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all posts Jenny Beth Martin

Co-Founder Tea Party Patriots. Tips, Tales, and Thoughts of Peach State Mom of Twins. Christian, Conservative, was Republican now American.  
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Posts archive
BREAKING: Joe Biden has DROPPED OUT of the 2024 presidential race!
11 916
America needs Trump, now more than ever. The world has changed significantly since he left office four years ago, and not for the better. - The border crisis will end - He will reinstate β€œRemain in Mexico” - Begin construction again on the border wall - Inflation will be tackled - We will be energy dominant - Reinstate the Trump tax cuts - Appoint constitutional scholars to the courts And so much more. This is America First. This is the Trump administration.
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The Case for Trump: Now More Than Ever
11 881
Biden just called Zelenskyy β€œPresident Putin” on the world stage. This man is mentally unfit to serve the highest office in the land. This is an international embarrassment.
Congress will vote today on HR8281, the Save Act. This is an extremely important moment for our nation in regards to protecting election infrastructure and YOUR VOTE. We need your help. Call your member of Congress and tell them to vote to pass the Save Act! Phone: 202-224-3121
House Must Pass SAVE Act to Ensure Election Integrity
9 942
Who here wants to see the pending criminal cases against Trump dropped and the decided verdicts overturned? βœ‹
7 670
Today’s SCOTUS ruling is another win for former President Trump, and a big defeat for the Democrats who have been weaponizing the government against Trump to interfere in this year’s election. We thank the Supreme Court for recognizing the importance of presidential immunity. The ruling is also a fresh reminder about the importance of the Supreme Court as the American people consider who their next President should be. This is why your vote is so important.
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Tea Party Patriots Action Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling on Presidential Immunity - Tea Party Patriots
Atlanta, GA – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling in Trump v. United States, in which the former President argued he is immune from prosecution on charges stemming from actions he took while serving as president. In response, Tea Party Patriots Action Honorary Chairman Jenny Beth Martin issued the following statement: β€œThis is…
10 426
BREAKING: The House has passed an amendment to defund Mayorkas’ salary. This is great news, but this should only be the beginning of holding Mayorkas accountable.
9 350
Why vote against Biden? - The border is not secure - The world is at war - Our justice system is weaponized - Middle class Americans are struggling - China continues to economically take advantage of us - Democrat cities are saturated with crime The choice is simple. America needs Biden gone.
9 043
Who here is praying for President Trump and his family? βœ‹
8 941
Joe Biden’s amnesty proposal is designed to fundamentally transform America. This does not reflect the will of the people. 62% polled said they would support β€œa new national program to deport all undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. illegally” – and among Hispanic voters, 53% support a mass deportation. The American people do not want to fundamentally transform America, we want to preserve it. Who agrees? βœ‹
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Biden's Latest Amnesty Is a Political Gamble He Will Lose
9 359
We are 139 days away from the general electionβ€”it is up to us, the American people, to save our country. Biden is morally and mentally unfit to serve as President. Comment if you are registered to vote!
7 242
How do we ensure this type of corrupt political prosecution never happens again: - Defund radical political prosecutors - Use congressional oversight to make sure the law isn’t weaponized - Ensure judicial conflicts are appropriately recused to avoid the presence of impropriety
8 940
Trump’s New York trial was ripe with legal errors. - Prosecutors waged a politically motivated prosecution. - The Sixth Amendment requires specificity regarding the charges so the defendant can be informed and mount a defense. - There is a First Amendment presumption against gag orders, which were liberally used against Trump. - Judge Merchan forbid Trump’s experts from testifying. - The prosecutor sculpted the law to meet the facts. - The Court did not require juror unanimity in the verdict. These errors were symptomatic of corruption, not mere mistakes.
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8 047
Biden laughed when asked about Trump being a political prisoner. The destruction of impartial justice, weaponizing the courts, and unlawfully influencing elections is not a laughing matter. Biden has to go.
6 853
Biden campaigned on a policy of open borders, and he has delivered. Promises made. Promises kept.
Biden’s Border Executive Order Is a Joke
7 233
Trump raised approximately $54 million within 24 hours of his β€œconviction.” Trump received over 74 million votes in 2020. Trump has the support of the American people. Who here is standing with Trump?
8 246
The Founding Fathers are turning in their graves as a result of President Trump’s β€œconviction.” Here are four action items we can all do to fight back: 1. Pray for President Trump and our country. 2. Donate to President Trumpβ€”I suggest $17.76 at 3. Wear your red, white, and blue. Show others that you are not giving up on this country. 4. Stay focused. Stay calm. Vote. And go to so I can help direct you to volunteering opportunities.


9 725
β€œIf my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” - 2 Chronicles 7:14
6 722
This is a disgraceful, inexcusable verdict. This case should never have been brought to trial in the first place. The D.A. never explained the underlying crime, and his political motivations were clear β€” he was elected after having promised to β€˜get Trump’ during his election campaign. Judge Merchan was equally abysmally biased, issuing absurd jury instructions that make the verdict vulnerable to appeal. The jurors themselves clearly were either biased, given the overwhelming liberal make-up of Manhattan, or did not understand the law. What we’re left with is an unprecedented day in American history: A presumptive presidential nominee convicted for a made-up crime to weaken him in an election campaign. President Biden and the Democrats are smiling today. But Trump will prevail come November, and the tables will turn. The Democrats should be careful what they wish for.
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6 238
On this Memorial Day, we remember those who paid the ultimate price fighting for our freedom.
5 735
There are 163 days until the general election. AOC has admitted that the Democrat’s lawfare against Trump is like an electronic ankle monitor limiting his ability to campaign. We cannot allow the political prosecution of Trump to go unpunished. Who is with me? βœ‹
5 978
Michael and Kelli Wars, duly appointed electors, were indicted by an Arizona grand jury after months of pressure from the leftist Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes. The Grand Jury indictments were part of a nation-wide coordinated plan to jail Republicans and dissenters of the official narrative of the democrat party. Please support their legal defense at the link below.
Michael and Kelli Ward Legal Fund
Just in time to interfere in the 2024 election, my clients, Michael and Kelli, duly appointed electors, were indicted by an Arizona grand jury after months o...
7 640
The countdown to the general election continues, with 167 days remaining. If you’re unhappy with President Biden’s failed leadership… If you’re appalled by the political persecution of President Trump… If you’re ready to stand up as patriots and fight for our country… Then register to vote and use your voice to defeat Democrats this November. Who is with me?
6 176
Though it is against the law to break into my home, I still lock my doors to prevent intruders. Similarly, though it is illegal for non-US citizens to register to vote, we must put up further safeguards to protect the integrity of our elections. The SAFE Act does that, and we need Congress to pass it.


6 340
There are 172 days until the general election. Register to vote. Vote Republican. Retire Biden. Protect the integrity of our elections. Protect our borders. Stand with Israel. Return justice back to our justice system. Who here is ready to work to win the general election?
6 237
87% of Americans agree that we should have proof of citizenship to vote in elections. Congress must act to protect the integrity of our elections. Who here is a part of the 87% of Americans who support proof of citizenship to vote?


6 631
The 1993 National Voter Registration Act should be amended to require documentary proof of citizenship in order to register to vote. COMMENT to let legislators know that you support this election security measure!
6 061
There are 179 days until the general election. Yesterday, I spoke on Capitol Hill to discuss the SAVE Act, which would require proof of American citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. We must protect the integrity of our elections.
7 305
Earlier today, I spoke on Capitol Hill to discuss the importance of the SAVE Act. The SAVE Act would require proof of American citizenship to register to vote in federal elections. Who here wants to require proof of citizenship to vote? βœ‹
5 419
It would be wrong to allow illegal aliens to decide the results of American elections by casting unlawful votes, and Republicans want to do something to ensure that does not happen. The new House bill – the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act – is authored by Texas Republican Chip Roy. The legislation would amend the 1993 National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to require states to obtain documentary proof of citizenship in order to register someone to vote in an election for federal office. Congressman Roy’s Safeguarding American Voters Eligibility (SAVE) Act is a legislative remedy to a problem that has not yet occurred. Prudence demands that we enact it.
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The Best Legislative Solution to Election Integrity Is Here
5 219
The general election is in 184 days. If you oppose the political prosecutions of Trump, then vote. If you want to retire Biden, then vote. If you want to punish Democrats for eroding the foundation of our country, then vote. We must stand united together as We the People.
5 220
University campuses are being overrun with anti-American and anti-Israel encampments. Where is Biden’s leadership? Where is Biden’s action? Where is Biden? Biden needs to go.
7 011
Who here is ready to see Biden enter retirement in 189 days? βœ‹
7 497
190 days until the general election. Biden is a failed moral leader. Biden is a failed political. Biden is a failed president. If you love the United States, the choice is clear. President Trump, 2024.
8 432
Biden is not only a failed president, he’s a failed moral leader. The anti-Israel campus protests which have led to obstructing traffic, unlawful assembly, trespassing, and assault, are a result of Biden’s failed leadership. Since Biden won’t step up, we will replace him with someone who will.
Biden Fails Moral Leadership Test in Handling Anti-Semitic Campus Protests
8 583
BREAKING: The RNC and President Trump have unveiled a large election integrity project, that will send more than 100,000 people to watch the polls in swing states this November. If We the People don’t protect the integrity of our elections, nobody will. If you would like to help secure our elections, please sign up to volunteer at the link below!
6 622
Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass has called for adding hundreds of police officers to the city’s rolls and boosting their pay. Just a reminder, the LA City Council cut the police budget by $150 million in 2020. Defunding the police is quickly turning into refunding the police.
6 506
There are 195 days until the election. Let’s put Trump back in the White House.
6 597
New York Democrat congressional candidate Nate McMurray recently posted β€œDie MAGA die” on social media. A US Congressional candidate wishing death on half of the country has no business representing them.
6 761
There are 196 days until the election. - REGISTER TO VOTE if you haven’t - Convince your friends and family to vote against Democrats - Retire Biden for good There is too much at stake to stay home.
6 694
BREAKING: Congress is passed a bill approving $61 billion to protect the BORDER! Note: By β€œborder,” I am referring to the border of a foreign country, and not a single penny for the United States border. Something is wrong with this.
1 033
BREAKING: Iowa legislators have passed a bill to ban DEI offices in all public universities. This is another huge victory against the progressive woke agenda.
7 218
BREAKING: Secretary Mayorkas is BLOCKING the release of information related to several criminal illegal aliens, their locations, and criminal history. Mayorkas is derelict in his duty to the American people. He must be removed.
7 003
Jury selection is set to begin Monday in the case of β€œThe People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump.” In reality, this is the case of β€œJoseph R. Biden, Jr. v. Donald J. Trump.” We are witnessing corruption of historic proportion. Biden weaponized the Justice Department, now the American people must weaponize their votes.
8 041
BREAKING: The Idaho Supreme Court has unanimously affirmed the state’s election integrity laws, requiring citizens to present state-recognized forms of ID. This should be the practice nationwide. Why do liberal advocacy groups continue to fight election integrity efforts?
7 628
This is a reminder that there are 209 days until the general election. - 209 days until Biden is retried. - 209 days until corruption in Washington is held to account - 209 days until we take back our country - 209 days until Trump is elected REPOST if you are ready to win!
7 566
On Wednesday, the Senate will receive the articles of impeachment from the House against Mayorkas. The Senate should do its job and hold the required impeachment trial. The evidence for impeachment is strong, and Mayorkas must be held accountable for violating laws enacted by Congress regarding immigration and border security.
JENNY BETH MARTIN: Senate Must Let House Make Its Case In Impeachment Trial Of Mayorkas
The articles of impeachment against Mayorkas are serious. They warrant serious consideration and a full and fair trial by the full Senate.
8 466
If Biden locks his doors at night, he has no business keeping the doors of our country open to citizens of other countries.
6 854
Biden chose to politicize Easter with a cause that is antithetical to Christian tenants. This administration continues to indicate disdain for the heart of America. Biden must be retired this November.
8 163
Arizona state Senator Jake Hoffman is the Founding Chairman of the Arizona Freedom Caucus, and a strong advocate for the America First principles and programs we need to Make America Great Again. He will be a strong voice for the concerns of grassroots conservatives, and will work to ensure the Republican National Committee reflects their priorities. On behalf of the tens of thousands of Arizonans who share our Tea Party principles of personal freedom, economic freedom, and a debt-free future, I am proud to endorse our friend Jake Hoffman for Republican National Committeeman from Arizona.
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9 487
Last updated: 11.07.23
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