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Sun Shining through the Twin Towers. There was a time when you could see the core structure of twin towers. Both of them appeared shallow inside. Join
8 621
The Economist magazine cover from 1992 Looks like this has been the plan for quite some time. Join
11 621
Hollywood didn't even try to make this look believable Join


14 261
The Lunar rover that was used on the moon Two garden chairs and an upside down umbrella Join
17 411
HONEY TOP 10 HOME REMEDIES SLEEP 1/4 tsp Nutmeg + 1 tbsp honey + 1 cup warm water at bedtime TOOTHACHE 1 tsp Cinnamon or 4 drops Cinnamon essential oil + 1 tsp Honey + 1 cup warm water for hold in mouth and spit after 1 minute 4x a day COUGH 1/2 cup or 3 tbsp honey  + 1 medium ginger or 2 tsp ginger 4x a day SORE THROAT 1 cup Warm Water + 1/2 tsp Lemon Juice or 1/2 tsp licorice + 1 tbsp honey 3x a day SINUS  1 tbsp Honey + 1 cup warm water + 1 tsp Ginger juice 3x a day WEIGHT LOSS 1 cup Warm Water + 1 tsp honey + 1/2 tsp Cinnamon after wake up in the morning COLD 1 cup Warm Milk + 1tsp Honey +  1/4 tsp or black pepper 3x a day DETOX 1 cup warm Tea +1 tsp Honey twice a day CONSTIPATION  1 glass warm lemonade + 1 tsp Honey in the morning and bedtime Or 1 glass warm milk + 2 tsp honey at bedtime ACNE 2 tsp Honey + 5 drops of Tea Tree Oil. Apply on face Join
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20 140
1 755
Extremely educational video Bears will eat anything any chance they get so they can fatten up. But bear does not think of eating printed, carcinogenic McDonald's because it's not food. Join


51 826
2 242
More Cloud Seeding gone wrong again today in Saudi Arabia At this rate they will be a jungle instead of desert Join


26 988
The largest and the most populated city on Earth. Tokyo, Japan. Join
28 216
This video shows how AI turns WiFi routers into "Cameras" that basically detect people through walls Join

0429 (2).mp4

52 716
1 705
The 3 Types Of SOULS Inside This MATRIX Most souls on Earth come to experience life as it is expressed here. They are voluntarily choosing to pursuit pleasures, efforts and effects. They don’t feel a need to figure out why they are here. Life seems simple and factual to them. Through this, their soul’s experience expands and continues its evolution. The second type of soul that is more rare. At some point in their life experience their spirit becomes restless and anxious. They need to seek some answers or find the purpose of life or inner guidance. Problems like depression, addictions, repressions, etc. tend to plague these people if this inner impulse is not heeded. The third type of soul consciously chooses to incarnate on Earth. It not only knows why it is here, but fully remembers any and all times it has incarnated. These will be people that radiate a sense of wellness and sainthood. Higher forces will often assist them in changing the course of human history. In Vedas, it is said that the Golden Path of the Spiritual Progress of our Universe, pay attention, not to our galaxy, but actually to the Universe, begins here on Midgard Earth. "At the foot of the Golden Path is the world of humans, and the ascension of man to the Higher World, or Higher Reality, is possible only as a result of Spiritual Development." Thank you for your patience, Much love, Niko Join
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3 types complete.mp4

32 194
The most amazing thing I've seen, no playback and no nonsense only with glasses. Everything is frequency and vibration. Join


33 286
1 142
Human cell under a microscope 🔬 You are a bio-electric super Quantum computer with DNA embedded with Divine Light-Codes. Your ability to maneuver through the physical quantum realities & timelines is based on how you treat & use your body-vessel. The choice is yours. Join
28 380
1 005
A heavily illuminated Cathedral in Strasbourg, Germany, 1744. Long before electrical light was said to be invented. Join
40 025
1 024
Colorado, the first state to sign a law that will protect your brainwave data from mining It's just a matter of time till they get an AI to decode your brainwaves into words.. or maybe they have already. Join
48 257
Old world tech or place of worship? Join


40 526
How does one carve like this without 3D printers? Join
30 144
Man who became best friend with a wild crocodile Join


30 160
Little girl at the cemetery sees, waves, and kisses a spirit. She without a doubt saw something that wanted her to see it. It must have been a peaceful loving spirit because she wasn't afraid Join


47 419
1 392
This is what Montreal used to look like. Every building was an ornate palace. They had to go. Join
32 152
The castles of America were all disguised as cadet armories and military buildings. I wonder who built them. Really. Join
33 164
Translation: Zuck trained an AI on 48 million science papers and shut it down as soon as it started spewing uncomfortable truths. Join
54 918
A man dials the number advertised on a billboard asking "Still hiring humans?" His call gets connected to an AI customer support that can handle any kind of sales and customer calls Join

0426 (1)(1).mp4

45 579
Cleveland, Ohio, organizers attempted to break the world record for the largest simultaneous balloon launch. However, due to unexpected weather conditions, approximately 1.4 million balloons were released into the air. These balloons caused havoc by drifting into the airspace, disrupting traffic, international airport and interfering with Coast Guard searches. Additionally, the balloons littered Lake Erie and caused environmental chaos... I wonder what genius came up with this idea and how no one thought, oh maybe we shouldn’t go through with this.. Join
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43 481
Chemtrails + smartdust + vax + microwave technology emitted through towers and and satellites to manipulate those metals particles in our bodies. We breathe it in, and it assembles itself in our bodies, turning us into “trans-human” computers to which they can broadcast microwave signals to. Meanwhile people sneeze and cough, blaming “allergies” and buying pharmaceuticals, but the air contains no pollen. Join


39 992
1 215
Cold fusion is coming. This device is the equivalent of a miniature particle collider. Tesla was right. All the textbooks in the United States are wrong. We will achieve free energy once again Join


39 150
This was an old Coca-Cola ad from 1950s. While most of the ads back then were lying and deceptive, and pro-sugar, this one takes the cake of "trust the science" "Laboratory tests over the last few years have proven that babies who start drinking soda during that early formative period have a much higher chance of gaining acceptance and "fitting in" during those awkward pre-teen and teen years.. etc..." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Join
53 602
1 329
Satoshi Nakamoto denies being the founder of Bitcoin Join


48 675
Very interesting lecture on how to take care of your teeth by Barbara O'Neil Yes our teeth have the ability to heal, just like our other bones. Our teeth shouldn't undergo deterioration Join

teeth av1.mp4

40 169
2 671
During an interview with Joe Rogan, former Fox news host Tucker Carlson mentioned a mysterious government project related to UFOs called "Project Aqua", which was supposedly leaked by accident. Whether they leaked it on purpose or not, they certainly have and do keep secrets. Most likely insane and untold amounts of secrets. My prediction is they're releasing it because time is drawing near to fake an Alien invasion. Covid was testing ground to see how many people they could whip up into a scared frenzy and it worked like a charm. They had hologram technology and high-powered lasers for decades now so they can literally start blasting people and make it as though it were Alien ships. Their goal is to have an Alien invasion so that world will join together to fight this threat, unified under the one world government, with one world religion and one world currency. Nobody should be surprised, they have been telling us for decades, all you have to do is go look up President Reagan saying at the United Nations if only there was an Alien threat where it would unite the world Niko Join
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38 370
Upcoming star NFL quarterback Caleb Williams photo shoot that went viral Without me even saying this, most of you know already this is all part of the humiliation ritual, which happens after you sell your soul for fame and fortune. NFL is going use Caleb to push the feminine male agenda, and before you know it, middle school and high school kids will follow. Jesus Himself was humiliated when he was killed on the cross, so why would we put ourselves though any kind of humiliation ritual when he has freed us from these senseless and futile rituals that are only meant to control and demoralize. Thank you for your time, Much love, Niko If you love this channel and find it useful, make sure to pitch in, we are powered by community contributions. You can support us with any amount you determine through Patreon. 👇👇👇 Join
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CalebWilliams photo shoot goes viral.mp4

37 302
Normal day in a Chinese kindergarten Meanwhile in America kids are trying to identify their gender Join


76 574
3 048
What’s going on in Greece? Looks like NYC last summer during the “wildfires.” Join

red greece.mp4

41 498
When asked about overpopulation, prince Philip from the UK had some nasty answers Are we overpopulated or is it just an excuse for their genocidal intentions? Let us know your comment on twitter 👇 Join

pff best.mp4

36 285
A Disney cartoon from 1930s shows Mickey Mouse using an unusual method to make Swiss cheese Join

Mickey Mouse Making Swiss Cheese.mp4

56 863
1 673
Google's masonic high priest apron. Join
45 309
German Shepherd gives oscar worthy performance to try and avoid bath Join


47 792
What has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the Sun Join

nothing new.mp4

56 353
1 655
You can't make this stuff up. The reaction of Zelensky’s wife Elena to the question "What have the families of Ukraine lost?" What kind of mentally retarded reaction is this? Her lack of humanity and empathy is disturbing. Join


49 587
Mr. Bean's restoration of "Whistlers mother". Join
35 887
Many of the world's most famous paintings have been "restored" over the years, to what we think they originally looked like For example, Leonardo's The Last Supper It was painted in 1490s on the wall of a refectory in Milan, since then has been damaged, restored, damaged and restored again, many times down the line. Somebody even painted a door, destroying the feet of Jesus. The most recent major restoration took place over twenty years, between the 1970s and 1990s, and totally transformed The Last Supper. In this version that we are now seeing, it's interesting to note they even painted one of the apostles black. Thank you for your time, Niko Join
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35 985
David Icke explains why was the Internet free and uncensored in the beginning Join


50 114
❗️Very Important ❗️ You might have seen some ads popping up on your feed on this and other channels but let me assure you, I have nothing to do with them. These ads are coming from the Play Store or Apple Store, and while they might be relevant to some of you, they're not something I'm involved in or endorsing and are not under my control. For Ad-FREE experience, you'll want to download Telegram directly from their website if you have android. Once installed successfully from Telegram website, all the posts/channels/chats will be saved and available as usual. Google will give you warning it will harm your device. Lies. Proceed. (Only for Android Users) 👇👇👇 Thanks for your attention. Niko Join
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17 074
Saturnian concepts are ingrained in every religion and play a significant role in occultism and black magic. Join


59 662
1 471
Saturnian concepts are ingrained in every religion and play a significant role in occultism and black magic. Join


Did Simpsons predict Solar flare that's going to cut all the electricity and the internet? I've posted this on our twitter, let me know your thoughts about this👇 Join

The Simpsons edt.mp4

44 761
Do you have any idea how much sugar they put in ketchup? Join


57 772
1 288
Thousands of bees following their queen into this box It's huge number of bees relying only on a single queen. So a complete hive can disappear if the queen is lost. Join


59 008
They lied about Radium, radium was called the secret of life back in the 20th century. It was used for food, heat, medicine and even cosmetics. They demonized Radium just like they demonized the Zeppelins, Mercury and so much more Join


70 982
2 400
Ancient symbol, ancient and deep meaning beyond the emptiness of Nazism and it's supporters. Join
48 165
Meanwhile, the traffic in India is running smoothly Join


55 436
1 458
For those of you that always wondered what does the inside of the Pyramid look like, you can dive into a virtual 360-degree exploration on Youtube Just make sure to set video to high quality for better experience 👇 Join


48 147
These are the buttons from a World War 2 uniform. When you put them together, they make a mini-compass, for use if you get shot down behind enemy lines. Join


49 246
1 075
Chlorine in tap water, watch how fast it absorbs into your skin. Chlorine is in 100% of all tap water in the world, and is also recognized carcinogen. It is known to irritate the eyes, soft tissues and mucous membranes of the nose and lungs, and exacerbate allergies and asthma symptoms. Join


51 731
1 347
How to stop baby from crying using sound frequencies If you apply this technique, your baby will become a yogi by the time she hits 3 Join

Fastest way to stop baby from crying.mp4

80 146
2 751
"Cloud Seeding Science" is just another term for Geo-engineering, and weather modification. First they "seed' the clouds with heavy metal particles, and then they use HAARP to induct the rain via the electro-magnetic frequencies. They have basically confirmed everything that we have already knew years ago, that weather modification is real, however It's just conspiracy theory when we call them out on it. Join


64 660
2 223
Scenes of current Dubai weather due to cloud seeding A year's worth of rain fell in one day in many parts of Dubai Join


57 658
1 130
Dubai cloud seeding and how it works to produce rain. Rain has an on/off switch? Join


Welcome to the era of Frankenfood Join


62 310
1 610
Someone clearly wants to read our minds I've heard from several people that their thoughts come up as ads without ever searching, speaking or typing a word about it I'm posting this on our twitter account, I want to hear if anyone else had similar experience Niko Join


60 871
1 326
Make a natural citrus candle with just the skin of an orange Join

skin of orange.mp4

73 421
3 218
A man in France decided to test the dust on his car with a magnet. Join


56 520
Aether the 5th element they don't want you to know about Aether makes an appearance on all alchemy manuscripts and periodic tables up until the 19th century, then it gets removed. Nikola Tesla referred to aether as the superconducting layer of matter which is possible to transport electricity wirelessly, regardless of distance and obstacles So why do we exclude aether from the modern science? Was it removed because it lacks material form, or because this would be an obstacle for the new metered energy reform? Join
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63 186
2 259
Dear Iran, Russia & China You simply can’t defeat The US Army - they have an abundance of dignity, respect & pride as well as an arsenal of Pro-nouns in their emails Join


58 148
Was Zuck replaced early on? He sounds like AI trying to explain himself after an error Join


58 385
Pilot forgets to turn off his chemtrail option on the screen. Watch closely at the beginning of the video Join


65 685
1 856
The ocean monitoring service detected an unusual movement beneath the waves, which seems to have originated near Antarctica. This underwater anomaly, roughly the size of Texas, coincided with the observation of towering 60-foot waves (20 meters) on April 10, 2024. However after the news went viral, the service's owner attributed the incident to a technical error. It's difficult for me to accept this explanation without skepticism because of how much money these fine tuned, pieces of equipment cost, and how often they test them. So dismissing it as a simple error seems questionable. Niko Join
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The oc.mp4

70 322
1 378
Blue items don't catch fire when hit by intense laser beams Join

Lasers Do Not Burn Blue Items.mp4

94 565
2 639
People in Chile and many across the world are starting to paint their houses & roofs in blue color, but why is that? If you can recall videos and pictures from fires that ravaged Maui, the only thing that didn't get turned into a crisp were blue items. I remember there was a restaurant that was torched to the ground and the umbrellas outside covering the tables were completely untouched, same with blue cars and houses. Now guess who had their roofs painted blue right before the fires, well ofcourse it was celebrities and elites near the area. Why the color blue you may ask? It's because lasers do not burn blue items Join
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98 338
2 541
Why has there been spread of hysteria and madness in the media because of solar eclipse? I'll explain the importance of this solar eclipse and plan that has been in the making for centuries This story goes back to the creators of USA, as the new Atlantis. It's 300-year-old concept, that they want to come to life, because the idea of the Masonic founding of the USA is exactly that, to create Utopia for them, on whose head will be the wise men, Sanhedrin, that will inaugurate the beginning of the Golden Age. As we know these past 250 years we have nothing but total ruin and chaos, Masonic and magical structures of the NWO believe that through rituals which will happen this and next year by "rulers of the world" which I call verified madmen, without quotation marks, who think they are descendants of the Anunnaki, will try to inaugurate the creation of new Atlantis with numerous rituals this year and the next. That's why NASA, in its flight projects into space is known for Masonic symbolism. Remember they had whole project called Apollo aka Apollon. The essence of this Apollo program was ritual based, because it also associates with its Egyptian counterpart Horus. For this occasion NASA will launch 3 rockets into space, one which is named Apep. You know from Egyptian mythology, Apep is a mythical snake/god who wants to devour the deity Ra, which is the Sun. After total darkness, a new sun will be born, which will be Horus, the king of the golden age, etc, but story doesn't end here, I have information which is even more dangerous, that CERN, who's known for occult rituals and was created with the aim of having a black magic function, with the help of the hadron collider, will try open a portal to other dimensions, and that crazy conception can cost Earth a lot. It will work at full power today. Astrologers say that the period 7 days before and after total eclipse should be taken care of, because in this period the elements of black cosmic radiation are greatly increased. Much love, Niko Join
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67 765
1 203
Last updated: 11.07.23
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