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    Since the beginning of the war, more than 2000 civilians have been killed by Russian missiles, according to official data. Help us protect Ukrainians from missiles - provide max military assisstance to Ukraine #Ukraine. #StandWithUkraine
    On May 31, 2019, • Robert Williams • Mary Gayle • Michelle Langer • Herbert Snelling • Christopher Rapp • Katherine Nixon • Tara Gallagher • Alexander Gusev and several others were killed in a government building. DeWayne Craddock had worked for the city for 15 years, though he had recently been involved in some minor fights with coworkers. He sent a resignation letter via email, then came to work with two handguns and shot people on multiple floors of the building, apparently choosing his targets at random. All of DeWayne's victims were city employees except Herbert, who was visiting the offices for a building permit.
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    On May 31, 2018, Matthew Darrell Allen Franklin was robbed and killed. Justin Parker and Bryant Dupree had agreed to meet with Matthew to sell him some car parts for his repair business, but when he arrived they shot the 32-year-old to death.
    On May 30, 2021, Maximus Julian was fatally stabbed. Max was at a house party when he got into a fight with Jamaal Reid. According to witnesses, during this confrontation Jamaal's friend Tyrese Poulsen went to the kitchen and retrieved a steak knife, with which he stabbed Max in the back and neck. The attack was so violent that investigators found blood on the walls and ceiling.
    On May 30, 2009, Christopher David Jones was riding his bike home from the neighborhood pool when he was surrounded by a group of six teenagers. Javel George and Trey Robinson punched Christopher, damaging an artery in the 14-year-old's neck. Christopher tried to ride away from the confrontation, but lost consciousness after a few seconds and fell to the ground. According to a nearby witness, "I knelt down. I started telling him to hang on, help is on the way. I grabbed his hand to hold it." But Christopher was pronounced dead at the hospital. Javel and Trey were each released from juvenile detention within two years of the killing.
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    On May 29, 2021, Aidan Michael Fincher was struck in the head by a stray gunshot. Aidan's neighbors Corry Lykes and Tia Norwood got into an argument which became physical and ended with a struggle over a handgun. During their fight, the weapon fired; the bullet passed through a wall and killed 20-year-old Aidan, who had been spending the day at home with his pregnant wife.
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    On May 29, 2004, Scott Corwin was walking home with his girlfriend. Meanwhile, Deon Jones was on the lookout "for rich white people to rob," as he later told an acquaintance. He targeted Scott, but when the 27-year-old resisted, Deon killed him with a single gunshot to the chest.


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    On May 28, 2018, Steven Augustine was suddenly attacked while walking home from work. Charles Miles hit Steven so violently that his face was fractured and the left side of his skull sank into his brain. Steven survived with his injuries for two years, though he was paralyzed and couldn't breathe without the help of a ventilator. Before his death, his mother said "Steven was a happy, fun-loving guy... He loves his children and family more than anything in the world and to see him now, severely brain damaged, is devastating... My boy is fighting every day; he wakes up every time I walk in the room and he can blink to say 'yes' and 'no'. He cries every time he sees his sons... they cry too because they miss their daddy so much." Charles served 72 days for the attack.
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    On May 28, 2015, Eric Hahn Hambrick was punched to death. As Eric was leaving a restaurant, he encountered teenagers Arkel Coleman and Shrederrick Anderson. Arkel knocked the 52-year-old to the ground, causing fatal brain damage, then he and Shrederrick stole a ring from the dying man's finger. The circumstances of Eric's killing made Arkel potentially eligible for the death penalty, but district attorney Robert Smith's team accepted a plea deal and judge Tomie Green sentenced Arkel to anger management and 10 years in prison. He was released on parole in 2020.
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    I miss White Nationalism.
    1 677
    On May 27, 2021, John Carlisle Kelly was found dead in his car. D'Mari Flannigan and Ja'Vienn Coates had sprayed the 18-year-old's vehicle with gunfire and then climbed in, sitting on top of Carlisle's body to drive down the street. The two attackers were easily apprehended after one of them left his phone in the car as they abandoned it. According to the local sheriff, 17-year-old D'Mari and Ja'Vienn showed no remorse for Carlisle's death. "They don't care they shot and killed somebody... they're just sad they got caught."
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    On May 27, 1978, Gwendolyn Elaine Fogle was killed in her home. James Butterfield was burglarizing the apartment when Elaine walked in. He attacked the 26-year-old, raped her, then beat and strangled her with a metal fireplace poker. In the morning, some friends found her body on the floor, partially nude and covered in blood.
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    On May 26, 2015, Gregory Louis Weiland was shot at work. Marcell Willis walked into the store where Gregory had worked for decades and started firing a gun at random. During the attack, which had "no apparent or obvious motive" according to police, Marcell killed Gregory and injured another worker before eventually killing himself.
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    On May 26, 2012, Kayla Danielle Ferrante was shot in the back. She had just graduated from high school a year early, eager to start working toward a career helping special-needs students, and she was in her boyfriend's car on the way home from a day of celebration. Less than a block from her house, Edwin Daniels mistook them for rival gang members and opened fire on their vehicle. Kayla told her boyfriend, "Call 911. I can't breathe." The 17-year-old was taken to the hospital and died during surgery.
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    "Conservatives are finally winning the woke war," he tweeted triumphantly from his 30%-white hometown...
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    On May 25, 2020, Brandon Wayne Box was killed on the road. As Brandon was driving home from a holiday kayaking trip with his wife, Janvique Franklin threw a lit firework into the bed of his truck. When Brandon caught up with the other man's vehicle, Janvique shot the 30-year-old.
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    On May 25, 2020, Leslie Squair Baker was killed in her driveway. The mother of two was sitting in her car when Antony Taylor, Deng Ajack, and Anthony Lewis approached. One of the three teenagers shot Leslie in an attempt to carjack her.
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    On May 24, 2017, Viktor Yashchyshyn was attacked while walking his dog. A young stranger named Earl Allayne beat the 51-year-old to the ground, where his skull was fractured and he lost several teeth. Earl also tried to kill Viktor's dog by swinging him by his leash, but the small pet was able to escape. Earl left the scene with Viktor's phone. A passerby later found the injured man and called for help, but Viktor's life could not be saved.


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    On May 24, 2006, Avery Nicole King died from a massive head injury. She was on a family trip out of town, visiting a cousin's talent show. As Avery was leaving a restaurant with her pregnant mother, her aunt, and two of her young cousins, Lanny Barnes deliberately ran into them with his car. Avery, who was a week short of her second birthday, was thrown from her mother's arms. Lanny repeatedly backed up and ran over others in the group, laughing with delight. One employee at the scene said "I heard people... screaming. People were pulling kids out from underneath the car." By the time she got to the hospital, Avery could no longer breathe on her own. She was placed on life support, but was soon found to be braindead.
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    On May 23, 2017, Reese Annette Bowman was smothered to death by a daycare worker. Frustrated that Reese wouldn't go to sleep, Leah Walden slapped the 8-month-old, tossed her around, and pinned her in her crib. Leah told a coworker, "I'm sick of this little bitch. I hate this little bitch... She makes me want to punch her in the face." Ultimately, Leah killed the infant by piling so many blankets on her that she couldn't breathe.
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    On May 23, 2014, Scott Richard Simerson was beaten at a playground. When Scott tried to stop some juveniles from harassing younger children, Robert Kelly, Donmard White, and two other teenagers attacked him. They knocked the 24-year-old to the ground and kicked him in the head. Scott was taken to the hospital where he later passed away. Robert and Donmard were each released from prison by early 2020, though Robert has since been convicted of another murder.
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    On May 22, 2021, Charlie Johnson was killed by a stray bullet. Juwan Carroll and Christopher Jones were outside a nightclub when an argument broke out between them, which led to both men drawing pistols and shooting at one another. Charlie, who had been celebrating his college graduation with some friends in the area, was struck in the back. Hours after his death, Charlie's sister walked across the stage to accept an engineering degree on his behalf. Christopher was also killed in the gun battle; during his funeral, a new fight erupted among the attendees and yet another man was fatally shot.
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    On May 22, 1970, James Thomas Sackett was on his first shift back at work after the birth of his son. Connie Trimble made a frantic phone call to police headquarters, claiming that her sister was about to give birth. James, who was a relatively new officer, went to provide assistance. But when he arrived and knocked on the front door, a single gunshot struck the 28-year-old in the chest, killing him instantly. Connie's boyfriend Ronald Reed had stationed himself on a nearby rooftop in order to snipe whatever random police officer happened to respond to her false distress call. Ronald and Connie, along with Larry Clark, devised this plan in order to inspire the leaders of the Black Panthers to start a chapter in their city.
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    On May 21, 2013, Louis Anthony Jackson and Terry Bradford Jackson were found dead at church. While the brothers were working to distribute food to the needy in their community, Richard Burgin came and stabbed them to death. According to a pastor at the church, Anthony and Terry helped out every week, despite Anthony's struggles with cerebral palsy. "They were the purest form of Christians that I have ever met. They were here cleaning the church and then getting ready to open the food pantry... The two didn't have very much at all but anything they had they would share with someone else who needed it."
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    On May 21, 2000, Ashley Nicole Neves was found dead and mutilated in a wooded area. James Miley kidnapped the 14-year-old, beat her, and used broken glass to slash her face and neck so badly that the authorities had to consult dental records to confirm her identity. Family members and investigators believe that James attacked Ashley because she refused to date him.
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    On May 20, 2012, Nancy Judith Harris was set on fire in a convenience store. Nancy was working as a cashier when Matthew Johnson came in, poured lighter fluid over her head, and forced her to open the cash register. As she did so, Matthew stole cigarettes and a lighter, along with a ring from Nancy's finger. Then he lit the 76-year-old grandmother on fire and walked away. Nancy tried to put out the flames in a sink, then left the building for help; surveillance footage showed that Nancy was burning for more than two minutes. She died of her injuries a few days later.
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    On May 20, 2011, Diane Kay Fortenberry came home to a burglary. Jeffrey Brooks was caught by surprise when Diane arrived to let the family dog out during her lunch break. He knocked the 51-year-old mother down and fatally kicked her in the head.
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    On May 19, 2021, Christopher Neil Oberheim was killed on the job. Chris was responding to a domestic violence call with another police officer when they encountered Darion Lafayette in his car. The young man got out of the vehicle with a hidden gun, which he soon used against the two men. Chris, a 44-year-old father of four daughters, was hit in the torso, neck, and head. The other officer was also shot three times, but survived his injuries. The attack was so sudden that Chris's handgun was still holstered when he died on the ground near Darion's car.
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    On May 19, 2017, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Duffy was involved in a catastrophic car accident. Kaitlyn was driving back with a friend from an early afternoon visit to the beach with her new puppy when a delivery truck, driven by Jerode Johnson, crossed the road's center lines and struck Kaitlyn's vehicle head-on. Kaitlyn, who was about to graduate from high school, died on the scene. Her passenger suffered severe injuries to her brain and arm, leaving her with cognitive deficits and other problems. Kaitlyn's puppy also died in the crash. Jerode was found to have significant alcohol, marijuana, valium, and cocaine in his system, and was driving with a suspended license.
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    On May 18, 2020, Roman Kichigin was killed in an ambush. Roman had arranged to buy a used phone, but when he and his mother arrived for the transaction, Clifton Stanfill attempted to rob Roman instead. According to a family friend, the 15-year-old was shot in the heart and died while trying to "drive his mother to safety away from the scene."
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    Última actualización: 11.07.23
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