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audience statistics DC_Draino - Rogan O'Handley 🇺🇸

Lawyer • Patriot • Civil Rights Activist • Journalist • Bro/Bruh🇺🇸  #MAGA  IG: DC_Draino 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Hillary/Dems caught spying on President Trump Canadian Truckers restoring freedom and humiliating Trudeau Historic inflation and a systemic border crisis Biden’s poll numbers through the floor How does the Deep State distract from all this? UKRAINE
35 290
I never disclosed this before but here it goes: Someone in the know told me the night of January 5th that Pence cut a deal with the Koch brothers fundraising network for 2024 The terms were simple - don’t send back the fraudulent electors on Jan 6 and this bag of coins for 2024 is yours I didn’t want to believe it b/c I thought he was a Patriot, but then he issued that statement the next morning and we all saw the smiles and elbow bump with Pelosi after Biden was installed Let’s see how well this post ages
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36 904
Hearing lots of reports that there may be an American trucker convoy getting ready to drive across the country and occupy DC until all vaccine mandates and mask mandates are dropped
41 212
Here are some of the best Canadian videos I’ve found - people lighting fireworks, supporters making meals for the truckers, and now we have over 600 *American* truckers joining the fight as allies with our fellow Patriots to the North. This is my favorite thing so far in 2022 🤝🇺🇸 👇👇👇
31 228
Virginia’s new Attorney General Jason Miyares started his first day firing woke gov’t lawyers and announcing his office will prosecute cases in local jurisdictions where Soros-funded DAs are letting violent felons walk. ACTION.
42 250
When the FBI won’t answer whether agents and informants were involved with Jan 6, then FBI agents and informants were involved with Jan 6
57 372
China engineered and deployed COVID as a bioweapon onto the world How do we know they aren’t releasing some/all of these variants?
53 122
Christmas is under attack by these biomedical Communists They hate your religion They hate your freedom But most importantly, they hate you
50 646
There are 2 types of Republicans right now: Those that recognize the Communist insurgency taking over our country and are stepping up to fight it And those that will be grouped with the Communists when Patriots return to power Pick a side
47 858
Twitter Lawsuit Update: After our 1st Federal Court hearing on Motions to Dismiss filed by Twitter, the State of CA, et al, Judge Breyer (who is the brother of Supreme Court Justice Breyer) said that this lawsuit is “complicated” and involves “novel issues” The oral arguments lasted over an hour and primarily focused on the Pruneyard case from 1980 where the Supreme Court affirmed a California ruling that people have *some* 1st Amendment protections in a shopping marketplace open to the public Will those protections be extended to social media users in the new “digital public square”? Judge Breyer said he doesn’t expect to release his ruling until after January 1 Stay tuned!
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39 108
Happy to announce that today is my 1st hearing in Federal Court for my Twitter lawsuit after I was banned for criticizing election fraud Twitter, the State of CA, and other defendants filed Motions to Dismiss a few months ago Today a Federal Judge will hear arguments for and against those motions If we win, the case goes to trial Freedom of speech on social media is getting its day in court!
49 156
Hey California Dems - If masks and vaccines work so well then why are you having to mandate them again while Florida is completely free with the lowest COVID rates nationwide?
32 393
There are over 5.3M registered Republicans in CA and 2.6M in NY The 2020 election was decided by less than 100,000 votes in GA, WI, NV, and AZ If only *1%* of Republicans held hostage in CA and NY moved to swing states, we’d overwhelm election fraud and put President Trump in the White House If you live in a deep blue state and want to save this country, I am begging you to MOVE to a swing state and fight for America from there The Left has been playing the long game for decades and it’s time we start playing it better
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35 210
Since we’re shutting down travel to certain countries b/c of a “new variant”, how about we close the southern border just to be safe?
48 910
Pelosi: We need higher taxes! Sea levels are rising! Defund the police! Strict gun laws! Red states are backwards! DeSantis is bad! Also Pelosi: Buys oceanside in Florida
80 988
The fact that this dementia patient is in charge of the nuclear codes should be a crime


74 507
If deep state is going to prop up these fake whistleblowers, can they at least find people that haven’t donated dozens of times to Dems?! The scam is almost too obvious at this point
85 285
Remember the COVID lockdowns when you couldn’t open your business? Congress still got paid Now we have Joe Biden’s vax mandate for certain companies, and guess what: Congress is exempted Fuck these wannabe monarchs
82 590
How about this for a common sense law: if Big Pharma cannot be held liable for their vaccine’s side effects, then that vaccine cannot be forced onto people
77 290
Having trouble figuring out who’s a RINO in the GOP? Here’s how to make it simple: Do they believe the 2020 election was rigged? If yes, vote for them If no, vote their globalist asses out
62 098
Right in Biden’s backyard too. You know what these chants show? We aren’t the Silent Majority anymore. We’re getting loud as hell🇺🇸


153 484
1 164
The FBI, CIA, and DOJ got caught red-handed spying on President Trump’s 2016 campaign What makes you think they wouldn’t infiltrate and exacerbate January 6?!
48 729
If there were over 50,000 illegal votes in GOP-controlled Maricopa county, just IMAGINE what we’re going to find in Atlanta, Detroit, and Philadelphia
55 476
Arizona Election Audit Summary: Over 50,000 illegal votes in Maricopa county alone, which is 5x what’s needed to overturn Biden’s ‘victory’ in Arizona by 10,457 votes The AZ Senate has referred multiple criminal investigations to the AZ Attorney General and people will likely be going to jail The Arizona Senate must decertify the 2020 election results and other states need to conduct election audits to restore faith in our voting system
76 205
Why is it that the only people still afraid of COVID are already double-vaxxed?!
45 870
Tomorrow will be a historic day when the Arizona audit results are released It will mark the 1st time in American history when a state’s electoral college votes for President are proven to be fraudulent What happens after that is on us, but I know We the People will not be swayed from saving America for generations to come
44 823
🚨BREAKING🚨 New poll from *CNN* shows a majority of Americans (52%) do not believe our elections are legitimate This figure was only 40% in January That’s a 12 point swing in less than a year and this is before the Arizona audit results are released Wow
98 527
California Democrats turned Orange County from a reliably Republican region to deep blue with this 1 simple trick: Mail-in ballots! It’s like magic!
112 974
I support Larry Elder for Governor, but he should’ve focused a lot more on election fraud He said Biden legitimately won, which the majority of Americans know didn’t happen Well now he just got beat by the same fraud he wouldn’t openly fight Election fraud and election reform need to be a top 3 issue for anyone running as a Republican going forward
46 914
I literally saw the Yes on Recall votes drop over 400k instantly on last night while the No votes continued increasing as more totals came in Just a harmless error I’m sure
47 171
Last updated: 11.07.23
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