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audience statistics English Grammar Tests

English Grammar Tests Admin:  @Dr_Furqat  📍Reklama bo'yicha:  @Qulay_Taklif  
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of 2 295
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
English movies with subtitle
Hello guys... Welcome... Englishmovieswithsubtitle Owner: @husniddinbek0912 IELTS 6.0 ✅
ingliz tilini ajoyib 🤫 va qiziqarli tarzda idiomalar bilan oʼrganasiz 👇 : 🟠 🔵 🟣 🩷 🔴 10 kishi tezzzz kirsin👆🕺
1 510
ingliz tilini ajoyib 🤫 va qiziqarli tarzda idiomalar bilan oʼrganasiz 👇 : 🟠 🔵 🟣 🩷 🔴 10 kishi tezzzz kirsin👆🕺
ingliz tilini ajoyib 🤫 va qiziqarli tarzda idiomalar bilan oʼrganasiz 👇 : 🟠 🔵 🟣 🩷 🔴 10 kishi tezzzz kirsin👆🕺
Imtihonsiz, Xalqaro DAVLAT oliygohida talaba bo'ling🇬🇧🇺🇿 Prezidentning PQ-237-sonli qaroriga asosan tashkil etilgan ""da, Buyuk Britaniyaning OFQUAL regulated qualifications bilan hamkorlikda yo'lga qo'yilgan 4 ta yo'nalish talabasiga aylaning. Sizda B1 sertifikati yoki IELTS 5.0 bo'lsa imtihonsiz talaba bo'lishingiz mumkin. — Agar sertifikatingiz bo'lmasa muammo emas, ichki imtihonlar orqali talabaga aylanishingiz mumkin. Ta'lim shakli: Kunduzgi, kechki va sirtqi ❗️ Qabul faqat 1-kursdan Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish va imtihonlarida qatnashish uchun, hoziroq ro'yxatdan o'ting. 📱 Online ro'yxatdan o'tish: ☎️ 78-333-12-12 |
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Assalomu alaykum ingliz tili ustozlari! Attestatsiya kurslarimizga qabul boshlandi📒 Grammar,reading,vocabulary va ped mahorat bo'yicha testlarni tez va oson bajarish usullarini o'rganib olasiz! Oldin tushgan savollar beriladi, mavzular ro'yhati beriladi, tushish ehtimoli bor savol turlari , testlar va test tahlillari beriladi. Kurs narxi: 200 000 Shu xabarni 10ta do'stlariz yoki gruppalarga jo'nating,skrinshotini jo'natsez 20 mingga kursni sotib olishiz mumkin Murojaat uchun:
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Рус тилини ҳам, Инглиз тилини ҳам ўрганишни истайсиз, лекин иккаласига қандай улгуришни билмаяпсизми? Шунингдек, молиявий жиҳати ҳам ташвишга солаяптими? 🤔 Ҳавотирга ўрин йўқ! Бизнинг малакали ўқитувчиларимиз Сизнинг истак ва даражангизга мос равишда 100% Рус тилида ИНГЛИЗ ТИЛИ дарсларини олиб боришади. 👍 Битта ўқ билан икки қуён! Бир вақтнинг ўзида иккала тилни ривожлантириш имконини қўлдан бой берманг! 💵 Бундан ташқари, ҳамёнбоп нархларда! 🧑‍🎓👩‍🎓 Бизнинг устозларимиз: ✔️ Бир неча тилларда бемалол сўзлаша оладиган, ✔️ Катта тажрибага эга, ✔️ Халқаро университетларни тамомлаган, ✔️ IELTS сертификатларига эга. Дарслардан намуналарни кўришни хоҳлайсизми? 👇 @OCEAN_EDUCATION 💻 Машғулотлар ОНЛАЙН ўтади, шунинг учун улар Сизнинг зарур ишларингизга халақит қилмайди ва йўлга вақт сарфлашга ҳожат йўқ. Қулай вақтда ва қулай жойда иштирок этиб, тез орада натижаларга эришинг! (Болажонлар гуруҳлари ҳам мавжуд) Батафсил маълумот учун:   ёки РЎЙХАТДАН ЎТИНГ.
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❤️𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐚 ❤️ 𝐊𝐨'𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐥𝐧𝐢 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧 𝐪𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐜𝐡𝐢 ❤️ 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐫 🤗 𝐊𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐢𝐳𝐠𝐚 𝐪𝐨̃𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠❤️ 𝐌𝐮𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐠𝐚❤️ 𝐯𝐚 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐠𝐢𝐠𝐚❤️ 𝐭𝐨̃𝐥𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐢𝐥🥰 ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️❤️ 𝐐𝐨̃𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐯𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐢𝐧 ❤️❤️ pastdagi bosqichlardan birini tanlang 👇
1 238
🍫🍫Kanalimda haftada 3 kun tekin darslar oʻtiladi. ✅✅ 🗣🗣Biz bilan rus tilini qisqa muddatda oʻrganib yuqori maoshli ishlarga kutarilishingiz mumkin 🥰🥰😍 🔔   🕰🕰Rus tilidan 3 kunlik razgavor kursi  kurs shartlari.🔥🔥 ✅✅❇️❇️Diqqat bilan oʻqing. Oʻzingizga ishonmasangiz bu kurs siz uchun emas. Bu darsda sizlarni nimalar kutayapti 🤔 1️⃣Rus  tili grammatikasi; 2️⃣ Razgovor uchun suhbatlar; 3️⃣Luğatlar ,darsga doir vediolar; 4️⃣Matn va qiziqarli mashqlar. 5️⃣ Audiolar tashlab beriladi. 6️⃣ Razgovor uchun zarur grammatika 0 dan oʻrgatiladi 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Oʻzingizga ishonmasangiz guruhni tark etishingiz mumkin ✅✅ 🔥 Kursda 1 dars qilmagan oʻquvchilar 5000  jarimaga tortiladi. 🔥Kurs oxirida zoʻr oʻqigan 3 ta oʻquvchiga  sovgʻa beriladi. 🔥 3 ta ogohlantirish va 3 marta dars qilmasangiz guruhdan chetlashtirilasiz, kursga tashlagan pulingiz qaytarilmaydi🔥🔥 💻📲🖤Darslarimiz haftada 3 kun 20:00 da boʻladi. . 💻📲Va kunduzigi kurs ham bor 13:00 dan 14:30 gacha davom etadi. . Kurs narxi 💯 ming ✅✅ bu razgavor guruh haftada 3 kunlik. ⏰⏰ ⚠️Razgavorni 2 karra oshirish kursiga ham qabul ochildi. Haftada 4 kun, 8 ta oʻquvchi olinadi . Bu kurs rus tilini tushunib gapira olmaydiganlar uchun ⏳⏳ ⁉️⁉️Darslar qattiq nazorat qilinadi Murojaat uchun:✅✅ ❤️Kanal linki: 😍🥰 ❤️Natijalar kanalimiz:
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Boboqulova Barno Rus Tili kursi tez va oson
1.Ota-onam Hoji qilaman!!! 2.Kitob yoki rus tilidan testlar kerak bulsa @barnoboboqulova 3.Reklama berish uchun @barnoboboqulova 4.Kursga yozilish uchun @barnoboboqulova
2 489
### Pre-Intermediate Level Test 📝 Pre-Intermediate Level English Test 📝 Hello, dear subscribers! 🌟 Test your English skills with these 10 questions. Write your answers in the comments below. Let’s see how well you can do! 💬 --- 1. Choose the correct option: "She ____ to the gym every day." a) go b) goes c) going d) gone 2. What is the comparative form of "happy"? a) happyer b) happier c) more happy d) most happy 3. Fill in the blank: "I have never ____ to Japan." a) go b) went c) gone d) going 4. Which sentence is correct? a) He don't like coffee. b) He doesn't likes coffee. c) He doesn't like coffee. d) He don't likes coffee. 5. Choose the correct option: "They ____ finished their work." a) has b) have c) having d) had 6. What is the synonym of "difficult"? a) easy b) hard c) simple d) soft 7. Complete the sentence: "We will go to the beach ____ it rains." a) if b) but c) unless d) because 8. How do you ask someone’s name politely? a) What you name? b) What your name? c) What is you name? d) What is your name? 9. Choose the correct option: "I ____ playing football." a) enjoys b) enjoy c) enjoyed d) enjoying 10. What is the past tense of "run"? a) runned b) runs c) running d) ran 👉 Comment your answers below! 💬 Stay tuned for more tests and learning tips. 📚 - Check your knowledge!
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3 820
🌞 Good morning, dear subscribers! 🌞 Rise and shine! We hope you had a great night’s rest and are ready to start the day with a fresh mind and a positive attitude. 🌟 Today, we have prepared some exciting and challenging English tests for you. Get ready to test your skills and learn something new! Stay tuned and join us for another day of learning and fun! 📚 - Let’s make today a great day for learning!
2 749
🌙 Good night, dear subscribers! 🌙 Thank you for participating in today's English tests. We hope you found them challenging and fun! As the day comes to an end, we wish you a restful and peaceful night. 😴✨ Stay tuned for more exciting and educational tests tomorrow. We have some fantastic new questions lined up just for you! Sweet dreams, and see you tomorrow! 🌟 📚 - Improving your English
2 541
Answer Key: 1. b) children 2. a) is 3. c) went 4. c) blue 5. b) are 6. a) small 7. b) are 8. d) Hello 9. a) do 10. d) ate
2 297
Sure, here is an Elementary level test formatted for your Telegram channel: --- 📝 Elementary Level English Test 📝 Hello, dear subscribers! 🌟 Test your English skills with these 10 questions. Write your answers in the comments below. Let’s see how well you can do! 💬 1. What is the plural form of "child"? a) childs b) children c) childes d) childs' 2. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: "She ____ a teacher." a) is b) are c) am d) be 3. Fill in the blank: "I ____ to the market yesterday." a) go b) goes c) went d) going 4. Which word is a color? a) dog b) table c) blue d) book 5. Choose the correct option: "They ____ playing football." a) is b) are c) am d) be 6. What is the opposite of "big"? a) small b) tall c) old d) young 7. Complete the sentence: "We ____ happy." a) is b) are c) am d) be 8. How do you say "hello" in English? a) Goodbye b) Thanks c) Please d) Hello 9. Choose the correct option: "I ____ my homework." a) do b) does c) doing d) done 10. What is the past tense of "eat"? a) eated b) eats c) eating d) ate --- 👉 Comment your answers below! 💬 Stay tuned for more tests and learning tips. 📚 - Check your knowledge!
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2 526
📌 O'zbekistondagi barcha INGLIZ TILINI ONLINE o'rganuvchilar diqqatiga: BEGINNER ELEMENTARY PRE-INTERMEDIATE INTERMEDIATE UPPER-INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED kurslarimizga qabul boshlandi. ⏳ Kursimiz davomida siz Ingliz tilida so'zlasha olasiz Listening rivojlantirasiz Reading o'stirasiz Writinglarni yozasiz 6000 talik so'zlarni o'rganasiz Grammarni tugatasiz Ingliz tilida Klassik talaffuz qilasiz CEFR va IELTS topshirishga tayyor bo'lasiz 🧑‍💻➡️ Kurs instruktori: Mr CHARLIE IELTS 7,5/CEFR C1 Kurs kimlar uchun? 🗓0 dan boshlab INGLIZ TILIni o'rganmoqchilar 🎓Maktab o'quvchilari, abituriyentlar va talabalar 🔎 IELTS, CEFR,TOEFL topshirmoqchilar 🌎 Dunyodagi N1 bo'lgan INGLIZ TILI ni o'rganmoqchi bo'lganlar 🎬Kurs uchun oylik to'lov: 💵125.000 SO'M Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: 📱 Mr CHARLIE ga yozing YOKI  ro'yxatdan o'tmasdan 13-14 IYUL kunlari BEPUL darsimizga qatnashish uchun kanalimizga a'zo bo'ling: 👇 ☎️ +998955579894
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🟢 CEFR PRO 1.0 umumiy hisobda 27 ta B2+ natijalarni olib keldi Alhamdulillah !!! ✅ 🔥 Endi O'zbekistonda yagona dasturga ega bo'lgan 3 oylik CEFR PRO 2.0 ga yaqinda start beraman🚀 📌 Kursning 1 - oyi to'liq chuqurlashtirilgan grammatika bo'ladi (dtm ga ham tayyorlansa bo'ladi) 📌 Kursning 2 - oyi to'liq writing va speaking (barcha tushish ehtimoli bo'lgan savollarni qamrab oladi) 📌 Kursning 3 - oyi to'liq reading va listening (barcha tushgan savollar va tushish ehtimoli bor savollar) ❗️yaqinda boshlaymiz, ko'prog'ini kuting !!! 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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Last updated: 11.07.23
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