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The next mayor of Toronto! 
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For a friend.
3 313
What do you all think of this?
4 000
Our recent show "angels and demons" upset the demons so muxh they took down his facebook
4 613
Time to leave Australia... FYI canada is next.
6 802
You all thought this was a "conspriacy theory" well here it is in WRITING. By 2030 the want to ban ALL MEAT, DAIRY, PRIVATE VEHICLE OWNERSHIP and limit you to 1 flight every 3 years. All in the name of "fighting climate change"
8 331
"P Diddy" caught on camera beating his girlfriend kicking her while shes down and throwing stuff at her. All he had to do was PAY HER OFF to avoid jail. And get this. His payout was "not an admission of any wrong doing." Yup this satanic fuck rapes children for sure.


11 436
ANGELS and DEMONS. It's one of my favorite shows I've ever done completely differently than what you are used to!
Brad Wozny, Chris Sky, % me discuss battle between Good V Evil, God Wins
Visit Brads Channel on Rumble ( Brad the Sovereign Soul, Wozny & Chris Sky and me discuss Ch
5 517
The disturbing reality of how Christians are treated in the Holy Land - LifeSite
Though many American Christians see a 'blessing' in unwavering support for Israel, it is jarring to confront exactly how Christians are treated in the Holy Land. 
5 898
Are you one of the millions of "Christian Zionsts"... yup. You're a pawn.
These little guys are only in Mexico ☺️


6 040
FUNGAL infections are increasing exponentially to 4 million dead in 1 year! They may eclipse cancer in the future for number 1 one cause of death. What causes fungal infections? Simple an IMMUNOCOMPROMISED HOSTA aka anybody who took the covid shot. Cancer, fungus, heart attack, stroke, blood clots. But hey. "You had no choice"
7 110
Can our country get any more immoral or brazenly Satanic? Promoting "pride" the beginning of all sins? What do you expect when you re leader is and openly known to the world PEDOPHILE? Let that sink folks. You re living in a nation and supporting the ideals of satanic pedophiles and the majority of you would rather virtue signal by wrapping your children in a 🌈 flag, while quoting bible verses to appear virutous. Puting got it right. The LGBT is a terrorist organization. Its time you stand up and actively oppose this before it swallows up the entire nation. "Pride" is already an entire SEASON. They alread let scantily clad men "perform" for children and of course we has multiple incidents of children being raped at daycares in north america. Is there anything Canadians wont "tolerate" ?
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6 411
JFK was the last man to take on the Federal Reserve head on with executive order 11110 which would have brought back the SILVER CERTIFICATES and put FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES out of business. So they shot him in the face and Lyndon B Johnson (a jew) took over and rescinded the executive order and the rest is all DEBT AND INFLATION and the end of The American Dream.
6 441
"FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD ABOLITION ACT" seeks to ELIMINATE the private for profit Fedeal Reserve designed to enslave you. Also known as "how to get your self shot in the head" act!
6 079
6 340
So a friend of mine ran into Messi, one of his family members was weaing a "just say no" Hoodie.... Messi said "hey ive heard of that Chris Sky guy" when they told him they were my friends, he autographed the hoodie "keep saying no" 😁 i cant lie its a pretty cool feeling to know that one of the very best in the world is aware of my efforts. I bet he didn't take the jab!
7 433
So my friend just took a clear pic of what appears to be a UFO...
5 376
Canada is now 157 years old. And just how bad is our financial situation? Well in took 141 years to accumulate over 1 trillion in debt and then only 16 years (8 under Trudeau) to DOUBLE our debt to over 2 trillion (more than our entire GDP) but here's the best part! Virtually every country in the world (even "poor" ones) HOLD GOLD as an "emergency reserve" ... even Australia has 50 TONS of Gold. How much does Canada have left? 0 thats right while even the "poorest" countries in the world measure their gold reserves in tons (usa has over 8000 tons!) Canada, the worlds shithole, has 0!
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16 388
While Russia rightfully calls our the LGBT agenda as a terrorist movement targeting children and bans it from their country. In our country where our "leader" is a 100% known Pedophile who paid 2.5 million to stay out of jail for fucking a child at the school he "taught" and wants to put you in jail for LIFE if you offend a member of the LGBT community "pride" (aka the root of all sin) is now an entire SEASON in Canada. How much more do Canadians need to "tolerate" before the get the fuck out of this shithole. Im honestly curious.
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7 171
So is it just the imagine of a "conspiracy theorist" that quality of life in canada has dropped SIGNIFICANTLY (and has a long way to go) and is it really "just as bad everywhere" as the most stupid and lazy Canadians contend? Well...
6 919
How do you know Canada is in free fall collapse and headed towards full blown communist take over? Jobs in the governent (which COST US MONEY) Vs job in the private sector (Which add to GDP) Since 2020 have frown almost 400% more, than jobs that actually make Canada money. Gocernment jobs get paid for by YOU, the citizens. In order for an economy to be able to grow, TOTAL expenditure on government, should be around 25%. We now spend over 40% of ALL OUR MONEY on continuing to increase the size and scope of government, while all other industries get smaller. So the next time you hear them lie about "new job growth" take not that the vast majority of that growth is ARTIFICIALLY CREATED by increasing the size and more importantly the COST of government. 😉👍
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7 900
Remember, told you "white" canadians are ALREADY a minority in Canada, and will only make up 1 ouf of 4 people by 2035?
Keean Bexte (@TheRealKeean) on X
People are starting to realize something weird is going on.
6 918
70 dollars doesnt go far in canada. Its ok one Canadian told me "we shouldnt be eating so much, anyway" skipping meals will become commonplace on the road to "owning nothing, and being happy"
7 644
"Arm your self" "stay and fight" "i will die for my country" is the phony bravado, most common from Canadians that still dont undertsand the current situation. So before you try and emulate your favorite 80s action hero, let me tell you why that wont help. Tell me how arming your self is gonna prevent them from simply continuing to accumulate debt and inflation?  Heres what happens over the next 9 years. Each year your overall cost of living goes up 30% meanining in 3 years if it costed you 60k a year for your lifestyle. It will then cost almost 120k for the same lifestyle.  Every 3 years more and more people wont be able to afford where they are living as mortgage payments will skyrocket. Seniors will use reverse mortgages, younger people will  downsize their home, and renters are already where they want you! After 9 years. Virtually nobody will afford to buy a home, third  worlders will out number canadians 4 to 1 and 99% will simply try hang on to whatever they have left and at this point you will "own nothing and be happy" and as long as they can still go out for beer wings and hockey. They wont even get off the couch. Understand, yet?
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9 746
In 2020 (before the covid vaccine) Cancer became the leading cause death in the world with 18 million new cases and almost 10 million cases. By 2030 (afrer covid vaccine) they estimate almost 40 million new cases and 20 million DEAD. We are witnessing the DEPOPULATION agenda unfold before our eyes. And virtually all other major causes of death will also rise significantly. "Come with me if you want to LIVE" and JUST SAY NO to the next round of poison!
8 667
Just wait until these third worlders outnumber Canadians 4 to 1 ...
I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) on X
⚠️Graphic⚠️ Bronx Man Throws Belt Over Unsuspecting Victim's Neck, Rendering Her Unconscious and Dragging Her Between Cars to Sèxually Assault Her.
8 755
Pedos are so brazen they hang out with children in public on "dates"
7 965
Strange considering what i reported happened to me 🧐
7 942
The excuse why Canada USA and others will sign the WHO global pandemic treaty later this month...
8 631
The "REVERSE MORTGAGE" within 10 years this will be TRILLION dolmar industry in North America and just as common for retirees as "mortgages" are for home owners today. There is no way 99% of seniors can survive on their pensions. This is how the State is going to ABSORB the majority of privately owned homes and ensure there is no home to "pass down" to the next generation.
8 900
While Canada the worlds shithole will put you in jail for not indulging lies and mental illlnese Idaho BANS the use of gender pronouns! Big WIN for truth and justice!
7 771
You will own nothing and be happy (because you re not smart enough to understand whats happening before its too late)
7 591
JOE BIDEN PEDO his Daughter confirms the diary is real!!! ... many outlets reporting i would like to see it verified in COURT Every leader is a Pedo who they have "dirt" on trudeau public paid a 15 year old hush money jeffer epstein was just a face and fall guy. The true HEADS of the largest pedophile/human trafficking ring in world history with ties to israeli intelligence to blackmail Everybody are the partnership between mr WEXNER (owner if Victoria secret highest class hookers in the world "angel") and the BRONFMAN famkly who created MEGA in 1991. Wexner then hires epstein as the main face/blackmakler and fall guy ans even bronfmans gramdaufhters were arreates with the NXVIM pedo sex cult scandle! How do i know all this. Because im chris motherfuckkn sky and i hate pedos
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8 573
2021 was the LAST year "white Canadians" made up a slight majority of the population. They are also by far the oldest demographic and have by far the least amount of children. In 2024 whites are ALREADY a minority in Canada. By 2035 white Canadians will only make up about 25% of the total population. Canada will have no such thing as a middle class and no future whatsover for "white" people
9 002
Are "trans women" ACTUALLY WOMEN? And "insclusivity" states that heterosexuality has no "benefits" all "sexual orientation" (soon to include pedophiles) have "equal value" to society. So we asked AI a simple question for both answers.
8 282
Report CONFIRMS Canadians STANDARD OF LIVING set to drop. EVERY SINGLE YEAR up to 2060! 35 years of your life GETTING WORSE But hey im "stupid" "coward" "asshole" "traitor" "running away" Naw. Im just smart. Canadian living standards are now lower than they were at the end of 2014. "Finally, this decline in Canadian living standards is expected to continue for the foreseeable future. According to the OECD’s 2021 report, Canada is expected to record the lowest growth rates in per-person GDP up to 2060 of any industrialized country, which would mean countries such as New Zealand, Italy, Korea, Turkey and Estonia would all leapfrog Canada with higher living standards."
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8 667
Remeber when I told you they are coming for your homes and its NOT going to get better. EVER?
8 418
Welcome to Toronto! Uber driver tells girl "seriously" if she was in Pakistan he would KIDNAP HER and he seems genuinely upset that he cant in Canada.... yet ;) a few more million migrants and we'll have "halal kidnappings" like our new "halal mortgages" 😀
Clown World ™ 🤡 (@ClownWorld_) on X
This Toronto Uber driver tells a girl that if they were in Pakistan he would kidnap her 😳
10 626
Canada is so broke the government is gonna stop delivering mail via canada post. But a few more billion for Ukraine? No problem. Lol the government isnt even pretending anymore but canadians will make an excuse bend over and ask for more!
10 297
The "TIMELINE OF TAKEOVER" 99.9% of people have no idea that the sinking of the Titanic was PLANNES IN ADVANCE as a mission to ASSINSATE the wealthiest and most powerful men in the USA who opposed the Jewish International Finaciers from taking over the banking system. Heres a breakdown of what happened and when. TITANIC (intentionally) SUNK April 14, 1912 INCOME TAX CREATED Feb 3, 1913 FEDERAL RESERVE CREATED Dec 23, 1913 Now with control of the banking system and way to make American Citizens FUND BOTH SIDES via INCOME TAX WORLD WAR 1 July 28, 1914 ...exclusive knowledge you will ONLY HEAR from Chris Sky.
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10 858
"OMG Chris why are you leaving canada?" The first two pics of us dollars. One saying "silver certificate" and the other saying "federal reserve note" are exhibits showing when the ILLUMINATI took over the banking system in 1965 to use DEBT/INFLATION to rob you blind until you became slaves. The third photo shows how much debt the INTENTIONALLY ACCUMULATED from 1965 (virtually none) to over 20 TRILLION by 2020. Finally the last pic shows the current us debt from just 2020 to 2024 they used the PLANDEMIC to put the final nail in your coffins as in just the last 4 years debt is now almost 36 TRILLION. And it took 55 years to accumulate the first 20 trillion and now on pace for another 20 trillion in 6 years. You dont need to be a "financial guru" or even understand the basics of the monetary system to understand this is unprecendented and there is no coming back from this. The most impressive fact is how oblivious 99 out of 100 people are
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8 185
Addressing the North American lie and psychological coping mechanism "stay where you are because theres no where to run" not only is this certified bullshit. We're not running AWAY from anythiny. We are running TOWARD prosperity!
7 833
When a 14 year old GIRL destroys the groomers and pedophiles of the so called "school board" and displays more BALLS than 99% of the "men" in Canada!
8 705
AI CONFIRMS using data from 3 different insurance companies that deaths in 18to64 year olds increased by 40%!
8 485
The secret is out. Canada is such a shithole they have to trick 3rd worlders into coming here! And what happens to Canadians who leave? HAPPINESS.
7 795
In 2022, only 1 year after covid vaccines about 10 million people died of cancer. Those numbers are projected to SKYROCKET hitting some countries (the most vaccinated) like a "tidal wave"! Arent you glad you took it so you coukd "go on vacation" now you will get a permanent vacation with a painful death!
8 879
Canada ALREADY IN A RECESSION and it will be WORSE than other nations. shit. .
7 451
AI admits: Covid Pandemic was about censorship, coercion and control. That vaccines were niether safe or effective and that goverment used FEAR not science to push their narratives. Finally it warns us that GOVERNMENT NOT COVID threatened the very fabric of society.
9 040
Part 4: The banking system ACCURATELY EXPLAINED on video... by a 12 year old girl. Yes 99% of you are dumber than a 7th grade child!
7 999
Apparently we need a "part 3" because yes. You ARE THAT FUCKING STUPID The first dollar pictured is backed by gold and silver thats why it says "silver certificate" and was the PAPER MONEY used all the way up until 1965. 1 us dollar = 1 ounce of silver. The second dollar that LOOKS identical is NOT BACKED by gold or silver and allowed the government to print as much as they want. These are the us dollars used to today. And every time you increase the amount of dollars in circulaton each dollar is WORTH LESS. Which is why in 2024 it costs 30 dollars for 1 ounce of silver instead of 1 dollar in 1965! Thank you for proving EXACTLY why you are a member of the "99%".
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13 172
Money for dummies PART 2: Since government doesnt actually make/produce ANYTHING to add to the revenue they INCREASE TAXES AND FEES and make new taxes and fees. And since the government KNOWS that 99 out of 100 people dont understand these basic building blocks of life... guess what they do?  They spend AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE CREATE AS MUCH DEBT AS POSSIBLE and cause as much INFLATION as possible. While PRETENDING they dont know exactly what they are doing.  In reality they know that they are STEALING FROM YOU but the vast majority are too stupid to "get it" and we got a lot dumber over the decades and now its at the point where the ONLY thing "growing" is the SIZE and COST of the government.   Its the most simple scam in the world that used to be able to explained and understood by an average 12 year old child. Unfortuately, 99% still "wont get it" and thats why the smart and wealthy are leaving canada because we do not want to held responsible or stolen from because of stupidity and inaction of the 99%
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13 291
You all asked for my help an explanation! Here you go *there are two parts to this post* Monet for dummies PART 1: The difference between a fiat currency tied to Precious metals (gold and silver) which both STABILIZES THE MONEY SUPPLY and HOLDS VALUE. And prevents the gocernment from SPENDING TOO MUCH. Its very simple. When a governemt spends more than it twkes in that year they accumulate DEBT. When they do this YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. In more ways than one.  If your money is stable and tied to prefious metal they cant get us much debt. If your currency is not backed by anything they simply PRINT MORE MONEY. Now each dollar in circulatio is WORTH LESS.  This is called INFLATION. So now you have to  PAY MORE FOR EVERYTHING and the governemnt makes an excuse to increase their revenue.
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13 057
Do you believe me now when I tell you EVERY 3 YEARS your cost of living will DOUBLE and by 2035 there will be no such thing as a "middle class" in Canada. Just homeless, broke, slaves eating bugs and lab grown "meat" but still never missing a hockey game!
7 490
So... i told you they are gonna close your business. Then i told you they are coming to take your home. And you called me names. If your mortgage payment was 3000/month it will now be 4800/month 👍
9 128
Business insolvencies surged 87.2 per cent year-over-year in the first quarter of 2024, while consumer insolvencies rose 14 per cent. Data from the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy shows business insolvencies totalled just over 2,000, with about 1,600 of those being bankruptcies. The Canadian Association of Insolvency and Restructuring Professionals says that's by far the largest year-over-year increase in business insolvencies in 37 years of records. Everythings fine! Is just more business bankrupties in first 4 months of 2024 than EVER ON RECORD! Fuck that idiot Chris Sky, Stanley cup finals!!!! Wooohooo wings and beer! .... yes you will eat de bugs and you will own nothing and be happy!
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7 596
Ive come to realize people get so mad at me because 99% of you are too stupid to understand the basic principals of virtually anything I tell you. This is true reason why Canada as a country is finished and why the coming years will bring pain and suffering. So we re gonng go the beginning i have completely OVERESTIMATED the masses. The first step. UNDERSTANDING what "stupid" is. Step 2 is ACKNOWLEDGING you re stupid. Step 3 is to start educating your selves or be slaves forever within a few more years of being led around like braindead pack of feral creatures. STEP 1. "What is Stupid" watch. And hopefully. LEARN.
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7 613
I am just learning today that 99% of people are literally clueless about money. Its actually quite terrifying how stupid the average person is. I am starting to understand why the Elites have such disdain for humanity and feel they have the right to make you their slaves. Wow
7 610
I just gave away their BIGGEST SECRET.  Us debt Chart 1940 to 2020 *note*  the us dollar was tied to silver (1 dollar = 1 ounze of silver) all the way until 1965 then the debt just "happens" to skyrocket. Have look at the money BEFORE 1965 and AFTER pre 1965 dollars say "silver certificate" at the top POST 1965 dollars are pusposefully Identical on the front except instead of "silver certificate" it now says "federal reserve note" .... then have a look at the back of the NEW dollars. Notice the ILLUMINATI PYRAMID with "all seeing eye" added to the back with the inscription in Latin "novi oro seclorum" which translates to  A NEW WORLD ORDER 🌎  😉  "Chris Sky didnt kill himself" Finally: its now 28 "us dollars" for 1 ounce of silver
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8 234
Canada and usa had sound money tied to precious metals up until the 60s too stable and too slow for stealing from the citizens so they created fiat currency backed by nothing allowing them to use massive debt to create inflation. See the chart. Look what happened after then 60s and then youv need a whole new chart like this just from 2018to 2024... and  NOW its gonna hit a whole new level. Swallowing up the "99%" and while they lie to your face the know exactly what they are doing.
7 912
Welcome to Canada the worlds shithole. They are coming for your monet, homez business, assets and will to live !
8 359
So i told you "this is the beginning of the downfall of Canada, its only going to get MUCH worsr and check out "the global corruption index" with a score of 76/100 in 2023 canada has moved into 12th place (up 2 spots from last year) and i said you will get "3 cycles of 3 years" (9 years total) for cost of living to rise over 300% minimum spelling the END OF THE MIDDLE CLASS IN CANADA by 2035 Canada will be in the TOP 3 MOST CORRUPT COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD 🌎 .... but dont worry, what the hell do i know? 😉
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8 082
People pretend my success is because of "daddy". He wouldn't even bail me out! My speaking puts him in "bad favor" with the people behind covid and the collapse of Canada. "Daddy" hates me! He's evil and I am the light. My assets are MY ASSETS. When "daddy" dies, HIS ASSETS will go to mom (who will give me nothing) and 2 sisters. I am NOBODYS BITCH. But i will give him credit for one thing. If it wasn't for "them" recognizing my intellect as a child and teaching me the way the 0.0001% tick, I would not have the knowledge and forsight I have. Think I just knew about covid in advance by accident? Think i know everything about the collapse of canada by accident? Things are planned, in advance, and methodically executed. Thats why I can tell you EXACTLY what will happen. Unless somebody like me gets in the way like i did with covid! However, even i cant stop what's coming. The best I can do is make preparations, warn and save as many as possible. They didn't count on me having balls and morals.
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8 681
May 9, 2024 and Canada can be defined in one picture
8 815
Remember how i told you the next phase of the plan is to increase your cost of living at a very specific pace (as much as possible without waking you up or getting you in the streets) and said that "every 3 years your cost of living will now DOUBLE (roughly 30% a year.) Well i got "fact checked by a follower whose very meticulous and accurate at tracking ALL his expenses. Guess what he "found out" ? 😉
8 454
"Nanontech in MRNA covid vaccines is a conspriacy theory" Bill Gates ADMITS on video your jabs contain "self assembling nano particles"
9 787


9 307
If you still dont understand how BAD IT REALLY IS IN CANADA (and still think its so "bad" in Mexico.) See this post and remember the USA is in a MUCH better situation than Canada. This might finally shock some of your from your coma!
10 285


10 512
TRUDEAU preparing to OUTLAW criticizing Zionsits. The creators of communsim as Canada goes full Commie
10 904
Imagine getting arrested 27 times, having to beat 80 charges then being called a coward becauae i wont sacrifice my assets, my freedom, my life and my childrens future by people who wore a mask to go grocery shopping or injected them self with poison so they could go on vacation! 🙃
9 210


9 155
Hey everybody who took this.... HOW STUPID DO YOU FEEL? 😂
11 464
So, is the Canadian government REALLY doing everthing in their power to turn us into a communist nation?
9 309
Remember when i told you everything the government is doing is turn Canada communist? Well just ask ch
Sent to me by a friend...
8 426
18 638
Last updated: 11.07.23
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