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audience statistics Dr David Martin

Putting Humanity back into Humans 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
"Net zero really means net zero food, net zero clothes, net zero freedom, net zero travel." Australian senator Malcolm Roberts: "Net zero is a policy of... destroying farming through a death by a thousand regulatory cuts, strangling farmers with restrictions on water use, and on farm chemicals and fertilisers, and even their soil." "Strangling the life out of rural Australia in the name of reducing carbon dioxide, which fertilises the very food these net zero ideologues eat."


15 482
🚨This is what they don’t want you knowing about C@ncer. Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


7 992
Bill Gates is "surprised" by people's "difficulty in trusting government". "The misinformation stuff has surprised me, and the difficulty in trusting government and coming together to help government do its job." "You'd better really pay attention to these, because it's pretty important to reverse those."


9 695
It's our time. We must unite. It's time to RESCUE THE REPUBLIC. Join us in Washington D.C on 9/29/24 --- 🚨WATCH: Mikki Willis' New Documentary, "Rescue The Republic" Will Pull Back The Curtain And Devastate The Deep State Like They've Never Been Devastated Before "Nearly every war we have fought was initiated by their propaganda. As their Empire of Lies is collapsing they are becoming increasingly desperate and dangerous" Join ➣ 👉

Mikki Willis.mp4

6 364
"My name is Mitch Aguiar. I'm a former United States Navy SEAL and currently an MMA fighter. More importantly, I'm a freedom fighter that's had my social media accounts banned for speaking the truth. This video of me in the streets of NYC calling out Fauci, the Covid vaccines and the government got my largest Instagram account banned and massively impacted my personal business that I started from scratch 7 years ago. Moving forward I plan on being far more active here on X. Ever since Elon Musk took over this really seems to be one of the only platforms where I can truly speak my mind without worrying about being censored and banned. I greatly appreciate anyone that wants to join me in this ongoing fight for freedom and justice!" Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...

Mitch Aguiar.mp4

8 842
Bill Gates: "Malaria, no doubt, needs more funding...the new vaccine in particular is not a magic bullet. It only protects children for well under a year. We'll use it and learn about it in a few places...we need to keep working on much better vaccine that would give you lifelong protection..." Join ➣ 👉


9 872
Make sure you register for this event and share it with friends. The content is remarkable and well worth your investment and time.
Long COVID Masterclass | Registration Page
Long COVID Mysteries Solved: What You Need To Know Now
10 473
BREAKING: New reports reveal that NYC's former COVID czar hosted secret, drug-fueled sex parties during the height of the global pandemic. ➡️


9 942
Why are people wearing masks again?

Why are people wearing masks again.mp4

16 063
Alex Jones: "We now learned this year that $2.3 billion was given by the government, by the CDC and FDA to pharmacies, mainly Walgreens and CVS to not prescribe Ivermectin and things that the doctors were prescribing. And now the feds have had to admit: "Ok it did work, we suppressed it, we're sorry, we killed a bunch of people." So we've got to the point where big pharma with kind of Bill Gates up at the top, who's not even a doctor is deciding through these systems what doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners can do. And then they also get to hang you guys out to dry, decertify you, try to get you fired. This is really a very dangerous cartel." Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...

Alex Jones.mp4

16 981
The secrets to Holistic Healing you need to know about! Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


13 279
BREAKING: Moderna is reducing its plans for developing new vaccines after a significant drop in demand for its COVID-19 shot, leading to a sharp decline in revenue over recent years, making it difficult to fund further vaccine research. ➡️
15 556
Pfizer filled a patent for a coronavirus vaxx 20 years before the pandemic! Government vaccine scientist says they prepared before hand and weaponized the virus so it could be used to enforce obedience through tyrannical healthcare mandates. Join ➣ 👉

Pfizer filled.mp4

16 166
One of Bill Gates companies has 61000 satellites that “will be able to watch every square inch of this earth” You guys might not see it, but they’re trying to turn earth into a prison planet.

One of Bill Gates companies has 61000.mp4

14 327
During Covid Legacy Media were so busy churning out non-stop fear porn for an imaginary virus that sometimes they got sloppy.


30 001
Let’s not forget the work we are doing for medical freedom. Griner v Biden and CMS. provides a wonderful update and it might not be the result we wanted but as he says we may be bent but “we are not broken. “ Join ➣ 👉
Dr David Martin
Putting Humanity back into Humans
14 954
Tulsi Gabbard confirms she is still on a secret terror watchlist, and the TSA is refusing to answer to Congress’ questions about it “This Quiet Skies terror watchlist that I’m on, Congress has never seen who’s on the list. Senator Rand Paul and many other members of Congress sent letters of investigation demanding, ‘show your documentation. If you put Tulsi Gabbard on a terror watchlist, you must have a pretty damn good reason for doing it.’ The deadline passed, they have delivered no evidence.” 🗺
عرض المزيد ...


19 863
Another courageous voice suggesting that corporate profits influence WHAT SCIENCE anyone ever sees and how this corrupts policy. Thanks @ FLSurgeonGen speaking at @ IAOMT
18 893
Brilliant presentation by @ DrJBhattacharya on evidenced based policies (and failure of the same) show lockdowns put 100 million into poverty and starvation for as many as 130 million... based on POLICY, not pandemic! @ IAOMT
18 032
Absolutely love referring back to the Healing Web for all of the holistic healing remedies 🙏🏻 Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


8 014
Absolutely love referring back to the Healing Web for all of the holistic healing remedies 🙏🏻 Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


Tulsi Gabbard: "Kamala says she believes in freedom, but I was put on a secret terror watch list after I publicly criticized her. No one will be safe from political retaliation under a Harris administration. I put my life on the line for this country. Now the government calls me a terror threat." 🗺


15 472
Great day @ IAOMT
13 793
Looking forward to the lecture at the @ IAOMT conference in DC where I'll discuss the sinister use of maritime law to subvert constitutional protections of liberty and human rights --- Typo...1910 for the Flexner Report...
15 416
As explained by , the WHO is a "criminal racketeering organization"—founded by eugenicists—which has been, since 1953, "exclusively a vaccine promoting enterprise, for the benefit of the people who have a commercial interest in vaccines". "The minute the people who have a financial incentive to gain from the decision to declare a pandemic, the minute they're the ones who are collecting data... they're going to collect the data that actually justifies their existence." "As long as the financial interest that dictates what product is going to be promoted is the one making the declaration of the pandemic, we have no possibility for accountability. We have no possibility for justice." Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...

David Martin.mp4

14 768
The Truth Behind Global Vaccine Strategy and Public Perception.

The Truth Behind Global Vaccine Strategy.mp4

21 470
Heiko was an incredibly fit athlete. His life has been destroyed by the covid vaccine. ❤️Please support him and the people who made this documentary by sharing. Join ➣ 👉


15 508
COVID Injections Affect a Recipient’s Hippocampus Dr. Michael Nehls describes for Tucker Carlson how the COVID injections affect a recipient's hippocampus—that is, the part of the brain that's involved in many cognitive functions, including memory and learning. Tucker Carlson: "For those of us who've noticed that people who've taken the mRNA vax and boosters seem different psychologically, we're not imagining that." Michael Nehls: "No. It's what's really happening." Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, a molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator. Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans. Join 👉
عرض المزيد ...


13 623
When "they" tell you it saved lives and ended disease, remember that the first "they" killed his own grandson with the Salk-Cutter-Lilly shot!
Ochsner Cutter polio incident
Clipping found in The Times published in Shreveport, Louisiana on 5/5/1955. Ochsner Cutter polio incident
19 753
BREAKING: A new Japanese research study links the Covid vaccine to permanent blindness. ➡️
16 587
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