinary relief." Since he suspended his White House campaign in August as an independent candidate, Kennedy has been fighting to take his name off the ballot in key swing states. It has already been determined that his name will not appear on ballots in Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania, three other potentially pivotal swing states. Join and share 👉
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RFK Jr.: You had clearly biased moderators
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1 329
​​Kamala spewed 21 false claims, hoaxes that ABC debate moderators ignored The recent debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris was a doozy after fact checkers determined that Kamala lied no less than 21 times during the contentious political match. In bringing up the Charlottesville false flag, Kamala resurrected the claim that Trump called the neo-Nazis who marched there "very fine people," when in fact Trump was referring to the other people who were not neo-Nazis at the demonstration. Kamala also brought up Project 2025, a blueprint for the future of America that Trump says he has nothing to do with, despite his named somehow being associated with it. "I have nothing to do – as you know, and as she knows, better than anyone – I have nothing to do with Project 2025," Trump declared from the debate stage. "I haven't read it. I don't want to read it, purposely. I'm not going to read it." During Trump's first term, he allegedly created "a trade deficit," according to Kamala, who described said trade deficit as "one of the highest we've ever seen in the history of America." "The trade deficit climbed to around $653 billion in Trump's final year as president, in part because of depressed global demand for U.S. goods and services and a U.S. economy that recovered sooner than most other developed economies," a pro-Trump media outlet reported. "But the trade deficit never rose to the levels seen under former President George W. Bush or the Biden-Harris administration." Cackling Kamala spreads disinformation As usual, Kamala brought up Russia in relation to Trump, accusing him of stating to Vladimir Putin that he should be allowed to "do whatever the hell he wants," which apparently never happened. Kamala also lied about Trump by claiming that he "wants to be a dictator on day one" of his second term in office. Trump has never actually said this, at least as far as anyone knows. The botched withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan was apparently Trump's fault, according to Kamala, who was asked point-blank whether or not she feels she bears any responsibility for the debacle. If Trump gets elected again, according to Kamala, then eventually Putin will "be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe. At no point in time did Putin do much of anything during Trump's first term, so why would change under a second one? At no point in time has Trump ever called for a "bloodbath" in the event that he loses the election, but Kamala falsely accused him of saying this, too. The truth is that Trump was referring to the automobile industry when he used the term "bloodbath." Kamala also tried to make Trump appear as a racist when she claimed on the debate stage that he "refused to rent property to black families." This was never proven, despite a lawsuit that Trump and his father eventually settled, which came with no admission of fault. Trump also never called members of the military, including the fallen, "suckers and losers." The Atlantic claimed Trump said this without corroboration, and many eyewitnesses are said to have refuted that he ever uttered those words about military servicemembers. When pressed about her past statements in favor of banning natural gas fracking, Kamala lied and said she never called for a fracking ban. It turns out that Kamala did call for a fracking ban while running for president in 2019. Kamala further lied about being "raised middle-class." The truth is that Kamala had a rich Canadian upbringing in a majority-English neighborhood of Quebec. Join and share 👉
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1 411
RFK Jr. wins appeals to have his name REMOVED from state ballots in North Carolina Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has won an appeal for the removal of his name from the ballot in North Carolina ahead of the November elections. The environmental lawyer and scion of the Kennedy family requested that his name be struck off from the ballots in North Carolina after suspending his own presidential campaign and endorsing former President Donald Trump. Election officials in the Tar Heel state were ordered by the North Carolina Supreme Court in a 4-3 decision to remove RFK Jr. and his running mate Nicole Shanahan from the ballot. The Sept. 9 ruling prompted the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) to put absentee voting on hold in compliance with the order. Both Kennedy and Shanahan were named as nominees of the We The People party in North Carolina. The state law deadline to begin absentee voting was set last week but with the court decision, revised ballots will be printed and delivered to the 146,603 voters, including more than 12,900 military and overseas voters who have requested an absentee ballot as soon as they are available, which is expected to occur in the next couple weeks. "We will continue to consult with counties and ballot vendors to determine the feasible start date for distributing absentee ballots statewide, mindful of the goal to meet the 45-day federal deadline," said Karen Brinson Bell, NCSBE executive director. "This decision imposes a tremendous hardship on our county boards, at an extremely busy time. But our election officials are professionals, and I have no doubt we will rise to the challenge." Following the Sept. 9 decision, the NCSBE later issued a memo ordering officials not to destroy the current ballots. According to the Pulse, this suggests the board's intent to appeal the court ruling. Wisconsin judge, Michigan Supreme Court reject RFK Jr.'s appeal to be excluded from state ballots While Kennedy secured victories in North Carolina, it wasn't the case in Wisconsin and Michigan. A judge in the Badger State rejected his appeal to be excluded from the ballots, noting that a full court hearing must be held before his name might be removed. Wisconsin law states that "any person who files nomination papers and qualifies to appear on the ballot may not decline nomination." Meanwhile, at the Wolverine State, the Supreme Court also ruled that Kennedy's name would remain on the state's ballot. The court vacated the state Appeals Court ruling, concluding that he did not show "an entitlement to this extraordinary relief." Since he suspended his White House campaign in August as an independent candidate, Kennedy has been fighting to take his name off the ballot in key swing states. It has already been determined that his name will not appear on ballots in Arizona, Nevada and Pennsylvania, three other potentially pivotal swing states. Join and share 👉
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RFK Jr.: You had clearly biased moderators
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1 560
​​Pfizer’s mobile science brainwashing truck targets children with “escape-room-like” vaccine production simulation Pfizer has become more blatant than ever in pushing vaccines on the masses with an absurd new mobile science brainwashing truck that convinces young people that their toxic jabs will somehow save humanity. It targets children aged 9 to 14 and boasts “a scientific adventure like no other.” In a promotional video, students in a rural North Carolina town can be seen taking part in what Pfizer calls the “School of Science Mobile Experience,” where a Pfizer robot dog greets them and interacts with them. The brainwashing truck promises a “fantastic, interactive, escape-room-like experience,” and as much as we’d all like to escape from any room where people are pushing untested vaccines on us, the idea here is that vaccines are the solution to a worrying pandemic outbreak that leaves people with lizard-like skin. During the exercise, children are taught various “lessons” in the scary trailer’s assorted rooms. For example, one teaches about vaccine manufacturing, while another explains the concepts of antigens. They also get the opportunity to meet Pfizer employees through the School of Science, even though we doubt this ranks on any child’s list of idols they’d like to meet one day. The North Carolina students ultimately “successfully produced a remedy that will be distributed around the world” in the simulation, according to the promotional video, and we suspect it has more than a few similarities to the company’s highly profitable COVID-19 vaccines. Pfizer accused of directly marketing vaccines to children One educator accused the pharmaceutical company of shilling its vaccines to young people via the truck, with New York city educator and Teachers for Choice founder Michael Kane stating: “It’s definitely crossing a line from education to directly marketing or promoting their products to kids. It just feels so wrong.” A North Carolina parent, Beth Secosky, told The Defender that Pfizer should not be teaching science to children. She pointed out: “Pfizer has paid billions in penalties for false claims and safety violations. Why would schools invite a corporation that is notorious for putting profits over people to teach their children ‘science’?” Pfizer working hard to inculcate the next generation of customers The mobile brainwashing unit is part of the Pfizer School of Science, which has hosted middle school students at the pharmaceutical giant’s New York City headquarters, where they are subjected to 90-minute “courses” about subjects such as vaccine history, drug manufacturing, immunology and the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, with Pfizer footing the bill. They also hear pitches from employees about future careers with the company. CEO Albert Bourla claims that more than 6,000 students from New York City with “diverse backgrounds” have gone to its headquarters for these programs, writing on LinkedIn that they go out of their way to brainwash as many young people as possible. “In some cases, this meant modifying our coursework to accommodate diverse needs, such as customizing classes to suit different learning abilities and language capabilities,” he wrote. They’ve been pushing hard to appeal to younger generations in recent years, celebrating their version of “science” not just with their School of Science but also in a Super Bowl ad that aired in January with famous scientists singing along to the Queen hit "Don’t Stop Me Now." At the time, their chief marketing officer, Drew Panayiotou, boasted that the “iconic Queen song … cuts across generations with the words ‘don’t stop me now,’ which is a great line for Pfizer.” Considering the record-breaking profits they earned thanks to the COVID-19 vaccines that were forced on so many people around the world, it won’t be surprising if Pfizer goes even further moving forward in their bold efforts to brainwash future generations of vaccine and drug customers. Join and share 👉
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​​TOTAL RECALL: Canadian government DESTROYING all Covid mRNA jabs to eliminate evidence of genocidal crimes against humanity The authoritarian Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, and his insidious health ministry cohorts at Health Canada are in the process of destroying every Covid jab they have in inventory right now. They claim it is happening because the shots are now worthless, since those strains of Covid are no longer circulating, and because they are preparing new clot shots for the next incoming wave of (insert Greek letter and number here) variants. But is that the truth? Most likely not. As Canada recalls, collects and destroys all their nanoparticle injections, including all those marketed by Pfizer and Moderna, many health analysts and reporters are calling it the greatest cover up and destruction of criminal evidence ever. When the masses of Canadians and other victims of vaccine violence around the world get wind of the cause of their injuries and forever symptoms (long-vax syndrome), and the deaths of the injected sheeple, there will be no evidence (besides autopsies) left to use in the new-age Nuremberg trials of the mass murderers who knew exactly what they were doing when they pushed these toxic jabs on the populace. Tens of millions of deadly Covid “vaccines” being recalled by the government for destruction now that the truth is coming out about self-assembling nanoparticles Leading government officials and politicians around the globe may be preparing for defending against their own prosecution for promoting and propagating the most violent and insidious weapon of mass destruction ever known – Covid “vaccinations.” In what appears to be a huge cover up and destruction of criminal evidence, health officials and politicians are collaborating to destroy every last Covid jab that still exists from the plandemic, so if and when they get caught for using them to kill millions of people, they won’t go to prison for life or get hung for it. For decades, vaccines (oral and injectable) have been found to be contaminated with all kinds of chemicals, live virus strains (think circovirus here), GMOs, infectious bacteria, human abortion cells, heavy metal toxins and much more. Now, scientists are discovering that mRNA jabs have the ability to cause rubbery vascular clots in the blood, invade vital organs and cause immense strain on the heart muscle. The problem is that Covid-19 “vaccines are synthetic gene therapy injections, and the technology does NOT meet the definition of traditional vaccines. They were never tested for long-term safety and failed the animal trials because vaccinated animals still died after they contracted the virus in the wild. Every day, thousands and thousands of humans are being injured and killed by these deadly gene-altering nanoparticle injections, and when the true death toll becomes obvious and published, the manufacturers and promoters of the jabs could be looking at serious prosecution for crimes against humanity, including genocide. Destroying evidence of these bioweapons is a violation of the criminal code in Canada, as it is in many other countries. As of last month, all provinces and territories in Canada were instructed to remove and destroy all current Covid-19 vaccine formulations (XBB) from all sites across their jurisdictions, according to a spokesperson at Alberta Health, as announced by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC). Someone, somewhere, needs to hang on to some of these death jabs for future reference as evidence of crimes against humanity for prosecuting these mass murderers. Join and share 👉
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WATCH: Google growth strategist reveals search engine manipulation favoring Kamala Harris campaign A Google strategist admitted to search engine manipulation promoting Kamala Harris in the 2024 election, revealing profit-driven political bias in favor of the left. A Google growth strategist, Dakota Leazer, has admitted that the company manipulated its search engine advertisements to favor Kamala Harris during the 2024 presidential campaign. Leazer made the revelations during an undercover conversation with a journalist from OMG American Swiper, shedding light on how Google allegedly pushed a pro-Kamala narrative for both political and financial gain. Leazer explained that Google ran ads that appeared to link to legitimate news outlets, such as PBS, but were, in reality, designed to promote the Kamala Harris campaign. “It seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign,” he confessed, stating that users were often unaware they were viewing politically driven content instead of unbiased reporting from reputable news sources. Google’s coordination with the Harris campaign, according to Leazer, was part of a broader effort to generate revenue by tapping into fear-based content, which he described as highly profitable. “I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable,” he stated. “Right now, the left is more fearful than the right is.” Leazer emphasized that Google’s actions were driven by financial motives, with the company believing that one political side would enable them to maximize profits. “I think Google has a belief that one side will allow them to make more money,” he explained, underscoring how Google’s liberal bias was not only political but also tied to the company’s bottom line and its stock price. This admission reflects concerns about tech companies’ influence on political campaigns and the potential role of media manipulation in shaping public opinion. Leazer’s remarks mirror similar claims made by Charlie Chester, a technical director at CNN, who previously stated that “fear sells,” reinforcing the idea that major media and tech companies capitalize on fear-driven narratives. These revelations raise questions about the impartiality of search engine results and how tech giants like Google may be influencing voter perception in the 2024 election. At the time of this report, Google had not responded to the claims made by Leazer. Join and share 👉
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James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) on X
BREAKING: Google Growth Strategist Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign, Revenue-Driven Political Bias "Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala,” admits Dakota Leazer (@dakotaleazer), a Growth
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20,000-plus migrant INVASION sweeps Springfield, Ohio – migrants CAN BARELY DRIVE but are somehow getting driver’s licenses quickly Locals in Springfield, Ohio, are speaking out about what the 20,000-plus Haitian migrant horde is doing to their town. "YouTuber turned investigative journalist" Tyler Oliveira posted a video – watch below – of Springfield locals sharing how their town has changed ever since the Haitian migrant horde took hold of their area. "They're nothing but a headache," one guy told Oliveira about the migrants. "All they're doing is raising our rent and our taxes and wrecking vehicles. It's been nothing but a hassle since they've been here. It's been horrible." When Oliveira asked the man to rate Haitian driving on a scale from one to 10, the guy responded with "negative 10" as his answer. "Worst driving I've ever seen," the guy continued. "And I'm from down south." A lady told Oliveira that after being run off a property, a vanload of Haitians drove off and hit the curb. Some of the vehicle's passengers could also be heard screaming that they would be back because, according to them, "we own this town." Bad Haitian migrant drivers Curious about how the bad-driving Haitian migrants in the van were even able to get driver's licenses in the first place, Oliveira headed on down to the local DMV to ask an employee what that process looks like. She refused to answer his question, stating that she is "not allowed to say." Oliveira then asked another woman at the DMV who expressed similar frustration about how quickly these Haitian migrants seem to be getting driver's licenses despite their Haiti driver's licenses not transferring over automatically. "They're getting them quickly and I don't know why," the woman said. The local sentiment in and around Springfield is that these Haitians are coming to the area, getting driver's licenses quickly, and ravishing the place. The migrants are showing no interest in assimilating into American culture and are instead bringing their own culture to replace it. "They bring their own culture here and stick to their sic selves and walk around the stores eating food, don't pay for it – they do what they want to around here," the first man that Oliveira interviewed in the video stated later on in the footage. "It's kind of aggravating. It's kind of disrespectful towards us that's been here for a long time." When then asked about rumors that Haitian migrants are stealing people's pets and geese from the park in order to eat, the man said he heard the same thing and "saw the pictures on Facebook." "Pictures don't lie, right?" the man asked. It would seem as though Ohio is handing out driver's licenses to these Haitian migrants without requiring them to pass the normal written and road tests. Other locals say they are seeing migrants trying to learn how to drive on their own in parking lots and on city streets, but that the normal process is not being followed. "They are given licenses in order to vote, obviously," someone commented on X, noting that Ohio is a swing state that Kamala has to win in order to stop Trump. Join and share 👉
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Tyler Oliveira (@tyleraloevera) on X
🚨 BREAKING: SPRINGFIELD, OHIO UPDATE Locals say the 20,000+ Haitians cannot drive and believe they pose a threat to public safety. No one knows how they are getting driver's licenses and cars so quickly despite them seemingly having no understanding of traffic laws. With
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Rep. Thomas Massie says recorded phone calls prove CDC lied about COVID “vaccine” efficacy The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lied to Americans about the efficacy of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" unleashed through Operation Warp Speed, and Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) has proof. Rep. Massie caught the CDC lying in its official publication (MMWR) about COVID jab efficacy all the way back in December 2020. He further confirmed the lies by calling the CDC and recording the answers he received to questions about the shots. When the CDC refused to tell the general public the truth, Rep. Massie took it upon himself to share the recordings with investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson who exposed them publicly. "The CDC, in a paper that had to be written by the vaccine makers in my mind, lied about what the studies found, which encouraged people who probably already had immunity because they already had COVID, to go out and get a vaccine that could give them side effects," Attkisson explains in the video below. "So they created or worsened what could be considered a crisis by their misinformation ... And my big question is, the misinformation was signed off on by something like twelve members of this CDC expert committee. Did none of them read the original studies as I had and as Congressman Massie had? Do they just sign papers somebody else writes and not understand the data and the claims in it are wrong? I think this is a huge scandal and nobody's been held to account for that." Nobody trusts Washington anymore Scandals like this one are precisely why a growing percentage of the U.S. population no longer trusts the CDC or any other federal government agency, especially after what happened during the COVID "pandemic." "I hope a Trump administration will provide more transparency and open debate so that trust can be rebuilt," someone wrote on X in hopeful anticipation of some soon changes. Another X user added to Rep. Massie's claims by stating that he caught the government hiding vaccine deaths from the public by deleting what is known as Y59.0 from death records. "It's even sworn to in testimony," this person, named John Beaudoin Sr. "aka Coquin de Chien" (@ JohnBeaudoinSr), added. "Haven't heard from any media or politician yet about it. All document in official government records. All teed up." Others praised Rep. Massie for doing this work, especially as many of his colleagues have long since moved on to other matters. "Exposing them is one thing, but will there ever be actual accountability?" asked another. "Like actual consequences. Jury trials. Prison sentences. Asset forfeiture. Compensation to the individuals harmed. If not, they'll just continue business as usual." It is hard to imagine how the CDC could have come to the conclusion that lying to the public about COVID jabs was a winning strategy, especially in the age of the internet. "I'd have thought losing the trust of the public might have serious consequences should they ever have to deal with a genuine pandemic," one said. "They've been committing fraud for decades," wrote another. "They covered up the autism and MMR link, they shredded data, they have had several whistleblowers come forward and yet, they carry on without any repercussions. Maybe Congress can do something about this?" Join and share 👉
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Chief Nerd (@TheChiefNerd) on X
👀 Sharyl Attkisson on How Rep. Thomas Massie Caught the CDC Lying About the COVID Vaccines "The CDC, in a paper that had to be written by the vaccine makers in my mind, lied about what the studies found which encouraged people who probably already had immunity because they
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Moderna admits in patent filings that its mRNA COVID-19 injections can cause CANCER Cambridge, Massachusetts-based vaccine maker Moderna has confirmed that its mRNA Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) injections could cause cancer. The company made this admission in patent filings disclosed by Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, during a hearing led by U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). According to Malone, Moderna's patent shows that its vaccine contains billions of DNA fragments and other contaminants linked to birth defects and cancer. The expert also mentioned that Moderna's patent acknowledges that RNA is preferable to DNA in vaccines. However, the vaccine maker also acknowledges the contamination risk involved with its COVID-19 vaccine that was injected into the arms of millions. Malone testified: "Moderna has a patent on the use of RNA for vaccines. And in that, Moderna explicitly acknowledges that RNA is superior to DNA for vaccine purposes despite problems, including the possibility of insertional mutagenesis that could lead to the activation of oncogenes or the inactivation of tumor suppressor genes. "The Food and Drug Administration FDA says they're not aware of any concerns. But Moderna, in its own patent, lays out exactly the same concerns that exist about DNA. So Moderna knows it – DNA is a contaminant. "It is left in because of the way they make it. They use DNA to make RNA, and then they degrade the DNA. Afterward, they have to purify the degraded DNA away from the RNA – and the process they are using is not that good." According to the Daily Expose, scientists from the U.S. and Canada managed to procure unopened vials of Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine with a clear chain of custody. They proceeded to take samples from these and examine them, discovering large numbers of DNA fragments in the RNA preparation. The scientists then applied standard reconstruction tools to see what the circular plasmid DNAs looked like. According to Malone, the findings suggest the presence of certain DNA sequences in the vials normally not allowed in anything that is going to go into humans – "not the least of which is an antibiotic resistance gene." Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine also loaded with cancer-causing CONTAMINANTS "They include these sequences from Simian Virus 40 (SV40) – not the whole virus, but highly active promoter sequences. This is exactly the thing that the FDA, in their older regulations, said must be avoided because it confers even more risk for insertional mutagenesis," the mRNA vaccine technology inventor noted. But the problem isn't just present in Moderna's mRNA COVID-19 injection. Pfizer's mRNA vaccine, produced in cooperation with German company BioNTech, also contained the same contaminants. The New York-based Pfizer provided documentation about its COVID-19 injection to regulators in the U.S., Europe and Canada. However, the regulators deleted the little notation about SV40 sequences Pfizer wrote in filings – apparently in an attempt to hide it from the public. "The FDA didn't take the raw DNA sequences, reconstruct those plasmid maps, and look at them themselves," Malone clarified. "They just took for granted what Pfizer had given them. And now this is all coming out because of what these researchers found." According to Malone, high-level people at both Moderna and Pfizer had to have known the dangers their COVID-19 vaccines pose to the world. The potential consequences for those injected with the poison shot include "anything that is associated with DNA damage, i.e., birth defects and cancer being the most notable ones." Join and share 👉
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Mass Vaccination and CANCER victims - part 18
As 2024 starts coming to an end, so does the interest in the covid lies, deception and biggest crime against humanity ever perpetrated.What is not coming to an end, is the sheer carnage that the experimental bioweapons are causing.Cancers have become completely out of control in the jabbed population.Many more doctors are seeing it but are being gaslit by Pharma funded bureaucrats and media who are not revealing the damage that has been caused.Meanwhile Pfizer et al have shifted their attention to create a cure for cancer, which will see them make billions and billions of dollars in the coming months and years.What a business model. Create the problem then create the perception they have found the solution.Credit to COVID BC(Telegram), Hello Dave(Twitter/X) for their extremely crucial work that helps reveal the carnage. Truly remarkable.This is undeniably a global genocide caused by toxic covid bioweapons, and does not appear to be slowing down.Mirrored - TruthSeekerNews1984To survive what is coming…
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DESTROYING EVIDENCE: Canada orders vaccine clinics to destroy Pfizer, Moderna mRNA vaccine vials The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) has ordered provinces to destroy Pfizer and Moderna Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mRNA vaccine vials provided last season to "make way for updated shots" that the federal regulator has yet to approve. Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta public health officials said they removed doses targeting the old omicron XBB variant. Provinces that ordered the jabs withdrawn as of Aug. 31 or Sept. 1 said they did so at the behest of PHAC. The new vaccines that are a closer match for the current variants are expected to be rolled out in late September or early October. Canada is reportedly in the middle of a late-summer wave of COVID-19, driven by waning immunity and a variant called KP.3.1.1, which accounted for an alleged estimated 62.2 percent of variants in Canada as of Aug. 25. In Ontario, Chief Medical Officer of Health Kieran Moore issued a memo on Aug. 27 saying that the PHAC ordered a market withdrawal of all doses targeting the XBB variant effective Sept. 1. Julie Kryzanowski, Saskatchewan's deputy chief medical health officer, issued a memo similar to Ontario's on Aug. 28. Dale Hunter, a spokesman for that province's Health Ministry, confirmed that "all health care facilities, pharmacies and physician offices in Saskatchewan" disposed of their remaining XBB shots on Aug. 31. In Quebec, the health ministry said some vaccine appointments would have to be canceled as a result of PHAC's withdrawal order but Quebec anticipates the access gap will last as little as two weeks. Meanwhile, the Manitoba government said it asked vaccine providers to return unused XBB doses to the province as of the end of August. "Specific requests for patients that may still need a dose of the current vaccine within a short time frame can still be considered on a case-by-case basis," the province said in an unattributed email. Oncologist: Do not destroy potential evidence of vaccines' ineffectiveness and inefficacy Meanwhile, oncologist and top cancer researcher Dr. William Makis discouraged authorities from throwing away the vaccine vials, as these may serve as future evidence of the vaccines' ineffectiveness and inefficacy. "You may be wondering if one day you will be held accountable for injecting a toxic pharmaceutical product that you knew or should have known into people who were injured or have died suddenly, for injecting it into children and pregnant women, you were just following orders, just wanted a job," he said. "Do not under any circumstance remove or destroy vials of COVID-19 vaccines as you may have been instructed by Health Canada or your bosses. Save those vials of vaccines." He highlighted the current attempt to cover up and destroy evidence of a very serious crime. "These vaccines are contaminated. There are going to be labs in the future. They are going to want to test these vaccines and will pay tubs of dollars. If you are ethically compromised and you love money then these vaccines are going to be your bitcoin. Save them. Hide them. Smuggle them out of the country. Do not let them get destroyed." he warned. Join and share 👉
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BREAKING NEWS: COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics across Canada have been ordered to destroy all vials of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
BREAKING NEWS:  COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics across Canada have been ordered to destroy all vials of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines...They're trying to destroy the evidence!
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​​WEF admits COVID was a “test” of public obedience to new globalist world order The World Economic Forum (WEF) has quietly revealed that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic" was a "test" hatched by the globalists to see how compliant and obedient the public is to globalist tyranny. On the "My Carbon" page of its website, the WEF makes a pitch for 15-minute "smart" cities as the solution to climate change. On that page, the WEF shows its hand about what COVID was really designed to do. "COVID-19 was the test of society responsibility," the WEF openly admits. "A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world." "There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility." In other words, the WEF was testing us all to see how we would respond to ridiculously pseudoscientific measures like avoiding other people and covering one's breathing holes with cloth and plastic. This "new normal," as they called it, was meant to ease the world into a more permanent state of restricted living. "They wanted to see how many of us would give up our individual freedom and individual sovereignty by complying with a 'new normal' that consisted of restrictions bordering on the absurd," Leo Hohmann writes on his Substack. "Why, for instance was it 'safe' to shop at Lowe's or Home Depot but unsafe to shop at a small business or attend church? Why was it OK to go to strip clubs in Michigan but you couldn't buy seeds for a garden?" "Sustainability" is about forced obedience to tyranny When they first started using the term "sustainability" to describe a future free from excess waste and planetary destruction, the globalists had hoped that most people would simply buy in based on the name. Many people now realize, though, that sustainability is simply a code word for forced compliance with tyranny. In the "sustainable" world of the future, Americans will no longer have the constitutionally protected freedom to speak up and question anything. The expectation will be that everyone complies at all times with the government's orders without asking any questions, which is what we saw transpire during COVID. "Would we be obedient in the face of idiotic new laws and regulations, like wearing face diapers to stop what was said to be an aerosolized virus, and standing six feet apart in public, and submitting to a never-before-used, unlicensed mRNA gene-based injection?" Hohmann asks. "They said it was good for you, so roll up your sleeve. Don't ask questions. If you did, you could lose your job and be treated as a societal outcast. Many people lost friends or even close family members to this monstrous 'test' of our willingness to unquestioningly do what we're told." It has been nearly five years since COVID first appeared, and the WEF is finally fessing up to what many of us could see was the case all along: that COVID was simply an exercise in tyranny designed to traumatize the public and break down any remaining public willpower to fight back against the authoritarian police state. "They wanted to find out how many of us would prove our servitude to the lawless, fascistic beast system by complying with 'unimaginable restrictions,' many of which were created out of thin air with absolutely no scientific evidence to back them up as contributing anything to public health," Hohmann says. Join and share 👉
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​​TABOO DEBATE TOPIC: Neither candidate nor the debate moderators spoke about the health horrors that came from the Covid vaccines, masks, and lockdowns Did anyone notice there was one massive topic that neither Presidential candidate, nor the moderators, addressed during the debate? Trump touched briefly on his own knee-jerk “preparation” for handling the beginning of the pandemic outbreak but failed to dig into the most important topic of the century – Covid-19 vaccine-induced injuries, disabilities and death. Neither candidate for President discussed how the pandemic response went so horribly wrong, including all the horrific injuries and deaths caused by the mRNA clot shots. Nobody addressed that masks don’t work but rather cause diseases, according to in-depth scientific and evidence-based research. No one talked about the deadly Covid jabs causing miscarriages and spontaneous abortions. Neither candidate spoke on the subject, nor did the moderators ask about the failed tactics of lockdowns, social distancing, travel restrictions, vaccine passports or the limiting of free speech online regarding all the knee-jerk “medical” advice that was NOT fact-based, coming from Fraudulent Fauci and the CDC. Will we continue all of this during the next scamdemic, that’s surely coming this way, with all the U.S.-funded gain-of-function lab work being conducted to make bird flu, monkeypox and other viruses jump from animals to humans, and then spread pandemic-style across the globe? The health horrors the world has endured from Covid vaccines, masks, prescription medications, ventilators, lockdowns and social distancing all a taboo debate topic By Peter A. McCullough , MD, MPH, Chief Scientific Officer of the Wellness Company, says that the Covid vaccines and all the health horrors that come after getting them is a “taboo topic” for both administrations. New omicron (weak) subvariants are spreading and expected to infect millions of people this fall, so the pharmacies, doctors and hospitals of the Vaccine Industrial Complex of America are pushing hard for everyone (including children, pregnant women and infants) to get jabbed up with more mRNA gene therapy injections that cause heart malfunctions, turbo cancer, strange white rubbery clots in the vascular system and of course, “unexplainable” sudden death. Meanwhile, 97 percent of Americans already caught Covid at least once, if not 2, 3, or even 4 times, and that includes fully vaccinated and fully unvaccinated people, so for anyone to even consider another vaccine is preposterous, yet neither Presidential candidate nor the moderators brought any of this up during the nearly 2-hour debate. Why? Dr. McCullough explains how the more Covid shots one gets, the MORE likely they are to catch Covid, which is the complete opposite of everything the disease “experts” on television tell everyone. Still, the taboo topic wasn’t even mentioned at all during the whole debate. Nada. Nothing said. Dr. McCullough also said that toxic, virus-mimicking spike proteins from vaccines circulate in the body for up to six months, getting stuck in vital organs and tissues, so it’s no wonder why the injected sheeple feel horrible most of the time. What’s odd is that Donald J. Trump has spoken in the past, and recently, about addressing the pitfalls of vaccination, including mRNA gene therapy injections, and proposed that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. serve as a Vaccine Czar who would address all these medical inadequacies and health horror stories, where adults and children alike are maimed for life or murdered by vaccine violence. Why not bring it up at the debate? Of course, we know why the Left doesn’t bring it up; because it’s part of the depopulation plan and the chronic sick care nation we all have to deal with, no matter who is running the country. Join and share 👉
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​​GAIN OF FUNCTION research on viruses from bats, birds and monkeys funded with U.S. taxpayer money and nefariously created in Chinese Communist Party labs As an American, one should expect that taxpayer money goes directly to helping this country and its citizens prosper, including top-notch public education; fully functional roads, tunnels and bridges; and a strong military in all aspects, among other services. Without feeling like a conspiracy theorist, nobody should have to question whether our taxpayer money might be used to outright harm Americans, and what’s worse, in ways that we would all, on the surface, believe are helping us. That’s where the White Coat Waste Project comes into play, with a recent investigation that exposed how the USDA collaborates with the Chinese Communist Party and their Academy of Sciences to fund and create gain-of-function viruses to make viruses that normally only infect animals now infect humans. Sounds insane, right? 18 Members of Congress now demanding answers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture regarding millions of dollars spent creating new deadly viruses Who are the creators of these new viruses intending to kill? What other purpose could there possibly be for scientists to be creating “novel” viruses that leap from animals to humans and create pandemics? It’s obviously to create more biological weapons of mass destruction, going against the Geneva Convention and every ethical and moral obligation that modern medicine could violate. The letter from Congressional members to USDA boss Tom Vilsack reads, “We are disturbed by recent reports about the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) collaboration with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-linked Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on bird flu research. This research, funded by American taxpayers, could potentially generate dangerous new lab-created virus strains that threaten our national security and public health.” It’s a fact that Covid-19 gain of function virus was made in the Wuhan lab using U.S. taxpayer funds that Anthony “Insidious” Fauci directed to them by the millions. That man should be in prison for life without parole for mass murder, but instead, new research is being funded to make MORE deadly viruses that can leap from bats, birds and monkeys to humans so we can all experience more plandemics soon. The White Coat Waste Project used the Freedom of Information Act to uncover USDA documents revealing this latest Bird Flu collusion between the U.S. and Communist China. Previously, under oath, the Secretary of Agriculture swore that the U.S. was NOT colluding with the CCP to make Bird Flu have gain of function ability, saying “It’s really not a collaboration per se… To my knowledge there is not data sharing...all of this is basically walled off, so everything we’re doing stays with us, it doesn’t necessarily go to the UK or to China.” Never forget, the original story of the origins of Covid-19 was that some Chinamen were eating some bat soup that was infected or contaminated, and they somehow got infected themselves. You can’t make this stuff up (well, they did). Now, the U.S. is funneling millions to CCP labs to make new pandemic-style viruses they can “accidentally” release or claim terrorists stole from their labs and released. Either way, it wouldn’t happen, nor have happened, if these scientists weren’t being handed millions in grant money to work on it all. Period. On one of the USDA documents exposed through the FOIA requests, written on official USDA letterhead, a USDA microbiologist said the U.S. is engaged in a “tri-country” partnership with the UK and China to study “transmission dynamics of newly emerging avian influenza viruses.” Sounds quite nefarious. Join and share 👉
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U.S. election “Nostradamus” thinks Kamala Harris will win: But the outcome is up to you, he says A history professor and polling expert dubbed the "Nostradamus" of American politics has predicted that the Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris will win the 2024 presidential election, using his election model that reportedly has accurately predicted the winner for decades. "Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States, at least that's my prediction for the outcome of this race," Allan Lichtman, a presidential historian at American University, told the New York Times in a video interview that aired on Sept. 5. He followed his statement with a disclaimer: "But the outcome is up to you. So get out and vote." Lichtman, best known for his "Keys to the White House" system, earned his title of "Nostradamus" because he was able to predict that former President Donald Trump would win the 2016 polls. Immediately after the first 2024 presidential debate between Trump and President Joe Biden, he was also quick to warn that Biden would drop out of the race which could be a "tragic mistake for Democrats." Lichtman's simple, history-driven model, tunes out polls and pollsters and instead focuses on 13 true-or-false questions that he says hold the "keys" to the White House. According to him Harris currently holds eight keys. The keys system evaluates candidates based on various factors, including party gains in the prior midterm election, the incumbency factor, whether the nominees faced a primary contest, if there is a strong third-party candidate present, the state of the short-term and long-term economy, and if there have been major national policy changes. Additional keys, he said, include whether there is recent social unrest, a major White House scandal, the charisma of the incumbent and challenger, and a major foreign policy failure or success. However, he got one prediction wrong since he started giving forecasts in 1984. He failed in the 2000 election when he said that Al Gore would win instead of the eventual winner George W. Bush. Also, critics do not agree with his system. Statistician and election modeler Nate Silver has frequently denounced the 13 keys, calling the system "p-hacked BS." In a post on X, Silver challenged the history professor to a $250,000 bet over who could more accurately predict the 2024 election results. Poll: Trump holds narrow lead over Harris nationally Setting the prediction aside, national surveys reveal that Trump and Harris are still going neck-and-neck. A recent New York Times/Siena College poll suggested that the former POTUS leads the vice president nationally by 48 to 47 percent, well within the margin of error. It suggested that Harris was narrowly ahead in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania and tied in four other swing states: Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona. Meanwhile, a CBS News/YouGov poll put Harris ahead by one percentage point in Michigan and Wisconsin and tied in Pennsylvania. "As vice-president Harris has said since day one, we are the underdogs in this race. We have a lot of work to do to make sure we win this November, and that will require us to continue aggressively raising money," Jen O'Malley Dillon, Harris' campaign chair, said in an email to supporters on Sept. 8. "The electoral college benefits the Republican ticket. Even in 2020, when the Biden-Harris ticket won more votes than any ticket in history, the election came down to about 45,000 votes across the battleground states. This November, we anticipate margins to be similarly razor-thin. Every single vote will count." The latest numbers confirm that each candidate retains a remarkably stable base of loyalists, almost evenly splitting the country. Join and share 👉
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Kamala Harris is ‘just learning’ what her policies are: Jesse Watters
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CDC wants to inject BABIES with COVID-19 shots – but they aren’t licensed for kids under 12 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) wants babies to get doses of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. However, no COVID-19 vaccine is licensed for children under the age of 12. According to the public health agency's guidance issued on Aug. 30, children as young as six months old should get injected with either two doses of the 2024-2025 Moderna COVID-19 vaccine or three doses of the 2024-2025 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. For the latest Moderna injection, the CDC recommends that babies get the first dose at six months and the second dose a month after the first. For the latest Pfizer shot, the agency advises that the first dose should be given at six months. The second dose should be given three weeks after the first, and the third dose should be given at least eight weeks after the second. Following the CDC's guidance, nine-month-old babies must have been injected with the COVID-19 vaccine to be considered "up to date" with their vaccination. But the problem is that both the latest versions of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are not licensed for use on children under 12. This is because the Food and Drug Administration only granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for the new vaccines. Children's Health Defense (CHD) CEO Mary Holland remarked that the CDC is "absolutely misleading" the public by asserting that COVID-19 vaccines granted EUA are safe and effective. This is because EUA vaccines are not held to the same safety or efficacy standards as licensed vaccines. "By law, EUA products 'may be effective' and they have not undergone the safety testing required to permit licensing. This is one more horrific example of the CDC putting profits before people and acting as an unethical arm of Big Pharma's marketing operation," she said. "The earlier COVID-19 shots have been proven unsafe and ineffective. Now we're asked to believe that newer versions are miraculously safe and effective?" CDC still defends COVID-19 vaccines as "safe and effective" According to the CDC, "the benefits of COVID-19 vaccination outweigh the known risks of COVID-19 and possible severe complications." But Brian Hooker, CHD's chief scientific officer, begged to differ. He pointed to research showing the dangers of vaccine induced myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation) and pericarditis (heart lining inflammation). "It is criminal that these untested vaccines are being recommended to infants and children, especially given the fraudulent tactics to market them to an unsuspecting public," Hooker said. He stressed that there are still no licensed COVID-19 vaccines available for children under 12, so all COVID-19 injections given to young children are EUA products. The Defender explained that if a parent takes her children to get injected with the COVID-19 vaccine, her 12-year old could receive the fully licensed one. Meanwhile, her 11-year-old must get injected with the unlicensed COVID-19 vaccines available only under EUA. Hooker described the CDC's actions as problematic given that historically, regulatory authorities have interpreted the meaning of "safe" as the benefits outweighing the risks. He continued: "With the risk to children of dying from a COVID-19 infection being statistically zero, it is unclear if there is any benefit." Holland ultimately concluded that the CDC's new guidance is an insult to people’s intelligence. "I pray that parents will have the good sense to say no to these dangerous and unnecessary shots for babies," she said. Join and share 👉
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Young Adults & Children Covid Vaccine VAERS Statistics - Numerous Deaths From Heart Issues Right After Shot
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RIGGED: Google growth strategist admits search results manipulated to favor Kamala Harris Another undercover video from O'Keefe Media Group (OMG) has dropped, showing that search engine giant Google is manipulating its search engine results to favor Kamala Harris over Donald Trump. A Google growth strategist named Dakota Leazer told one of James O'Keefe's undercover "American Swiper" journalists that Google has been actively coordinating with the Kamala campaign to push her as the candidate Americans should vote for in 2024. In addition to the Kamala campaign paying for fake news headline ads that pretend to be from names like CNN and NPR, Google is colluding with the Kamala campaign to basically force its users to only see results that support her for president. "Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala," Leazer said. "It seemed to link out to legitimate news publication sites. So, it seemed like it was an ad from PBS, but it was really an ad for the Kamala campaign." Google's primary objective involves generating ad revenue through fear-based content Google is less concerned with producing search results that users actually want to see and more concerned with scaring the most users into clicking things that they otherwise might not click, which generates ad revenue for the company. According to Leazer, Google's entire business model relies on fear-based content to drive clicks and associated ad revenues. Without fear, Google would have a lot less cash flowing into its coffers. "I think whatever demographic is most fearful is going to be most profitable," Leazer told the OMG reporter, explaining that the left current represents the most fearful demographic that Google wants to exploit. "I think right now the left is more fearful than the right is," he added. "It's all about the share of the stock price. I think Google has a belief that one side will allow them to make more money." Other media outlets rely on fear-based programming to drive clicks as well, including CNN whose technical director, Charlie Chester, once stated that "fear sells." Since OMG's video featuring Leazer went public, Leazer reportedly took down all of his TikTok videos, including ones where he is seen wearing Google merchandise. He also removed his entire bio, including contact information. "This follows his exposure on hidden camera, where he admitted Google has been coordinating with the Kamala Harris campaign and manipulating search engine ads to favor her in the 2024 election," James O'Keefe tweeted. "Kamala Harris is controlled by corrupt Billionaires like Soros and Sundar Pichai Google's CEO," added "Truth Justice" (@ SpartaJustice) to the conversation on X, along with the following link: Join and share 👉
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James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) on X
BREAKING: Google Growth Strategist Exposes Google’s Search Engine Manipulation for Kamala Harris Campaign, Revenue-Driven Political Bias "Google was essentially promoting through its ads rhetoric that was very pro-Kamala,” admits Dakota Leazer (@dakotaleazer), a Growth
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