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all posts Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺

Official engl. channel, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, German/American Lawyer and co-founder: Corona-Investigative-Committee 
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Nachricht von Reiner Fuellmich von 2.2.2024 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 Deutsch 👉 ******************* Message from Reiner Fuellmich from 2.2.2024 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 English 👉 Möchtest du meine Arbeit unterstützen? 👉 HIER findest du alle Infos. 🙏🙏🙏 Meine Kanäle: Webseite | Telegram | DLive Facebook | GETTR | Twitter | TikTok
45 254
50 880
Kurze Werbeunterbrechung 💉 Gerne teilen!


48 822
Former Pharmaceutical Rep telling the truth about the industry and the harm it causes. Follow Us -> Conspiracy Theory👤


47 269
1 154
"In my case, I can sincerely say that nothing is impossible... When I was saying I want to be No. 1 of the world, and I was seven or eight years old, most of the people were laughing at me because it seems like I have one percent of chances to do that, and I've done it." ~ Novak Djokovic ~ ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴         
65 876
‼️ 🎁 Heilnatura thanks each of you for your trust ‼️ Spikeprotect is now available with a 20% discount for a few days!!! So time to stock up for the year! 🔥Use the discount code Spike20 when ordering. The promotion ends TODAY, 22.01.2024 at 23:59:59 Who would I recommend the dietary supplement SpikeProtect to and why? ✅ All people who have received mRNA injections. ✅ People with symptoms attributed to post-vac. ✅ People with symptoms attributed to Long-Covid. ✅ People from risk groups. ✅ People with cardiac arrhythmia. ✅ Partners of persons who have been treated with an mRNA product. ✅ People with a lot of public traffic.  ✅ People who work in the healthcare sector. You can find more information in this video. 
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41 346
It is sad ... 😞 ✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️         
From the conspiracy community on Reddit: British tennis journalist, Mike Dickson, who was very critical of Novak Djokovic's decision to swerve the covid vaccine, drops down dead whilst covering the 2024 Australian Open. Cause of death has been withheld. He was 59.
Explore this post and more from the conspiracy community
48 506
🤣Satiriker Damon Imani legt nochmal nach gegen das WEF „Und so stand ich gestern auf dieser Bühne und sagte einige Dinge, die ich nicht hätte sagen sollen - aber wir alle verdienen eine zweite Chance. Deshalb möchte ich mich entschuldigen, Leute - bei absolut niemanden. ... Keiner von euch wurde gewählt, um uns zu zeigen wie wir unser Leben leben sollen. Ihr Wichser seid alle mit euren Privatjets zu diesem Treffen gekommen, also belehrt uns nicht über die Umwelt. Ich esse keine Insekten, ihr könnt diese Eier (Internet-Sprache) essen. Und nochmal ihr und eure Fake Klima Agenda könnt euch f-“
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39 034
Tesla-Ladestationen im Großraum Chicago sind bei eisiger Kälte eingefroren und überall stehen die E-Autos❄️⚡️🚘✖️🪫


38 646
"Wir sind Milliarden von Menschen. Lasst uns einfach aufstehen und Stopp sagen. Wir werden uns nicht fügen." Pascal Najadi, Sohn des WEF-Mitbegründers, fordert die Verhaftung von WEF-Mitgliedern wegen ihrer Rolle bei der Injektion einer "Biowaffe" in 5,7 Milliarden Menschen, an der er und seine Mutter nun sterben werden. "Es ist ein Demozid, und Sie werden verurteilt werden. Es wird im Namen der Menschlichkeit korrigiert werden." CheckMateNews  |  |   |    |
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37 503
You have high blood pressure but trust the antihypertensives from conventional medicine nicht⁉️ Then why not order Nattokinase! So far, we have advertised our nattokinase as a "spike protein killer" for people who have had a vaccination - This is still the case, but our miracle product from biological production can do much more.  In Asia, nattokinase has been used for years as a natural antihypertensive and blood thinner because it does not have the usual side effects of conventional medicines.  🔥With the voucher NATTO you receive a 15% discount.
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35 383
Fox News berichtet wahrheitsgetreu über das WEF "Zuallererst müssen wir akzeptieren, dass das Weltwirtschaftsforum eine fanatische politische Organisation ist, die Angst und Manipulationen wie die COVID-Hysterie, wie den Schwindel der globalen Erwärmung einsetzt, um die Menschen glauben zu lassen, dass sie irgendwie die Retter sind. Aber in Wirklichkeit helfen Sie ihnen nur, ihr Ziel zu erreichen, das in Wirklichkeit eine globale öffentliche private faschistische Bewegung und die Fusion von Big Government, Big Tech und Big Money ist, um eine technokratische herrschende Elite zu schaffen, die praktischerweise sie selbst sind. Und wenn man es anders sehen will, mit dem Weltwirtschaftsforum wollen sie den Feudalismus 2.0 schaffen, in dem wir Leibeigene sind und sie die Herren, die über uns herrschen." Unglaublich, dass sie das senden durften.
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30 916
‼️🚨Dr. Tedros von der WHO wird in Davos mit "Krankheit X", COVID-Lockdowns und Impfstoffe konfrontiert - Rebel News []


34 056
It's so easy and it works ... until the People wake up and stand up! 💪💥 ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴           
52 690
IT'S HAPPENING! The farmers have begun arriving in Berlin for the MASSIVE protest tomorrow. SHARE 🚨 🔗Gen. Micheal Flynn 🇺🇸 (@MichaelFlynnTeam)


41 029
🎦🇺🇸 Andrew Johnson: Check The Evidence - Update December 2023 About 9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy Telegram: Thank you for your support!

ICIC - UPDATE_Andrew Johnson_CheckTheEvidence_final.mp4

40 631
A clear statement from German farmers! "Too much is too much!" This message is clear: too much is too much! 200 farmers in the Borken district in North Rhine-Westphalia are sending an XXL message to Berlin. 👇👇👇💥💣💪😍👇👇👇
42 816
„Zu viel ist zu viel!“ 👏🏽👍🏽 Bauern senden XXL-Botschaft nach Berlin Weniger zum Video anzeigen  Diese Botschaft ist klar und deutlich: Zu viel ist zu viel! 200 Landwirte im Kreis Borken in NRW senden eine XXL-Botschaft nach Berlin.


39 653
Years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead asked students what they thought were the first signs of civilization. The students expected Mead to talk about fishing hooks, clay pots, or worked stones. But no. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in an ancient culture is a femur that was broken and then fused together. Mead explained that if a living thing in the animal kingdom breaks a leg, it dies. With a broken leg, it cannot run away from danger, get to a river to get drunk, or hunt for food. A fused femur is proof that someone took the time to stay with the one who suffered this injury, bandaged the wounds, carried the person to safety, and guarded them until they recovered. Helping another person during a difficult time is the act that starts civilization," Mead said. So even now, not everywhere is civilized..... Join us now: Before Our Time📜
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39 681
Germany - Jan. 08. 2024 - Dresden, Kiel, Munich, Erfurt, Parchim, Magdeburg, Halle, Berlin, Aurich... +++ and many many more. The Germans have had enough, as the tide turns! Restoring Germany's sovereignty is the key to world peace. Stand strong Germany. ❤️🙏  „Am deutschen Wesen mag die Welt genesen“.  ~ Emanuel Geibel (1861) Join:











32 238
‼️German Farmers have announced that they will launch a protest "larger than the country has ever seen before" on Monday, January 8th. Multiple farmers' associations, the train drivers' union and the trucking industry will be mobilizing against the federal government's plans to cancel agricultural diesel, cut vehicle tax exemptions, and increase truck tolls and carbon taxes. There are also countless calls on social media for a general strike against the federal German government demanding they step down. Sending my support to all German farmers! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 SHARE! MUCH MORE IS COMING !! Subscribe: Edward Snowden Private
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31 698
Farmers block roads across Germany to protest against subsidy cuts
In Berlin, dozens of tractors blast their horns and block the main avenue leading to the Brandenburg Gate.
35 764
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen speak with Cathy O'Brien, a survivor of the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control program, to which she was sold as a young child and from where she was passed on to the White House and the Pentagon for further abuse. Cathy was rescued and spoke at a Congressional hearing in 1995. In this interview, she reveals how common child abuse, pedophilia, and occult rites are in the highest circles of politics and in so-called elites and how traumatization is used for blackmail, mass manipulation, and geopolitical purposes with the main goal of establishing a New World Order. She also provides the names of the perpetrators she was in close contact with, including Gerald Ford, Hillary & Bill Clinton, and George Bush. Her book “The TranceFormation of America” (ISBN 0966016548, 9780966016543) was written from compiled testimony for Congress when National Security was invoked to prevent the Intelligence Oversight Committee from hearing her testimony at the 1995 MK Ultra hearings.
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ICIC - Cathy O_Brien – An MK Ultra Survivor.mp4

33 950
Epstein Gerichtsdokumente❕⚖ Hier (offenbar) alle vollständigen Epstein-Dokumente, die heute veröffentlicht wurden in einer PDF (943 Seiten) Hier funktioniert die Suchfunktion. ⚖ ✔️ Lasset die Spiele beginnen❕😁 💛💥


32 198
Epstein court documents 👇👇👇💥💣💥
35 178
This is probably because the elephant has mutated into a mammoth in the meantime ... 🐘➡️🦣
40 212
Legendary‼💥💣💥 Ricky Gervais' opening speech at the 2020 Golden Globe. Some brief highlights: (...) Shut up, I know he (Epstein, editor's note) was your friend, but I don't care." (...) (...) "Apple got into the TV business with a morning show, a great drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China, so good you say you woke up, but the companies you work for are - unbelievably - Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS launched a streaming service, you'd call your agent, wouldn't you? So if you win an award tonight, don't use it as a platform for a political speech, you're not in a position to educate the public about anything, you know nothing about the real world, most of you have spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg. So if you win, accept your little prize, thank your agent and your God(!)". (...) ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴
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This Will be ICONIC in the Future! | Ricky Gervais Opening Monologue at the Golden Globes 2020
No editing needed to appreciate what Ricky's doing.
51 055
👇📝💌💥 PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM REINER FUELLMICH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 👇📝💌💥 Rosdorf, 03.01.2024 Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️ I wish everyone a Happy New Year and assure everyone that I will continue. We will not let up with our educational work and the subsequent legal investigation into the plandemic.  Of course it is very difficult for me to be away from my wife and my dogs and my family and friends. But it helps me a lot that I always receive new information through the many letters and postcards, as well as very personal messages and stories. All this helps me a lot. That's why I can still say with full conviction and determination: Some crack under pressure, I don't! The international colleagues with my friend Dexter and all the others are also still ready to ensure justice for all. This time the broken system will not be able to stand in front of evil.  In a somewhat longer communication in the next few days, I will be able to explain important details concerning both the case against me and our international legal work. There is no doubt that things are moving faster and faster in our direction. But there is also no doubt that the other side is fighting for its survival, i.e. remains highly dangerous. Do not be intimidated or even discouraged: We will expose everything that must come to light and we will ensure that the collapse of the system and the transition to a new human coexistence without corruption and without violence is made possible with the help of justice.  ❤️ I thank you again for your support, and I thank our ICIC team for their work. ❤️ I believe that the criminals who are trying to paralyze and financially bleed me and my wife, my family and my friends will not only fail, but each and every one of them will pay. We can be slowed down, but we cannot be stopped.  Best regards, Reiner Fuellmich ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴ Editor's addition: Here are the details for 📬POST to Reiner. Please note the following information: 👉 It is NOT ALLOWED to ADD stamps or money to the post in Rosdorf Prison.  👉 The mail will be read and delivery may take two days to two weeks.          The address is: JVA Rosdorf  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich  Am Großen Sieke 8  37124 Rosdorf  Germany   ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴                               
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101 584
1 154
👇📝💌💥 PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM REINER FUELLMICH AT THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR DATED 3.1.2024! 👇📝💌💥 ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴                                      
37 440
Let us never forget why we once started doing what we do. No matter how long it may take. Let's take advantage of all the opportunities that come our way. The world (and freedom) belongs to the brave!💥💪🍀❤️ We wish you all, dear friends, supportrers and companions, a happy and prosperous New Year! 🥂
40 401
Worth thinking of it ... ✅


75 024
1 564
🇩🇪 German newspaper Bild's forecast for the country: the worst is yet to come? This year turned out to be difficult for Germany, but these are still "flowers," Bild writes with reference to German experts. In general, the political forecasts of two political scientists for 2024 are gloomy: Germany will lag behind in almost all areas: ► There will be a "period of deep polarization and weakening of manageability" in domestic politics; ► The economy will fall into a "recession period" and financial policy into "very cloudy weather"; ► There will be an increase in tension, discontent and indignation in the social sphere; In European politics, Germany is becoming "an unpopular colossus with feet of clay,“ according to Bild. Boost us! | Subscribe to
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42 298
There is always (our) a choice ...❤️
55 990


54 360
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to all friends, supportrers and companions for your help. ❤️🙏 ✴✳✴✳✴✳✴                         
49 900
Dear friends and companions, dear donators, ❤️ Now that Reiner has been in prison for over 2 months and has received so much support from you - be it through your letters, your positive thoughts or through a donation - I would like to thank you on behalf of Reiner and the whole ICIC team. Reiner himself spoke in his message about how important the letters and postcards are to him. They give him hope and the strength to get through his imprisonment. Today I would like to say a special thank you to the many donors whose support is not so directly recognized by Reiner, as many donate anonymously and we have no contact details. It is the small remarks in the purpose of use that show us how deep the trust in Reiner's work goes. People who apologize for not being able to give more, even though they would like to help more. Others who openly send large amounts without even expecting a thank you - we would like to express our deep gratitude to all of you. Without you, we would be fighting a losing battle for Reiner's freedom. Many thanks to all donators, many thanks to all people who continue to trust in Reiner and many thanks to all those who continue to stand tall and still fight for truth and justice. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year that will hopefully bring the changes we have all been fighting for so long. Thank you for standing with us. Gisela, on behalf of Reiner and the whole ICIC-Team. ❤️🙏
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50 259
Dear friends, supporters and companions! ❤️ What is so special about Christmas? 🎄✨ Why does this time of year touch us so intensely and make us feel deep in our hearts? Where do all these emotions come from at this extraordinary time of year? There can hardly be any talk of a relaxed pre-Christmas period, even on the day before Christmas Eve there is no peace or contemplation. 😆 On the contrary, everything seems to be speeding up and everyone only functions on the outside. Nevertheless, a change has long been happening quietly on the inside that makes us feel different from the rest of the year. Perhaps it is the unconscious anticipation of the light that begins to grow stronger from Christmas Eve? Or the inner certainty that there will always be light again after a dark phase and that the new is already there, has been sown, but is not yet visible to us? That the light always conquers the darkness, because darkness is only the (temporary) absence of light.  Christmas is the time of hope, of anticipation and of the irrefutable knowledge that good is always there and that we can do something even in the darkest time (of the year). Lighting a candle, spreading light within us and around us, laughing, (giving) joy ... This is contagious, because when many small candles are lit at the same time, together they shine as brightly as the sun, which is reborn at Christmas. This gives strength, courage and confidence to get through everything. During this time, we would like to remember all people who feel lonely and abandoned and who cannot spend this special time together with their loved ones. Let's think of them, of all beings, send them a loving thought and wish them the best. ❤️🌟🍀 Merry Christmas. ✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️                         
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54 551
We wish you a very Merry Christmas, dear friends, supportrers and companions! ❤️🎄🎅
42 717
Official Press Release. Please share. Thank you. ❤️

EN Press Release Reiner Fuellmich 22.12.2023.pdf

51 537
🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿🇿🇦 We think we need to laugh a little too. 😊
48 901
9/11, UFO False Flags & Free Energy – Part 3 In this third and final episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson talk about more shocking and strange details surrounding the complexities and hidden connections of the topics discussed at length. Both believe that these hitherto hidden circumstances, events, symbolisms and synchronicities must be made available to the public as widely as possible, without interruption, so that people can begin to see more clearly, use their own minds and finally stop just believing what they are told. Telegram: Thank you for your support!
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9-11, UFO false flags & Free Energy Part 3_FINAL_HD720.mp4

55 621
A big 'thank you!' to British computer scientist and physicist Andrew Johnson for supporting Reiner. ❤️ More about Andrew's work:


56 074


42 506
MP Andrew Bridgen – Last Man Standing In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Prof. Joseph Molitorisz, philosopher, have a detailed and very illuminating conversation with Andrew Bridgen, a British politician and businessman who also holds a degree in Microbiology. Bridgen has served as Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire since 2010. He attended the University of North London, where he studied Law and Politics. After graduating, he worked in various roles in the financial sector, including as a stockbroker, before starting his own business in property management. Telegram: Reiner Fuellmich 🇺🇸/🇬🇧/🇦🇺 Thank you for your support!
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43 341
Thank you, Andrew, for your support. Together we continue the fight for justice and truth!


47 612
Habt keine Angst! ❤️ Wenn die Dunkelheit in der Welt wächst, muss auch das Licht wachsen. 🌟 Das sind die Gesetze des Gleichgewichts und der Natur. Wir wünschen Euch einen besinnlichen 2. Advent.🕯🕯🎄 ✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️✳️✴️
36 820
Joe Rogan Silenced his guest blasting LGBTQ's gender changing agenda on children Subscribe: Edward Snowden Private.


43 002
📌📌📌 Schon alt, aber aktueller denn je 🤣 ☀️🍷🍿 Lust auf Gute Laune? ♟️🐇📕 Lust auf Wissen?


39 791
‼ Information! Technical work on the video server of ICIC ‼ Dear friends and interested people! Our IT team is currently working on the video server of the ICIC website. 💻 For this reason, the videos are temporarily not available. 🖥 The work will be completed soon and then you can use Reiner's interviews again. 🎬 Thank you very much for your understanding. ❤️ The ICIC team ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴
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47 252
I’m unable to comment below this Substack article. Here is what I intended to post. Best wishes Mike This is my censored speech for use in Andrew Bridgen’s event. There must have been two technical errors, because they had my recording several days ago & the confirmed that playbook was working. Peter McCullough was intending to present by video link, eg Zoom. It’s not believable that both link & local playback failed. I do not believe. Why didn’t they want me to speak? I’m the only one who says: 1. There’s been no pandemic, no medical emergency. Therefore rushing a novel technology “vaccine” at the public was malign. All the “countermeasures” also had malign intentions. 2. The alleged vaccines were toxic by design, not accidental. Intentionally harmful. 3. I outlined the obvious endgame. That’s why I am unwelcome everywhere. Best wishes Mike
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34 867
My speech intended for use at a session organised for Croatian parliamentarians and journalists last weekend (Dec 1st, iirc). For reasons I don’t yet fully understand, this recording was not played at the session in Croatia. Again, I say there was no pandemic of an alleged, severe acute respiratory viral illness. We were lied to about that. At the other end of the crime, billions of people were injected with intentionally dangerous substances. Please do whatever you can to get this to waverers. Best wishes Mike
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14 134
This sounds pretty good! 🙏 ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳
Slovakia Shocks the World: New Prime Minister Rejects Signing the WHO Pandemic Treaty
This move will set off a chain reaction of events…
46 009
"The Truth" - Personal statement by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Part 1     THANK YOU to all of you out there! Dear friends, comrades-in-arms and fellow human beings interested in the truth, for the first time after 6 weeks in custody I would like to personally and deeply thank everyone who has written to me. There are thousands and I read everything.  ❤️🙏❤️   The trust in my seriousness as a lawyer and founder of the Corona Committee, in my intensity and the quality of my work and, above all, the positive energy conveyed to me in these letters are like an invisible lifeboat that will take me to freedom and allow us all to continue our work together. Because it's not over yet.     The corona pandemic was just a test run to find out what people will put up with if you panic them with psychological terror. Now more than ever, we need to take a closer look behind the panic propaganda. Now more than ever we have to find out what lies are being used to distort our past in order to recognize the truth. Only then will we be able to stop the evil and hold the perpetrators to account. Without justice, there can be no peace and no return to humanity. This also applies to my personal case. Today, for the first time, I would like to comment on the accusations made against me publicly and by way of criminal charges. Because there is enough dubious and simply false information on the internet and in the mainstream to destroy my international reputation as a lawyer, but also as a person. Together with my team of lawyers, I will ensure that the WHOLE truth comes to light and that those responsible for this plot against me are brought to justice. They are the perpetrators. I will prove that.     In the next episodes of my personal statements, I will report on the background of the Corona Committee, why I - unfortunately - did not correctly recognize and classify warning signs, how my wife and I simply had our private house and savings taken away from us with the knowledge and active participation of a lawyer - and thus our entire financial existence, how the "Mexico plot" came about that led to my arrest and much more. Please listen to me.     Thank you. Yours, Reiner Fuellmich. ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳                 
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71 068
1 071
My speech intended for use at a session organised for Croatian parliamentarians and journalists last weekend (Dec 1st, iirc). For reasons I don’t yet fully understand, this recording was not played at the session in Croatia. Again, I say there was no pandemic of an alleged, severe acute respiratory viral illness. We were lied to about that. At the other end of the crime, billions of people were injected with intentionally dangerous substances. Please do whatever you can to get this to waverers. Best wishes Mike
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25 844
No more words needed.
32 341
🚨NEW ZEALAND IN FULL BLOWN PANIC MODE! Health Care Worker/Data Administrator, Barry young, BLEW THE LID on How Many People Truly Died from Pfizer Vaccine Batches! He Was Then Raided and Now Faces 7 Years in Prison WHAT HAPPENED? Barry Young worked on a project at “Te Whatu Ora” as a data administrator to implement a vaccine payment system to providers. Te Whatu Ora is a Public Health Agency established by the New Zealand Government. Because Barry helped build this system, he had access to vaccine-related data and he was shocked to learn that a lot of people were dying a week after being vaccinated. Shocked at his discovery, he downloaded and shared that data with the world. THREE VIDEO BREAKDOWN: breaks down how he came about this data and the Pfizer Vaccine batch data, showing a death rate ranging between 5-25%. sounds the alarm that Barry Young, as well as someone who corroborated his findings, was RAIDED! She calls for a global effort to make this story known. of this data being released. More context. WHERE THINGS ARE NOW: Te Whatu Ora has been granted an injunction that "prevents any publication of the data" by the Employment Relations Authority. Te Whatu Ora has alleged Young downloaded the data, and has since removed all his access to their systems. Barry Young, was charged with accessing a computer system for “dishonest purposes”, which carries a maximum penalty of seven years' prison. The police said they would be opposing his release on bail, because of the risk he could continue to spread “misinformation.” UNBELIEVABLE! I hope the people of New Zealand stand with this man.
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29 264
1 912
35 172
Dr Mike Yeadon commented Nov 25 Please search for me Dr Mike Yeadon on minor search engines like Yandex or Mojeek. You will find a dozen & more talks like the censored one. I’m horribly censored and smeared on Google and Safari. Interesting that they put this much effort into distorting search results. I deduce that they regard my work as krypyonite to their lies. Best wishes Mike Ps: also, please join me & thousands of others here:
Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel
Former big pharma & biotech research executive telling the truth about monumental frauds.
41 025
Dr. Yeadon has commented on his personal telegram channel. I may have mentioned that I had been invited to address a sizeable gathering in the German parliament, a couple of weekends ago? A lengthy session arranged by the party of the admirably feisty MEP, Christine Anderson, the AfD. They have something like 82 members of Parliament, mostly in the former East, and 9 MEPs. Not too shabby. I was promised an audience of 90 elected representatives and 200 eager officials, together possessing a veritable alternative network that doesn’t rely on mainstream media for its communication. They realised early that they were never going to get a fair shake by their media, so decided to not try to pretend to be like the other parties and simply represent those with no voice. Admirable stuff. So, persuaded it was worth a shot, I prepared a short talk. I was surprised to find I had the last slot & looking at the people & topics, I thought, wow, I’ve got a chance to really get an impact. I simplified & focused on the alleged vaccines. How there could never have been sufficient time to have done what was claimed. That even if the narrative was true, virtually nobody would benefit from it because they’re not at risk. That pregnant women have for 60 years never been exposed to new medicines, not even once fully approved. Then I described rational drug design, and my career using it. The awful conclusion that toxicity was built into these agents. Five discrete mechanisms of toxicity. By the way, our molecular biology experts find an additional handful of mechanisms of harm, to do with nuclear entry, all superfluous to the notional purpose. The conclusion is that we are under intense attack. That we can repel these evil people by sufficient of us simply refusing to comply with the campaign of fear. The economy may be decimated in whatever is coming but that we can recover as free individuals. After I’d finished, there was a strange noise. It was the usual polite applause, but a roar that simply didn’t stop. I switched camera view on my screen. The whole place was on its feet. They were clapping like mad. It went on for an embarrassing 2-3 minutes. Gratified, I mumbled thanks for the opportunity to speak to them and ended the link. I learned yesterday that dissenting voices in AfD had decided my opinions were too extreme and they’ve excised my presentation from the link to the session, which I understand has now been made public. It’s very depressing and frustrating to find I’m being censored by what I thought was our own side. I don’t think I’m going to get a copy of my own speech, either. If you know anyone connected to whatever is going on there, we’d love to hear a perspective from the inside. Best wishes Mike
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Why does German Opposition censor Dr. Michael Yeadon's talk at "2nd Corona Symposium"?
Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party in German Bundestag holds 2-day-Symposium in the Reichstag only to decide Yeadon's warning unfit for publication. Raises concerns as to the kind of game they play.
40 419
Remember 2 days ago, when Elon went to Israel, and media talking-heads shrieked that Elon was bending the knee to the ADL and Media Matters to appease advertisers? That didn’t last long did it 😂😭 Elon tells advertisers trying to blackmail him to “go f*ck yourself”.


25 977
A very touching message from Inka Fuellmich about the day of Reiner's arrest and her experience. Please share wide and far!


56 705
1 394
Really?! 🙈😐
Norwegian Researchers Find Masks Linked With Covid Infections – The Daily Sceptic
A recent Norwegian study explores the link between face mask use and COVID-19 risk, finding a 33-40% higher risk in frequent mask wearers.
41 496
Wenn Sie krank sind, liegt das an Ihrer Umwelt, Dummkopf! Es sei denn, du hast die Genozid-Spritze genommen, dann ist es das, was dich umbringt


31 491
We are unstoppable and we will never forget! 💥💪
36 366
Die NY-Gesundheitskommissarin Mary Bassett gibt zu, dass sie mit übertriebenen Behauptungen über COVID-Krankenhausaufenthalte bei Kindern Eltern Angst einjagen wollte, damit sie ihre Kinder impfen lassen Sie haben über alles gelogen....


28 201
A brave man! ❤️ May his life's work be continued.             
32 582
Love can't be described. It has no shape, it has no form. Love is not an object. Love does not conform. Love enters our lives The moment we are born. From the cradle to the grave, Love's in everyone. Love burns like a candle That sometimes flickers but never dies. Love may be invisible, Although it's right before your eyes, Love can leave you empty, Love can make you whole. Love can make or break you, Love is in your soul. Love is in your heart, Love is in your mind. Love doesn't discriminate, Love is always blind. Love is universal, It encompasses the globe. No matter where you are, Love has a language all its own Love is all around you. There's plenty of love to spare. You cannot see or touch it, But love is everywhere. Love's the greatest power, And yet it is so small. Love's a gift from God To be shared amongst us all. John P. Read. "A Gift From God."
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31 108
📮 Sent LETTERS and POSTCARDS to Reiner! Please note the following information: 👉 It is PERMITTED to ADD stamps or money to the post in Rosdorf Prison. 👉 The mail will be read and delivery may take two days to two weeks. The address is: JVA Rosdorf Dr. Reiner Füllmich Am Großen Sieke 8 37124 Rosdorf THANK YOU from ❤️! ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴✳
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35 561
Dear friends, supporters and companions! Reiner receives a lot of encouragement from your letters and postcards. ❤️🗒🖌 Please don't stop writing to Reiner, because it is so important to make your support visible. 💥 Please note the following information: 👉 It is NOT permitted to ADD stamps or money to the post in Rosdorf Prison. 👉 The mail will be read and delivery may take two days to two weeks. The address is: JVA Rosdorf Dr. Reiner Füllmich Am Großen Sieke 8 37124 Rosdorf We are happy to receive support for Reiner and the ICIC project. There is an account to cover the expected costs of the proceedings in particular, but also running costs (website, e-mail server, etc.). Please indicate the intended purpose, for example "Costs of criminal proceedings Reiner Füllmich", "Donation for Reiner Füllmich's free disposal" or similar, as well as the reason for the donation/gift and the name. The donations will only be used as requested by you. A monthly transparency report can be called up. Write an e-mail with the subject "Transparency report" to . The bank details for Reiner are: IBAN: DE44 8206 4088 0002 2241 86 BIC: GENODEF1ESA Raiba Ronshausen Account holder: Gisela Pelzer (business economist ICIC-Team) Bebra, Germany. THANK YOU from ❤️! ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴✳
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31 676
Dear friends, supporters and companions! We would like to share some insights into Reiner's everyday life with you. He sends you all his warmest regards and thanks you for your many letters, which he is very pleased to receive. He receives around 30 of your letters and postcards every day, and he reads them ALL. Reiner is doing well under the circumstances. He has a room to himself, a TV and, more importantly for him, a desk and writing utensils. 😊 🖌🗒 He maintains regular contact with his lawyers and also with his fellow inmates in the prison, who are also there for various reasons. These are stories that he will always remember. Your encouragement, your sympathy and your expressions of support do him a lot of good and help him to feel and maintain his connection to you, dear ALL, and to the outside world 😊😉. After all, it is the community that welds us together and makes us strong, across national borders and despite building walls! ❤️ We will continue to keep you up to date. The ICIC editorial team. 🤓 You can find Reiner's interviews on his website All the latest news and much more worth knowing can be found on his Telegram channels, because the dissemination of information is Reiner's top priority. ✳✴✳✴✳✴✳✴✳
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26 162
And right now according to "your plan": In 2017, the infamous Johns Hopkins Center published a paper: THE SPARS PANDEMIC 2025-2028. In it, a vaccination campaign was planned during a coronavirus pandemic. Now the "pandemic" took place 5 years earlier, but it went as planned. The paper planned everything down to the smallest detail, even the protests of people who doubted the danger of the disease or claimed that it originated in a bio-laboratory. And that's not all: the paper even plans for politicians to publicly apologize and admit their mistakes after the end of the "pandemic" in order to calm the angry citizens. And that's where it starts:
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Completed Projects | Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
View a listing of completed projects from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
29 304
Wisdom of the day ... 💥
28 264
Last updated: 11.07.23
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