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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine The Intelligent Market Live at 3:15 PM CST The Intelligent Market Q&A at 3:30 PM CST
The Intelligent Market
Tomorrow is 22092 days after a horrific event that ushered in True Evil against the American People 22092/666 is 33.17117117117117....
Tomorrow... 27,762 or 2^1 * 3^1 *7^1 * 661^1 4 primes multiplied by each other .... landing on 27762 days after the creation of a Global .... fill in the blank... State Sq Rt of 27762 = 166.61 9 3266 notice the 2 sets of 666 (3*2)66 BOOM BOOM BOOM
3 Catechism Live at 7:45 PM CST
0 The Intelligent Market Live at 3:15 PM CST 5/16/2024 The Intelligent Market Q&A Live at 3:30 PM CST
The Intelligent Market
Is it time for the Military to offer "Whistleblower Status" to members of "Secret Societies" who have been threatened with harm if they ever exposed the crimes being committed by these organizations? How quickly would the hunters plotting in hunting lodges become the hunted?
1 555
11 The Intelligent Market Live at 3:15 PM CST The Intelligent Market Q&A Live at 3:30 PM CST
The Intelligent Market
1 005
0 Live at 7:45 PM CST 5/14/2024
Catechism 7:45 PM CST 5/14/2024
1 113
0 3:15 PM CST The Intelligent Market 3:30 PM CST The Intelligent Market Q&A
The Intelligent Market
1 093
0 The Intelligent Market, live at 3:15 PM CST The Intelligent Market Q&A live at 3:30 PM CST
The Intelligent Market
1 136
I'll be discussing this tonight on my Catechism broadcast (at the end of it). 7:45 PM CST on 5/12/2024 . care to have a discussion about this on one of your shows?
Live at 7:45 PM CST 5/12/2024
1 251
. I can't seem to find any Tesla cars with a license plate that doesn't end with EL (anyone else notice this?) Is the EL for ELon? Short for ELohim? Or is your tribute to israEL? Or is a tribute to God? Any clarification would be much appreciated.
1 301
6 The Intelligent Market -Live at 3:15 PM CST The Intelligent Market Q&A Live at 3:30 PM CST If the US was infiltrated, is it safe to assume that other Nation's might have been infiltrated as well (before the US)? Israel come to mind?
The Intelligent Market
1 434
Why not...
1 509
4 Live at 3:15 PM CST 5/9/2024 The Intelligent Market Live at 3:30 PM Q&A Intelligent Market
The Intelligent Market
1 506
0 The Intelligent Market live at 3:15 PM CST Live at 3:30 PM CST for Q&A Intelligent Market
The Intelligent Market
1 487
The largest Transfer of Wealth in World History will be occurring over the next 2 decades. How many criminals across the globe infecting the West will attempt to journal over that wealth from Individuals without children via "phantoms"? What should the government do to prevent this HEIST?
1 515
2 Live at 7:45 PM 5/7/2024 Catechism
Catechism 7:45 PM 5/7/2024
1 486
0 The Intelligent Market Live at 3:15 PM CST The Intelligent Market Q&A Live at 3:30 CST
The Intelligent Market
1 524
1 The Intelligent Market at 3:15 PM The Intelligent Market at 3:30 PM Q&A
The Intelligent Market
1 462
John F. Kennedy Speech That Got Him Killed
Speech on government secrecy (Secret Societies)
1 815
#Israel just raided Al Jazeera media offices, confiscated all their equipment and forced them to close down. This is the nation that Zionist supporters absurdly claim is "the only Democracy in the Middle East." There is no democracy without freedom of the press. Israel isn't a democracy, and its forced closure of a media institution in the Middle East is further proof that Zionists can't succeed when there is media transparency. The NY Times' slogan is, "Democracy dies in darkness." That's a perfect description of Israel, which kills democracy by censorship the truth about everything. It relies on , bullying, coercion, assassinations, terrorism, the bombing of civilian infrastructure and other horrific tactics to attempt to hold power over the region. In doing so, Israel only proves its Zionist philosophy of authoritarianism and violence is utterly incompatible with human civilization, and that for the Middle East to ever find peace, prosperity and freedom, Zionism must end. Pray that the ICC issues arrest warrants for and his co-conspirators, and raise your voice against Zionism, which is a racist, violent philosophy of theocratic supremacy, wholly irreconcilable with basic human dignity and civil rights.
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Al Jazeera condemns Israeli government decision to shut down channel
Israeli cabinet votes unanimously to close the network’s operations in Israel with immediate effect.
3 Live at 7:45 PM CST 5/5/2024
Catechism at 7:45 PM CST 5/5/2024
1 462
Well, 9 million divided by 2.25 million works out to be 300% growth over 100 years. This means that Jewish women had to be incredibly busy between 1800-1900 in Europe, having not 2.1 children per family, but rather 2.94 children per family. Keep in mind, these are "on average" numbers. It is quite ironic that the growth rate we are being sold on the global population is the same growth rate that was used to exploded the Jewish population that then only went up by 5.55% over 33 years after going up 300% over the previous 100 years. Then an "event" takes place and the population gets corrected to were it should be? The question is, how much of these bogus deaths were used to "heist" money and ship it to a newly created Nation State? How much money were these same band of criminals that ran this scam, hoping to rip off the planet with the . c.... d scam? Is it making more sense? We are NOT overpopulated as a planet. We never have been, we are definitely no where near 8 billion, but likely under 5 billion. A lot of STOLEN Money that was facilitated by this fraud needs to go back to Humanity! All of the criminal groups/organizations behind these beyond belief crimes need to be brought to justice.
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1 749
The population of the Planet has supposedly gone from 1 Billion People to 2.5 Billion People between 1800 and 1950 This works out to 60 bps or .6/1% Over time, 15-44 year old women make up about 17% of the global population. This is the age range used for women of child bearing age. In order to have the population go up by 150% over 150 years, we would have had to see approximately 82 babies born per thousand women per year during child bearing years. This works out to 2,460 babies born per Thousand women or 2.46 children per couple. 2.1 children per couple is needed to keep our population even. At the present time, the US has about 65.5 million women out of a population of 330 million which is abnormally high as the number of babies being born in the US is far below replacement. An estimated 3.6 million births on 65.5 million women of child bearing age is 1 in 18.24 women is pregnant any given child bearing age. 3.6 * 30 years = 108 million (replacement needs to be 2.1 children per child bearing woman or in this case 137.55 million) So, 137.55 - 108 is almost 30 million babies SHORT to keep the US population FLAT over time. The US is currently at 108/65.5 = 1.65 children per couple. Recently, the US Census estimated the US population will be at approximately 340 million by the year 2100 or essentially flat with what we are told the figures are today. Where am I going with this? Here is the problem, some corrupt forces / people pulling the strings on the planet want us to believe the population went up by 150% over 150 years (which is still very impressive as 12 extra babies (above replacement) per 1000 women were being born each year for a 150 years straight. Seeing how hard it is to grow a population over time, can you imagine being misled into believing the global population exploded from 2.5 billion to 8.1 billion over the next 74 years. This is a 224% increase over 74 years. This works out by taking (1+.016) raised to 74. Notice the nice even 1% above the 60 bps that transpired the first 150 years. This 1.6% vs .6% is essentially saying we had a massive baby boom worldwide would suggest that couples had an average of NOT 2.1 children per family, but an explosive 3.06 children per family worldwide for 74 years. There is NO WAY the population of the planet is 8.1 billion. If we used the same fuzzy math of .61% growth as was used between 1800-1950, you would get a population that would be 55% larger or 3.89 Billion People vs 8.1 billion they are telling us is alive on this planet. Clearly something is way off! Why would they want to lie about population growth for the past 74 plus years? Hm... How much money could be stolen via fraudulent debt? How many "phantom" welfare recipients, retirees, college students could you "collect money" on? If you want to create a mechanism to take over the entire Planet and reset the world, what approach would be less obvious than this one? Was this playbook used in ... ahem Europe before trialing it out on the US and then globe after 1950? Funny you should wonder... The number of Jews (who don't evangelize) went from 2.25 Million to approximately 9 million in a 100 years... WOWZERS.....Keep in mind over the next 33 years, it went from 9 million to 9.5 million...... wait for it... then a good portion of 6 million were wiped out of the fraudulent rolls... some actually did get killed. Surprise, surprise, the ending population of Jews ends up matching the planet's growth rate after this "event". Quite a coincidence. So what would the numbers look like if this truly did happen.
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1 560
1 477
B ( 2) A (1) A (1) L (12) 2 21 1 (87) 1 Organic Act of DC in which US Grant (Grants) BAAL control of the US! 1 1 1 2 2 and 87 Is this why Israel thinks it has a right to control the US? Was the Prussian War that took place 6 months before this EVIL act a diversion?
1 039
2 If . doesn't publicly renounce his allegiance to ZIONISM and Israel, I don't believe he is FIT to hold ANY political office in the US. He should run for office in Israel along with & Israel repeatedly betrayed US!
Were other Trump aides lobbying for Israel illicitly alongside Michael Flynn?
The ex-national security adviser has admitted trying to get Russia to block a critical UN resolution – and an Israeli official stated they sought Trump’s help
1 054
5 The Intelligent Market live at 3:15 PM CST The Intelligent Market Q&A 3:30 PM CST
The Intelligent Market
1 447
0 US Trade deficit with China falls $100 Billion... GDP of Israel falls $100 Billion ... Are Israel and China partners in the attempted take-down of the US?
Dr. Phil: China's Economic Takeover of America, Who Owns Our Land? | Dr. Phil Primetime
Who truly owns our land? Watch Dr. Phil delve into China's Economic Takeover of America on Dr. Phil Primetime. Join the debate and gain insights into this pressing issue. #drphil #meritstreetmedia #china #agriculture Welcome to the Dr. Phil Primetime YouTube Channel! The Dr. Phil Primetime YouTube Channel, featuring Dr. Phil McGraw, will share clips from America’s top talk show host as he turns it up in prime time. Dr. Phil is on a mission to tackle issues that matter to YOU: parents’ rights, social media, education, homelessness, the Fentanyl crisis, and much more—no topic is out of reach, no cow is too sacred, and nobody is too lost to find their way back. Subscribe to join in and check your local listings at! Watch Dr. Phil Primetime every day 8pm ET / 7pm CT exclusively on Merit Street Media Check your local listings at or call (877) 844-3700 to find out where to watch! View full episodes of Dr. Phil Primetime anytime on or on the Merit+ app. SUBSCRIBE: Connect with Dr. Phil: Stay updated with Dr. Phil Primetime:
1 511
Last updated: 11.07.23
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