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all posts Follow the Data with Dr Frank

Follow the Data with Dr Frank! 
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1 394
5/24 at 1pm KEIZER, OR
1 558
Guest Dr Frank - Protecting Voter Rights
The Constitutionalist With Eric Rollins
1 840
Dr. Douglas Frank discusses election fraud
CONSERVATIVE VOICES SILENCED FACEBOOK GROUP: Kristine Sposato: Mobile App: "RISE Conservative Student" Book: "Student V
1 823
5/21 6:30pm in STURGIS, MICHIGAN
1 980
1 887
3 119
2 557
2 150
2 067
2 387
See y'all tonight!
2 506
(Originally posted 9/2022) β€œWhy the FBI Took My Phone” I appreciate the outpouring of support from so many of you! But as I was reading your posts and comments, I’m realizing that many of you don’t understand the core events and context. This is understandable, since it is underreported in the media. Here is what is going on. In April 2021 I met with Tina Peters in her office. Tina is the senior election in official Mesa County, Colorado. I showed her clear and compelling evidence that the elections in her county were manipulated and fraudulent. Clerk Peters was very concerned, and we discussed a strategy going forward. While our investigation was ongoing, I encouraged her to back up the information in her voting machines. The Secretary of State had also encouraged all clerks to do this, since the election equipment vendor was about to perform a β€œtrusted build” software update before the next election, which was to occur about a month later. Peters did not know how to perform such a backup, nor did anyone in her office, nor her county IT support. (I’ve since met with dozens of election officials… I’ve yet to meet one who knows how to backup their election systems.) I was only recently associated with the Lindell team at that point, and the documentary Mike made about my election work, β€œScientificProof,” had only just been released. (You can watch this one-hour piece on ) So I connected Peters with members of the Lindell team, knowing that they had the cyber expertise to do the necessary backups. And boy, did they. Forensic images of the Mesa County election systems were obtained before and after the β€œtrusted build,” which turned out to be far more than a mere software update. The vendor had completely purged her entire system, erasing years of election data. (By federal law such data must be preserved for 22 months.) And this was being done across the country… the vendors were systematically destroying such evidence nationwide. It is important that you understand what a β€œforensic image” is. It is a special backup that copies every bit and byte on a machine… including logs and deleted files. It cannot be changed once it’s made, and it is admissible in court. Well, those forensic images have since been used to prove that the machines were manipulating Mesa County elections by keeping two sets of books. (The Mesa III report is available on , along with the captured images.) When she found out about the images, Secretary of State Griswold was livid, and spearheaded an intimidation campaign against everyone involved. Lawsuits were filed, houses and offices were raided, doors smashed in, and children have been humiliated and their electronic toys confiscated. (Watch the free movie on ) The lawsuit has been escalated to federal court. Why? Because our county election systems have federal equipment in them to defend against malware. Except… these federal systems are one of the primary means by which our elections are being hacked. (They are called β€œAlbert Sensors.” Look them up on the CISA website. They are installed in nearly every county system in the country.) So this is not merely a state cover up, it is a national one. Mike Lindell has 100 Tb of electronic recordings of the general election being hacked in 2020 in nearly every county in our country (watch the movie β€œAbsolute Proof” on ). And by the way, the software that performed the election manipulation on the Mesa County machines is the same software installed on machines across the country. Our elections are totally hacked. Computers have no place in our elections. We need to β€œVote Amish,” all paper, no machines. Like they do in Europe: in-person with ID, paper pollbooks, paper ballots, hand-counted and reported, all on a single day. As Mike says, β€œWe need to melt down the machines and make them into prison bars.”
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4 482
So some of the reasons that the FBI is seizing our phones is because they are trying to track down all the players, confiscate copies of the images, and to intimidate anyone questioning the integrity of our elections. There is a federal grand jury in Colorado spearheading this.
4 287
3 564
πŸ‘ŸπŸ›ΌπŸ₯Ύ7 STEPS TO TAKE BACK YOUR ELECTIONS βš–οΈ ⏰4/22 Monday at 9am breakfast, 10am program in Tustin, Orange County CA Please RSVP so we can prepare @ πŸ¦β€œIt's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog that makes a difference”
3 050
"New York Tyranny" I'm still reeling from my visit to New York state, where their tyrannical government has been successfully beating down their citizens, depriving them not only of their unalienable, God-given, natural rights, but also the rest of their rights enumerated in the Constitution. Can you imagine? They need permission to even own a gun, much less carry one. And militias are illegal. Excuse me?! You do not have to comply with any law or policy that deprives you of your God-given, or any other rights Enumerated in the Constitution. Furthermore, it is your obligation as a citizen NOT to comply with any such law or policy, indeed your duty to nullify such. New Yorkers ... you need to get your kits together. You're dropping the ball.
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2 761
"Smelling the Barn" Headed home after my tours in Alaska, Pennsylvania, and New York. I can hardly wait...looking forward to seeing my family, especially the footrubs from Nellie, and a smooch from my lovely bride. I'll be home a few days to catch up on home responsibilities, then gone again for about a month to Missouri, Kentucky, California, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Our country is a wreck, and is in desperate need of repair. We are being judged by God, and we've earned it. It's now or never... I urge you to get your heart right with God. It is an honor to serve my God and the country that made a covenant with Him. Kyrie eleison.
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2 687
Election histories for Pennsylvania, plus the two counties I recently visited.
2 370
Election history for the two New York counties I visited.
2 438
"New York Election History" New York's election history reveals that their voting and voter rolls are growing faster than their population... a common ailment across the county. We need to return to local control of our elections, because are states are failing miserably at "remote control" of them.
2 498
4/25 in Kingsburg, CA (near Fresno) at 6:30pm
2 438
"Alaska Elections are a Disaster" Alaska has the dirtiest voter rolls in the country. And not just inflated; the records themselves are full of errors. Just about everything that can be wrong with an election is evident in Alaska elections: Mail-In Voting, Rank-Choice Voting, Dirty Voter Rolls...
2 701
Listened to a debate while shaving this morning. Needed to vent...
2 617
5/10 in Traverse City, Michigan at 6:30pm
2 731
5/8 in Boyne, Michigan at 6:30pm
2 536
5/7 in Cadillac, Michigan at 7pm
2 932
4/11 in HAMBURG, NY at 6pm
1 975
4/10 in JAMESTOWN, NY at 6:30pm
1 883
4/10 in JAMESTOWN, NY at 6:30pm

Dr. Frank Jamestown Meeting 4-10-24.jpg

4/9 in WATERFORD, PA at 6:30pm
2 266
Near Pittsburg, PA TODAY at 6:30pm
1 977
Near Pittsburg, PA TODAY at 6:30pm

PA 04.08.24.jpg

0 I just donated $100 to support David Eastman's legal defense. He is one of the few and finest legislators in the country, so is being lawfared by the Left and the corrupt Alaska GOP. Please consider supporting this remarkable patriot, who is standing for truth and is one of my personal heroes. I just donated $100 to support David Eastman's legal defense. He is one of the few and finest legislators in the country, so is being lawfared by the Left and the corrupt Alaska GOP. (A judge has placed a limit of $249 on donations from individuals.)
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2 593
Leaving Alaska... headed Pittsburgh. Added two pins to my coat lapel on this trip. An Honor!
2 494
2 236
"We Are On Probation" β€œThere is an option still left to the United States of America, that it is in their choice, and depends upon their conduct, whether they will be respectable and prosperous, or contemptible and miserable as a Nation. This is the time of their political probation, this is the moment when the eyes of the whole World are turned upon them, this is the moment to establish or ruin their national Character…" - George Washington
2 752
Anchorage election official says nearly 20,000 undeliverable ballots have returned, so far
As of April 2, it appears that nearly 10% of all ballots that were sent out to Anchorage voters for the April 2 citywide election have been returned to election headquarters as β€œundeliverable ballots.”…
2 937
"Fairbanks, AK" I spoke to an overflow crowd in Fairbanks last evening. My advice was well-received, and it is inspiring to watch so many patriots emerging. Just about everything that CAN be wrong with elections IS wrong with Alaska elections. Alaskans should not stand for this, and should hold their senior election official accountable (the Lt. Gov.). Wait... she is running for US Congress. Hmmm... the person running for office is in charge of the corrupted AK elections. Hmmm...
2 620
β€œThe Non-Essential Church” If your church refuses to engage the moral depravity of our nation, If your church refuses to engage in the politics opposing the murder and castration of our children, If your church refuses to embrace the covenant that our nation made with Almighty God upon its founding, If your church refuses to lead in the modern cultural, political, and spiritual revolution of our day, Then I agree with the government: your church is non-essential. I recommend that you stop wasting your time on non-essential things. After all, we are at war.
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2 319


2 414
2024 0324 SLA interview with Dr Douglas Frank
We are talking about election integrity
2 765
2 553
2 810
Public Service Announcement (PSA) this is not Dr Frank. He would not contact you in this manner. He would not solicit you directly to follow a channel, buy products etc. Any channels or items he would post would be done so publicly on this channel. Please block and report those who are impersonating Dr Frank
3 056
4/24 at 6pm in Rancho Cucamonga, CA
2 966
At the Ark Encounter today!
3 051
May 22 in Lenawee County, MI @ 6pm
3 915
"Engineering Brilliance" I wonder what knuckle-dragger thought of this setup. Watt a disaster. Solar panels are already an environmentally unfriendly strategy for making large scale power. This situation shines light on the irrationality of the situation.
3 393
2 975
Forwarded from a friend..
3 077
Tustin in Orange County CA. 9am breakfast, 10am session time. Please rsvp so we can prepare the room
3 362
Live tonight with Dr. Frank
Tonight we will be live with Dr. Frank and Greasy boots!! Join in the discussion!
2 547
"Dr Frank Talks" Someone was recently referred to me to arrange a formal election integrity presentation. She asked, "What does your presentation do?" Good question! Here is my first attempt at an answer... perhaps that's why they require a couple of hours! It's really more like a seminar... Your comments are welcome.
2 662
These charts make it easy to evaluate elections in the entire state at a glance.
South Carolina Election History
State and County election history from 1984 to 2024. Voting age population is also included
2 450
"Church is Boring" If your church is boring, then you're doing it wrong. There is nothing boring about God. And being engaged in rebirth, spiritual growth, and the war for eternity is exhilarating. Life is the process of discovering who God made you to be, then embracing, nurturing, and deploying the gifts He's equipped you with for His ends. I can teach a student a scientific principle with words, equations, and diagrams, but they understand it far more profoundly when they discover it themselves via an exploration and experimental process. As their teacher, it is my job to arrange the circumstances so that they can engage that process. Our country is an experiment in self-government. I encourage you to engage it. Your life is the opportunity God has arranged for you to realize the amazing potential He has envisioned for you. And God dreams big. I encourage you to engage the process. Kyrie eleison.
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3 469
Another event added to Alaska Tour
2 386
2 442
β€œThe Mission Checklist” Chapter 10 of Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus Christ sends his twelve apostles on a mission, giving them a remarkable set of instructions. The instructions are both practical and spiritual, and although He sends them out empty-handed practically, He spiritually equips them to the hilt, even giving them authority to freely perform miracles. I think being empty-handed actually helps keep them properly focused on the mission. Jesus warns them regarding the opposition they will face and explains how to handle it. The opposition will not only be political, but also within families. I am certainly not an apostle, but I read this passage often during my travels across this country as the β€œJohnny Appleseed of Election Integrity.” I anticipate opposition on all fronts, and try to follow the mission checklist, placing myself at the mercy of my hosts. People often offer, but my security measures do not permit me to stay in the homes of my hosts. I also subscribe to the β€œBilly Graham Rule,” where I’m not allowed to be alone with a woman other than my family. I’ve been faithfully married to my high-school sweetheart for forty-two years. I pray every day that I will be full of the Holy Spirit, say and do the right things, and be β€œin the right place at the right time.” I am not afraid. Rather, it is exhilarating to serve my God and Country at this pivotal time in human history. Kyrie eleison.
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2 706
Southern California Event in April
2 545
Alaska Tour Individual Flyers
2 410
Alasksa Tour April 3 through the 6


2 447
Last updated: 11.07.23
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