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all posts Dr David Martin

Putting Humanity back into Humans 
59 405-10
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"Net zero really means net zero food, net zero clothes, net zero freedom, net zero travel." Australian senator Malcolm Roberts: "Net zero is a policy of... destroying farming through a death by a thousand regulatory cuts, strangling farmers with restrictions on water use, and on farm chemicals and fertilisers, and even their soil." "Strangling the life out of rural Australia in the name of reducing carbon dioxide, which fertilises the very food these net zero ideologues eat."


16 332
🚨This is what they don’t want you knowing about C@ncer. Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


8 198
Bill Gates is "surprised" by people's "difficulty in trusting government". "The misinformation stuff has surprised me, and the difficulty in trusting government and coming together to help government do its job." "You'd better really pay attention to these, because it's pretty important to reverse those."


9 944
It's our time. We must unite. It's time to RESCUE THE REPUBLIC. Join us in Washington D.C on 9/29/24 --- 🚨WATCH: Mikki Willis' New Documentary, "Rescue The Republic" Will Pull Back The Curtain And Devastate The Deep State Like They've Never Been Devastated Before "Nearly every war we have fought was initiated by their propaganda. As their Empire of Lies is collapsing they are becoming increasingly desperate and dangerous" Join ➣ 👉

Mikki Willis.mp4

6 521
"My name is Mitch Aguiar. I'm a former United States Navy SEAL and currently an MMA fighter. More importantly, I'm a freedom fighter that's had my social media accounts banned for speaking the truth. This video of me in the streets of NYC calling out Fauci, the Covid vaccines and the government got my largest Instagram account banned and massively impacted my personal business that I started from scratch 7 years ago. Moving forward I plan on being far more active here on X. Ever since Elon Musk took over this really seems to be one of the only platforms where I can truly speak my mind without worrying about being censored and banned. I greatly appreciate anyone that wants to join me in this ongoing fight for freedom and justice!" Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...

Mitch Aguiar.mp4

8 842
Bill Gates: "Malaria, no doubt, needs more funding...the new vaccine in particular is not a magic bullet. It only protects children for well under a year. We'll use it and learn about it in a few places...we need to keep working on much better vaccine that would give you lifelong protection..." Join ➣ 👉


9 872
Make sure you register for this event and share it with friends. The content is remarkable and well worth your investment and time.
Long COVID Masterclass | Registration Page
Long COVID Mysteries Solved: What You Need To Know Now
10 473
BREAKING: New reports reveal that NYC's former COVID czar hosted secret, drug-fueled sex parties during the height of the global pandemic. ➡️


10 148
Why are people wearing masks again?

Why are people wearing masks again.mp4

16 063
Alex Jones: "We now learned this year that $2.3 billion was given by the government, by the CDC and FDA to pharmacies, mainly Walgreens and CVS to not prescribe Ivermectin and things that the doctors were prescribing. And now the feds have had to admit: "Ok it did work, we suppressed it, we're sorry, we killed a bunch of people." So we've got to the point where big pharma with kind of Bill Gates up at the top, who's not even a doctor is deciding through these systems what doctors, nurses and nurse practitioners can do. And then they also get to hang you guys out to dry, decertify you, try to get you fired. This is really a very dangerous cartel." Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...

Alex Jones.mp4

16 981
The secrets to Holistic Healing you need to know about! Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


13 279
BREAKING: Moderna is reducing its plans for developing new vaccines after a significant drop in demand for its COVID-19 shot, leading to a sharp decline in revenue over recent years, making it difficult to fund further vaccine research. ➡️
15 556
Pfizer filled a patent for a coronavirus vaxx 20 years before the pandemic! Government vaccine scientist says they prepared before hand and weaponized the virus so it could be used to enforce obedience through tyrannical healthcare mandates. Join ➣ 👉

Pfizer filled.mp4

16 166
One of Bill Gates companies has 61000 satellites that “will be able to watch every square inch of this earth” You guys might not see it, but they’re trying to turn earth into a prison planet.

One of Bill Gates companies has 61000.mp4

14 327
During Covid Legacy Media were so busy churning out non-stop fear porn for an imaginary virus that sometimes they got sloppy.


30 001
Let’s not forget the work we are doing for medical freedom. Griner v Biden and CMS. provides a wonderful update and it might not be the result we wanted but as he says we may be bent but “we are not broken. “ Join ➣ 👉
Dr David Martin
Putting Humanity back into Humans
14 954
Tulsi Gabbard confirms she is still on a secret terror watchlist, and the TSA is refusing to answer to Congress’ questions about it “This Quiet Skies terror watchlist that I’m on, Congress has never seen who’s on the list. Senator Rand Paul and many other members of Congress sent letters of investigation demanding, ‘show your documentation. If you put Tulsi Gabbard on a terror watchlist, you must have a pretty damn good reason for doing it.’ The deadline passed, they have delivered no evidence.” 🗺
عرض المزيد ...


19 863
Another courageous voice suggesting that corporate profits influence WHAT SCIENCE anyone ever sees and how this corrupts policy. Thanks @ FLSurgeonGen speaking at @ IAOMT
18 893
Brilliant presentation by @ DrJBhattacharya on evidenced based policies (and failure of the same) show lockdowns put 100 million into poverty and starvation for as many as 130 million... based on POLICY, not pandemic! @ IAOMT
18 032
Absolutely love referring back to the Healing Web for all of the holistic healing remedies 🙏🏻 Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


8 014
Absolutely love referring back to the Healing Web for all of the holistic healing remedies 🙏🏻 Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


Tulsi Gabbard: "Kamala says she believes in freedom, but I was put on a secret terror watch list after I publicly criticized her. No one will be safe from political retaliation under a Harris administration. I put my life on the line for this country. Now the government calls me a terror threat." 🗺


15 472
Great day @ IAOMT
13 793
Looking forward to the lecture at the @ IAOMT conference in DC where I'll discuss the sinister use of maritime law to subvert constitutional protections of liberty and human rights --- Typo...1910 for the Flexner Report...
15 416
As explained by , the WHO is a "criminal racketeering organization"—founded by eugenicists—which has been, since 1953, "exclusively a vaccine promoting enterprise, for the benefit of the people who have a commercial interest in vaccines". "The minute the people who have a financial incentive to gain from the decision to declare a pandemic, the minute they're the ones who are collecting data... they're going to collect the data that actually justifies their existence." "As long as the financial interest that dictates what product is going to be promoted is the one making the declaration of the pandemic, we have no possibility for accountability. We have no possibility for justice." Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...

David Martin.mp4

14 768
The Truth Behind Global Vaccine Strategy and Public Perception.

The Truth Behind Global Vaccine Strategy.mp4

21 470
Heiko was an incredibly fit athlete. His life has been destroyed by the covid vaccine. ❤️Please support him and the people who made this documentary by sharing. Join ➣ 👉


15 508
COVID Injections Affect a Recipient’s Hippocampus Dr. Michael Nehls describes for Tucker Carlson how the COVID injections affect a recipient's hippocampus—that is, the part of the brain that's involved in many cognitive functions, including memory and learning. Tucker Carlson: "For those of us who've noticed that people who've taken the mRNA vax and boosters seem different psychologically, we're not imagining that." Michael Nehls: "No. It's what's really happening." Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, a molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator. Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans. Join 👉
عرض المزيد ...


13 623
When "they" tell you it saved lives and ended disease, remember that the first "they" killed his own grandson with the Salk-Cutter-Lilly shot!
Ochsner Cutter polio incident
Clipping found in The Times published in Shreveport, Louisiana on 5/5/1955. Ochsner Cutter polio incident
19 753
BREAKING: A new Japanese research study links the Covid vaccine to permanent blindness. ➡️
16 587
This was misinformation.
25 617
#PsyWar SAFE and EFFECTIVE video compilation The repeated messaging “Safe and Effective” (without ever defining or qualifying either term) has been one of the most effective PsyWar / PsyOp campaigns in modern history. This method of repeating terms like this is one example of neurolinguistic programming, a highly effective PsyWar tactic. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬


16 866
🚨This is what they don’t want you knowing about C@ncer. Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


13 034
Just a reminder, @ MCAMGlobal tracks the patents and funding for all 68 of these weapon platforms
Select Agents and Toxins List | Federal Select Agent Program
View a list of biological agents and toxins that have been determined to have the potential to pose a severe threat to both human and animal health, to plant health, or to animal and plant products.
15 905
Breaking: Tobacco nicotine destroys nanobots in shots A new study by microscopists with La Quinta Columna has shown that the “self assembling entities” found inside Pfizer, Moderna, and most recently, dental anesthetic, are “totally destroyed” by a nicotine mixture, derived from stepping tobacco in distilled water. Researcher Rafa Calvin made this discovery by isolating a sample of dental anesthetic for 30 days, then applying a nicotine mixture taken from a solution of 1 gram of Tabacco and 5ccs of distilled water. In the video above, you can see that when the nicotine mixture interacts with the nanotechnology, the structures disintegrate and disappear completely. La Quinta Columna is now testing this nicotine solution on a Pfizer shot sample, and if successful, may have the beginnings of a treatment protocol for detoxing humans of this alien technology. This would include use of nicotine without additives, straight from tobacco, not cigarettes you buy in the store. Nicotine has already been identified by Dr. Bryan Ardis and others to uniquely combat covid infection, by safeguarding receptors, a phenomenon even recognized by establishment scientists. Could nicotine hold the key to defeating invasive nanotechnology?
عرض المزيد ...

Tobacco nicotine destroys nanobots in shots.mp4

112 277
7 837
BREAKING: The World Health Organization and its partners are launching a polio vaccination campaign in Gaza, aiming to vaccinate over 640,000 children under the age of 10. ➡️


13 714
🚨 URGENT: For the one who is still not accepted, this is your last chance to join. This is the battle we must fight together. He already started posting! RFK Jr. has just LAUNCHED his Telegram— and he's bringing explosive proof that’ll shatter the web of deception like NEVER before! 🚨 This is the smoking gun. A devastating revelation that connects the dots across years of cover-ups, covert operations, and hidden agendas they’ve buried in the shadows. What’s coming will have them scrambling—their game is about to implode. The moment is NOW, Patriots. Only when we reach critical mass will he unleash the truth that’ll bring the whole house of cards crashing down. The clock is ticking. Join now. The reckoning awaits! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ✅️ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ✅️
عرض المزيد ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
A STORM IS COMING. If you know you know. We gonna make America to be a better country!
10 561
POWERFUL MUST-WATCH INTERVIEW: Dr. David Martin Drops The Biggest COVID Bombshells Yet & Lays Out A Path To Victory Against The Biological Terrorists

Dr. David Martin Drops The Biggest COVID Bombshells Yet.mp4

38 509
1 415
Just finished an hour conversation with @ RealAlexJones on the anatomy of the bioterror take down of democracy.... make sure you take a listen👇👇👇
15 360
BREAKING: A United Nations legal affairs official has said he doubts the U.N. will survive a second Trump term and admitted that his colleagues are "terrified" of his reelection. ➡️


14 421
This was a great interview - it is always fun speaking with Alex! Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism We Are In A Fight Between Good & Evil 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬

Monkeypox Is Psychological Bioterrorism.mp4

15 369
🚨 URGENT: RFK Jr. has just LAUNCHED his Telegram— and he's bringing explosive proof that’ll shatter the web of deception like NEVER before! 🚨 This is the smoking gun. A devastating revelation that connects the dots across years of cover-ups, covert operations, and hidden agendas they’ve buried in the shadows. What’s coming will have them scrambling—their game is about to implode. The moment is NOW, Patriots. Only when we reach critical mass will he unleash the truth that’ll bring the whole house of cards crashing down. The clock is ticking. Join now. The reckoning awaits! Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ✅️ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ✅️
عرض المزيد ...
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
A STORM IS COMING... We gonna make America to be a better country!
13 496
DOJ lawyer admits that the FDA’s war against was an abuse of authority but only after Doctors win their lawsuit. 🔹👉🏻


14 342
Monkeypox a Cover for Covid Injection Side Effects, Warns Dr. David Martin I chat with @ ALEXNEWMAN_JOU on @ NewAmericanMag about and what we should be concerned about in reality

Monkeypox a Cover for Covid Injection Side Effects.mp4

26 194
-Arresting peaceful protesters who are deemed political enemies -Assassination attempts on politicians -Bank account closures because of political beliefs -Arrests of platform owners if they don’t install backdoors for government spying -Threatening and revoking licenses of doctors if they don’t blindly follow the CDC -Big Pharma poisoning our children with no recourse -Pushing of trans-agenda and encouraging medical mutilation on the youth We are witnessing a totalitarian takeover. Subscribe and share ➡️➡️
عرض المزيد ...
15 812
Pavel Durov, fearless founder of Telegram and defender of free speech was arrested today in Paris on trumped up charges because he won't cooperate with governments who want to spy on their citizens data and posts on Telegram. This is so wrong. Subscribe and share ➡️➡️
14 067
Hello, I'm curious if anyone would like to join a Channel for Natural Recipes, Natural Remedies and Natural Cure? It includes recipes 🍏🫐 , HealthCare tips, 👩‍⚕️🥬 and much more that’s helped me and countless others make positive & healthy choices. We want to keep this channel positive - NO negativity allowed. Great stories and positive vibes. Anyone is welcome ❤️🥰 Share and subscribe: 👇👇👇 ⌛ Alternative Medicine Alternative Medicine
Alternative Medicine
How to stop taking pills and forget about going to the doctor? Take care of your body and use natural ingredients!
8 346
"Today I’m going to set the record straight by explaining my exact posture, point-by-point, on what is probably the most controversial issue of my campaign—a medical safety issue that impacts every one of us. If you take a few minutes to listen, I think you might be surprised to find out how much we actually agree." -Robert F. Kennedy Jr 👆👆👆 I consider RFK jr a noble, honest soul who truly seeks to help his fellow humans. I consider him a friend, and hope he thinks of me as a friend, even though we respectfully disagree about some policies. We also strongly agree about many others. I once encouraged him to run for president because of these shared beliefs. This video is at the heart of why he ran for president to begin with. While the world is watching to see what decision he makes about his campaign, I would like them to see this video spreading far and wide. I hope you can help me to achieve this. 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
عرض المزيد ...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.mp4

15 098
👆👆👆👆 I comment about @ RobertKennedyJr and @ realDonaldTrump at about 44 minutes into this conversation recorded earlier this week with ...
15 828
If vaccines are safe, then why do pharmaceutical companies need legal immunity, because they are not safe and not effective and they profit on the backs of people’s health by using the public as guinea pigs!!
21 951
Robert Malone has some of the most profound thoughts on our current situation. Remarkable that those who appreciate mRNA technology give little credit to the person who first envisioned the concept. He more than anyone else can also probably grasp the risks. Join ▶️


14 075
Agree 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
13 293
"Catturd" s one of the best channels out there on Telegram! ‘I highly recommend you to join one of the most honest, authentic and truth telling channels on Telegram and it comes with a terrific sense of humor too!’ says one follower. He is exposing the bad actors and Government one post at a time! America is the people's country! Join & Share https://t.me/TheCatturd ✅️
Catturd ™️
The turd you can’t flush.
10 500
VSRF Live #140: Down the Rabbit Hole part 3: Dr. David Martin This week's guest, , PhD., is an expert in a wide range of scientific, historical and other forensic areas of study, he never fails to deliver eye-opening revelations of the well-orchestrated maneuvering which has occurred over the last decades between military groups, big pharma, world governments and clandestine cabals, all of which have created these chaotic times we now inhabit. Join us for this mind-blowing discussion and as always, please share this link and bring some friends. Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...

Down the Rabbit Hole part 3- Dr. David Martin.mp4

15 278
🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇦🇺 Dear fellow citizens, The following text contains some premium conspiracy theories on the subject of “monkeypox”. At least that's what those who believe in what the TV tells them would claim. But because almost all of the old conspiracy theories have come true in the meantime, we are now getting a new supply: As you probably know, the has already issued the highest global health alert for () last week, although the spread is only limited to some regions of Africa. You probably also know that a simulation game on the topic of “monkeypox” took place at the Munich Security Conference in 2021. One of the participants was Jeremy Farrar, the then director of the billion-dollar health foundation “Wellcome Trust” (funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, among others). As luck would have it, Farrar has been Chief Scientist at the WHO since last year. At the end of 2023, enters into a strategic partnership with the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). CEPI was founded in Davos in 2016 (WEF sends its regards) and is an alliance of the WHO, the EU Commission, individual governments, pharmaceutical companies, (private) donors and foundations. The “Wellcome Trust”, the Gates Foundation and the UN stand out in the 2024 investor overview. In May 2024, BioNTech and CEPI announced that they are expanding their portfolio for mRNA vaccines - including vaccines against Mpox. At the same time, the monkeypox vaccine “Imvanex” from “Bavarian Nordic” is already being produced in Denmark and is the only one to be approved in both the EU and the USA. So much for the crystal-clear facts. If you want to find out more, you will find a good place to start in the list of links at the end of this article (unfortunately only available in German). [1] In the meantime, during my own research, I came across further, rather disturbing information: 🚑 Did you know that the Austrian Red Cross (Tyrol section) for example, is now looking for new employees for vaccination centers? The tasks include managing patient flows, preparing barcodes and vaccination certificates as well as carrying out mobile vaccinations. Applicants are expected to be “assertive”, among other things. From the end of September, the new employees will receive a gross salary of around €2,450 per month at their place of work in Vienna. [2] 💰 BioNTech previously announced in the German business newspaper Handelsblatt that they expect 90 percent of their total sales to be generated by the end of 2024. [3] 🏗 Currently, BioNTech is building its first commercial African vaccine factory in Rwanda. The focus here also includes mRNA vaccines against Mpox. Some old acquaintances traveled to the opening: EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock gave themselves the dubious honor. Incidentally, Germany is supporting the development of the vaccine production in Rwanda with almost 36 million euros of German taxpayers' money. [4] ⚠️ Dear readers, do you believe in coincidences? ‼️ I DO NOT! Kind regards, Yours, Christine Anderson, MEP _ [1], [2], [3], [4] The following link leads to my homepage, where you will find all the corresponding links to the original sources: Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...
15 143
ICYMI: 2 years ago Monkeypox | Joshua Philipp of Epoch Times | Countdown to Monkeypox & China Controlled WHO Occupation ➡️Zelenko Protocol Please follow us

Monkeypox - Joshua Philipp of Epoch Times.mp4

19 072
I’m sorry to say, but whoever gives into the monkeypox false narrative is a lost case. This is a continuation of psychological warfare and domestic terrorism. Biden administration, WHO, gates, Dustin Moskowitz, cdc, fda, nih, the whore media and many others are complicit in crimes against God and humanity. They represent the collective primordial serpent. My advice is to do the exact opposite of what is being recommended. Obama, you and your forked tongue should know that the God of Israel has a Devine reckoning for you. We know that this is your third term by proxy through the demented jester biden. I will rejoice in your global downfall. I ask everyone not to threaten, scare, any of the obamas. Please let God deal with these serpents. Join
عرض المزيد ...
18 629
👆👇Monkeypox: a cover story in the form of a new epidemic
Monkeypox: a cover story in the form of a new epidemic
This may the most important news you have to know
26 369
I said this was coming. ❗️❗️❗️
21 262
MONKEYPOX THE COVER STORY: In 2021 NTI predicts a laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox outbreak with 271 Million deaths. This is a coverup for the fatalities of the Covid injected. WHO is a criminal organization led by Bill Gates, Rockefellers and the Wellcome Trust. Dustin Moskovitz sponsored the live pandemic simulation of the laboratory engineered vaccine resistant Monkeypox (Mpox) outbreak with 3.2 Billion cases around the world and 271 million deaths. He is the founder of Open Philanthropy and wants CRISPR gene editing technology used on all humanity. STATEMENT FROM NTI: We are grateful to Open Philanthropy. The exercise and report would not have been possible without their generous support. Executive Summary: In March 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) partnered with the Munich Security Conference (MSC) to conduct a tabletop exercise on reducing high-consequence biological threats. Conducted virtually, the exercise examined gaps in national and international biosecurity and pandemic preparedness architectures and explored opportunities to improve capabilities to prevent and respond to high-consequence biological events. Participants included 19 senior leaders and experts from across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe with decades of combined experience in public health, biotechnology industry, international security, and philanthropy. The exercise scenario portrayed a deadly, global pandemic involving an unusual strain of monkeypox virus that emerged in the fictional nation of Brinia and spread globally over 18 months. Ultimately, the exercise scenario revealed that the initial outbreak was caused by a terrorist attack using a pathogen engineered in a laboratory with inadequate biosafety and biosecurity provisions and weak oversight. By the end of the exercise, the fictional pandemic resulted in more than three billion cases and 270 million fatalities worldwide. Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...


19 206
1 021
Saturday morning musings: Sometimes, watching the sunrise gives you unusual perspective. Should I start gathering pairs of animals or is it time to move out of the ark?
18 568
According to , the WHO is a "criminal racketeering organisation"—founded by eugenicists—which has been, since 1953, "exclusively a vaccine promoting enterprise, for the benefit of the people who have a commercial interest in vaccines". "The minute the people who have a financial incentive to gain from the decision to declare a pandemic, the minute they're the ones who are collecting data... they're going to collect the data that actually justifies their existence." "As long as the financial interest that dictates what product is going to be promoted is the one making the declaration of the pandemic, we have no possibility for accountability. We have no possibility for justice." Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...


16 670
BREAKING: WHO warns more imported mpox cases likely in Europe in 'coming days' ➡️
17 568
Sometimes, it pays to be prepared...all the time! 2 years ago: Doctor Dave Martin | Monkeypox Part 4 | Is a Medical Tyranny Surveillance State Being Installed Now? In 2022, Dr David Martin and Clay Clark discussed how the Monkey Pox pandemic had already been simulated and planned. They were early, but perhaps not wrong.

Tyranny Surveillance State Being Installed Now.mp4

30 179
20 582
Trump-Musk Interview Hit By “MASSIVE CYBER ATTACK” - Media & Dems PANIC! - SF 429 When the EU threatened @ elonmusk and @ realDonaldTrump, did you know that European Commissioner for Internal Markets and Services Thierry Breton @ ThierryBreton was violating the 2014 EU Human Rights Guidelines on Freedom of Expression Online and Offline and the 12 December 2011 EU Media Freedom Act? Twenty minutes into this video, I tear it all apart. A shame that @ elonmusk and X didn't file a legal action using the EU's own laws!
عرض المزيد ...

Trump-Musk Interview Hit By.mp4

21 619


23 074
BREAKING: Between 2022 and 2050, cancer cases among men are projected to increase 84% from 10.3 million to 19 million. Deaths are expected to rise 94%, from 5.4 million to 10.5 million. ➡️


15 929
Anthony Fauci: "I got infected about two weeks ago. It was my third Covid-19 infection, and I had been vaccinated and boosted a total of six times." Subscribe and share ➡️➡️


16 596
​​Pandemic 2.0 will see police, NATO forcing the world to get vaccinated The latest version of New Zealand's pandemic plan, which serves as a blueprint for the rest of the world to follow, includes provisions to allow law enforcement and even NATO to enforce the government's mandatory vaccination agenda. Published on July 12, the updated plan arrived just one week after the Bill Gates-bankrolled World Health Organization (WHO) sent Dr. Peter Hotez to tell the world that both the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) should be allowed to punish "anti-vaxxers" in the United States. Hotez also mentioned deploying NATO as a weapon against domestic populations that refuse to get jabbed. A modified version of the Civil Defense Emergency Management Act of 2002, the updated plan grants special powers to government officials to override the law during an "epidemic" or "emergency" to keep the public "safe" from harm. The updated plan specifies three special powers that are allowed during a "threat:" 1) The power to detain, isolate, or quarantine persons, places, buildings, ships, vehicles, aircraft, and animals 2) The power to prescribe preventive treatment like pharmaceutical drugs or vaccines to people – those who refuse will fall into the first special power category 3) The power to allow police forces to "do anything reasonably necessary (including the use of force) to help a medical officer of health or any person authorised by the medical officer of health in the exercise or performance of powers or functions under sections 70 or 71" That third bullet point is especially threatening in that it allows weapons-brandishing state agents to harm people who refuse to submit to the enforcement of these special powers. Get ready for medical martial law, coming soon to a town or city near you New Zealand initially decided to make these changes on March 19, 2020, right before the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19) was declared to be a global "pandemic." At the time, The New Zealand Herald published an entire article about the need for an updated pandemic plan, which has now arrived. The first pandemic plan in New Zealand was introduced in 2006. It was then updated in 2017 to reflect the passage of new legislation as well as changes in population and demographics. Now, version three of the plan has been unleashed, and it is a real doozy. Imperial College London created a model that New Zealand used to assess how to recreate its pandemic plan. British physicist Neil "Professor Lockdown" Ferguson is credited with masterminding it, though there is much controversy surrounding his lack of accuracy. "Ferguson is one of a small group of global 'scientists' whose job is to control the narrative," reports The Exposé about who Ferguson really is. "The real driving force behind updating pandemic preparedness is WHO." No longer is the word "influenza" included in the title of New Zealand's pandemic plan, thanks to Ferguson's input. This means the range of what can be considered a "pandemic" has expanded to include pretty much anything. According to The Exposé, the first time "special powers" were actually used in New Zealand was for covid, also known as "the dummy run." The next time around will be a hell unlike anything the people of this world have ever seen or could ever comprehend. "The updated pandemic plan covers the health system response," the Ministry of Health ominously said in a statement about the changes. "It does not cover the all-of-government or wider societal response to a pandemic. It is also only one tool for developing the health system's preparedness." Join and share 👉
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17 249
Get a jump on the "misinformation" errors of VP Candidate @ GovTimWalz by actually reading the LAW on First Amendment protections on speech. The standard must rise to "malice" intent before protections are even in question. This MISINFORMATION B.S. in the government/media collusion has got to end. Here's the precedent case: New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964)
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254 (1964)
New York Times Co. v. Sullivan: To sustain a claim of defamation or libel, the First Amendment requires that the plaintiff show that the defendant knew that a statement was false or was reckless in deciding to publish the information without investigating whether it was accurate.
17 911
The lead author behind a major global study of excess death rates in 125 countries has just raised the alarm over the shocking impact of Covid mRNA shots on humanity. A new study by a team of Canadian researchers into excess mortality found that deaths have surged dramatically since the COVID-19 pandemic. However, they found that patterns of excess death globally could not be explained by the virus, including long Covid. As Slay News previously reported, the study, by researchers with Correlation Research in the Public Interest, examined excess mortality in 125 countries during and after the pandemic. It found that mortality patterns correlate closely with the imposition of restrictions such as lockdowns and with the rollout of Covid mRNA shots. The investigation determined that pandemic-related restrictions resulted in 30 million deaths globally. In addition, the researchers found that 17 million deaths can be attributed to the Covid mRNA injections. The researchers concluded that “nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.” Joseph Hickey, Ph.D., one of the paper’s co-authors and president of Correlation, has just given a new interview with “The Defender In-Depth” where he discusses the study’s bombshell findings in more detail. Hickey warns that his study proved that Covid shots and lockdowns are responsible for the “largest non-war mortality event in 100 years.” He explained that “all-cause mortality” refers to “the number of deaths without filtering by the cause of death” during a given period.
عرض المزيد ...
33 258
AMERICAN R/EVOLUTION | Full Documentary👆
15 996
SEND IN THE TROOPS! Zealous vaccine scientist Dr. Peter Hotez is calling for NATO, Homeland Security, and the DOJ to use military force to silence what he is calling "anti-vaccine aggression." Dr. Peter Hotez is the Director of the Center for Vaccine Development, and in a now-deleted interview at the International Symposium of Pediatric Updates he said vaccine safety activists are a "lethal force" who have killed 200,000 Americans with "anti-science aggression." His solution is to silence opposition by sending government agents and police to the homes of whistleblowers and health safety activists, and even seizing their bank accounts with the Commerce Department. Dr. Hotez was paid $30 million by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to develop vaccines, and is directly responsible for the Corbevax covid-19 shot which was rushed to arms in India before long term testing, and he also owns several patents for SARS-CoV2 vaccines. What Dr. Hotez is suggesting channels a Nazi mentality and would directly violate the Nuremberg Code. He wants a French Revolution style Committee of Public Safety, which was used by Maximilien Robespierre to execute and eliminate his political opponents. Dr. Hotez accidentally said the quiet part out loud.
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27 883
Bill Gates and WHO Call for Military To Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers During Bird Flu Pandemic Join ➣ 👉

Bill Gates and WHO Call for Military.mp4

15 015
The secrets to Holistic Healing you need to know about! Lean more about the Healing Web and get your poster here 👇 https://bit.ly/DAVID-HEALING-WEB


7 918
SHOCKING: Every childhood vaxx fraudulently got approved by cutting corners on required safety testing. The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) has detailed how all 17 FDA-licensed shots, recommended for kids by the CDC, were called safe and effective without ever going through ANY long-term, placebo-controlled trials. No wonder kids are getting hurt!
31 074
1 140
​​Olympic swimmers forced to swim through HUMAN FECES-infested waters in Paris after opening ceremony mocked Christianity The controversy over the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics hasn’t died down yet, and organizers are already facing another embarrassment as triathlon athletes prepare to swim through human feces-infested waters in the River Seine. The water quality was so poor that the men’s individual triathlon race had to be postponed. In a press release, the organizers stated: “Paris 2024 and World Triathlon reiterate that their priority is the health of the athletes. The tests carried out in Seine today revealed water quality levels that did not provide sufficient guarantees to allow the event to be held.” Organizers are blaming the situation on heavy rains over the weekend, which typically spur a decline in water quality, but the disgusting state of the water has been a concern since long before the games started. In fact, it has been illegal to swim in the Seine for a century, so it was surprising that they announced they intended to hold swimming events there in the first place. Apparently, the organizers were more interested in “showing off” their city than protecting the health of elite athletes from around the world. They spent $1.5 billion cleaning up the river, and the city’s mayor, Anne Hidalgo, took a dip in the water earlier this month in what was said to be a display of her confidence that the water is safe. Although a new rainwater storage basin that was meant to alleviate water pollution issues managed to stop 40 million liters of wastewater and rainwater from making their way into the Seine after the weekend’s rain, E. coli levels have been spiking, hitting around 2,000 CFU/100mL at the race’s starting point, the Alexandra III Bridge. This is double the level required for the water quality to be considered “good” under World Triathlon standards. When E. coli levels surpass 1,000 CFU/100mL, the swimming leg of the triathlon must be canceled under competition rules unless an organization’s medical committee deems it permissible to proceed. Two consecutive days of practice were canceled, which meant prospective competitors could not prepare for what is typically one of the most challenging parts of a triathlon in the biggest sporting event in many of their lives. E. coli can lead to a range of health problems University of Florida infectious disease specialist Dr. Nicole Iovine told AP: “The problem is always worse when there’s a heavy rainfall, because it kind of overwhelms the pipes and you also get all the runoff from the street. All that lands in the Seine. They’ve done a lot to try to improve the quality of the water. But the truth is you’re at the mercy of Mother Nature.” Although most strains of E. coli are considered harmless, some can be extremely dangerous, and taking in just a mouthful of the water could be enough to cause diarrhea, vomiting and infections of the intestines and urinary tract. It's amusing to observe how the organizers seem to be depending on God’s good graces to get the weather to cooperate, hoping that higher temperatures and sunny weather will help E. coli levels drop below the limit needed to allow swimming to move forward. After the way they mocked a sacred moment in Christianity, the Last Supper, with drag queens representing Jesus and the apostles in their opening ceremony, it’s interesting to see them suddenly depending on a higher power. Join and share 👉
عرض المزيد ...
20 754


40 395
1 055


BOMBSHELL: The Godfather of v*ccine safety Dr. Stanley Plotkin has confessed that NO v*ccine has ever been properly studied, before OR after, their release. A paper just published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine admits that no vaxx can be called “safe and effective” because standard safety checks have NEVER been followed, such as using proper placebo test groups, large enough sample sizes, and long enough test durations and follow ups. The study was conducted with adamantly pro-💉groups such as- Institute for Vaccine Safety Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Emory University University of Pennsylvania Brighton Collaboration Task Force for Global Health Dr. Plotkin’s answer is allocating more money to these organizations, so they can do the proper testing that they lied about doing all along.
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41 143
1 361
Almost a year ago Dr. David Martin, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Ryan Cole, were in Europe sharing their experiences for mankind and how we can do so much more to improve our experience with gratitude. ICYMI: Dr. 'David Martin' Exposing Genocidal Crimes & Terrorism By The 'WHO' 'Big Pharma' 'Bill Gates' & Main Stream Media Join ➣ 👉

Exposing Genocidal Crimes & Terrorism.mp4

21 474
What happens when Big Pharma takes over your government, media and education system. CDC Recommended Vaccine Schedule for U.S. Children 1962: ▪️ Polio ▪️ Smallpox ▪️ DTP 1983: ▪️ DTP (2 months) ▪️ OPV (2 months) ▪️ DTP (4 months) ▪️ OPV (4 months) ▪️ DTP (6months) ▪️ MMR (15 months) ▪️ DTP (18 months) ▪️ OPV (18 months) ▪️ DTP (4 years) ▪️ OPV (4 years) ▪️ Td (15 years) 2019: ▪️ Influenza (pregnancy) ▪️ TDaP (pregnancy) ▪️ Hepatitis B (birth) ▪️ Hepatitis B (2 months) ▪️ Rotavirus (2 months) ▪️ DTaP (2 months) ▪️ HiB (2 months) ▪️ PCV (2 months) ▪️ IPV (2 months) ▪️ Rotavirus (4 months) ▪️ DTaP (4 months) ▪️ HiB (4 months) ▪️ PCV (4 months) ▪️ IPV (4 months) ▪️ Hep B (6 months) ▪️ Rotavirus (6 months) ▪️ DTaP (6 months) ▪️ HiB (6 months) ▪️ PCV (6 months) ▪️ IPV (6 months) ▪️ Influenza (6 months) ▪️ Influenza (7 months) ▪️ HiB (12 months) ▪️ PCV (12 months) ▪️ MMR (12 months) ▪️ Varicella (12 months) ▪️ Hep A (12 months) ▪️ DTaP (18 months) ▪️ Influenza (18 months) ▪️ Hep A (18 months) ▪️ Influenza (30 months) ▪️ Influenza (42 months) ▪️ DTaP (4 years) ▪️ IPV (4 years) ▪️ MMR (4 years) ▪️ Varicella (4 years) ▪️ Influenza (5 years) ▪️ Influenza (6 years) ▪️ Influenza (7 years) ▪️ Influenza (8 years) ▪️ Influenza (9 years) ▪️ HPV (9 years) ▪️ Influenza (10 years) ▪️ HPV (10 years) ▪️ TDaP (12 years) ▪️ Influenza (12 years) ▪️ Meningococcal (12 years) ▪️ Influenza (13 years) ▪️ Influenza (14 years) ▪️ Influenza (15 years) ▪️ Influenza (16 years) ▪️ Meningococcal (16 years) ▪️ Influenza (17 years) ▪️ Influenza (18 years) Join ➣ 👉
عرض المزيد ...
22 599
Honored to meet up with Swiss constitutional lawyer Phiipp Kruse and his research associate Nadia during Kim and my visit to Zurich! Keeping the legal torch alight on both sides of the Atlantic.
22 791
EVIDENCE SHOWS: WUHAN WAS COVER FOR INTENTIONAL RELEASE OF COVID BY DARPA & THE D.O.D. interview with @ petersantilli on unmasking the Wuhan cover story


37 405
Time To Roar #37 Origins of the Church with Dr. David Martin Part 2 In this episode of Time to Roar Pastor Dave continues his conversatio with Dr. David Martin. They talk about Biblical history and the origins of the church.
Time To Roar #37 - Origin of the Church with Dr David Martin Part 2
Listen to this episode from Time To Roar with Pastor Dave Bryan on Spotify. In this episode of Time to Roar Pastor Dave  continues his conversatio with Dr. David Martin. They talk about Biblical history and the origins of the church. please enjoy   for more information visit www.churchofgladtidings.com
25 113
Time To Roar #36 Origins of the Church with Dr. David Martin Part 1 In this episode of Time to Roar Pastor Dave Sits with Dr. David Martin. They talk about Biblical history and the origins of the church.
Time To Roar #36 Origins of the Church with Dr. David Martin Part 1
Listen to this episode from Time To Roar with Pastor Dave Bryan on Spotify. In this episode of Time to Roar Pastor Dave Sits with Dr. David Martin. They talk about Biblical history and the origins of the church. please enjoy   for more information visit www.churchofgladtidings.com
22 892
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome decreased 30% when parents realized something was very wrong with the vaccine mania and took a second look at exactly what they were injecting in their babies. How about that?
72 123
1 110
Leading expert explains how aluminum in vaccine can cause brain damage in our children. What are your thoughts on childhood vaccines? 💉


26 061
Associates of Scientists Who Did Bird Flu GoF Receive $176M for New Flu Vaccine Create the disease then sell the vaccine – rinse, repeat? Brian Hooker, PhD + Heather Ray report on HHS’s large grant to Moderna for the next attempted jabfest. Join ▶️

GM-CHD_Brian-Hooker_fear-not-bird-flu (1) (1).mp4

20 218
BOMBSHELL: THE EBS IS ACTIVATED🚨 The two recount the misdeeds of Biden and his previous organization! You will also hear how Biden came to power, what were the conditions for him to be President these 4 years! THE EBS IS ACTIVATED! Look, the live stream is still going on! Acceptance is automatic, press request and in a few minutes you are watching! MAKE SURE TO NOT MISS THE EBS👇 ⚠️ EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM ⚠️ EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM
9 019
Covid killed ZERO healthy children, while the vaccine left children paralyzed and severely injured during the Pfizer trials. Even still- the FDA still pushed through approval without conscience. Think about that.
25 105
📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
18 411
“No Known Cure” - Vaccine Injured: The Battle Against Big Pharma and The Government | PBD Podcast Join ➣ 👉


17 007
Are you looking for more information about the iGenics supplement? Dr. Charles Williams is the creator of the Eye Supplement. ScienceGenics and iGenics collaborate to produce the iGenics recipe. According to Dr. Charles, the CPE (Chronic inflammatory Environment) is the real cause of declining vision. As a result, he developed a formula to deal with the issue at its source so that people can maintain healthy vision and eye health. iGenics enhances users’ eyesight and maintains the health of their eyes. Their eyesight loss is cured by iGenics by safely and naturally treating CPE. By removing CPE and cleaning the toxic environment around the eye, its strong chemical mixture stops vision loss at its halt. Their DNA, retina, optic nerve, and other delicate tissues are shielded by the strong iGenics blend, which also reduces swelling and protects against oxidative damage. 👁https://shortll.com/iGenics5 Click to unveil the truth. 👇👇 https://shortll.com/iGenics5 https://shortll.com/iGenics5 *NOTE. If you want to skip the welcome video, just refresh the page once and scroll down!!!
عرض المزيد ...

89. iGenics.MP4

18 410
From my revolutionary (think disruptive) questions in the early 90s in graduate school, 30 years later, the new textbook is in its proof stages! Einstein, Hamilton, and Schrodinger have their assumptions examined.
16 476
👆👆👆 This post is critical to read in light of the future disruptions that are planned!
17 745
The Keystone Cops and Clusterfuck Investigation Who's on First? Welcome to The Great Enshittening! 📌Follow and Share👇🏻 🔬🧬
The Keystone Cops and Clusterfuck Investigation
Who's on First? Welcome to The Great Enshittening!
17 127
Credit to George Wentz and @ DavillierLaw for providing the legal arguments that struck down the Special Prosecutor! They won the Florida facemask case and the recent 9th Circuit LAUSD victory! Jack Smith’s Other Big Trump Case Could Go Down In Flames After Judge Finds His Appointment ‘Unconstitutional’ -
18 373
Tough times for Ursula von der Leyen. Not only has the EU Court ruled against her for hiding critical details of the Pfizer contracts but Christine Anderson MEP will introduce a resolution to stop her reelection and demand the continuation of criminal investigations against her without delay!! ‘Ms Von Der Leyen it’s high time you were shown the red card and removed from office.’ 💥💥💥💥💥

Tough times for Ursula von der Leyen. .mp4

34 124
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