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لغة وموقع القناة

audience statistics Vaccine Choice Canada

Formed in response to growing parental concern regarding the safety of current vaccination programs in Canada. Vaccine Choice Canada (formerly VRAN) serves as a public information and resource group, and is committed to protecting children. 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
A judge in Australia has ruled that two of three arrests of freedom advocate Monica Smit were unlawful. 
Verdict is in!
Results are in…TWO out of the three were found to be UNLAWFUL. Full written judgement - https://www.countycourt.vic.gov.au/files/documents/2024-09/judgment-smit-v-state-victoria.pdf
If elected, Trump has promised to sign an executive order barring federal employees from “colluding to limit speech.” He stated: “We will fire every federal bureaucrat who is engaged in domestic censorship [under the current administration].” In recent years, the federal government has pressured social media companies to block some posts containing material it considered controversial, including about COVID-19 and vaccines. “I will bring back free speech in America because it’s been taken away” Trump said.
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Trump Proposes Anti-Censorship Order, Change to 25th Amendment at Wisconsin Rally
The former president suggests a change to the U.S. Constitution and a pledge to increase by tenfold the number of government regulations to eliminate.
Proud to be suing hospitals and doctors across the country that inject newborns with hep B vaccines without parental consent. This initiative, supported by , is long overdue!
Hep B Vaccines Administered Without Consent - Siri & Glimstad LLP
Parental consent is required for any medical procedure involving a child. Yet even when parents clearly decline the hep B vaccine for their newborn, sometimes hospital staff or doctors administer one anyway.
Fundraiser to save Alexis, organized by VSRF, an initiative of The Kirsch Foundation.
Save Alexis
Help pay for Alexis Lorenze's Medical Expenses
Chronically Sick Kids Need Better Mental Health Support — But What About Preventing Chronic Disease in the First Place? “The lack of nutrients in their diets is tied to the mental health crisis. Want to heal the emotional upheaval in our children? Feed them real food. There is extensive data supporting this relationship between real food and brain health.” — Dr. Michelle Perro READ MORE
Chronically Sick Kids Need Better Mental Health Support — But What About Preventing Chronic Disease in the First Place?
The author of an op-ed in MedPage Today called for better mental healthcare support for kids with chronic diseases. A pediatrician interviewed by The Defender agreed — but also called on the healthcare industry to do a better job of preventing chronic disease.
Watch: Experimental Polio Vaccine Rolled Out to Hundreds of Thousands of Children in Gaza Dr. Suzanne Humphries said WHO is deploying a genetically engineered oral vaccine to combat a type of vaccine-induced polio.
Watch: Experimental Polio Vaccine Rolled Out to Hundreds of Thousands of Children in Gaza
Vaccine safety expert Dr. Suzanne Humphries joined CHD.TV’s Polly Tommey to discuss the WHO’s polio vaccination campaign in Gaza. Humphries said the WHO is deploying a genetically engineered oral vaccine to combat a type of vaccine-induced polio.
Steve Kirsch goes live with Alexis Lorenze to get an update on her serious vaccine injury. He also interviews Dr. Suzanne Humphries, M.D., a licensed nephrologist and co-author of "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History."
Nicole Shanahan: “My daughter was diagnosed with autism when she was 18 months of age… She was healthy…and then she got a shot at 7 months of age, and by 10 months she was a different kid.”


1 071
Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports React19 is teaming up with computer programmer Liz Wilner, founder of OpenVAERS — a website that provides tools for more easily accessing and searching VAERS data — and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) to develop the tool. The team working on the new VAERS tracking system and audit said they hope it will raise public awareness and force the public health agencies to take responsibility for the vaccine injuries. READ MORE ⬇️
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Their Vaccine Injury Reports Disappeared From VAERS — So They Developed a Tool Anyone Can Use to Track Their Own Reports
After a group of people injured by the COVID-19 vaccine asked the FDA for an external audit of VAERS, they never heard from the agency again. Now they’re developing a system to audit vaccine injury reports in a continuing struggle to hold public health officials accountable.
1 159
The Democracy Fund won an appeal for a man who received a criminal record in connection to the protests that shut down the Ambassador Bridge in February 2022. Theodorus DeBoer, pleaded guilty to one count of mischief in relation to obstructing traffic leading up to the bridge back in November 2023. As part of a plea deal TDF lawyers negotiated, the prosecution agreed to drop the more serious charge of disobeying a court order. The trial judge, however, took the unusual step of rejecting the recommendation of the lawyers and imposed a sentence, which involved probation and a criminal record. TDF lawyer Alan Honner argued the appeal, and the Appellate Court agreed with Honner’s submission that the trial judge erred and the criminal record was vacated. TDF represented over a dozen protestors criminally charged in connection to the protests. With this successful appeal, not a single TDF client ended up with a criminal record.
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TDF wins appeal for man who received criminal record as a result of Windsor protest
1 287
Jordan Peterson blasted Bonnie Henry, one of Canada’s most authoritative provincial health officers, calling her “power mad” and “detestable” for keeping jab mandates for healthcare workers in place for so long. “Bonnie Henry is arguably the most detestable progressive political figure in all of Canada,” Peterson wrote September 5 on X. “A true authoritarian in sheep’s clothing. She is literally everything wrong with the delusional utopian powermad left. No conservative or true liberal would tolerate her policies.” This in response to David Schreck, who wrote a post in support of Henry claiming “She saved thousands of lives guiding us through the pandemic.” 
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Jordan Peterson calls Canadian health official 'detestable’ for excessively extending COVID jab mandates - LifeSite
'Authoritarian' British Columbia health officer Bonnie Henry kept the COVID shot requirement for healthcare workers in place longer than other provinces.
1 874
In the year 2000, retired engineering professor John Brignell of the University of Southampton started a website called "Number Watch." This site is devoted to the monitoring of the misleading numbers that rain down on us via the media, politicians, bureaucrats, quasi-scientists generating unnecessary alarm and panic. In 2006, Brignell began compiling "The Warmlist. A complete list of things caused by global warming." The list, an aggregation of links to mainstream media articles purporting to report on events and phenomena that have been attributed to "global warming" and 'climate change" speaks for itself.
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1 179
Alexis Lorenze, who has Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), was recently admitted to UCI Medical Center in California. There, she underwent a bone marrow biopsy and received 2-3 blood transfusions. However, the hospital refused to administer further treatment until her vaccinations were up to date. On September 14, 2024, she was given tetanus, meningitis, and pneumonia vaccines all at once. 10 minutes later, she experienced a sudden loss of vision and was unable to move her arms. Since then, her condition has worsened. Despite her attempts to document her situation, the hospital has reportedly become hostile towards her, resulting in inadequate care. They are denying her water, restricting her access to the bathroom, and only providing her with pain medication. Alexis has been keeping a record of everything since she was admitted to the hospital. More info:
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1 721
Please pray for Alexis Lorenze. She had reaction to meningitis, pneumonia and tetanus vax all given at once. She’s getting worse😭



1 932
RJK Jr declared - "The most profitable asset in America today is a sick child. We're going to end the chronic disease epidemic. We're going to start on day one. We're going to declare a public health emergency." 
146K views · 14K reactions | Don't you want a President that's going...
Don't you want a President that's going to Make America Helathy Again? I'm convinced President Trump is commited to ending the chronic disease epidemic...
1 213
If elected, Trump has promised to sign an executive order barring federal employees from “colluding to limit speech.” He stated: “We will fire every federal bureaucrat who is engaged in domestic censorship [under the current administration].”   In recent years, the federal government has pressured social media companies to block some posts containing material it considered controversial, including about COVID-19 and vaccines. “I will bring back free speech in America because it’s been taken away,” Trump said.
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Trump Proposes Anti-Censorship Order, Change to 25th Amendment at Wisconsin Rally
The former president suggests a change to the U.S. Constitution and a pledge to increase by tenfold the number of government regulations to eliminate.
1 250
International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do? Five clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered have formed an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation.
International scientists have found autism's cause. What will Americans do?
Five clear, replicable, and related discoveries explaining how autism is triggered have formed an undeniably clear picture of autism’s causation.
1 219
US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any international agreement on pandemic preparedness to be subject to Senate ratification. , introduced by Rep. Tom Tiffany requires any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification.” Senate ratification requires a 2/3 vote. 49 Senators went on record in May as being against the IHR amendments.
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US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any international agreement on pandemic preparedness to be subject to Senate ratification
This is huge. Miracles can happen. 2 years ago these bills were nonstarters.
1 387
New study finds unique gut microbiomes in children with autism. They didn't need a study for this. All they needed to do was ask the parents who watched it happen after vaccination.
New study finds unique gut microbiomes in children with autism.
They didn't need a study for this. All they needed to do was ask the parents who watched it happen after vaccination.
1 376
Notice two things about the SV-40 cancer wave which apply now to the Covid Vaccine cancer tip-in. 1. The peak in cancers took 34 years to manifest. Victims died in their 40's/50's. 2. The Law of Large Numbers tip-in happened immediately however. Our excess cancer death at tip-in is 50 x larger than the one back then - per capita.
1 318
FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data Critics say that the agency should not be making an assertion about safety and effectiveness in the absence of clinical trial data. “The assertion rings hollow when FDA has not required manufacturers of the mRNA biological [products] to provide scientific evidence to the public that safety and effectiveness has been demonstrated,” Barbara Loe Fisher  
FDA Authorizes New COVID-19 Vaccine Without Clinical Data
Novavax’s shot, which targets the JN.1 variant, has been authorized.
1 285
‘The Poison in Us All’: New Documentary Exposes ‘Forever Chemicals’ Scandal
‘The Poison in Us All’: New Documentary Exposes ‘Forever Chemicals’ Scandal
“The Poison in Us All," a documentary by Bloomberg Investigates, explores the origins of PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” and how they are putting our lives and the lives of future generations at risk.
1 265
Bill Gates to use AI to silence those that oppose his ‘vaccines’. “We should have free speech, but if you’re inciting violence…OR if you’re causing people NOT to take vaccines, where are those boundaries that even the US should have rules?” -Bill Gates


1 679
Risk of Infection Increases With Each mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Dose, Study Shows A study in Clinical Infectious Diseases found that the COVID-19 vaccine increased susceptibility to infection and was only 19 percent effective against the dominant variant...
Risk of Infection Increases With Each mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Dose, Study Shows
A study in Clinical Infectious Diseases found that the COVID-19 vaccine increased susceptibility to infection and was only 19 percent effective against the dominant variant when approved.
1 261
Clean water saved the world, not vaccination. The cornerstone of this revelation comes from a paper from Harvard University, published in 2004: “Clean water was responsible for a 74% decline in infant mortality and nearly 62% decline in child mortality... also appears to have led to the near eradication of typhoid fever [and other] scourges such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, meningitis, diphtheria, and croup. Clean water technologies are likely the most important public health intervention of the 20th century.”
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1 696
In its Pfizer’s promotional video for the “School of Science Mobile Experience,” students are greeted by a Pfizer robot dog, which makes several appearances during their field trip. Michael Kane, founder of Teachers for Choice, stated, “They are bringing these dogs to the kids in such a disarming way — showing how cute this robotic dog is when it looks precisely like the dogs that they’re putting out into police departments and into the military.” That is very frightening in terms of what they’re programming these children to be used to and to think is cool, and to think is normal.” Read the full article:
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1 530
Students enter the Pfizer mobile trailer for a “fantastic, interactive, escape-room-like experience,” where they work with Pfizer employees to solve a mystery about a pandemic outbreak that starts with people showing up in doctor’s offices with scaly, lizard-like skin. “It’s definitely crossing a line from education to directly marketing or promoting their products to kids,” said Michael Kane, New York City educator and founder of Teachers for Choice. “It just feels so wrong.” Read the full article:
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1 445
Pfizer Launches Bone-Chilling New Plan Say hello to PfizerForAll™, a direct to consumer platform that helps Pfizer monetize the sniffles, but with better margins, because it cuts out the doctor-patient relationship.
Pfizer Launches Bone-Chilling New Plan
Say hello to PfizerForAll™, a direct to consumer platform that helps Pfizer monetize the sniffles, but with better margins, because it cuts out the doctor-patient relationship.
1 267
Drugmakers Shower Young Doctors With Gifts, Freebies — They Hope to Get Something in Return Makers of drug and medical devices target doctors early in their careers, through payments, free meals and sponsored education, to “cultivate long term, reciprocal relationships,” according to the authors of an editorial published Monday in The BMJ. “Ultimately, these relationships threaten the sustainability of healthcare and expose patients to unnecessary risk or harm,” wrote Alice Fabbri, Ph.D., and Quinn Grundy, Ph.D. There's a clear conflict of interest and we pay the price.
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Drugmakers Shower Young Doctors With Gifts, Freebies — They Hope to Get Something in Return
Ultimately, these relationships threaten the sustainability of healthcare and expose patients to unnecessary risk or harm, according to Alice Fabbri, Ph.D., and Quinn Grundy, Ph.D., authors of an editorial published Monday in The BMJ.
1 256
💥 Robert F. Kennedy Jr & John Stossel Debate the Science & Propaganda Behind Childhood Vaccines "There's a series of about 13 studies that were done by people we call 'biostitutes'. There are people who do these studies for money for CDC...in order to create the illusion that vaccines don't cause autism...If you listen to what the propaganda that CDC tells you, yeah vaccines don't cause autism but it's propaganda. This is a captive agency that is intertwined and owned by the pharmaceutical industry."
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1 459
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