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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
πŸ’†πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Laziness competitions are held in Montenegro The prize for the winner who will stay here the longest is 300 euros. The conditions are simple: it is allowed to sleep, read, eat, drink, but it is forbidden to get up, you can go to the toilet every 8 hours.


1 151
Gold reserves worth 700 quintillion dollars have been discovered on the asteroid Psyche 16. This amount is enough to make all the inhabitants of the Earth billionaires. Facts
1 337
Sweat does not smell, the culprits of the smell are bacteria. Facts
1 825
Kissing most likely originated when mothers passed chewed food from mouth to mouth to babies. Facts
2 538
75% of the world's food is produced from only 12 species of plants and 5 species of animals. Facts
2 653
Baboons sometimes steal puppies. They feed and tame them. After that, the dogs grow up, become defenders of the pack and often guard small baboons. Facts
3 016
In a year, up to 4 liters of tears are produced in the human eye.
2 848
The author of the channel: "CRUEL HISTORY" captured a rare natural phenomenon‼️ This video , just between the Canada-Alaska-Russia border. can only be observed once a year, for 36 seconds. The moon appears and disappears. Immediately afterward, there is a 5-second total solar eclipse. This phenomenon only occurs at - the point where the moon is closest to the earth.


2 628
A tick after eating is at least 10 times larger than a hungry one.
2 215
The bite of a Brazilian wandering spider can cause an erection lasting several hours.
2 749
The beginning of the Hermitage was laid by Catherine the Second, who received 317 valuable paintings by Dutch artists from Germany to pay off the debt. At least 96 of these paintings have been preserved in the museum's collections to this day.
2 855
Perfect cleanliness increases the likelihood of developing allergies.
2 290
Thunderstorms can break out not only in summer, but also in winter – snowstorms are quite a rare weather phenomenon, but their existence is scientifically proven and reliably documented. In Moscow, this phenomenon was noted in 1995, 2006 and 2011.
1 178
Wolves rarely attack humans: they prefer to hunt weak animals β€” old, very young, starving, injured or sick.
2 321
A genetically modified purple tomato has been approved in the USA After more than a decade of development, the U.S. Department of Agriculture has recognized the purple tomato with improved nutritional properties as safe to grow. The tomato's genes have been edited to produce 10 times more antioxidants than in pre-existing varieties.
3 044
The feeling that you are lost in the mall is known as the Gruen effect. This phenomenon was named after the Austrian architect Viktor Gruen, who identified how intentionally confusing layout can lead to consumers spending more time and money in a shopping mall.
3 352
A long stay in space is fraught for a person with loss of bone strength, weakening of muscles, suppression of the immune system and radiation exposure.
3 618
Mammoths had a hump on their backs that elephants don't have. They accumulated fat reserves in it, which helped to survive hungry times, almost in the same way as camels do.
3 702
House dust consists of dead cells of our skin According to researchers from Imperial College London, people lose almost 450 grams of skin per year. Dead tissue becomes the main food for dust mites and mold fungi.
3 743
Most of Santa Claus' reindeer have male names. But the males shed their horns at Christmas, so most likely the sleigh is pulled by females.


2 894
In 1962, American inventor Alfred Levy discovered a problem with telephone communication at a factory he owned: if callers were put on hold, they heard music. It turned out that one cable that was not connected to anything touched a metal beam and became a kind of antenna that transmitted the signal of a nearby radio station.
3 209
Smoking girls change sexual partners more often.
3 084
A kilogram of cucumbers contains only about 150 calories, which makes this vegetable a dietary product.
3 371
Over the course of a lifetime, the average person grows a hair with a total length of 800-1000 kilometers.
3 626
Penguins buy sexual pleasures from females for beautiful pebbles.
4 351
China has introduced a "Smart court" system - AI will now make decisions. Officially, in order to avoid human mistakes. The judge is only an observer in the process. Moreover, if he does not agree, he is obliged to explain the AI in writing. But there is no way to change his decision.
5 547
On the beaches of New Jersey, male topless was banned until 1937, on the grounds that residents "do not want to see gorillas on our beaches."
5 338
The Australian Aborigines had a special form of execution, which consisted in carrying out a ritual of β€œcursing" against a criminal. Very often, the β€œcursed one” died within a few days after that – so strong was the belief in this ritual.
5 643
Only a quarter of the Sahara Desert is covered with sand. Most of it is covered with gravel, although there are also mountains and oases. And here is another geographical fact that everyone misunderstands: it's not the biggest desert in the world. The biggest is Antarctica.
5 888
One hour of a cosmonaut's stay on the ISS costs about 55 thousand dollars.
5 409
Last updated: 11.07.23
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