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audience statistics Red Ice TV

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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Christian Pastor Says Every word in the Bible has been written with Jewish hands.


You can make the case that this yet another "religion" - something for you to worship - made by them.
“Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt.”


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White Guy Nigger Ball Lover.mp4

Nigger Ball Player Muffwaga Muh Dic Ball.mp4

Martin Sellner 🪥 (@Martin_Sellner) on X
Many people have seen the videos of Islamists marching in the Streets of Hamburg demanding a Kaliphate and wonder why Germans are "letting that happen". There is a reason for that. Some important background information in this thread. 1/7
1 388
Want to go hiking my Germanic bros? Not so fast!
1 414
This is the "media personality" in Sweden that helped to create an environment where many Swedes have been fearful of fighting back against their replacement. The fear of doxxing and public shaming is a big reason why many Swedes have been reluctant to speak up and help to fight back against mass invasion of foreign rapists and criminals. From bombings to humiliation crimes. This week, High Court of Upper Norrland banned his left-wing news agency "Sirén" from using public documents from the court in order to doxx and "expose" individuals. They will now be able to sue. Robert Aschberg is a comfortable media mogul multimillionaire that made his money shaming ordinary working class Swedes for speaking their minds about what has been happening to Sweden over the last few decades. If Barbara Spectre is the "sheep farmer" who can open the gate to wolves, Robert Aschberg is the sheep dog that keeps the sheep in line, inside of the pen to ensure they get torn to shreds by the wolves. Guess what ethnicity he is?
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Robert Ashberg Troll Hunter Segmetn on Al Jazeera.mp4

1 364
4 379
Sounds about right
3 192


3 161
The year is 2016. Men across the world are suffering from mental health issues, journalists are saying this is the most important election of our lifetime and the right is pushing ideology that is dangerous to our democracy. The year is 2020. Men across the world are suffering from mental health issues, journalists are saying this is the most important election of our lifetime and the right is pushing ideology that is dangerous to our democracy. The year is 2024. Men across the world are suffering from mental health issues, journalists are saying this is the most important election of our lifetime and the right is pushing ideology that is dangerous to our democracy.
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2 970
You guys aren’t ready for this one… @TheParanormiesPresent
3 051
A man being held by his Father and then holding his son, 38 years later. Who wouldn't want their children to look like them?
5 019
Flashback Friday: Many Enemies, Much Honor Special guests Magnus Söderman joins us to talk about the recent arson on the "Swedes House" in Skåme & Matt Bracken on the revolt in Ireland and the Fox experiment. is also on | | | | | | | Audio |


4 504
Flashback Friday: Many Enemies, Much Honor Special guests Magnus Söderman & Matt Bracken joins us to cover some of the latest. Watch live at 5pm EST / 11pm CET | | | |
6 853
Looks like they are back to setting other people's stuff on fire
3 832
House of the Swedes in Skåne burnt down on April 20th. It was most likely arson. Lokal far-left extremist antifa branch in Skåne, Sweden was "keeping an eye" on the new property acquired by The Free Sweden association. Publishing the address on their Twitter account. This was to be their second House of the Swedes, the first one being in Älgarås.

Svenskarnas Hus Burnt Down In Skane.mp4

3 831
🔥 🇸🇪 🚩 Firebombing against Swedish Nationalist homes 🏡 "Svenskarnas hus" in Skåne suffered arson attacks and sabotage. 🔶️ Dan Eriksson also believes that the fire was started by someone who learned that Det fria Sweden had bought the farm. He says that, among other things, plastic remains and a lid from what is believed to be a can of flammable liquid have been found. 🔶️ The farm was bought by Det fria Sweden the month before. A nationalist organization that planned to use the property as a "House of the Swedes". 🔶️ - It consists of three buildings. We have renovated one building, one side building. The building that burned was the main building itself, which we did not renovate, he explains. 🎁 Their donor box:
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Brandattack i helgen mot "Svenskarnas hus" i Skåne » Samnytt
Samnytt - ocensurerade nyheter. Samnytt rapporterar om det som gammelmedia döljer.
3 495
3 812
3 549
No-Go Zone: Police Shut Down Palestine Protests Over Israel & Nazi Attack In Sweden? also on | | | | | | | Audio |


4 251
No-Go Zone: Police Shut Down Palestine Protests Over Israel & Nazi Attack In Sweden? Watch live at 5pm EST / 11pm CET: | | | | Superchats: |
6 514


3 847
Over the last few decades there have been professors (both Jewish and non-White) at major American Universities calling for abolishing the White race, student news papers have called White DNA an abomination and "doctors" who have spoken about shooting White people in the face have been invited to speak at one these ivy league schools. There were no mass protests then and it's not until protests over Israel/Zionism that police are called in to violently shut it down with rubber bullets, mass arrests. This shows you where their priorities lie. White people, we are on our own. Not one of these other groups care about us it's up to us to organize, cooperate and stand up for ourselves. (Reposting this with the right video this time)
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Texas Police Shut Down Palestine Protest.mp4


5 025
In Germany, AfD is now the second most popular party among 14-29 year olds. The politics of remigration is beginning to capture the youth.
3 079
The tide is turning. The need and desire for mass deportations is a reality that cannot be ignored.
4 513


Last updated: 11.07.23
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