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audience statistics U.S. Embassy Tashkent

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Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
Experience the power of , a that highlights the courage and resilience of the people of Ukraine in the face of destruction. We gathered with friends to recognize their bravery and the important efforts of journalists to capture events and share the truth with the world. A reminder that we cannot turn a blind eye to atrocities and suffering. "This terrible war will end not when the last gun goes silent and the last shell explodes, and not even when the Russian army leaves the territory of Ukraine, but only when the truth wins, and justice is restored” - Ambassador of Ukraine to the Republic of Uzbekistan Mykola Doroshenko. - - - - - Vayronagarchiliklarga duch kelgan Ukraina xalqi mardonavorligi va bardoshini namoyish etuvchi nomli yurakni larzaga keltiradi. Biz jurnalistlarning voqealarni tasvirga olish hamda haqiqatni dunyo e’tiboriga yetkazish kabi muhim sa'y-harakatlarini e’tirof etish uchun do’stlarimiz bilan birga to’plandik. Bu xunrezlik va azob-uqubatlarga ko'z yumish noto’g’ri ekanligini yodga soladi. "Bu dahshatli urush oxirgi qurol jim bo'lib, oxirgi snaryad portlaganda ham, hatto Rossiya armiyasi Ukraina hududini tark etganda ham emas, balki haqiqat g'alaba qozonib, adolat tiklanganda tugaydi" - Ukrainaning O'zbekiston Respublikasidagi elchisi Nikolay Doroshenko.
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5 058
❕Viza bo'yicha maslahat: Ota-ona yoki vasiy vizaga murojaat etmagan holda, farzandining viza suhbatiga hamrohlik qilish istagida bo'lsalar, bizga avvaldan elchixonaga qabul uchun murojaat etishlari zarur. Bizga  elektron manzili orqali bog'laning va biz siz uchun belgilangan qabul kunini tasdiqlaymiz Batafsil ma'lumot  keltirilgan. - - - - - ❕Совет по визе: Родители или опекуны, не подающие заявление на визу, но желающие сопровождать ребенка на собеседование, должны связаться с нами заранее для обеспечения доступа в посольство. Просим связаться с нами по адресу электронной почты  и мы подтвердим вашу запись. Более подробную информацию можно найти на нашем . - - - - - ❕Visa Tip: Parents or guardians planning to escort a child to a visa interview without applying for a visa themselves must contact us in advance to arrange access to the embassy. Please email  and we will confirm an appointment for you. See more details on our .
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8 315
🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy Tashkent is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for the Foreign National Student Internship Program in the Procurement Section. 📝 Apply now! 📆 Deadline: May 7, 2024
11 295
🎉 Happy English Language Day! 💭 What's your preference: American English or British English?


53 678
🇺🇸 AQSh elchixonasida ishlash haqida uchinchi savol-javob videomizni tomosha qiling! Ushbu mavzudagi kelgusi videolarimizni o‘tkazib yubormang! - - - - - 🇺🇸 Check out our third Q&A video about working at the U.S. Embassy. Stay tuned for upcoming videos in this series!


9 378
🇺🇸 AQSh elchixonasida ishlash haqida uchinchi savol-javob videomizni tomosha qiling! Ushbu mavzudagi kelgusi videolarimizni o‘tkazib yubormang! - - - - - 🇺🇸 Check out our third Q&A video about working at the U.S. Embassy. Stay tuned for upcoming videos in this series!


1 076
🎉 Let’s celebrate the more than 18,000 English teachers in Uzbekistan who took part in the English Speaking Nation program over the past four years! 🏫 Thanks to their hard work and dedication to complete this intensive professional development training program, secondary school students across Uzbekistan will receive high quality English instruction and improve their language skills. 🤝 The U.S. Embassy is proud to partner with the Ministry of Preschool and School Education on this important initiative, implemented by American Councils. 📷 Check out these photos from our closing ceremony celebrating these passionate educators and school community leaders.
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7 716
⚠️ Hurmatli viza murojaatchilari, DS-160 anketangizda amaldagi email manzilini kiritganingizga ishonch hosil qilishingizni so'raymiz. Viza murojaatingiz bo'yicha qo'shimcha tekshiruv olib borilishi yoki hujjatning tayyor bo'lish sanasi o'zgargan holatda, sizga elektron manzil orqali xabar beramiz. Siz bilan bog'lana olmagan holatimizda, vizangizni olish muddati cho'zilishi hamda sizga noqulayliklar keltirib chiqarishi mumkin. - - - - - ⚠️ Уважаемые заявители на визу, пожалуйста убедитесь, что вы указали действующий адрес электронной почты в вашей анкете DS-160. В случае, если ваше заявление на визу потребует дальнейшего рассмотрения или дата получения документа будет изменена, мы вам сообщим об этом по адресу электронной почты. В случае, если мы не сможем связаться с вами по электронной почте, это может привести к задержкам в получении вашей визы или причинению вам неудобств. - - - - - ⚠️ Dear visa applicants, please ensure you provide a valid e-mail address on your DS-160 application form. In the event that your visa application requires further processing or changes to the pick-up date, we will inform you by email. If we're unable to reach you, it may result in delays in receiving your visa or inconvenience to you.
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12 949
🇺🇸 AQSh elchixonasida ishlash haqida ikkinchi savol-javob videomizni tomosha qiling! Ushbu mavzudagi kelgusi videolarimizni o‘tkazib yubormang! - - - - - 🇺🇸 Check out our second Q&A video about working at the U.S. Embassy. Stay tuned for upcoming videos in this series!


11 658
🇺🇸 AQSh elchisi Jonatan Henikning Ramazon hayiti munosabati bilan yo’llagan tabrigi Oʻzbekistonda Ramazon hayitini nishonlayotgan barchaga Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari xalqi nomidan eng samimiy tilaklarimni yoʻllayman. O‘zbekistondagi musulmonlar muqaddas Ramazon oyini ibodat, tafakkur va o‘z jamoalariga samimiy xizmat qilish bilan o‘tkazdilar. Ularning fidokorligi va xayriya ishlari kam ta'minlangan kishilarga yordam berish uchun hamjihatlikda ko’p savob ishlarni amalga oshirishimiz mumkinligini eslatib turadi. Bu yil Ramazon oyida AQSh elchixonasi jamoasi musulmon hamkasblarimiz, do'stlarimiz va qo'shnilarimiz bilan birgalikda iftorlik qilish va boshqa an'analarni baham ko'rish sharafiga muyassar bo'ldi. Ushbu bayram Siz va oilangizga quvonch va ma'naviy yangilanish olib keladi degan umiddaman. Hayit muborak bo’lsin! 🇺🇸 Statement from Ambassador Jonathan Henick on Eid al-Fitr On behalf of the people of the United States of America, I extend my warmest wishes to all those in Uzbekistan celebrating Eid al-Fitr. Muslims in Uzbekistan have spent the holy month of Ramadan in prayer, reflection, and service to their communities. Their sacrifice and charitable works are a powerful reminder of how much good we can accomplish when we come together to help the less fortunate. This Ramadan, the U.S. Embassy community has been honored to share iftars and other traditions with our Muslim colleagues, friends, and neighbors. I hope this holiday brings you and your families joy and spiritual renewal. Eid Mubarak!
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20 269
📣 The U.S. Embassy is accepting applications for the Humphrey Fellowship Program 2025-2026, which provides mid-career professionals the opportunity to collaborate with U.S. counterparts and share best practices in fields of law and human rights, public health and infectious diseases, climate change, food security, and more. 📆 The deadline for submitting nominations is June 7, 2024. Program information, eligibility criteria, and more details are available .
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15 435
⚠️ Diqqat! O'zbekistonda "Ramazon Hayit" bayrami munosabati bilan, 11-Aprel Payshanba kuni, viza uchun suhbat o'rinlari ochilmasligini ma'lum qilamiz. 🕓 Viza uchun suhbat o'rinlari odatiy tartibda, 16-Aprel Seshanba kuni, Toshkent vaqti bilan soat 16:00da ochiladi. - - - - - ⚠️ Внимание! В связи с праздником Рамазан Хайит в Узбекистане, в четверг, 11 Апреля не будет открытия онлайн записи на собеседования по неиммиграционным визам. 🕓 Запись на собеседования по неиммиграционным визам будет открыта в обычном порядке во вторник, 16 Апреля в 16:00 по Ташкентскому времени. - - - - - ⚠️ Attention: No visa appointments will be opened on Thursday, April 11 due to Ramadan holiday in Uzbekistan. 🕓 Visa appointments will be opened as usual on Tuesday, April 16 at 4 pm Tashkent time.
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11 510
🇺🇸 AQSh elchixonasida ishlash haqida bilmoqchimisiz? Birinchi savol-javob videomizni tomosha qiling! Ushbu mavzudagi kelgusi videolarimizni o‘tkazib yubormang! - - - - - 🇺🇸 Curious about working at the U.S. Embassy? Check out our first Q&A video. Stay tuned for our upcoming videos in this series!


15 414
🌱 Ekologiya bo’yicha mutaxassis Mo’tabar Xushvaqtova bilan uchrashuv: Atrof-muhitga oid bilimingizni oshiring! Ekologiya olamini o'rganish uchun uch kunlik amaliy seminarda qatnashing 😎 Siz unda atrof-muhitga ijobiy o'zgarishlar kiritish haqida amaliy tushunchalar va strategiyalarni o'rganasiz. Seminarda suv resurslari va ularni tejash usullari, plastik ifloslanish muammosi kabi muhim mavzular muhokama qilinadi. 📆 17-19-aprel, 14:00-16:00 📌 IMPACT.T Hub: Toshkent sh., Yakkasaroy tumani, Bog’ibo’ston ko’chasi, 186-uy Dastur o’zbek tilida olib boriladi Arizalar topshirishning oxirgi muddati: 9-aprel 👉 Arizani orqali topshiring. *Faqatgina 100 ta ariza ro’yxatga olinadi. Arizalar belgilangan muddat yoki 100 ta ariza kelib tushgunga qadar qabul qilinadi va ko’rib chiqiladi. Seminarda ishtirok etish bepul. Ishtirokchilar taqdim etilgan arizalar asosida tanlab olinadi. Sizni “Youthful Bootcamp” dasturimizda kutib qolamiz! - - - - - 🌱 Three-­Day Workshop with Eco-Expert Mutabar Khushvaktova: Boost Your Environmental Knowledge! Join us for an immersive three-day workshop to explore the fascinating world of ecology 😎 You'll learn practical insights and strategies to make a positive difference for our environment. The workshop will focus on critical topics like water resource management, water-saving techniques, and the problem of plastic pollution 📆 April 17-19, 14:00-16:00 📌 IMPACT.T Hub, 186 Bogibuston, Yakkasaray district, Tashkent Language: Uzbek Registration deadline: April 9, 2024 Apply for the Youthful Bootcamp through . *Only 100 applications will be registered. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the deadline or until we reach the 100 cap. Participants will be selected based on their application. Workshop is free of charge. We look forward to welcoming you to the Youthful Bootcamp!
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21 916
🇺🇸 Nyu-Meksiko cho‘llaridan Ohayo shtatidagi makkajo‘xori dalalarigacha — Amerika Qo‘shma Shtatlarida 2700 dan ortiq masjid bor. 🕌 Ushbu galereyada mamlakat bo‘ylab eng go‘zal masjidlar bilan tanishing. 🌙 Juma muborak bo‘lsin! - - - - - 🇺🇸 From the deserts of New Mexico to the cornfields of Ohio, there are more than 2,700 mosques in the United States. 🕌 Swipe through the gallery to see the most unique ones across the country. 🌙 Jummah Mubarak!
13 655
🇺🇸 AQSh elchixonasi Urganch shahridagi ayollar va qizlar uchun o‘z-o‘zini himoya qilish mashg'ulotlarining ikkinchi raundini mamnuniyat bilan e’lon qiladi. 💪 Agar siz o‘zingizni jismoniy tahdidlardan himoya qilish usullarini, shuningdek, ruhiy salomatlik va umumiy farovonligingizni oshirishni xohlasangiz, loyihamizning yangi raundiga yoziling! ❕Mashg’ulotlar bepul o‘tkaziladi. 👈 - - - - - 🇺🇸 Посольство США объявляет набор на второй раунд курсов самообороны для женщин и девочек в городе Ургенч. 💪 Если вы хотите освоить комплекс приемов для самозащиты и улучшить свою физическую подготовку, а также позаботиться о своем психологическом здоровье, записывайтесь на новый раунд. ❕Занятия будут проводиться бесплатно. Подробная информация по 👈 - - - - - 🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce a second round of the Self-Defense Camp for Women and Girls in Urgench!  💪 If you are a female, interested in mastering techniques to defend yourself against physical threats, as well as maintaining good mental health and overall well-being, sign up for the new round! ❕Classes are free of charge for all selected participants. Here’s 👈
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23 041
❕Hurmatli viza murojaatchilari! Noimmigratsion vizalar taqdim etish uchun odatda, viza suhbatidan so'ng 3-4 ish kuni ichida tayyor bo'ladi. Viza muhrlangan pasportlar suhbatdan o'tgan kunning o'zida, bir kun ichida qaytarib berilmaydi. 📆 Iltimos, buni inobatga olgan holda sayohatingizni rejalashtiring. viza murojaatini ko'rib chiqish muddati haqida batafsil ma'lumot keltirilgan. - - - - - ❕Уважаемые заявители на визу! Неиммиграционные визы обычно готовы к выдаче в течение 3-4 рабочих дней, после прохождения собеседования на визу. Паспорта с выданными визами не могут быть возвращены в тот же день после прохождения собеседования. 📆 Пожалуйста, планируйте свое путешествие соответственно. Просим ознакомиться с подробной информацией о сроках рассмотрения заявлений на нашем - - - - - ❕Dear visa applicants! Non-immigrant visas are generally ready for pick up in 3 to 4 business days, following your visa interview. Visas are not ready for pick up on the same day as the visa interview. 📆 Please plan your travel accordingly. See more information on visa processing times on our
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12 690
Moliyaviy savodxonlik bo’yicha ko'nikmalaringizni oshirmoqchimisiz? 😎 FLEX dasturi 2001-yil ishtirokchisi va fIntellect, Investment Education (Investitsiya ta’limi) asoschisi Tamilla Kurbanova o’tkazadigan “Youthful Bootcamp” dasturiga yozilib, Sizga aqlli moliyaviy qarorlar qabul qilishga yordam beradigan amaliy bilimlarga ega bo‘ling. Uch kunlik seminar davomida Siz byudjet tuzish, pul jamg’arish, sarmoya kiritish haqida bilim olasiz va o’z mablag’ingizni samarali boshqarish haqida tushunchaga ega bo'lasiz. 📆 17-19-aprel, 14:00-16:00 📍 IMPACT.T Hub, Toshkent, Yakkasaroy tumani, Bog’ibo’ston ko’chasi 186-uy Dastur tili: o’zbek Arizalar topshirishning oxirgi muddati: 7-aprel 👉 Arizani *Faqatgina 100 ta ariza ro’yxatga olinadi. Ishtirokchilar taqdim etilgan arizalar asosida tanlab olinadi. Seminarda ishtirok etish bepul. - - - - - Are you looking to improve your financial literacy skills? 😎 Join us at the Youthful Bootcamp led by Tamilla Kurbanova, a FLEX 2001 alumna and a Founder of fIntellect, Investment Education, to gain practical tools that will help you make smart financial decisions. During a three-day workshop, you will learn about budgeting, saving, and investing and develop an understanding of personal finance navigation. 📆 April 17-19, 14:00-16:00 📍 IMPACT.T Hub, 186 Bogibuston, Yakkasaray district, Tashkent Language: Uzbek Registration deadline: April 7 Apply for the Youthful Bootcamp *Only 100 applications will be registered. Participants will be selected based on their application. Workshop is free of charge.
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19 061
Ўзбекистон Республикаси Президенти Шавкат Мирзиёев АҚШнинг сенатор Стивен Дэйнс ҳамда Вакиллар палатаси қўмитаси раиси, конгрессмен Майк Рожерс бошчилигидаги делегацияларини — Президент Республики Узбекистан Шавкат Мирзиёев делегации США во главе с сенатором Стивеном Дэйнсом и председателем Комитета Палаты представителей, конгрессменом Майком Роджерсом.
9 347
8 699
Our deepest condolences to the victims of the Crocus City Hall terrorist attack and their families and loved ones. We condemn terrorism in all its forms and join the people of Russia in grieving the loss of life from this horrific event. – Ambassador Henick. —— Наши глубочайшие соболезнования жертвам теракта в «Крокус Сити Холл», их семьям и близким. Мы осуждаем терроризм во всех его формах и присоединяемся к народу России, скорбящему о гибели людей в результате этого ужасного события. – Посол Хеник. —- Crocus City Hall terakti qurbonlari, ularning oila a’zolari va yaqinlariga chuqur hamdardlik bildiramiz. Biz terrorizmning barcha ko‘rinishlarini qoralaymiz va Rossiya xalqi bilan birga ushbu dahshatli voqea qurbonlari uchun qayg‘uramiz. – Elchi Xenik.
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12 168
🇺🇸 The U.S. Embassy in Tashkent is receiving a high volume of diversity visa transfer requests from applicants outside Uzbekistan. ❌ At this time, we are generally unable to accept diversity visa transfer requests from non-citizens and non-residents of Uzbekistan due to increasing demand for various consular services. ⚠️ We will reach back out to the visa applicants in the future if additional interview spots become available. - - - - - 🇺🇸 Посольство США в Ташкенте получает большое количество запросов на перевод иммиграционного дела по программе "Diversity Visa" от заявителей за пределами Узбекистана. ❌ В настоящее время у нас нет возможности принимать запросы на перевод иммиграционного дела по данной программе от неграждан и нерезидентов Узбекистана, в связи с растущим спросом на различные консульские услуги. ⚠️ Мы свяжемся с заявителями на визу в будущем, в случае если у нас появятся дополнительные места для проведения собеседования на визу. - - - - - 🇺🇸 Toshkentdagi AQSh Elchixonasiga, O'zbekistondan tashqari boshqa davlat murojaatchilaridan, "Diversity Visa" dasturi bo'yicha immigratsion ishni ko'chirish bo'yicha juda ko'plab murojaatlar kelmoqda. ❌ Hozirgi vaqtda biz, turli konsullik xizmatlariga bo'lgan talablar ortib kelayotgani bois, O'zbekiston fuqarosi va rezidenti bo'lmagan shaxslardan ushbu dastur bo'yicha immigratsion ishni ko'chirish murojaatlarini qabul qilish imkoniyatiga ega emasmiz. ⚠️ Kelgusida qo'shimcha suhbat o'rinlari yuzaga kelgan holatda,murojaatchilar bilan bog'lanib, xabar beramiz.
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11 489
Última actualización: 11.07.23
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