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💰 US Financial Update - Thursday 5th September 2024 💰 Koikasians, it has been brought to my attention that the USA economy is on the brink going into a recession sooner than first thought, below I'll breakdown the reasons why this is a likely scenario taking place and explain exactly what is a recession; 💴 What is a Financial Recession 💴 A recession typically comes with two quarters of negative growth. We’re running out of time for that to happen in 2024 because the first half of the year saw positive economic; 💴 Two Traditional Recession Indicators 💴 🔴 The Sahm Rule, when the three month average of USA employment rate is 0.5% higher than the lowest three month average over the previous 12 months. This rule which is simple and accurate has been applicable for every USA recession since 1949; 🔴 Treasury Yied Curve Situation, for a little over two years this has been sending out worrying signals to investors where the curve has remained inverted which means that short-term bonds yields have been higher that long-term bond yields - this isn't a normal condition and typicially indicates that investors are worried about the near-term outlook; 💴 Current Forcasts 💴 💴 JP Morgan = 35% that a recession hits before the end of 2024/45% that a recession hits before the end of 2025; 💴 David Rosenberg - Economist = 85% that a recession will hit in 2024 using a new economic model based on National Bureau of Economic Research within a 12 month time-frame respectively; Rosenberg states "The full model predicted the 'soft landing' we saw in 2023, but now is saying that for 2024, recession probabilities are highly elevated" back in February 2024; ⭐️Below will be a NY Times article exploring the job growth/downfall of various sectors since the pandemic: 🛡 Koi's Take 🛡 Whether it's going to be this year or 2025, the likelyhood of a USA recession currently is averaging at over 50% using both traditional model and the new model by NBoE which is telling me that starting to save more capital than usual in terms of personal and investments is a wise thing to do and/or start thinking about saving more, plus regarding digital assets industry, start thinking about assets which provide technology and/or a service to the masses as this sector is likely to expand within the coming years respectively, the DePin sector will remain strong, however DeFi sector not so much, please bare this in mind before making any captial investment decisions, plus if you've got any questions regarding this post, please message in the Babylon Chat Channel at: ; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night whenever your located in the world 🛡
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The Geography of Unequal Recovery
The U.S. economy has added roughly 19 millions jobs in four years. But as of the end of 2023, 43 percent of counties still hadn’t regained all the jobs they lost in the early months of the pandemic.
3 705
🛡 Koi Update 🛡 Koikasians, due to unforeseen circumstances is the reason why there hasn't been an update since the last in on August 8th, excuse for the inconvenience caused with posts coming back including a bumper statement of address in multiple parts over a week and a introduction to $FORTA and the ways this protocol can keep your awareness and safe in the digital assets industry, the $FORTA post will be coming first and I'll announce SOA *statement of address* week when its all finalised at ready to go; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night whenever your located in the world 🛡
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4 946
🛡 Koi Update 🛡 You'd all probably wondering why there hasn't been an update, while I've been getting together the information for the multi part post, the Japanese Yen domino with the ongoing threat of a USA recession just compounded the drops;and has affected all markets including traditional stocks with highest points drop since the pandemic collapse in March 2020; So because of this event occuring in the industry, I've held back and re-evaluating and re-adjusting my statement of address to factor in this event and be able to articulate focus for Q3/Q4 2024 aswell as give you all options in the digital assets market respectively too. Expect the 1st part of BoK statement of address coming this weekend; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night whenever your located in the world 🛡
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7 412
🛡Koi Update 🛡 Koikasians, expect an address to the community at the beginning of next month, this will cover a vast amount of things including assets to target for that month for short term trades and assets which have been forgotten about, however still has portential to be leading contenders within this next and possibly into next too, plus market update and my view on Q3 and Q4 2024 for the digital assets landscape; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night whenever your located in the world 🛡
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8 616
🦭 3 Tokens to Watch - Monday 15th July 2024 🦭 ❇️ - $API3 - API3 - OEV Network Launch Event; building on Arbitrum ❇️ - $CHR - Chromia Network - Official Mainnet Launch ❇️ - $ARB - Arbitrum - Vesting Token Unlock, if interested advise to watch this market and once the unlocked tokens are in circulation, act accordingly if interested and invest into a position subject to your sizes and capital limits respectively; 🍥 Koikasians Notes 🍥 Trailing doing this potentially monthly if there is enough interest in this becoming a new feature for our community; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night whenever your located in the world 🦭
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12 706
🛡 Koi Update 🛡 Koikasians, it's been 10 days since any new post, this is mainly due to a plethora of new projects coming to the industry, however quality over quantity is so important to remember especially during the current stage of this market cycle; I think this is an important stage within this cycle as more and more institutional capital comes into the industry along with the continuous angel investors and again, that's increasing and we are seeing a healthy dynamic between capital coming into the industry and new projects forming, but that doesn't mean the projects which are getting funded will gain a market share in the sector they've chosen as digital asset sectors are the most competitive they've ever been, so gaining that sustainable impact within the industry and beyond is becoming that much harder to stand out and grab the imagination of the digital assets community aswell as gain tier 1 institutional investment, this is what all projects should be aiming for; Solana guide is coming before the end of this month which has been asked for by the Koikasians which will include, wallets, dexs, sectors to focus and more; If you've got any questions related to this post please come to the Babylon chat at ; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/evening wherever your located in the world 🛡
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20 439
💥 Keeping your Data Safe within the Digital Assets industry and beyond 💥 As technology advances, the sophistication of cyber crimes will increase, however with having a structure in place and a understanding of the processes involved will help prevent your data getting into the wrong hands; 💥 Email Management and Awareness 💥 Whether it's signing up for a newsletter or streaming site, the majority of people today only have one email address, however with the risks increasing in cyber crimes, I would advise the following; Have a set of 5 emails addresses and code them with the following: ▫️Everyday Activities e.g newsletters, streaming platforms; ▫️Financial and Personal Activities e.g Banking, Home Utilites, Health related apps and establishment's; ▫️Digital Assets Daily e.g any Project newsletter, whitepaper download *some require an email prior to downloading*, any industry bulitins/newsletters/data feeds; ▫️Digital Assets X e.g anything your unsure about giving your email too, whether that's signing upto a project and/or service/utility, this email is practically a testing ground for you to decide if the project/service/utility is legitimate and safe for you to use your Digital Assets Daily email, keeping your data safe; ▫️Backup Only e.g if your data gets breached from one of the above addresses, this is the address you turn too as your new main address for one of the categories above; 💥 Email Safety Best Practice 💥 ▫️ Be cautious of emails from unfamiliar or misleading domains; ▫️ Avoid clicking on links or downloading attachments from unsolicited sources; ▫️ Be wary of emails that claim to offer token airdrops; ▫️ Don't open emails from strangers; ▫️ Don't send confidential information by email; ▫️ Don't open attachments you don't trust or haven't scanned; ▫️ Use a spam filter and avoid unsolicited bulk messages; ▫️ Don't give your email address to sites you don't trust; ▫️ Don't post your email address to public places online like message boards, comment boards, or even your personal website; ▫️ Keep your personal email private except from people that you really want to hear from. You can set up a second email account for registering for public websites; ▫️ Use Anti Virus Software ▫️Keep passwords secure. It's recommended to change your passwords at least every 60 days, particularly if you currently view and manage your email on a public computer. Use a mix of letters and numbers, as those passwords are harder to break and if there is a 2FA *Two Factor Authentication* option, select that route, but don't link it to your mobile device. The password should not be easy to guess. Never share your password with anyone; ▫️Keep away from Open Wifi Networks. When you're connected to a public and open WiFi network, there is increased potential for hackers to access your accounts. It's best to avoid connecting to these networks entirely. If you do connect, don't sign into any accounts with sensitive information stored, if you really need to use a public and/or open network, use a VPN for that extra layer of security; 💥 Centralised Exchanges Mitigation Measures 💥 ▫️ Enhance Personal Security Awareness: Always maintain a high level of skepticism and awareness regarding personal security to all information; ▫️ Install Extensions Only from Trusted Sources: Use extensions from the Chrome Web Store or other reputable sources. Read user reviews and permissions requests, and avoid granting unnecessary access; ▫️ Use a Secure Browsing Environment: Avoid installing extensions from unknown sources. Regularly review and remove unnecessary extensions. Use different browsers to separate browsing with plugins from financial transactions; ▫️ Regularly Monitor Account Activity: Periodically check account login activities and transaction records. Take immediate action if any suspicious activity is detected; ▫️ Always Log Out After Use: Ensure to log out after using web-based platforms. Staying logged in for convenience can pose a security risk;
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15 419
▫️ Use a Hardware Wallet: Store significant assets in a hardware wallet for enhanced security; ▫️ Browser Settings and Security Tools: Use secure browser settings and extensions (such as ad blockers and privacy protection tools) to mitigate the risks of malicious extensions; ▫️ Use Security Software: Install and use security software to detect and prevent malicious extensions and other malware; ▫️ Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Use 2FA for logging in and performing important actions (such as trading, placing orders, and withdrawing funds); ▫️ Session Management and Security: Implement session timeout strategies to automatically log out inactive sessions, reducing the risk of session hijacking; ▫️ Monitor IP Addresses and Geolocation: Detect and block login attempts from unusual IP addresses or locations when necessary; 💥 What is Kucoin doing to improve their platform and security measure 💥 ▫️ Security Notifications: Send instant notifications to users about important account activities, such as logins, password changes, and fund withdrawals, via email or SMS to alert them of unusual activities; ▫️ Account Freeze Option: Provide an option for users to quickly freeze their accounts in emergencies to control the extent of damage; ▫️ Abnormal Behavior Detection: Use machine learning and big data analysis to monitor user behavior, identify abnormal trading patterns and account activities, and intervene promptly; ▫️ Risk Control Alerts: Issue alerts and impose restrictions on suspicious activities, such as frequent account information changes and multiple failed login attempts; ▫️ Improve Login State Storage Security: Implement lifecycle management and background verification; ▫️ Enhance Detection of Abnormal Trading Activities: Detect and prevent abnormal trading and wash trading; If you've got any questions related to this post, please come to the Babylon chat at Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night whenever your located in the world 💥
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22 933
🔉 Updated information post regarding being safe with your data within the digital assets industry and beyond; This comes after a Coingecko form injection Get Response getting a data breach and Kucoin alerting investors about the significant increase of cyber crime targeting centralised exchanges; Expect this post to come out later tonight and if there is any questions, please come too the Babylon chat at ; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night whenever your located in the world 🔉
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12 181
🤔 Clarity and Mind Focus 🤔 Koikasians, we are nearly half way through the year, a year which has brought surprises and joy, sadness and struggles, yet we all strive to be better each passing day, no matter the race, religion or culture and sometimes it's wise to have a step back, look at the bigger picture and plan accordingly for the next stage, whether that's in life, career or anything in between, this is the purpose of this post; What are all your individual goals for your portfolios, is there a target you want to aim for, something you want to pay off or are you someone with a portfolio which your just letting run and see what happens, you all need to know this to have clarity in your mind and be able to focus on the targets you all have got for your individual portfolios respectively; Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture, the stage of life your at, your emotions wellbeing and potential opportunities you have within your lifestyles, remember crypto isn't the only driver for your success; The key is for us all is to get financial freedom wherever you maybe in the world, so having a real understanding on your portfolio assets and your own individual goals is important for you all to get closer to that goal we are all aiming for and as a community they'll be advice and guidance along the way with the Babylon chat channel being the avenue where that takes place; Sometimes it's good to take a breath, look at the bigger picture as it gives an sense of what truly matters to you all individually in life and in this case your digital assets portfolio, remember everything tends to weave into one which creates who we as individuals, so by having mind clarity, means your able to focus on what matters most to you and your families; So take a moment for yourself, read this post and have a think about life so far and where you want to be, as for with your digital assets portfolio, knowledge is power, so try and learn something new about the assets in your portfolio whether that's daily and/or weekly and you'll see the benefits; Like I said any questions, your wanting advice/guidance on your portfolio and/or just want to chat, come to the Babylon chat channel and your questions will be answered to the best of my ability; Thank you for your time and I wish you all a smooth morning/afternoon/night wherever your located in the world 🌍
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24 141
🔸 Introduction to Credia Layer, DePIN Sector Showcase Ethereum/Solana Testnet Mining Opportunity 🔸 Koikasians, I said after the DePIN showcase where you all learnt about the emerging asset sector in the industry that they'll be an opportunity which follow, below you'll learn about Credia Layer and how to access the opportunity; 🔸 What is Credia Layer and the Project's Vision 🔸 A pioneering platform at the intersection of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence. Designed to transform the landscape of credit scoring, Credia Layer utilizes DEPIN technology to ensure secure and verifiable identities, while its sophisticated AI algorithms analyze user activities for accurate credit assessments; Credia Layer goal is to empower users, developers, and organizations by providing a robust framework that supports fair access to opportunities, rewards positive contributions, and fosters a resilient and thriving digital economy; 🔸 What is the Opportunity 🔸 This opportunity works by using your devices CPU compute power, whether that's a mobile and/or laptop and turn that into Credia Layer points; 🔸 How to Setup and Access the Opportunity 🔸 All you'll need to setup this opportunity is the following: ▫️Laptop/Desktop and or Mobile Phone *advise to leave on overnight to acquire more points, android mobile app available in the 'Official Links' section* ▫️Metamask, OKX and Phantom only available during this Testnet phase To access this opportunity, please go to the following link below: Once you've got onto the site, in the top right hand corner, select 'Connect Wallet' and choose the web3 wallet your using and follow the prompts on screen, you can gain Credia Layer points by doing the following: ▫️Daily points claim of 20 points ▫️Tasks which vary in points ▫️CPU compute mining which varies from how powerful your CPU in your device; Stage 1 of the testing has got roughly 3 weeks left, this can change and depends on how long it takes the team to have Stage 2 ready for testing, so there is plenty of time to acquire points during this period, later you'll be able to link a $SOL wallet to transfer points over; Please bare in mind that this testnet is in the early stages and issues can occur at this stage of testing, so if you come across any bugs, please report them to the team, using there official channels; 🔸 Credia Layer Official Links 🔸 Telegram Chat: Telegram Announcement Channel: X Profile: Credia Layer Gitbook/Whitepaper: Credia Layer Android App:
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Credia Announcement Channel
Links : Twitter: Telegram Announcement Channel: English Telegram Group: Chinese Telegram Group:
30 587
💶 $ETH ETF *Exchanged-traded Funds* Introduction and Update💶 💶 What is a $ETH ETF💶 🟢 An Ethereum ETF is a financial product designed to track the price of Ethereum, enabling investors to buy and sell shares on traditional stock exchanges. This regulated investment avenue offers a convenient way for investors to participate in the cryptocurrency market without directly managing digital assets. The ETF mirrors the performance of Ethereum, providing exposure to its value without the complexities of ownership; 🟢 The Ethereum ETF operates within the regulatory framework of traditional financial markets, providing investors with a regulated and secure channel to engage in cryptocurrency investments. This regulatory oversight enhances investor confidence and ensures compliance with established financial standards; 🟢 In addition to accessibility, Ethereum ETFs offer benefits such as regulatory oversight, ease of trading, and the ability to diversify investment portfolios. These funds are traded on major stock exchanges, providing liquidity and simplicity for investors who may be new to cryptocurrency markets; 💶 What are the main types of ETFs in digital assets industry💶 🟢 Spot ETF: Trade crypto tokens directly on behalf of investors, buying bitcoins or other digital assets and storing them; 🟢 Futures ETF: Funds track the expected price of one or more cryptocurrencies by trading futures, which are standardized agreements between two parties to exchange a specific quantity of assets on a particular day for a preset price. For instance, a bitcoin futures ETF uses futures contracts to mimic the fluctuations in the price of that currency; 💶 Why investors consider ETFs 💶 🟢 Accessibility: Trade Ethereum easily through traditional brokerage accounts on stock exchanges; 🟢 Regulation: Benefit from oversight and regulation within traditional financial markets; 🟢 Diversification: Diversify your portfolio by including a cryptocurrency asset class; 🟢 Simplicity: Avoid complexities of owning and securing actual Ethereum while gaining exposure to its value; 🟢 Liquidity: Enjoy the liquidity of ETFs, making it easier to buy and sell shares on the stock market; ⭐️ The key factor what ETFs hold is being able to diversify capital to crypto assets without storing and buying the assets yourself ⭐️ 💶 $ETH ETF Latest Update 💶 Following Bloomberg adjusting the percentage from 25% to 75% likely that Ethereum ETFs will be approved, this has resulted in a rally on the upside in the markets, however please bare warning as I see this playing out though Q2 and well into Q3 with the final deadlines for Ethereum ETFs coming in August 2023; When looking at this information, the key funds to keep a close eye on and are the most likely to get approved first: 💶 Blackrock 💶 Fidelity For the Ethereum ETFs to be approved, the SEC must approve both the 19b-4s (exchange rule changes) & S-1s (registration statements) fillings. Only after both are approved will we see the first ETH ETFs on the market, so with this news, approval for $ETH ETF fund is not a guarantee With $BTC already having a successful ETF launch with AUM *assets under management* currently being over $57BN which launched last January, with the momentum turning to Ethereum and the magnitude surrounding this potential approval in the future, this is only positive for the digital assets industry; 💶 Crypto Assets ETFs Learning Links 💶 🟢 Investopedia: 🟢 Tracking Insight: 🟢 Corporate Finance Insitute: 🟢 Crypto ETF Database:
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How Do Cryptocurrency Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Work?
Cryptocurrency ETFs can provide a low cost of ownership for cryptocurrencies, but there are limits to the types of funds because of regulatory issues.
25 601
🛡KoiKasians, newly designed logo using Kymata AI, please let me know what you think of the design, I think it really fits the community, yet keeping classy and identity focused having the Koi front and centre of the design; The community chat channel hasn't got an official logo, so if we've got any budding graphic designers what to try and design one for the channel, please comment below, the brief is short and simple, Koi being front and centre of the design and if we get many entries, the winner will be decided by the community via a poll, so if you fancy a shot designing a logo for the chat channel, have a try and who knows, your artwork might be selected to carry the Babylon Chat Community 🛡
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26 963
🪂 $TON airdrop mining update 🪂 🔸Catizen🔸 Is now interoperable with Mantle blockchain and recently just finished there 1st launchpad mining event which lasted for 10 days respectively. If you haven't joined yet, please do so using the following links below: Invite Link: Squad Link: 🔸TapSwap 🔸 Following the $WUFF $SOL memecoin airdrop opportunity within the application, Tapswap is continuing to grow and create new partnerships across chains with the introduction of pools coming at the end of the month, it's the perfect time to join TapSwap if you haven't already by using the link below: 🔸 Blum 🔸 This is our most recent mining application I've shared with you all and still many places available, however that's limited, so if you haven't joined this opportunity yet, I'd advise you do so as there is plenty of growth to come from this project: Please follow the following link below to access Blum: 🛡 KoiKasians Note 🛡 I'm currently waiting on the project I was going to share as the DePin opportunity website to be live, V2 of website is currently being created and will be posting that opportunity once I've tested the processes and share with you all; Regarding the poll we did earlier in the month, there is a push to learn about Solana and Near more, which I'll provide guides on, however going to run a seperate poll on the Ethereum interest as I need a true picture to see if it's really needed for our community; If you haven't joined our chat channel, please do so at and let's continue to build a safe and prosperous community together 🛡
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QA: Report: Ann:
36 749
🍥 web3 Sector Showcase 02 Part 3 🍥 KoiKasians, you learnt about the economy of the DePin sector and how web3 is revolutionising the sharing economy model, here you'll find out why the DePin sector are the future and be introduced to DePin assets already on the market; 🍥 Why DePin Sector are the future in web3 industry 🍥 ▫️Collective Ownership Through the use of token rewards, contributors are encouraged to deploy and maintain infrastructure. DePIN's bottom-up approach means that the network is collectively owned by its participants, rather than a small group of shareholders; ▫️ Distributed Infrastructure Cost A decentralized physical infrastructure network reduces overhead and expenses by leveraging the collective resources of a network's participants; ▫️ Decentralisation A decentralised network offers a more resilient & secure infrastructure compared to traditional, centralized infrastructure networks. Building a network in a decentralised manner means that the network is less susceptible to corruption, hijacking & hacks, & other negative externalities associated with centralised control; ▫️ Open Competition & Innovation DePIN enables new levels of innovation across various sectors. By removing the barriers to entry associated with traditional infrastructure networks, DePIN encourages new entrants to compete in markets that were previously dominated by a few established players; 🍥 Examples of DePin assets on the market 🍥 ▫️$WIFI - Wifi Map ▫️$HONEY - Hivemapper ▫️$HNT - Helium Network ▫️$AKT - Akash Network ▫️$RNDR - Render 🍥 DePin Sector Summary 🍥 The DePIN landscape's potential market size is estimated at approximately $2.2 trillion, projected to reach $3.5 trillion by 2028 based on Messari research: So by going with the numbers Messari has projected, this sector as all the tools to become a leading sector in web3;
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29 027
🍥 web3 Sector Showcase 02 Part 2 🍥 You all now have learnt about the what the DePin sector is and the journey behind the sector evolving, here you'll be learning about the economy and the advantages this has over centralised physical inferstructure networks; 🍥 DePin Sharing Economy Model 🍥 ▫️ Companies like Uber and Airbnb have unlocked massive amounts of value utilizing this Sharing Economy model. This model describes how Uber, Airbnb, & others leverage contributors *and their assets* to provide valuable goods & services; ▫️ The sharing economy is transformative & disruptive. It accelerates efficiency & effectiveness, e.g reducing transaction fees. Businesses benefit from the sharing economy as it increases the rate of goods consumption & recirculation, the exchange of services & the sharing of productive assets. It also stimulates market competition; 🔘 What's wrong with the centralised Sharing Economy 🔘 ▫️ The sharing economy today may pretend to be peer to peer *P2P*, but it’s the opposite. It’s highly centralized, meaning we have to trust corporations with our most intimate data, trust that they use our data in our best interests & not their own, trust that they don’t leak any data or get hacked, trust that they treat the buyers & sellers on their platforms; 🔘 How is web3 evolving the Sharing Economy 🔘 ▫️ In a decentralized sharing economy built on web3 *blockchain*, people can continue to buy & sell goods and services via apps the way they do today  without having to trust corporations who are notorious for misusing & selling our data, being hacked and unethical business practices; ▫️ Blockchain technology replaces corporations at every level by removing the need to trust a third party at every level. The essence of blockchain is that we no longer need to trust central authorities because we can trust the permanent unalterable ledger which we all have equal access to & rights over, instead. This essence is now replacing the need for trusted intermediaries in the sharing economy;
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24 788
🍥 web3 Sector Showcase 02 Part 1 🍥 Welcome to the second Sector Showcase, these showcases are made for you all to gain knowledge and grasp opportunities within the sector provides. I've already shared with you and opportunities respectively and they fall under the DePin sector, now it's time to learn about DePin; 🍥 What is DePin 🍥 ▫️ DePIN stands for Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks. It's a new way to build and maintain infrastructure in the physical world; ▫️ This "Infrastructure" can be anything from WiFi hotspots in wireless networks to solar powered home batteries in energy networks. DePINs are built out in a decentralized way, by individuals and companies all over the world, for anyone to use. In return, these contributors receive financial compensation and an ownership stake in the network they're building and the services they're providing (via token incentives); ▫️ DePINs are made possible through widespread Internet connectivity and technological advancements in blockchain infrastructure and cryptography; 🍥 The Origin of the DePin Sector 🍥 ▫️ The term "DePIN" is the acronym the industry has settled on to describe this up and coming sector of crypto. We have Messari to thank for suggesting this acronym and uniting the space under one banner, but there have been a few other terms used to describe this sector in the past that are worth exploring; ▫️ In November 2021, IoTeX became the first to place a label on this up & coming sector, calling it MachineFi (a play on words combining "machine" with "DeFi" to represent the financialization of machines and their data); ▫️ On December 22, 2022, in its annual "Theses", Messari mentioned "DePIN" in research for the first time, stating that it "will be one of the most important areas of crypto investment for the next decade"; On January 19, 2023, Messari published a report devoted entirely to DePIN and the rest is history; IoTeX is the pioneers behind the DePin sector, paving the way for new projects to prosper and grow;
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22 879
🪂 $TON Airdrop Opportunity/Future Rewards with using the application 🪂 🪂 Blum is a hybrid exchange providing easy access to any coins and tokens, plus simple derivatives via a Telegram mini-app; 🪂 Blum's platform utilizes a hybrid setup, blending offchain orderbook and onchain settlement. Simply put, trade straight from your web3 wallets like MetaMask and/or Trust Wallet; 🪂 Automatic token listing based on liquidity analysis. Blum has crafted lightning-fast access to the freshest tokens, made easy for the end user; 🪂 Trading right through Telegram. Blum's mini-app is tailor-made for mobile users, spiced up with game mechanics. Collect points, then turn them into tokens 🪂 Blum was picked by Binance Labs in their 7th MVB accelerator season. Out of 700 projects; 🪂 How to gain access to Blum Drop🪂 Please follow the link below to access Blum: First come, first serve for the opportunity, only 4K slots available; 🪂 How does Blum App work 🪂 Blum app works simply in 8 hour stages, you mine the asset in 3 8 hour periods equally to 24 hours in a day and advise you to set a reminder on your device to claim the rewards at these 3 intervals: 🔸 12am 🔸 8am 🔸 4pm Also there are social tasks to complete for assets too; 🪂 Official Blum Links 🪂 Telegram Channel: Telegram Chat Channel: X Profile: Website: Discord: Blum Official Blog:
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29 838
🛡 Top 10 assets launched in April by FDV *Fully Diluted Value* courtesy of ; interesting selection and varied launch processes used, three sectors I want you all to look into are the following: ❇️ DePin Sector ❇️ Liquid Staking Sector ❇️ Restaking Sector Each one of these sectors will be getting a sector showcase starting with DePin within the coming days 🛡
25 437
🎣 Introduction to Babylon of Koi Sponsored Posts 🎣 KoiKasians, welcome to a new feature to the Babylon as I would like to introduce you to presenting Sponsored Posts; Sponsored posts are a key feature and a important part of Babylon progression and development as a channel, this will enable Babylon to expand and create key partnerships moving forward for the benefit of the community, however to be able to get a slot on Babylon, the project has to pass the due diligence checks to make sure our KoiKasians are safe to explore and interact with project, below you'll see the criteria used to be listed as a Babylon Sponsored Post: 🎣 Clear Digital Image 🎣 This includes, clear branding, website, social media project profiles with regular updates; 🎣 Crediable VC Captial Investment 🎣 Making sure that the investment coming to the project is legitimate and respected in the digital assets industry, having a Tier 1 VC investment is a plus, crypto focused VCs are key to the progression and development of the whole industry; 🎣 Blockchain and/or web2 cross-over potential 🎣 Each project selected for being a Sponsored project on Babylon need to have either cross-over web2 and/or Blockchain sector potential, key thing being potential, not all projects selected will be reach the heights of the leading projects in the sector, however the aim being with the due diligence taken, each project selected will thrive and enjoy as much success as they develop and progress; 🎣 Project Safety 🎣 As you know KoiKasians, the safety of our community is paramount, so making sure the legitimacy and validity of all Sponsored projects pass checks, including having processes to report scam/impersonators and everything in between 🎣
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27 069

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Anonymous voting
34 433
🛡 Top Linea Protocols by TVL *Total Value Locked* courtesy of & 🛡
36 894
🛡 The supply of stablecoins rose more than 14% in the first quarter as market participants continued to increase their usage, with stablecoins this prominent in the markets, expect this to continue to rise as the effects of the 4th $BTC Halvening starts to develop 🛡
44 870
Similar to Ordinal Theory, BRC-20 also has a "first-in-first-out" model. This means that whoever is the first to deploy a token on BRC-20 becomes its rightful owner, which has naturally led to the rush of BRC-20 enthusiasts looking to mint their own tokens; ▫️ Bitcoin Stamps Launches - April 6th 2023 The Bitcoin Stamps protocol launches, allowing users to mint semi-fungible tokens and digital collectibles using the Counterparty protocol. These Stamps are stored directly on Bitcoin’s UTXOs, which differs from Ordinals. The introduction of Bitcoin Stamps made it the third development in the first half of 2023 that demonstrated the expanding use cases of the Bitcoin blockchain, contributing to much of the excitement that Ordinals brought to the Bitcoin community; 📜 Bitcoin Milestones which made Traditional Global Markets take note 📜 ▫️ Bitcoin hits 1BN Market capitalisation for the 1st time - March 28th 2013 The market cap of the entire Bitcoin network surpasses $1 billion for the first time. ▫️1st Utility Coin ICO - July 3rd 2013 The Mastercoin Initial Coin Offering (ICO) stands as a significant milestone in the history of cryptocurrencies, heralding the dawn of a new era for blockchain fundraising. This pioneering event took place in July 2013 when the crypto landscape was still in its infancy. Mastercoin, later rebranded as Omni, aimed to push the boundaries of the Bitcoin blockchain by introducing innovative features that laid the groundwork for many subsequent blockchain projects; ▫️ $BTC hits $1TN Market capitalisation - February 19th 2021 The price of Bitcoin hits $54,000, effectively taking the cryptocurrency to a $1 trillion market cap 13 years after its inception; ▫️Bitcoin becomes Legal Tender in El Salvador - September 7th 2021 El Salvador made history by becoming the first nation in the world to pass a groundbreaking Bitcoin law, officially recognizing the cryptocurrency as legal tender alongside the U.S. dollar. Spearheaded by President Nayib Bukele. This landmark decision promised to transform the country's financial landscape. In the wake of this development, signs have emerged that Bitcoin is gaining traction within the nation, with restaurants, shops, and even hotels now accepting Bitcoin payments; ▫️ 1st $BTC ETF, Bitcoin Strategy Fund Begins Trading - October 19th 2021 The first Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) starts trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) eight years after the Winklevoss brothers filed an application. The ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (BITO) tracked bitcoin prices through futures contracts that were traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and inspired future institutional adoption of Bitcoin; Data shown collated from 📜 Recommended $BTC Links 📜 Bitcoin Investment Thesis: Stony Chambers Asset Research $BTC Thesis: $BTC 1st Whitepaper: BRC-20 Guide:
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Trust Machines:Building a Decentralized Bitcoin Economy
At Trust Machines, we're dedicated to unleashing the true potential of Bitcoin. Join us as we start building the future.
48 957
The Bitcoin Bubble of 2011 becomes a major event in the history of Bitcoin. While Bitcoin was created in 2008, it wasn’t until 2011 that its price really began to skyrocket. 📜 Bitcoin Blockchain Developments 📜 ▫️Liquid Launches - October 12th 2015 The cryptocurrency landscape witnessed a significant development with the launch of Liquid. Liquid, often referred to as a Bitcoin sidechain and layer, introduced a novel approach to enhancing the functionality and versatility of Bitcoin, addressing some of the limitations inherent in the Bitcoin blockchain. Liquid was designed to operate as a separate blockchain, running in parallel to the Bitcoin network; ▫️ SegWit Activation Day - August 17th 2017 SegWit is activated on August 24, 2017 at 1:57 UTC at block height 481,824, marking the launch of one of the most significant developments to the Bitcoin network aimed at addressing several long-standing issues, such as transaction malleability and scalability. For many in the Bitcoin ecosystem, SegWit's activation marked the end of the block size wars that divided the Bitcoin community, thereby cementing August 1 as Bitcoin Independence Day; Segregated Witness, often abbreviated as SegWit, was proposed as a solution to these problems. It sought to increase the capacity of the Bitcoin blockchain by separating transaction data from the digital signatures. This innovation aimed to reduce the size of transactions, allowing more of them to fit within a single block and thereby increasing the network's throughput. Additionally, SegWit brought on several security improvements, making Bitcoin transactions more resilient to certain types of attacks; ▫️ Smart Contracts and $BTC get closer to Reality - January 1st 2018 The launch of IOVlabs brought Bitcoin and smart contracts closer to each other. IOVlabs was created to bring smart contract capabilities to the Bitcoin network through the Rootstock platform. Rootstock, often referred to as "Smart Bitcoin" or "RSK," is a Turing-complete smart contract platform that is merge-mined with Bitcoin. This means that Bitcoin miners can secure both networks simultaneously, enhancing security while enabling smart contract execution on Bitcoin's blockchain. IOVlabs served as the development and operational arm of Rootstock, driving its growth and adoption; ▫️ Stacks Bitcoin Layer Launches - January 2021 The Stacks Bitcoin layer launches to enable smart contracts, DeFi, NFTs, and other additional use cases for Bitcoin. The Stacks project was originally known as Blockstack and co-created by Trust Machines CEO Muneeb Ali and Ryan Shea. The layer features its own programming language, Clarity, and consensus mechanism known as Proof-of-Transfer (PoX). Together, they allow for the execution of smart contracts on the Bitcoin blockchain; ▫️ Taproot Upgrade largest $BTC advancements since 2017 - November 14th 2021 The Taproot upgrade activation is successfully achieved, marking the largest advancement to the Bitcoin core following 2017’s SegWit activation; It was designed to enhance the privacy, security, and flexibility of Bitcoin transactions by introducing several important features. The most notable of these features was the ability to combine multiple transaction scripts into one, enhancing privacy and efficiency for bitcoin transactions. Additionally, Shnorr signatures and smart contract functionality improvements were also introduced; ▫️ The BRC-20 Token standard - March 2023 The BRC-20 token standard was created in March of 2023 by a pseudonymous on-chain analyst named Domo on X. Domo was playing with creating fungibility on Bitcoin using Ordinals inscriptions, a concept that then took off as the popularity of Bitcoin Ordinals grew. By early May 2023, what Domo initially emphasized was a "fun experiment" on Twitter ballooned to $991 million in market cap, effectively putting BRC-20 tokens on the map;
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27 897
📜 The History of Bitcoin $BTC 📜 We are 3 days off the next $BTC Halvening, an event which happens every 4 years, however without knowing the events which came before this, understanding the whole process and the magnitude of the Halvening, it'll be hard to truly appreciate the journey Bitcoin has been on since it's inception in 2009; 📜 The Birth of Bitcoin 📜 💰 Bitcoin was first introduced to the world in 2008. The goal was to create a decentralized digital currency free from the control of governments and central banks. On October 31st 2008, the Bitcoin whitepaper is released by an unknown individual or group of individuals going by the pseudonym 'Satoshi Nakamoto', The whitepaper, titled 'Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System' was also published on the Cryptography Mailing List. The whitepaper described a decentralized digital currency system which it proposed the use of a blockchain, a public ledger that would record all transactions in a secure and transparent manner. The Bitcoin network would rely on a network of computers to validate transactions and maintain the integrity of the blockchain. 💰 Unlike conventional currencies, Bitcoin functions on a peer-to-peer network, which means that transactions happen directly between users without a middleman such as a bank. This decentralization is a defining feature of Bitcoin, which differentiates it from traditional currencies. 💰 Bitcoin was officially launched on Jan. 3, 2009, when the first block of transactions, known as the genesis block, was mined. 💰Bitcoin’s supply is limited to a maximum of 21 million coins. This means no additional coins will be generated or created after reaching the 21 million limit. Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the concept of limiting the quantity of crypto and making it more valuable to combat inflation. 📜 Bitcoin Early Years 📜 ▫️ 1st Ever Recorded Price of $BTC - March 17th 2010 March 17, 2010 was the first-ever recorded price of bitcoin at a value of $0.003 on the now-defunct . This event’s implications while seemingly minor at the time would contribute to the gradual emergence of bitcoin as a recognized and valued asset; ▫️Bitcoin Pizza Day - May 22nd 2010 The first known commercial transaction takes place using Bitcoin when Laszlo Hanyecz paid 10,000 bitcoins for two large Papa John’s pizzas, which were delivered to him in Jacksonville, Florida; At the time of the transaction, the value of the 10,000 bitcoins was only a few dollars. However, the transaction has become infamous as an example of just how much the cryptocurrency has appreciated in value; ▫️ Mt Gox Founded - July 18th 2010 On July 18, 2010, Mt. Gox was founded by programmer Jed McCaleb. Initially, it got its unlikely start as a platform for trading virtual cards in the game Magic: The Gathering, then evolved into a pioneer Bitcoin exchange. Its history was marred by chaos, hacks, and scandals, ultimately culminating in its downfall and the ongoing legal proceedings involving its ex-owner, Mark Karpelès; Mt. Gox, originally , was a platform that exchanged fiat currency for Bitcoin. It was one of the first Bitcoin exchanges, signaling the growing interest in cryptocurrencies as a form of digital value; ▫️Current $BTC Logo Released - November 1st 2010 Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, initially offered two earlier versions of the Bitcoin logo, the first at Bitcoin’s inception, and then an updated version the next year. However, the infamous Bitcoin logo that we have come to associate with the cryptocurrency was created by an unknown artist using the handle “Bitboy"; The new logo effectively took Satoshi’s earlier creations and improved upon them to create a distinct look for the Bitcoin blockchain. “Bitboy” rendered a white and slanted “B” on top of a bright orange background in a design that reminded many of payment companies, like Mastercard; ▫️1st $BTC Bubble - June 2021
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Trust Machines:Building a Decentralized Bitcoin Economy
At Trust Machines, we're dedicated to unleashing the true potential of Bitcoin. Join us as we start building the future.
25 732
🪂 $TIGER $TON Airdrop Opportunity 🪂 $TIGER is the first meme token on TON with a utility. The asset will become the main game resource in the future game from Pixel God, who has history releasing over 3 other NFT collections with a total floor value of 411 $TON respectively; 🪂 $TIGER Tokenomics 🪂 TIGER has a stable economy: the total number of tokens is limited to 5 billion, and no one, not even Pixel God himself, will be able to issue a single additional $TIGER, the rights to it have already been revoked; ▫️30% (1.5B) is given to Fairlaunch this will ensure a fair launch for all participants ▫️33% (1.65B) to Game drops to reward active players ▫️15.23% (761.5M) is for marketing; This part will include development and promotion of the project, including contests and raffles, a program for project ambassadors, airdrops, and token staking; ▫️13.77% (688.5M) - for liquidity for token stability ▫️7% (350M) - to the team to motivate the development of the game ▫️1% (50M) - for audit to guarantee the safety of the project 🪂 How to access $TIGER drop 🪂 Please go to the following link below and complete the steps to enter this drop: 🪂 Official $TIGER Links 🪂 X Profile: Telegram:
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50 024
🌟 web3 opportunities which are still live🌟 🔹 Koi Network - to see guide 🔹 Grass 🔹 Tea Protocol 🔹 Inco Testnet - to see guide 🔘 CapX Farming has paused and waiting for dates for when it returns 🔘 🔹Tabichain - for guide 🔘 Story Protocol, waiting for further developments from project 🔘 🔹 Espresso Systems Testnet - to see guide 🔘 Waiting on official dates for when Curvance testnet begins 🔘 🔹 OxScope Opportunity and use ZS68QOI5 in the referral box 🔹 Catizen Airdrop Opportunity Invite Link: Squad Link: Please make sure you join both to maximise airdrop returns - 🌟Tip in game: Use the feeding feature to help the process of levelling cats up🌟 🔘 Lorenzo Protocol waiting on testnet announcement 🔘 🔘 0g Labs developer focused testnet had begun and started on the 7th Apri, if there is interest for a full guide on this, please let me know in the community chat 🔹 Tapswap Airdrop Opportunity 🌟 That's most the projects our community have been exposed to date, more opportunities are coming, it's 10 days to $BTC Halvening, so you'll be introduced to the history and the evolution what we now know as BRC-20 assets with a opportunity coming at the end of the $BTC guide in the coming days ahead 🌟
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52 736
🛡 April 2024 web3 calander of events courtesy of # 🛡
46 399
☸ The Fundermentals of web3 Wallet Management Part 3 ☸ We have gone through types of wallets, what crypto keys are and recommend web3 wallet setups with hot and cold wallets respectively. In part 3 we are now going to explore web3 browser extensions and tools to make your web3 experience safer and more informed when exploring and interacting in the web3 landscape; 🔒 Forta Protocol $FORT 🔒 Forta is the “real-time monitoring layer” in the Web3 tech stack. The Network is comprised of two primary components - detection bots and scan nodes; Action: Go to I would recommend on a weekly basis, navigating to Alerts, brings you to the Explorer and check your wallet to if your address is safe; 🔒 Pocket Universe Browser Extension 🔒 Pocket Universe is a free browser extension that protects you from web3 scams; Action: Go to the one of the following links below to install the browser extension to stay one step ahead of the scam artists: 📍Google Chrome/Any Chromium based Browser: 📍 Firefox/Any Firefox based Browser: 🔒 Aegis web3 Browser Extension 🔒 AegisWeb3 claims to have identified over 170,000 malicious websites to date through an average of one million daily scans in real-time; Action: Go to the following link below to install this extension & have real-time monitoring: 🔒 Rabby Wallet 🔒 Rabby Wallet is an open source browser plugin for the DeFi ecosystem, providing users with a better-to-use & more secure multi-chain experience; Action: Go to the following link below to install the extension: Once you've linked your web3 wallet, go to 'Rabby Points' and type in the code X01 to get an extra 100 points, more you use the wallet, more points you get
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51 560
🛡 Part 3 of the Wallet Management is coming tonight, reason for 3 parts as there is so much information to share and I need to make sure I cover all basis. Upcoming topic will focus on web3 browser extensions and tools which adds another layer of security to help avoid phishing/scams in the industry 🛡
38 674
☸ The Fundermentals of web3 Wallet Management Part 2 ☸ Now you've all had the introduction into web3 wallet management and understand the different types and keys involved, it's now time to share recommendations on how to setup and manage your web3 wallets and create a strategy; 🔥 Hot Wallet Setup 🔥 ▫️Two multichain wallets for OnChain activities ▫️Required blockchain wallets to complete testnet activities over multiple chains ▫️One wallet for trading activities only if required Whether you use Metamask, Trust Wallet or another web3 wallet of your choosing, having this setup enables you to be flexible and safe when exploring the web3 decentralized landscape; ▫️Your first hot wallet will act as a daily wallet, this wallet is the one you use daily to interact with decentralized applications and have enough assets in this wallet to do so, this wallet could also become your main NFT wallet, if that sector is of interest to you; ▫️Your second hot wallet will act as a your web3 asset portfolio, whether your preparing to sell assets or dollar-cost averaging into assets, this is where you can build your portfolio for a market cycle; ▫️I have been gradually introducing you all to the process of testnets, the requirements and actions you all need to take to have the best possible experience. With testnets across the industry, you'll need to be flexible and select wallets which would successfully work with the testnet in question your whilling to test for any particular project; ▫️If you trade assets whether that's using a centralised exchange for example being Binance or Kucoin and/or using a decentralised exchange for example being Uniswap or Pancake Swap, it's advised to have a seperate wallet to trade with, so you know when you log into that wallet, your going to trade and nothing else, which keeps you more organised knowing which of your wallets you want to use at any given time; ❄️ Cold Wallet Setup ❄️ ▫️ One Cold Wallet where your long-term portfolio assets will reside ▫️ One Cold Wallet soley for backup purposes Ledger to Trezor, cold wallets are offline and advise not to connect with dapps as that defeats the purpose of what a cold wallet is there to provide, an extra layer of security giving you peace of mind that your assets are as safe as they can be; Each cold wallet manufacturer vary from the features the wallet provides, an example would be if a wallet having bluetooth technology and/or a touchscreen, to the assets the wallet supports as not all cold wallets support the same assets and its always best to check in advance what assets the wallet supports before investing into cold wallets; Lastly on this topic, cold wallets vary from the latest technologies which are involved to build the devices, this includes encryption models, security chips and form factor. When you look to purchase a cold wallet, the secure element level is shown as EAL plus a number and to give you an idea, in the financial sector products used EAL4+ and EAL5+ are commonly used, however EAL6+ is military grade and the best on the retail market currently; 🔳 Recommended web3 wallet research 🔳 Imkey Security Chip Guide: web3 Wallet Growth Report 2030: How to Create a web3 Wallet Guide: web3 safety Guide 2024:
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What is the security chip used in hardware wallets?
This article mainly talks about what is the security chip used in the hardware wallet? How to ensure safety? imKey's Security Mechanism
45 774
🛡 This ends Part 1 of Wallet Management, Part 2 will be coming tonight introducing you all to recommendations of wallet management practices and the browser extensions to use to keep your web3 wallet as safe as it possibly can be 🛡
41 983
🔳 web3 wallet Public, Private Keys, Seedphrases and Security Tips 🔳 Web3 wallets enable digital identity, providing users with a unique set of cryptographic keys known as a “private key” and a “public key” that are used to prove ownership and control of digital assets. ▫️ What is a web3 wallet Public Key & Private Key ▫️ A public key is a piece of information that is used to prove that a transaction was signed by the owner of a digital asset. It is used to verify the authenticity of transactions and can be shared publicly; A private key is a secret piece of information that is used to prove ownership of digital assets. It is used to sign transactions that are sent to the blockchain, and it is only known to the owner of the digital assets; ▫️ What is a web3 wallet Seedphrase/Secret Recovery Phrase▫️ A seedphrase, also known as your wallet's secret recovery phrase or mnemonic phrase, is a list of words that act as a master key to your digital wallet. This 12 word seed phrase generates and provides access to your private keys. This means that anyone with the recovery phrase also controls your crypto assets; 🔳 web3 wallet Security Tips 🔳 ▫️ Regularly updating wallet software/app ▫️ Using Strong and Unique passwords ▫️Activating Two Factor Authentication (2FA) ▫️ Recogning Phishing attempts and avoiding scams ▫️ Utilising hardware wallets for long term storage ▫️ Storing backups of Wallet Data in secure locations ▫️ Never EVER share your seedphrase with ANYONE ▫️ Diversify your wallets ▫️ NEVER download files sent from a stranger ▫️ Be wary of social media direct messages ▫️ Remove unnecessary browser extensions ▫️ NEVER reuse passwords ▫️ Watch out for Fake NFT collections ▫️ Don't respond to unsolicited DMs ▫️Spotting and avoiding web3 scams 🔻
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50 637
☸ The Introduction and Fundermentals of web3 Wallet Management ☸ This current market cycle is in full flow & more and more newcomers are coming into the industry, however that like feeding food for scam artists and it's now more important than ever to understand how to manage your wallets; 🔳 What is a web3 wallet 🔳 A Web3 wallet is like a digital container for your online assets, allowing you to securely store & manage your cryptocurrencies & digital collectibles. Besides that, it allows you to interact with decentralized applications on the blockchain; 🔳 What are the key differences between a traditional crypto wallet and a web3 wallet 🔳 A traditional cryptocurrency wallet is soley used has a digital vault for your assets, only allowing the functions of sending or recieving assets within the application. Where a web3 wallet differs, it allows you to explore the decentralised web3 landscape and explore sectors like DeFi and Gaming, giving you a plethora of opportunities to explore, interact and learn; 🔳 What are the different types of web3 wallets 🔳 There are two main types of web3 wallet: 🔥 Hot Wallet 🔥 A hot wallet is simply a wallet that is available online, whether that's through a desktop, web and/or mobile application, this type of wallet is best for everyday activities, however this type of wallet is more sceptical to security threats; ▫️ Examples of Hot Wallets ▫️ 🔥 Metamask - 🔥 Trust Wallet - 🔥 Phantom Wallet - 🔥 Exodus Wallet - 🔥 OKX Wallet - ❄️ Cold Wallets ❄️ A cold wallet is a physical hardware device which is offline, much less risk of being attacked and only used to store and transfer assets and suitable for substantial amounts of assets to be stored; ▫️ Examples of Cold Wallets ▫️ ❄️ Ledger - ❄️ Trezor - ❄️ Ellipal - ❄️ SafePal - ❄️ Ryder - 🔻
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46 026
🛡 A breakdown in Wallet Management is coming later today, if you read one thing this year, it'll have to be this as honestly your Wallet Management could make or break your crypto cycle; Will be going into the basics and share tips and tricks to make your journey into crypto as safe as it possibly can be 🛡
45 116
🛡 Q1 2024 web3 raised captial across the Top 20 projects with data courtesy of 🛡
61 435
🔊 0g Labs AMA Reminder 🔊 Just letting you all know, in just under two hours, there's going to be a 0g Labs AMA via X Spaces, if you all remember 0g Labs was showcased in our last Galxe Campaign Recommendations post last week; To attend, please go to the link posted below: If you can't attend, it will be recorded for you all to listen too at a later date, I'll will be in attendance as it's a very intriguing project I'm personally will be keeping tabs on 🔊
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57 427
🛡 CoinList Seed Spring 2024 🛡 Introduction to the Spring 2024 cohort of projects. ▫️1 - Aarc - ▫️2 - Baxus - ▫️3 - Earn Alliance - ▫️4 - Grove - ▫️5 - Plato Protocol - ▫️6 - Pocket Universe - ▫️7 - Sleepagotchi - ▫️8 - Spaces Protocol - ▫️9 - Sustainable Bitcoin Protocol - ▫️10 - Unstable Protocol - ▫️11 - - Now this is where you all come in, instead of myself doing all the research on these projects, I want you to work as a team and rank these projects from most potential to the least potential, this is solely a learning exercise introducing you all to due diligence and we'll compare findings in a months time; This is perfect opportunity to learn the fundermental basics and tips and tricks to fundermental analysis and bring you all one step closer in being self-sufficient in the web3 industry; For more information, please go to the link below:
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81 629
🪂 Airdrop Opportunity 🪂 The cryptocurrency industry is dynamically evolving, along with blockchain technologies, which are opening new horizons for decentralized finance (DeFi). Inspired by the rapid development of the Solana blockchain, introducing TapSwap, a project that combines the key features of modern DeFi platforms and offers a multitude of new opportunities for our community; TapSwap is a Solana-based crypto exchange with low fees, high throughput, and exciting features like staking and margin trading; 🪂Key Features of $TAPS token🪂 🟣 Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000 $TAPS. This optimal quantity ensures a balance between the token's value and its accessibility to a wide audience; 🟣 Project Management: $TAPS holders have the right to vote in key decisions of the TapSwap ecosystem; 🟣 Profit Distribution: $TAPS tokens allow their holders to receive profits from operations conducted on the platform, encouraging long-term investment and participation in the ecosystem; 🪂 Tapswap Treasury 🪂 The TapSwap Treasury is a powerhouse in its token economy, dedicated to securing the platform's long-term stability and growth; ▫️With 300 million Taps tokens frozen for gradual use, Tapswap Treasury is poised to fuel strategic initiatives and development; ▫️Unlocking Plan: The team will unlock the Treasury in stages, up to 5% per month, ensuring a steady flow of resources into the TapSwap ecosystem. No flooding the market, just sustainable growth and a thriving token economy; 🪂 How to join TapSwap 🪂 Please follow the link below to join this opportunity: 🪂 Official TapSwap Links 🪂 Website: Telegram: X Profile: Whitepaper:
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221 200
🛡 Latest funding rounds in web3, highlights being 0g Labs, Peaq and Illuvium respectively with data provided courtesy of 🛡
211 862
🛡 This weeks market overview with data provided by 🛡
267 570
🛡 Top Staking Providers AUM total *Assets Under Management* with current data accurate on 28th March 2024 with data provided courtesy of and analytics provided courtesy of 🛡
214 550
✨ Galxe Campaign Recommendations ✨ ❇️ Lorenzo Protocol ❇️ Lorenzo BTC liquid staking enhances BTC shared security by offering stakers liquidity and accessibility, while also bolstering security within the DeFi ecosystem. It achieves this by: ▫️Providing Liquidity: Stakers receive stBTC tokens equivalent to their staked BTC, allowing them to participate in DeFi activities without losing access to their capital, thereby injecting a significant amount of liquid BTC assets into the DeFi and liquid restaking ecosystem. ▫️Lowering Staking Barriers: By enabling staking of small BTC amounts, it opens up reward opportunities to a wider range of stakers, diversifying the ecosystem. ▫️Strengthening Security: Through a set of mechanisms designed to protect staked assets, BTC liquid staking ensures enhanced safety for participants. Action: Go to the following link below and complete the social tasks as required: Once you've done that, please go to the following link below to get the early user role in discord, this potentially could lead to rewards in the future: ❇️ 0g Labs ❇️ First Modular AI chain: Starting with the fastest programmable DA layer for AI dapps; Build with the latest Web3 modular infrastructure and the most advanced tools to unlock the full potential of Web3. Leverage our state-of-the-art Data Availability and storage solution today; ▫️Lightning Speed Better performance opens up more solution spaces. ▫️ Optimized for Onchain AI Ability to store large inference traces and input data and run inference requests. ▫️ 1000x Lower Costs Storage, retrieval costs of $0.0005 vs ~$51 for Eth L1. ▫️ Total Customizability Customize token mechanics, fields, signatures, storage location and replication, storage length, and ability to save and load state via smart contract on other L1s, L2s, and rollups. Action: Go to the following link below and complete the social tasks as required: Note: 0g Labs has a AMA coming up on April 3rd with the founders of this project coming off a very successful pre-seed funding round of $35M, I'd advise you to be there, if not listen afterwards as key intell could be dropped; ✨ Official Project Websites ✨ Lorenzo Protocol: 0g Labs:
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Galxe - Your Web3 Super App
Galxe is the leading platform for building Web3 community. With over 14 million active users, Galxe has propelled the growth of Optimism, Polygon, Arbitrum, and more than 4000 partners with reward-based loyalty programs.
215 822

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Anonymous voting
110 581
🛡 The growth of this community has been on another level, the community started just over 1 month ago and we are now at a staggering 419.1K subscribers. Thank you for choosing to be the present and future of web3 🛡
144 693
🛡 Fastest growing web3 DeFi platforms in terms of TVL *Total Value Locked* for the month of March 2024, data courtesy of & DefiLlama respectively 🛡
135 765
🪂 Airdrop Opportunity 🪂 We all know about Notcoin and the success that dapp has had on Telegram, now I want to introduce you all to the new cat in town, Catizen. Dive into the Meow Universe, where each heartbeat echoes with the promise of uncharted territories! Catizen, the blazing comet in the digital cosmos, beckons you to a realm of GameFi ecstasy, AI brilliance, and Metaverse grandeur. Picture this: a Play-to-Airdrop odyssey where every adventure adds fuel to a collective saga. The clock is ticking, and our audacious mission is set unite 100 million adventurers in 2024 in a digital haven of exploration and growth; In the nexus of casual gaming and groundbreaking innovation, Catizen unveils a revolutionary Play-To-Airdrop model. Your journey is not just a game; it’s a treasure hunt for tokens in the vastness of the Meow Universe; AI-powered feline companions await, wandering through augmented reality, while the Metaverse expands beyond imagination; 🪂 How to join Catizens 🪂 Please follow the links below, join the the top one, followed by the second link as each link does has a different mechanic, also our community chat has it's own group in game, so it's time to show the Meowverse, we have arrived: Invite link: Squad link: 🪂Catizen Official Links 🪂 Website: Telegram: X Profile: Whitepaper: Catizen Blog:
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169 774
Last updated: 11.07.23
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