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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    Postponing for later Putting things off for later is a common thing for a lot of people. But when the next day passes the same way, it turns into a habit. Sit down and think about what you really want to achieve, and think about how long it will take you to reach it. Picture the ultimate goal. Promise to reward yourself for your efforts, organize yourself and develop the most important part of a successful person, self-discipline. This will bring you more joy and pleasure than a routine of sitting on the couch and watching a bunch of movies. If you want to change something in your life - start with this rule πŸ˜‰
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    1 490
    Manipulation is distinguished by a hidden motive The manipulator wants to achieve something, but does not state it directly. It will also be useful for us to understand that very often the purpose of manipulation is hidden from the manipulator himself β€” a person acts in this way not intentionally, but subconsciously.
    2 209
    Hone your powers of introspection Take a piece of paper and divide it into three parts. In the first part write down your ten strengths, in another part write down your ten achievements, and in the third part write down ten things you like about yourself. ☝🏻 It is not necessary to write down the most significant achievements or major character traits. Being able to bake the perfect pizza may actually be considered a power. This list is just for reminding yourself how talented you are 🀍
    2 578
    Open doors are not so open Executives often say that everyone is free to express their opinions. They like to repeat: "My door is always open, literally and figuratively." But when you dare to speak out, you are met with hostility. Most people just don't know how to take feedback and perceive any sort of criticism as a threat. ☝🏻So try not to be too candid. A little restraint won't make you fake: it's a manifestation of empathy. Learn how to criticize correctly. Don't repeat the mantra of "honest" people who say that the rest of us just need to grow up and not be offended. That's a stupid approach, because you will never change others.
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    2 920
    People never appreciate what they have until it's gone Whenever a relationship or opportunity comes to an end, there is always difficult times of mourning and sad feelings associated with it. Respect that. Remember that every end entails a beginning of something new. Everything that should eventually end – ends, and you must be happy with it. Moreover, every time it happens you probably realize this fact at heart. ☝🏻But what can actually change your life is your ability to take time to invest in your future instead of dwelling on the past.
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    3 021
    Talk to the mirror As strange as it may sound, you need to learn to talk to your own reflection in the mirror. And not just talk, but convince it that you are the best, the most gifted, the most capable, and the most confident. This idea may seem ludicrous. Ignore this feeling and get down to practice. Convince yourself of your own strength and worthiness. ☝🏻Doing this exercise regularly will surely yield results.
    3 342
    K A M A S U T R A ( 18+ ) is the most perverted channel on Telegram! πŸ’¦How to bring a girl to ORGASM in 30 SECONDS - How NOT TO CUM for hours for a guy - THE BEST and worst sex POSES - Sex without touching! How is it? [Go deeper, you'll love it] πŸ‘‡ πŸ”ž
    3 447
    "Never ask for help, that's how you show your weakness" If you are a human being and not a robot, it's okay that sometimes you can't cope with something. In such a situation, it is normal to ask for help and accept help, especially, if the overall success depends on your actions. For example, if you fail to meet a deadline and it hurts a team project, it's better to involve your colleagues than to let everyone down.
    3 540
    Appearance is crucial This is probably the hardest truth to accept. If you have the reputation of being an office clown, you will not be taken seriously, no matter how hard you work. If your colleagues are under the impression that you always reject everything and go home at five o'clock sharp, new opportunities will stop being offered to you. ☝🏻 Fake busyness looks just like a real one. That doesn't mean you have to care about what people think about you all the time. Just keep in mind that your appearance affects the way you are treated and your career. Try to remind yourself of your competence and be professional.
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    3 906
    Witness to beauty You can fill your life exactly as much as your imagination can capture. It's nice to be able to create something new, unusual, and weird in a good way. Choose to be a witness to beauty, and it won't take long before it appears before your eyes.
    3 789
    Your colleagues are not your friends HR managers tell us that their company has a friendly environment, and that teamwork and honesty are appreciated. So you get the impression that everyone is your best friend. Don't believe it. We all tend to compete with each other, and it would be just naive to pretend otherwise. There's nothing wrong with that. Just don't treat your coworkers like friends, don't expect too much from them. People actually work to get money for their job. It would be a mistake to think that they can sacrifice their salary for the sake of friendship. Base your relationship on a different model. ☝🏻 Be friendly, have fun with your colleagues, but above all remain professional.
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    3 926
    Learn to deal with your enemies Everyone who has achieved something or strives for a meaningful goal has enemies. The best tools against them are equanimity, composure, composure, a sense of humor, ignoring and banning. Equanimity, composure, and calmness help avoid irritation when dealing with them. A sense of humor smooths communication, no matter personal or online (emoji are what you need πŸ™‚) Crazy haters, if at all possible, should be banned immediately. The author of this text would have 500,000 followers on Instagram long ago if he didn't do like that. If you can't ban them, ignore them. The easiest way to defeat the enemy is not to communicate with him or her. The less you know about him or her, the happier you are.
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    3 795
    Make friends with deadlines Deadlines can discipline, focus, and mobilize. As well as drive you into prostration, panic, and even paralysis. To avoid becoming a victim of a deadline, it's better: ▫️ not to try to meet very tight deadlines and take time to spare (you can say like, "I don't work well under deadlines. Please give me one more day"); ▫️ to plan everything and start doing things ahead of time without any distractions, keep focused; ▫️ to split the project into sprints; ▫️ and, of course, not to put everything off until the last days/hours.
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    3 800
    Stop comparing yourself to others Neither in reality, nor on social media. On the Internet, everyone tries to create the appearance of an ideal life, which should not be trusted. There's absolutely no need to compare yourself to some illusive virtual image. Can't get rid of the feeling that everyone is better than you? Then do the following: instead of comparing yourself to people you're interested in, try to find out how they succeeded.
    4 007
    πŸ””+$2.000 Your account is credited with this amount!πŸ‘†πŸΌThese are the messages my subscribers get every day


    1 994
    Be kinder to yourself We make too heavy demands on ourselves and blame ourselves for faults we would forgive another person immediately. Don't do that. Stop putting yourself down, be kinder to yourself. Treat your own actions and thoughts with compassion and respect.
    4 304
    Ask Personal Questions Use this trick if you need to get someone to like you immediately. It also works the other way around. Tell something personal about yourself to earn a person's trust. But don't spill your guts at once. Give it out gradually. Repeat your interlocutor's body language. If both repeat each other's movements and facial expressions, it means that the contact is established. That way you can even check how well the conversation is going. Try to sit a little differently and see if the person does the same.
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    3 936
    Keep Your Emotions Under Control An intense emotional reaction can be perceived by a toxic person as a manifestation of weakness and insecurity, which will trigger them to even more provocation: inappropriate jokes, manipulation and unfair criticism. πŸ‘‰πŸ» Keeping an emotional distance requires awareness. Periodically, you will find that you are in a situation where you need to stop and choose the best course of action. Sometimes the best course of action is to smile and nod, and in the meantime, pause and plan your next steps.
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    4 054
    How to achieve harmony in work with an egoist Egoists think only about themselves. In worst cases, this is combined with toxic behavior and narcissism. Narcissists differ in that they do not know how to appreciate other people's good ideas and tend to exaggerate their own importance. πŸ‘‰πŸ»If you are a boss, try to deal with this behavior rather sooner than later and directly. When you see an employee is taking advantage of others, let him know that this behavior is unacceptable. If the egoist is your colleague, use the same approach. It is better to immediately stop such an attitude and unequivocally make it clear that you will not tolerate it.
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    4 119
    Set boundaries in your relationships Picture a situation where a large family gathered for a festive dinner, everyone is lively discussing something, and suddenly your aunt asks you a question: "Are you going to get married?" Silence hung in the air, and now all attention is focused on you. At this moment, it is important not to get lost and say, for example, the following: "This has nothing to do with the family feast. Let's discuss the upcoming vacation together instead”. ☝🏻Such a firm, but clear and polite answer will make it clear to the interlocutors that you know how to define your personal boundaries β€” in the future it will help avoid such awkward conversations.
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    4 112
    Fighting Fear Firstly, it is impossible to fight fear. All you can do is recognize it, but most people will never do it. Why? That’s because the desire to change yourself or to change something that inspires fear is weaker than the fear itself. Whether it's ending a relationship or moving to another city, quitting a hated job or starting a business, you'll never do it unless your motives for doing it are stronger than your fear of the unknown.
    4 032
    I'M ANGRY. And that's okay. Yes, it's NORMAL to feel ANGRY sometimes. It is as natural as any other emotion. It is inseparable from our nature whether we want it or not. No matter how you slice it, emotions just don't have an ON button. Even if you succeed in switching off anger, all other feelings go away as well. If you don't accept anger, suppress and ignore this emotion, it can lead to two extremes. The first is uncontrollable outbursts of anger causing crashing furniture and fighting. The second is passive corrosion, toxic aggression and psychosomatic illness.
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    4 244
    About setbacks Setbacks are inevitable on the way to your goal. When you decide to live a new life for yourself (lose weight, run in the morning, quit drinking beer, get a second degree), and are determined to do your best, but after a week or two you suddenly snap. So here's the point: setbacks happen – it's not a problem. They are absolutely inevitable, since nobody can change at the drop of a hat. The whole point is whether you give up, or willfully pull yourself together to crush it again. That's the difference between those who succeed in changing their reality and those who only think they intend to change something. There are no quick results on the road to deep personal transformation.
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    4 030
    It's time for a change When should you change your life? At 20, 25, 30? Is a positive transformation possible later? Transformation is possible when you have made a decision, developed a plan, and are moving toward your goal point by point. The thing is that the earlier you start moving toward your goal, the better your chances of achieving it. The problem is that if a person does not change mindfully, his or her life changes for the worse over time. A person suffers more and more, becomes more and more frustrated, goes deeper and deeper into resentment and a sense of injustice, because he or she is more and more dissatisfied with the way he or she lives and what he or she gets.
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    3 991
    How to boost your self-esteem easily Seek support. It is very important to have someone to rely on. Friends have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves, on our level of happiness, and on our self-esteem. 🀍 Surround yourself with people who make you feel better, help improve your mood and smile every day.
    3 903
    How to deal with with toxic people? Don't reveal your secrets. Toxic people are often the life of the party – they inspire trust, skillfully create communication space and use relationships to their advantage. Finding people's vulnerabilities, gossiping and making fun of mutual acquaintances are a constant practice of toxic people and the strongest tool of influence. That is why it is important to deprive them of such privileges, namely to limit information about yourself and your secrets, not to gossip and remain neutral. This approach is highly likely to disarm the toxic interlocutor.
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    4 268
    How to deal with an irresponsible colleague Adherence to deadlines and a responsible attitude toward tasks are not a priority for such employees. They are most often described as unreliable and unable to follow a plan. These are people who prefer to do things their own way instead of sticking to standards. This is not always a bad thing, but when an important deadline is looming, such behavior is just annoying. To work productively with such a colleague, you need to up the ante. He or she is unlikely to consider it important to respond to your request on time, but will probably quickly change his/her mind when they learn that the boss is overseeing the task.
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    4 295
    How to boost your self-esteem easily Seek support. It is very important to have someone to rely on. Friends have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves, on our level of happiness, and on our self-esteem. 🀍 Surround yourself with people who make you feel better, help improve your mood and smile every day.
    4 139
    Happiness is a trend They are constantly trying to sell it to us on Instagram, beautiful girls in shiny cars, with successful husbands and children sitting on golden pots in an embrace with a volume of Hawking’s book. People quite literally HAVE TO be happy, otherwise they will not "fit" modern standards. But happiness is not about standards. it's not something monumental and thorough, it's not something you can buy or sell, it's not even something you can post to your stories... The ability to be grateful, to be able to notice the good in every day, being surprised by the colors of the horizon at sunset, the taste of your favorite coffee, the smell of a loved one. It is to love life in all its manifestations today, now, it doesnt wait for you to get rich, move, or buy something... If you don't know how to do this, then even meeting ALL the standards will not make you happy.
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    4 428
    Our environment is our mirror How does it work? If you are surrounded by kind, positive, lucky people, then you’re likely the same. Because those things attract things alike.β € If there are only nasty, lazy people and deceivers around you - maybe there is a reason to look into yourself? Just don't lie to yourself, there's no point… How does one explain this phenomenon? It's simple β€” we can't understand and feel what we don't know, what we haven't experienced ourselves. We judge using our own perception and compare how we feel to the way others do.
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    4 282
    Last updated: 11.07.23
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