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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Hi all, I recently sent out a newsletter from my counseling account and I think that some of you might enjoy reading it. I always share a list of what I'm currently reading and listening to, as well as other resources that are helpful for this wild journey of life. This month's newsletter is all about Surrender and Letting Go. Enjoy! KADHI BO'S MAY NEWSLETTER To recieve future newsletters full of resources and inspiration, join my newsletter here - To work 1:1 with me, you can , or to begin the process of working together. I am currently accepting a few new clients this month. Read to get a sense of how I support one's healing journey, or you can look through my client's testimonials Reach out with any questions! 🌸
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    Misogyny is alive and well! I’d like to personally congratulate the Patriarchy for turning the ship around and having a strong and successful comeback! Way to stay on top boys! 👏👏👏
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    SHARE THIS. We’ll take all the validation we can get after such a massive gaslighting and witch-hunting campaign to make us out to look crazy, murderous, irresponsible or selfish. Reposted • Dr. Marty Makary calls out the US government for spreading misinformation in front of the Congressional COVID Select Subcommittee hearing. On numerous issues, the government intentionally misled the public, even hiding data to fit their narrative. This is what happens when we allow any centralized authority a monopoly on the truth.
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    Coming in 💥HOT💥 with another one of my infamous inflammatory posts that will piss off at least half of you 🤪😎🤓 Shared with Durga-infused Love ❤️‍🔥🐆❤️‍🔥 To respond to the anticipated “I’m not just going to roll over and let them win by letting go of my anger towards them!” comments: Who’s winning when you’re slow cooking in your stale rage? Who’s winning when you are so socially rigid that you can’t enjoy yourself in other people’s company anymore? Who’s winning when you haven’t felt joy, levity or playfulness in years??? Who are you really holding hostage with your anger, bitterness and resentment? It’s not “them,” sweetheart, it’s you. Are you actually interested in the opportunity for Great Awakening here? For “ascension”? For evolution of any kind? Because I’ll tell you that the road to healing and awakening does not take a year-long pitstop in resentment. It does not involve getting that eye for an eye. It wants nothing to do with “being right” or “making them pay.” But sadly most of you don’t want to hear that. Most of you want to stay angry. Most of you are addicted to your outrage. Most of you are too lazy to work up the courage to face the sea of grief hiding behind your rage, and soften into your heartbreak so you can metabolize it and then move on with your one precious life (that is ticking away by the second). The good news is, it’s never too late to cancel your subscription to outrage. xoxo In devotion, Kadhi
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    The real solution is to fall back in love with the living world, to see it as a beloved, not as a collection of resources, a waste dump, or an engineering project.
    What Made Us So Compliant With Insane, Tyrannical COVID Policies?
    A society ridden with fear will acquiesce to any policy that promises safety. How do we reduce ambient levels of fear?
    This one’s going to be a ❤️‍🩹 for some of you, but it’s shared with healing balm and hopes that it helps set you free. This is a common theme with (mostly female) clients who have been conditioned through their family systems & society to suppress their truth, minimize their knowing, & reject their needs to keep the peace and maintain connection with their people. These are all forms of 𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳-𝗮𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁. A lifetime of self-abandonment results in having relationships and interactions where we don’t feel heard or seen. No one can truly hear us because we’ve stopped acknowledging our voice as valid. When we minimize our truth, others follow our lead & take us less seriously. When we don’t unapologetically assert our needs in relationships, other people don’t register us as truly having those needs. We get upset at the other for not talking our needs seriously, but if we’re honest with ourselves, WE are there ones initially downplaying the validity of our needs. We might be internally screaming our truths, but when we speak it sounds timid, defeated and like we’re asking permission to even have our truth. I share this not to shame anyone, but to empower you to understand where your power and agency lies. We cannot expect others to treat us differently until we are prepared to do so first - and not just internally in the privacy of your mind. We need to speak AND act out our truth in order to be treated differently. If you have a need to feel safe, and your partner refuses to participate and meet that need, then it’s on you to create safety for yourself - however that looks like. If you struggle with this then chances are somewhere along the way you’ve been gaslit and convinced that your truth is insignificant. ⚠️You are not at fault for being the victim of this kind of psychological manipulation. It also doesn’t make you weak or broken to be someone that abandons herself. But repairing this fissure is your responsibility and it’s absolutely possible to do. I work virtually 1:1 with clients to help them recover from psychological wounding like this. Visit my website to learn about my style of counseling, and read client praise there as well.
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    I’m finding that many clients that come from this audience struggle with speaking their truth. The threat of rejection or being outcasted causes them to hold their tongue in situations they’d rather be free to express themselves. This hesitancy or block usually stems from early childhood. Here are my thoughts on it:
    6 026
    Hello 40 ♥︎ game on ☻︎ It just keeps on getting better. Thanks for witnessing me in my birthday / life prayer! May it ignite something inextinguishable in you. And I have one last birthday wish - If you’ve received any benefit from my counseling content here or from our private sessions together please consider sharing my work with your friends and loved ones 🙏🏼 Thank you for helping me be in service to a wider ring of hearts out there. ♥️
    Another update for those wondering where my focus has been. 🌸🦋✨ You can learn more about my transformative counseling practice here - And you can follow along on IG here -
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    I often reference an interview I watched in 2020 where a Russian man was describing how bad the misinformation and propaganda campaigns got in Russia many years ago. He described the panic that resulted when the masses started to realize that not a single source of news or information from an outer authority was trustworthy and that everything was being tainted with an agenda or was just flat out disinformation. He then shared the surprising and unintended consequence of such a pervasive breakdown of the information ecology - it caused people to sharpen their intuitive and critical thinking skills as a necessity of survival. They needed to develop the skills required to navigate a polluted information matrix. When people could no longer depend on authorities or “outside sources” to critically think for them or intuitively weed out nefarious info, they found that they had no other choice but to cultivate an inner authority of knowing that wielded precise discernment. Of course not everyone rose to meet this challenge, but those who did are now endowed with uber-intuition, razor sharp critical thinking skills, and a rock solid inner authority that doesn’t rely on any outer source to lead them, make choices for them, or do their research for them. The reason I mention this is because I know the common response to a video like this is outrage and fear for our future. But aren’t we tired of living in fear? There are other, more positive, generative ways to respond to what is happening (and will continue to happen) than to collapse into anger and terror. Yes, very flawed elitists control and manipulate our information streams. They’re not stopping anytime soon. But tell me, when was the last time you professed your love and appreciation to your close beloveds? When was the last time you touched the moist earth? When was the last time you danced so hard you lost your breath? How are you helping to build the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible?
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    "John Taylor Gatto, twice New York State Teacher of the Year and three times NY City Teacher of the Year, wrote and spoke decades ago about the ways the education system and television were creating a society of passive consumers. He argued convincingly that even more than a factory production model of schooling, modern American schooling was shaped by the titans of industry, Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie and Morgan, to shift Americans away from being active producers to passive consumers in order to fulfill demand for their endless supply of factory produced goods. Obviously the internet took that considerably further. When writing, music, art and thinking are largely for consumption, AI generated writing, art, music and thinking are the obvious next steps. But our humanity lies in our drive and will to create. Creating art, music, literature and philosophy is a portal to the divine. May we reclaim these processes in ourselves and throughout the culture. May we choose our souls over the machine. The titans of industry continue to shape the enculturation of our young. If ChatGTP hinders schools ability to assign children meaningless homework and forces them towards inviting them into creative engagement that would be a small win. But responding to the crisis of legitimacy created by AI with creativity and thoughtfulness is certainly not a given within the education system. We're on the cusp of things far beyond our current imagining. May we awaken our imaginations in service of that which affirms our connection with this sacred earth, the great mysteries of the cosmos and the better angels of our messy, biological humanity." - lifted from a friend's post on FB Read the article she points to here: AI AND THE DISINTEGRATING IMAGINATION
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    AI and the disintegrating imagination | Kit Wilson | The Critic Magazine
    Around 5500 years ago, in Mesopotamia, humans began to write. From what we know, this was initially for purely functional reasons. The earliest Mesopotamian patron goddess of writing, Nisaba…
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    ICYMI - another live discussion with Kadhi and Dr Brad. We talk about: - the importance of emotional health as part of overall holistic health - grief - death - boundaries - self-worth - courage - expressing oneself - resources for healing trauma - our booklists to support healing - anger and rage - and becoming so solid of a sovereign human that you are unshakeable when the next wave comes crashing on your shores. We had fun answering your questions and chatting!
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    Confirming what we all knew… Matt Taibbi shares source material provided by Elon Musk exposing how Twitter suspended, shadow banned or boosted accounts based on twitter staff’s biased ideological orientation. Twitter actively hid story. They also “handled” requests from both right and left factions of govt. 👀👀👀👀👀
    1. Thread: THE TWITTER FILES
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    🦋 TRANSFORMATIVE COUNSELING W/ KADHI BO 🦋 Hi all, just a few updates about my counseling practice: ☀︎︎♥︎ New Clients ♥︎☀︎︎ 𝗜 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝟯 𝗻𝗲𝘄 𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵, so if you’re curious about working together, FYI - My rates are going up Jan 1st (more on this below) You can fill out a session request form to start the process of working with me. I’m also happy to have a brief phone call with you to answer your questions and assess if we’re the right fit. ❦ Beloved clients ❦ 𝗠𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲 for those that want to get some self-care on the books. ☀︎︎ the next two weeks are filling up with only 3 open appts left next week, and a handful more there following week. ☀︎︎ the second half of the month is more spacious. Get some self care on the books for yourself this holiday season ✨ Some of the reasons people seek my support: + to get unstuck + learn healthier patterns of behavior + find their power again + cope and move through difficult circumstances and crises + learn how to maintain healthy boundaries + heal old, persistent wounds that keep showing up + process big life events + receive skillful guidance on how to navigate different areas of life + have a clear sounding board + grieve and make sense of loss + get permission to show up fully whole Learn more about my somatic-based counseling sessions on my website and reach out to connect 🧡
    ANNOUNCEMENT: For those of you who missed the last newsletter, 𝗺𝘆 𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗴𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽 𝗝𝗮𝗻 𝟭𝘀𝘁. Clients who establish care with me prior to 2023 will be able to buy packages of sessions at the old rate for a limited time in 2023. to stay tuned in, more details on my booking page. Big Love, Kadhi
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    Kadhi Bo - Transformative Counseling Sessions offered online, by phone or in person
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    WHY DO SHADOW WORK? It’s the missing piece in truther crowds - so many are deeply stuck in outrage feedback loops, without any owning of one’s own triggers. There’s a better way folks! It’s through embracing our innate paradox and potentiality for contradiction. It’s through the humble understanding that we are still deeply asleep in some way. It’s the zoomed out perspective that everyone has their intelligent timing of unfoldment. WHATS THE HARM OF THE UNOWNED SHADOW? That which we exclude, repress or reject within us becomes a destructive driver in our lives. A lack of awareness of our shadow material causes us to act in ways that are unconscious, detrimental and out of alignment with our highest good. On the flip-side, that which we acknowledge, embrace and integrate from our shadow is transformed into vital sources of power, creativity and depth. HOW TO DETECT THE SHADOW What strongly attracts or repels us in others is a clue to where our own darkness lurks. ☻︎ Learn the basics of how to do Shadow Work I give examples! 🌚🌝 Shadow integration is absolutely central to . It is seamlessly woven into almost every session as it is one of the most accessible tools to catalyze a breakthrough. It also seems to be challenging for folks to do on their own if they haven’t had much experience with it. That’s where a skillful, attentive mirror comes in handy 🪞👋🏼 🌚 Learn more about how I work with clients to support their transformation and liberation on my website. 🪞 I’m accepting new clients, on the website or to schedule a free 15 min call to assess if I’m the right fit for you. PS - new newsletter with treats for you goes out tonight. asap if you want it! Sign up on the website. xox - Kadhi Part 2 of 2
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    A Beginner's Guide to Shadow Work — Kadhi Bo
    WHY DO SHADOW WORK? That which we exclude, repress or reject within us becomes a destructive driver of our lives. A lack of awareness of our shadow material causes us to act in ways that are unconscious, detrimental and out of alignment with our highest good. What we acknowledge, embrace and integr
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    Ok friends, time for some upleveling. Who's ready for some 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔? I see it all over on social media, as well as in the political, spiritual and interpersonal spheres - unconscious shadow projections being thrown in every direction. The victim mentality feels very prevalent out there - especially in the "awake" movement. So much of our power is leaking out when we place others as responsible for our triggers and emotional reactions. I’d love to see us collectively move past victim mentality toward the freedom, fulfillment and power that comes from self-responsibility. The following is an excerpt from my newest blog entry “A Beginner’s Guide to Shadow Work” - find the full article Part 1 of 2
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