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audience statistics Velvet Revolution Australia

REMOVE Corporate Government RESTORE Constitution Act 1900 UK REINSTATE REFERENDUMS Of The People 
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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Critical Warning to Humanity BY Michael Yeadon X Pfizer Scientist Please share with EVERYONE 🙏🏼
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    1 422
    BEWARE OF THIS MAN “Spiros Kalotihos” This is what we know!
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    2 978
    Dr Peter McCulloch Sudden Deaths and Cardiac Events Exploding:
    Dr. Peter McCullough - Sudden Deaths & Cardiac Events EXPLODING, Parallel Health System
    Dr. Peter McCullough joins us to discuss the undeniable, skyrocketing deaths and cardiac events from around the world, sudden deaths exploding in unprecedented numbers, how the public health authoriti
    4 851
    Sign this open letter to stop the Left cancelling Australia Day
    Labor and their mates in the Greens are on the march. They want to cancel Australia Day. They want your kids to think this country is racist and ‘oppressive’. We cannot let them get their way in cancelling Australia Day. Sign this open letter now to protect Australia Day from the vandals.
    5 668
    Peter Little is back ❤️
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    See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
    6 141
    Today VOTE FOR “THE FREEDOM PARTY” Send this to every Victorian that you know please 🙏🏼 Sack Daniel Andrews
    7 856
    8 214
    7 992
    URGENT ATTENTION TO Victorian Voters & Candidates: Dear Victorians ATTENTION ALL VICTORIAN VOTERS & CANDIDATES THE UNPALATABLE TRUTH We have all been conned. Don’t let it happen again! Time for all to confront the truth about this 26th November 2022 ELECTION the facts are that no valid WRITS exist to enable this November election to be valid. If anyone takes the time to ask their local polling booth manager for a copy of the WRIT the answer will be that they do not have it, but the worst is yet to come, that is, that you will never sight a valid WRIT as one does not exist. The WRIT itself is the most important document in Australia at this very moment, but unfortunately for 6.7 million Victorians this fraudulent and corrupted election will see a cartel re-elected, with the effects far worse than what Victorians have endured under the same regime in the last four years. For clarification purposes, the WRIT is the instrument that is issued holding a wet ink signature of the Governor and an Authenticating Seal & Dated according to the proper process at law. A LAWFUL WRIT DOES NOT EXIST. Every Victorian needs to prove this to themselves, so they are not sucked into this monumental fraud as an accomplice. You will not be a victim but a co-joining perpetrator against your fellow Victorians. THE STRATEGY (what you can do) Every Victorian is to mobilise themselves, that is as many as humanly possible are to walk into their local polling booths (every booth in Victoria) and ask for the ELECTION WRIT, you are to ignore the excuses, and state “this is a crime scene” then without hesitation 2 or 3 are to peacefully go to the closest or Local Police Station and report the crime of “electoral fraud”. TO CONCEAL FRAUD IS A FRAUD You are to take note of all involved and from the Police Officer In Charge (OIC) you are to be furnished with a CRIME REPORT number. Copy the same and send the copy to your coordinator for actioning. FEAR NOT; YOUR FAMILY’S FUTURE DEPENDS ON YOU. Ephesians 5:11, And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove (them) Regards Lyn Bennetts Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand AGAINST Treason, Tyranny, Fraud, Treachery and Political Corruption. AGAINST Abuse, Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia, Child Abuse. AGAINST Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports and NO JAB-NO JOB!
    عرض المزيد ...
    8 115
    WATCH IN FULL: Join Sky News Australia for the premiere of Peta Credlin’s documentary ‘The Cult of Daniel Andrews’ MAKE THIS GO VIRAL PEOPLE! We’ve GOT HIM! Regards Lyn Bennetts Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand; BUT ONLY IF WE ARE UNITED! AGAINST Treason, Tyranny, Fraud, Treachery and Political Corruption. AGAINST Any Abuse, Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse. AGAINST Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports and NO JAB-NO JOB!
    عرض المزيد ...
    WATCH IN FULL: Peta Credlin’s documentary ‘The Cult of Daniel Andrews’
    <p>Peta Credlin explores the motivations, the myths and the mystery behind Victoria’s all-powerful Premier; his rise to prominence, his hard-left agenda and just why Daniel Andrews has such a hold on the state.</p>
    7 852
    🔊 WARNING FROM VELVET REVOLUTION TO ALL FREEDOM MEMBERS ACROSS THE BOARD🔊 VICTORIA’S STATE ELECTION OPENS ON THE 14th of November 2022. Australia’s Future Voting Days MUST CHANGE and only The People can achieve this! “The People” MUST TAKE A STAND AT POLLING BOOTHS FROM THIS ELECTION ONWARDS: REGISTER TO BE AN OBSERVER OVER THE VOTE COUNT THROUGH THE AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL COMMISSION 100,000.00 temporary election jobs available THE PEOPLE MUST 👇🏼 1. The People MUST only use the paper voting ballot sheets issued at voting booths. 2. The People MUST fill in ballots in Blue Ink ONLY! BLUE coloured pen ONLY! 3. The People MUST go to your elderly parents, disabled people and other family members who need assistance to vote and make sure you assist them with their paper ballot votes. 4. The People MUST ensure that we do not use digital voting of any kind as it can and will be hacked by other influential people and or countries that are not FOR The People as happened recently in U.S.A, and closer to home Optus, Medicare etc… their digital systems were hacked so it is my opinion more than likely to happen with digital voting. 5. The People MUST DEMAND that the Army oversees all voting booths and referendums and the full election process from here on forward. 6. The People MUST DEMAND that if any Voting Fraud takes place that those found responsible for the fraudulent voting system will be prosecuted for Treason to the maximum penalty of “THE LAW OF THE LAND, COMMON LAW!” 7. Please VOTE INDEPENDENTS as Political Parties are unlawful according to our Constitution Act 1900 Imperial. Please follow these simple steps to ensure your vote is counted correctly. Because Premier Daniel Andrews is under investigation by the Anti Corruption Watch Dog, he is not allowed to run in this election by law, we The People MUST ensure Andrews is blocked from running in this State Election or until he is cleared of all charges! Regards Lyn Bennetts Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand; BUT ONLY IF WE ARE UNITED! AGAINST Treason, Tyranny, Fraud, Treachery and Political Corruption. AGAINST Any Abuse, Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse. AGAINST Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports and NO JAB-NO JOB!
    عرض المزيد ...
    100,000 temporary election jobs available
    9 002
    🔊 WARNING FROM VELVET REVOLUTION TO ALL FREEDOM MEMBERS ACROSS THE BOARD🔊 VICTORIA’S STATE ELECTION OPENS ON THE 14th of November 2022. Australia’s Future Voting Days MUST CHANGE and only The People can achieve this! “The People” MUST TAKE A STAND AT POLLING BOOTHS FROM THIS ELECTION ONWARDS: REGISTER TO BE AN OBSERVER OVER THE VOTE COUNT THROUGH THE AUSTRALIAN ELECTORAL COMMISSION 100,000.00 temporary election jobs available THE PEOPLE MUST 👇🏼 1. The People MUST only use the paper voting ballot sheets issued at voting booths. 2. The People MUST fill in ballots in Blue Ink ONLY! BLUE coloured pen ONLY! 3. The People MUST go to your elderly parents, disabled people and other family members who need assistance to vote and make sure you assist them with their paper ballot votes. 4. The People MUST ensure that we do not use digital voting of any kind as it can and will be hacked by other influential people and or countries that are not FOR The People as happened recently in U.S.A, and closer to home Optus, Medicare etc… their digital systems were hacked so it is my opinion more than likely to happen with digital voting. 5. The People MUST DEMAND that the Army oversees all voting booths and referendums and the full election process from here on forward. 6. The People MUST DEMAND that if any Voting Fraud takes place that those found responsible for the fraudulent voting system will be prosecuted for Treason to the maximum penalty of “THE LAW OF THE LAND, COMMON LAW!” 7. Please VOTE INDEPENDENTS as Political Parties are unlawful according to our Constitution Act 1900 Imperial. Please follow these simple steps to ensure your vote is counted correctly. Because Premier Daniel Andrews is under investigation by the Anti Corruption Watch Dog, he is not allowed to run in this election by law, we The People MUST ensure Andrews is blocked from running in this State Election or until he is cleared of all charges! Regards Lyn Bennetts Velvet Revolution Australia United We Stand; BUT ONLY IF WE ARE UNITED! AGAINST Treason, Tyranny, Fraud, Treachery and Political Corruption. AGAINST Any Abuse, Sex Trafficking, Pedophilia, Child Abuse, Sexual Abuse. AGAINST Vaccine Mandates, Vaccine Passports and NO JAB-NO JOB!
    عرض المزيد ...
    100,000 temporary election jobs available
    6 790
    Please watch this Don’t Say You We’re Told: Just take one day at a time, l am here for you. I’m not trying to scare you, you simply need to be aware, so please watch it.
    1 711
    Trailer: The Real Anthony Fauci
    Everyone deserves to know the truth.
    1 696
    Senator Malcolm Roberts The COVID Enquiry 2.0 Video’s of Doctors Cures for Vaccine Injuries Legal Avenues for Vaccine Injuries plus more
    The COVID Inquiry 2.0 - Malcolm Roberts
    The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is a cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022. The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia’s health and drug regulators. Witnesses from a range of backgrounds presented personal and scholarly evidence that was shocking and […]
    5 924


    9 979
    Velvet Revolution Australia is seeking your help. We are looking for like minded people who would like to become a part of a "Common Law Assembly Albury/Wodonga" Committee which is being formed. We will be holding a formation/nomination/election night in August 2022 (date to be confirmed) If you wish to nominate for a position please email for an application form. See attached document for CLA_A/W committee position & descriptions.

    Volunteer Position for Common Law Assembly.pdf

    3 028
    🙂Please share Australia Wide😊
    8 357
    VRA Community Information Evening Monday 27th June Arrive Time 6:30pm; Start Time 7:00pm Raiders Football Club Marshall St West Wodonga Victoria Three Guest Speakers ~ Please Share
    2 854
    🔥REVOLUTION🔥 This is the most important 7 minute and 30 second video you'll ever watch! Is that time worth the sacrifice to change the world forever? It's time Join


    🔥REVOLUTION🔥 This is the most important 7 minute and 30 second video you'll ever watch! Is that time worth the sacrifice to change the world forever? It's time Join


    1 650
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    5 489
    And the Vaccine Injured Victim’s roll on!


    2 735


    5 775
    Why was Australia called Terra Australis? What was Australia First Called?
    How Did Australia Get Its Name? | Who Named Australia
    The name Australia is derived from the Latin word australis, which means 'southern'. It was first used by the Portuguese explorer Pedro Fernandes in 1606.
    2 382
    Watch this everyone please Dr. David E Martin making headway and gives an EXPLOSIVE JAW DROPPING EXPLANATION in Canadian Zoom Meeting
    4 330
    Velvet Revolution Australia would like to invite you to a Community Information Evening in Wodonga Victoria 27th June 2022. All welcome, no matter which side of the border you reside, or how far away you live.
    5 153
    You want to guess what is the third leading cause of death in the US⁉️ Killing 15,000 people a month⁉️ WATCH and SHARE‼️


    3 602


    3 307
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