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audience statistics The TRUTH About Cancer | Vaccines

The Truth | Ty & Charlene Bollinger Founders "The Truth About Cancer" "The Truth About Vaccines" FB  IG  FREE NEWSLETTER  
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
πŸ’‰AstraZeneca withdraw their clotshots WORLDWIDE! Post: Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines
3 677
Breaking: AstraZeneca withdraw their clotshots WORLDWIDE! Join: πŸ₯‘
🚨 Parents, get your children OUT of these indoctrination camps or you will lose them to this dark agenda. The enemy of your soul is working hard to win the children, one creepy, depraved step at a time. If you do not fight harder, the battle for the next generation will be lost. The solution is simple - HOME EDUCATION coupled with earnest prayer and love!! God is Almighty and He will do it. Ask. Seek. Knock. Matthew 7:7πŸ™ Follow & Share:


4 489
🚨 Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed and UnVaxxed πŸ’‰ Support our friend Greg Reese Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines


4 407
🚨 Bill Gates Admits the Shots Contain Nanotech πŸ’‰ Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines


4 922
Can someone help this make sense? Because I can't. Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines
5 074
The "original" mission for us has always been and will always be Jesus Christ and your soul. To learn more, please read our "Resurrection Sunday" post where we unpack the Gospel of Jesus Christ along with our love and burden for you and your eternal soul. God bless, Charlene ✝️✨
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Reflections on the Resurrection, Salvation, and Eternity ✝️
5 554
Because we love you πŸ’—βœοΈβœ¨ πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ
4 831
4 683
You seem to have missed the entire point of the post. A Law is being pushed through our government here in America that OUTLAWS specific Scriptures. So while you are judging us for bringing you the news, the fact remains that they are coming after Christians. In the Bible, it warns these things will come to pass. We are enterning a new season of the End Times where Christians are going to be persecuted and some even killed for their faith. Get prayed up and ready. Jesus is coming. Put your trust in Christ and Christ alone. Thank you Jesus for Salvation. Amen.
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5 087
Follow up to our last post. Dark Days are upon us. Jesus is coming again. Get ready. Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus, Come! βœοΈπŸ™πŸ»β€οΈβœ¨
4 944
Read your BIble again. The Jews were given a choice as to who to release, Barabbas the murderer, or Jesus. They chose Barabbas over Jesus and screamed "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" about Jesus and even went so far as to say "His blood is on us and on our children!" Read Matthew 27. Here is a screen cap for you. Ultimately, God is sovereign over all things. But he uses men (evil men included) to accomplish His ultimate will. Does that mean the murders which happen daily are committed by God? No. Evil men and women do bad things including murder. Cain killed Able. Not God. God's ultimate will always comes to pass always brings glory to the Father and God's will always serves the ultimate good of His children. (Read Job and Genesis - Joseph, Esther, Moses, David, Daniel, etc for more on this) Jesus was nailed to the cross, mocked, beaten, killed. At any time He could have called a legion of angels down from heaven to come down and kill His murderers and help release Him from their evil clutches. But for the joy set before Him (us) He endured the cross and allowed the the darkest day in history when evil men KILLED Him - for His chosen children. He drank the full cup of the Father's wrath against our sin, in our place. He took the full punishment we earned and gave us in the place of our sin His perfect righteousness, so that we could have a way back to the Father, back to heaven. Praise the Lord! God is sovereign and always in control. But the evil deeds are not committed by God, they are committed by evil men ... and in the case of the murder of Christ, He was murdered by men who hated Him. And those Jews who were responsible for murdering Jesus took the credit and even called down the curse for this murder, claiming the blood of Christ on their own head and the heads of their children. Thank you Jesus! To God be ALL Glory! Amen and Amen. βœοΈπŸ™πŸ»β€οΈ
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5 454
Follow up to our last post. Dark Days are upon us. Jesus is coming again. Get ready. Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus, Come! βœοΈπŸ™πŸ»β€οΈβœ¨
πŸ”₯Dark Days. Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines
5 694
‼️Shocking facts. Thanks Greg Reese. Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines


8 610
🚨 Mandates are not laws. Do not comply. You hold all the power. They need you to say yes to succeed. Just say no! If we all stand in our power together, they cannot do a thing! This is why they try to shut us down and hide our content from you. We are right about this and they know it. They just don't want you to know it. Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines


7 743
Hey Guys! Do you have someone in your life who you care about who refuses to look at something you know is true but they don't understand and refuse to even take a serious look at the evidence you have about it? If you have experienced something like this, what is your topic they don't get and what would you tell them if they would listen? Also, how do you handle it when they refuse to listen and when they get angry at you for caring enough to share with them, how do you handle it? Share with us in the comments. Let's encourage one another with the truth and compassionate kindness and love. πŸ’• I admit, sometimes it is hard as I research and share what I find with people I care about - and then they won't even take the time of day to look at the evidence. It's worse when they get angry at you. Why do they get angry? Well, the good news is, if they belong to God, they'll get it in heaven because He will wash their brains there just as He washed their hearts here. πŸ™πŸ»βœ¨ Love you Guys! Have a good night. πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ₯°
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10 469
🌞Eclipse poolside. But the clouds! πŸ™ˆ Are you watching? Share your pics and videos in the comments! β›…οΈπŸŒžπŸŒ₯️ Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines


12 100
🀯 They said the quiet part out loud. Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines


11 434
It's getting bad out there, friend. Thoughts? Follow & Share: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines
12 548
🚨We are under attack. The bridge collapse was a stratigic, well planned cyber attack on one of the busiest supply chains in America. This attack is a wake-up call so open your eyes and listen to Lara Logan break it down for us. Follow and Share -


14 564
πŸ’•Here is something to cheer your heart tonight. Isn’t she precious? And what a great mom she has. You can follow this sweet girl (and her mom) on Instagram here: God bless you, dear friends. God loves you and so do we! Blessings!


7 585
Episode 2 is Playing LIVE NOW! Don't miss it. And SHARE IT! WATCH NOW: If you haven't signed up to receive all these links directly to your inbox, you can do so now on our trailer page here: @TheTruthAboutCancer_Vaccines
3 464
πŸ’₯Guys! We are airing where we went deep into Asia to find the best healing protocols for cancer. With so much turbo cancer happening right now, we knew we needed to release this film to the world. Please watch and share with everyone you know! The link to watch Episode 1 is HERE:
3 524
Friends, please do NOT comment on this thread unless you watch the movie. On all our posts, our comment section is to be used respectfully and intelligently and also as a tool to help and bless one another. We will delete and ban all those who break this rule.
3 985
3 829
🚨The whole world is a stage. You are watching their movie. WAKE UP SLEEPER!!


1 368
So we have Rothschild fans in our community. Who knew?
6 113
In this interview, Jacob Rothschild explains the Balfour Declaration and how the Rothschild family along with the British Empire Founded modern day Israel. Jacob calls the Balfour Declaration a miracle saying, β€œHow did this modern day miracle even happen? The most incredible moment of opportunism. You have a man who after 3,000 years seduces them, he has such great charm and conviction” and β€œhe gets to Belford and persuades them that this idea of the national home of the Jews should be allowed to take place.. it’s so unlikely” he says. He continues with, β€œThe matter goes through 5 drafts - in the end there are compromises. But you come back to the big picture and this is the greatest event in the Jewish life for thousands of years.” Did you know that Palestinian land was taken by the Rothschilds’s Zionist movement? Did you know that some of the oldest Christians on earth for generations before Christ came into the world - some of which have ancestors who were Believers who walked with Christ were from Palestine? Biblically, Palestine was a nation before God brought together the Old Testament nation of Israel. If you don’t know the truth concerning these things, you really need to start digging. β€œDo not participate in the useless deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11) β€œFor what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)
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7 734
5 436
Last updated: 11.07.23
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