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Journalists exposing corruption. Project Veritas Official Channel Donate: Contact us: VeritasTips @protonmail .com Signal: 914-653-3110 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
🚨 ELECTIONS ALERT 🚨 THOUSANDS of voters have received unsolicited "Absentee Ballot Applications" from DNC-affiliated nonprofit, Voter Participation Center. These pre-filled mailers are causing mass confusion across swing states. VPC JUST received attention from Congresswoman Claudia Tenney requesting the IRS to investigate them. WE NEED MORE EYES > Continue sending info and tips to .
23 342
On this , let’s remember that our Constitution was designed to protect us from corrupt tyranny. We will continue to stand against any power that seeks to erode our rights. We will never stop exposing those who undermine our freedoms. 🇺🇸STAY TUNED.🇺🇸
20 206
President Joe Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border and END illegal immigration, but the Democrat mega donors who control the Democratic Party have other plans. FULL REPORT.
Biden has Power to End Illegal Immigration but Big Donors CONTROL Democratic Agenda, DOJ Attorney: "We're Completely Controlled from Above." | Project Veritas
President Joe Biden has the authority to close the U.S. Southern Border, but refuses to do so because he is controlled by Democrat mega donors and special interests, a Department of Justice Attorney reveals to Project Veritas.
37 245
🚨 BREAKING: Biden has Authority to END Illegal Immigration but Democratic Mega Donors CONTROL Border Agenda "We're Completely Controlled by Special Interests Above." - Christian Cooper, Special Assistant on Immigration Litigation, U.S. Attorney's Office, Department of Justice CLICK TO POST ON X.

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36 028
Knock, knock. “Give me your ballot.” A Michigan State Certified Elections Clerk explains exactly how ballot harvesting works - and how threats, intimidation, and bribery are used to win elections. Voter Fraud is real and we caught it on camera.

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41 458
Corporate media is LYING to you. Voter Fraud is REAL, and Project Veritas has the proof. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
35 795
"50% of the FDA’s budget is from pharmaceutical companies." - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. There it is. In a newly released video from an undercover Project Veritas investigation, a federal attorney who previously defended the FDA in court admitted that the government agency went far beyond its legal authority by attempting to halt the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment during the pandemic. Full Article on our Story Via Dallas Express:
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95 651
1 048
Project Veritas has released footage of a Food and Drug Administration attorney admitting that the agency he represented “unquestionably” went beyond its authority by dissuading the American public from taking ivermectin to fight COVID-19. According to Project Veritas’ footage of Belfer, the FDA often uses “something like tweets as a vehicle to pursue a broader agenda.” Undermining a cheap, effective, and approved alternative in ivermectin constituted a broader and potentially deadly agenda. FULL ARTICLE:
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45 016
FDA Lawyer Admits on Undercover Camera that the Government Illegally Suppressed Ivermectin - but why? The doctors we spoke to hold the same belief as Joe Rogan, Robert Kennedy Jr... WATCH.

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47 233
Doctors say MILLIONS of excess deaths resulted from the FDA’s pandemic-era tweets against ivermectin. Now, the attorney from the Department of Justice who defended the FDA in court admitted on undercover camera that the government abused its authority. FULL REPORT:
FDA’s Lawyer Admits Agency’s War Against Ivermectin was a Mistake, Abuse of Authority, After Doctors Sue Government and WIN | Project Veritas
The attorney from the Department of Justice who defended the Food & Drug Administration in court admitted on undercover camera that the agency’s actions were an abuse of authority by the government during its pandemic-era public campaign against Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.
84 021
1 614
BREAKING: DOJ Lawyer ADMITS FDA War Against Ivermectin was a Mistake, Abuse of Authority, After Doctors Sue Government and Win “So, what the FDA has done... [is] unquestionably beyond its authority.” “Making a recommendation of what drugs to take or not to take, that’s the practice of medicine. And FDA can’t practice medicine.” The FDA’s “horse medicine” tweets caused a deadly chain reaction - meet the doctors who told Project Veritas that MILLIONS of excess deaths resulted from this government overreach. Click to Post #FDATweets on X:
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53 060
You remember the tweets... TOMORROW hear what the FDA's lawyer privately thinks about the agency's COVID messaging - a mistake doctors say cost MILLIONS of lives.

FDA TEASE Update.mp4

33 398
🚨EXCLUSIVE: The Real Kamala Harris Described By DC Insiders “DC doesn’t want her to be President.” “She’s terrible! She might possibly be the worst candidate of all time.” “What has she done? She hasn't done anything.” Before the media reinvented Kamala Harris with “joy” and “good vibes,” DC Insiders gave Project Veritas a very different inside look at the Democrats’ newly crowned leader. SHARE #NOTWithHer on X:

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51 108
BREAKING: Muslim Elected Official DENIES Ballot Harvesting Evidence Exposed by Project Veritas, Vows to Retaliate “I’m not [an] easy going guy. I will find out the way to catch you.” - Mohammed Hassan, Hamtramck City Councilman

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55 065
⚠️ ON AIR with Larry Elder discussing our "Bombshell" exposing Muslim ballot harvesting schemes in Michigan. "It's not hard to figure out what's going on here - we have them on video ADMITTING it."

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53 924
We heard there was a City Council meeting in Hamtramck, Michigan tonight... Will they discuss the VOTER FRAUD we uncovered among their current officials? 👀 STAY TUNED.


60 229
HAMTRAMCK REVIEW: Accusations of Ballot Harvesting have taken 'An Explosive New Turn' "Project Veritas - has released a video of local city officials and candidates openly talking about the shady dealings some participated in..."
47 526
“Every voter needs to see these Project Veritas videos, and every Republican needs to be screaming about what they reveal: systemic voter fraud.” Michigan Legislators, Former Clerks, Outraged by Voter Fraud Evidence Exposed by Project Veritas 🚨
Michigan Legislators Condemn Nessel, Benson, in Wake of Project Veritas Voter Fraud Exposé Showing Systemic Absentee Fraud by Dems in Hamtramck | The Gateway Pundit | by Assistant Editor
51 217
“What’s happening in Michigan is we’re seeing systemic voter fraud, major culture shifts, and a political power structure that’s changing as a result of voter fraud.... The American people are told you’re a conspiracy theorist and you should be prosecuted if you believe this!” Project Veritas on 910 AM Radio Detroit 🔉 Are you witnessing in your community? Contact us:

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44 771
This week Project Veritas showed you HOW absentee voter fraud happens. Something notoriously hard to capture on camera was exposed, including confessions of ballot harvesting by Democrats. We need you to know we have many other ELECTION FRAUD investigations underway. We even have credible sources coming to us from within the Democrat party – ready to expose the criminals in their midst. YES, you read that right. 🤯 We’re telling you this because we have less than 90 DAYS to deliver our next sting before the 2024 Presidential Election. We will stop at nothing to ensure the truth is told about our nation’s election process – but we need your help. All donations to Project Veritas are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE and will help us reveal the truth about Election Integrity. Even $20, $50, $150, helps us immediately dispatch more investigative journalists! Humbly asking for your support. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 DONATE:
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Project Veritas
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42 593
Knock, knock. “Give me your ballot.” A Michigan State Certified Elections Clerk explains exactly how ballot harvesting works - and how threats, intimidation, and bribery are used to win elections. Voter Fraud is real and we caught it on camera.

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57 486
Elon Musk has caught wind of our story - and yes, it's REAL. Project Veritas has captured voter fraud described in detail by a certified MI elections official, the former 4-term mayor, and others. We have Muslim councilmen on tape incriminating themselves. One of those councilmen is on today's MI primary ballot. KEEP the Pressure On Michigan's AG to investigate ELECTION FRAUD. Post on X:
43 433
The Phone Calls. Dozens of sources in Hamtramck, MI told Project Veritas that Muslim politicians are using illegal ballot harvesting operations to secure permanent power. We contacted Hamtramck City Councilmen Mohammed Hassan and Abu Musa with an opportunity to acquire what they believed to be ballots gathered for their benefit... Rather than rejecting the illegal offer, both councilmen agreed to meet our journalist to retrieve the imaginary illegal ballots - and explained how they could get those fraudulent ballots counted: by dropping them into a ballot drop box. LISTEN.
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43 265
Story approaching 1 MILLION VIEWS. Read the Full Report: Project Veritas uncovered shocking allegations of voter fraud within Michigan Muslim communities, including threats of intimidation, bribery, and secret “midnight meetings” where blank absentee ballots are auctioned to the highest bidder.
Votes for Sale: Progressive Democrats Say Muslims Used Voter Fraud to Secure Power in Michigan | Project Veritas
Project Veritas spent five months in Hamtramck, Michigan uncovering shocking descriptions of voter fraud within the Muslim communities, which includes threats of intimidation, bribery, and secret “midnight meetings” where blank absentee ballots are auctioned to the highest bidder.
49 292
BREAKING: Progressive Democrats Say Muslims Used VOTER FRAUD to Secure Power in Michigan “These guys go door to door and take people’s ballots. They bully them… intimidate.” - August Gitschlag, Certified Michigan Elections Official “If everything’s good, we can drop [the ballots] to the City Hall. City Hall has that [ballot] box. We can drop it there.” - Hamtramck Councilman Mohammed Hassan “This is another thing that you can’t say out loud. The absentee ballots are being filled out in people’s dining rooms by the candidates.” - Karen Majewski, Former Hamtramck Mayor (2006-2021) POST ON X:
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101 152
1 330
Suspicions… Are now CONFIRMED. 8.5.24


47 350
FBI Director Chris Wray will have to answer before Congress today over major failures. Big Problem: The FBI accused Special Agent Garret O’Boyle of being our source in this original May 2022 video. New documents reveal that the bureau KNEW O'Boyle wasn't our source but did not disclose it to Congress or correct the record, continued to unjustly retaliate against him.
FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Doc Showing Bureau Targets “News Media” as "Sensitive Investigative Matter"
BREAKING: FBI Whistleblower Leaks Document Showing Bureau Targeting ‘News Media’ • Document reveals the FBI labeled Project Veritas as “news media,” and categorized the probe as a “Sensitive Investigative Matter” due to Veritas being journalists. This is a direct contradiction of the U.S. government’s in-court position that Project Veritas are not journalists. • The whistleblower, who has several years of experience as an FBI Special Agent and is still on payroll with the Bureau, came to Project Veritas with the document after seeing what he calls “a number of troubling things that are happening in the FBI.” • The document also shows the federal investigation was launched into Project Veritas the same day Ashley Biden’s Attorney, Roberta Kaplan, said, “This is insane. We should send to SDNY” in response to a request for comment on the contents of Ashley Biden’s abandoned diary. • Additionally, the FBI categorized the investigation into an abandoned diary under Threat Band I, which is usually reserved for “threat issues that are likely to cause the greatest damage to national interests or public safety in the coming year.” • The Whistleblower also revealed how the document shows surveillance of Project Veritas included use of CAST tools, an analysis which includes cellular geolocation tracking of phone devices. • FBI Whistleblower: “Tyranny happens incrementally, and it happens by a bunch of people agreeing to small injustices over and over simply to keep their paycheck and their maintain your paycheck and pension that gives you the Holocaust” [NEW YORK – May 11, 2022] A source within the Federal Bureau of Investigation has come forward to expose the FBI’s targeting of members of the “news media” including information about what the FBI calls a Special Investigative Matter (“SIM”) regarding their investigation into Project Veritas over Ashley Biden’s abandoned diary. According to a document obtained and published by Project Veritas, the FBI opened an investigation into Project Veritas knowing full well they were journalists as the document is labeled under a “news media” classification. This classification is a direct contradiction to the government’s court filing where they argued that actions taken by the government to surveil, raid and seize materials from Project Veritas journalists were appropriate. The government’s filing stated, “Project Veritas is not engaged in journalism within any traditional or accepted definition of that word,” because it’s reporting is “non-consensual.” The whistleblower, who has several years of experience as an FBI Special Agent, came to Project Veritas because, “The direction that the agency has headed troubles a vast majority of the agents.” Something else the whistleblower called “alerting” was the fact that the FBI categorized the investigation into Ashley Biden’s diary under Threat Band I, which is usually reserved for “threat issues that are likely to cause the greatest damage to national interests or public safety in the coming year.” The document, which lacks certain information due to the restricted classification of the file, also shows the investigation was launched the same day Ashley Biden’s Attorney, Roberta Kaplan, said, “This is insane. We should send to SDNY,” in response to a request for comment on the contents of Ashley Biden’s diary. The FBI also used its Cellular Analysis Survey Team (CAST) tools, which includes cellular geolocation tracking of phone devices, to secretly surveil Project Veritas journalists, according to the whistleblower and as revealed on the leaked document. The whistleblower, who is still on the Bureau’s payroll, sat down for an interview with Project Veritas CEO and Founder, James O’Keefe. “Tyranny happens incrementally, and it happens by a bunch of people agreeing to small injustices over and over simply to keep their paycheck and their pension,” said the whistleblower, adding, “To maintain your paycheck and pension that gives you the Holocaust.”. At the time of this writing, the FBI has not yet responded to a request for comment.
64 446
NEW UNMASKED Footage of PV Whistleblower On May 11, 2022 Project Veritas released a masked interview with an anonymous FBI whistleblower. This whistleblower gave us an internal FBI document which exposed the bureau’s political vendetta against our newsroom. Just six months prior, Biden’s FBI carried out unconstitutional pre-dawn raids on three of our journalists over the alleged theft of a diary belonging to the president’s daughter - which Project Veritas neither stole, nor published. In an attempt to defend this blatant attack on press freedom, the Department of Justice argued that “Project Veritas is not engaged in journalism within any traditional or accepted definition of that word.” The internal document brought to us by this concerned whistleblower revealed a different story. On the very document used to initiate the FBI's investigation into our newsroom, Project Veritas was classified as “news media." The document also revealed that the FBI could initiate secret surveillance of Project Veritas journalists - which we later found out they did. After our publishing of the masked interview, FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle was targeted and punished by the bureau as this suspected whistleblower. He was retaliated against and his family was harmed. We can now reveal that FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin was our source, not O’Boyle. Kyle has given us permission to reveal his identity in order to stop the unjust persecution of his former colleague. As is abundantly clear by now, the FBI is unreliable and not to be trusted, even when identifying their own agents. O’Boyle and Seraphin have done our nation a great service by exposing wrongdoing within the FBI. The FBI should immediately cease its unconstitutional attacks on journalists and American patriots. As Seraphin stated in his May 2022 interview, “Tyranny happens incrementally, and it happens by a bunch of people agreeing to small injustices over and over simply to keep their paycheck and their pension.” The FBI should be ashamed of itself.
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50 284
FBI suffers a new black eye, accusing the wrong agent of leaking Project Veritas: ”We can now reveal that FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin was our source, not O’Boyle. Kyle has given us permission to reveal his identity as our source in order to stop the unjust persecution of his former colleague. As is abundantly clear by now, the FBI is unreliable and not to be trusted, even when identifying their own agents."
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FBI suffers a new black eye, accusing the wrong agent of leaking
The FBI told Congress it had identified FBI agent and whistleblower Garret O’Boyle as the individual in a Project Veritas video as proof he was leaking, but the bureau had already confirmed it was not him.
50 922
Cheatle RESIGNS. Will the agents within the Secret Service now come forward with the truth about J-13?
42 790
Last updated: 11.07.23
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