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audience statistics Environment & Ecology

✅Upsc prelims environment and ecology ✅GS3 Topics 🔸 Environment & Biodiversity 🔸 Agriculture 
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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
🔆Crisis in the western ghat Utilities
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New fish species discovered in Bengal’s Digha harbour
New fish species discovered in Bengal’s Digha harbour
It is the fourth species of Pterygotrigla genus reported in India so far
1 349
🔆Segur elephant corridor ✅The Segur elephant corridor serves as a crucial passageway for the movement of elephants and various other wildlife species between different habitats within the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve ✅The corridor is situated in the ecologically fragile Sigur plateau ✅Sigur plateau connects the Western and the Eastern Ghats. ✅It facilitates easy movement of about 6,300 Asiatic elephants from Kerala, Tamil Nadu & Karnataka ✅It sustains elephant populations and their genetic diversity ✅The elephants cross the plateau in search of food and water ✅It has the Nilgiri Hills on its southwestern side ✅Moyar River Valley is on its northeastern side ✅The plateau is a low-rainfall marginal land ✅It has poor soils & in recent times, also had a low population density ✅There are 5 major streams in the Sigur plateau: Moyar River, Sigur River, Avarahalla River, Kedarhalla River & Gundattihalla River. 🔸All these rivers originate in the Nilgiris plateau.
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1 409
Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve in Madhya Pradesh has been notified. This takes the total number of tiger reserves in the country to 54.
1 194
✅All Previous Year Question Papers At One Place. 👇
1 230
1 941
Climate Ambition summit #gs3 #ir #environment @upsc_4_environment @upsc_the_hindu_ie_editorial
1 935
🔆 Biofuels to power clean energy drive #gs3 #environment @upsc_4_environment @upsc_the_hindu_ie_editorial
2 134
🔆Flood:- ✅A high water level that overflows the natural banks along any portion of a stream is called a flood. ✅They are the most frequent type of natural disaster. They occur when an overflow of water submerges land that is usually dry. ✅Risks: Floods can cause widespread devastation, resulting in loss of life and damages to personal property and critical public health infrastructure. ✅Between 1998-2017, floods affected more than 2 billion people worldwide. There are 3 common types of floods:- ✅Flash floods: caused by rapid and excessive rainfall that raises water heights quickly, and rivers, streams, channels or roads may be overtaken. ✅River floods: caused when consistent rain or snow melt forces a river to exceed capacity. ✅Coastal floods: caused by storm surges associated with tropical cyclones and tsunamis. Causes:- Natural Causes:- ✅Heavy rainfall and cloud bursts. ✅Cloud burst: Heavy concentrated rainfall reduces the capacity of rivers to accept any more surface run–offs due to rainfall and as a result, water spills over to adjoining areas. ✅Heavy melting of ice and snow. ✅Changes in river systems and large catchment areas. ✅Sediment deposition/Silting of river beds. ✅Rapid snowmelt ✅Storm surge from a tropical cyclone ✅Tsunami in coastal areas. Man-made/Anthropogenic causes:- ✅The collapse of dams Deforestation ✅Increased Urbanization ✅It has reduced the ability of the land to absorb rainfall through the introduction of hard impermeable surfaces. Flood Impact in recent years:- ✅Between 80-90% of all documented disasters from natural hazards during the past 10 years have resulted from floods, droughts, tropical cyclones, heat waves, and severe storms. ✅Floods are also increasing in frequency and intensity, and the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation are expected to continue to increase due to climate change. Join
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Swollen Narmada displaces thousands in Gujarat — was this an “avoidable” disaster?
Some experts and political parties attributed the situation to the lethargic and unaccountable actions of Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) Dam operators
2 530
The Constitution (128th Amendment) Bill, 2023 (Women’s Reservation Bill) By PRS Legislative Research Institute for Policy Research Studies WhatsApp update


1 123
🔆Kanger Valley National Park ✅Recently, a rare mouse deer was caught on a camera trap set up at Kanger Valley National Park. ✅ Kanger valley national park is situated in Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh. ✅ It was established as a national park in the year 1982. (UPSC CSE: Eco-sensitive Zones (ESZ) ) ✅ It derives its name from the Kanger River that flows through it. ✅The Cuddapah group of rock formations, as well as the Vindhyan group of rock formations, are the most prevalent rock formations in the park. ✅The state bird of Chattisgarh, the Bastar Hill Myna, is the most famous species in this area.It can imitate human voices. ✅ Kutumbasar, Kailash, and Dandak are three caves in the park, known for their geological features of stalagmites and stalactites. ✅ Fauna: Tigers, Leopards, Mouse Deer, Rhesus Macaque, Sloth Bear, Flying Squirrel, Chital,Sambar, Barking Deer, Pythons, Cobra, Snakes etc. ✅Flora: Teak, Haldu, Sal, Tendu, Mahua, Saja, Bija, Dhavara, Tinsa, Mahulbel, Amarbel, Bandha etc. ▪️Indian Mouse Deer: ✅ It is also known as Indian Spotted Chevrotain. ✅ It is found in India, Sri Lanka and Nepal. ✅ It is the smallest deer in India and is highly nocturnal. ✅ Conservation Status o IUCN Red List: Least Concern. MUST READ: Indravati Tiger Reserve #National_Park_series Join
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2 870
🔆Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary: ✅Location: It is situated on the northern boundary of the Mandsaur & Nimach districts in Mp. ✅It is spread over an area of 368.62 km2 (142.32 sq mi) adjoining Rajasthan state. ✅It lies in the Khathiar-Gir dry deciduous forest ecoregion. ✅ Notified 1974 & added to the list of sanctuaries in 1984. ✅River Chambal flows through the sanctuary ✅Topography: The sanctuary is characterised by its diverse topography, which includes hills, plateaus, & the catchment area of the Gandhi Sagar Dam on the Chambal River. ✅The sanctuary has many places of historical, archaeological and religious importance, such as Chaurasigarh, Chaturbhujnath temple, Bhadkaji rock paintings, Narsinghjhar Hinglajgarh fort, Taxakeshwar temple etc. ✅Flora: The principal tree species found here are Khair, Salai, Kardhai, Dhawda, Tendu and Palash. ✅Fauna: Herbivores like Chinkara, Nilgai & Spotted Deer, and carnivores like the Indian Leopard, Striped Hyena & Jackal are found in good numbers in the region.
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2 883
🔆Extreme Weather Events ✅Over 80% of India's population is exposed to risks from extreme weather events like floods, droughts, cyclones etc. ✅ India lost an estimated $79 billion, equal to 2% of GDP, due to climate-related disasters in 2018. ✅ Extreme weather caused over 2,000 deaths in India in 2021 alone. Impacts include irreversible ecosystem loss, infrastructure damage, reduced food and water security, spread of diseases etc. ✅ Early warning systems, climate-resilient infrastructure, risk-informed planning and social protection schemes are crucial adaptation measures. Sea Level Rise : ✅Global sea levels rose at an average rate of 4.5 mm per year between 2013-2022 as per the WMO. ✅ Sea levels could rise up to 0.45 m by 2100 if emissions are not cut, severely affecting coastal regions. ✅ India, Bangladesh, China and the Netherlands are among the most vulnerable countries to sea level rise. ✅ Over 40 million Indians could be at risk from coastal flooding by 2050 according to IPCC estimates. ✅ Sea level rise can increase storm surges, coastal erosion, habitat destruction and groundwater salinization. ✅ Preparedness through early warning systems, coastal afforestation, regulating groundwater extraction are key response measures. Ozone Hole: ✅ First spotted over Antarctica in 1985, the ozone hole was found to be caused by ozone-depleting CFCs. ✅ An Arctic ozone hole also started appearing over the North Pole in 2011, threatening to affect parts of northern Europe and Asia. ✅ The Antarctic ozone hole reaches its maximum annual size around September-October before dissipating in November-December. ✅ The 1987 Montreal Protocol led to a ban on CFCs and the Antarctic ozone hole has slowly started shrinking since 2000. ✅ But full recovery will likely take many decades and continued monitoring is essential to track ozone layer healing. Addressing these and other climate change impacts requires urgent mitigation action to control emissions combined with stepping up investments in adaptation and resilience globally. #environment #mains Join @CSE_EXAM @Upsc_4_environment
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2 292
🔆Garra Laishram ✅It is a new cyprinid fish species of the Garra genus found in the Kolab River. ✅These are characterised by the presence of a gular disc developed from tissues of the gular region that exhibit variation in the size, shape, and arrangement of the snout tubercles. ✅It is usually found under rocks, stones and boulders of torrential streams and rivers. ✅Geographical distribution: Borneo, southern China and southern Asia through Middle East Asia, Arabian Peninsula and East Africa to West Africa. 📍Key facts about Kolab River ✅It is also known as the Sabari River. ✅It is one of the main tributaries of Godavari. ✅It originates from the western slopes of Eastern Ghats in Odisha state from the Sinkaram hill ranges ✅It forms the common boundary between Chhattisgarh and Odisha states and later enters Andhra Pradesh to merge with River Godavari.
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2 226
🔆 GS - 3 Marks Distribution in CSE 2023 1. Economy :115 Marks 2. Sci tech : 25 Marks 3. Environment +DM : 60 Marks 4. Internal security : 50 mark L ✅ Economy : 4 Question (10 marks) 5 question (15 marks) ✅ Science and technology : 1 Question (10 marks) , 1question (15 marks) ✅ environment + DM : 3 question (10 marks), 2Question (15marks) ✅ Internal security : 2 question (10 marks), 2 Question (15marks) Join @CSE_EXAM @Anmolvachan1
1 229
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🔆 Bhoj Wetland ✅ The National Green Tribunal (NGT) recently ordered the MP state govt to stop the operation of cruise vessels as well as other motor-propelled boats in the Bhoj wetland on account of the drastic damage being done to water bodies. ✅ The Bhoj Wetland, also known as Bhopal Lake is a designated Ramsar site and hence, a wetland of international importance (Ramsar Convention 1971). ✅ It consists of two contiguous human-made reservoirs - 🔸"Upper Lake" - created in the 11th century by construction of an earthen dam across the Kolans River. 🔸“Lower Lake” - constructed ~200 years ago, largely from leakage from the Upper lake. It is surrounded by the city of Bhopal. #prelims #environment Join @CSE_EXAM @Upsc_4_environment
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1 888
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1 654
🔆Climate Justice ✅Climate justice acknowledges the disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable countries and communities who are least responsible for causing it. Significance of Climate Justice: ✅ Highlights concerns of vulnerable regions in the Global South facing existential threats from climate change. ✅ Recognizes indigenous practices and local solutions for sustainability. ✅ Promotes intergenerational equity considering future generations. ✅ Upholds "Polluter Pays Principle" by asking historical emitters to pay for loss and damage. ✅ Ensures gender equity as women face climate impacts disproportionately. Challenges in ensuring Climate Justice: ✅ Dilution of CBDR principle with pressure on developing nations for greater mitigation. ✅ Vulnerable communities lack resources and capabilities to deal with climate risks. ✅ Climate actions of major emitters are misaligned with Paris Agreement goals and equity. ✅ Access to climate finance remains inequitable and skewed towards mitigation over adaptation. ✅ Carbon offsetting allows polluters to continue emissions, affecting the poor facing displacement. ✅ Right-wing nationalism in many nations disregards global climate justice concerns. Ways to Achieve Climate Justice: ✅ Strong national legal frameworks for climate justice and equitable sustainable development. ✅ Gender inclusion and community participation in climate policy-making. ✅ Securing transparent, equitable distribution of climate funds to vulnerable regions. ✅ Holding corporates and nations accountable for ecological harm through legal mechanisms. ✅ Technology and knowledge transfer for empowering communities to build resilience. ✅ Mainstreaming climate education and sustainable living practices globally. Climate justice must become a key tenet of international climate agreements and domestic policies to ensure an equitable transition that protects the planet and uplifts vulnerable communities. Join
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2 244
🔆 OX5034 Mosquito ✅ The US Environmental Protection Agency authorized the release of the genetically modified OX5034 mosquito in Florida and Texas in 2020. ✅ This mosquito is developed with a gene sensitive to an antibiotic, tetracycline. ✅ It carries a self-limiting gene that prevents female offspring from surviving, leading to a reduction in mosquito populations.
1 850
2 922
🔆A green step forward
2 761
🔆D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary: ✅Location: It is a protected area located in the East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. ✅This sanctuary was established in 1977 and covers an area of around 190 square kilometres. ✅It is named after the pioneer of modern Arunachal, the late Daying Ering, who was a famed Indian politician. ✅Vegetation: It is located in a unique ecosystem that comprises tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen, and deciduous forests. ✅It is also home to the Siang River, which is one of the major rivers in Arunachal Pradesh. Streams and channels intersect the whole Sanctuary. ✅Flora: About 80% of the Sanctuary is covered with grassland, and the rest is riverine forest patches with mixed bamboo and secondary forests. ✅Fauna: It is home to buffalo, elephant, tiger, leopard cat, barking deer, civet cat, sambar, jackal, Migratory birds like cranes, wild ducks, storks, and waterfowl from Siberia and Mongolia can be spotted every year. #gs3 #environment #prelims @upsc_4_environment
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2 467
2 051
Small island nations seek protection from ocean pollution, climate change
Small island nations seek protection from ocean pollution, climate change
Small island nations that have been disproportionately harmed by the climate crisis will go up against high-emitting nations
2 366
🔆D. Ering Wildlife Sanctuary: ✅Location: It is a protected area located in the East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. ✅This sanctuary was established in 1977 and covers an area of around 190 square kilometres. ✅It is named after the pioneer of modern Arunachal, the late Daying Ering, who was a famed Indian politician. ✅Vegetation: It is located in a unique ecosystem that comprises tropical evergreen, semi-evergreen, and deciduous forests. ✅It is also home to the Siang River, which is one of the major rivers in Arunachal Pradesh. Streams and channels intersect the whole Sanctuary. ✅Flora: About 80% of the Sanctuary is covered with grassland, and the rest is riverine forest patches with mixed bamboo and secondary forests. ✅Fauna: It is home to buffalo, elephant, tiger, leopard cat, barking deer, civet cat, sambar, jackal, Migratory birds like cranes, wild ducks, storks, and waterfowl from Siberia and Mongolia can be spotted every year. #gs3 #environment #prelims @upsc_4_environment
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2 715
Last updated: 11.07.23
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