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DASH REVOLUTIONARY DIGITAL MONEY SYSTEM. Instant transactions and micro-fees. Any amount, anytime, anywhere. This Official Dash Chat -  @dash_chat  Dash Admin -  @Tungfa  
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
🌐XANA is an EVM sidechain custom-built for the Metaverse. 🔗Compatible with all popular wallets, bridged with all major blockchains, and already adopted by the major institutions and global brands. 👻 Japanese anime or games have a huge fan base worldwide, and we are working with them very closely without any restriction like some projects have. 🛰 While another platform is limited to some specific network, XANA has its native Sidechain solution, which can be bridged to any major chains, So users from another ecosystem can easily adapt to XANA. 💰Play-to-Earn Model ➡️3 easiest ways to earn in XANA metaverse : 🔥Play the game - More and more Play to Earn games will be coming or built on XANA Metaverse. 🔥Trade virtual asset - Metaverse is a whole new frontier. 🔥Host virtual events - The first mission of Metaverse is to populate. Join our community👥 ⚡️Website - ⚡️Telegram - ⚡️Twitter -
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XANA 2.mp4

56 285
💰TrustWallet 💪 💎The most trusted & secure crypto wallet. ✅Buy, store, collect NFTs, exchange & earn crypto. Join 25 million+ people using Trust Wallet. 🎁Trust Wallet provides an easy way to store and access all your crypto collectibles on Ethereum and BSC with peace of mind and security. 🔐Crypto collectibles are secured on the blockchain and associated with a public address. 🔐Only you can access your wallet. We don’t collect any personal data. 🕶 Use your favourite decentralized apps & find new ones, without leaving your wallet. Use Trust Wallet right now! 🌐 📨 🦅
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Trust Wallet.mp4

51 311
🏆Dash has a long history of innovation, and was the first to introduce the concept of incentivized service nodes, or masternodes, to the cryptocurrency space in mid-2014. ⚡️A number of innovations have since been built on masternodes, including the world’s first DAO, non-custodial CoinJoin, and the deterministic masternode list. This in turn enables the revolutionary BLS signing mechanism that powers both modern InstantSend and ChainLocks, features which are so popular with users that they have been adopted by a number of other projects. ✅Dashmate is a new tool in the Dash ecosystem designed to quickly get users, developers and masternode owners started with the right configuration for their needs. 📺This video demonstrates how to install dashmate and use it to configure a Dash testnet masternode with platform services running.
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44 937
🔥Dash Incubator is an open-source app that connects users who want to earn rewards for working together to improve the Dash cryptocurrency. ⚙️Funded from a Dash blockchain proposal and focused on developing tools, infrastructure and Dapps for Dash’s Evolution upgrade, any kind of work that aligns with our strategy can be incentivized, and worked on together with full transparency🤝 📌Whether you want to propose ideas, develop code, manage & promote projects, or improve the Incubator app itself, check the bounties below or join the Dash Devs server to chat with like-minded people in the -incubator channel.
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47 835
🔥Patrick Quinn, Interim CEO for Dash Core Group, comes back on the Dash Podcast for the first time with his new title for an AMA with the community. 👉
Dash Podcast 197: AMA with Dash Core Group Interim CEO Patrick Quinn
Patrick Quinn, Interim CEO for Dash Core Group, comes back on the Dash Podcast for the first time with his new title for an AMA with the community. Timestamps 0:00:00 Pre-show chatter 0:02:27 Intro 0:05:35 What has Patrick been up to, and what's DCG been doing lately? 0:24:52 Any thoughts on returning to quarterly calls for DCG? 0:26:59 Is Patrick Interim CEO, or is there a path to become permanent CEO? 0:29:13 Why have we heard so little from Patrick over the past few months? 0:35:00 What is Dash's marketing strategy from here on out? 0:50:12 What was the outcome of the discussions on the Tornado Cash debacle? 0:56:48 What does Dash need to do in order to "become great again"? 0:59:30 NFT superchat from Onetime on acquiring a NY BitLicense 1:09:50 NFT superchat from GreatWolf on growing Dash instead of getting a BitLicense 1:24:20 NFT superchat from Onetime on why Dash is a good coin to invest in 1:30:53 What's on Patrick's agenda for the near future? 1:31:44 Wrap-up Buy subscriber NFTs! Useful links Pay bills with crypto: Spend crypto almost anywhere: Swap or stake crypto: More swap options: Music from
40 323
🏆Dash unveils new ways to buy Dash in the Android Dash Wallet, thanks to a streamlined integration with Coinbase products. 🔥The option allows users to leverage payment methods linked to their Coinbase account for an easy fiat onramp, as well as quick and easy ways to swap Dash in their
41 643
📊 is a non-custodial, smart-order routing platform that provides access to DeFi liquidity pools via a simple API. 🤖Our sophisticated splitting algorithm divides large orders between pools to obtain the best possible execution price in a single order. ⚙️To view Totle's source code visit the 👉DeFi Aggregation Totle is connected to top decentralized exchanges and synthetic asset providers. When you execute a swap through Totle, your order is routed to the sources offering the best prices on the market. 👉Automatic insurance through Nexus Mutual Users are covered for up to 600 ETH in the event that funds are lost during a swap due to an unforeseen bug ✅Get a better price for your tokens 99% of the time when you trade on Totle instead of a single DEX. ⚡️The most asset pairs with 5600+ ⚡️The easiest to use and build with ⚡️Non-custodial, compliant, and transparent ⚡️Designed for reliability with multiple fail-safe measures ⚡️Save more on gas than using a DEX natively with GasToken refunds ⚡️The inventor of splitting orders across multiple exchanges to get the best price Getting the Best Prices with Totle! 🌐
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Reliable DeFi aggregation for tokens at the best price
40 513
🔥Staking It has never beeneasier 🔷Use the native Dash Android wallet for staking Using our API, the great folks at Dash Core Group have built an integration for our service. We are thrilled 🙂 🔷Transfer amounts directly from the wallet No need to sign up from the CrowdNode website. It’s easy and convenient. 🔷Enables staking for you, me and everyone Earn the rewards from the CrowdNode masternodes and as soon as you need your Dash, request and receive them directly on your phone. Why choose CrowdNode❓ ☑️Become part of a Dash masternode We have made it easy for everybody to gain rewards from deposits in Dash Masternodes. Fractional payments can be automatically reinvested. ☑️Transparent corporate setup CrowdNode is a Danish based company. We want to be transparant in what we do and provide an excellent service. ☑️Secure and intelligent setup Masternodes are held in cold wallets and we have developed highly secure mechanisms to keep all funds safe. 🌐Go to the download site here and download the native Dash Mobile Wallet.
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Download Dash Mobile Wallet | Dash
Download the app and get started sending and receiving Dash in minutes. An intuitive and secure app that gives you complete control.
43 465
🔥We would like to present to your attention a trading bot for cryptocurrency arbitrage. The bot supports a huge number of API exchanges. 💰Transactions occur every minute bringing from 5 to 15 percent per day with minimal risk. Supports such exchanges as: ✅Binance ✅Kukoin ✅Huobi etc. 💡In the future, multitasking and multithreading functions will be added to work with several accounts at once. 💡Minimum system requirements are required for the correct operation of the bot, tk. optimization at the highest level.
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The first airdrop from Mayors play2earn is happening this week! That means that you can get a chance to receive your first Mayors NFTs for free! Entry requirements: 👉 Subscribe to Mayors Discord 👉 Reach server activity level 8 or higher. The more active you are on the Discord server, the faster you will get to level 8 👉 Stay tuned for special news on April 15th! The giveaway is taking place in the following time period: April 15 - April 26. Be active on our Discord server and get a chance to become one of 50 winners! Each one will get a Limo with three unique NFT characters of random rarity! Go to Mayors Telegram channel for more info:
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48 130
⭐️Dash Core Group is pleased to announce the release of Dash Platform v0.22 on testnet 📌 This version comes with an updated storage backend employing an in-house solution called GroveDB – a hierarchical and cryptographically provable database. ⚡️ 🏦It also contains an implementation of Masternode Identities which will allow Masternodes to receive financial rewards for their services on the Platform chain the exact details of this feature are being built out in v0.23 ⤵️ Additionally, this version introduces data contract update functionality as well as technical improvements related to dependencies and Platform components such as Tenderdash consensus, Dashmate utility, and the JavaScript SDK🚀
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Dash Core Group Release Announcement: Dash Platform v0.22 on Testnet - Dash
Release Highlights include: GroveDB, Verifiable Document Secondary Indices, Data Contract update, Masternode Identities, Inter-Validator Set Communication Dash Core Group is pleased to announce the release of Dash Platform v0.22 on testnet. This version comes with an updated storage backend employing an in-house solution called GroveDB – a hierarchical and cryptographically provable database. It also contains...
62 124
💪Long Living Masternode Quorums Perhaps you’re already familiar with Dash, or even own some coins. Regardless of where you are on your Dash journey🛩 it should have become clear that Dash stands out and isn’t quite like other cryptocurrencies💥 During your research🔍 you likely noticed recurring terms like “InstantSend” or “ChainLocks.” Each of these plays a role in enabling the high-speed transactions and security that Dash provides📊 These features are made possible by Long Living Masternode Quorums🔥 🧐You might find yourself asking, what exactly does any of this mean, and how do these elements come together to make Dash the premium choice for payments❓ Get to know this
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69 077
What Is Dash InstantSend and How Does It Work? In this brave new (digital) world, everything must operate fast enough to satisfy user demand and expectations🧑‍💻 While cryptocurrencies have unlocked revolutionary payment potential, the vast majority of cryptocurrencies still lack the immediacy that cash and credit payments can offer📊 As a result, these limitations have stood in the way of cryptocurrencies getting mass-adopted in practical, real-life situations. They simply take too long, often requiring up to 90 minutes to complete a transaction⏱ On-chain transactions for most cryptocurrencies can take time that is impractical for in-person payments. By design, these can be reversed or redirected until the transaction is confirmed in a block⛓ Imagine picking up your morning coffee and bagel, paying with crypto, then asking the cashier to wait for multiple block confirmations. For crypto to successfully permeate everyday transactions, speed is key🚀 ⤵️Continuation
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61 559
Это сообщение нам придется удалить, а некоторых из нас даже уволят или посадят, но мы не можем больше это терпеть. Мы - великий, непреклонный, могучий, сильный Народ России. Свободный Народ, который может спокойно говорить вслух свои мысли. Счастливый Народ, который любят и уважают во всем мире, Народ, который избирательно подходит к выбору правительства. Народ, чье правительство круглосуточно работает на наше благо. Мы Народ, где каждый человек может позволить себе счастливую молодость, обеспечить будущее детей и беззаботную старость. Мы Народ, в котором правительство не убивает оппозиционеров химическим оружием, не сажает блогеров за песню 10 летней давности или случайный репост, не сажает школьников за действия в видеоигре, не начинает войну против Украины, не сажает на 15 лет за то, что войну называют “войной”. Ведь так говорит правительство и мы верим, да? Нам говорят, что сейчас проводится специальная военно-освободительная операция в Украине. Это не так. Это война, в которой гибнут мирные люди в стране, которая защищается от российских военных. Но что нам война, мы же привыкли к войнам, да? Встретив сильное сопротивление, к сожалению, гибнут наши дети и мужья. И это продолжится, потому что нет человека сильнее того, который защищает свою землю, и отказ от участия в кровопролитии будет расцениваться как измена. Именно мы тот Народ, который инициировал эту войну. Можно говорить себе, что не Народ отдает приказы. Но только мы, великий и свободный Народ, выбираем власть, которая действует от имени нашей страны и имени Народа. И нам, Народу, нести ответственность за эти действия перед всем миром. Если сейчас продолжать молчать или тихо говорить о том что “мы против войны, но ничего не можем сделать», а не показывать свою позицию на улицах и требовать прекратить уничтожение нашей страны, то завтра, мы, Народ который весело и беззаботно проживал свою жизнь, столкнемся с новой, мрачной и серой реальностью. Это все не замнется, не устаканится, не затихнет. Мы выходим и будем выходить бороться против войны. Выходите на главную площадь вашего города каждый будний день в 19.00 и в 14.00 в выходные и праздники. Следовать за кем-то из оппозиционеров или нет - это ваш выбор, главное выходите говорить за себя, за своих близких, за свое будущее! Не молчите, если мы будем молчать - нам этого не простят. Молчание сейчас - соучастие во всем происходящем. Блогеры и лидеры мнений. Вы известны и популярны - потому что у вас есть мы - люди. Не молчите, поддерживайте, станьте рупором для своего народа. Нет времени ждать, выходите сегодня, завтра, каждый день, переборов страх. Если даже детей и женщин возят в автозаках - то страха не должно быть. Дезинформации и фейков много со стороны как Украины, так и России. Ниже ресурсы, которые могут показать другую сторону информации, в отличии от той, которую нам транслируют. Верить этому или нет - решайте сами. — - Главный верифицированный информационный источник о событиях в Украине — - Дополнительный источник информации о событиях в Украине — - Вся актуальная информация про погибших и пленных военных ВС РФ в Украине — - Алексей Навальный о текущих событиях — - Противник, от которого нужно было освободить Украину Нет войне!
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You can now live unbanked off of crypto in the US with just one app. DashDirect released a public beta of the Crypto MasterCard, which lets you spend Dash anywhere in the US without giving up custody over your funds, or compromising your privacy. Here I go into how to use it 👉 🔗Download link:
77 954
You can now live unbanked off of crypto in the US with just one app. DashDirect released a public beta of the Crypto MasterCard, which lets you spend Dash anywhere in the US without giving up custody over your funds, or compromising your privacy. Here I go into how to use it 👉 🔗Download link:
How to Live on Crypto With Just One App!
You can now live unbanked off of crypto in the US with just one app. DashDirect released a public beta of the Crypto MasterCard, which lets you spend Dash anywhere in the US without giving up custody over your funds, or compromising your privacy. Here I go into how to use it. Download link: SwapSpace: Audio-only podcast links available on Thank you so much for watching! Tips are appreciated! If you wish to donate via another cryptocurrency, or follow on social media, please go to my CoinTree page: Thanks to my recurring donors both anonymous and otherwise! Support us by checking out our sponsors! Want to live on crypto? Create a Bitrefill account with the coupon code “DCN” and pay mobile bills or buy gift cards from more than 1650 businesses in 170 countries quickly and privately, and earn rewards: Buy anything you want in the world, even rare items, with crypto by using ShopInBit’s concierge service: If you're tired of YouTube and other platforms censoring and demonetizing creators, what are you waiting for? Join Odysee:$/invite/@DigitalCashNetwork:c) Protect your privacy online, sign up to NordVPN with the promo code DCN and get 68% off, plus an additional month free: If don't want search engines like Google controlling your search results and selling your information, join Presearch and get paid to search: Music from
Part of my job is getting the Dash Blog cleaned up. It might seem like a minor detail, but blogging is an EXTREMELY effective way to grab high level SEO potential. As an example, let’s take the below blog post that just dropped on “Instant Send”, buy comparing Dash and Instant Send to BitCoin, and using words like BitCoin and Cryptocurrency, the idea is that over time when people search for various things containing both of those keywords our blog gets ranked and before you know it the reader lands on our page and is reading about Instant Send, learning and hopefully getting excited about Dash. It will take time, but this is a very inexpensive and effective tool for Dash to gain market share. Also, when an article is well written like this one is, it’s a good read for anyone that’s trying to learn more about what makes Dash stand out. Thought you all might like to understand the method to my madness. :) Enjoy!
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What Is Dash InstantSend (and How Does It Work)? - Dash
Wondering what Dash InstantSend is and how it works? We’ve got a complete breakdown for you here on the blog.
72 298
RT : Happy Birthday from the metaverse ! 🤩 💙
Dash Text
Happy Birthday from the metaverse #Dash! 🤩 @dashhelpme @DaleConDash @Dashpay @Dash_Community 💙
76 245
Introducing the new Explore 🧭 feature in the official wallet 📲 app. 🙌 It's now easy to discover and locate nearby merchants 🛍🛒 that accept Dash ⚡️💸 as payment and discover nearby ATMs 🏧 where you can buy and sell Dash. 📰
Dash Wallet App Rolls Outs New Explore Feature With Merchant Directory and ATM Map
Dash, the top digital currency for payments and e-commerce, has launched a new merchant and ATM map feature in the official Dash Wallet app.
60 293
Is your portfolio balanced? What exactly does that mean? Learn more on the Dash website.
Solved: What Is a Balanced Portfolio? - Dash
A balanced portfolio is an intentionally varied group of different kinds of investments. Read on to better understand the meaning of a balanced portfolio.
65 917
RT : is Digital Cash! 🙌 Send any amount to anyone, anytime, anywhere. 🚀 is fast, secure, and easy to use. Payments are instantly confirmed and re-spendable with sub-cent fees. ⚡️💸 Download the app, and you’re ready to go! 📲 👀
Download Dash Mobile Wallet | Dash
Download the app and get started sending and receiving Dash in minutes. An intuitive and secure app that gives you complete control.
79 239
RT : Thanks Sam for the 5 Stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I also ❤️ the discounts at 🛒🛍 I appreciate you taking the time to write a review on and sharing your experience with others. Have you used ? 🧑‍💻 Leave a review ⤵️
Spend DASH at over 155,000 Locations & Online Merchants | DashDirect
Dash Direct enables DASH crypto owners to shop at over 155,000 locations and online merchants
71 949
RT : Why just your position when your idle funds can do the earning for you? 💰👀 Earn up to 6.62% by staking and grow your balance! 📈🚀 It is time to level up! 💎💪 Stake your at any of our staking partners ⤵️
FastPass Participants - Dash
This page lists partners which have been recognized by the Dash Network as having an enhanced user experience or a valuable service for traders. Learn more.
82 848
New to and cryptocurrency? Check out our series of educational materials designed for crypto newcomers. Today, we cover trading for beginners.
How to Trade Cryptocurrency - For Beginners | Dash Blog
Cryptocurrency trading for beginners can seem overwhelming. This post explains how to trade cryptocurrency in a way that is easier for beginners to grasp.
67 989
The team was excited to be at Crypto BMX in Venezuela with BMX legend , , and !
Dash en Venezuela 🎄
Así fue el Crypto BMX, presenciando el talento de la leyenda del deporte, @Danieldhers, en La Plaza La Castellana.🤩 Gracias a @binance_es, quienes tuvieron la iniciativa y nos permitieron sumar parte de nuestro trabajo como exponentes criptos de Venezuela, junto a @coincoin_x.
77 590
A lot of excitement on Crypto Twitter about this old Walmart video about shopping in the Metaverse. But why wait for the future when you can already shop with crypto today via ?
Homo Digitalis
This is how Walmart envisions Shopping in the #Metaverse. Thoughts? 💭
87 003
RT : Did you know there are more millionaires than there is ? 🤔 There are 56.1 million millionaires 💰🙋‍♂️👀 in the world. More than 1% of all global adults are now $USD millionaires! 🤯 's max supply is 18.9 million, with 10.5 million in circulation! 🧮📈🚀
Mark Mason
Did you know there are more millionaires than there is #DASH? 🤔 There are 56.1 million millionaires 💰🙋‍♂️👀 in the world. More than 1% of all global adults are now $USD millionaires! 🤯 @Dashpay's max supply is 18.9 million, with 10.5 million in circulation! #Scarcity 🧮📈🚀
71 082
There are really exciting developments scheduled for 2022, and we can't wait to share them with you!
There are really exciting developments scheduled for 2022, and we can't wait to share them with you! #DASH
79 384
We're now onto the final phase of the Marvel Trivia contest - "Guess My Dash Username!" Answer this question about the Winter Soldier correctly for a chance to win free ! 💸 Details in the link:
Dashpay Alpha Trivia Contest
A limited time trivia game with Dash cryptocurrency prizes for those participating in the Dash Alpha Program.
84 008
Banks are closed right now, but crypto never sleeps. You can buy in over 268 exchanges and brokerages around the world – whether it's Christmas, or a regular weekday.
Digital Money That’s Better Than Cash | Dash
Grab a coffee, buy a plane ticket, or pay your phone bill. Dash is growing and is accepted by new businesses every day.
92 419
Last updated: 11.07.23
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